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Complete 5th Sem Course File Control

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Maheshkhola, Agartala, Tripura (W) – 799004

Department: Electrical Engineering

Program: B.Tech, Electrical Engineering Semester: 5

Course Name: Control System-I Course Code: EE 505

Faculty name: Asst. Prof. Susmita Paul (Dept. of EE, TCEA)


Sl. Content Page

No. No.
1 Institute Vision
2 Institute Mission
3 Departmental Vision
4 Departmental Mission
5 Program outcomes(POs)
6 Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
7 Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
8 Course ID
9 Course Name
10 Syllabus
11 Text/reference books
12 Class routine
Course Outcome (CO)
13 Designed by the University , Designed by the Faculty
14 CO vs PO correlation, matrix
15 CO vs PSO co-relation and matrix
16 Lesson Plan
17 Course Diary
18 Class Diary
19 CO mapping with lesson plan
20 Curriculum Gap analysis & action taken report
21 Midterm Exam question
22 Question of Class tests
23 Assignment question
24 Seminar topics
Midterm marks distribution (as per the format given by the internal exam committee,
25 TCEA) & analysis
26 Cumulative internal marks
27 Attainment matrix and analysis
28 Sample answer Script of Midterm Examination
29 Attendance summary
30 Feedback evaluation sheet
31 Sample answer Script of Class tests
32 Sample assignment copy
33 Seminar documents
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

1. Institute Vision:
The Techno College of Engineering Agartala strives to develop institutional
excellence in technical education and research to graduate talented, skilled and
trained engineers, with admirable traditional cultural values to meet the
technological and socioeconomic needs of our state, nation and the world at

2. Institute Mission:
a) To produce creative and technically strong engineers by providing high-
quality technical education with emphasis on technical academic excellence,
innovative research and development programmes with core human values.

b) To continuously upgrade the faculty in curriculum design, teaching

pedagogy, usage of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and
various processes pertaining to academics, research and University

c) Techno College of Engineering Agartala is committed to providing an

education that combines rigorous academics with joy of discovery.

d) The Institute encourages its community to develop a unique culture that

instils responsibility and accountability in partnership with various stakeholders
such as parents, society, business and education community.

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

3. Departmental Vision:
To become a center of excellence in imparting technical education and research
to meet the current and future challenges in Electrical Engineering.

4. Departmental Mission:
a) To produce technically strong students with high evaluation capability by
providing excellent lab facilities.
b) To instil moral and ethical values among the students.
c) To ensure the excellent teaching quality by providing competent faculty in
area of Electrical Engineering and providing teaching learning environment
in institute.
d) To provide regular industrial exposure to the student.
e) To support students to pursue higher education and participate in various
career supportive courses.
f) To mentor student for innovative thinking with relevance to

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 2

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

5. Program Outcomes (POs):

1. Engineering Knowledge:
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals,
and electrical engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.

2. Problem Analysis:
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

3. Design/Development of Solutions:
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal,
and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems:

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of
experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern Tool Usage:

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The Engineer and Society:

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and Sustainability:

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of,
and need for sustainable development.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 3

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

8. Ethics:
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and Team Work:

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication:
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project Management and Finance:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary

12. Life-long Learning:

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 4

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

6. Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSO 1: To apply knowledge from mathematics, basic engineering, basic

science, basic computing, electrical machines, power systems, electrical
drive systems, and contemporary lighting systems to specify, formulate,
design, and analyse real-world problems encountered in industries and/or
during research work.

PSO 2: To investigate, design, develop, and implement more complex

Electrical Engineering systems and/or processes.

7. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

1. To create an environment where students, academics, and staff can learn

and teach in the most effective ways.
2. To be able to use the knowledge and skills acquired during the program
period to contribute to industry and/or governmental organizations.
3. To develop strong theoretical and practical skills in order to become
successful Electrical Engineering professionals with leadership and
managerial qualities in the modern Electrical Engineering sector.
4. To develop collaborative research with industries and to satisfy the future
5. To develop a positive attitude and strong aptitude so that one can succeed in
a competitive environment while keeping high morals and ethics.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 5

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

8. Course ID: EE-505

9. Course Name: Control System-I
10. Syllabus:
Module 1 (10 hrs.):
Introduction to Control Systems: Classification of control systems with examples. Block
diagram representation and Signal flow graph representation of Systems. Properties of Control
Systems: System dynamics, sensitivity, steady-state & transient errors, Error constants, System
types. Time response of system: Time domain specifications, Step response of second order
system, concept of dominant poles, Effect of addition of Poles & Zeroes in second Order
Systems. Basic Control actions: Proportional, integral, derivative, and theircombinations.

Module 2 (10 hrs.):

Control System Components: DC & AC Servo motors, Amplidyne, Synchros, Position &
velocity Sensors, encoders, Gears and different Mechanical Parameters, Examples of DC and
AC servomechanisms, Effect of velocity feedback with or without controller.
Frequency response of Second order System: Frequency Domain Specifications in open loop,
closed loop systems and their significance, Concept of Bandwidth and Cut-off frequency,
frequency responses of different function of Systems.

Module 3 (10 hrs.):

Stability of linear systems: Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Root locus techniques, Polar Plot, Nyquist
criterion, Bode & Nichols Plots, Stability margins. Effects of system on stability, Introduction
to Lag, lead and lead-lag compensators and their frequency responses.

Module 4 (10 hrs.):

State variable formulation of control system, diagonalization. Time response of state model of
linear time-invariant system. Representations in state space of Systems in cascade form,
parallel form, controllable canonical form, observable canonical form. Elementary concept of
controllability & observability with physical examples and testing methods of Controllability
& Observability. Control Law design for full state feedback of linear control Systems. Pole
placement by state feedback.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 6

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

11. Text/reference books:

1. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 6th edition, Wiley, 2011.
2. I.J.Nagrath and M.Gopal, Control Systems Engineering, 5th edition, New Age International, 2009.
3. Benjamin C. Kuo and Farid Golnaraghi, Automatic Control Systems, 9th edition, Wiley; 2009.
4. M. Gopal, Control Systems Principles and Design, 3rd edition, Tata Mgraw Hill, 2008.
5. Naresh K. Sinha, Control Systems, 3rd edition, New Age International, 2004.
6. Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 12th Edition.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 7

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

12. Class routine:

10:00- 11:00- 01:00- 04:00-

DAY 12:00-01:00 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00
11:00 12:00 02:00 05:00

Mon Control
System-I (EE-
I (EE-
Tue 505)

Wed Control
System-I (EE-


Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 8

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

13. Course Outcome (CO):

Designed by the University
The following prerequisites shall be imparted for the higher courses of
Electrical Engineering.
1. Basics of Control Systems, Control System dynamics, different
components used for control System.
2. Time & Frequency responses of Systems.
3. Stability analysis of Systems, State variable analyses of Systems.


Students will be enriched with the basics of Control dynamics, Stability

analysis and State modeling of Systems which are essential for Industrial
applications and also for higher courses of Electrical Engineering.
Designed by the Faculty
EE-505 CO 1: Discuss the basic parameters of control system
along with its properties (Level: K1).
EE-505 CO 2: Analyze time and frequency response of
control system (Level: K2).
EE-505 CO 3: Explain the working of different control
system devices or components (Level: K3).
EE-505 CO 4: Examine the stability of control systems by
using different techniques (Level: K3).
EE-505 CO 5: Explain state variable analysis of systems and
also determine eigen values, eigen vectors, state transition
matrix of systems (Level: K4).

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 9

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 10

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

14. CO vs PO co-relation and matrix:

CO vs PO correlation matrix
NAME OF THE SUBJECT : Control System-I
Course outcome Program Outcome (POs)
Domain Specific Domain independent
1: Slight (Low), 2: Moderate
(Medium), 3: Substantial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
CO2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
CO3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
CO4 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
CO5 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
Average 0.66 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.4 3 0.3 0.3 0 0.27 0 0.13
Percentage (%) 66 80 40 53 40 33 33 27 0 26.6 0 13.3

90 CO Vs PO Matrix for Control System-

80 I(EE-505)
40 Series1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Signature of HoD Signature of faculty member

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 11

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

15. CO vs PSO co-relation and matrix:


NAME OF THE SUBJECT : Control System-I (EE-
505) SEMESTER: 5
Program Specific Outcomes
Course outcome
1: Slight (Low), 2: Moderate PSO 1 PSO 2
(Medium), 3: Substantial (High)
CO1 1 3
CO2 2 2
CO3 3 3
CO4 3 1
CO5 2 3
Average 11/15 12/15
Percentage (%) 73.33 80.00

CO Vs PSO Matrix for Control System-I

82 (EE-505)








Signature of HoD Signature of faculty member

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 12

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
DC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuit
 Board & students are and
 Statement and marker expected to Systems
explanation of know about the
Thevenin's theorem Thevenin's By Dr.K
theorem and M Soni
 Numerical numericals
1 L-1 problems fron 2.
Thevenin's theorem Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State Thevenin's theorem.

2. Write the applications of Thevenin's Theorem

Model Problems:

Calculate the current through the resistor of resistance 6 Ω

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
DC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Statement and marker expected to know Systems
explanation of about the
Maximim power Maximim power By
transfer theorem transfer theorem Dr.K.M
and numericals Soni
 Numerical
1 L-2 problems from 2.
Maximim power Electrical
transfer theorem Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State Maximum power transfer theorem.

2. State the applications of Maximum power transfer theorem

Model Problems:

Using maximum power transfer theorem Calculate the power dissipated by 6 Ω resistance

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
DC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Statement and marker expected to know Systems
explanation of about the
Superposition Superposition By
theorem theorem Dr.K.M
and numericals Soni
1 L-3  Numerical
problems from 2.
Superposition Electrical
theorem Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State Superposition theorem.

2. State the applications of Superposition theorem

Model Problems:

Using superposition theorem determine the current flowing through 2 Ω resistance

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
DC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Statement and marker expected to Systems
explanation of know about the
Norton's theorem Norton's By
theorem Dr.K.M
 Numerical and numericals Soni
1 L-4 problems from
Norton's theorem 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State Norton's theorem.

2. State the applications of Norton's theorem

Model Problems:

Using Norton's theorem determine the current flowing through 6 ohm resistance also draw
Norton's equivalent circuit

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
DC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Statement and marker expected to know Systems
explanation of about the
Reciprocity theorem Reciprocity By
theorem Dr.K.M
 Numerical problems and numericals Soni
1 L-5 from Reciprocity
theorem 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State Reciprocity theorem.

2. State the applications of Reciprocity theorem

Model Problems:

Show the application of Reciprocity theorem in the network shown in fig.

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
DC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Statement and marker expected to know Systems
explanation of about the
Compensation Compensation By
theorem theorem Dr.K.M
and numericals Soni
1 L-6  Numerical
problems from 2.
Compensation Electrical
theorem Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State Compensation theorem.

2. State the applications of Compensation theorem

Model Problems:

Find the current passing through the branch AB when the resistance is 3Ω. Also find the
current passing through the branch AB using compensation theorem when the 3Ω resistance
is changed to 9Ω

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
AC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of series marker expected to know Systems
RL,RC,RLC about operation
circuits of series RLC By
 Resonance in series circuits , they also Dr.K.M
circuit know the concept Soni
of resonance in
1 L-7
 Numerical series circuits 2.
problems on series and numericals Electrical
circuits Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is Impedamce and admittance ?

2. What is power factor and Q-factor ?.
3. Derive the expression of impedance, current and power of series RLC circuit?
4. What do you mean by resonance?

Model Problems:

A series resonance network consisting of a resistor of 30Ω, a capacitor of 2uF and an inductor
of 20mH is connected across a sinusoidal supply voltage which has a constant output of 9
volts at all frequencies. Calculate, the resonant frequency, the current at resonance, the
voltage across the inductor and capacitor at resonance, the quality factor and the bandwidth
of the circuit. Also sketch the corresponding current waveform for all frequencies

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
AC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of parallel marker expected to know Systems
RL,RC,RLC about operation
circuits of parallel RLC By
 Resonance in circuits , they also Dr.K.M
parallel circuit know the concept Soni
of resonance in
1 L-8
 Numerical parallel circuits 2.
problems on and numericals Electrical
parallel circuits Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is resonance frequency ?

2. What is bandwidth ?.
3. Write the properties of resonant frequency?

Model Problems:

A parallel resonance network consisting of a resistor of 60Ω, a capacitor of 120uF and an

inductor of 200mH is connected across a sinusoidal supply voltage which has a constant
output of 100 volts at all frequencies. Calculate, the resonant frequency, the quality factor and
the bandwidth of the circuit, the circuit current at resonance and current magnification.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
AC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of marker expected to know Systems
dependent current about dependent
sources current sources By
and numericals Dr.K.M
 Numerical Soni
1 L-9 problems on
dependent current 2.
sources Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by dependent current sources ?

2. What is ideal current source ?.

Model Problems:

Find the current flowing through 5 ohm resistance connected between terminal AB

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
AC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of marker expected to know Systems
dependent Voltage about dependent
sources Voltage sources By
and numericals Dr.K.M
 Numerical Soni
1 L-10 problems on
dependent Voltage 2.
sources Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by dependent voltage sources ?

2. What is ideal voltage source ?.

Model Problems:

Find the branch currents

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
AC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of marker expected to know Systems
magnetic coupled about magnetic
circuit coupled circuit By
and numericals Dr.K.M
 Numerical Soni
1 L-11 problems on
magnetic coupled 2.
circuit Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by magnetic coupling and coefficient of coupling ?

2. Derive the expression of coupling coefficient ?.
3. For the three coupled coils in Figure, calculate the total inductance

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
AC Circuits:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Numerical about the
problems on numerical By
magnetic coupled problems on Dr.K.M
circuit magnetic coupled Soni
1 L-12


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. For the frequency domain circuit shown in Figure, determine the value of Vout(t)
for Vin(t) = 10cos(377t) and a coupling coefficient K=8.0

2. Given the circuit in Figure 13.1, find the coupling coefficient, k, and the voltage
across the 1-Ω resistor.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Basics of Laplace  Books After the lecture 1. Circuit
Transform:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Statement and about the basics
explanation of of Laplace By Dr.K
Laplace Transform Transform and M Soni
numericals on
2 L-1  Numerical Laplace transform 2.
problems from Electrical
Laplate transform Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is the Laplace transform ? Write its fundamental equation.

2. Write the necessities of Laplace Transform in electrical circuit analysis
3. What are the applications of Laplace Transform in Electrical Engineering
4. Write the following formula of Laplace Transform :

(a) L[Sin t] (b) L[Cos t] (c) L[1] (d) L[eat]

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Laplace transform of  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
standard signals:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Basic explanation about the
about standard standard electrical By
electrical signals signals and Dr.K.M
students are able Soni
 Numerical to take Laplace
2 L-2
problems on transform of 2.
standard signals to standard signals. Electrical
determine its Technolog
Laplace y

Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by standard electrical signals ?

2. How will you tale Laplace Transform of standard electrical signals.
3. What are the importance to taking Laplace transform of standard electrical signals ?

Model Problems:

1. Determine the Laplace transform of – (a) Unit step signal (b) Ramp signal (c)
Sinusoidal signal

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Classification of  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
sources:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Basic explanation about the basic
about different circuit elements By
sources and their that are used for Dr.K.M
classification circuit analysis Soni
and classification
2 L-3
 Explanation about of electrical 2.
basic circuit sources. Electrical
elements Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. Name the basic elements that are used in electrical circuit

2. Differentiate between dependent and independent sources

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Transient response of  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
RL circuit:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Basic concept of about the
Transient and transient and By
steady state steady state Dr.K.M
response response, they Soni
also will be able
2 L-4
 Transient analysis to apply transient 2.
of RL circuit analysis on RL Electrical
circuit. Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is transient and transient analysis?

2. Why is transient analysis used ?
3. What is steady state analysis ?
4. What is transient analysis in network analysis ?

Model Problems:

Given the circuit of Fig.1, assume the switch is closed at time t=0. Determine the charging
time constant, the amount of time after the switch is closed before the circuit reaches steady-
state, and the inductor voltage and current at t=0, t=2 microseconds and t=1 millisecond.
Assume the inductor is initially uncharged.

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Transient response of  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
RC circuit:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
about the
 Explanation of transient response By
transient response of RC circuit Dr.K.M
on RC circuit and numericals Soni
on RC transient
2 L-5
 Numerical analysis 2.
problems on RC Electrical
transient analysis Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State the effect of transient and steady state analysis on RC circuit

2. How do you find the transient response in RC circuit ?
3. How do you find the time constant in an RC circuit ?

Model Problems:

Given the circuit of Fig.1 , assume the switch is closed at time t=0. Determine the charging
time constant, the amount of time after the switch is closed before the circuit reaches steady-
state, and the capacitor voltage at t=0, t=50 milliseconds and t=1 second. Assume the
capacitor is initially uncharged.

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Transient response of  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
RLC circuit:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Explanation of about the
transient response transient response By
on RLC circuit of RLC circuit Dr.K.M
and numericals Soni
 Numerical on RLC transient
2 L-6
problems on RLC analysis 2.
transient analysis Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State the effect of transient and steady state analysis on RLC circuit
2. How do you find the transient response in RLC circuit ?
3. How do you find the time constant in an RLC circuit ?

Model Problems:

In a series R-L-C circuit, R = 5 Ω, L = 1 H and C = 1 F. A d.c. voltage of 20 V is applied at t

= 0. Obtain i(t).

Fig. 1

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Transfer function:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of transfer marker expected to know Systems
function about basic
concept of By
 Numerical problems transfer function Dr.K.M
to determine and procedure to Soni
transfer function of determine transfer
2 L-7
a system function of a 2.
system Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by transfer function ?

2. How will you determine the transfer function of a system ?.
3. Write the necessities to determine transfer function of a system.

Model Problems:

Determine the transfer function of the network shown in fig.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Poles and Zeros of  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
transfer function:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Concept of poles about thr basic
and zeros of a concept of poles By
transfer function and zeros of a Dr.K.M
transfer function. Soni
 Steps to determine Students will also
2 L-8
poles and zeros of a know the steps to 2.
transfer function determine the Electrical
poles and zeros of Technolog
a transfer y

Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by poles and zeros ?

2. What is the difference between poles and zeros ?.
3. Differentiate between poles and zeros?

Model Problems:

Determine poles and zeros from the transfer function given below :

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Natural frequency &  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
damping ratio:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Concept of natural about the
frequency difference By
between Dr.K.M
 Derivation of frequency and Soni
mathematical natural frequency
2 L-9
expression and its 2.
mathematical Electrical
expression. Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is natural frequency and why it is important ?

2. What is the difference between frequency and natural frequency?
3. Derive the mathematical expression of natural frequency ?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Damping ratio:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of damping marker expected to know Systems
ratio about the
damping ratio and By
 Derivation of its mathematical Dr.K.M
mathematical expression. Soni
2 L-10 expression


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is damping ratio and why it is important ?

2. How is damping ratio measured ?
3. What is under damped system ?
4. What is over damped system ?
5. What is critically damped system ?
6. Derive the expression of damping ratio.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Loop analysis:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of loop marker expected to know Systems
analysis of an about the basic
electrical circuit concept and By
method of loop Dr.K.M
 Numerical analysis. Soni
2 L-11 problems on loop
analysis 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State Kirchhoff’s voltage law

2. Differentiate between loop and mesh ?.
3. Determine the current through each branches from the following fig. using loop

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Node analysis:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Concept of node about the basic
analysis of an concept and By
electrical circuit method of node Dr.K.M
analysis. Soni
2 L-12  Numerical
problems on node 2.
analysis Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. State Kirchhoff’s current law

2. How will you determine branch currents using nodal analysis?
3. Determine branch currents from the fig. shown using nodal analysis :

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Standard signals:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuit
 Board & students are and
 Basic concept and marker expected to know Systems
explanation of about the basics
standard test signals of standard test By Dr.K
signals and M Soni
 Laplace transform applications of
3 L-1 of standard test standard test 2.
signals signals in Electrical
electrical Technolog
engineering y


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What are standard test signals ?

2. Derive the mathematical expression and Laplace transform of –Step signal, Ramp
signal, Impulse signal
3. What are the applications of Step signal, Ramp signal, Impulse signal

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Standard signals:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuit
 Board & students are and
 Laplace transform marker expected to know Systems
of standard test about the basics
signals of standard test By Dr.K
 Application of signals and M Soni
standard test signals applications of
3 L-2 standard test 2.
signals in Electrical
electrical Technolog
engineering y


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. Derive the mathematical expression and Laplace transform of –Sinusoidal signal,

Exponential signal, Discrete time sinusoidal signal
2. What do you mean by continuous and discrete signal ?
3. Differentiate between continuous and discrete signal
4. Write the application of continuous and discrete signal

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Laplace transform of  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
periodic wave:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Basic concept and about the basic
classification of concept of By
periodic waveform periodic Dr.K.M
waveform and Soni
 Laplace transform Laplace transform
3 L-3
of periodic of periodic 2.
waveform waveform. Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by periodic waveform ?

2. What are the types of periodic waveform ?
3. Determine the Laplace transform of periodic waveform fiven below :

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Cascade connected  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
network:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Basic concept of about the basics
cascade connected of cascade By
network connected Dr.K.M
network, they Soni
 Mathematical also know how
3 L-4
expression of voltage and 2.
voltage and current current changes Electrical
of series cascade with series Technolog
connected network cascade y
combination By BL

Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by cascade connected network?

2. What are the advantages of cascade connected network?
3. What is the difference between cascade and series network?
4. Derive the expression of equivalent voltage and current if we connect two network in
series cascade connection

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Cascade connected  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
network:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
about the
 Series and parallel connection By
connection of diagram of series Dr.K.M
cascade network and parallel Soni
3 L-5
 Mathematical connected 2.
expression of network Electrical
voltage and current Technolog
of parallel cascade y
connected network

Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. Derive the expression of equivalent voltage and current if we connect two network in
parallel cascade connection
2. What are the applications of cascade connections?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cascade system?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Time response and  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
standard signals:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Basic concept of about the time
time response response analysis By
analysis and the effect of Dr.K.M
standard signal on Soni
 Effect of step time response
3 L-6
response on time analysis 2.
response analysis Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is time response

2. Discuss the effect of step response on time response analysis ?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Time response and  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
standard signals:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
about the time
 Effect of ramp response analysis By
response on time and the effect of Dr.K.M
response analysis standard signal on Soni
time response
3 L-7
analysis 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is the time response of first order system with ramp input?
2. Discuss the effect of ramp response on time response analysis ?
3. What is the difference between step and ramp input?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Time response and  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
standard signals:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Effect of impulse about the time
response on time response analysis By
response analysis and the effect of Dr.K.M
standard signal on Soni
time response
3 L-8
analysis 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is the effect of impulse function?

2. Discuss the effect of impulse response on time response analysis ?
3. What is the relation between impulse and step response?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Convolution Integral:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of marker expected to know Systems
convolution integral about the basic
concept of By
 Numerical problems convolution Dr.K.M
on convolution integral and Soni
integral numerical
3 L-9
problems 2.
associated with it. Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is a convolution integral?

2. What is the formula of convolution integral?
3. Evaluate the continuous time convolution integral given below :
Y(t) = [u(t+2) – u(t-1)] * u(-t+2)

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Dhumel’s Integral:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of marker expected to know Systems
Dhumel’s integral about the
Dhumels integral By
 Mathematical method and its Dr.K.M
expression of applications Soni
3 L-10 Dhumel’s integral
method 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is Duhamel's integral method?

2. What is Duhamel's formula for wave equation?
3. Write the applications of Dhumel’s integral method

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Indefinite admittance  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
matrix (IAM):  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Concept of about the basic
indefinite concept and By
admittance matrix applications of Dr.K.M
indefinite Soni
 Properties and admittance matrix
3 L-11
applications of IAM 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is self-admittance matrix?

2. What do you mean by indefinite admittance matrix (IAM) ?.
3. Write the properties of IAM.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Passive and Active  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
circuit:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
about the basic
 Concept and concept of active By
application of active and passive Dr.K.M
and passive network network. Soni
3 L-12


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by active network ?

2. What is passive network ?
3. Differentiate between active and passive network ?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Fourier Series:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuit
 Board & students are and
 Basic concept and marker expected to know Systems
explanation of about the basics
Fourier series of Fourier series By Dr.K
and periodic M Soni
 Basic concept of waveform in the
4 L-1 periodic wave application of 2.
Electrical circuits Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is meant by Fourier series? Write the mathematical expression of Fourier series.
2. What do you mean by periodic function

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Fourier Series:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuit
 Board & students are and
 Applications of marker expected to know Systems
Fourier series in about the
electrical circuits applications of By Dr.K
 Numerical problems Fourier series and M Soni
on Fourier series methods to solve
4 L-2 numerical 2.
problems of Electrical
Fourier series Technolog


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. Write the applications of Fourier series in electrical circuits

2. Determine the Fourier series of periodic waveform given below :

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Fourier Series of  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
periodic wave:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Numerical about the
problems to methods to solve By
determine Fourier numerical Dr.K.M
series of periodic problems on Soni
waveform periodic
4 L-3
waveform 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. Determine the Fourier series of periodic waveforms given below :

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Parseval’s Theorem:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Statement of marker expected to know Systems
parseval’s theorem, about the
proof and Parseval’s By
application in theorem, its proof Dr.K.M
electrical circuits and application of Soni
4 L-4
Theorem in 2.
electrical circuits Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is Parseval's theorem for Fourier series?

2. Prove the statement of Parseval’s theorem
3. Write the applications of Parseval’s theorem in electrical circuit analysis

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Two port network:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Basic concept of about the basic
two port network, concept of two By
its classification, port network, its Dr.K.M
necessities and application in Soni
application in electrical circuit
4 L-5
electrical circuit analysis. 2.
analysis Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. Derive the expression of equivalent voltage and current if we connect two network in
parallel cascade connection
2. What are the applications of cascade connections?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cascade system?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Time response and  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
standard signals:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Basic concept of about the time
time response response analysis By
analysis and the effect of Dr.K.M
standard signal on Soni
 Effect of step time response
4 L-6
response on time analysis 2.
response analysis Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is time response

2. Discuss the effect of step response on time response analysis ?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Time response and  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
standard signals:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
about the time
 Effect of ramp response analysis By
response on time and the effect of Dr.K.M
response analysis standard signal on Soni
time response
4 L-7
analysis 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is the time response of first order system with ramp input?
2. Discuss the effect of ramp response on time response analysis ?
3. What is the difference between step and ramp input?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Time response and  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
standard signals:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Effect of impulse about the time
response on time response analysis By
response analysis and the effect of Dr.K.M
standard signal on Soni
time response
4 L-8
analysis 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is the effect of impulse function?

2. Discuss the effect of impulse response on time response analysis ?
3. What is the relation between impulse and step response?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Convolution Integral:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of marker expected to know Systems
convolution integral about the basic
concept of By
 Numerical problems convolution Dr.K.M
on convolution integral and Soni
integral numerical
4 L-9
problems 2.
associated with it. Electrical


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is a convolution integral?

2. What is the formula of convolution integral?
3. Evaluate the continuous time convolution integral given below :
Y(t) = [u(t+2) – u(t-1)] * u(-t+2)

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Dhumel’s Integral:  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
 Board & students are and
 Concept of marker expected to know Systems
Dhumel’s integral about the
Dhumels integral By
 Mathematical method and its Dr.K.M
expression of applications Soni
4 L-10 Dhumel’s integral
method 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is Duhamel's integral method?

2. What is Duhamel's formula for wave equation?
3. Write the applications of Dhumel’s integral method

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Indefinite admittance  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
matrix (IAM):  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
 Concept of about the basic
indefinite concept and By
admittance matrix applications of Dr.K.M
indefinite Soni
 Properties and admittance matrix
4 L-11
applications of IAM 2.


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What is self-admittance matrix?

2. What do you mean by indefinite admittance matrix (IAM) ?.
3. Write the properties of IAM.

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Lesson Plan
Department: Electrical Engineering Year: 2nd Year
L:T:P: 3:1:0, Credit: 3 Semester: 3rd
Subject Name: Electrical Circuit Analysis Subject Code: PC/EE-305

Module Lecture/ Topics to be covered Pedagogical aid Out come Ref.

No. Tutorial
Passive and Active  Books After the lecture 1. Circuits
circuit:  Board & students are and
marker expected to know Systems
about the basic
 Concept and concept of active By
application of active and passive Dr.K.M
and passive network network. Soni
4 L-12


Model questions may ask from this lecture:

1. What do you mean by active network ?

2. What is passive network ?
3. Differentiate between active and passive network ?

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

20. Curriculum Gap analysis & action taken report:

NAME OF THE SUBJECT WITH CODE : Control System - I (EE-505)
Discuss the basic parameters of control system along with it's properties
Based on your departmental standards, please place a check in the appropriate box for each Question.
Provide your comments below for any rating.
Changes Aligns
Sl. No. Questions Adequate
needed well

Does the prerequisite subjects are defined under the 1

1 course curriculam?

How well does the CO contents reflect professional 1

2 competencies?

Does the CO content met the cognitive & 1

psychomotor skills required after the end of the
3 course?

Are there any content not listed in the syllabus that 1

4 you expect as a CO content?
How well does the CO content improves students
domain knowledge, Skill & Ability at the end of 1
5 this course?
Analyze time and frequency response of control system

Based on your departmental standards, please place a check in the appropriate box for each Question.
Provide your comments below for any rating.
Changes Aligns
Sl. No. Questions Adequate
needed well

Does the prerequisite subjects are defined under the 1

1 course curriculam?
How well does the CO contents reflect professional 1
2 competencies?
Does the CO content met the cognitive &
psychomotor skills required after the end of the 61 1
of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Are there any content not listed in the syllabus that 1

4 you expect as a CO content?
How well does the CO content improves students
domain knowledge, Skill & Ability at the end of 1
5 this course?
Sl. No.4. Detailed knowledge of Laplace Transform can be included
Explain the working of different control system devices or components
Based on your departmental standards, please place a check in the appropriate box for each Question.
Provide your comments below for any rating.
Changes Aligns
Sl. No. Questions Adequate
needed well

Does the prerequisite subjects are defined under the

1 course curriculam? 1
How well does the CO contents reflect professional 1
2 competencies?
Does the CO content met the cognitive &
psychomotor skills required after the end of the 1
3 course?
Are there any content not listed in the syllabus that 1
4 you expect as a CO content?
How well does the CO content improves students
domain knowledge, Skill & Ability at the end of 1
5 this course?

Comments: Sl. No.4. Detailed knowledge of SCADA can be included

Examine the stability of control systems by using different techniques
Based on your departmental standards, please place a check in the appropriate box for each Question.
Provide your comments below for any rating.
Changes Aligns
Sl. No. Questions Adequate
needed well

Does the prerequisite subjects are defined under the

1 course curriculam? 1
How well does the CO contents reflect professional 1
2 competencies?
Does the CO content met the cognitive &
psychomotor skills required after the end of the 1
3 course?

Are there any content not listed in the syllabus that 1

4 you expect as a CO content?
Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University,
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

How well does the CO content improves students

domain knowledge, Skill & Ability at the end of 1
5 this course?

CO5: Explain state variable analysis of systems and also determine eigen values, eigen vectors, state
transition matrix of systems
Based on your departmental standards, please place a check in the appropriate box for each Question.
Provide your comments below for any rating.
Changes Aligns
Sl. No. Questions Adequate
needed well

Does the prerequisite subjects are defined under the 1

1 course curriculam?
How well does the CO contents reflect professional 1
2 competencies?
Does the CO content met the cognitive &
psychomotor skills required after the end of the
3 course? 1

Are there any content not listed in the syllabus that 1

4 you expect as a CO content?
How well does the CO content improves students
domain knowledge, Skill & Ability at the end of 1
5 this course?

Action taken :

Subject Name : Control System-I Code : EE-505
Semester : 5th Branch : EE
Detailed Prof. V.
Referred to NPTEL
knowledge of Balakrishnan,Departm
1 video lecture on 28-10-2022 CO2
Laplace Transform ent of Physics,IIT
Laplace Transform
can be included Madras
Referred to NPTEL Dr. K. Shanti Swarup,
knowledge of
2 video lecture on 23-11-2022 Energy Management CO3
SCADA can be
SCADA System, IIT Madras

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 2

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 3

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

21. Midterm Exam question:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 4

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

22. Question of Class tests:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 5

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

23. Assignment question:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 6

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

24. Quiz questions:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 7

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

25. Midterm marks distribution (as per the format given by the
inernal exam committee, TCEA):

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 8

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

26. Cumulative internal marks:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 9

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

26. Cumulative internal marks:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 10

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

27. Attainment matrix and analysis:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 11

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

28. Sample answers Script of Midterm Examination:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 12

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

29. Attendance summary:

Sl. TU_Registration
Students Name Sem TU_Roll_No November December
No No. with Year
ABHIJIT 011984 of 2020-
1 5 2064050023
ACHARJEE 2021 88.56 78.11
020723 of 2021-
2 AKRIT BHAKTA 5 216405001
2022 83.78 66.29
SANAT 020717 of 2021-
3 5 216405002
BHATTACHARJEE 2022 99.33 79.19
015151 of 2018-
4 ARPITA PAUL 5 216405047
2019 70.78 41.99
015043 of 2018-
5 ISHA DAS 5 216405048
2019 90 105.55
KRITTIKA 014770 of 2018-
6 5 216405049
DEBNATH 2019 73.78 88.38
MANIDIPA 015154 of 2018-
7 5 216405050
SARKAR 2019 94 94.4
NIBEDITA 018158 of 2018-
8 5 216405051
SARKAR 2019 81.33 80.48
015160 of 2018-
9 PRIYA BARMAN 5 216405052
2019 68.44 91.29
015049 of 2018-
10 SEEMA DEY 5 216405053
2019 68.78 76.07
015411 of 2018-
11 SRABANI SAHA 5 216405054
2019 74.89 74.59
SUDHRITI 015165 of 2018-
12 5 216405055
KARMAKAR 2019 42.44 69.85
ABHIJIT HRISHI 015159 of 2018-
13 5 216405056
DAS 2019 76 77.31
ANIMESH 015409 of 2018-
14 5 216405057
DEBNATH 2019 69.67 90.42
ANIRBAN 015406 of 2018-
15 5 216405058
MAJUMDER 2019 97 92.27
ANKAN 018172 of 2018-
16 5 216405059
CHAKRABORTY 2019 96 84.31
015412 of 2018-
17 ASHIM DAS 5 216405060
2019 83.56 63.42
018181 of 2018-
18 DIBAKAR BAIDYA 5 216405061
2019 99.89 87.74
018185 of 2018-
19 DIPTANU SARKAR 5 216405063
2019 74.67 77.59
DWIPAYAN 018186 of 2018-
20 5 216405064
SARKAR 2019 80.44 83.88
015172 of 2017-
21 HRIDAY DAS 5 216405065
2018 84.44 84.45
015420 of 2018-
22 MRITTIK DATTA 5 216405066
2019 81.67 81.77
Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 13
Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

NABARUN 018188 of 2018-

23 5 216405067
BISWAS 2019 71.11 83.98
015404 of 2018-
24 PRITAM DAS 5 216405068
2019 89.89 43.79
015399 of 2018-
25 RAHUL DATTA 5 216405069
2019 78.11 60.45
015149 of 2018-
26 ROHAN BISWAS 5 216405070
2019 96 89.55
015190 of 2017-
27 RUBEL BISWAS 5 216405071
2018 77 66.44
SANTANU 015171 of 2017-
28 5 216405072
DEBNATH 2018 93 83.24
SANTOSH 015413 of 2018-
29 5 216405073
DEBNATH 2019 86.67 94.64
015407 of 2018-
30 SIDHARTHA DAS 5 216405074
2019 79.22 105.5
018199 of 2018-
31 SOURAV SAHA 5 216405075
2019 90.33 103.28
018149 of 2018-
32 SUBHA DAS 5 216405076
2019 85.22 79.29
015405 of 2018-
33 SUBHAM BISWAS 5 216405077
2019 81 78.35
SUBHAM 015191 of 2017-
34 5 216405078
SHARMA 2018 76.11 66.19
SUBHRADIP 015414 of 2018-
35 5 216405079
DEBNATH 2019 75.89 77.03
015333 of 2018-
36 SUDIPTA BISWAS 5 216405080
2019 67.78 58.8
015424 of 2018-
37 SUJOY DAS 5 216405081
2019 65.89 73.32

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 14

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 15

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

30. Feedback evaluation sheet:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 16

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

31. Sample answers Script of Class tests:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 17

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

32. Sample assignment copy:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 18

Techno College of Engineering Agartala
A Degree Engineering College, Affiliated to Tripura University
Approved by AICTE, MHRD, Govt. of India

33. Seminar documents:

Department of Electrical Engineering, TCEA 19

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