Physics Project
Physics Project
Physics Project
External Examiner
I would like to express my special thanks of
gratitude to my teacher Mr. Joseph Matthew as
well as our principal Mr. Arul Dharmaraj
Thomas who gave me the golden opportunity
to do this wonderful project on the topic,
measuring the magnitude of AC current which
also helped me in doing a lot of research and I
came to know about so many new things; I am
really thankful to them. Secondly I would like to
thank my parents and friends who helped me a
lot in finishing this project within the limited
time. And last but not least my heartful thanks
to the Almighty God. I am making this project
not only for my marks but to also increase my
I, ______________________, hereby declare
that the project work entitled “measuring the
magnitude of AC current” submitted to
Department of Physics, Al Amal Indian School,
Kuwait is done by me, during academic year
• Objective
• Introduction
• Experimental Technique
o Aim
o Theory
o Materials required
o Procedure
o Observations
o Result
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
- Objective:
To measure the magnitude of
alternating current
- Introduction:
Alternating current and alternating voltage
(also referred to as AC current and AC voltage
respectively) are the currents and voltages that
vary with time. AC voltages are the most used
voltage. They are used over DC voltages since
they can be easily and efficiently converted
from one voltage into another by using
transformers. Furthermore, electrical energy
from AC voltages can be transmitted
economically over long distances. AC circuits
exhibit characteristics which are exploited in
many devices of daily use. For example,
whenever we tune our radio to a certain
station, a special property of AC circuits is being
taken advantage of, however this property will
not be discussed here.
Alternating current has a periodic function. The
alternating current is named depending on the
pattern of the waveform (sinusoidal, triangular,
square, sawtooth and so on). Both signs of the
sinusoidal wave form of alternating current
(positive and negative) are equal in area,
therefore the average value of a pure sinusoidal
current wave form is zero.