TQM - Tlinh 1) Definition of Total Quality Management
TQM - Tlinh 1) Definition of Total Quality Management
TQM - Tlinh 1) Definition of Total Quality Management
At all levels.
To improve quality,
Executive commitment.
Therefore, TQM is the art of managing the whole to achieve excellence. The Golden rule
is a simple but effective way to explain it: Do unto others as you would have them do
unto you. TQM is defined as both a philosophy & a set of guiding principles that
represent the foundation of a continuously improving organization.
Numerous definitions have been given on Total Quality Management (TQM) by quality
gurus, practitioners and academician.
According to Besterfield (1995) defined, “TQM as both a philosophy and a set of guiding
principles that represents the foundation of a continuously improving organization. It
integrates fundamental management techniques, existing improvement efforts and
technical tools under a disciplined approach.”
Using a three-word definition, Wilkinson and Wither (1990) defines TQM as;
The history of total quality management (TQM) began initially as a term coined by the
Naval Air Systems Command to describe its Japanese-style management approach to
quality improvement. An umbrella methodology for continually improving the quality of
all processes, it draws on a knowledge of the principles and practices of:
1920s Some of the first seeds of quality management were planted as the principles
of scientific management swept through U.S. industry.
Businesses clearly separated the processes of planning and carrying out the
plan, and union opposition arose as workers were deprived of a voice in the
conditions and functions of their work.
1930s Walter Shewhart developed the methods for statistical analysis and control of
1950s W. Edwards Deming taught methods for statistical analysis and control of
quality to Japanese engineers and executives. This can be considered the origin
of TQM.
1968 The Japanese named their approach to total quality "companywide quality
control." It is around this time that the term quality management
systems arises.
Today TQM is the name for the philosophy of a broad and systemic approach to
managing organizational quality.
Quality standards such as the ISO 9000 series and quality award programs
such as the Deming Prize and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
Award specify principles and processes that comprise TQM.