Ordinary Differential Equations (Odes) : Department of Mathematics Iit Guwahati Ra/Rks/Mgpp/Kvk
Ordinary Differential Equations (Odes) : Department of Mathematics Iit Guwahati Ra/Rks/Mgpp/Kvk
Ordinary Differential Equations (Odes) : Department of Mathematics Iit Guwahati Ra/Rks/Mgpp/Kvk
Department of Mathematics
IIT Guwahati
• Basic Definitions
It is assumed that Eq. (1) holds for all x ∈ (a, b). In other
y , y 0 , y 00 , . . . , y (n) ∈ C (a, b)
Eq. (3) is linear if T is linear for each x ∈ I . That is, for each x ∈ I ,
y (n) (x) + an−1 (x)y (n−1) (x) + . . . + a0 (x)y (x) = f (x), x ∈ I . (4)
T (y )(x) = f (x),
T = D n + an−1 D n−1 + · · · + a0 ,
where D k = dx k
denotes the kth derivative operator.
• x + y + e xy = 0 is an implicit solution to
(1 + xe xy )y 0 + 1 + ye xy = 0.
Example: Consider
dy 1 − y2
= .
dx y
The GS is given by (x + c)2 + y 2 = 1, c ∈ R.
The singular solution is y = ±1.
RA/RKS/MGPP/KVK MA-102 (2019)
Initial Value Problem (IVP)
R = R(t) = Ce −kt .
The value of C is determined if the initial amount amount of
radioactive substance is given.