Source of Law
Source of Law
Source of Law
3. Federalism:
it is a federal constitution that divides the powers of government between the
Federal Government, and the states of the Federation. The federal Government has
powers to legislate on the matters in the Exclusive Legislative list of the
constitution. While both the Federal and the State Government may legislate on
matters on the Concurrent legislative list. Federal laws are called Acts while
States are called Laws.
Note: if a state law contradicts a Federal Act on the same subject, the Federal Act
4. Separation of powers: the constitution separates the powers of government among
the 3 branches of government namely the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. None
of these branches may exercise the powers of the others. They therefore act as
checks and balances to each other.
5. Rule of law: it is the restriction of the arbitrary (of power or a ruling body).
Exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws. The
constitution has governance according to law as one of its cardinal characteristics
and principles. This prohibits arbitrariness.
The principle of rule of laws has 2 broad aspects:
I. Nemo Judex in causa sua: Meaning A person shall not be the judge in his own
ii. Audi alteram partem: Meaning A person shall not be condemned without hearing.
6. Fundamental Human rights: Chapter IV of the constitution make provision for
fundamental right which every Nigerian citizen is entitled to enjoy, they include:
a. Right to life
ii Acts: these are laws passed by the National Assembly which is composed of the
and House of Representative in a democratic government.
iii Decrees: these are enactments made by the Federal Military Government during
Military regime.
iv. Laws: these are Laws enacted by the House of Assembly of a state in a
v. Edicts: these are Laws made by the Military government of a state during a
military regime.
vi. Bye laws: these are laws made by the local government councils both during
democratic and military regimes.
Customary law can be described as a body of rules regarded as obligatory by members
of a particular community. It varies from one community to another.
i. Ethnic customary law: it is indigenous and is applicable to members of a
particular ethnic group or community.
ii. Islamic customary law: this is based on the Islamic faith and is applicable to
members of the Islamic faith.
a. It is largely unwritten with the exception of Islamic law.
b. Members of the community or group to which it relates generally consider it as
binging as such it is often described as a "mirror of acceptable usage"
c. It is established by proof through assessors or authoritative books if it has
not been so used by the Court and judicially noticed.
d. It is largely flexible. Osborne C.J observed in the case of Lewis v. Bankole
that one of
the most striking features of customary law is its flexibility. Customary law
appears to
subject itself to motive of expediency without losing its character as a custom.
It is not automatic that all customs would be recognized by the Courts as law in
Nigeria. Before a custom becomes law and is recognized by the Courts, the customary
law must pass the validity test laid down by law. 3 validity test which every
customary law have
a. The repugnancy test
b. Incompatibility test
c. public policy test
(a) The repugnancy test: every applicable customary law must not be repugnant to
natural justice, equity and good conscience. Natural justice in a broad sense means
fair hearing, equity in a broad sense means fairness. Any customary law which is
barbaric and falls below civilized standard of behavior would be held to be invalid
as contrary to natural justice. See Edet v Essien (1932) Essien married X after
paying dowry on her, later X deserted Essien and (without refund of the dowry paid
by Essien) married Edet. Two children were born out of relationship between X and
Edet. Essien claimed those children on the basis of an existing custom that
provided that as long as the dowry paid on X has not being refunded any children
born by that woman belonged to the former husband whose dowry has not been
refunded. The Court held that such custom would not be enforced because it was
repugnant to natural justice, equity and good conscience. See also Re: Effiong
Attah: where the Court held that a custom whereby the former owner of a servant was
entitled to administer the personal property of the deceased servant would fail the
repugnant test not only because it was unfair to the biological children of the
servant but also because it sanctions the institution of slavery which is
considered barbaric and uncivilized.
(b) Incompatibility test: every applicable customary law must not be incompatible
wither directly or by implication with any law for the time being in force. That
is, a rule of customary law which conflicts with an existing law would not be
enforced. E.g Adesubokan V. Yunusa (1971); the Court refused to enforce an Islamic
rule on inheritance because in that case it conflicted with an existing law e.g the
Wills Act 1837.
(c) Public policy test: section 14(3) of Evidence Act provides that every
applicable customary law must not be contrary to public policy. See Alake v. Pratt
(1955). Cole v. Akinyele ; the Court have refused to enforce certain rules of
customary law because it would encourage promiscuity which is contrary to public
good, in particular the practice of legitimation of a child born outside wedlock by
acknowledgment of his paternity by the father.
Customary law is a question of fact as such it must be proved by anyone alleging
its existence. See Angu v. Atta (1916). it has to be proved in the First instance
by calling witnesses acquainted with the nature customs until the particular
customs have, by frequent proof in the Courts became so notorious that the Courts
take Judicial notice of them. The existence of customary law may be proved in any
of the following ways:
(a) Direct oral evidence: involves calling witnesses, people like chiefs, elders
(b) Documentary Evidence: tendering as evidence, books, manuscripts, or research
findings of people who are considered experts and knowledgeable in the custom
intended to be proved.
(c) Judicial notice: in trying to prove a custom by judicial notice, a person is
simply asking the court to accept the custom as existing because a higher or
coordinate Court had in previous proceedings repeatedly accepted the custom as
It refers to the source of law where past decisions of the judges create law for
future Judges to follow. This source of law is also known as case law. Judicial
precedent is based on the latin maxim stare decisis which means "stand by what has
been decided and not unsettle the established". It is not everything said by a
Judge in the course of his judgment that a precedent. Only the pronouncement on
law in relation to the material facts before the judge constitutes a precedent. Any
other pronouncement on law made in the course of a judgment is an obiter dictum [a
statement by the way) and it does not form part of the ratio decidendi (reason for
1. Original precedent
2. Binding precedent
3. Persuasive precedent
1) Original precedent: If the point of law in a case has never been decided before,
then whatever the judge decides will form a new precedent for future case to follow
e.g it is an original precedent.
2) Binding precedent: This is a precedent from an earlier case which must be
followed even if the Judge in the latter case does not agree with the legal
principle. A binding precedent is only created when the facts of the second case
are sufficiently similar to the original case and the decision was made by a Court
which is senior to the court hearing the latter case.
3) Persuasive precedent: This is a persuasive that is not binding on the Court, but
the judge may consider it and decide that it is a correct principle so that he is
persuaded that he should follow it. Persuasive precedent comes from a number of
sources e.g statement made obiter dicta, a dissenting judgment, and decision of
courts in other countries.
(a) Distinguishing: This is a method that a Judge adopts to avoid following a past
decision which he would have been bound to follow. It means that a Judge finds that
the material facts of the case he is deciding are sufficiently different form him
to draw a distinction between the present case and the previous precedent. He is
then not bound by the previous case.
(b) Overruling: This is where a Court in a latter case state that the legal rule
decided in an earlier case was wrong and will not be followed in a subsequent case.
(c) Reversing: This is where a Court higher up in the hierarchy over turns the
decision of a lower Court on appeal in the same case, e.g the Court of Appeal
disagree with the legal ruling of a High Court and come to a different view of the
law. In this situation, it reverses the decision earlier reached by the High Court.
(d) Per in curiam: This is a decision made in error or by mistake. It is one of the
reasons why a Court would overrule its previous decision.
(i) It brings certainly into law as it enables people to know what the law is and
how it is likely to be applied to their case.
(ii) It brings consistency and fairness into law since similar cases are decided
(iii) It saves the time of the Court.
(iv) It brings flexibility into law as the law could change through the use of
overruling, reversing and distinguishing.
(i) It may lead to law becoming rigid mechanical since lower Courts must follow the
decisions of higher Courts.
(ii) It may lead to loss of initiative especially on the part of Lower Court Judges
since they are bound by the decisions of higher Courts.
(iii) The use of distinguishing to avoid past decisions can lead to illogical
(iv) It is not always easy to find all the relevant case law as well as to
distinguish '* the ratio of a case from an obiter dictum.
Bilateral and multilateral treaties, conventions as well as global and regional
charters form part of the Nigerian law once the National Assembly passes an
enabling statute to the effect
see Section 12(1) of the 1999 constitution. The case of Inspector General of Police
V All peoples Party (2007), it was held that the African Charter on Human and
peoples applies in enforcement) Act 1990.
What is treaty?
A treaty is a formally concluded and ratified agreement between sovereign states.
It is an agreement under international law entered into by actors in International
Law, namely sovereign states and international organizations. It can also be known
as an international agreement, protocol, covenant, convention, pact, or exchange of
letters, among other ter