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Big Ben School of English

Final Exams 2022

Name: .....................................
Teacher: ..................................
Course: ....................................

Big Ben School of

Date of Final Exams:

Written Exam (Examen Escrito): ....................................................................
Oral Exam (Examen Oral): ..............................................................................

5A Jobs

1 Match the jobs with the pictures.

cleaner ​dentist ​farm worker ​pilot ​programmer ​sales assistant ​
solicitor ​sports coach ​travel agent ​waiter

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

2 Who says these things? Use the words from exercise 1. 3 SPEAKING Work in groups of four. Play ‘Guess my job’.
Then write sentences for the two other jobs from
Student A Think of a job from exercise 1.
exercise 1.
Students B, C & D Ask Student A yes/no questions
1 ‘These jeans are £25.’ about the job. Can you guess the job?

2 ‘There’s a great deal on flights Do you work outdoors?

to Paris at the moment.’

Yes, I do
3 ‘Would you like to see the menu?’ B

Do you earn a lot of money?

4 ‘Open your mouth, please.’ A

No, I don’t.
5 ‘We are now flying over the Atlantic Ocean.’ C

6 ‘Where’s the vacuum cleaner?’ Is it a tiring job? A

7 ‘The cows are all under the trees.’ Yes, it is.


8 ‘Run three times around this field.’

Are you a farm worker? A

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5B will and going to

1 Choose the correct answers.

Hannah What 1 this morning?
Annabel I’m not sure. I think 2 my friends in town and hang out with them.
Hannah 3
to Lizzy’s party tomorrow?
Annabel No, I can’t. 4 my grandparents. It’s my grandmother’s birthday.
Hannah What 5 her?
Annabel I don’t know. 6 her a scarf when I’m in town this morning. Do you want to come along?
Hannah I don’t think 7 time. 8 tennis with my brother this morning.
Annabel When 9 him?
Hannah At half past ten.
Annabel Um, Hannah … it’s half past ten now!
Hannah Oh no! 10 late!

1 a are you going to do 6 a I’m probably going to buy

b will you do b I’ll probably buy
2 a I’m going to meet 7 a I’ll have
b I’ll meet b I’m going to have
3 a Will you go 8 a I’ll play
b Are you going to go b I’m going to play
4 a I’m going to visit 9 a will you meet
b I’ll visit b are you going to meet
5 a will you give 10 a I’m going to be
b are you going to give b I’ll be

2 Complete the sentences with will or going to and the verbs in brackets.
1 I borrowed my sister’s phone and now I can’t find it. She (be) very angry with me!
2 A What are your plans for Sunday?
B We (drive) to the beach.
3 A I don’t feel very well.
B I (get) you a glass of water.
4 A What’s the score?
B Germany 7, Brazil 1. Germany’s team (win) the match.
5 A What do you want to do when you leave college?
B I don’t know. I think I (travel) around Europe for a few months.
6 I promise I (call) you after supper.
7 I (have) lunch at 12.30.
8 I think cars (use) water as fuel in the future.

3 SPEAKING Work in groups. Tell other people in your group about your plans and predictions
for your life over the next five years. Think about these things:
•• your home • your family • your friends • your career • your studies

I think I’ll move to another country in two years’ time.

I’m going to study English and science next year.

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5D First conditional

1 Match the sentence halves.

1 If I eat another piece of cake, a they won’t understand the homework.
2 You won’t miss the train b you won’t have any tomorrow.
3 If they don’t listen, c if I see him this afternoon.
4 I’ll give him the message d she’ll be very upset.
5 If you spend all your money today, e I’ll be sick.
6 If he doesn’t speak to her, f we’ll cancel the football match.
7 If it rains tomorrow, g if they have enough money.
8 They’ll buy a new car h if you run.

2 Complete the dialogue with the first conditional.

Receptionist Hello, Tunstan Engineering, can I help you?
Rick Oh, hello, my name’s Rick Fletcher. I’d like to apply for your training course.
Receptionist Yes, of course. If you 1 (give) me your email address, I 2 (send) you the application
Rick OK. It’s rick.fletcher@emails.com.
Receptionist Thank you. The deadline for applications is this afternoon. If you 3 (email) your application to
me, our manager 4
(look) at it this afternoon.
Rick That’s great. When will I hear from you?
Receptionist If we 5 (like) your application, we 6 (invite) you to an interview next week.
If you 7 (do) well in the interview, we 8 (offer) you a place on the training course.
Rick Right. And how long is the training scheme?
Receptionist It’s a six-month course. If you 9 (pass) the exams at the end, you 10 (receive) a basic
engineering qualification. But it’s a very demanding course. If you 11
(not / work) hard, you
(not / pass) the exams.

3 a SPEAKING Work in groups. Read the chain game conversation below. Can you work out the rules for the game?

If I wake up early tomorrow, …

If I wake up early tomorrow, I’ll go for a run.

A If I go for a run, I’ll get fitter.

If I get fitter, I’ll enter a marathon. B

C If I enter a marathon, …

b Now play the chain game. Begin with:

If I pass all of my exams, …

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6A Worth a visit

1 Complete the table with the visitor attractions below.

aquarium castle cathedral fountain harbour museum national park palace

Buildings Places with water Places with animals

2 Choose the correct adjectives.

Perfect for … Perfect for …

nature-lovers culture-lovers
Come and visit the 1 remote / boring island The 6 historic / remote city of Edinburgh has many
of Sark. There are no cars on this 2 busy / interesting old buildings and monuments. During
peaceful island, and the views from the cliffs August, it can be very 7 touristy / peaceful, as

are 3 spectacular / crowded. Many people hundreds of thousands of visitors come to the city for
the famous Edinburgh Festival. Accommodation is also
enjoy taking a 4 romantic / disappointing
very 8 impressive / expensive during the festival.
sightseeing tour by horse and carriage. Others
However, although the city is 9 romantic / busy in the
hire bikes and explore the 5 expensive /
summer, it is never 10 spectacular / boring!
atmospheric and beautiful coast.

3 SPEAKING Work in groups. Create a short TV advert (two minutes long) for a famous place in your country.
Use as much vocabulary from exercises 1 and 2 as you can.


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6B Present perfect

1 Joe and Emma are on holiday in Paris. Look at the 3 Choose the correct option.
list and write sentences about what they have and 1 A W  here’s Jon?
haven’t done. B He’s been / gone to the cinema. He’ll be back
Joe Emma soon.
2 I’ve never been / gone to Italy.
1 see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre ✓ ✗ 3 A Do you want to visit the cathedral this afternoon?
B  No thanks. We’ve already been / gone there.
2 eat some French cheese ✓ ✓
4 I can’t find my jacket. Where has it been / gone?
3 take lots of photos ✗ ✓ 5 We’ve been / gone to their house, but they’ve never
come here.
4 spend a day at Disneyland Paris ✓ ✓ 6 Sandra doesn’t live here. She’s been / gone to live in
5 go shopping at Galeries Lafayette ✓ ✗
7 A Do we need to go to the supermarket?
6 visit the Palace of Versailles ✗ ✗ B No, we don’t. I’ve already been / gone there.
8 Have you ever been / gone to Egypt?
1 Joe has seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Emma
4 SPEAKING Work in groups. Play ‘What have you done
hasn’t seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre.
this week?’ Continue the sentence for as long as
2 Joe and Emma have eaten … possible!
3 Student A Make a present perfect sentence about
4 something you have done this week.
Student B Repeat Student A’s sentence and add
another idea.
Student C Repeat Student B’s sentence and add
another idea.
2 Complete the email with the present perfect form of
the verbs in brackets.
I’ve read three books.
Message Options

Subject: Hello from Greece A I’ve read three books and I’ve visited my aunt.

Hi Sally

I’ve read three books, I’ve visited my B

We 1 (be) here in Greece for two weeks
aunt and I’ve been to Manchester.
now, and we’re having a great holiday. I 2
(eat) lots of ice cream and I 3 (swim) in
the sea every day! My cousins 4
(hire) a C
boat for the week and we 5
(sail) to some
of the smaller Greek islands. My dad 6

(not / come) with us because he doesn’t really like

sailing. He 7 (spend) a lot of time on the
beach, ‘reading’ (sleeping!).

How are you? 8 (you / start) your summer

job yet?

Write and tell me all your news!


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6D Contrast: past simple and present perfect

1 Write sentences from the prompts with the present 2 Complete the text with the correct present perfect
perfect and the past simple. or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 A you / ever / win / a competition?

Have you ever won a competition?
B Yes, I have.
I1 (travel) to a lot of interesting
A what / you / win?
places and I 2 (meet) some
What did you win?
amazing people. I 3 (walk)
B I / win / a gold medal at a singing competition.
across deserts and I 4 (sail)
I won a gold medal at a singing competition.
down the Nile, but I 5 (be) on
a plane. Why? Because I’m really scared of flying.
2 A you / ever / meet / a famous person?
Last year, I 6 (want) to fly from
London to Madrid. I 7 (arrive)
B Yes, I have.
at the airport, but I 8 (feel) too
A who / you / meet?
scared to get on the plane!

B I / meet / Emma Watson at a film premiere.
3 SPEAKING Work in pairs.
•• L ook at the time expressions below. Decide if we use
them with the present perfect or the past simple.
3 A you / ever / be / in a helicopter?
ever ​for a month ​last weekend ​last year ​
never ​on Saturday ​since last week ​yesterday
B Yes, I have.
A where / you / go? •• W rite three true sentences and two false sentences
about yourself. Use time expressions.

•• Read out your sentences to your partner. Can they
B I / fly / over Cape Town. guess the false sentences?

4 A you / ever / break / your leg?

B Yes, I have.
A what / happen?

B I / fall / off my bike.

5 A you / ever / lose / your phone?

B Yes, I have.
A how / you / lose / it?

B I / leave / it / on the train.

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6 Grammar Review

Find someone who …

Name More details

has touched an elephant.

has eaten unusual food.

has camped on the beach.

has written a song.

has met a famous person.

has appeared on TV.

has lost something very important.

has bought something very expensive.

has seen a ghost.

has lived in another country.

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7A Spending power

1 Where can you buy these items? Complete the names of the shops and services.
1 a new house e t a n ’s 6 a stamp p t o f e
2 a loaf of bread b r’s 7 a bottle of tablets c m t’s
3 a hoodie cl s shop 8 a necklace j w e ’
4 a cup of tea and some cake f ee shop 9 a pair of glasses p c n’s
5 a pen and a notebook t i ‘s 10 some sausages b c r’s

2 Circle the correct words.

A Do you like my new jeans? They were £12.
B Really? That’s a 1bargain / refund!
A I know. There was a 2sale / receipt at my favourite clothes shop. Everything was half price.
And there was a 3price tag / special offer as well: buy two pairs of jeans and you get a free scarf.
A Excuse me, this bag hasn’t got a 4coupon / price tag. Can you tell me how much it is, please?
B Yes, of course. It’s €25.
A Do you want to have lunch with me? I’ve got a 5coupon / refund from Trend magazine.
It gives me a 10% 6bargain / discount at Café Blanco.
B Great idea!
A I bought these headphones yesterday, but they don’t work.
B Oh dear. Have you got the 7coupon / receipt?
A Yes, here it is.
B Thank you. We can give you a 8refund / discount, or we can replace your headphones.

3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 The biggest shopping centre in the world is in China. It’s got more than 2,300 shops.

2 There are 110,000 post offices in England.

3 In most butcher’s shops in the UK, you can usually buy fish and chips.

4 The first launderette opened in 1934 in London.

5 The most popular takeaway food in the UK is Chinese food.

6 DIY means Do It Yourself.

7 The first ever online store was a pizza takeaway shop.

8 The first Monday in January is the busiest online shopping day in the UK.

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7B Second conditional

1 Complete the second conditional sentences with the 2 SPEAKING Work in groups. Do the quiz and then read
correct form of the verbs in brackets. the results below. Do you agree with them?

Katie, you don’t have enough 1 If I had a job interview tomorrow, I would
money to buy that phone.
But Mum ... a go shopping and buy some new clothes.
b  stay at home and prepare for the interview.
c  go out with my friends and talk about interview
2 If I lost my friend’s favourite jacket, I would
a buy a new and more fashionable jacket for my
b  write a letter of apology to my friend.
c  take my friend to the cinema and hope that
he/she forgot about the jacket.
3 If I won £1,000 in a competition, I would
a  run to the shops and spend, spend, spend!
b  start my own small business.
c  share it with my friends.
4 If my best friend came to my house for lunch,
I would
a  go to the supermarket and buy some delicious
1 If I (buy) a new phone, I (not
b  make something unusual from the food in my
have) any money for the next month. kitchen.
2 If I (not have) any money, I c  call my other friends and invite them to come
(can’t go) out. 5 If I needed to buy a new phone, I would
3 If I (can’t go) out, I (spend) a  go to the nearest phone store and buy the best
phone there.
more time on my studies.
b  read some reviews and think for a while.
4 If I (spend) more time on my studies, I c  ask my friends for their advice.
(get) great exam results! prefer spending time with friends to spending money.
5 If I (get) great exam results, you
Mostly c: You are friendly and you have a good social life. You

(be) very happy!

probably enjoy being on your own.
Mostly b: You are independent and hard-working. You
beautiful things in your life.

But Katie ...

Mostly a: You are fashionable and stylish. You like having

6 If you (stay) at home every night, you

(get) very bored.
7 If you (get) very bored, you
(spend) a lot of time on your new phone.
8 If you (spend) a lot of time on your new
phone, you (not have) time to study.
9 If you (not have) time to study, you
(not pass) your next exam.
10 If you (not pass) your next exam, I
(be) really cross!

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7D Past perfect

1 Complete the sentences with the past perfect form 1 Jade / have breakfast / she / phoned her friend
of the verbs in brackets. After Jade had had breakfast, she phoned her friend.
1 When I opened the door, the boy 2 Jade / put her umbrella in her bag / she / leave the
(disappear). house
2 She bought some new glasses after she
(go) to the optician’s.
3 We (already / pay) for the 3 she / buy a newspaper / she / return some books to
clothes before we collected them from the shop. the library
4 We were late for college because we
(miss) our bus.
5 Before I read this article, I 4 she / meet her friend Teresa / she / eat a sandwich
(never / hear) of bitcoins. at the coffee shop

6 They (keep) the receipt when

they bought their computer.
7 After we (visit) our cousins, we 5 they / play tennis / they / watch a film

played football in the park.

8 They realised they (never /
watch) the film before. 6 they / go home / they / drink some coffee

2 Read the sequence of events carefully. Then use after,

the past simple and the past perfect to write
sentences from the prompts. 7 she / listen to the radio / she / make supper

Jade’s day:
⋆ have breakfast 8 she / check her emails / she / send a text to her uncle

⋆ phone her friend

⋆ put her umbrella in her bag
⋆ leave the house 3 SPEAKING Complete the sentences with true
information about yourself. Compare your ideas in
⋆ buy a newspaper pairs.
⋆ return some books to the library 1 By nine o’clock yesterday morning,
⋆ eat a sandwich at the coffee shop I had woken up , but I hadn’t eaten breakfast .
⋆ meet her friend Teresa 2 By five o’clock yesterday afternoon,
⋆ play tennis I had , but I hadn’t .
⋆ watch a film 3 By the end of the last summer holiday,
⋆ drink some coffee I had , but I hadn’t .
⋆ go home 4 By the time I was ten years old,
⋆ listen to the radio I had , but I hadn’t .
⋆ make supper 5 By Saturday night,
⋆ send a text to her uncle I had , but I hadn’t .
⋆ check her emails

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8A Crimes and criminals

1 Complete the descriptions with the words below.

arsonist ​burglar ​looter ​mugger ​murderer ​shoplifter ​smuggler ​vandal

1 A person who kills another person is a(n) .

2 A person who steals something from a shop is a(n) .
3 A person who sets fire to a building is a(n) .
4 A person who breaks into your house and steals something is a(n) .
5 A person who secretly brings something into a country is a(n) .
6 A person who attacks another person in the street and steals something from them is a(n) .
7 A person who destroys someone else’s property is a .
8 A person who steals things from a shop after a fire or another disaster is a(n) .

2 Choose the correct words.

Wednesday 12 August Friday 14 August Sunday 16 August

Redhampton Post Office Redhampton Post Office Fire: Redhampton Post Office Fire:
Fire latest news action needed
Residents of Redhampton are
Police are launching After searching 4a house / CCTV demanding that more police officers
an investigation / a house today patrol 7the area / a suspect after
footage in the Bradford area last night,
after a fire at Redhampton Post the post office fire last week. ‘We
Office yesterday afternoon. ‘We are police today made 5an investigation / know that police have now identified
studying 2CCTV footage / a suspect an arrest. ‘We are interviewing 8
the culprit / the witnesses
carefully,’ announced Inspector 6
the area / a suspect at the moment,’ responsible for the fire,’ said resident
Denton, ‘and we would also like to Paul Baker. ‘However, we want
appeal for 3culprits / witnesses to said Inspector Denton. to be sure that we will be safe in
the crime.’ the future.’

3 SPEAKING Work in groups. Read the descriptions of three criminals and their crimes. You can release one of these
criminals from prison. Which criminal will you release? Why?

I think we should release Sandra because Peter Regan is sixteen. He started a fire in an
she wanted to help her children. old factory. Nobody was in the factory at the time.
Peter has a lot of problems at home. His father
worked at the factory many years ago, but then lost
I agree / disagree … his job. It is Peter’s first offence.

I want to release Peter because … Sandra Burman is 25. She is a single mother with two children.
She hasn’t got a job. She stole a loaf of bread and some fruit from
the supermarket for her children because they were hungry.

Richard Piper is 28. He broke into his neighbour’s house

and stole his television. Richard’s neighbour watches TV
for 18 hours a day and the volume is always very loud.

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8B Reported speech (1 )

1 Write the direct speech from these reported speech sentences.

1 He said that he had seen a burglary the day before. ‘I saw a burglary yesterday,’ he said.
2 She said that she heard about terrible crimes every day. she said.
3 He said his uncle was calling the police. he said.
4 She said that I had stolen her brother’s phone. she said.
5 He said that our cousins weren’t vandals. he said.

6 She said that Richard didn’t know about the problems with crime there.
she said.
7 He said they were looting the jewellery shop. he said.
8 She said that the police hadn’t interviewed the suspect. she said.

2 Read the direct speech and then complete the police report.

You’re making a mistake! I’m not burgling this house, I live

here! I went shopping, but I didn’t take my keys with me.
I tried to call my neighbour, but she isn’t at home today.
So I decided to break the back door. I used the axe from
my neighbour’s garden shed.

3 a SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask your partner these

questions and make a note of his/her answers. Police Report:
•• Where do you live?
•• What have you got in your bag at the moment? The suspect said that 1
•• What are you studying this term? Do you like it? a mistake. He said that 2
Why? / Why not?
•• What did you do yesterday evening?
that house, but that he 3 .
He said that 4
b Swap partners. Tell your new partner what you
found out about your first partner.
but he 5
keys with
. He 7

Anna said that she lived in a small apartment neighbour, but she 8 at
in Prague. She said that she …
home 9
. So he said that
he 10
to break the back
door. He said that 11
the axe
from 12 garden shed.

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8D Reported speech (2)

1 Put these sentences into reported speech. 2 Circle the correct words. Then complete the dialogue.
Henry 1said / told the police officer that someone had
stolen his bike. The police officer 2said / told that they
would search the area. Henry 3said / told that he had
left his bike outside the post office. The police officer
said / told him that they would study CCTV footage
of the street. Henry 5said / told that he had bought
his bike the weekend before. The police officer 6said /
told to Henry that there had been a lot of bike thefts
recently. Henry 7said / told them that his bike had been
very expensive. The police officer 8said / told Henry
that expensive bikes were very popular with thieves.

Henry Help! Someone’s stolen my bike.

Police Officer Oh no! We 9 .
Henry Thank you. I 10 post
Police Officer We 11 of the street.
Henry I 12 last weekend.
Police Officer There 13 recently.
1 ‘I can see something strange in my garden.’
Henry My 14 expensive.
The woman said that garden.
Police Officer Yes, well, expensive bikes
2 ‘I didn’t steal your bag!’ 15
with thieves.
She said that .
3 ‘He’s already spent six years in prison. 3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Complete the sentences
with your own ideas. Read out the sentence endings
She said that in prison.
to your partner. Can your partner guess the sentence
4 ‘We’re looking for witnesses to the crime.’ beginnings?
They said that to the crime. The police officer told the burglar that …
5 ‘CCTV footage will probably give us some more The head teacher told the student that …
clues.’ The old lady told the child that …
The police said that some The child told the old lady that …
more clues. The bank manager told the customer that …

6 ‘We won’t forget to lock our front door again!’ The author told the audience that …

They said that again. … he was making too much noise.

7 ‘We will continue our search until we find the
culprit.’ The old lady told the child that he
They said that the culprit. was making too much noise.

8 ‘They can’t search my house without permission.’

No. The head teacher told the student
He said that permission.
that he was making too much noise.

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Fill in the correct tense !

Love for trains

Herbie loves trains ! He first __________________ (SEE) a train when he was five years old and he __________________
(BE) absolutely fascinated. He __________________ (GO) to a different train station every week and
__________________ (WRITE) down the engine number of every train he sees. He _____________________ (DO) this
since he was seven. By the time he left school he _____________________ (COLLECT) over 5000 different engine
numbers from all over the world.

At one time, while he __________________ (STAND) at a station he _____________ (SEE) something very strange. He
__________________ (WAIT) for a train for an hour when he suddenly __________________ (SEE) an old steam
locomotive coming down the tracks. It __________________ (NOT STOP) at the station and when it
__________________ (PASS) Herbie saw that all the passengers __________________ (WEAR) old-fashioned clothes.

He told the station manager about this, but the manager said that no steam locomotive ___________________ (PASS)
through the station for years, and that the last one __________________ (CRASH) , killing everyone on board.


Sir Guy Loonaby-Smith, the famous explorer, is being interviewed on TV about his exciting life.
Complete the dialogue and fill in the correct tenses!

Interviewer Sir Guy, you _____________________ (spend) the last sixty years exploring
the world. When __________________________ (you first become)
interested in travelling?

Sir Guy Well, I can tell you the exact day. I ________________(be) eleven years old
and I _____________________ (sit) in the school library and I
_____________________ (read)a book about South Africa. Suddenly I
_____________________ (see) a picture of Lake Victoria and at that moment I
_____________________ (decide) to become an explorer.

Interviewer When ___________________________ (you, first, go) to Lake Victoria?

Sir Guy Well, after I _____________________ (leave) school at the age of 15, I
_____________________ (live) with my uncle for two years. He
_____________________ (be) an old man then, but he _______________(be)
a sailor all his life. He _____________________ (find) me a job on a ship and
at the age of 17 I _____________________ (arrive) in Africa!

Interviewer You _____________________ (travel) to the most interesting countries in the

world. ____________________________ (you, ever, have) any frightening

Sir Guy Oh yes, lot’s of them

Interviewer Which _____________________ (be) your most frightening?

Sir Guy Perhaps it __________________(be) one night in India in 1942. Something

really frightening _____________________ (happen). It ______________(be)
about ten o’clock and I ________________(be) in bed. I
_____________________ (hunt) all day and so I _____________________
(feel) very tired. I _____________________ (just blow) out my candle when I
_____________________ (feel) something heavy sitting on my feet. When I
_____________________ (light) my candle, I _____________________ (can)
hardly believe my eyes: a tiger _____________________ (sit) on my bed!

Interviewer My goodness! Is that story really true, Sir Guy?

Sir Guy How dare you ask me that! I _____________________ (never tell) a lie in my
by Harry Styles


I'm on the roof, you're in your airplane seat

I _________ nose-bleeding, looking for life out there

Reading your horoscope, you _________ just doing cocaine

In my ___________ , you never listen, I hope you're missing me by now

If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you

You'd be the _________

Dip you in honey so I ___________ be sticking to you

Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh)

Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh)

Daylight, you got me ________ at all times (ooh)

Ain't gonna sleep 'til the daylight (ooh)


______ We're on bicycles, saying, "There's life out there"

______ You ain't got time for me right now

______ Out of New York, I'm on the comedown speed

______ Get the picture, cut out my middle

______ You got the antidote, I'll take one to go, go, please


If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you

You'd be the _________

Dip you in honey so I ___________ be sticking to you

Daylight, you got me ________ at all times (ooh)

Ain't gonna sleep 'til the daylight (ooh)

Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh)

Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (ooh)

Daylight, you got me ________ at all times (ooh)

Ain't gonna sleep 'til the daylight (ooh)

If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you (...)

Writing skills practice: A short story – exercises
Look at the short story and do the exercises to practise and improve your writing skills.

Match the part of the story to what usually happens in it and write a–c next to the numbers 1–3.

1…….. beginning a. a problem or difficulty is introduced

2…….. middle b. the problem or difficulty is resolved

3…….. ending c. the characters and the situation are introduced

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice – choose a title
Circle the best title for the story.

a. The accident

b. The surprise

c. My lucky day

2. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. Katia didn't want to celebrate her birthday. True False

2. Katia was the first person to arrive at the Italian restaurant. True False

3. Katia waited outside the restaurant for 30 minutes. True False

4. Jonty is Katia's closest friend. True False

5. Katia went home after waiting for her friends for an hour. True False

6. Katia's friends hadn't forgotten her birthday. True False

3. Check your writing: matching – story structure

Match the parts of the story with the examples and write a–d next to the number 1–4.

1…….. beginning a. ‘So they hadn’t forgotten and in the end it was the best birthday ever.’

‘Then she called Jonty, Alex and Yoko, but they didn’t answer either.
2…….. middle b.
“What’s going on?” she said to herself.’

‘They were meeting at Mamma Mia’s, her favourite Italian restaurant,

3…….. ending c.
for a special birthday dinner.’

‘Suddenly the lights went on and all her friends jumped up and
4…….. final line d.
shouted “Surprise!”.’
4. Check your writing: grouping – adjectives and adverbs
Write the words in the correct group.

unexpected freezing quickly nervously

sadly exciting huge quietly

slowly enjoyable unexpectedly happily

strange patiently awful fantastic

adjectives adverbs

5. Check your writing: error correction – punctuation

Rewrite the sentences with the correct punctuation.

1. Where does he live she asked

2. I can’t believe what’s happened he said

3. Follow that car she shouted

4. Why doesn't he call me back she asked herself



Have you ever had a special birthday celebration?

Do you like writing stories?
Writing skills practice: A short story – writing practice
Look at the exam question and write the short story.

Exam question

Your teacher has asked you to write a short story with the title ‘The surprise’.

Think about:
 the beginning: who are the characters? What situation are they in?
 the middle: what problem or difficulty do they have?
 the ending: how is the problem or difficulty resolved?

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