Power System-2
Power System-2
Power System-2
Project Report
“Transmission Line Fault Detection using MATLAB
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Electrical Engineering
Under Guidance of
Er. Bhupendra Kumar
Head of Department
Dr. Deepak Nagaria
Sunil Kumar (1904320059)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology
Jhansi (U.P.) India - 284128
This is to be certify that project on “Transmission line fault detection using MATLAB
Simulink” has been successfully delivered by “Mr. Sunil kumar (B. Tech 3rd year)” under my
guidance in fulfillment of Bachelor degree from Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Jhansi during academic year 2021-2022.
Apart from the efforts of ours, the success of any project depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines of many others. We take this opportunity to express
our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful
completion of this project. We would like to show our appreciation to the Hon.
Head of Department Prof. Deepak Nagaria for his support. We would also like to
thank Administrator Mrs. Niharika Gupta for sharing her knowledge. Without her
encouragement and guidance this project would not have been materialized. The
guidance and support received from all the members who contributed the non-
teaching staff, the library staff was vital for the success of the project. We are
grateful for their constant support and help.
1. Abstract.........................................................................................5
2. Introduction...................................................................................6
3. Electrical Fault.............................................................................7
4. Causes of Fault.............................................................................7
5. Types of Faults..............................................................................7-8
7. Source Code.................................................................................12
8. MATLAB Simulation..................................................................13
9. No Fault......................................................................................13
14. Conclusion....................................................................................16
15. References....................................................................................17
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
Regarding the distribution system, transmission lines perform th e most important
part that is to transfer electric power from the generating station to load centers.
Since the development of the distribution and transmission system, power system
engineers have been an object for locating and detecting faults. As long as the
fault detected in short duration, it provides a good service for protecting the
apparatus as well as an open way for disconnecting the part where this incident
happened at fault, and with the help of this, it gives safe way to the system from
any damages. So, it is needed to detect the fault otherwise due to fault it
causesany disturbance which further tough time to the interconnected system that
based on limitations.The structure of the transmission line constructed to
investigate the location of the fault and can give separation only the part where the
fault occurs. Stimulating method help in identify and isolate the fault in short
period. A stable voltage can be achieved by the use of a series capacitor achieved.
Series capacitors line inductance can be reduced by along the Line. If the line
current leads the voltage, mean voltage increase. On the other side, there could be
a voltage drop if line voltage is lagging by the line current. In this outlook, the
voltage thathas been boosted up and the voltage dropped decreased by the series
capacitor as if the line inductance is smaller for the series recompensed line as
associated with the unpaid line. Suppose when more than two conductors develop
contact each other or with the contact take place on the ground to 3 phase systems
that are considered at fault which could be a balanced fault or unbalanced fault.
Due to these faults stresses are produced in power system equipment that could
damage the power system components. So, to avoid these harms and to make
power quality better, it is essential to know the reasons of fault as well asthe
location of the transmission lines and solve it properly. The problem of finding
the type fault related to the transmission line as well as finding the location of the
fault is a quite complicated job. The most exclusive problem of being worried is
to investigate fault for the power industry. Apparently for the detection of fault
some protective devices are used (relay) and also make control over it with the
help of special control devices as well as devices called recording these all are
used to cut the session where the fault is being occurred in the system. Most
important work is to collect all information regarding fault from this it is to be
easy to investigate and make it possible to correct soon.
3. Electrical Fault
In an electric power system, a fault or fault current is any abnormal electric
current. For example, a short circuit is a fault in which a live wire touches a
neutral or ground wire. An open-circuit fault occurs if a circuit is interrupted by a
failure of a current-carrying wire (phase or neutral) or a blown fuse or circuit
breaker. In three- phase systems, a fault may involve one or more phases and
ground, or may occur only between phases. In a "ground fault" or "earth fault",
current flows into the earth. The prospective short-circuit current of a predictable
fault can be calculated for most situations. In power systems, protective devices
can detect fault conditions and operate circuit breakers and other devices to limit
the loss of service due to a failure. In a polyphone system, a fault may affect all
phases equally, which is a "symmetric fault". If only some phases are affected, the
resulting "asymmetric fault" becomes more complicated to analyze. The analysis
of these types of faults is often simplified by using methods such as symmetrical
4. Causes of Fault
1. Overvoltage due to switching surges.
2. Severe lightning strokes.
3. Aging of conductor.
4. Heavy wind, rains, and snowfall.
5. Falling trees on the transmission line.
6. Excessive internal and external stresses on the conductors.
7. High changes in atmospheric temperatures.
5. Types of Faults
The faults in the power system are mainly categorized into two types:
a. Single Line to Ground Fault: This type of fault occurs when you have one
of the phases (A, B or C) is shorted with the ground.
b. Line to Line Fault: This type of fault occurs when you have one of the
phases (A, B or C) is shorted with the ground.
c. Double Line to Ground Fault: This type of fault occurs when two phases
are shorted with the ground together (A-B-G, B-C-G or C-A-G)
a. Three Phase Line to Ground Fault: The 3-phase to ground faults are faults
in where all the phases (A, B and C) are shorted together and they are
b. Three Phase Line to Line Fault: The three phase faults occur when you
have A, B and C phases are shorted together but ground is not involved.
6. Fault Detection Method
Transmission lines operate spreading power from a generating station to remote
load centers. Due to the existence of lightning strokes, the system has some mis-
operation like a short circuit with this problem line could be overloaded hence it
can damage the equipment. Due to the occurrence of a fault, the phase voltage does
decrease and enormous current flow, which could damage the equipment. In this
condition, fault detection play important role which can interrupt in the system
very quickly. In the transmission line, the fault is comprised of ten parts that could
interrupt in the three- phase system, single line to ground, line to line fault,
double phase to ground and the last one is three phase faults.
A single line to ground fault occurs when it makes contact with the
ground during the occurrence of fault the impedance. Z fag, has some value it could
not be considered zero impedance but still less than the impedance line. The
magnitude of the fault current is frequently increased as compared to the normal
current that is operated, but the magnitude of voltage remains unchanged
frequently. Table shows the occurrence of each type of fault.
Symmetrical Probability
S.No. Types of faults Short Form or of
Unsymmetrical Occurrence
1. Three phase line to 3LG Symmetrical 2-3%
ground fault
2. Three phase line to line 3LL Symmetrical <1%
3. Single line to ground fault 1LG Unsymmetrical 70-80%
4. Line to line fault 1LL Unsymmetrical 15-20%
5. Double line to ground 2LG Unsymmetrical <10%
relays and also using this manner differential relays are utilized with
communication infrastructure. With the purpose that is detaching for distinguishing
the zones where the fault is occurred by the only line which is faulty precisely as
well as indicating a particular type of fault both one is crucial that get help from
data of one end only
.The faults contain distinct frequency bands are generated by transient current
waves and using the transient current signal that captures frequencies having
two bands up to the 1dB that behave as wavelet like wavelet mother which is used.
By using the frequencies of these two bands, it is determined by fault zone and to
select faulted phase is used the mother wavelet. This phase which is faulty
considered as average which has some value of factors of all current and by using 6
dB as into the account by defining two of the energies related to signal model. The
transmission lines which are parallel related to problems of protection which rely
on the 3 phase line voltages of the two parallel circuit lines and the six phase line
currents at both ends is proposed. Phasors of the current having magnitudes of
equivalent phases are identified by differentiating line having double circuit each
one of line it caused in internal faults. For the power it is compulsory for
investigating and classifying the type of faults correctly, it is efficiently distributed
to different locations. During the fault, the tripping act of circuit breaker relies on
waveforms of voltage as well as current and the accurate protection of transmission
Wavelet Transform (DWT). With the help of Current Differential Pilot relay
(CDPR), the series recompensed line can be protected that is debated by using
transform wavelet.
We can get simulation results using MATLAB and used db4 to an analysis
by mother wavelet. For detecting different types of faults, classification is done by
wavelet-based approach. Another technique that is used for differentiation among
the fault type which is a probability-based technique called Bayesian linear
discrimination. With the use of adaptive wavelet algorithm, BLD is caused for
generating the wavelets. Wavelet of adaptive that is used in transmission line
related to high-speed protection system as filters. It is essential that the power
should be transferred from the generating station to the consumers it should be kept
away. Moreover, in the transmission line, the probability of fault is to be
considerable and signal processing in the digital distance protection is used. For
locating faults are used Fourier transform and wavelet transforms. In case of
protection of high speed EHV transmission line has been used the discrete wavelet
analysis. Discrete wavelet analysis is accessible by using an algorithm which is
related to detect and classify the fault. And all three phase signals of fault are
identified by comparing different wavelet coefficients and used ATP-EMTP and
MATLAB Wavelet toolbox for simulation. For EHV transmission line protection
of the algorithm is quick, strong suitable and this is very prolific. A new technique
is proposed for boundary protection of series-compensated transmission lines and
fault classification. The frequency bands waves of transmission line’s fault
current can detect the fault
location to have the appropriate boundary protection with different frequency
bands. The frequency bands of 4 dB are a mother wavelet which can provide a
transient fault current signal. It is indomitable by calculating the spectral energies
of bands of db4 of frequencies for the fault is internal or external. The average
value of the frequency bands of 4 dB its wavelet coefficients of every single
current wave are classified as a faulted phase. We can analyze power system
disorder such as transmission line faults with Har wavelets and Biorthogonal by
using wavelet transform technique appropriately. In this review paper, the
approach of the mother wavelet transforms the frequency based on 4 dB is used to
detect transmission line faults and in the index for transmission line can select
which frequency wavelet is proper for this application.
7. Source code
currentA = ans.current1.signals.values;
currentB = ans.current2.signals.values;
currentC = ans.current3.signals.values;
timeA = ans.current1.time;
sum = 0;
for i=1:length(coefA)
sum = sum + coefA(i) + coefB(i) + coefC(i);
sum_of_all_coefs = int8(abs(sum));
disp("sum of all coefs : " +
if sum_of_all_coefs
disp("Fault detected")
disp("No Fault detected")
8. Matlab Simulation
9. No Fault
10. Single Line fault
12. Three phase Fault
14. Conclusion:
This paper has demonstrated the faults’ detection and classification in AC
transmission lines, introducing a novel method based on the PSD in time and
frequency. The essential idea is to use the DWT for scaling current signals by the
approximation and detail coefficients, which shapes a wavelet-covariance matrix
with the aim of separating its time information from the frequency using its PSD,
being the PSD index (in time) utilized to fault detection. Similarly, the PSD index
in frequency is used in the classification process based on the Hellinger distance,
exhibiting a suitable performance during fault classification. Besides, the PSD
index is utilized to feed the machine-learning classifiers allowing to the ANN, k
NN (k
= 1), NB and SVM classifiers to distinguish correctly the faulted phase. The
attained results show that the faults’ detection and classification are successfully
achieved in radial and interconnected power grids.
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