Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management
in managing business processes over the last 30 years. It has been incorporated as a vital
component, in the management systems of some of the world's most successful
In trying to define TQM is it is well worth considering the relevance and meaning of the
three words in it's title.
Total - The responsibility for achieving Quality rests with everyone a business no matter
what their function. It recognises the necessity to develop processes across the business,
that together lead to the reliable delivery of exact, agreed customer requirements. This
will achieve the most competitive cost position and a higher return on investment.
Quality - The prime task of any business is to understand the needs of the customer, then
deliver the product or service at the agreed time, place and price, on every occasion. This
will retain current customers, assist in acquiring new ones and lead to a subsequent
increase in market share.
Management - Top management lead the drive to achieve quality for customers, by
communicating the business vision and values to all employees; ensuring the right
business processes are in place; introducing and maintaining a continuous improvement
To gain an understanding of TQM, it is worth looking at how it developed and the impact
of some of the main management "gurus" over the years.
Along with many other modern management practices TQM originated and was
developed within Japanese industry after the Second World War.
Japan was a defeated nation unable to feed it's population of 90 million, by it's self. The
future lay in successfully exporting consumer products across the world market, yet it had
a reputation for shoddy goods and management systems that were described as "feudal"
and "despotic".
General Douglas McArthur realised the need for radical change and was responsible for
the re-generation of the Japanese economy. Key to this was the dismissal of the old
management and their systems, replacing them with men capable of making the changes
needed to develop their economy.
As a result the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) was formed, one of
their first actions was to invite a well-known American statistician Dr. W. Edwards
Deming, to present his ideas to them. Deming addressed the top business leaders in
Japan, including managers from Companies which are now household names, Sony,
Nissan, Mitsubishi and Toyota. They introduced new management methods, TQM being
a key one. This led to Japan being the world leader in quality and productivity.
Deming had made a highly significant contribution during the war in increasing
America's industrial efficiency.
After the war was won, although well received by engineers and scientists, top
management did not respond to his ideas. Industry went back to the old established ways
of trying to meet consumer market opportunities.
In Japan however Deming found a much more receptive audience, his ideas once
implemented led during the 80s, to American business being battered by Japan's superior
industrial practices.
In order to compete and survive, the rest of the world were forced to take his ideas
seriously, adopting "Japanese methods" such as TQM and Lean Manufacturing.
TQM evolved and it is worth considering the beliefs of the main quality gurus who have
added to the mix, starting with Deming himself.
Edward Deming
Deming's concepts of process management began with the use of statistical quality
control. His real contribution was his ability to cut through academic theory and present
ideas in a simple way that was meaningful and practical right down to the shop floor.
For Deming, quality improvement must begin with identification of the two types of
variation. The next stage is to eliminate the "special causes" and only then work on the
"common causes". Identification and elimination of these is assisted by the use of
Statistical Process Control (SPC) and various forms of simple control charts designed to
be used on a shop floor environment. Management improves the process by re-designing
it to improve it's capability to meet customer needs.
Deming also stressed the crucial importance of the need for a deep understanding of
businesses work processes. Without this, true progress will not be made.
Over the years Deming thoughts expanded, to cover issues of managing people,
leadership and training in order to achieve quality goals
Joseph Juran
Juran published "The Quality Control Handbook" in 1950 which became the standard
reference book on quality world-wide.
Quality planning: the process for preparing to meet the quality goals
Quality control: the process for meeting quality goals through operations
Quality improvement: the process for break through levels of performance
Both he and Deming correctly stressed the need to involve people throughout the
organisation in quality improvement but in particular that most quality issues are down to
management dealing with systems. The emphasis is on getting the system correct rather
than blaming failure on operator error. Juran particularly emphasised the use of quality
teams and training them in measurement and problem solving.
Kaoru Ishikawa
Ishikawa is regarded as the father of the quality circle approach which was involved
building shop floor teams. His legacy is more directly linked to hands on, practical
techniques and promoted many of the tools and techniques of measurement, analysis and
problem solving commonly used as part of the TQM armoury.
These include:
Pareto analysis
Fishbone diagram (otherwise known as an Ishikawa diagram)
Control Charts
Scatter diagrams
Philip Crosby
Crosby did much to popularise the use of TQM. He first designed a highly successful
programme for ITT for whom he worked before setting up his own quality college and
consultancy firm. His training programme has been widely used by a large number of US
and UK companies. Again, like other practitioners, his training is targeted at the
Management team as a whole and not just quality control specialists. Crosby presented
his "4 Absolutes Of Quality" as the cornerstones of his approach
Crosby spread the word that, as in the title of his most popular book, "Quality is Free".
He believes that by setting up processes that are designed to prevent errors, by having
people trained and motivated to operate them as designed, not only will quality improve,
the costs of production will be reduced.
TQM in practice
In the 80's and 90's TQM was promoted in the USA through the "Baldridge Award" and
in Europe through the European Quality Award. The main elements in the practice of
TQM can be highlighted by the principles they used for auditing companies.
Over time the use of benchmarking and balanced scorecard has also been incorporated
into TQM programmes by a number of companies.
Business Systems
Many of the practitioners of TQM have successfully incorporated it into their culture,
business systems and processes. It has provided a means of planning and controlling their
business and auditing it's performance. Below is an example of how such a business
system might look.
Evaluating TQM
Evidence and reports of the success of TQM over the years have been mixed. After the
strong uptake in the USA during the second half of the 80's and the early 90's there were
signs of discontent and waning of interest. This may have been a result of what was
perceived as the poor fit between TQM and the new industrial imperatives of the 1990's.
An article in the Economist observes
"The most ardent adherents of quality are finding that TQM does not readily blend with
wave after wave of restructuring, downsizing and re-engineering. And the challenge of
developing products and bringing them, to market even more swiftly, especially in
industries were prices are tumbling, such as computers, adds to the strain on TQM"
There have been debates about the success or otherwise of TQM programmes over the
years. Studies have been carried out, for example by the by the US General Accounts
Office covering American companies and in the UK by The Bradford Management
Centre. These have found that companies that had fully adopted Total Quality
Management programmes produced significantly better bottom line results than
comparable companies who had not taken that approach. A number of studies by
academics and consultants also identified that a common cause of failure of Total Quality
Management programmes was simply down to either poor management or a lack of
commitment to quality. There were, and still are, a large number of company directors
who believe that "quality is not their responsibility".
Whilst the number of companies today who are openly practicing major programmes
under the banner of Total Quality Management has declined from the late 80's and early
90's, it's philosophy and management tools it utilises are just as evident. To many
companies, it has become the way they manage and not "an external programme" which
was one of the objectives and measure of it's success. Likewise, companies recognising
the need to improve their business performance are customising Total Quality
Management principles and practices to suit their own particular needs and circumstances
and building their own internal programmes. This has avoided the potential dangers of
the "grand programme" and jargon that can alienate the employees. Alongside this is the
success of 6 Sigma programmes which bear close similarity in terms of their objectives,
people involvement and the tools and techniques used. In fact, some believe 6 Sigma to
be a form of Total Quality Management.
The principles of Total Quality Management are as relevant to work process management
today as they have ever been, particularly when considered alongside learning's from
other techniques such as lean manufacturing. It is essential that programmes are
structured to meet the needs and situations of individual companies. Whilst some may
benefit from a fully integrated programme, others have realised that there are significant
payoffs to be gained from a more modest or tailored approach designed to solve specific
problems or achieve defined, targeted improvements. The scope and scale are up to the
client company to choose.