Experiment Number 5.a
Experiment Number 5.a
Experiment Number 5.a
OBJECTIVE (AIM) OF THE EXPERIMENT: To perform port scanning with SUPERSCAN software.
The following are the steps that you are going to perform for this exercise:
3. Use ping to determine if a host is active. Use your host IP address as the target for the scans. Use your actual
IP address, not the localhost IP address which is
5. Use SuperScan to find the open ports and running services on your system.
Procedure Step-by-Step
The following are the detailed steps you will perform to install and configure SuperScan:
1. Download SuperScan from http://www.foundstone.com. Install SuperScan by clicking the install executable.
When the SuperScan screen appears, click Next.
2. Click the Browse button to browse to the appropriate directory to install SuperScan. Install SuperScan
into c:\Program Files\SuperScan.Then, click the Finish button.
3. After the installation is complete, start the application. You will see the following screen.
4. Verify that your TCP/IP stack is properly functioning. Ping the local loopback adapter by
selecting Start, Run, cmd. Then, enter the following command:
If you receive a reply, continue. If you do not receive a reply, verify your network settings. This is done by
checking your IP address settings under the Network Properties window.
5. Next, verify the port settings for your particular needs. This is done by looking under the Select Ports portion
of the screen (in the lower-right) and making sure the correct ports are selected. The Change/Add/Delete
Port Info section allows you to customize services that are running on particular ports. This is extremely
helpful if you are running a specialized application on a specific port. It is also a way to make sure that your
port listings are current.
6. After you have completed the port listing, you can enter the IP range that you would like to scan. SuperScan
can also perform address resolution on IP addresses at this stage. Enter the IP address of the machine you
want to resolve and click the Lookup button. The information on the corresponding host number will be
displayed in the Resolved text field.
7. If the scanning device has multiple interfaces, you can select a specific interface for the scan to run on. Click
the Interfaces button and select the appropriate interface. In most cases the default settings for the
interfaces will work fine.
8. After the interface is chosen, the target IPs are entered, and the port list is defined, there are a few
additional steps you can perform to customize your scan. These are as follows:
Under the Speed section is a slider that can be used to throttle the amount of bandwidth used by the
scan as well as the resources used on the scanning device.
Under the IP section, the Ignore IP Zero and the Ignore IP 255 options can be used to either scan or
ignore both the broadcast and network addresses in your range.
If you do not allow ICMP traffic in your environment, you can disable the initial ping. This is done with
the Only Scan Responsive Ping check box.
9. After the variables are defined, you can initiate the scan by clicking the Start button, which is located under
the Scan section.
When the scan completes, the following screen appears listing the open ports on the target machine
This information can be saved to a file for later review or for input into a vulnerability scanner