A Comparison of Voltage Stability Indices: Claudia Reis F.P. Maciel Barbosa
A Comparison of Voltage Stability Indices: Claudia Reis F.P. Maciel Barbosa
A Comparison of Voltage Stability Indices: Claudia Reis F.P. Maciel Barbosa
Abstract— Voltage stability has become a very importante issue behaviour has been approached using static techniques, which
of power systems analysis. This paper discusses some important have been widely used on voltage stability analysis.
aspects related to voltage stability indices in electric power
An accurate knowledge of how close the actual system’s
systems. Some techniques previously studied in the literature
are analyzed and a comparison of the performance of several operating point is from the voltage stability limit is crucial
indices is presented. The effectiveness of the analyzed methods to operators. Therefore, to find a voltage stability index has
are demonstrated through numerical studies in IEEE 14 busbar become an important task for many voltage stability studies.
test system, using several different scenarios of load increase. These indices provide reliable information about proximity of
voltage instability in a power system. Usually, their values
changes between 0 (no load) and 1 (voltage collapse).
The voltage stability analysis, using different methods, will
Problems related to voltage stability in power systems are be highlighted in this paper and the results obtained from
one of the major concerns in power system planning and simulating on IEEE 14 busbar test system will be discussed.
Voltage stability is concerned with the ability of a power
system to maintain acceptable voltages at all nodes in the II. I NDICES F ORMULATION
system under normal condition and after being subject to a
disturbance [1]. The condition of voltage stability in a power system can be
A power system is said to have a situation of voltage known using voltage stability indices. This indices can either
instability when a disturbance causes a progressive and un- reveal the critical bus of a power system or the stability of
controllable decrease in voltage level. each line connected between two bus in an interconnected
During the last decades, the voltage stability problem has network or evaluate the voltage stability margins of a system.
been given more attention primarily due to a number of The indices used to examine the system stability are briefly
stability accidents that occurred in some countries. Some well- described in this section.
known examples of voltage stability incidents were reported
in France, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Japan and in USA [2], 1) P-V and Q-V curves: The P-V curves are the most
[3]. used method of predicting voltage security. They are used to
As power systems become more complex and heavily determine the loading margin of a power system. The power
loaded, along with economical and environmental constraints, system load is gradually increased and, at each increment, is
voltage instability becomes an increasingly serious problem, necessary recompute power flows until the nose of the PV
leading systems to operate close to their limits. Voltage curve is reached. The margin between the voltage collapse
instability is essentially a local phenomenon, however its point and the current operating point is used as voltage stability
consequences may have widespread impact. criterion [5].
The study of voltage stability has been analyzed under dif- With Q-V curve is possible, for the operators, to know
ferent approaches that can be basically classified into dynamic which is the maximum reactive power that can be achieved or
and static analysis. added to the weakest bus before reaching minimum voltage
The static voltage stability methods depend mainly on the limit. The reactive power margin is the MVar distance from
steady state model in the analysis, such as power flow model the operating point to the bottom of the Q-V curve. The Q-V
or a linearized dynamic model described by the steady state curve can be used as an index for voltage instability. The point
operation. where dQ/dV is zero is the point of voltage stability limit [1].
The dynamic analysis implies the use of a model charac- 2) L index: Kessel et al. [6] developed a voltage stability
terized by nonlinear differential and algebric equations which index based on the solution of the power flow equations. The
include generators dynamics, tap changing transformers, etc, L index is a quantitative measure for the estimation of the
through transient stability simulations [4]. distance of the actual state of the system to the stability limit.
Although stability studies, in general, requires a dynamic The L index describes the stability of the complete system and
model of the power system, in this paper analysis of voltage is given by:
The voltage stability margin can be easily calculated with all voltages in the busbars present values very near the ones
P-V curves. This curves show the bus voltage level as the obtained with the system with all loads a zero (V0). The
loading factor λ increases. The loading factor is 1 at base situation B reveals that the voltage at the busbars have values
case and is gradually increased, in all busbars of the system, very far away of the ones obtained with the system with all
until maximum loading point is reached, maintaining constant loads a zero. So, in situation B, the system is near of the
the power factor. voltage instability. Figure 4 shows that the critical bus of this
system is bus 14, because it presents the smallest index value.
V (p.u.)
Bus 1
Bus 2
1 90%
Bus 3
Bus 4 80%
Bus 5
Bus 6
Bus 7
Bus 8 50%
0,8 Bus 9 40%
Bus 10
Bus 11
Bus 12 20%
Bus 13 10%
Bus 14
0,6 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,75 1,779
Loading factor Situation A Situation B
4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14
Fig. 3. Margin of reactive power in IEEE 14 bus test system.
In Figure 3, busbars 12 and 14 have the lowest margin of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
reactive power, which indicates that they are the most critical Bus
The local index Lj permits the determination of the weakest This table also illustrates that, for any state of loading,
bus in the system. Figure 6 shows the values of the local index VCPI(1) is always equal to VCPI(2).
Lj in the IEEE 14 busbar test system. Table 1 shows that the performance of the line indices
studied has high degree of accuracy, reliability and the results
Lj are very closed in agreement. Line stability indices can also
Bus 4
determine the weakest bus in the system and it is based on the
0,8 Bus 5
maximum permissible load. It is observed that buses 10, 11
and 14 indicates 0,948 p.u., 0,855 p.u. and 0,728 p.u. as the
Bus 7
maximum permissible reactive load, respectively. Since bus
Bus 9
14 has the smallest maximum loadability, it is considered the
Bus 10
0,4 most critical bus.
Bus 11