Ziyong Liu
A Thesis
of the
June 2016
In this thesis, based on the existing researches on power factor correction technology, I
analyze, design and study the Boost type power factor correction technology, which is
First I analyzed the basic working principle of the active power factor corrector. By
comparing several different topologies of PFC converter main circuit and control
methods, I specified the research object to be the average current control (ACM) boost
Then I calculated and designed the PFC circuit and the ACM controller applied in the
first level charging of EVs. And I run the design in Simulink and study the important
features like power factor, the input current waveform and the output DC voltage and the
Chapter 2: Single Phase APFC’s Main Power Topology and Its Control Strategy ... 6
2.1.1 The definition of AC-DC converter power factor and its relationship with harmonic
waves ....................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Input filter capacitor selection ...................................................................................... 35
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 61
References ........................................................................................................................ 63
Chapter 1: Introduction
With the high modernization and electrification of industry, people now have a higher
requirement for the power quality. For instance, personal computers, electronic devices,
cell phones, they each has a basic requirement for power quality. Bad power quality may
cause the electronic devices not working properly or even not working. For power
quality, power factor is a significant factor, which impacts power quality directly. Small
power factor will cause many negative effects, such as power grid waveform distortion
and large line loss, which may reduce the service time of power devices.
As electricity gets more and more important in people’s life, there are increasing
number of power devices with different features. The power we get from national grid is
110V and 60 Hz. But most of the power devices require a different input from what we
get from national grid, so we have to make some conversion of the voltage and current.
There are 4 kinds of conversion circuits as below: AC-DC circuit, DC-DC circuit, DC-
AC circuit and AC-AC circuit. AC-DC conversion circuit, which converts current to
direct current, is most used in industry nowadays. And we call this kind of circuit rectifier
circuit. Rectifier circuit has many applications, such as appliances like uninterrupted
power supply(UPS). Rectifier circuit can act as interface circuit between power grid and
power electronic devices, composing DC regulated power supply, and supplying high
Power factor is a significant qualification of power system. With the wide application
of power electronic in industry, switching devices are widely used in different power
efficiency of power conversion but brought problems like harmonic pollution and low
power factor. In order to eliminate harmonic and improve power factor, people bring a
new technology which is called power factor correction. Because people now are trying
to get high quality power, power factor correction is in leading edge of power electronics
Power factor correction is very important because low power factor brings lots of
problems to our circuits and power devices. The key point to improve the power factor of
power devices is the research of topology structure of power factor correction circuit and
integrated circuit of power factor correction. There are several popular chips used to
achieve power factor correction, like L4981, UC3842-UC3855A series, KA7534 and
TDA4814. [1]
Boost circuit is a basic DC-DC conversion circuit. Boost circuit has many advantages
like continuous inductor current, less distortion of current waveform and less RFI and
EMI noise, so boost circuit is widely used in different power design. But for basic boost
circuit, there are some perspectives we can improve such as power factor and circuit
transmission efficiency.
Because of the wide application of power electronic devices, there are reactive power
and harmonics in the power grid. One of the method to solve this problem is to apply
active power factor correction technique. This technique brings active switch into
conversion circuit, through the control of on and off of active switch, we can make input
current follow the input voltage. So we can make a sinusoids shape input current and a
power factor which approaches 1. The main research content of this paper is the design of
boost power factor correction circuit and design of its control system.
In fact, the decrease of power factor caused by harmonic current already exists for a
long time. People don’t pay much attention because the use of switching devices is not
widely used and people know little about the disadvantage of harmonic current.
Generally speaking, there are always harmonics wherever there are switching devices.
The existence of harmonics will lead to decrease of power factor. In earlier years, people
use thermistor and rectifier diodes a lot, so there are problems like harmonic current and
components. These Harmonic current components will pollute power grid. Harmonics in
an electric power system are a result of non-linear electric loads. It will produce current
in a different frequency from its original frequency. Harmonic current has following
(1) The ‘secondary effect’ of harmonic current, which is, when harmonic current passes
the loads, it will cause harmonic voltage which will distort the voltage of power grid,
(2) It will increase the extra loss of the circuit, and decrease the efficiency of the power
generation equipment and power transmission equipment.
(3) It will make power devices (such as transformer, capacitor and electric motor) work
abnormally, accelerate the insulation aging and abbreviate the devices’ service life.
(4) It will make relay protection, automatic devices and computer system work abnormally
(6) It will interfere communication systems, decrease the transmission quality of signal, or
So we can conclude that the existence of harmonic current pollute power grid so much
and we have to take some actions to eliminate or restrain harmonic current. There are two
ways to restrain harmonic current, the first is to use reactive power compensation device
to produce harmonic which has the same frequency but opposite phase. The second way
In the EV charging system, the front-end AC-DC converter is very important and
should meet the requirements of the efficiency and power density. And this thesis focuses
on the AC/DC PFC boost converter component and the its controller. The system block
Fig.1.1 Simplified system block diagram of a universal in-board two-stage battery
b. Learn the principle and basic control strategy of boost converter power factor
correction circuit.
c. Simulate the boost converter power factor correction circuit applied in EV level 1
Chapter 2: Single Phase APFC’s Main Power Topology and Its Control
(2) The main power topology structure of APFC and its modified topology structures.
The basic idea of PFC is using power conversion of high frequency switching mode to
make the shape of input current close to sinusoidal wave. One of the popular ways is to
have a value which is in proportion to the input voltage to be the reference of the current.
For this way, we just assume that the harmonic of the input voltage is small and can’t
effect the control of harmonic current. In most cases, the correction of power factor is
achieved by an an independent part which is called PFC (power factor corrector). The
input of the PFC is usually power grid, and the output is usually a DC voltage. The DC
voltage will be the input of DC-DC converter or DC-AC current and provides a stable
output for the next converter, making the DC-DC converter or DC-AC converter
2.1 Active Power Factor Correction(APFC)
2.1.1 The definition of AC-DC converter power factor and its relationship with harmonic
waves [4]
In linear circuit, we use cosj to express power factor, of which j is the phase
difference of sinusoidal voltage and sinusoidal current. Because diodes in the rectifier
circuit is not linear, although the input voltage is sinusoidal, the rectified current is non-
sinusoidal. So the power factor calculation in linear circuit is no longer valid in AC-DC
Fig.2.1 Rectifier circuit and its input voltage and current waveform
In the equation above, V and I here are the rms voltage and rms current.
We assume the input voltage vi (rms value is V) is sinusoidal, and input current is not
In this equation, I1, I2, ..., In are respectively the fundamental component, second
Because the input current has a terrible distortion and phase change, the definition of
the power factor used in linear systems is not available anymore in switching power
I1, I2, ..., In are rms value of the fundamental component, second harmonic, …, and Nth
harmonic. The equation above describes the relative magnitude of the fundamental
current, which is called distortion factor. And cosα is called displacement factor, and the
power factor equals the distortion factor times the displacement factor. When α=0,
Ih is the rms value of all the harmonic currents.
𝐼# 𝐼 = 1 1 + 𝑇𝐻𝐷$ (2.6)
𝑃𝐹 = 𝐼# 𝐼 = 1 1 + 𝑇𝐻𝐷$ (2.7)
The circuit of APFC contains two parts, one is the main circuit and the other is the
control circuit. We take boost PFC circuit as an example. From Fig.2.3 [6] we can see,
the main circuit consists of a single-phase bridge rectifier and DC-DC converter. And for
control circuit, we have reference voltage (Vo, ref), voltage error amplifier (VA),
multiplier (M), current error amplifier (CA) and pulse width modulator (PWM).
Now we discuss the principle of PFC. After comparing the output voltage with the
reference voltage, the result goes through the voltage error amplifier. The output of
voltage error amplifier and rectified input voltage together go to multiplier and we set the
output of the multiplier as the reference of current feedback control. After comparing the
reference current with the input detected current, the result goes into the current error
amplifier and control the on and off of the switch S. So we can make the input current
and the rectifier input voltage be at almost the same phase, and there is less harmonic
current, that we can increase the power factor and make the output voltage stable.
2.2 The Topology Structure of APFC
There are many kinds of topologies of APFC, the typical topologies of APFC are
Boost, Buck, Boost-Buck, Ćuk and flyback converters. Boost converter is most used
because it has several advantages against other APFC circuits. Boost and Buck converters
have the most basic topology structures among all APFC circuits and other structures are
developed from these two structures. Now we simply talk about the features of Boost,
a. Buck converter:
(1) Buck converter can only buck the voltage because when the switch is on, the inductor
(2) The input current of the source is discontinuous because when the switch S is off, Vac
and inductor L, conductor C are insulated. So it restricts the efficiency of the converter
(3) When switch is on, the source voltage is Vd. But when switch is off, the source voltage
is 0. So when the input voltage is high, we need a specific floating drive for the switch
since the source voltage is float. As a result, it makes the design of circuit more
(4) Because buck the converter can only be used to buck voltage, we cannot use it for APFC
directly, because the source voltage Vd is a half sinusoidal waveform after rectified by
the full bridge rectify. So for 110VAC source, the variation range of Vd is from 0 to
155.56V. And when Vd is smaller than the output voltage Vo, the converter can’t work,
b. Boost converter:
(1) When boost converter is the main circuit of PFC, it can only boost the voltage so that
this circuit is working stably. The inductor L is charged when switch S is on and when
(2) The AC input current is always the same with inductor current, so that input current is
continuous. When implementing large power DC-DC converting and power factor
correction, the continuous input current has its own advantage. At the same time, the
ripple current is small when input current is continuous, so it reduces the processing
(3) Because the source voltage of the switch is always 0, it’s easy to control the switch.
c. Buck-Boost converter:
(1) When we take Buck-Boost converter as the main PFC circuit, we can either buck
voltage or boost the voltage, which can get over some disadvantages of the
(2) The input current of the source is discontinuous, which is the same with the Buck
converter because the input itself is a Buck converter. So it increased the requirements
(3) When we use Buck-Boost converter as the main PFC circuit, we need two switches
(one for drive control). so the circuit is more complicated.
d. Ćuk converter:
The main idea of Ćuk converter is to have a series connection of a Boost converter and
a Buck converter.
(1) Whether the switch S is on or off, the current of inductor L1 and L2 is continuous, and
the input source current is always the same with the current in the inductor L1. And
(2) When we increase the inductor L1 and L2, we can make ripple current very small. So
we don’t need extra EMI filter, and the devices can be miniaturized.
(3) Ćuk converter can either buck or boost the voltage like Buck-Boost converter.
The center tapped boost inductor circuit is like the figure below. Through adding
several coils on the magnetic ring of the boost inductor, the drain of the MOSFET is not
connected to the boost diode directly. And we know that the inductor current cannot be
mutated so that we can restrain the large instantaneous current caused by backward
recovery of the boost diode D1. And we can restrain the overheat caused by the large
opening loss. The main disadvantage of this circuit is the ripple noise of output voltage
caused by the backward recovery of D1. So we have to add a LC filter at the output to
As shown in Fig.2.6 and Fig.2.7, through increasing L2 we can restrain the impulse
current caused by the backward recovery of D1. But when the MOSFET is cut off, we
In the upper figure, we use D2, C2 and R1 to compose RCD snubber circuit. Because
capacitor voltage cannot be mutated, and we can use that to restrain the overvoltage
caused on L2 by cutting off of the MOSFET. The overvoltage on the capacitor is released
to the 400V output, so we can protect the switch from the overvoltage.
In the lower figure, R1, C1 and D2 composed clamp circuit. Because in PFC circuit,
we tend to use a large electrolytic capacitor filter at the output, we can hold up the output
voltage at 400V. So we can use the clamp characteristics to restrain the switch voltage in
In this circuit, we add C1 and D3 to be the snubber circuit of diode D1. When the
switch is off, the current flow through L2 and charge the snubber capacitor C2 and the
junction capacitance of switch. Because we added snubber capacitor, the rising speed of
the voltage will be slowed, so that we achieve the shutdown buffer. In addition, the series
connection of D2, D and D3 can restrain the impulse current of the switch.
In Fig.2.9, D1, D2 and D3 are all Schottky diodes. Since the backward recovery time
of Schottky diode is very small (less than 10ns), we can use Schottky diode to restrain the
impulse current. Schottky diode has small withstand voltage, so we just apply series
structures of D1, D2 and D3. This series connection will also decrease the impulse
current of the switch. But this circuit has high requirements for the withstand voltage and
topologies. No matter what APFC topology we use, in order to achieve PFC, we have to
b. Input current, that we have to make to follow the input voltage at the same frequency
and the same phase, and make the input port to be pure resistance.
strategy. In some cases, it will make the PFC circuit more complicated. Because Boost
converter has many advantages, like it is easy to control, and it has continuous input
current and small ripple current, it is widely used in industry. So we take Boost converter
There are two goals we need to achieve for APFC strategy, which are stabling the
output voltage and realizing unit input power factor. And there are many different control
circumstance. We can divide APFC into two types according to whether the inductance
current is continuous. One is DCM (Discontinuous Conduction Mode) and the other is
CCM (Continuous Conduction Mode) [7] [8]. In CCM, we can achieve PFC using
multiplier. While in DCM, we realize PFC using voltage follower. Under CCM, the
control strategy is furtherly divided into two methods according to whether we use the
instantaneous inductor current as feedback. Direct current control adds the current
feedback. And for Indirect current control, current feedback is not added.
control modes, one is constant frequency mode and the other is variable frequency mode
[9]. In order to get steady output voltage, we need output voltage closed loop feedback
control, of which the switch is controlled by the output voltage error signal. During one
switching circle, the mean value of the inductor current is in proportion to the output
voltage, so that the input current follows the input voltage automatically.
Fig.2.10 shows the DCM control strategy of Boost circuit. We set the frequency
bandwidth of voltage regulator at 10-20Hz, so that the duty circle is steady during half of
the frequency period. In constant frequency mode, the switching frequency stays constant
and the inductor current is discontinuous. And the average inductor current during a
Vd is the rectified voltage, Ton is the conducting time when the switch S is on, Tdon is
In the equation, we assume Tdon is constant and we take the input port of DC-DC
converter as pure resistance. So for the AC side, the voltage and the current are of the
same phase. Actually, Tdon is not constant so there is some degree of distortion of the
average input current. The greater the ratio of the output voltage over the peak of the
In the equation (2.7), if Ts=Ton+Tdon, the average input current is only related to the
time when the switch is on. So if Ton is constant, there should be no distortion on input
current, and this is how the variable frequency mode works. When the duty circle and the
switching frequency is constant, the average input current is in proportion to the input
voltage. So we don’t have to regulate the current, and the average input current is
(1) The circuit structure is simple, and it is not necessary to add multiplier.
(3) The diode won’t suffer the impulse current caused by backward recovery.
• Disadvantages of DCM mode:
(1) The inductor current is discontinuous so there is large ripple current, and the filter need
(2) The output contains the second harmonic, and the power devices take a little bit large
current stress.
(3) The power of the single phase PFC is usually smaller than 200W.
We can divide CCM into two control mode, one is indirect current control, and the
For indirect current control, it’s also known as phase amplitude control. It is a control
mode which is based on steady frequency. Through regulating the input voltage of the
rectifier, making it at specific phase and amplitude related with source voltage, we can
regulate the AC input current to be sinusoidal wave, and also at the same phase with the
input voltage. The advantage of this control mode is that its structure is clean and easy to
build [13]. And there are also some disadvantages of this circuit. It can’t limit the current,
steady state to another, there will be DC component in current wave. In addition, the
In direct current control mode, the circuit contains multipliers so it is also called
multiplier approach control. The basic idea of this control mode is to feed the input
voltage signal and the output voltage signal into the multiplier, and then make the output
controller will control the input current to vary and follow the reference signal. The
disadvantage of this circuit is that the circuit is kind of complicated compared to indirect
current control. In this control mode, we sometimes need to add a current loop
compensation network; the output contains second harmonic; the dynamic response is
also very slow; and the nonlinear distortion of multiplier will increase the harmonic in the
current. Because the input current always contains ripple of switching frequency, we have
to decide which current should be the feedback. So there are three kind of control mode.
The first one is peak current mode control. The second one is hysteresis current mode
control and the last one is average current mode control. These three control modes are
Now we take Boost PFC circuit as an example to introduce the principle of these three
Fig.2.11(a)-(b) shows the schematic diagram of peak current mode control. The
switching period is T and stays constant. We multiply the input voltage signal with the
feedback signal of the output voltage, and we can get a current control reference signal
which is the same phase and same frequency with input voltage. When the switch is on
and inductor L is getting charged, we compare the inductor current with the current
control reference signal. When the inductor current rises to the reference signal, the
switch is shut down by logical control. Then the inductor starts discharging, and after a
switching cycle the switch is closed again. Fig.2.11(b) shows the inductor current iL and
As the peak of inductor current increased sinusoidal, the duty circle of control
waveform will vary from a large value to a small one. During half of the switching cycle,
the duty cycle is sometimes greater than 0.5 and sometimes smaller than 0.5. When the
duty cycle is larger than 0.5, the outside interference will be amplified, and the system
to add a slope compensation or a ramp. Under this condition, the circuit will work well
The main problem of Peak Current Mode Control is that we are trying to control the
peak of inductor current, but we cannot ensure that average input current is in proportion
to input current. And in some cases, it will generate a large error, so there might be large
distortion which we don’t expect. On the other hand, the peak current is very sensitive to
noise. So in PFC circuit, we don’t tend to use peak current mode control anymore.
Fig.2.11(a) Peak current mode control PFC
(2) Hysteresis current control [15] [16]
Fig.2.12(a)-(b) shows the hysteresis current control Boost PFC circuit and the control
waveform of switch S and inductor current iL in half of the switching circle. Different
from peak current control mode, the variable we take control in this control mode is the
range of the inductor current. We multiply the input voltage signal with the feedback
signal of the output voltage, then we will have two different current control reference
signals which are same phase and same frequency with the input voltage. We call larger
signal upper bound reference current loop signal and the smaller one lower bound
reference current loop signal. We detect the inductor current and compare it with the two
• When the switch S is on, the inductor L will be charged, and the detected inductor
current is compared with the upper bound reference current loop signal. And when
the inductor current rises to the upper bound, the trigger logic control will cut off
• When the inductor current falls to lower bound, the trigger logic control will turn
In this control mode, the conducting time of switch S is constant, but the shutdown
time varies. So the switching cycle is not constant. The bandwidth of hysteresis decides
the size of the ripple, which can be constant or in proportion to instantaneous average
For Boost PFC, hysteresis current control is a simple control mode, because we have
no extra modulation signal. And we can get wide current bandwidth and fast dynamic
response. The disadvantage of this circuit is very obvious, that is, the load has large
effects on the switch, so when we design the filter we need to consider the lowest
switching frequency. Also the hysteresis bandwidth has large effect on switching
frequency and system performance. Moreover, when source voltage approaches zero the
difference between two reference signals is very small, so we always need some
Fig.2.13(a) shows the schematic diagram of average current mode control. This kind of
circuit is most widely used in PFC, and the inductor current waveform is shown in
Fig.2.13(b). We multiply the rectified input voltage with amplified error signal of output
voltage, and take the result as the reference signal. Through current loop regulation, we
can control the average current and make it same phase with the input voltage. We detect
the input current directly and then compare it with the reference current, and then the
high frequency components will be average processed by the current error amplifier.
Then we compare the amplified average current error with the sawtooth wave ramp and
generate the switch driving signal, which decides the duty circle. So the current error will
The advantage of average current mode control is that the variable is the average of
input current, so the THD and EMI is small; it is not sensitive to noise; it can work under
both CCM and DCM mode; and the switching frequency is constant so it is good for high
power applications. And this is the most widely used control mode in PFC.
(1) The input current is continuous, and the EMI as well as the THD are small.
(2) It contains the input inductor, so there is less requirement for input filter. The input
inductor can protect the main circuit from the high frequency transient impulse coming
(3) The output voltage is larger than the peak of input voltage.
(4) The maximum voltage across the transistor switch S is smaller than the output voltage.
(5) It’s easy to control the switch and the potential of the source is zero.
(6) It can work properly under a wide range of voltage and frequency.
(1) There is no insulation between the input and the output.
(2) If there is stray inductance in the loop composed by the switch S, diode D and the output
Normally, boost APFC circuit is used for hundreds of watts to several kilowatts.
2.5 Summary
• In this chapter, the definition of power factor and the relationship between power factor
• Several common APFC main circuit topologies are listed, and their characteristics are
• The main circuit topology of several improved single-phase power factor correction is
• In this chapter, the control method of power factor correction technology is analyzed in
detail, the principle of work is analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each
• In the end, the advantages of APFC type Boost circuit are summarized.
Chapter 3: Design and simulation of the PFC boost converter
The design is based on the two-stage level 1 charging system in electric and hybrid
electric vehicles. And the PFC circuit in the system is to correct the power factor and
stabilize the voltage to the DC/DC stage. And the load is set as an equivalent resistor in
this design. And there are several PFC topologies used in the market these days, but this
design is based on conventional PFC circuit. And the main circuit is shown in Fig.3.1.
3.1.1 Specifications
Determine the Operating Requirements for the Active Power Factor Corrector.
b. AC input voltage range: 85-140VAC
f. Efficiency h: >94%
The input filter capacitor is required to withstand input transient voltage as well as the
superposition of the ripple voltage. The maximum high frequency ripple voltage ratio
voltage. ∆VL is the ripple voltage across the inductor, and VL is the inductor voltage.
Kr is the ripple current coefficient, fs is the switch frequency and ws=2πfs, Vrms(min) is
the minimum input voltage, Irms is the rms value of the input current. Set Kr=0.2, r=0.05,
fs=50kHz, and we can get Cin≥2.64µF. We select 3µF as the input filter capacitor.
The inductor is composed of a winding and a magnetic core, which plays the role of
energy transfer, storage and filtering, and determines the magnitude of the high frequency
ripple in the input current. The design of the inductor is crucial to the performance,
efficiency and function of the circuit, and whether the effect of the inductor can be
When it is the minimum input current, current ripple is the maximum. In order to
guarantee that the input current ripple meets the requirement in that situation, we need to
calculate the inductor when the it is the minimum input voltage [19] [20].
𝐿 = 𝑉C' (3.2)
In equations (3.2) and (3.3), L is the inductance, ∆IL is the inductor ripple current, Ts is
$RJ> $×#TUU
𝐼RI = = = 24.96 𝐴 (3.4)
:J>(GJ>) VT
b. The maximum inductor current ripple ∆𝐼@ allowed is normally set as 20% of the
c. Calculate the duty cycle when the inductor current gets to the maximum peak. When
the input voltage reaches the peak, the input current reaches the peak with the
maximum ripple current. Therefore, we should calculate the duty cycle when it is the
:= _ $:J>(GJ>) `UU_ $×VT
𝐷= = = 0.7 (3.6)
:= `UU
d. At last, we can calculate the value of the boost inductor combining equation (3.3),
$:J>(GJ>) ∙P $×VT×U.c
𝐿= = = 0.44(𝑚𝐻) (3.7)
QA ∙∆EO TU×#Ud ×T
When selecting the output capacitor, the second harmonic current, the switching
frequency ripple current, the DC output voltage, the output voltage ripple [21], and the
hold-up time are considered. The total current through the output capacitor is the second
harmonic of line current and the rms value of switching frequency ripple current. Usually
we choose aluminum electrolytic capacitors that have long life, low leakage resistance,
There are two ways to design the output capacitance. The first one is to meet the
requirement of the output ripple voltage, and the second one is to satisfy the hold-up
time. In this design, we directly use the second method. And we set the hold-up time as
In equation (3.8), Po is the output power, ∆t is the hold-up time, Uo(min) is the minimum
output DC voltage.
3.1.5 Current sensing resistor selection
Normally there are two methods to sense the current, connecting a resistor in series in
the line or using current transformer. Using sensing resistor will be cheaper than the other
method, and it is mainly applied in low power and low current situations. So in this
design, we use sensing resistor to detect the input current. The voltage across the sensing
resistor will be modulated by the current loop and force the input current to be sinusoidal.
The dissipation power on sensing resistor should be below 10W, we set the power as
5W [18].
𝑅m = i = = = 0.016(𝛺) (3.9)
En(nop) (Eqr $)i ($`.st $)i
In equation (3.9), Ps is the power dissipated on the sensing resistor, and IR(RMS) is the
rms value of the current through the sensing resistor. For convenience, we select Rs to be
0.02Ω [22].
When the switch transistor turns on, the diode reverse cutoff and the current flowing
through the transistor is the inductor current, and the reverse voltage across the diode is
output voltage. When the switch transistor turns off, the diode conducts forward. The
voltage across the switch transistor is the output voltage, and the current flowing through
So, when selecting power switch transistor and diodes, the rated voltage must be
greater than the output voltage, and the rated current must be greater than the maximum
inductor current. We take the safety margin of voltage and current to be 1.2 and 1.5.
PFC circuit has the both the function of rectification and voltage stabilization, that is,
the rectification requires the input power factor to be 1, and the voltage stabilization
requires stable output voltage. Therefore, PFC circuit must be applied voltage feedback
and current feedback simultaneously to form a dual loop control system. The outer loop
is to keep the output voltage stable, and the inner loop shape the input current to make it a
standard sinusoidal waveform with the same phase of the input voltage.
Ui Boost Power Uo
Stage IL
Input Modulator
Current Inductor
Detection Current Output
Current Voltage
Regulator Detection
Voltage Voltage
Regulator Multiplier Regulator
According to the above ideas, the control circuit of PFC can be drawn, and the control
structure diagram is shown in Fig.3.2. In the figure, the boost power level represents the
main circuit boost converter of PFC, of which the power device is controlled by the
output signal conduction ratio (D) of the current controller, and operates in switch mode
Voltage regulator is used to improve the dynamic characteristics of the PFC output
voltage. Its output signal Ue is multiplied by the instantaneously detected input voltage
signal in the multiplier, and then divided by square of the input voltage rms value, then
we constitute the reference current signal. After that, the reference current is compared
with the instantaneously detected input current signal, and the result is processed by the
Current loop is the inner loop, which modulates the duty cycle of the power switch
transistor, and force the input current to track the input voltage waveform. Because the
input voltage is full-wave rectified waveform and contains rich harmonics, the current
control loop must have enough bandwidth. While designing current control loop, we
suppose the output voltage fully tracks the reference voltage, which is a constant value.
We can draw the ACM controlled current control loop as Fig.3.3. It consists of the
current error amplifier, the pulse width modulator (PWM) and the power stage. In this
figure, GCEA(s) represents the transfer function of the current error amplifier; GPWM(s)
represents the transfer function of the pulse width modulator; and GP(s) represents the
transfer function that the voltage across the sensing resistor Rs is controlled by the duty
cycle D.
iref iL
GCEA(s) GPWM(s) GP(s)
a. Power stage
𝐿 = 𝑈C , 𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑛 (3.12)
𝐿 = 𝑈C − 𝑈f , 𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑓𝑓 (3.13)
The peak-peak voltage Vr of the sawtooth signal is set as 2.5V [23]. And the duty
cycle is get from the calculation of Vr minus the output signal of the current error
We use a PI controller to achieve the function of the current error amplifier [24]:
𝐺••‘ 𝑠 = 𝑘“” + (3.17)
In order to give the current loop enough bandwidth to track the reference current, the
open loop crossover frequency of the current loop is set 5kHz. And to make the system
stable and have a proper respond speed, the phase margin is set 45˚ [25]. So we could
∠G— s = −180˚ + 45˚ (3.20)
So we can calculate the parameters of the current loop PI controller, kpc=2.16 and
kic=6.79×104. And we can write the transfer function of the current error amplifier and
G˜™š s = 2.16 + (3.21)
Fig.3.6 Bode diagram of the current error amplifier
From the simulation of MATLAB in Fig.3.5-3.7, we can see that when the |Gp(s)|=1,
the crossover frequency of the power stage is around 2.86KHz. So the bandwidth of the
power stage is too small and needs to be compensated, and it should be improved to
around 5KHz. And after the signal going through the current error amplifier as designed,
the magnitude of the current open loop |Gi(s)|=1 at 4.8KHz. So the design meets the
Voltage control loop is the outer loop, which provides the reference current signal for
the inner current control loop, and stable the output DC voltage of the PFC system by
modulate the magnitude of the reference current signal. In the study of the voltage control
loop, we could ignore the input voltage ripple in one switch cycle because the speed of
the outer loop is much slower than the inner loop. And to simplify the analysis, we
suppose that inductor current fully tracts the reference current, that is the inner closed
current control loop is ideal, and also we suppose the output power is constant and the
The voltage control loop can be drawn as Fig.3.8, and it includes the voltage error
amplifier, the closed current control loop and the boost stage. In the figure below,
GVEA(s) represents the transfer function of the voltage error amplifier; the constant 1
represents the inner closed current control loop; and Gbst(s) represents the transfer
Vref Vo
GVEA(s) 1 Gbst(s)
a. Boost stage
In the function, Km is the current control loop coefficient and equals to constant 1; Kin
is the input voltage sampling coefficient and is set 1/80 [23]; Vi(rms) is the rms value of the
input voltage; Vv is the output signal of the voltage error amplifier; Vff is the feedforward
voltage, and the denominator 𝑉QQ of the equation makes the input power not vary with the
IJ •RJ • mC'Lg
𝑖@ = 2 (3.24)
Ki is the input current sampling coefficient; Pi is the input average power. And then we
𝑃C = 𝑃f = 𝑉f • 𝐼f (3.25)
Po is the output average power; Vo and Io are the steady state components of the output
IG •IJ> •:£ :J FGA $
𝑉f • 𝐼f = ( ) = 𝐾¦mg • 𝑉8 (3.26)
IJ :¤¤
IG •IJ> :J FGA $
𝐾¦mg = ( ) (3.27)
IJ :¤¤
Kbst is a constant, and Vo, Io and Vv are DC operating points of the voltage loop.
transformation we can get the transfer function of the voltage control boost stage:
§= I¨A©
𝐺¦mg 𝑠 = = (3.30)
§£ ••:= •m
The input frequency of the system is 60Hz, so the second harmonic output voltage
ripple is at 120Hz. In order to restrain the affection of the second harmonic output voltage
ripple to the current control loop, the voltage open loop crossover frequency is normally
set 1/10 of the second harmonic frequency. So in this design, the crossover frequency is
set 12Hz.
And the transfer function of the voltage error amplifier is written as [18]:
𝐺:•‘ = (3.31)
#?m LŽ£
So the open loop transfer function of the voltage loop is:
Kvs is the output voltage sampling coefficient and is set 1/80 [23].
Also to make the system stable and well responded, the phase margin of the open
Then we calculate the parameters of the voltage error amplifier, and get kv=2.8149 and
# VU
wcv=75.4 rad/s. After calculation we also get Kbst= ( 2π 4)$ =4840. And we can
write the transfer function of the voltage error amplifier and the voltage control loop:
𝐺:•‘ = (3.35)
#?m cT.`
Fig.3.9 Bode diagram of the boost stage
Fig.3.11 Bode diagram of the voltage open loop
According to the simulation results of MATLAB in Fig.3.9-3.11, we can get that when
the |Gbst(s)|=1, the crossover frequency of the boost stage is around 340Hz. So the
bandwidth of the voltage loop is too large and needs to be compensated, and it should be
improved to around 12Hz. Then taking the designed current error amplifier into the
voltage loop, the magnitude of the voltage open loop |Gv(s)|=1 at around 13Hz. So the
design meets the requirement of the compensation and stabilizes the system.
According to the calculations above, I use Simulink to build the circuit and run the
simulation. The circuit consists of an internal current loop and an external voltage loop,
and the two loops are connected together by a multiplier. There are two input ports of the
multiplier. One is the AC sinusoidal half wave signal, which is the rectified given AC
sinusoidal wave signal; the other one is the difference of the output DC bus sampling
voltage and the reference voltage, and the difference will go through a first order process
and the amplitude will be limited. The output of the multiplier is also an AC sinusoidal
half wave signal, whose amplitude is regulated by the output DC bus voltage. The
multiplier output works as the reference value of the current loop, and it is compared with
the inductor sampling current and outputs the result to the PI controller and get adjusted,
and at last PWM drive signal can be generated and control the operation of the MOSFET.
The parameters applied in the simulation: input AC voltage is 110V/60Hz, the boost
inductor L=0.44mH, the output filter capacitor C=2.8mF, and the load resistor RL=106Ω.
Fig.3.13 shows the contrast diagram of the input AC current and the input AC voltage
waveforms. The input voltage signal is scaled by 1/15 so that it is easier to compare.
From the figure we can obvious see that the input current waveform is standard
sinusoidal waveform and is nearly the same phase with the input voltage waveform. The
input current peak value is around 20A, and the current ripple peak-to-peak value is
Fig.3.14 shows the output DC voltage waveform. The average value of the output
voltage is about 393.5V, and the voltage ripple peak-to-peak value is below 4V, which
Through the output power calculating component that I designed in the Simulink, it is
shown that the output power is 1461W, which is very close to the design goal. And
through the power factor calculating component that I designed in the Simulink, the
power factor is shown as 99.74%, which means the PFC circuit greatly improves the
power factor of the boost circuit. The frequency spectrum diagram is shown in Fig.3.15,
and the THD of the input current is 7.05%, which is largely reduced.
30 30
iin iin
20 20
10 10
0 0
vin vin
-10 -10
-20 -20
1.3 1.305 1.31 1.315 1.32 1.325 t(s) 1.3 1.301 1.303 1.305 1.307 t(s)
(a) (b)
400 396
250 394
200 393.5
100 392
50 391.5
0 0.2 0.6 0.8 t(s) 1.29 1.3 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 t(s)
0.4 1 1.2
(a) (b)
0.12 0.09
0 0.04
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Harmonic order 0.85 0.9 0.95
(a) (b)
Fig.3.15 Diagram of the input current (a) frequency spectrum, (b) THD
Fig.3.16-3.19 shows the input voltage and input current waveforms and frequency
spectrum of a group of different input voltage. Through the figures we can see that the
input current waveforms are standard sinusoidal waveforms and are strictly the same
10 0.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0.675 0.68 0.685 0.69 0.695 0.7 0.705 t(s) Harmonic order
Fig.3.16 When the input voltage is 90V, the diagram of (a) the input voltage and
20 iin
15 0.12
-5 vin
-15 0.02
-20 0
2 4 6 8 10 12
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 t(s) Harmonic order
Fig.3.17 When the input voltage is 120V, the diagram of (a) the input voltage and
10 0.1
5 0.08
vin 0.06
-15 0.02
-20 0
2 4 6 8 10 12
0.73 0.735 0.74 0.745 0.75 0.755 t(s) Harmonic order
Fig.3.18 When the input voltage is 130V, the diagram of (a) the input voltage and
0 0.06
-20 4 6 8 10
2 12
0.73 0.735 0.74 0.745 0.75 0.755 t(s) Harmonic order
Fig.3.19 When the input voltage is 140V, the diagram of (a) the input voltage and
Table 3.1-3.4 shows the output DC voltage, PF value and harmonic currents in the
input power. We can see that when the input power is too small (below 1kW), the THD is
too large and the system is not working in the perfect status. And in other conditions, the
magnitude of the harmonic currents satisfies the requirement. And the result of the power
Table 3.1: Output DC voltage and PF value in the range of AC input voltage at 1500W
Output DC
Input voltage Input current Power Factor Input power
110 14.15 393.5 99.74 1461
Table 3.2: Odd harmonic current values in the range of AC input voltage at 1500W
Table 3.3: Output DC voltage and PF value in 110VAC input voltage at different input
Table 3.4: Odd harmonic current values in 110VAC input voltage at different input
3.4 Summary
The boost PFC circuit can work properly for the first level charging of electric vehicle.
It can operate in a range of input voltage and input power. And it achieves the shaping of
the input current waveform and stabilizing the output voltage. The input voltage range is
85-140 VAC, the input power range is 1-3kW, the power factor stays more than 99%, and
The power factor and harmonic pollution influence to the grid from the power
electronic devices is an increasingly prominent problem. For the research and design of
power electronic devices, it has been more and more focused on the whole operation
characteristics of the system other than only considering the output characteristics of the
system. To build the PFC circuit in EV charging system, not only we need to consider the
output voltage, current features and adaptability to load, but also we should take into
In my design, the PFC circuit is applied in EV first level two-stage charging system,
which is mostly operated in the common house hold circuit. Therefore, I set the rated
output power 1.5kW, output DC voltage around 400V, frequency 60±1Hz. And also I set
AC input voltage range 85-140VAC, and the available output power range around 1-
3kW. First I calculated and designed the main circuit of the PFC system, which will meet
the requirements of the input and output voltage as well as output power. After that I
successively designed the inner current control loop and the outer voltage control loop.
To complete the design of the dual-loop controller, I calculated the transfer functions of
each loop and discussed the magnitude of the open loop transfer function and the phase
margin of each loop. Then, I run the complete system in Simulink and got figures and
data of some signals and do the comparison and analysis. Finally, through the research of
the results of the simulation, I verified that this PFC system works in the specified
conditions properly. In the results, we can see that under the first level charging
specifications, the PFC system will offer more than 99% PF for the circuit, and reduce
the THD to less than 10%. It totally achieves the goal of rectifying, high input power
factor, boosting voltage, stabilizing the output voltage and small ripples. Therefore, this
Still, there are things to be improved. Adding soft switch technology will do good to
this PFC system, which can make it a very simple, efficient, high efficiency, high
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