Big 6 Planner
Big 6 Planner
Big 6 Planner
Subject : Geography
Fill out Big6 part1-5 before you begin to work on your assignment.
Fill out Big6 part 6 before you complete your assignment
You will most likely find interesting additional information as you use the resources.
1. Define the definition of important terms like weather or climate and give some examples using the terms
2. Talk about the differences I found between Tokyo weather and Cairo’s weather
3. The differences between the two cities location, populations descriptions like the clothes they wear
4. The difference between the locations of the two cities for e.g. the difference between the seasons
In the two hemispheres etc.
5. Some of their extraordinary weather conditions such as typhoons in Tokyo and tornadoes in USA
or sand storms in Cairo
Big6 part-2: Information-Seeking Strategies
Examine alternative approaches to acquiring information. List the best sources to find this
Locate sources and access the information within them. Where will I locate these sources?
• School library
• Class Library
• Public library
• Personal library
• Internet
I will find free web sites and use a web site evaluation guide for each that I use in my project.
2. The major factors in climate that lead to the migration of people or animals
3. If we are changing the climate by human activities for e.g. pollution. How?
Use a source to gain information—how will I record the information that I find?
Use a source to gain information—how will I record the information that I find?
Take notes using MS word
Illustrate Concept
Big6 part-5: Synthesis - Decide how you will put together the notes you took and ideas that you
will add. You may:
Create an outline
Create a storyboard
Make a sketch
Use only still pictures with voiceover
Before turning in your assignment, compare it to the requirements that your teacher gave you.
Did you do everything and include all that was required for the assignment?
Did you give credit to all of your sources, written in the way your teacher requested?
Is your work complete and does it include heading information (name, date, etc.)
Note- Attach all rough work, draft, sketch, map, flow chart, data table, photos with the
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