Fce 1 Tasks
Fce 1 Tasks
Fce 1 Tasks
Virginia Evans
Express Publishing
For questions 1-12, read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
0 A normal B pure C natural D physical
• Read the title to get a general idea of what the text is going to be about.
• Read the text once to get the general idea.
• Read again. Pay close attention to the words before and after each gap.
• Look at the choices you have. Choose the best one.
• Read again to see whether it makes sense.
0 A ahead of B in front of C preceding D earlier than
0 A currently B recently C lately D newly
Pay close attention to the words before and after each gap.
For questions 1-12, read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or 0 oes: each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet
0 A just B quite C hardly D already
W e all know that eating too much junk food is bad for our health, but did you know that eating some kinds
of health foods could be ( 0 ) .....as bad for you?
Michel Simon, who ( 1 ) .....the Centre for Inform ed Food Choices in the USA, says there are sugary sports
drinks that are as unhealthy as cola. “These drinks may be ( 2 ) .....for m arathon runners, but for kids doing
ordinary exercise, they may end up doing m ore ( 3 ) .....than good.”
Breakfast cereals, which of course are very ( 4 ) .... with kids, have also been criticised. W hilst they are often
high in fibre, some of them ( 5 ) .....a lot m ore sugar and salt than you would expect. In addition, some of the
foods we have ( 6 ) .....to know as ‘health snacks’ have also been added to the black ( 7 ) ........ Although they
look and sound nutritious, in most ( 8 ) .... they are much tastier than they are healthy for you. For example,
some types of dried fruit were ( 9 ) .....to have m ore fat and sugar than the fruit they were (1 0 ) ......from.
So next time you decide to cut down (11) .....junk food, think twice about what you end up eating
0 A situated B involved C occupied D connected
Be prepared to consider alternative synonyms in the options to the ones you are used to (e.g. ‘tackle a
problem ’ instead of ‘face a problem ’).
Accident prone
According to a recent study, personality could determ ine how likely you are to be ( 0 ) .....in an accident. In
fact, it could be the most im portant ( 1 ) .... behind around a quarter of all mishaps.
The ( 2 ) .... have found that there are three key personality traits that may make some people m ore accident
prone than others. Firstly, ( 3 ) .....levels of aggressiveness or selfishness may ( 4 ) ...... people m ore at risk of
having accidents as individuals with these characteristics are often highly competitive and therefore more
likely to not follow instructions and to ( 5 ) .......rules. It also seems that those who have very open personalities
may also have m ore accidents as these ( 6 ) .....of people can be dreamy and ( 7 ) ...... concentration. Finally.
people who aren’t very dependable or ( 8 ) .... may also be m ore at risk.
N ot everyone, (9) ..... , agrees with the study’s (10) ........ A spokesperson for an accident prevention
organisation said: “W e must (1 1 ).....responsibility for our actions and educate people to prevent accidents
(1 2 ).....blaming our personalities.”
For questions 1-12, read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
0 A creation B origin C design D production
0 A favoured B famous C popular D liked
Try to follow the logic of the sentences and the text. W hat kind of word does the meaning require
(e.g. a contrast word, a result clause, etc)?
A true pioneer
M arco Polo is probably the most (0 ) traveller-explorer of the Far East. He was bom in 1254 and was the
son of an Italian m erchant living in Venice, an im portant trade centre at that time. Marco was well educated
and also very curious, ( 1 ) .... particular interest in different cultures. His father had already travelled to the
Far East ( 2 ) .....times, and in 1271, when M arco was seventeen, he decided to rake Marco with him on his
journey to China along the Silk Road, a series of trade ( 3 ) .....through Asia.
They ( 4 ) .... out from Venice, travelled through Armenia, Persia, and Afghanistan, ar.a along the Silk Road.
A fter travelling for (5) .... three years, they finally arrived at their (6) ....... : the '.m m e r (7) .....of the
em peror Kublai Khan at Shang-tu, close to m odem -day Beijing. M arco Polo <8 1 .... m love with the city and
became close to Kublai Khan, advising him on many ( 9 ) .......
M arco Polo left a (1 0 ) .....account of his journey to China and his stay there. I F ...... the fact that he was
not really a historian, he also wrote a long history of the Mongol people. Not e • r e agrees that M arco
Polo’s stories are real. However, fiction or not, they have captivated readers ■12 :he eenmries.
For questions 1-12, read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
0 A process B operation C system D programme
Even if you are not completely sure about an answer, don’t leave anything unanswered - rather than
leave a blank, make an educated guess.
E xam ple:
0 A standard B degree C measure D ability
Rem em ber that although the four choices may seem to be exact synonyms, only one is the correct
collocation for the word in the sentence.
At Home Abroad
Every year thousands of people travel to Britain in order to improve their ( 0 ) .....of English. For many,
however, this can be ( 1 ) .....experience due to the fact that it involves ( 2 ) ...... a strange school, staying in
sometimes unpleasant accommodation and living in an ( 3 ) .....culture.
One ( 4 ) .....to these problems is the Homestay method. W ith this, students are each assigned a teacher
( 5 ) .....to their language requirem ents and interests, who they then stay with throughout their course. As
well as giving individual tuition, the teacher ( 6 ) .....the student with information about what activities are
available locally and ( 7 ) ___them on trips.
The idea ( 8 ) .... Homestay is for students to be totally immersed in English language and culture. Students
get between ten and twenty hours of tuition a week and are also expected to ( 9 ) .....the family’s daily
activities. The students speak English at all times and therefore learn how to use the language in everyday
( 1 0 ) ........
Hom estay programmes usually (1 1 ).....for up to four weeks. Although costs are higher than of regular
language schools, students can feel (1 2 ).....that they will be receiving top-class language teaching in a safe
and pleasant environment.
Further Practice on Word Distractors
1 It took us almost four hours to ........ to £ "3 After you’ve eaten those sweets, make sure
London. you throw t h e ........ in the bin.
A reach C get A waste C litter
B arrive D approach B junk D debris
2 Some medicines are only available o n ........... 1 2 How can I ........ you of her innocence?
A description C inscription A convince C assume
B instruction D prescription B influence D prove
Ann 23./02
Further Practice on Word Distractors
21 She used the ......... of the cloth to make a 33 A h u g e ........ spread across her face when she
patchwork quilt. saw her boyfriend.
A leftover C ending A grin C chuckle
B rest D remaining B giggle D laugh
22 Many birds ........ south during the winter 34 The driver had to ........ quickly to avoid
months. hitting a tree.
A emigrate C immigrate A swing C twist
B originate D migrate B sway D swerve
23 Certain medicines can now help t o ........ life. 35 Jam es won a ......... to go and study in
A delay C stretch America.
B prolong D expand A grant C donation
B scholarship D charity
24 W orkers are paid money for th e ir ...........
A labour C job 36 W orking in the bar at night provided another
B duty D career source o f ........ for Paul.
A wage C salary
25 W hen he is nervous, his h a n d s ...........
B pay D income
A shake C shiver
B vibrate D shudder 37 T h e ........ of the roses was beautiful.
hesitate A flavour C odour
26 H e .........something under his breath. B savour D scent
A shouted C m uttered
B m entioned D told 38 My friends and I are going t o .........a house
27 He often gets lost because he never pays A lend C rent
attention to the r o a d ........... B hire D borrow
A signals C posts
B signs D symbols
39 Be careful skating on that pond - the ice
m ig h t...........
28 If you .........your gloves there, you’ll never A crash C crack
rem em ber to pick them up. B smash D tear
A leave C forget
B misplace D lose
40 You need a .........to be able to park your car
29 The baby tried to walk, but it kept falling........ A licence C certificate
A back C on B perm it D diploma
B off D over
41 I didn’t have time to read the newspaper but
30 The sun is too hot - let’s sit in t h e ........... I had a q u ic k .........at the headlines.
A shadow C shade A glance C wink
B darkness D cover B gaze D stare
31 The Republican Party have been i n ........ in 42 I had t o ........ out of the window to shout to
the U.S.A since 2000. him.
A force C authority A bend C bow
B rule D power B lean D stick
32 H e was so tired that he f e l l ........ during the 43 Look in the telephone ....... for his phone
lecture. number.
A sleeping C sleepy A directory C leaflet
B asleep D sleepless B catalogue D brochure
Further Practice on Word Distractors
44 There was a lo n g .........on his face. 55 The cinema is right on the com er - you can't I
A bruise C scar .........it.
B blister D bump A lose C avoid
не заметитьB miss D drop урониь
45 I rem em ber the amazing m ountain ........
from my holiday in Austria. 56 The cricket match was stopped early due to
A display C sight .........rain that lasted two hours.
B spectacle D scenery огромный A huge C big
B heavy D powerful
46 Late arrivals to the theatre will b e ........ entry суд
until the interval. 57 The ju r y ........ their verdict of not guilty.
A neglected C ignored A m entioned C announced
B refused D rejected B presented D said
47 The princess hoped one day to marry a ......... 58 The TV was very expensive so I’ve arranged
prince. to pay for it i n ...........
A handsome C beautiful первый взноспри кредите A deposits C instalments взнос
B pretty D delightful B sections D portions
48 R uth is a v e ry ........ person who enjoys going 59 W e arrived early at the airport and were able
to parties. to c h e c k ........ for our flight straight away.
A solitary C bold A in C up
B communal D sociable B out D off
49 It was a terrible accident, but fortunately 60 I’m going to buy s o m e ........ in order to make
there were v e ry ........ casualties. myself a new dress.
A little C few A clothes C costumes
B small D less B cloth ткань D clothing одежда
50 She really should get a new coat because her 61 It took us ages to get here, but ........ we’re
old one is s o ........... home!
A messy C untidy A lately C at last наконец
B scruffy D careless B eventually D in the end
51 The m urderer was ......... to life 62 Since I live on t h e .........of the city, I have a
imprisonment. long drive into town every day.
обвиняемый A accused C charged обвинять A suburbs C outskirts
приговоритьB sentenced D tried B outside D border
52 S h e ........ herself with her new perfume. 63 Large companies sometimes try to t a k e .......
A showered C sprayed smaller companies by buying a majority of the
капать B sprinkled D scattered разбрасывать shares.
A in C down
53 The school was very small, with a ........ of B after D over
only three teachers.
команда A team C cast труппа 64 The only tourist ....... in the town was the
экипаж B crew D staff персонал medieval church.
очаровать A fascination C charm очаровавать
54 Somebody’s loss is often somebody else’s
B appeal D attraction привлекать
Further Practice on Word Distractors
65 S a lly ..... ... down on everyone who isn’t as 75 It’s easier t o ........ a pill if you take it with
clever as her. water.
A puts C takes A bite C swallow
B pushes D looks B chew D lick
6 6 John decided t o ......... his subscription to the 76 I’ve just seen an interesting n e w s........ about
magazine. global warming.
A delay C cancel A study C announcem ent
B undo D delete B account D report
67 His injuries seemed minor at first, but in the 77 My rich u n c le ........ a large estate in England.
end they w e r e ........... A belongs C claims
A deathly C fatal B owns D holds
B lethal D termin al
78 This brooch has been p a s s e d ........ through
6 8 I grew up in a small town on the s o u th ......... three generations as a family heirloom.
of England. A over C down
A shore C bank B away D off
B coast D side
79 I’m feeling quite ill and may not be ........
69 Julie decided to break ......... with her such a long journey.
boyfriend after they’d been together for two A in with C up to
years. B in for D over to
A down C up
B out D away
80 The lion gave such a ......... that we all ran
70 To get the best view, we drove right to the A purr C grunt
.........of the cliff. B bark D roar
A border C edge
81 I’m quite good at golf but I need t o .......my
B limit D margin
71 The astronauts’ landing on the moon was a A train C exercise
h isto ric .........for the world. B coach D practise
A m om ent C instant
82 Jake got up early and left quietly without
B interval D period
........ anyone.
72 I haven’t y e t ........ all my ambitions. A bothering C annoying
A m anaged C succeeded B upsetting B disturbing
B achieved D reached
83 Tom bought a ......... of bananas at the
73 Bill m anaged to g e t ........ a lot of paperwork superm arket yesterday.
today. A group C stack
A along C by B pile D bunch
B over D through
84 It was rather childish of her to ......... into
74 H e gave a ........of relief when the exam was tears when you corrected her mistake.
over. A fall C burst
A yawn C cough B melt D break
B sigh D breath
85 D onna knew that she was right and was
determ ined t o .........up for herself.
A stay C stand
B shout D support
Further Practice on Word Distractors
8 6 The plum ber changed into his ........ before 9 7 Banking is a re sp e c te d ...........
he started work. A task C work
A suit C overalls B employment D career
B uniform D costume
9 8 H e decided it wasn’t ........reading the report
87 H er diamond necklace........ in the sunlight. as he’d been informed of all the changes
A polished C brightened already.
B sparkled D lightened A worthy C worthwhile
B valuable D im portant
8 8 I ’ve left you a ........ on the table.
A note C mark 9 9 D on’t forget t o .........off the lights before you
B sign D notice go to bed.
A turn C make
89 We spent a fo rtu n e ........ the living room in B put D close
our grandparents’ house.
A repairing C renovating 100 I got the ......... for goulash from my
B restoring D renewing colleague. She’s Hungarian.
A receipt C formula
90 I prefer to pay for everything in ......... so I B recipe D menu
always know how much money I have.
A credit C currency 1 0 1 H e’s a very lively child who doesn’t s i t ........
B cash D change for one minute.
A unmoving C peaceful
91 I live near the office so I only have a short B still D inactive
........ to work.
A trip C travel 1 0 2 She could barely ....... out the cottage in the
B expedition D excursion darkness.
A spot C see
92 The house is in a ( n ) ........ location, very near B make D draw
the shops and public transport.
1 0 3 A fter all that walking, my legs were s o ........
A essential C convenient
that I could hardly bend them.
B comfortable D beneficial
A tight C solid
93 The old m an strolled down the quiet country B stiff D hard
........ with his dog.
1 0 4 The build-up of fumes in cities results in
A lane C way
te rrib le ...........
B route D alley
A smog C fog
94 To prom ote their product, the company is B haze D mist
going to g iv e ........ free samples.
1 0 5 This b o o k ....... a glossary of popular terms.
A over C up
A includes C contains
B off D away
B consists D involves
95 T here’s still speculation that one day they will
1 0 6 ‘W hat ....... of hair gel do you usually use,
........ the Titanic from the sea bed.
A pull C increase
A mark C name
B raise D tow
B brand D label
96 The farm er led h is ........ of cows into the field
1 0 7 John can still recite poems he learnt off by
to graze.
....... at school.
A flock C herd
A memory C mind
B swarm D school
B head D heart
Further Practice on Word Distractors
1 0 8 The police tried to catch the thief, but he ran 1 2 0 That sculpture is a very in te re stin g ........ of
........ too quickly. art, actually.
A away C past A part C piece
B forward D after B bit D unit
1 0 9 It’s y o u r........ that everything has gone wrong. 1 2 1 There will be a tw enty-m inute.........halfway
A mistake C error through the performance.
B blame D fault A stop C interval
B pause D gap
1 1 0 A fter the accident they took him to the
am bulance........ a stretcher. 1 2 2 Stress brings out the worst ......... of his
A onto C in character.
B with D on A area C view
B side D point
1 1 1 Have you got the ......... for your m other’s
chocolate cake? 1 2 3 H e expects to be given everything he wants
A recipe C m ethod because his parents h a v e ........ him.
B prescription D formula A ruined C damaged
B destroyed D spoiled
1 1 2 T h e .........of Italy is very mountainous.
A interior C inside 1 2 4 I have many business........ in Germany, but I
B core D middle don’t know them well.
A allies C companions
1 1 3 Some of t h e ........ tried to help the victims of
B friends D associates
the accident.
A spectators C audience 1 2 5 It is h i s ........ to become a famous singer.
B viewers D onlookers A fortune C chance
B destiny D opportunity
1 1 4 Martin found a n ........coin in his garden.
A aged C elderly 1 2 6 W e were ....... up for five hours in heavy
B ancient D old-fashioned traffic.
A put C held
1 1 5 There are many small brown ........ on the
B picked D hurried
A rocks C pebbles 1 2 7 This diet i s ........ in vitamins.
B bricks D boulders A deficient C short
B inadequate D insufficient
1 1 6 H e ........ some jam on his toast.
A spread C scattered 1 2 8 You can see t h e ........ of the m ountain on a
B spilt D sprinkled clear day.
A point C tip
1 1 7 If you ..... .... the cheese, I’ll make the sauce
B cap D summit
for the spaghetti.
A grate C beat 1 2 9 H e is s o ........ to criticism that you can’t say a
B chop D cut thing about his work.
A aware C conscious
1 1 8 W hen the bread dough had risen, I ......... it
B sensitive D sensible
in the oven.
A baked C grilled 1 3 0 Clara has got p e rfe c t........ and can even see
B fried D boiled well in the dark.
A view C sight
1 1 9 I can’t eat this apple, it’s t o o ...........
B eyesight D site
A salty C sour
B peppery D spicy
Practice om word discoveries
1C 23 B 45 D 67 C 89 C 111 A
2D 24 A 46 B 68 B 90 B 112 A
3A 25 A 47 A 69 C 91 A 113 D
4C 26 C 48 D 70 C 92 C 114 B
5 D 27 B 49 C 71 A 93 A 115 C:
6B 28 A 50 B 72 B 94 D 116 A
7C 29 D 51 B 73 D 95 B 117 A
8C 30 C 52 C 74 B 96 C 118 A
9C 31 D 53 D 75 C 97 D 119 C
10 C 32 B 54 C 76 D 98 C 120 C
11 C 33 A 55 B 77 B 99 A 121 C
12 A 34 D 56 B 78 C 100 B 122 B
13 D 35 B 57 C 79 C 101 B 123 D
14 A 36 D 58 C 80 D 102 B 124 D
15 C 37 D 59 A 81 D 103 B 125 B
16 B 38 C 60 B 82 D 104 A 126 C
17 D 39 C 61 C 83 D 105 C 127 A
18 C 40 B 62 C 84 -C 106 D 128 D
19 D 41 A 63 D 85 C 107 D 129 B
20 A 42 B 64 D 86 C 108 A 130 B
21 B 43 A 65 D 87 B 109 D
22 D 44 C 66 C 88 A 110 D