Sample Paper
Sample Paper
Sample Paper
Class – XI
Subject – Mathematics
Time: 3 hrs MM: 80
General Instructions:
1. This Question paper contain- five sections A, B, C, D and E. Each section is compulsory. However,
there are internal choices in some questions.
2. Section A has 18 MCQ’s and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 marks each.
3. Section B has 5 VSA -type questions of 2 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 Short Answer questions of 3 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 Long Answer questions of 5 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 source based / case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment (4
marks each) with sub-parts.
Section A
1. Let A ={1,2,3} , B={2,3,4} then which of the following is a function A to B?
(a) {(1,2) , (1,3), (2,3), (3,3)} (b) {(1,3), (2,4)}
(c) {(1,3), (2,2), (3,3)} (d) {(1,2), (2,3), (3,2), (3,4)}
2. The number of ways to arrange the letters on the word CHEESE are
(a) 120 (b) 240 (c) 720 (d) 6
3. If A = {1,2,4} , B = {2,4,5}, C = {2,5} , then (A-B) x (B-C) is
(a) {(1,2) , (1,5) , (2,5)} (b) {(1,4) (c) (1,4) (d) none of these.
4. Two finite set A and B are such that A ⊂ B , then which of the following is not correct ?
(a) A U B = B (b) A ∩ B = A (c) A - B = ∅ (d) B - A = ∅
5. Number of proper subsets of a set containing 4 elements is
(a) 42 (b) 42 - 1 (c) 24 (d) 24 - 1
6. Which of the following is not correct?
(a) N ⊂ R (b) N ⊂ Q (c) Q ⊂ R (d) N ⊂ T
7. If A = {a, b} and B = { x, y, z}, then the number of relations from B to A is
(a) 8 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 64
8. Which of the relations is a function?
(a) R = {(4, 6), (3, 9), (-11, 6), (3, 11)} (b) R = {(1, 2), (2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 11)}
(c) R = {(2, 1), (4, 3), (6, 5), (8, 7)} (d) R = {(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 5)}
9. The angle subtended by an arc of length 20 cm at the centre of circle when radius is 14 cm is
5 10 5 7
(a) radians (b) radians (c) radians (d) radians
7 7 14 10
10. If x is a negative integer, then the solution set of - 12x > 30 is
(a) {-2, -1} (b) {……,-5, -4, -3} (c) {…,-5,-4, -3, -2} (d) {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2,…….}
11. The number of 3 digit odd numbers, when repetition of digit is allowed is
(a) 450 (b) 360 (c) 400 (d) 420
12. If -3x+ 17 < -13 , then
(a) 𝑥 ∈ (10, ∞ ) (b) 𝑥 ∈ [10, ∞ ) (c) 𝑥 ∈ (−∞, 10 ) (d) 𝑥 ∈ [−10,10
13. (√-2) (√-3) is equal to
(a) √6 (b) -√6 (c) i√6 (d) 6
14. For two sets, A U B = A if and only if
(a) B ⊆ A (b) A ⊆ B (c) A ≠ B (d) A = B
15. Let A = {1, 2, 3}, then total number of the element in A X A is
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12
16. If √𝑎 + 𝑖𝑏 = x + iy, then possible value of √𝑎 − 𝑖𝑏 is
(a) x2 + y2 (b) √𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 (c) √𝑥 2 − 𝑦 2 (d) x - iy
17. Which of the following is a finite set?
(a) { x : x = 2n, n 𝜖 N} b) ( x : x is a prime number}
c) { x : x 𝜖 N, x is a factor of 4 } d) { x : x 𝜖 I, x ≤ 7}
18. A ∩ B = ∅ then
(a) A = ∅ or B = ∅ (b) A = ∅ and B = ∅ (c) A = ∅ and B ≠ ∅ (d) None of these
Assertion-Reason Based Questions
In the following questions, a statement assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason ( R).
choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.
19. Assertion (A) : If a = { 1, 2, 3}, B = {2, 4}, then the number of relation from A to B is equal to 26.
Reason (B) : the total number of relation from set A to set B is equal to {2 n(A) . n(B)}.
20. Assertion (A) : Domain of the f(x)= 9−𝑥 2 is x 𝜖 R - 3.
Reason (B) : y = 𝑓(𝑥) is defined if f(x) ≠ 0.
Section B
21. If n ( A - B) = 10 , n (B - A) = 8 and N (A ∩ B) = 3, then find the value of n(B).
22. (I + i)6 + (1 - i)3 Convert in the standard from a + ib.
23. Solve the following system of inequalities graphically: 3y - 2x ≤ 4, x + 3y > 3, x + y ≥ 5, y < 4.
24. Find the value of (i) cosec (- 3 ) (ii) cosec (- 14100)
25. How many 4 - digit numbers are there with no digit repeated?
Section C
26. Find the Domain and Range of the function f(x) = .
√9− 𝑥 2
2𝑥−1 3𝑥−2 2−𝑥
27. Solve for x : ≥ - .
3 4 5
28. Find the angle in radians between the hands of a clock at 7:20 p.m.
29. If 2nC3 : nC3 = 11 : 1, find n.
30. Everybody in a room shakes hands with everybody else. The total number of shake hands is 66.
How many people are three in the room?
31. Find the square roots of the complex number: - 48 - 14 i
Section D
32. In a class of 25 students, 12 have taken Mathematics, 8 have taken Mathematics but not
Biology. If each students has taken at least one subject, find the number of students who have
taken (i) Biology but not Mathematics (ii) both Mathematics and Biology
3+2𝑖 sin 𝜃
33. Find real values of 𝜃 such that is a real number.
1−2𝑖 sin 𝜃
sin 𝑥−sin 3𝑥
34. Prove that (i) = 2 sin x .
𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝑥 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝑥
𝑥 9𝑥 5𝑥
(ii) cos 2x cos 2 - cos 3x cos = sin 5x sin .
2 2
35. Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word ALLAHABAD. In how many of them
vowels occupy only the even positions?
Section - E
This section comprise of 3 case study/passage-based questions of with two sub parts. First two
case study questions have three sub-parts (i), (ii), (iii) of marks 1, 1, 2 respectively. The third
case study question has two sub two parts of 2 marks each.
36. Case - Study 3: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below
In a certain city all telephone numbers have seven digits. City is divide into 6 zones. Each zone is
allotted a specific non-zero digit which is to be used as first digit of all telephone numbers of
that zone.
Based on the above information, answer the following questions:
(i) How many different telepone numbers are there in each zone if repetions of digit is
(ii) How many different telephone numbers are there in the city, if first two digit of different
zones are 12, 23, 34, 45, and 67?
Class – XI
Subject – Mathematics (241)
Time: 3 hrs MM: 80
General Instructions:
1. This Question paper contain- five sections A, B, C, D and E. Each section is compulsory.
However, there are internal choices in some questions.
2. Section A has 18 MCQ’s and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 marks each.
3. Section B has 5 VSA -type questions of 2 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 Short Answer questions of 3 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 Long Answer questions of 5 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 source based / case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment (4
marks each) with sub-parts.
Section A
(Multiple Choice Questions) Each question carries 1 mark
1. Two finite sets A and B are such that A ⊂ B, then which of the following is not correct?
a) A U B = B b) A ∩ B = A c) A - B = ∅ d) B - A = ∅
2. A ∩ B = ∅ then ,
a) A = ∅ or B = ∅ b) A = ∅ and B = ∅ c) A = ∅ and B ≠ ∅ d) None of these
3. If A = { 1, 2, 3} , B = { 1, 4, 6, 9} and R is a relation from A to B defined by x is greater than
y. the range of R is
a) {1, 4, 6, 9} b) {4, 6, 9} c) {1} d) none of these
4. If R = { (x, y) : x, y 𝜖 N, x + 2y = 21}, then range of R is
a) {1,2,…,8} b) {1,2,…10} c) {1, 2,…19} d) { 1,2,…….15}
5. Which of the following is a finite set?
a) { x : x = 2n, n 𝜖 N} b) ( x : x is a prime number}
c) { x : x 𝜖 N, x is a factor of 4 } d) { x : x 𝜖 I, x ≤ 7}
6. The variance of first 5 natural number is
a)1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
7. The set {-1, 1} in the set builder form can be written as
a) {-1, 1} b) {x 𝜖 W : x ≤ 1}
c) {x 𝜖 Z : x ≤ 1} d) { x : x is a solution of x2- 1}
8. The empty set or the null set or the void set is not denoted by the symbol
a) ∅ b) { } c) { ∅ } d) ∅ or { }
9. A set which is subset of every set is a)
null set b) universal set c) singleton set d) power set
10. Given set A = {a, b} and set B = {1, 2}. How many relations are possible from set A to set B
? a) 2 b) 4 c) 16 d) 8
11. If (2x, y - x) = (y + 3, 0), then value of y is
a) -3 b) 3 c) x d) - x
12. The domain of the real valued function f(x) = is.
2 2
a) Q - { 3 } b) R - { 3 } c) R - {2} d) N
13. 12” 30’ in circular measure is written in Radian as a)
25 25 𝜋 5𝜋 5𝜋
b) c) d)
2 36 72 36
14. If tan A = 1/2 and tan B = 1/3, then the value of A + B is
𝜋 𝜋
a) 6 b) 𝜋 c) 0 d) 4
15. The number of 6-digit numbers, all digit of which are odd is.
a) 56 b) 55 c) 65 d) 66
16. Number of three letter words formed from the letter A, S, T, R, P and ending with T are
a) 6 b) 12 c) 4 d) 8
17. LCM of 3! , 5! and 7! Is
a) 3! b) 35! c) 7! d) 115!
n n n
18. If C8 = C7 , then find the value of C15.
a) 15 b) 0 c) 1 d) 225
Assertion-Reason Based Questions
In the following questions, a statement assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (
R).choose the correct answer out of the following choices. (A)
Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B)Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.
19. Assertion (A): The order pair with entries 7 and a is (7, a).
Reason ( R ) : For order pair (a, b), a represents first entry and b represents second entry.
20. Assertion (A) : In a set of prime numbers, any two elements are coprime.
Reason ( R ) : HCF of two co-prime numbers is 1.
Section- B
(This section comprises of very short answer type-questions (VSA) of 2 marks each)
21. Convert the decimal number 569 to the binary number.
22. ax = by = cz and b2 = ac, prove that y = 𝑧+𝑥
23. The average of 4 integers is 39. The highest integer is 73 and the lowest integer is 19.
The difference between the remaining two integers is 18. Find the remaining integers
24. The Cartesian product A x A has 9 elements among which are found (-1, 0) and (0, 1).
Find the set A and the remaining elements of A x A.
25. Find the value of n, if
(n+1)! = 20(n-1)!
Section- C
(This section comprises of short answer type-questions (SA) of 3 marks each
26. Solve for x: log2x + log4x + log16x = 4 .
27. Walking at 5/6th of his actual speed, a man reached his house 24 minutes late. Find his
usual time to reach his house.
28. A swimming pool 36m wide and 27m long is 3m deep on the shallow end and 4m
deep at the deeper end. Find the capacity of the pool (in litres).
29. Draw a suitable Venn diagram for each of the following:
i. (A U B)’ ii. (A ∩ B)’ iii. A’ U B’
30. . If nC4, nC5 and nC6 are in A.P.,find n.
31. A and B together can build a wall in 30 days. If A is twice as good a workman as B, in
how many days will A alone finish the work?
Section- D
(This section comprises of long answer type-questions (LA) of 5 marks each)
32. Eleven friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K are watching a movie in a cinema hall sitting in
a row. H is immediate left of D and third to the right of I. J is the immediate neighbor of A
and B and third to the left of G. A is the second to the right of E who is at one end of the
row. F is sitting next to the right of D and D is second to the right of C
33. If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R = {(x, y): (x, y) Ԑ A x B, y = x+1 }, then
i. find A x B. ii. write R in roster form.
iii. write domain and range of R iv. represent R by an arrow diagram
34. Solve for x:
log 125
i. log x = ii. log (5x-4) – (x+1) = log 4
35. Given 5 flags of different colours. How many different signals can be generated by hoisting
the flags on a vertical pole (one below the other) if each signal requires the use of
(i) Two flags ii. Atleast two flags
Section - E
This section comprise of 3 case study/passage-based questions of with two sub parts. First
two case study questions have three sub-parts (i), (ii), (iii) of marks 1, 1, 2 respectively. The
third case study question has two sub two parts of 2 marks each.
36. In a survey of 40 students, it was found that 21 had taken Mathematics, 16 had taken
Physics and 15 had taken Chemistry, 7 had taken Mathematics and Chemistry, 12 had
taken Mathematics and Physics, 5 had taken Physics and Chemistry and 4 had taken all the
three subjects.
Based on the above information, answer the following questions
(i) The number of students who had taken Mathematics only is
(ii) The number of students who had taken Physics and Chemistry but not Mathematics is
(iii) The number of students who had taken exactly one of the three subjects is
37. An open wooden box has the outer dimensions as length 14cm, breadth 11cm and depth 9
cm. The thickness of wood is 1 cm.
Based on the above information, answer the following questions:
i. The internal length of the box is
ii. The internal depth of the box is
iii. Length of the longest rod that can be fitted in the box is
38.A manufacture has 640 liters of 8% boric acid solution and 1300 liters of 2% boric acid solution. To
dilute the 8% boric acid solution manufacturer added some amount of 2% boric acid solution into it.
(i) Find the maximum amount of 2% boric acid solution to be added so that resulting mixture is to be
more than 4% boric acid.
(ii) Find the maximum amount of 2% boric acid solution left after adding to 8% boric acid solution so
that resulting mixture to be less than or equal to 6% boric acid.
General Instructions:
1. The paper is divided into three sections Section-A: Reading Comprehension,
SectionB: Writing Skills and Grammar and Section-C: Literature. All the sections are
2. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.
3. Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer script correctly
before attempting it.
4. Separate instructions are given with each question, wherever necessary. Read these
industry is having trouble coming to terms with the new century of snappers. An industry
whose slogan was the preservation of priceless family memories has found itself in a virtually
disposable world.
7. For more than a century, memories of who we were and where we've come from have been
refreshed by regularly turning the pages of our photographic chronology. Future generations
will have a different grab on their history. A series of mouse clicks will take through a
kaleidoscope of images of life caught on the run.
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the following questions given
below: 10X1=10 Marks
i. Why, in the present times, none of the 'photos' make it to the paper or album?
a. They are "stored" in electronic devices
b. They are too many to print
c. They are too much edited
d. They have lost their originality
ii. What opinion does the writer have of new pixel images?
a. They are the future
b. They will never be permanent memories
c. They have replaced albums
d. They can never be seen as a book of memories
iv. Why is it said that the digital photos are virtually free?
a. Not have to worry about the roll count
b. Can take lots of photos even though a few are to be picked
c. One may click hundreds of photos and store them digitally
d. No need to worry about bad clicks
vi. Which of these statements is incorrect about the new- age photos?
a. They are virtually indisposable
b. They no longer preserve priceless memories
C They can be captured in large numbers
d. They have begun to replace photo albums
vii. Why does the writer feel that in the present times, photographs have lost their
viii. How have the new age photos made an editor out of the amateur photographer?
1. India ranks third in the list of countries with the largest number of threatened turtle and
tortoise species in the world after China and Vietnam, an international report released on
Thursday has revealed.
2. The country has two of the world's 25 most threatened freshwater turtle species - Northern
River Terrapin (Batagur baska) found in the Sundarbans, West Bengal and the Red-Crowned
Roof Turtle (Batagur kachuga), found only within the riverine National Chambal Gharial
Wildlife Sanctuary (NCGWS) in Madhya Pradesh.
3. Another three species - South Asian Narrow headed Softshell Turtle (Chitra indica) from
NCGWS, Black Softshell Turtle (Nilssonia nigricans) from Assam, and the Arakan Forest
Turtle (Heosemys depressa) from Mizoram, were identified under the list of top 50 most
threatened species globally. This takes the tally in India to 7.4% under the world's 25 most
threatened turtle species and 10% of the top 50.
4. Additionally, the study identified the Keeled Box Turtle (Cuora mouhotii), Asian Giant
Tortoise (Manouria emys) in northeast India, and the Leith's Softshell Turtle (Nilssonia leithii)
from western India, as three other threatened species outside the top 50, assessed as critically
endangered. The details were revealed in the report - Turtles in Trouble: The World's 25+ Most
Endangered Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles - in Ojai, California, USA compiled by the Turtle
Conservation Coalition, an international body comprising eight conservation groups including
the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Turtle Surveillance Alliance
5. "Our study found that Asia was facing a crisis with 63% of the top threatened tortoise and
turtle species identified from the continent, followed by Africa and Latin America at 14.8%
each," Rick Hudson, President and Chief Executive Officer, TSA, that released the study, told
HT in a telephonic interview.
6. The study identified 356 tortoise and freshwater turtle species globally, of which, 148 or
60.4% of those species have been included in the IUCN 2017 Red List, and 41.6% of all turtle
and tortoise species are officially listed as 'Threatened' by IUCN criteria (categorised as
vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered). Of this, all species identified in India are
listed either under 'endangered' or 'critically endangered' categories. Yangtze Giant Softshell
Turtle from China is the most threatened species worldwide.
(The Hindustan Times)
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions by choosing
the most appropriate option: 8X1=8 marks
i. Scientific name for the Red-Crowned Roof Turtle is:
a. Cuora mouhotii
b. Batagur baska
c. Batagur kachuga
d. Nilssonia leithii
ii. Pick the statement that is NOT TRUE according to the passage:
a. India has one of the world's 25 most threatened fresh water turtle species.
b. Three species of turtle were identified under the list of top 50 most threatened species
c. Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle from Korea is the most available species worldwide.
d. Asia was facing a crisis with 53% of the top threatened tortoise and turtle species
identified from the continent.
iii. What is India's count in the percentage of the world's 50 most threatened turtle species? a.
b. 8%
c. 8.4%
d. 10%
iv. What is the function of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)?
a. protection of turtle species
b. conservation of nature
c. conservation of turtle species
d. surveillance of turtles
v. Rick Hudson, President and Chief Executive Officer, TSA, that released the study, has
said that:
a. Asia was facing a crisis with 63% of the top threatened tortoise
b. Turtle species identified from the continent is also included under this
c. African and Latin American species comes at the second place
d. All of these
vi. Where is Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle, the most threatened species worldwide is found?
vii. Which word in the passage means the same as 'involving’? (para 4)
viii. Which word in the passage means the same as 'protection’? (para 4)
The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing global
pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The novel virus was first identified from an
outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Attempts to contain it there failed, allowing
the virus to spread to other areas of China and later worldwide. The World Health
Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As of 26 August
2022, the pandemic had caused more than 599 million cases and 6.48 million confirmed
deaths, making it one of the deadliest in history.
COVID-19 symptoms range from undetectable to deadly, but most commonly include fever,
dry cough, and fatigue. Severe illness is more likely in elderly patients and those with
certain underlying medical conditions. COVID-19 transmits when people breathe in air
contaminated by droplets and small airborne particles containing the virus. Infected persons
are typically contagious for 10 days, and can spread the virus even if they do not develop
symptoms. Mutations have produced many strains (variants) with varying degrees of
infectivity and virulence.
COVID-19 vaccines have been approved and widely distributed in various countries since
December 2020. Other recommended preventive measures include social distancing,
wearing masks, improving ventilation and air filtration, and quarantining those who have
been exposed or are symptomatic. Treatments include monoclonal antibodies, novel
antiviral drugs, and symptom control. Governmental interventions include travel
restrictions, lockdowns, business restrictions and closures, workplace hazard controls,
quarantines, testing systems, and tracing contacts of the infected. The pandemic has
triggered severe social and economic disruption around the world, including the largest
global recession since the Great Depression.
a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using recognizable
abbreviations wherever necessary. Supply a suitable title. 5
b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 50 words. 3
i) Choose the best word from the options given below to fill the gaps: ( ½ X8=4 marks)
Puppets (a)__________ among the oldest man-made objects that (b) _______ known to the
world. Archaeologists in Egypt and India have (c) __________ jointed clay models that (d)
__________ operated by pulling their strings, which date back to 4,000 years. Historians
tell us that puppets (e) __________ created by nearly all peoples at all times. The first
puppets (f) __________ probably used mostly by adults. Tribal peoples, such as Native
Americans, (g) __________ the puppets to represent people or animals in their religious
rituals. People all over the world (h) _________fascinated by them.
ii. Rearrange any three of the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences:
(3X1=3 Marks)
a) that he/to the finish/fight/he says/will
b) a couple of days/the money in/that he/he has promised/will return
c) he/though/finished late/he started/early
d) his/where/he hid/could not find/pursuers/
person of 32 with seven years of experience as an expert executive in a reputed medical
firm. You seek an immediate change to some other medical firm in Mumbai/Pune. Draft a
suitable advertisement in about 50 words for the 'Situation Wanted' column of a National
Daily. ( 3 Marks )
You are Ranveer / Ravina of 254 Greater Kailash, New Delhi. You want to sell the first
floor of your newly constructed house. Draft an advertisement in the Indian Express under
its classified Advertisement column "Property for Sale' in about 50 words. Include all
relevant details like location, type of accommodation, cost and contact address including
telephone number etc.
ii. You were very upset about the reports of communal riots in various parts of the
country. As a concerned social worker, design a poster in not more than 50 words,
highlighting the importance of communal harmony. You are Vinay/Vineeta working with
Indian Society for Harmony, Delhi. ( 3 marks )
G20 leaders committed to the key goal of limiting global warming in the recent G20
Summit held. Draft a poster in not more than 50 words with the theme ‘Global Warming’
for the ‘Environment Week’ to be observed by your school. You are Mohit/Mridula of
Shyamlal Vidyalaya, Delhi.
iii. Ragging has raised its ugly head again. A recent incident at a prestigious school has
shown that this evil has not yet come to an end. Write a speech for the morning assembly in
school in 120-150 words on ‘Ragging, an Evil’. You are Navtej/ Navita. (5 Marks)
It is increasingly felt that the youth of the country should be actively involved in social
service activities. Their involvement will give them first-hand knowledge of the actual
problems the people are facing and inspire them to play a more active role in nation
building. Write a speech in 120-150 words on “Youth and Social Service”. You are
Deepak/Deepika, Youth Secretary of the school.
iv. Academic excellence has been identified with achieving high grades and superior
performance. But academic excellence is more than just making good grades. What are
your views on the issue? Write a debate in 120-150 words either for or against the view
“Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career”.
(5 marks)
Social media is a big part of many teens' lives. Is media responsible for the moral degradation
of teenagers? As Daivik/Daivika, write a debate either for or against the motion in 120-150
ii. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:
(3x1=3 Marks)
She did not believe in the things they taught at the English school and was distressed that
there was no teaching about God and the scriptures. One day I announced that we were
being given music lessons. She was very disturbed. To her music had lewd associations. It
was the monopoly of harlots and beggars and not meant for gentlefolk. She said nothing but
her silence meant disapproval. She rarely talked to me after that.
i.Which of the following was not taught in the English school?
a. scriptures
b. English
c. western science
d. music
ii.What does the “silence” signify?
iii.According to her, the music has “lewd associations”. What does this tell about the grand
Unexpectedly, my head popped out of the water. A few meters away, Wavewalker was
near capsizing, her masts almost horizontal. Then a wave hurled her upright, my lifeline
jerked taut, I grabbed the guard rails and sailed through the air into Wavewalker’s main
boom. Subsequent waves tossed me around the deck like a rag doll. My left ribs cracked;
my mouth filled with blood and broken teeth. Somehow, I found the wheel, lined up the
stern for the next wave and hung on.
i.) What was the physical state of the narrator?
1) Deteriorating
2) Stabilised
2) Meliorating
3) All of these
ii) Which literary device has been used in 'Like a rag doll'?
iii) What is stern?
iii. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:
And what should I have done with them in a small rented room where the shreds of black-
out paper still hung along the windows and no more than a handful of cutlery fitted in the
narrow table drawer? I resolved to forget the address. Of all the things I had to forget, that
would be the easiest.
i. The word ‘them’ stands for
a. friends
b. things
c. feelings
d. the belongings
ii. The narrator resolves to forget the address as ----------
iii. Find a word from the extract opposite to ‘abundance’
iv.Explain “Of all the things I had to forget, that would be the easiest.”
Howard Carter, that is- was the British archaeologist who in 1922 discovered Tut’s tomb
after years of futile searching. Its contents, though hastily ransacked in antiquity, were
surprisingly complete. They remain the richest royal collection ever found and have
become part of the pharaoh’s legend. Stunning artefacts in gold, their eternal brilliance
meant to guarantee resurrection, caused a sensation at the time of the discovery – and still
get the most attention. But Tut was also buried with everyday things he’d want in the
afterlife: board games, a bronze razor, linen undergarments, cases of food and wine.
a. Explain ‘Both wry with the laboured ease of loss’ in reference to the poem A
b. Do you think it was the sheer luck or the skills of the Captain which saved the
voyagers? Explain.
c. Why was king Tut’s body kept in the Sun?
d. Describe the weather conditions on 2nd January.
VIII. Answer any one out of the following two questions in 30-40 words:
(1x3=3 marks )
How did Aram react when he saw the horse? Why could he not believe his eyes?
Who was Mrs. Dorling? Why did she visit Mrs.S’ house frequently?
IX. Answer any one out of the following questions in 120-150 words:
(1x6= 6 marks)
‘Our optimistic attitude helps us to face extremely dangerous situations.’ Discuss with
reference to the story ‘We’re Not Afraid to
In January 2005, History was created in the field of archaeology. Write an article on it with
reference to “Discovering Tut the Saga Continues.”
X. Answer any one out of the following questions in 120-150 words:
(1x6=6 marks)
What was the narrator’s experience when she went to visit Mrs Dorling’s house the
second time? Justify its outcome with reference to “The Address”? OR
What did Aram feel about ‘the crazy streak’ of the family?
Class XI
Time-3 hrs. MM- 70
SECTION A (1 X 17=17)
3 Which one of the following is not related to the formation or modification of present
(a).Solar winds
(c). Degassing
(d) Photosynthesis
4.Which one of the following is a direct source of information about the interior of earth?
(a)Earthquake wave
(c)Gravitational force
(d)Earth magnetism
8 Who among the following was the first to consider the possibility of Europe Africa and
America having being located side by side.
(a). Arthur homes
(b). Abraham ortelius
(c). Admans heinz
(d) Alfred Wegner
9 which one of the following is the type of plate boundary of Indian plate along the Himalayan
(a). Ocean continent convergence
(b). Divergent boundary
(c). Transformer boundary
(d) Continent- continent convergence
16 What was the name given by Alfred Wegener to a large continent surrounded with water?
(a). Pangaea
(b). Panthalassa
(c). Angara land
(d) Gondwana land
17 What is the thickness of oceanic crust?
(a). 5km
(b). 30km
(c).10 km
(d)70 km
SECTION B (3 X 2= 6)
18 . Volcanoes
A volcano is a place where gases ashes and other Morton Rock material Lava escape to the
ground. A volcano is called an active volcano if the material mentioned are being released or
have been released out in the recent past. The layer below the solid crust is mantle. It has
examples. These volcanoes are mostly made up of basalt a type of flower that is very fluid
when erupted. For this reason these volcanoes are not steep. They become explosive if some
how water gets into the wealth otherwise they are characterized by low explosive the
upcoming Lava moves in the form of fountain and throws out the cone at the top of the went
and develops into cinder cone.
19. Landslides
In our country debris have launches and landslides occur very frequently in the Himalayas.
There are many reason for this. One the Himalaya are tectonically active. They are mostly made
up of sedimentary rocks and unsolidated and semi solided deposits. The slope are very steep.
Compared to the Himalayas that Nilgiri bordering Tamilnadu ,Karnataka ,Kerala and the
Western ghats along the West coast are relatively tectonically stable and are mostly made up
of very hard rocks but still debris have launches and landslide occur through not as frequent
as in the Himalayas in these hills. Why? Many slopes are stepper with almost vertically clips
and escarpments in the Western ghats and Nilgiris. Mechanical weathering due to
temperature changes and changes is pronounced. They receive heavy amount of rainfall over
short periods. So there is almost direct rock fall while frequently in these places along with
landslide and debris Avalanches.
21.What were the gases which initially formed the earth’s atmosphere?
23.What are the mass movement that are real rapid and perceptible ?
SECTION D. ( 5 X 5= 25)
25.What are the basic difference between the drift theory and the plate tectonics?
26 What are the various mobile and mighty exogenic geomorphic agents and what
. 28 What was the location of Indian land mass during the formation of the Deccan traps?
. SECTION D. (5 X 2 = 10)
(i) Equator
(ii) Tropic of Cancer
(iii) Tropic of Capricorn
(iv) Niagara falls
(v) Angel Falls
30.In the outline map of World show all the Major plates in plate tectonics.
Class XI
General Instructions:
1. The solution A and B are 0.1 and 0.2 molar in a substance. If 100 ml of A are mixed
with 25 ml of B and there is no change in volume, then the final molarity of solution
is ?
2. The value of Planck's constant is 6.63 × 10–34 Js. The speed of light is 3 × 1017
nm s–1. Which value is closest to the wavelength in nanometer of a quantum of light
with frequency of 6 × 1015 s–1 ? a)10 b)25 c)50 d)75
3. Two atoms are said to be isobars if(i) they have same atomic number but different
mass number.
(ii) they have same number of electrons but different number of neutrons.
(iii) they have same number of neutrons but different number of electrons.
(iv) sum of the number of protons and neutrons is same but the number of protons is
4. Anything that influences the valence electrons will affect the chemistry of the
element. Which one of the following factors does not affect the valence shell?
5. Considering the elements F, Cl, O and N the correct order of their chemical reactivity
in terms of oxidizing property is:
(a) F > Cl > O > N (b) F > O > Cl > N
(c) Cl > F > O > N (d) O > F > N > Cl
7. An atom of an element A has three electrons in its outermost orbit and that of B
has six electrons in its outermost orbit. The formula of the compound between
these two will be
(a) A3B6
(b) A2B3
(c) A3B2
(d) A2B
12.The number of types of bonds between two carbon atoms in calcium carbide is
(a) Two sigma, two pi
(b) One sigma, two pi
(c) One sigma, one pi
(d) Two sigma, one pi
(b) Assertion and reason both are correct statementsbut reason is not correct
explanation for assertion.
13Assertion: Black body is an ideal body that emits and absorbs radiations of all
frequencies. Reason: The frequency of radiation emitted by a body goes from a lower
frequency to higher frequency with an increase in temperature.
14.Assertion: Boron has a smaller first ionisation enthalpy than beryllium. Reason:
The penetration of a 2s electron to the nucleus is more than the 2p electron hence
2p electron is more shielded by the inner core of electrons than the 2s electrons.
Section B
19. Yellow light emitted from a sodium lamp has a wavelength of 580 nm. Calculate
the frequency (v) and wave number (v) of the yellow light.
23. Define (i) metallic radius, (ii) van der Waals' radius.
(ii) Chlorine (CI) have more negative electron gainenthalpy than Fluorine (F). [Atomic
no.: F = 9, Cl = 17 ]
(iii) Which hybrid orbitals are used by carbon atoms in CH3 CHO ?
27. The mass of an electron is 9.1X10 - 31 kg. If its kinetic energy is 3 X10- 25 J,
calculate its wave length. [Given: h= 6.626 X10- 34 Js.
28.. How many grams of Cl2 are required to completely react with 0.4 g of H2 to yield
HCI? Also, calculate the amount of HCI formed.
29.Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow based on passage
and related studied concepts Orbitals are region or space where there is maximum
probability of finding electrons. Qualitatively, these orbitals can be distinguished by
their size, shape and orientation. An orbital of small size means there is more chance
of finding the electron near the nucleus. Shape and orientation means the direction
in which probability of finding electron is maximum. Atomic orbitals can be
distinguished by quantum numbers. Each orbital is designated by three quantum
numbers n, l and m, (magnetic quantum number) which define energy, shape and
orientation but these are not sufficient to explain spectra of multi-electrons atoms.
Spin quantum number (m) determines the spin of electron. Spin angular momentum
of electron has two orientations relative to chosen axis which are distinguished by
spin quantum numbers m, which can take values +1/2 and -1/2
(a) 3
(b) 12
(c) 6
(d) 9
(a) 2d, 4s
(b) 2s,4d
(c) 2p,4s
d) 2s ,4p
(iii) An orbital can have maximum electrons equal to
(a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 10
(d) 14
The attractive force which holds the two atoms together is called a chemical bond. A
covalent bond is formed by an equal sharing of electrons. A coordinate bond is formed
by unequal sharing of electrons. An ionic bond is formed by the transfer of electrons
from one atom to another. Octet rule, although very useful but is not universally
applicable. According to valence bond theory, a covalent bond is formed by
overlapping of half-filled atomic orbitals resulting in a lowering of energy and more
stability. Bond order is the number of bonds between atoms in a molecule. The higher
the bond order more will be stability and bond dissociation enthalpy but the smaller
the bond length. The polarity of a covalent bond depends upon the difference in
electronegativity. The covalent character of a bond depends upon polarising power,
smaller cation and bigger anions have higher polarising power. VSEPR theory helps to
predict the shapes of molecules.
(c) Out of CN+, CN–, NO, which has the highest bond order?
31. A photon of wavelength 4 × 10-7 m strikes on metal surface ; the work function of
the metal being 2.13 eV. Calculate (i) the energy of the photon,
(ii) the kinetic energy of the emission
(iii) the velocity of the photoelectron. (Given 1 eV = 1.6020 × 10 -19 J).
33. N2 molecule has a greater bond dissociation energy than N 2+ion . Explain in terms
of molecular orbital theory.
Class: XI
SUB: Biology
General Instructions:
General Instructions: (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) The question paper has five
sections and 33 questions. All questions are compulsory. (iii) Section–A has 16 questions of
1 mark each; Section–B has 5 questions of 2 marks each; Section– C has 7 questions of 3
marks each; Section– D has 2 case-based questions of 4 marks each; and Section–E has 3
questions of 5 marks each. (iv) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have
been provided in some questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in
such questions. (v) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labeled diagrams should be
Section A
1 Which of the following ’suffixes’ is used for units of classification in plants [1]
indicates a taxonomic category of ’family’?
a) Ales
b) Aceae
c) Onae
d) Ae
b) Dicotyledonae
c) Anacardiaceae
d) Angiospermae
b) Only DNA
5 Assertion (A): In red algae, the pyrenoid lacks a starch sheath. Reason (R): [1]
Pyrenoid is a polysaccharide body.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Proteins to DNA
c) mRNA to DNA
d) DNA to DNA
d) Vacuoles
b) Monomers
c) Heteropolymers
d) Homopolymers
10 An important site for the formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids is: [1]
a) Vacuoles
b) Lysosomes
c) Plastids
d) Golgi apparatus
11 RBCs and muscle cells carry out anaerobic respiration, but: [1]
1. RBCs are permanently anaerobic and muscle cells are temporarily
b) None of these
15 Assertion (A): An injury or a trauma stimulates the platelets in the blood to [1]
release certain factors which activate the mechanism of coagulation. Reason
(R): Certain factors released by the tissues at the site of injury also can initiate
16 Assertion (A): Eosinophils resist infections and are also associated with [1]
allergic reactions. Reason (R): Basophils secrete heparin which involved in
inflammatory reactions.
2. Golgi Apparatus
29 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: There are millions of [4]
living organisms on earth. All these living organisms differ in shape, size,
colour, habitat and many other characteristics. To understand their origin,
diversity, distribution and inter relationship, the scientists have devised
mechanisms to classify all of them. Classification of living organisms helps in
revealing the relationship between various organisms. It also helps in making
the study of organisms easy and organized.
a) Linnaeus
b) Oparin
c) Darwin
d) Pasteur
a) Fossils
b) Phylogeny
c) Morphology
d) Phylogeny
a) Presence/absence of notochord.
b) Morphological resemblance
c) Breeding habit
30 Read the following and answer any four questions: Electron microscopic [4]
studies of eukaryotic cells reveal the presence of a network or reticulum of tiny
tubular structures scattered in the cytoplasm that is called the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER). The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a large network of
membrane - bound tubes and sheets which look like long tubules or round or
oblong bags (vesicles).
1. The endoplasmic reticulum bearing ________ on their surface is called the
rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER).
a. Ribosomes
b. Lysosomes
c. Golgi body
d. Plastids
2. RER is frequently observed in the cells actively involved in ________
synthesis and secretion.
a. Lipid
b. Glycoprotein
c. Glucose
d. Protein
3. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the major site for synthesis of
a. Lipid
b. Protein
c. Glucose
d. Starch
a. Three
b. Six
c. Two
d. Four
b. Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion.
c. Assertion is true but reason is false.
Section E
31 How are the male and female gametophytes of pteridophytes and [5]
gymnosperms different from each other?
32 Formation of enzyme - substrate complex (ES) is the first step in catalysed [5]
reactions. Describe the other steps till the formation of product.
General Instructions:
Please check this question paper contains 35 questions.
The paper is divided into 4 Sections- A, B, C, D and E.
Section A, consists of 18 questions (1 to 18). Each question carries 1 Mark.
Section B, consists of 7 questions (19 to 25). Each question carries 2 Marks.
Section C, consists of 5 questions (26 to 30). Each question carries 3 Marks.
Section D, consists of 2 questions (31 to 32). Each question carries 4 Marks.
Section E, consists of 3 questions (33 to 35). Each question carries 5 Marks.
All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only
4. The lines beginning with a certain character, and which are ignored by a compiler and not executed, are called
a) operators
b) operands
c) functions
d) comments
5. Python is____
a) High-Level
b) Interpreted
c) Object-Oriented
d) All Of The Above
6. X wants to allow the program to repeatedly ask the user to enter their Choice if it does not equal the
Answer. Which loop option should X use?
Page 1 of 5
b) while Choice != Answer:
Choice = input()
c) while Answer != Choice:
Choice = input()
d) while Answer =! Choice:
Choice = input()
7. To access a list which contains ten elements, which of the following uses of range() would
produce a list of the desired indexes?
a) range(1,10)
b) range(0,9)
c) range(10)
d) range(1,11)
10. Which one of the following is the default extension of a Python file?
A) .exe B) .p++ C).py D) .p
11. Find the output:
Code = [1, 2, 3, 4]
a) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
b) [1,2,3,4]
c) [1,2,3,4,[5,6,7,8]]
d) [1,2,3,4][5,6,7,8]
a) d.delete(“john”:40)
b) d.delete(“john”)
c) del d[“john”]
d) del d(“john”:40)
16. Which one of the following is correct?
a) In python, a dictionary can have two same keys with different values.
b) In python, a dictionary can have two same values with different keys
c) In python, a dictionary can have two same keys or same values but cannot have two same
key-value pair
d) In python, a dictionary can neither have two same keys nor two same values.
17. Assertion (A) : Lists traversal in Python is done through slicing and for loop also.
Reason (R) : In lists, you can change the elements in place.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c ) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
32. Write a Python script to check whether a given key already exists in a dictionary.
33. Write a code to create dictionary by inputting name as key and phone no as values and do the
following operations:
34. Write a code to convert following for loop code into while loop: [3]
for a in range(12,200,15):
Page 4 of 5
b) Write a program which print all words in a list having more than 5 letters. [2]
35. Accept the electric units from the user and calculate the bill according to the following.
Page 5 of 5
Class – XI
Subject – Physical Education (048)
(b) Judo
(c) Badminton
(d) Football
(a) Power
(b) Way
(c) Capacity
(d) Diseases
Q14 The ability of body to execute movements with greater amplitude or range is called:
(a) Strength
(b) Flexibility
(d) Stamina
Q15. Which one of the following Health and well being lifestyle determinants, an individual has the maximum
(a) Five
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) Six
Q17.How Many Month Were Compulsory For Participant To Stay In Olympic Village
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Q25 How does the Sensory Processing Disorder interfere with a child’s normal everyday functioning?
Q26.Explain pranayama and its types. [1+1+1=3]
Q27.Explain the role of various professionals for children with special needs. [1.5+1.5=3]
Q31. It is generally considered that yoga is related to spiritual development only and it is not related to
the field of sports and game. Yoga practices are beneficial in the enhancement of health and fitness of
spots persons. It plays a vital role to prepare the sports man psychologically and physiologically for the
sports competition doing yoga regularly along with other fitness methods is very helpful in developing
certain aspects of fitness that an improve performance in competitive sports.
Q32. Sports traditionally has been the domain of the fit and able-bodied. Many people started to feel
that the physically challenged people should also be able to enjoy sports and the competition.
Thereafter, the role of sports and competition assumed importance for the intellectually challenged
people as well. This brought about a lot of changes in the Olympic movement. Starting as finding the
fittest athlete, today, besides finding winners, the Olympic movement has come to represent
participation from all strata of society. These Games are held under the International Olympic
Committee where India is represented by the Indian Olympic Committee.
(a) What are the changes modern Olympics have witnessed since their inception in 1896?
Q35.Explain in detail active lifestyle, and stress management through yoga. [3+2=5]
Q36.Explain in detail the symbols, ideas, objectives and values of Olympics [1+2+2=5]
Section –A (1x21=21)
1. The king who released Babylonia from Assyrian domination in 625 BCE was-
(a) Alexander (b) Nabonidus
(c) Nabopolassar (d) Sargon
3. The Mesopotamian city which was systematically excavated in the 1930s, was
(a) Uruk (b) Ur
(c) Mari (d) Nineveh
4. There was a growing uncertainty about the value and purpose of monasticism by the
(a) 13th century (b) 14th century
(c) 15 century (d) 16th century
6. In Roman urban life, the entertainment shows called spectacular happened for at least
(a) 150 days (b) 160 days
(c) 167 days (d) 176 days
8. Which one of the following is a river that form the boundary of the Roman Empire-
(a) Mekong River (b) Rhine River
(c) Amur River (d) Yangtze River
12. During Genghis Khan’s attempt to conquer china, North China was ruled by-
(a) Hsi Hsia (b) Jurchen
(c) Sung dynasty (d) Ogodei
14. Assertion (A) : From the second century BCE, Rome was a republic.
Reason (R) : Government in Rome was based on a complex system of election and gave
importance to birth, wealth and slavery.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
19. One of the gradual changes that effect the social and economic ties beween the lords
and the Vassals was-
(a) Agricultural technology (b) environment
(c) land use (d) New towns
20. Assertion (A) : Monks took vows to remain in the abbey for the rest of their lives.
Reason (R) : All Abbeys are single sex communities, i.e. separates Abbeys for men and
Codes :
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
23. Whether the city life would have been possible without the use of metals?
24. What was the typical form of marriage in the third century of Rome?
25. Why Mesopotamia is considered important for Europeans? Explain.
27. ‘Though kingdom of Mari was not military strong, it was exceptionally prosperous’.
Justify this statement.
28. Why do you think the people of new towns were considered of fourth order? Explain.
What is social hierarchy? Discuss in detail about different social groups.
29. How did technological changes affect agriculture during 11th century?
30. Discuss in detail about the third order. Explain about life of peasants and serfs in the
third order.
Discuss about the crisis created by the change in climatic conditions and shortage of
metals in the Europe during 14th Century.
31. Today, Mesopotamian excavators have much higher standards of accuracy and care in
recording than in the old days, so that few dig huge areas the way Ur was excavated.
Moreover, few archaeologists have the funds to employ large teams of excavators.
Thus, the mode of obtaining data has changed.
Take the small town at Abu Salabikh, about 10 hectares in area in 2500 BCE with a
population less than 10,000. The outlines of walls were at first traced by scraping
surfaces. This involves scraping off the top few millimetres of the mound with the sharp
and wide end of a shovel or other tool. While the soil underneath was still slightly moist,
the archaeologist could make out different colours, textures and lines of brick walls or
pits or other features.
A few houses that were discovered were excavated. The archaeologists also sieved
through tons of earth to recover plant and animal remains, and in the process identified
many species of plants and animals and found large quantities of charred fish bones that
had been swept out on to the streets. Plant seeds and fibres remained after dung cakes
had been burned as fuel and thus kitchens were identified.
Living rooms were those with fewer traces. Because they found the teeth of very young
pigs on the streets, archaeologists concluded that pigs must have roamed freely here as
in any other Mesopotamian town. In fact, one house burial contained some pig bones—
the dead person must have been given some pork for his nourishment in the afterlife!
The archaeologists also made microscopic studies of room floors to decide which rooms
in a house were roofed (with poplar logs, palm leaves, straw, etc.) and which were open
to the sky.
(i) Explain in brief the procedure adopted to discover Abu Salabikh? Why had
Mesopotamian excavators much higher standards of accuracy?
(ii) What do you know about Abu Salabikh?
(iii) What does the presence of pig bones along with burial indicate?
32. A major difference between the two superpowers and their respective empires was that
the Roman Empire was culturally much more diverse than that of Iran. The Parthians
and later the Sasanians, the dynasties that ruled Iran in this period, ruled over a
population that was largely Iranian. The Roman Empire, by contrast, was a mosaic of
territories and cultures that were chiefly bound together by a common system of
government. Many languages were spoken in the empire, but for the purposes of
administration Latin and Greek were the most widely used, indeed the only languages.
The upper classes of the east spoke and wrote in Greek, those of the west in Latin, and
the boundary between these broad language areas ran somewhere across the middle of
the Mediterranean, between the African provinces of Tripolitania (which was Latin
speaking) and Cyrenaica (Greek-speaking). All those who lived in the empire were
subjects of a single ruler, the emperor, regardless of where they lived and what
language they spoke.
(i) How would you differentiate the Roman Empire from Iran?
(ii) Name two dynasties who ruled over Iran during this period.
(iii) Which empire was bound together by a common system of government and why?
33. We also caused to be painted, by the exquisite hands of many masters from different
regions, a splendid variety of new windows… Because these windows are very valuable
on account of their wonderful execution and the profuse expenditure of painted glass
and sapphire glass, we appointed an official master craftsman for their protection, and
also a goldsmith—who would receive their allowances, namely, coins from the altar and
flour from the common storehouse of the brethren, and who would never neglect their
duty to look after these
34. Mark the following locations on the map of the Central Asia.
(i) Karakoram (ii) Turfan (iii) Delhi (iv) Samarqand (v) Nishapur
General Instructions:
(1) There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E.
(3) All the sections are compulsory.
(4) Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four Assertion Reasoning based of 1 mark each,
Section B contains five questions of two marks each, Section C contains seven questions of three marks each,
Section D contains two case study based questions of four marks each and Section E contains three long
answer questions of five marks each.
(5) Use of calculators is not allowed.
Section A
1. A force of 1N acts on a body of 1g. Calculate the acceleration produced in the body.
2 What is the angle made by vectors A=2i +2j with x axis?
3 What is the percentage error in volume of a sphere when error in measuring its radius is 2%.
4 Constant acceleration means position time graph will have constant slope. Yes or no? last year
5 Which physical term remains conserved in an inelastic collision?
6 The component of a vector r along X-axis will have maximum value if
(a) r is along positive y-axis
(b) r is along positive x-axis
(c) r makes an angle of 45° with the x-axis
(d) r is along negative y-axis
7. Given, force= α/( Density + β3) What are the dimensions of α , β?
(a) [ML2 T2], [ML-1/3]
(b) [M2LT 2], [M1/3 L-1]
(c) [M2L-2 T-2], [M1/3 L-1]
(d) [M² L-2T-2], [ML2]
1. If the size of bacteria is 1 μ, then the number of bacteria in 1 m length will
(a) one hundred
(c) one thousand
(b) one crore
(d) one million
2. The coordinates of object with respect to a frame of reference at t=0 are (-1, 0, 3). If t = 5 s, its
coordinates are (-1, 0, 4), then the object is in
(a) motion along z-axis
(b) motion along x-axis
(c) motion along y-axis
(d) rest position between t=0s and t=5s
3. The average velocities of the objects A and B are VA and VB, respectively. The velocities are related
such that VA > VB. The position-time graph for this situation can be represented as
Section B
9. What is cross product of two parallel vectors and self scalar product of vector
10. Using principle of homogeneity check dimensional consistency T=2 𝜋 √l/√g.
11. Explain the property of vectors A and B if |A+B| = |A-B|.
12. A man of mass 70 kg stands on a weighing scale in a lift which is moving
(i) upwards with uniform speed of 10 m/s?
(ii) downwards with a uniform acceleration of 5 m/s²?
Find the reaction force?
13. The length, breadth and thickness of a rectangular sheet of metal are 4.234 m, 1.005 m and 2.01 cm,
respectively. Give the volume of the sheet to correct significant figures.
Section C
14. Define impulse. Explain how momentum is conserved when a bomb explodes into two equal parts.
15. Express the average distance of earth from sun in: (i) light year, (ii) parsec.
16. Derive an expression for work-energy theorem for variable force.
17. Derive an expression for centripetal acceleration for a body having uniform circular motion.
18. A football is kicked at 20ms-1 at a projection angle of 45 °. A receiver on the goal line 25m away in the
direction of the kick runs the same instant to meet the ball. What must be his speed if he has to catch
the ball before it hits the ground. (g= 9.8ms-2)
19. Rain is falling with a speed of 30m/s. A woman rides a bicycle with a speed of 10m/s in north to south
direction. What is the direction in which she should hold her umbrella and her speed relative to rain?
Use tan18°=0.33
Section D
20. The centre of mass of a body or a system of bodies is the point which moves as though all of the mass
were concentrated there and all external forces were applied to it. Hence, a point at which the entire
mass of the body or system of bodies is supposed to be concentrated is known as the centre of mass.
If a system consists of more than one particle (or bodies) and net external force on the system in a
particular direction is zero with centre of mass at rest. Then, the centre of mass will not move along
that direction. Even though some particles of the system may move along that direction.
a. Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are lying in xy-plane at (-1, 2) and (2, 4), respectively. What
are the coordinates of the centre of mass?
(a) 1, 10/3
(b) (1,0)
(c) (0,1)
(d) None of these
b. The centre of mass of a system of two particles divides, the distance between them
(a) in inverse ratio of square of masses of particles
(b) in direct ratio of square of masses of particles
(c) in inverse ratio of masses of particles
(d) in direct ratio of masses of particles
c. Two particles A and B initially at rest move towards each other under a mutual force of
attraction. At the instant, when the speed of A is v and the speed of B is 2v, the speed of centre
of mass of the system is
(a) zero
(b) v
(c) 1.5 v
(d) 3v
Section E
21. A) Derive centre of mass of a thin rod lying on x axis.
B) Explain with reason which formula for displacement y of a particle undergoing periodic motion is
correct : y=a Sin 2 𝜋𝑡/𝑇 or y = a Sin vt, where v=sped of particle, T = time period of motion and a =
maximum displacement of the particle
22. A)Derive an expression for range of the projectile.
1. B) For the below v-t graph of a particle in one dimensional motion over the time interval t 1 to t2 , state
whether the following equation is correct or not:
x(t2)=x(t1) + v(t1) (t2-t1) +1/2 a(t2-t1)2
Class: 11.
Time: 3 hrs. MM: 80
सामान्य निर्दे श:
खंड 'अ' में 400 वस्तुपरक प्रश्ि पूछे गए हैं, सभी 40 प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दे ते हैं।
खंड व में वर्णिात्मक प्रश्ि पूछे गए हैं। प्रश्िों के उचित आंतररक ववकल्प दर्दए गए हैं।
मिुष्य के िीवि में लक्ष्य का होिा बहुत आवश्यक है। लक्ष्य के बबिा िीवि दर्दशाहीि तथा व्यथण ही है। एक बार एक
दर्दशाहीि युवा आगे बढ़े िा रहा था, राह में महात्मा िी की कुदिया र्दे ख रूककर महात्मा िी से पूछिे लगा कक यह
रास्ता कहााँ िाता है? महात्मा िी िे पूछा "तुम कहााँ िािा िाहते हो ? युवक िे कहा "मैं िहीं िािता मुझे कहााँ
िािा है " महात्मा िी िे कहा "िब तुम्हें पता ही िहीं है कक तुम्हें कहााँ िािा है, तो यह रास्ता कहीं भी
िाए, इससे तुम्हें क्या फकण पडेगा ? कहिे का मतलब है कक बबिा लक्ष्य के िीवि में इधर-उधर भिकते
रदहये कुछ भी प्राप्त िहीं कर पाओगे। यदर्द कुछ करिा िाहते तो पहले अपिा एक लक्ष्य बिाओ और
उस पर कायण करो अपिी राह स्वयं बिाओ। वास्तव में िीवि उसी का साथणक है जिसमें पररजस्थनतयों को
बर्दलिे का साहस है ।
गांधीिी कहते थे कुछ ि करिे से अच्छा है, कुछ करिा िो कुछ करता है वही सफल असफल होता है।
हमारा लक्ष्य कुछ भी हो सकता है, क्योंकक हर इंसाि की अपिी-अपिी क्षमता होती है और उसी के
अिुसार वह लक्ष्य निधाणररत करता है। िैसे ववद्याथी का लक्ष्य है सवाणचधक अंक प्राप्त करिा तो िौकरी
करिे वालों का लक्ष्य होगा पर्दोन्िनत प्राप्त करिा। इसी तरह ककसी मदहला का लक्ष्य आत्मनिभणर होिा
हो सकता है। ऐसा माििा है कक हर मिष्ु य को बडा लक्ष्य बिािा िादहए ककन्तु बडे लक्ष्य को प्राप्त
करिे के ललए छोिे -छोिे लक्ष्य बिािे िादहए। िब हम छोिे लक्ष्य प्राप्त कर लेते हैं तो बडे लक्ष्य को
प्राप्त करिे का हममें आत्मववश्वास आ िाता है। स्वामी वववेकािंर्द िे कहा था कक िीवि में एक ही
लक्ष्य बिाओ और दर्दि-रात उसी के बारे में सोिो। स्वप्ि में भी तुम्हें यही लक्ष्य दर्दखाई र्दे िा िादहए,
उसे पूरा करिे की एक धुि सवार हो िािी िादहए बस सफलता आपको लमली ही समझो। सि तो यह है
कक िब आप कोई काम करते हैं तो यह िरुरी िहीं कक सफलता लमले ही लेककि असफलता से भी
घबरािा िहीं िादहए। इस बारे में स्वामी वववेकािंर्द िी कहते हैं कक हिार बार प्रयास करिे के बार्द भी
यदर्द आप हार कर चगर पडें तो एक बार पुिः उठें और प्रयास करें । हमें लक्ष्य प्राजप्त तक स्वयं पर
ववश्वास रखिा िादहए।
1. युवक कह ाँ ज रह थ ?
III. लक्ष्य की ओर
iv. मंजजल की ओर
1. आत्मननर्भर होन
4. सफल बनन
1. आत्मननर्भर बनन
2. पर वलम्बी बनन
4. अपने क यभ के अनुस र
4. मनुष्य िख
ु ी हो ज त है ।
1. केवल l
2. केवल ll
3. केवल lll
3. असफलत लमलने पर
4. प्रय स न करने पर
1. अ
2. अस
3. सफल
4. ल
10. ननम्नललखखत कथन (A) तथ क रर् (R) को ध्य नपूवभक पदिए। उसके ब ि दिए गए ववकल्पों में से कोई एक सही
ववकल्प चुनकर ललखखए।
कथन (A): हर इंस न क लक्ष्य उसकी क्षमत के अनुस र ही होत है। क रर् (R): लक्ष्य प्र जप्त तक
मनुष्य को स्वयं पर ववश्व स रखन च दहए।
i. कथन (A) तथ क रर् (R) िोनों सही है तथ क रर् (R) कथन (A) की सही व्य ख्य करत है ।
ii. कथन (A) गलत हैं लेककन क रर् (R) सही है।
iv. कथन (A) सही है लेककन क रर् (R) उसकी गलत व्य ख्य करत है।
आततानययों की शमशीर;
क) अपने हृिय की आग
3. अपनी रीढ सीिी रखने व ले अथ भत ् स्व लर्म नी एवं कमभठ लोग ननम्न में से क्य नहीं करते हैं?
क) अत्य च र को सहन
घ) सत्य क स मन
क) अनत
ख) अत्य
ग) अत ्
घ) अ
5. िरू िे खती जजनकी पैनी आाँख र्ववष्यत ् क तम चीर पंजक्त से क्य आशय है?
क) 1780, कोलक त
ख) 1780, बम्बई
ग) 1880 मद्र स
घ) 1781, कोलक त
ख) िब
ु र सुनने य लौटकर सुनने की सुववि नही होती
क) बीबीसी
ग) ट इम्स ऑफ इंडिय
घ) तहलक िॉटकॉम
क) आज
ख) ग ंिीव
ग) बंग ल गजट
घ) उिं त म तंि
5. सम च र पत्र प्रक लशत य प्रस ररत करने के ललए आखखरी समय सीम को कह ज त है।
क) रै ि ल इन
ख) ब्लू ल इन
ग) ब्लैक ल इन
घ) िैि ल इन
औसत र्दफ़्तरी बडे बाबू की हैलसयत वाले रिेश के ललए सोहि को अपिी भाई-बबरार्दर बतलािा अपिे
सम्माि के ववरुद्ध िाि पडता था और उसे घरे लू िौकर से अचधक हैलसयत यह िहीं र्दे ता था, इस बात
को मोहि भी समझिे लगा था। थोडी-बहुत ढीला हवाली करिे के बार्द रमेश िे निकि के ही एक
साधारर् से स्कूल में उसका िाम ललखवा दर्दया। लेककि एकर्दम िए वातावरर् और रात दर्दि के काम के
बोझ के कारर् गााँव का यह मेघावी छात्र शहर के स्कूली िीवि में अपिी कोई पहिाि िहीं बिा पाया।
उसका िीवि एक बाँधी-बाँधाई लीक पर िलता रहा। साल में एक बार गलमणयों की छुट्िी में गााँव िािे का
मौक भी तभी लमलता िब रमेश या उसके घर का कोई प्रार्ी गााँव िािे वाला होता वरिा उि छुट्ियों
को भी अगले र्दरिे की तैयारी के िाम पर उसे शहर में ही गुजार र्दे िा पडता था। अगले र्दरिे की तैयारी
तो बहािा भर थी, सवाल रमेश और उसकी गह
ृ स्थी की सुववधा असुववधा का था। मोहि िे पररजस्थनतयों
से समझौता कर ललया था, क्योंकक और कोई िारा भी िहीं था। घरवालों को अपिी वास्तववक जस्थनत
बतलाकर यह र्दख
ु ी िहीं करिा िाहता था। वंशीधर उसके सि
ु हरे भववष्य के सपिे र्दे ख रहे थे।
क) र् ई की
ख) संबंिी की
ग) लमत्र की
घ) नौकर की
क) घर के अत्यधिक क म के क रर्
ग) मंिबद्
ु धि होने के क रर्
ग) जब उसक मन होत
5. रमेश ककस पि पर थ ?
क) बड़े ब बू
ख) अफसर
ग) छोटे ब बू
घ) नौकर
ु नहीं, न सही, आिमी क ख्व ब सही,
कोई हसीन नज र तो है नजर के ललए।
घ) स्वयं पर
क) सख
ु ि
ख) िुःु खि
ख) परमसंतोषी
ग) स िव
ु वृ त्त
ख) परीक्ष
ग) दृजष्ट
5. सफर क सम न थी है:
क) िस
ू रे स्थ न के ललए
ग) कून
घ) य त्र
क) ननमभलत
ख) सहजत
ग) उज्वलत
घ) स्व र् ववकत
2. र् रतीय ग नयक ओं में बेजोड़ लत मंगेशकर प ठ के आि र पर श स्त्रीय संगीत क स्थ यीर् व है-
क) जलिलय
ख) गंर्ीरत
ग) चपलत
3. लत मंगेशकर के वपत क न म थ -
क) िीन न थ मंगेशकर
ख) रम न थ मंगेशकर
ग) गंग न थ मंगेशकर
घ) र्ोल न थ मंगेशकर
9) लत जी के वपत जी क क्य न म थ ?
ख) धरा के आभि
ू र् पेड
ग) कामकािी मदहला
घ) आि के समय में खेलों का महत्व
ख) गलता लोहा कहािी में ककताबों की ववद्या और घि िलािे की ववद्या का जिक्र आया है स्पष्ि
कीजिए ।
घ) 'स्पीनत में बाररश' का वर्णि एक अलग तरीके से ककया गया है आप अपिे यहां होिे वाली बाररश का
वर्णि कीजिए।
General Instructions:
4. Question no. 19-22 carries 2 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words
5. Question no. 23-27 carries 4 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 100
words each.
6. Question no. 28-29 pertains to map and cartoon based questions carrying 5 marks each to be
answered accordingly.
7. Question no. 30-32 carries 6 marks each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 150
words each.
11. The executive plays a crucial role; the legislature has the powers of removal. This has ensured…
12. Which is not the issue of original jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India
(a) Dispute of fundamental rights
16. Assertion (A) : The Right to Property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights.
Reason (R ) : The Right to Property stood in the way of land reform scheme.
17. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:-
Our constitution is called a living document because it keeps responding to situations and
circumstances arising from time to time. Like a living being, constitution responds to experience. So
even after so many decades, constitution continues to work effectively because of its ability to be
dynamic, to be open to interpretations and its ability to respond to changes. This is vital for
democracy of the country. Our constitution has protected the democracy but at the same time
allowed it to be open to new practices. Our judiciary has maintained the letter and spirit of the
constitution. it has insisted that all work has to be within the framework of the constitution. People
measures should be taken but it should not bypass the legal procedures. Because if the legal
procedures are ignored in the name of public interest, then executive will have arbitrary use of
power and our political leaders, political parties, government and parliament has accepted its
functioning within the "basic structure of constitution’. Our constitution is built on the principles of
liberty, democracy, egalitarian, secular and federal, open to community values, sensitive to the
needs of religious and linguistic minorities and commitment towards building common national
identity. Constitution is a set of rules and regulations on which the state should run. But these rules
and regulations are formed keeping a norm in mind. for example: every individual has right to
freedom of speech. This law has a principle that every individual's freedom should be respected.
(v) Every individual has right to freedom of speech. This law has a principle-----------.
18. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:- .
Rights are those conditions and guarantees which the state should provide to every citizen in order
that he may attain his best self in the society. Right is it claim of the individual for doing things
independently. The individual claims his right from the society. But each and every claim of the
individual cannot be termed and accepted as a right. In order to become a right individual claims
must fulfil certain condition. A is right is a claim recognised by the society and enforced by the state.
The claim of the individual takes the form of a right only when it is recognised by the society. Any
claim which is neither acceptable to society nor enforceable by the state cannot be called as a right
in a true sense.
(i) What are those conditions and guarantees which states should provide to every citizen in order
that he may attain his best to self in the society?
a) Rights c) Claims
b) Law d) Equality
a) Law. c) Liberty
b) Rights d) Equality
a) City c) Country
a) in court c) Society
(v) Right to freedom means freedom thought, expression and action. This Right belong to which
21. The Prime Minister’s resignation amounts to the resignation of the entire Council of Ministers.
How many subjects are in the State list? Mention the names of state subjects.
26. Which of the fundamental right is in your opinion the most important right? Summarise its
provision and give arguments to show why it is most important.
27. What do you understand by Directive Principles of State Policy? Explain in brief the objectives of
Directive Principles.
30. How is the Prime Minister on India appointed? Discuss his powers and functions. OR
31. Discuss the composition, powers and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India. OR
Mention the various stages through which the bill passes before becoming an Act.
32. Explain briefly the scheme of ‘Fundamental Rights’ as contained in the Indian Constitution. OR
General Instructions:
Please check this question paper contains 35 questions.
The paper is divided into 4 Sections- A, B, C, D and E.
Section A, consists of 18 questions (1 to 18). Each question carries 1 Mark.
Section B, consists of 7 questions (19 to 25). Each question carries 2 Marks.
Section C, consists of 5 questions (26 to 30). Each question carries 3 Marks.
Section D, consists of 2 questions (31 to 32). Each question carries 4 Marks.
Section E, consists of 3 questions (33 to 35). Each question carries 5 Marks.
All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only
a) range(1,10)
b) range(0,9)
c) range(10)
d) range(1,11)
x = “abcdef”
i = “a”
while i in x:
print(i, end = ” “)
a) a
b) a a a a a a
c) a a a a a a … infinite times
d) Code will generate error
12. Which one of the following is the default extension of a Python file?
A) .exe B) .p++ C).py D) .p
13. Find the output:
Code = [1, 2, 3, 4]
a) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
b) [1,2,3,4]
c) [1,2,3,4,[5,6,7,8]]
d) [1,2,3,4][5,6,7,8]
Page 2 of 5
14.Find the output:
a) 12
b) 11
c) 22
d) 6
15. Find the output :
Page 4 of 5
32. Write a program to print all triod/Armstrong numbers from 1 to n where n is entered by the
Write a program to print all perfect numbers from 200 to 1000.
c) Explain the following string slices in your words with appropriate examples:3
1. [:]
2. [::]
3. [5:]
4. [:5]
5. [::-1]
6. [5:0]
7. [5::-1]
8. [5:-5]
9. [5]
34. a) Write a code to convert following for loop code into while loop: [3]
for a in range(12,200,15):
b) Write a program which print all words in a string having more than 5 letters.
35. Accept the electric units from the user and calculate the bill according to the following.
Page 5 of 5
Section A
1 Goods/Assets or Cash used for personal use by a businessman is called ________. [1]
a) Investment
b) Drawings
c) Profit
d) Capital
c) Incomplete Information
3 ________ need the information to form policies at the macro level and for providing subsidies. [1]
a) Competitors
b) Management
c) Tax authorities
b) Evidence in court
c) Facilitates loan
d) Window Dressing
c) Financial Accounting
d) Management Accounting
6 Which of the following limitations of accounting states that accounts may be manipulated to [1]
conceal vital facts:
1. Accounting is not fully exact
Page 1 of 12
2. Accounting may lead to window dressing
a) Only D
b) Only C
c) Only A
d) Only B
8 Which stakeholder would be most interested in the VAT and other tax liabilities of the firm: [1]
a) None of these
b) Management
c) objective of business
d) None of these
Page 2 of 12
2. Government
a) Rs.1,50,000
b) Rs.5,00,000
c) Rs.5,000
d) Rs.5,05,000
18 Ram started a business for buying and selling of stationery with Rs.5,00,000 as an initial [1]
investment. Of which he paid Rs.1,00,000 for furniture, Rs.2,00,000 for buying the
stationery item. He withdrew Rs.2000 for his personal use. What is the amount of drawings?
a) Rs.2,000
b) Rs.5,00,000
c) Rs.1,00,000
d) Rs.2,00,000
2. Accrual Concept
4. Cost Concept
30 A firm dealing in computer peripherals which maintain its account on accrual basis, [1]
received an order for 20 laptops alongwith an advance of Rs1,00,000. How will the advance
received will be treated?
31 Which basis of accounting gives a correct picture of operating results and the financial [1]
position of a firm?
32 Discuss Cash and Accrual Basis of Accounting. [1]
33 Name the basis of accounting in which outstanding expenses are not recorded? [1]
34 Mr X had made cash sales of₹ 2,00,000 and credit sales of ₹ 3,00,000 for the year ended [1]
March 31, 2013. He paid expenses of ₹ 50,000 and ₹ 30,000 are still outstanding for the
current financial year. Calculate profit or loss earned during the year under:
35 The process of transferring the accounts from the Journal to the ledger is called ________. [1]
a) Posting
b) Journalising
c) Balancing
d) Costing
36 Purchased goods from Manoj of Rs 20,000 at 20% trade discount. Posting will be made in [1]
Manoj A/c:
Page 4 of 12
b) Charity A/c
c) Sales A/c
d) Purchases A/c
38 Journalise the following transactions of Kamal, Delhi for April, 2019, post them in Ledger [6]
Accounts and balance them:
39 Enter the following transactions in a Double Column Cash Book and Journal Proper and post [6]
Inter - state transactions are subject to levy of IGST @ 12% and Intra - state transactions
are subject to levy of CGST and SGST @ 6% each. GST is not levied on transactions marked
with (*).Post the above transactions to the Ledger and prepare the Trial Balance on 30th
April, 2019.
41 Mohan’s bank reconciliation statement shows cheques deposited but not credited by bank [1]
Page 5 of 12
of₹ 3,800 and cheques issued but not presented by suppliers of ₹ 3,500. His bank balance as
per Cash Book is ₹ 25,000. Balance as per pass book statement is
a) ₹ 25,300
b) ₹ 24,700
c) ₹ 25,000
d) ₹ 32,300
b) auditors
c) creditors
d) bank
43 Overdraft as per Cash Book is₹ 10,000. Cheques deposited but not credited ₹ 2,500. Cheques [1]
issued but not encashed ₹ 3,500. What is the balance as per Pass Book?
a) Overdraft₹ 11,000
b) Overdraft₹ 9,000
c) Balance₹ 11,000
d) Balance₹ 9,000
44 When cash is deposited into the bank then the following account would be debited in the [1]
company accounts?
a) Bank A/c
b) None of these
c) Cash A/c
d) Overdraft A/c
b) Credit in passbook
46 The following facts relate to the business of Roshan who requires you to reconcile his cash [6]
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Additional Information
1. The debit side of the cash book (bank column) has been undercast by Rs 500.
2. A cheque of Rs 200 paid to a creditor has been entered by mistake in the cash
47 The passbook of Mr Kartik showed an overdraft of Rs 81,900 on 31st March, 2013. Prepare [6]
bank reconciliation statement on 31st March, 2013
2. Credited by bank with Rs 7,600 were collected by them but the amount is not
entered in the cash book.
4. A cheque of Rs 1,560 credited in the pass book on 28th March being dishonoured is
debited again in the pass book on 1st April, 2013. There was no entry in the cash
book about the dishonour of the cheque until 15th April.
48 From the following information determine the balance as per Bank Pass Book of Ajay on [6]
31st March, 2019:
2. Interest on overdraft for 6 months ended 31st March, 2019,₹ 1,600 entered in the
Pass Book.
3. Bank charges of₹ 300 for the above period are debited in the Pass Book.
4. Cheques issued but not cashed prior to 31st March, 2019, amounted to₹ 11,680
5. Cheques paid into the bank but not cleared before 31st March, 2019 were for₹
6. Interest on investments collected by the bank and credited in the Pass Book,₹ 12,000
7. Credit side of the Bank Column of the Cash Book was undereasted by₹ 1,000
b) opposite
c) credit
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d) debit
b) closing
c) opening
d) credit
c) Cost - Depreciation
52 Fixed assets are subject to decline in value and this decline is technically referred to as [1]
a) None of these
b) Depreciation
c) Reduction
d) Obsolescence
c) Price fluctuation
d) Efflux of time
55 ’In case of a long - term asset, repair and maintenance expenses are expected to rise in later [1]
years than in earlier year.’ Which method is suitable for charging depreciation if the
management does not want to increase burden on profit and loss account on account of
depreciation and repair.
56 What is meant by the Written Down Value Method of providing Depreciation? [1]
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57 Under which method depreciation is calculated on the original cost of the asset? [1]
58 Which of the following are advantages of straight line method of depreciation? [1]
1. It is very simple, easy to understand and apply.
2. This method makes it possible to distribute full depreciable cost over useful life of
the asset.
4. None of these
a) Option (i)
b) Option (iii)
c) Option (iv)
d) Option (ii)
59 Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of written down value method? [1]
1. It results into almost equal burden of depreciation and repair expenses taken
together every year on profit and loss account
3. As a large portion of cost is written - off in earlier years, loss due to obsolescence
gets reduced
4. All of these
a) Option (iv)
b) Option (i)
c) Option (iii)
d) Option (ii)
60 The following Trial Balance has been prepared by an inexperienced accountant.Redraft it in [6]
Page 9 of 12
a) opening entry
b) compound entry
c) adjustment entry
d) contra entry
62 When a firm maintains two - column Cash Book, it does not maintain: [1]
a) Bank and Cash Account in the Ledger
b) Purchases Book
c) Journal Proper
d) Sales Book
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2. The essence of the convention of prudence is to anticipate no profit and provide for
all possible losses.
Question No. 71 to 74 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer [4]
the questions: Accounting is the most important part of any business entity. It gives the
framework to record all the business transactions and events that happens during the
working of the business entity. Accounting is the language of business with books of
accounts being its script and debit - credit its style ie. the way of expressing it. According to
the American Accounting Association, "Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring
and communicating information to permit judgement and decisions by the users of
accounts." According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants -
"Accounting is the art of recording, classifying and summarising in a significant manner and
in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least of a financial character
and interpreting the result thereof."Accounting is an Art as well as Science. It records
Financial Transactions only which can be expressed in terms of money. First the
transactions are recorded and then they are classified and summarised to interpret the
financial position of the business. One needs to keep in mind that Accounting and
Accountancy are two different concepts. Accounting is the recording classifying and
summarising business transactions to ascertain the financial position of the business firm.
On the other hand, Accountancy is the body of knowledge based on principles for recording,
classifying and summarising business transactions to help in the decision - making function
of management. Accounting is an art of recording, classifying and summarising all the
business transactions. It is a science as well as it follows certain guiding accounting
principles and standards.
71 Accounting is called science because it follows certain guiding ________.
a) Accounting principles
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b) Accounting standards
c) None of these
b) Money
c) Framework
d) Process
73 Accounting is the art of recording classifying and summarising in a significant manner and
in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least of a financial character
and interpreting the result thereof. This definition of Accounting is given by:
b) Financial
c) Marketing
d) All of these
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General Instructions :-
1. Answer to question carrying 1 Marks may be from one word to one Sentence.
2. Answer to question carrying 2 Marks may be from 50 to 75 words
3. Answer to question carrying 4 Marks may be from 150 to 170 words
4. Answer to question carrying 5 Marks may be from 200 words
Direction (Q. Nos. 1-20) All the questions have four options out of which only one is correct. Choose the
correct option as your answer.
1. Ram, Mohan and Sohan are good friends. Ram is working as a doctor in a private hospital and getting
salary of 1,50,000 per month Mohan is a farmer and producing 50 quintals wheat for his own
consumption. Soban is working as a teacher in a school and getting salary of 340,000 per month. In
addition to that, Sohan teaches some slum area children in the evening and does not charge anything
from them. It gives him a psychological and mental satisfaction. Which type of human activity is
performed by Ram?
c) Both a) and b)
2. Match the ‘various e-banking services' in column I with their respective statement in column II.
Column I
A. Debit card
B. Credit card
C. Core banking
D. Bank draft
Column II
(ii) A card is issued to a customer in lieu of his money deposited in the bank.
(a) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(c) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (d) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
3. Mr. Harish Kalra is a farmer and cultivatessugarcane on a large piece of land in a district in
Maharashtra. Mr Harish has sold his ancestral house for Rs 40 lakhs.
His son, SakSham proposes him to establish a sugar mill with this money as the raw material sugarcane
will be available from their fields. Mention the type of industry in which Harish is engaged in.
(a) True (b) False (c) Can't say (d) Partially false
5. Mr. Naresh Batra, a businessman, incurred some financial loss due to the dishonesty of his workers.
This loss is caused due to_________
6. Family floater health insurance policy covers the hospitalisation expenses of an individual upto a
specified limit.
(a) Mobile banking (b) Physical banking (c) e-banking (d) None of these
(a) No person shall be eligible to incorporate more than a One Person Company or become nominee in
more than one such company.
(b) No minor shall become member or nominee of the One Person Company or can hold share with
beneficial interest.
c) Such company cannot be incorporated or converted into a company under Section 8 of the Act.
(d) Such company can carry out Non-Banking Financial investment in securities of anybody corporate.
9. Anubhav took a fire insurance policy for his property worth Rs 10,00,000 with two insurers: Shri Ram
General Insurance Co. Ltd. for Rs 8,00,000 and Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd. For Rs 4,00,000.
An electric short circuit in his property caused fire and it resulted in a loss of Rs 3,00,000. He filed a claim
for Rs 3,00,000 against each of the two insurance companies. Which principle of insurance is highlighted
in the above case?
10. ...... organisation is formed by passing a Special Act of Parliament of state legislature.
(a) Statutory corporation (b) Government company (c) Departmental undertaking (d) None of the above
(a) True (b) False (c) Can't say (d) Partially false
12. It is the moral obligation of business to get involved in solving social problems, instead of expecting
other social agencies dealing with them. It is related to which justification of social responsibility?
13. The control of central government on departmental undertakings is very effective. This control on
departmental undertakings is subject to
(a) Government control (b) IAS officers control (c) Parliamentary control (d) Control by CAG
14. Craft Enterprises pays wages to its employees at a rate which is much lower than the minimum
wages prescribed by the government. The working conditions in the factory are inappropriate as there is
lack of proper ventilation and there is a strict rule against formation of Trade Union. Against which
'group', Craft Enterprises has ignored the social responsibility?
15. Chennai Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., registered under the Companies Act, 2013, was started with a
paid up capital of Rs 50,00,000. 40% of this paid up capital is in the hands of private individuals and the
balance is held by the government of Chennai, Chennai pharmaceuticals belongs to which form of public
sector enterprises?
16. Shivangi wants to buy a new laptop with latest features and want to sell the old laptop before buying
the new one. So, she listed her old laptop on She received good response from her post and
was able to sell the laptop at good price. Identify the component of e-business being described above.
(a) C2C (b) B2B (c) Intra-B (d) B2G
17. Development of business education has made people aware of the importance of social
responsibility for the business.
(a) True (b) False (c) Can't say (d) Partially false
18. The transactions taking place between consumers and business are known as________
19. The management of Mars Ltd. manipulated its financial statements to show lesser earnings so that
low rate of dividend can be given. Identify the group whose interest is being ignored?
20. By providing quality product at reasonable price, business is fulfilling its responsibility
Assertion-Reasoning MCQS
Direction (Q.Nos. 21 to 25) There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the
statements and choose the appropriate option from the options given below
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion
21. Assertion (A) In case of fire insurance, insurable interest must be present at the time of taking the
policy as well as at the time of loss of subject matter.
Reason (R) Fire must be the proximate cause of damage or loss in a fire insurance policy.
Reason (R) In case of e-business, most of the work is done electronically through computers.
23. Assertion (A) The karta cannot be an expert in all areas of management.
Reason (A) The inability of karta to decide effectively may result into losses for the organisation.
Reason (R) Auxiliaries to trade facilitate activities relating to industry and trade.
25. Assertion (A) Businessman often pass the burden of social responsibility to consumers.
Direction Read the following case study and answer questions 26 to 30.
Mr. Liyaquat Ali Khan runs a departmental store in Bhopal. He procures different kinds of products from
all over India through railways, roadways and airways. He also owns a godown to hold the stocks. He has
also taken an insurance policy worth Rs 15 crores for his business. Moreover, he has taken a loan of Rs
3,00,000 from Axis Bank in order to meet short-term financial needs of his business. He has placed
information about his store on the hoardings, bill boards, etc. in order to popularise them.
(a) Economic (b) Non-economic (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
28. "He also owns a godown to hold the stocks.” Which auxiliary to trade is used here?
(a) Transportation (b) Warehousing (c) Banking (d) Insurance
29. “He procures different kinds of products from all over India through railways, roadways and
airways.” Which feature of business is highlighted in the given lines?
(a) Element of risk (b) Uncertainty (c) Procurement of goods and services (d) Sale of goods and services
30. “He has placed information about his store on the hoardings, bill boards, etc. in order to popularise
them.” Which auxiliary to trade is used here?
Direction Read the following case study and answer questions 31 to 35.
Subhadra, Isha, Samriti and Kamlesh, all the four of them are members of the same Kitty Party. The
speciality of their Kitty Party is that besides several entertainment programmes, they also provide an
opportunity to some of the members to speak on some special subject. Once, all the four of them got
the opportunity of speaking on the subject: ‘Digital Payment System'. They shared their respective
experiences as given below: First of all Subhadra spoke on her payment system. She told that as and
when she buys goods from a mall, she scans the pattern pasted on the ‘Payment Counter using her
mobile and makes the payment easily. After this, Isha told about her own payment system. She said that
as and when she has to make some payment, she uses the LOGIN. Id, LOGIN PASSWORD and
TRANSACTION PASSWORD obtained from her Bank. In this way, very easily and with full safety she
makes the payment. Samriti told that she made her payment quite fast by using her VIRTUAL Id.
Similarly, Kamlesh told that she had a mobile with BASIC FEATURES and she required no internet to
make her payments. In order to make the payment, she needed the registered Mobile number and
MMID of the receiver. She has to use the MPIN issued by her bank.
32. Isha uses LOGIN ID, LOGIN PASSWORD and TRANSACTION PASSWORD to make her payments.
Identify her payment system.
33. Samriti makes payments by using her VIRTUAL Id. Identify her payment system.
Direction Read the following case study and answer questions 36 to 40.
A group of seven friends decided to jointly set a public company in a rural area where the people were
facing a serious unemployment problem. All of them jointly selected a place where the company's
registered office would be situated. Along with it, with the advice of business specialists, it was also
decided what procedure would be followed for the issue and allotment of shares. All the friends wanted
their company to have a singular recognition, and people should get immediate attraction towards its
produ ts. It was felt that the very name of the com; ny could become a reason for its recognition. After a
detailed discussion, the company's name was decided as Trimurti Ltd. Then, they jointly completed all
the formalities of the formation of the company.
38. “All of them jointly selected a place where the company's registered office would be situated.”
Which clause of MoA is being discussed in the given lines?
39. “After a detailed discussion, the company's name was decided as Trimurti Ltd.” Which clause of MoA
i being discussed in the given lines?
40. “It was also decided what procedure would be followed for the issue and allotment of shares”.
Which document is being highlighted in the lines?
42. “Profit is not an objective but a requirement of business” Do you agree with
this statement? Support your answer with reasons.
50. “Taking Insurance is essential for Business.” Do you agree? If yes state
certain reasons that specify its importance in content to modern business.
55. What is joint stock company? Explain the Procedure for formation
of Company.
60. Discuss the RTGS and NEFT .also specify the difference between
both the terms .
62. Mercury ltd. decided to donate 2% of its sales to ‘ child rights and you
(CRY)’ for improving the conditions of children in India. This initiate by
the company was highly appreciated by the public and their sales
increased by 10% . identify the interest group towards which ltd. is
discharging its social responsibility?
66. Kapil took the marine policy worth rs. 2,00,000 to protect the goods from
the perils of the sea. On the way the goods were spoiled by rats . he suffered the loss
of rs. 1, 25,000. He filled a claim for the loss against the insurance company .
1. can kapil recover the rs. 1, 25,000 from the insurance company .
67. “ In all types of insurance insured must have the insurable interest both
at the time of insurance and at the time of loss.” Do you agree?
68. Why MNCs are in a position to exercise massive control on the world
economy ?