English Legal System: Chapter Learning Objectives
English Legal System: Chapter Learning Objectives
English Legal System: Chapter Learning Objectives
The principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people
whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognised and enforced by judicial decision.
2 Types of Law
The English legal system distinguishes several types of law. The ones we will look at are:
Following the Norman conquest, English law has been described as a common law system. This was a
system whereby a number of legal concepts from Norman law were incorporated into the English
Common law:
Judges would travel around the country and apply a mixture of precedent and common sense to build up
a body of internally consistent law. However, this would sometimes result in harsh consequences.
To deal with the issue that damages are not always a suitable remedy, equity was developed two or
three hundred years later after common law and introduced fairness into the English legal system.
developed as a petition by a party who felt the common law had led to injustice
it is more flexible than the common law
it introduced new discretionary remedies, e.g. injunctions and specific performance
it is concerned with fairness and therefore will not be granted if there is undue delay in bringing the
case or if the petitioner has himself acted
unfairly, or where there is no mutuality (both parties should be able to bring a case).
Within the English legal system, two distinct areas of law operate: private and public law. They both aim
to create social order, but have a number of distinct differences.
Within public law, different categories exist. These include criminal law, constitutional law, administrative
law, social welfare law and all deal with matters relating to the whole country.
Private law is concerned with the law enforced between individuals. This can include contract law, family
law and other areas which deal with intellectual property rights (copyrights, designs and patents), land
law (and the way in which it is transferred), probate (dealing with wills and how property is distributed
after someone dies) and company law (which deals with the ways in which companies are created and
rules regulating how they operate their business).
In criminal law the case is brought by the In civil law the case is brought by the
State in the name of the Crown. A criminal claimant, who is seeking a remedy.
The case will be referred to by the names
case will be reported as Regina v ..., where of the parties involved in the dispute, such
Regina means the Latin for 'queen'. as Brown v Smith.
Burden of proof – guilt must be shown Burden of proof – liability must be shown on
beyond reasonable doubt (high standard of the balance of probabilities (lower standard
proof). of proof).
If found guilty the criminal court will sentence The civil court will order the defendant
the accused and it may fine him or impose a to pay damages or it may order some other
remedy, e.g. specific performance or
period of imprisonment. If innocent the
accused will be acquitted.
A The aim of the criminal law is to regulate behaviour within society by the threat of punishment.
B The aim of the criminal law is to punish offenders.
C The aim of the criminal law is to provide a means whereby injured persons may obtain
D The aim of the criminal law is to ensure that the will of the majority is imposed upon the minority.
(1) A
The aim of the criminal law is not to punish offenders. The criminal law threatens punishment to
offenders, and therefore aims to deter individuals from breaking the law, i.e. it seeks to regulate
behaviour by the threat of punishment.
The following diagram shows the main civil courts. The term ‘first instance’ refers to the court in which
the case is first heard. Appeals are heard in a different court. The arrows show the way a case will
progress through the court system.
The House of Lords was replaced by the Supreme Court on 1 October 2009. This new court has
assumed the judicial functions of the House of Lords. The Law Lords that used to sit in the House of
Lords now sit as twelve Justices of the Supreme Court, with a President at its head.
The Supreme Court was established by the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. It was felt that there needed
to be a separation of powers between the judicial functions of the House of Lords (to decide issues in
relation to the law) and the legislative functions of the House of Lords (to make the law) to give
assurance of the independence of the judges.
The Supreme Court is now in a separate building from the House of Lords and has its own appointment
system, staff and budget.
When a claim is received, it will be allocated to one of three tracks for the hearing.
(1) The small claims track – deals with simple claims valued at no more than £10,000, an informal court.
(2) The fasttrack – deals with moderately valued claims of between £10,000 and £25,000, expected to
last no more than one day.
(3) The multitrack – deals with claims of over £25,000 and/or complex claims.
Note: The County court deals with all cases allocated to the small claims track, the majority of fast track
and some multi track cases. All other claims are dealt with by the High Court.
Other civil courts
Tribunals are also an important part of the English legal system and are an alternative to using the court
system to settle a dispute.
Employment tribunals are established to hear disputes between an employee and their employer on
certain statutory employment matters, such as unfair dismissal (see Chapter 4).
Employment tribunals are composed of one employment judge, plus two expert laymen who are drawn
from panels representing both sides of the industry.
Appeals are to the employment appeal tribunal (EAT) and can only be made on a point of law.
The EAT is composed of one High Court judge, plus two or four expert laymen.
Court v Tribunal
Cost Legal aid maybe available, but if Legal aid is not available (except for
not can be an expensive process. land tribunals and EAT's) but can
be a much cheaper procedure.
Proceedings Strict rules relating to evidence, Much less formal and can be less
pleading and procedure. intimidating.
Decisions Are bound by the doctrine of Not bound by the doctrine of judicial
judicial precedent, therefore precedent, therefore risk of making
make consistent decisions. inconsistent decisions.
4 Sources of law
Case law
Throughout this text you will find examples of cases which have come before the courts. These cases
are not simply examples of the way in which the law is applied; they also illustrate the way in which the
law is made.
Case law can be subdivided into common law and equity (covered earlier).
The system, adopted by the judges, of following the decisions in previous cases is called the doctrine of
judicial precedent.
Some precedents are binding (meaning they must be followed in later cases).
Others are merely persuasive (meaning that a judge in a later case may choose to follow it but he
is not bound to do so).
There are three factors to be considered in deciding whether a precedent is binding or persuasive:
As a general rule, the precedents of higher courts bind lower courts, but not vice versa.
The 1966 Practice Statement was made on behalf of himself and the House of Lords (now the Supreme
Court) by Lord Gardiner. Lord Gardiner proposed that they could depart from a previous decision if it
appeared right to do so. This would allow the law to develop in line with changes in society.
Although there have been a number of cases where the House of Lords (now the Supreme Court) has
overruled or amended its own earlier decisions, it is also reluctant to exercise these powers too
Ratio decidendi and obiter dicta
The ratio decidendi is the legal reason for the decision. It is capable of forming the binding precedent. It
is a statement of law which is carried down to later decisions.
Obiter dicta are statements which are not part of the ratio, they are other statements made by the judges
such as hypothetical situations or wide legal principles. They are persuasive rather than binding. This
means that the judge can take the statement into account (and usually will) when reaching
his decision, but he does not have to follow it.
In order for a precedent to be binding on a judge in a later case, the material facts of the two cases must
be the same. If they are significantly different, the precedent will be persuasive rather than binding.
Reaching decisions as a result of the doctrine of precedent makes the system consistent. It
becomes easier to predict the result of litigation.
It allows the English legal system to be flexible. Decisions can be adapted and extended to reflect
changes in society.
The law is clear. As it is only the ratio decidendi that is followed it is easy to see what law is being
Decisions arise from actual events, therefore the system is practical.
The law is very complex because there is a vast number of cases, and inconsistencies can arise.
The same judgement may contain differing, and even conflicting, arguments making the precedent
hard to understand and even harder to apply.
The law can become rigid, leading to inflexibility and loss of development.
Case law is reactive rather than proactive. Rather than dealing with issues in advance and stating
the law, a case is considered and a decision made once a particular situation has arisen.
Test your understanding 2
A Decisions of the Supreme Court (formerly the House of Lords) bind all lower courts.
B The Supreme Court (formerly the House of Lords) is not bound by its own decisions.
C Decisions of the Supreme Court (formerly the House of Lords) override statute.
D Appeals can be made from the Supreme Court (formerly the House of Lords) to the ECJ.
(1) C
Decisions of the Supreme Court are binding on all lower courts. However, the Supreme Court is
not bound by its own decisions. Statute overrides decisions of the Supreme Court. Appeals can be
made from the Supreme Court to the ECJ.
5 Legislation
Types of legislation
Acts of Parliament
delegated legislation.
Acts of Parliament
In order to become an Act of Parliament, a Bill must go through the following stages in both Houses:
first reading the name of the Bill and the its proposer is read out
second reading debate takes place on the principles of the Bill and it is then voted upon
committee stage a smaller number of MP's consider the wording of the Bill. This stage can last
several months depending on the contentiousness of the Bill
report stage the Bill as amended by the Committee is reported back to the full House
third reading the Bill is read for the final time.
At the end of this process in both Houses, the Bill must receive the Royal Assent.
Note that an Act does not necessarily come into force immediately. Its provisions may take effect on a
piecemeal basis. An example is the Companies Act 2006.
Parliament is sovereign. This means that, in theory, it is only Parliament that can make new law and it
can make any law it wishes. However it cannot pass an Act which can never be repealed.
The courts cannot question the validity of an Act. However, they must refuse to apply an Act that
contravenes EU law.
Delegated legislation
For many reasons, Parliament has delegated some of its legislative powers to other bodies. Usually,
Parliament passes an 'enabling' Act setting out the policy involved and the objectives it wishes to
achieve. The Act then delegates the task of filling in the details to some other body.
Rules enacted under such powers are called delegated legislation, and the following are examples:
Its volume and lack of publicity means that it can be difficult to keep up with the changes
It is criticised as being undemocratic as it is made without recourse to the elected House of
Parliamentary – Since 1973 there has been a Joint Select Committee on Statutory Instruments,
whose function it is to scrutinise all statutory instruments. They have the power to draw the
instrument to the attention of both Houses on any number of grounds, but cannot do so on a
ground which relates to the actual merits of the instrument or the policy it is pursuing.
Judicial – The courts can challenge the validity of delegated legislation through the process of
judicial review. It can be challenged on the grounds that the person making it has acted 'ultra
vires', by exceeding their powers outside of the authority granted to them.
Ultra vires
Human Rights Act 1998 – Delegated legislation is secondary legislation, therefore it can be declared
invalid by the courts if it is incompatible with HRA 1998.
I In the event of a conflict between equity and the common law, the common law prevails.
II An Act of Parliament can overrule any common law or equitable rule.
A (I) only.
B (II) only.
C Neither (I) nor (II).
D Both (I) and (II).
A Orders in Council.
B Statutory instruments.
C Local authority byelaws.
D Acts of Parliament.
(1) B
Equity is a body of discretionary rules devised by the court on the basis of fairness to remedy defects in
the common law. It is therefore incorrect to say that common law prevails over equity. However,
statement (ii) is correct. The effect of a new statute is to overrule any common law or equity rule that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the new statute.
(2) D
Orders in Council, statutory instruments and local authority byelaws are all examples of delegated
legislation. Acts of Parliament are not.
The process by which judges assign meanings to ambiguous words or phrases in statutes is called the
interpretation of statutes.
Judges can use certain aids, rules and presumptions to help them assign a meaning to a word.
Aids to interpretation
The courts can use the following aids to help them interpret a statute:
Hansard (to see what was said in Parliament when the Bill was being debated). In Pepper
v Hart (1992) the House of Lords established the principle that when primary legislation is
ambiguous then, under certain circumstances, the court may refer to statements made in
the House of Commons or House of Lords in an attempt to interpret the meaning of the
sources of EU law. Since the United Kingdom joined the EU in 1972 they agreed to
conform with existing and future EU law. One of the many sources of EU law is a Directive
which generally addresses the member states and requires that the states take action
within an indentified time period to change their own law. When in doubt courts may look to
the Directive for guidance on interpretation.
Human Rights Act 1998 (see later).
Literal rule
Words must be given their ordinary dictionary meaning, even if this produces an undesirable outcome.
Facts: The court had to consider the meaning of the wording 'offer for sale'. It was an offence to 'offer for
sale' offensive weapons. A shopkeeper had flickknives with price tags attached on display in his shop
Held: The court applied the fundamental principles of contract law in a literal fashion, accepting that the
display of flickknives was an invitation to treat. It was the customer who made an offer to buy. In
consequence, the shopkeeper was found not to be acting illegally. The aim of Parliament, however, had
been to prevent sales of offensive weapons.
Golden rule
Where the literal rule gives more than one meaning or provides an absurd result, the golden rule is used
to ensure that preference is given to the meaning that does not result in the provision being an absurdity.
Held: The words ‘in the vicinity of’ a prohibited place in the Official Secrets Act were held to cover the
acts of the defendant which took place ‘within’ a prohibited place.
Mischief rule
Used to interpret a statute in a way which provides a remedy for the mischief the statute was enacted to
Facts: The Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act 1869 provided that any ship carrying animals should
contain them in pens. The defendant neglected his duty, and some of the claimant’s sheep were washed
overboard and lost.
Held: Since the purpose of the statute was to prevent the spread of contagious disease, and not to
guard against the danger of the property being washed overboard, the claim failed.
Purposive Rule
This is a more modern approach. Here the court is not just looking to see what the gap was in the old
law, it is making a decision as to what they felt Parliament meant to achieve.
Facts: The purpose of an Act was to provide for the safe storage of film wherever it might be stored on
'premises'. The claimant argued that 'premises' did not include a cave and so the Act had no application
to this case.
Held: The purpose of the Act was to protect the safety of persons working in all places where film was
stored. If film was stored in a cave, the word 'premises' included the cave.
Eiusdem generis
General words mean the same kind of thing as the specific words they follow.
Facts: Section 1 of the Betting Act 1853 prohibited betting in a ‘house, office, room or other place’. The
issue was whether a ring at a racecourse was an ‘other place’ for the purposes of this statute.
Held: The Lords decided that if the eiusdem generis rule was applied, the specific words such as ‘room’
and ‘office’ that preceded the general phrase ‘or other place’ created a class of indoor places. As a ring
on a racecourse was outside it would not fall within this category. Therefore the Act did not apply to
restrict gambling here.
There are presumptions which will generally apply unless the legislation specifically states otherwise, for
Facts: The House of Lords had to consider whether or not a male to female transsexual could be treated
as a female under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973.
Held: The court was unable to interpret the Act to allow the transsexual to be considered female. It did
however issue a declaration of incompatibility.
The Gender Recognition Act 2004 addressed the issue in Bellinger v Bellinger (2003). The purpose of
the Act is to provide transsexual people with legal recognition in their acquired gender. This is an
example of the passing of a statute to put right a perceived unfair outcome of a case.
Facts: The Rent Act 1977 allows a spouse to inherit a statutory tenancy. In Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing
Association Limited (1999), the House of Lords had declined to allow samesex partners to inherit
statutory tenancies on the grounds that they could not be considered to be the wife or husband of the
Held: The Court of Appeal held that the Rent Act, as the House of Lords had construed it in the
Fitzpatrick case, was incompatible with the Convention on the grounds of its discriminatory treatment of
surviving samesex partners. The Court held that the incompatibility could be remedied by reading the
words ‘as his or her wife or husband’ as meaning ‘as if they were his or her wife or husband’.
The above case is an example of how the judges used the Golden Rule to interpret statute.