1 Grammar Plus
1 Grammar Plus
1 Grammar Plus
1 Like you / Do you like meeting new people? 3 How often are you phoning your mother?
2 Where does he / do he study? 4 I hardly ever watch TV because I usually
3 Can you / Do you can play chess? watch films on my computer.
4 Who your favourite band is / is your favourite band? 5 We’re talking on Skype once or twice a month.
5 What does / is Santander like? 6 Please be quiet! I’m listening to a podcast.
6 How much does the ticket cost / costs the ticket?
c Underline the correct answers to complete the
c Write the questions for the underlined words. email.
1 A Dear Marta,
B I usually get up at 7 o’clock.
Well, here we 1are / ’re being in Sicily again.
2 A I 2have / ’m having a great time. We 3’re coming /
B I prefer the red dress. I don’t like the other one. come here every year, and I 4’m always loving /
3 A always love this place. We 5stay / ’re staying in
B She’s an engineer. a lovely hotel near the beach. Right now I 6lie /
4 A ’m lying on the beach and 7enjoy / enjoying the
B I like science-fiction films. sunshine. This year I 8’m learning / learn Italian.
5 A I can speak a little, but my problem is I
B The food? It’s delicious! ’m not understanding / don’t understand
6 A the Sicilians when they speak to me!
B Because I wanted to see Buckingham Palace. See you son!
7 A Love, Julia
B Last weekend? I stayed at home and relaxed.
8 A
B I started university two years ago.
Cambridge English Empower B1 Teacher’s Book © Cambridge University Press 2016 PHOTOCOPIABLE 309