Course Outline MAT350
Course Outline MAT350
Course Outline MAT350
Objectives 1. To classify the different types of differential equations and find the appropriate
analytical tools and techniques for finding the solutions of the first order and the
second order ordinary differential equations.
2. To create and analyze mathematical models using the first order and the second
order ordinary differential equations.
3. To demonstrate students’ understanding of how physical phenomena are modeled
by system of differential equations and investigate the solution methods.
4. To develop the ability to apply Fourier series and Fourier Integrals to significant
applied problems.
Course Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Outcomes: (CO-1) Classify the type of a given differential equation and find the appropriate
analytical techniques for finding the solutions of the first order and the second
order ordinary differential equations.
(CO-2) Formulate and analyze mathematical models using the first order and the
second order ordinary differential equations.
(CO-3) Solve linear differential equations using different tools, like the Laplace
transform technique, power series method; and identify their applications.
(CO-4)Demonstrate their understanding of how physical phenomena are modeled by
system of differential equations and investigate the solution methods.
(CO-5)Develop the ability to apply Fourier series and Fourier Integrals to significant
applied problems.
2. Second-Order Linear ODEs:
Homogeneous Linear ODEs of Second Order, Homogeneous Linear ODEs with
Constant Coefficients, Euler–Cauchy Equations, Existence and Uniqueness of
Solutions. Wronskian, Non-homogeneous ODEs, Modeling: Mass–Spring System,
Electric Circuits, Resonance, Solution by Variation of Parameters.
3. Systems of ODE:
System of ODEs, Phase plane method, Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems of ODEs.
Power series method, Extended Power Series Method, Bessel’s Equation. Bessel
Functions and general solution.
5. Laplace Transformation
Periodic function and Fourier Series, Fourier coefficients and applications. Even
and odd functions, Half range expression, Fourier integrals and transforms.
CO-3 Solve linear differential equations using C2, C3, Lecture, Class work,
different tools, like the Laplace P2 Discussion Quiz, Assignment,
transform technique, power series Midterm Exam,
method; and identify their applications. Final Exam
CO-5 Develop the ability to apply Fourier series C2, C3, P2 Lecture Assignment, Final
and Fourier Integrals to significant Video Exam
applied problems. Demonstration
Note: C2, C3, C4, and P2 indicate different subdomains of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Please visit departmental website for
Marks Distribution:
Attendance 10%
Regular Quizzes 20% (3 quizzes & best 2 quizzes will count for marks
Final Exam 35% (Duration of the final exam will be 01 hour & 30 minutes).
Policies: As per NSU Grading Policy
Midterm exam TBA
Final Exam According to NSU Schedule.
Reference Books:
1. A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling and
Applications, (10th Edition), Author-Dennis G. Zill.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (10th Edition)- Author: Erwin
Special Instructions:
(a) Submit the assignments in recommended date. No late submission will be accepted. Make a photocopy of your
assignment before submission.
(b) Exam and Makeup policy is given in the last page of this course outline
(c) A late present means you come to the class within 15 minutes the class starts. You are automatically absent after
15 minutes delay and not allowed to the class room.
(d) If you are a probation student/retake student, I would like to have you in 29 classes (presents in minimum 24 classes
are must)
Lesson Plan:
XXIII Fourier Series and Fourier Functions Lecture, Final Exam
Fourier series of arbitrary period, Fourier Even class discussion, Quiz 3 CO-5
and odd functions, problem solutions Problem solving
Final Exam
Classroom Rules of Conduct: Please Refer to NSU Student Handbook, Sections: “Disciplinary Actions” and “Procedures and
Minimum five quizzes will be taken (best three will be considered). NO makeup for quizzes and NO Formative assessment will
be retaken under any circumstances. If a student misses the Midterm exam and/or Final exam due to the circumstances beyond
their control (official valid documents are required) and informed beforehand (if possible), reasonable arrangement may be
considered.. Please note the retake exam questions are generally a bit tricky and critical compare to the regular exam
questions. Students will get the opportunity to see/recheck their midterm and Final exam scripts.