A Voltage Controlled Dstatcom For Power Quality Improvement
A Voltage Controlled Dstatcom For Power Quality Improvement
A Voltage Controlled Dstatcom For Power Quality Improvement
Electrical Engineering By
Rajkumar (1604520026)
Rajkumar (1604520026)
I would first of all like to acknowledge the help provided to me by our Project
guide DR. ARCHANA SINGH, Assistant Professor, EED for his valuable
guidance, constant encouragement and kind of help at different stages for the
execution of this dissertation work.
I would also like to thank our Project incharge Dr. C.N. SINGH who
finalized the topic and gave useful tips regarding the approach and the
objectives to be kept in mind while making this seminar.
10. DSTATCOM……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26
13. REFRENCES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….38
Both electric utilities and end users of electrical power are becoming increasingly
concerned about the quality of electric power. The term power quality has become
one of the most prolific buzzword in the power industry. The issue in electricity
power sector delivery is not confined to only energy efficiency and environment but
more importantly on quality and continuity of supply or power quality and supply
quality. Electrical Power quality is the degree of any deviation from the nominal
values of the voltage magnitude and frequency. Power quality may also be defined as
the degree to which both the utilization and delivery of electric power affects the
performance of electrical equipment. From a customer perspective, a power quality
problem is defined as any power problem manifested in voltage, current or frequency
deviations that result in power failure or disoperation of customer equipment. Power
quality is certainly a major concern in the present era, it becomes especially important
with the introduction of sophisticated devices, whose performance is very sensitive to
the quality of power supply. Modern industrial processes are based a large amount of
electronic devices such as programmable logic controllers and adjustable speed
drives. The electronic devices are very sensitive to disturbances and thus industrial
loads become less tolerant to power quality problems such as voltage dips, voltage
swells, harmonics, flickers, interruptions and notches. Electricity plays an important
role in our life. Every moment of our life depends upon electricity. Electricity has
several components and equipment helping human to transfer and regulate the
distribution according to usage. The most crucial equipment of transmission and
distribution of electric power is transformer. In power systems, an electrical
equipment distribution transformer directly distributes power to the low-voltage users
and its operation condition is an important criteria of the entire network operation.
The majority of these devices have been in service for many years in different
(electrical, mechanical and environmental) conditions. They are the main components
and constitute a large portion of capital investment. Operation of distribution
transformer under rated condition( as per specification in their nameplate) guarantees
their long service life .However, their life is significantly reduced if they are
subjected to overloading, heating, low or high voltage/current resulting in unexpected
failures and loss of supply to a large number of customers thus effecting system
reliability. Abnormality in distribution transformer is accompanied with variation in
different parameters like Winding temperature, Oil temperatures, Ambient
temperature, Load current, Oil flow (pump motor), Moisture and dissolved gas in oil,
LTC monitoring, Oil level, Bushing condition [1]. Overloading, oil temperature, load
current and ineffective cooling of transformers are the major causes of failure in
distribution transformer. When a transformer fails, an adverse effect occurs in the
continuity of transmission and distribution systems resulting in increase of power
system cost and decrease of reliability in electric delivery. As transformer is a
combination of many parts, this all parts must be checked regularly to maintain the
transformer in perfect operating conditions. The monitoring devices or systems which
arepresently used for monitorindistribution transformer havesome problems and
deficiencies. According to the above requirements, we need a distribution transformer
real-time monitoring system to monitor all essential parameters operation, and send to
the monitoring center in time. It leads to online monitoring of main functional
parameters of distribution transformers which will provide necessary information
about the health of distribution transformers. This will help and guide the utilities to
optimally use the transformers and keep this equipment in operation for a longer
period. An online-monitoring system is used to collect and analyze temperature data
over time THMS will help to identify or recognize unexpected situations before any
serious failure which leads to a greater reliability and significant cost savings.
Widespread use of mobile networks and GSM modems, have made them an attractive
option both for voicemedia and wide area network applications.
Due to increasing complexity in the power system, voltage sag is becoming one of the
most significant power quality problems. Voltage sag is a short reduction voltage from
nominal voltage, occurs in a short time. If the voltage sags exceed two to three cycles,
then manufacturing systems making use of sensitive electronic equipments are likely to
be affected leading to major problems. It ultimately leads to wastage of resources (both
material and human) as well as financial losses. This is possible only by ensuring that
uninterrupted flow of power is maintained at proper voltage levels. This project tends
look at the solving the sag problems by using custom power devices such as Distribution
Static compensator (D-STATCOM).Proposed scheme follows a new algorithm to
generate reference voltage for a distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) operating
in voltage-control mode. The proposed scheme ensures that unity power factor (UPF) is
achieved at the load terminal during nominal operation, which is not possible in the
traditional method. Also, the compensator injects lower currents therefore, reduces losses
in the feeder and voltage-source inverter. Further, a saving in the rating of DSTATCOM
is achieved which increases its capacity to mitigate voltage sag. Nearly UPF is
maintained, while regulating voltage at the load terminal, during load change. The state-
space model of DSTATCOM is incorporated with the deadbeat predictive controller for
fast load voltage regulation during voltage disturbances. With these features, this scheme
allows DSTATCOM to tackle power-quality issues by providing power factor correction,
harmonic elimination, load balancing, and voltage regulation based on the load
(DSTATCOM This paper proposes a new algorithm to generate reference voltage for a
distribution static compensator) operating in voltage-control mode. The proposed scheme
exhibits several advantages compared to traditional voltage-controlled DSTATCOM
where the reference voltage is arbitrarily taken as 1.0 p.u. The proposed scheme ensures
that unity power factor (UPF) is achieved at the load terminal during nominal operation,
which is not possible in the traditional method. Also, the compensator injects lower
currents and, therefore, reduces losses in the feeder and voltage-source inverter. Further,
a saving in the rating of DSTATCOM is achieved which increases its capacity tomitigate
voltage sag. Nearly UPF is maintained, while regulating voltage at the load terminal,
during load change. The state-space model of DSTATCOM is incorporated with the
deadbeat predictive controller for fast load voltage regulation during voltage
disturbances. With these features, this scheme allows DSTATCOM to
3.1 VoltageSAG :
A Voltage Sag is a momentary decrease in the root mean square (RMS) voltage between
0.1 to 0.9 per unit, with a duration ranging from half cycle up to 1 min. It is considered as
the most serious problem of power quality. It is caused by faults in the power system or
by the starting of large induction motor.
Voltage swell is defined as an increase in the root mean square (RMS) voltage from 1.1
to 1.8 per unit for duration from 0.5 cycles to 1 min. Voltage swells are not as important
as voltage sags because they are less common in distribution systems. The main causes
for voltage swell are switching of large capacitors or start/stop of heavy loads.
3.3 Harmonics
They are temporary and undesirable voltages that appear on the power supply line.
Transients are high over-voltage disturbances (up to 20kV) that last for a very short time.
3.5 Flicker
The state-space equations for the circuit shown in Fig. 2 are given by
The general time- domain solution of (1) to compute the state vector x(t) with known
initial value x(t0), is given as follows:
The equivalent discrete solution of the continuous state is obtained by replacing t0=kTd
and t= (k+1) Td as follows:
In (3), k and Td represent the kth sample and sampling period, respectively. During the
consecutive sampling period, the value of z(T) is held constant, and can be taken as z(k),
ater simplification and changing the integration variable, (3) is written as [18]
Where G and H are sampled matrices, with a sampling time of Td. For small sampling
time, matrices G and H are calculated as follows:
From (6) and (7), G11 = 1-Td2/2LfCfc, G12 = Td/Cfc – Td2Rf/ LfCfc, G13 = 0, H11 =
Td2Vdc/2LfCfc, H12 = -Td/Cfc, and H13 = 0. Hence, the capacitor voltage using (5) is given
As seen from (8), the terminal voltage can be maintained at a reference value depending
upon the VSI parameters Vdc, Cfc, Lf, Rf, and sampling time Td. Therefore, VSI
parameters must be chosen carefully. Let vt* be the reference load terminal voltage. A
cost function J is chosen as follows [8]:
The cost function is differentiated with respect to u(k) and its minimum is obtained at
The deadbeat voltage-control law, from (8) and (10), is given as
In (11), vt* (k+1) is the future reference voltage which is unknown. One-step-ahead
prediction of this voltage is done using a second-order Lagrange extrapolation formula as
The term vt* (k+1) is valid for a wide frequency range [17] and when substituted in (11),
yields to a one-step-ahead deadbeat voltage-control law. Finally, u*(k) is converted into
the ON/OFF switching command to the corresponding VSI switches using a deadbeat
hysteresis controller [17].
6. Design of VSI Parameters
where Vdcref and Vdc are the reference dc bus voltage and maximum- allowed voltage
during transients, respectively. Hence
Here, S=10 kVA, Vdcref = 650 V, p=1, and Vdc= 0.8Vdcref 1.2or Vdcref. Using (14),
capacitor values are found to be 2630 and 2152 uF. The capacitor value 2600 uF is
chosen to achieve satisfactory performance during all operating conditions.
where 2hc is the ripple in the current. With fmax 10 kHz and hc 0.75 A (5% of rated
current), the value of Lf using (16) is found to be 21.8 mH, and 22 mH is used in realizing
the filter.
4) Shunt Capacitor :The shunt capacitor should not resonate with feeder inductance at
the fundamental frequency. Capacitance, at which resonance will occur, is given as
For proper operation, Cfc must be chosen very small compared to Cfcr. Here, a value of 5
microF is chosen which provides an impedance of 637 ohm at wo. This does not allow the
capacitor to draw significant fundamental reactive current.
7. Controller for DC Bus Capacitor Voltage
where Ppcc, Plavg and Plossare the average PCC power, load power, and losses in the VSI,
respectively. The power available at the PCC, which is taken from the source, depends
upon the angle between source and PCC voltages, that is, load angle. Hence, load angle
must be maintained constant to keep Ppccconstant. The voltage of the dc bus of
DSTATCOM can be maintained at its reference value by taking inverter lossesPloss from
the source. If the capacitor voltage is regulated to a constant reference value, Plossis a
constant value. Consequently, load angle is also a constant value. Thus, it is evident that
dc-link voltage can be regulated by generating a suitable value of load angle. This
includes the effect of losses in the VSI and, therefore, it takes care of the term Plossin its
action. To calculate load angle , the averaged dc-link voltage (Vdc1+Vdc2 ) is compared
with a reference voltage, and error is passed through a PI controller. The output of the PI
controller, which is load angle , is given as follows:
where evdc = 2Vdcref – (Vdc1+Vdc2) is the voltage error. Terms Kp and Ki are proportional
and integral gains, respectively. Load angle must lie between 0 to 90o for the power flow
from the source to PCC. Hence, controller gains must be chosen carefully.
8. Proposed Method To Generate Reference Terminal Voltages
Reference terminal voltages are generated such that, at nominal load, all advantages of
CCM operation are achieved while DSTATCOM is operating in VCM. Hence, the
DSTATCOM will inject reactive and harmonic components of load current. To achieve
this, first the fundamental positive-sequence component of load currents is computed.
Then, it is assumed that these currents come fromthe source and considered as reference
source currents at nominal load.With these source currents and for UPF at the PCC, the
magnitude of the PCC voltage is calculated. Let three-phase load currents i1a(t), i1b(t),
i1c(t), and be represented by the following equations:
where j = a,b,crepresent three phases, n is the harmonic number, and m is the maximum
harmonic order. Represents the phase angle of the nth harmonic with respect to reference
in phase-a and is similar to other phases. Using instantaneous symmetrical component
theory, instantaneous zero-sequence ila0(t), positive-sequence ila+(t), and negative-
sequence ila-(t)current components are calculated as follows:
It is a complex quantity, contains magnitude and phase angle information, and can be
expressed in phasor form as follows:
phase-a is expressed as
must be supplied by the source at nominal load. Hence, it will be treated as reference
source currents. For UPF at nominal operation, the nominal load angle is used. By
knowing value of instantaneous fundamental positive-sequence current, fundamental
positive-sequence currents in phases and can be easily computed by providing a phase
displacement of and, respectively, and are given as
When reference source currents derived in (25) are supplied by the source, three-phase
terminal voltages can be computed using the following equations:
Let the rms value of reference terminal and source voltages be Vt*and V, respectively.
For UPF, the source current and terminal voltage will be in phase. However, to obtain the
expression of V* independent of load angle, we assume the PCC voltage as a reference
phasor for the time-being. Hence, phase- quantities, by considering UPF at the PCC, will
Equating real and imaginary parts of both sides of (29), thefollowing equation is
Finally, using Vt* from (32), the load angle from (19), and thephase- source voltage as
There are two approaches to tackle power quality problems. (a) Actions taken from the
customer side or (b) Actions taken from the utility side. The first approach is called load
conditioning, which ensures that the equipment is less sensitive to power disturbances,
allowing the operation even under significant voltage distortion. The second approach
consists of line conditioning systems that suppress or counteracts the power system
disturbances. Currently, line conditioning systems are based on pulse width modulation
(PWM) converters connected to low voltage and medium voltage distribution system in
shunt mode or in series. However, with the restructuring of the power sector and with
shifting trend towards distributed and dispersed generation, the line-conditioning systems
or utility side solutions will play a major role in improving the inherent supply quality
.Though there are many different methods to mitigate voltage sags and swells, the use of
a custom Power device is considered to be the most efficient method.
The term custom power refers to the use of power electronics controllers in a distribution
system, especially, to deal with various power quality problems. There are many types of
Custom Power devices. Some of these devices include: Active Power Filters (APF),
Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), Distribution STATIC Synchronous
Compensators (DSTATCOM), Distribution Series Capacitors (DSC), Distribution static
compensator(DSTATCOM), Surge Arresters (SA), Super-conducting Magnetic Energy
Systems (SMES), Static Electronic Tap Changers (SETC), Solid -State Transfer Switches
(SSTS), Solid State Fault Current Limiter (SSFCL), Static Var Compensator (SVC),
Thyristor Switched Capacitors (TSC), and Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS). In this
paper,an overview of the DSTATCOM, its functions, configurations, components,
operating modes, voltage injection methods and closed loop control of the DSTATCOM
Fig no. 3
Fig no. 4 functional diagram
10.1 Dstatcom consists of :
3. ac filter
4. coupling transforme
• Harmonic elimination
11. CASE Without using DSTATCOM compensation
Case 1: A case study an inductive load is applied 0.1seconds after the start of
the simulation
Initially there is a fixed inductive load is connectedto the line. After .1 second the circuit
breaker .is closed andthe terminal voltage is decreased to.8pu. The top windowshows the
change in the three phase voltage waveforms, thesecond window shows the changes in
the currents when theinductive load is applied after .1seconds and the bottomwindow
shows the magnitude of the voltage.
The results are shown below:
fig no.(6)
Case: 2 An capacitive load is applied at .2seconds after thestart of the
Initially there is a fixed inductive load is connectedto the line. After 0.2seconds start of
the simulation thecircuit breaker is closed. The top window shows the changesin the three
phase voltage waveform, the second windowshows the changes in the currents when the
capacitive loadis applied after 0.2seconds and the bottom window showsthe magnitude of
the voltage. The simulation block below
FIG NO.(8)load voltage, load current & load voltage magnituderespectively
with Capacitive load in the uncompensated line
12.CASES With DSTATCOM compensation:
fig no.(10)Load voltage, load current & load voltage magnituderespectively
with Inductive load in the compensated line
fig no.(11)Reactive power of compensated lines with inductiveload
Case:4 An capacitive load is applied at .2seconds after thestart of the
Considering that the DSTATCOM is connected inshunt with the line. Initially there is a
fixed inductive loadis connected to the line. After 0.2 seconds the circuit breakeris closed
a capacitive load is applied, but in both the caseswe observe that there is no rise in the
terminal voltage dueto the absorption of reactive power by the Dstatcom.
Therefore the load is maintained at unity power factor. Thetop window shows that there
is no change in the voltagewaveform and it is maintained at unity power factor.
Thesecond window shows the variations in the currents wheninductive loads are applied
at different instances of thesimulation. The simulation block and corresponding resultsfor
this case are shown below
FIG NO.(13)Load voltage, load current & load voltage
magnituderespectively with Capacitive load in the compensated line