Ts 103863
Ts 103863
Ts 103863
1 (2023-01)
broadband, maritime, radio
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F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE
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3 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................5
Modal verbs terminology....................................................................................................................................5
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................6
2 References ................................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Normative references ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Informative references ........................................................................................................................................ 6
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations .......................................................................................7
3.1 Terms.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Symbols .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
4 General and operational requirements ......................................................................................................7
4.1 Environmental profile......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Main characteristics of the beamforming system ............................................................................................... 8
4.3 Construction ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Controls and indicators ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.5 Safety precautions .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.6 Labelling............................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.7 Frequencies......................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.8 Polarization of the antenna ................................................................................................................................. 9
4.9 Antenna gain ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.10 Transceiver data interface................................................................................................................................... 9
5 General conditions of measurements .......................................................................................................9
5.1 Test site and general arrangements for measurements ....................................................................................... 9
5.2 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.3 Tests of equipment with a notch filter .............................................................................................................. 10
5.4 Coupling arrangement facilities for access ....................................................................................................... 10
5.5 Modes of operation of the transmitter .............................................................................................................. 10
5.6 Sources of test signals ...................................................................................................................................... 10
5.7 Bit error measurements .................................................................................................................................... 10
6 Test conditions .......................................................................................................................................11
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Test signals ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Normal test conditions...................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3.1 Normal temperature and humidity .............................................................................................................. 11
6.3.2 Normal power source .................................................................................................................................. 11 Mains voltage and frequency ................................................................................................................ 11 Battery power source............................................................................................................................. 11 Other power sources .............................................................................................................................. 11
6.4 Extreme test conditions .................................................................................................................................... 11
6.4.1 General requirements .................................................................................................................................. 11
6.4.2 Extreme temperatures ................................................................................................................................. 12
6.4.3 Extreme values of test power source .......................................................................................................... 12 Mains voltage and frequency ................................................................................................................ 12 Battery power source............................................................................................................................. 12 Other power sources .............................................................................................................................. 12
6.4.4 Procedure for tests at extreme temperatures ............................................................................................... 12
7 Environmental tests ................................................................................................................................12
7.1 General requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2 Performance check ........................................................................................................................................... 12
7.3 Vibration tests .................................................................................................................................................. 12
7.3.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
4 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
5 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
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6 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
1 Scope
The present document specifies technical characteristics and methods of measurements for radio transmitters and
receivers utilizing integrated beamforming phased array antennas operating on frequencies in the 5 GHz to 8 GHz
frequency range, except for 5 862 MHz and 5 890 MHz, for broadband communication links between ships and
between ships and land based stations.
The present document intends to provide parameters that may be useful when considering license or other permissions
for use.
NOTE: Operation on the frequencies 5 862 MHz and 5 890 MHz is covered by ETSI EN 303 276 [i.1].
2 References
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
[1] Recommendation ITU-T O.150 (05-1996) plus corrigendum 1 (05-2002): "General requirements
for instrumentation for performance measurements on digital transmission equipment".
[2] ETSI TS 103 052 (V1.1.1) (03-2011): "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM); Radiated measurement methods and general arrangements for test sites up to 100 GHz".
[3] Recommendation ITU-T E.161 (02-2001): "Arrangement of digits, letters and symbols on
telephones and other devices that can be used for gaining access to a telephone network".
[4] ISO 25862:2019: "Ships and marine technology -- Marine magnetic compasses, binnacles and
azimuth reading devices".
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] ETSI EN 303 276: "Maritime Broadband Radiolink operating within the bands 5 852 MHz to
5 872 MHz and/or 5 880 MHz to 5 900 MHz for ships and off-shore installations engaged in
coordinated activities; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum".
7 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:
tuning range: maximum frequency band within which an equipment can operate
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
ac alternating current
ATPC Adaptive Transmitter Power Control
BER Bit Error Rate
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
dc direct current
EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
EN European Norm
EUT Equipment Under Test
FER Frame Error Rate
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication standardization sector
RBW Reference BandWidth
RF Radio Frequency
TS Technical Specification
8 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
Both stations employ phased array antennas which produce dynamically shaped and steerable beams such that the
stations mutually track each other.
The beamforming process is controlled via software algorithms which also enable the detection and suppression of
unwanted interfering signals, by means of signal processing techniques applied at the receiver including the placement
of directional nulls in the antenna patterns. Such techniques also enable nulls to be dynamically placed in the
transmitted radiation pattern, thereby suppressing the power emitted in given directions.
4.3 Construction
The mechanical and electrical construction and finish of the equipment shall conform in all respects to good engineering
practice, and the equipment shall be suitable for use on board ships or for installation at land based stations.
All controls shall be of sufficient size to enable the usual control functions to be easily performed and the number of
controls should be the minimum necessary for simple and satisfactory operation.
For the purpose of conformance testing, relevant technical documentation shall be supplied with the equipment.
It shall not be possible to transmit while any frequency synthesizer used within the transmitter is out of lock.
Where an input panel on the equipment for entering the digits 0 - 9 is provided, this shall conform to Recommendation
ITU-T E.161 [3].
The equipment shall have the following additional controls and indicators:
• a means for reducing the brightness of the equipment illumination to almost zero;
• an on/off switch for the entire installation with a visual indication that the installation is in operation;
• the user shall not have access to any control which, if wrongly set, might impair the technical characteristics of
the equipment.
Measures shall be taken to prevent damage to the equipment if the electrical power source produces transient voltage
variations and to prevent any damage that might arise from an accidental reversal of polarity of the electrical power
Means shall be provided for earthing exposed metallic parts of the equipment.
9 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
All components and wiring in which the dc or ac voltage (other than radio-frequency voltage) produce, singly or in
combination, peak voltages in excess of 50 V shall be protected against any accidental access and shall be automatically
isolated from all electrical power sources if the protective covers are removed. Alternatively, the equipment shall be
constructed in such a way as to prevent access to components operating at such voltages unless an appropriate tool is
used such as a nut-spanner or screwdriver. Conspicuous warning labels shall be affixed both inside the equipment and
on the protective covers.
The information in any volatile memory device shall be protected from interruptions in the power supply of up to at
least 60 s duration.
4.6 Labelling
All controls, instruments, indicators and ports shall be clearly labelled.
Details of the power supply from which the equipment is intended to operate shall be clearly indicated on the
For installation on board ships, the compass safe distance as defined in ISO 25862 [4] (Method B) shall be stated on the
equipment or in the technical manual.
4.7 Frequencies
The equipment shall be capable of operating on frequencies between 5 GHz and 8 GHz. The tuning range of the
equipment shall be declared by the manufacturer.
The antennas of the transmitter and the receiver shall be at the same height.
The measurement antenna shall be placed as close as possible to the EUT receiver antenna and shall be adjusted to the
same height as the antenna for the transmitter and the receiver.
The measurement antenna shall be adjusted in the direction of the transmitter antenna.
The measurement antenna and spectrum analyser shall be calibrated to read absolute values.
10 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
5.2 General
Tests shall be carried out on the highest and lowest frequency available in the equipment.
If a notch filter is used, it shall be centred on the transmitter carrier frequency and attenuating the signal by at least
30 dB. The measured results shall be corrected for the loss in the notch filter.
Assuming equally distributed and statistically independent occurrence of erroneous bits the following relations between
FER, BER and total number N of transmitted bits within a single frame apply:
FER = 1-(1-BER)N,
The minimum number CF of frames together with the frame size shall be reported.
EXAMPLE 1: With BER = 10-6 and frame length N = 1 000, the equivalent FER is approximately 0,001.
The reasonable number CF of frames to be transmitted is 10 000, i.e. 10 frames may be lost on
EXAMPLE 2: For a large value of FER, e.g. 0,9999 which may result in a BER = 2,0·10-2 as used for test, a
reasonable number CF of frames to be transmitted is 100 000, i.e. 10 frames may be error-free on
average. The very large number of frames to be transmitted is to be able to estimate the BER as a
small variation in erroneous frames may change significantly the corresponding estimated BER.
11 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
6 Test conditions
6.1 General
Tests shall be made under normal test conditions and also, where stated, under extreme test conditions.
NOTE: Normal and extreme test conditions are defined in clause 6.3 and clause 6.4.
Test signal 2 shall be a message consisting of a pseudo-random bit sequence of at least 8 192 payload bits according to
clause 5 of Recommendation ITU-T O.150 [1]. The bit modulation rate over the air shall be 10 Mb/s.
12 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
Before conducting tests at the upper temperature, the equipment consisting of a transmitter and associated receiver,
shall be placed in the test chamber and left until thermal equilibrium is reached. The equipment shall then be switched
on for half an hour in normal transmit mode in the high power transmit condition at the normal voltage and the
equipment shall meet the requirement of the present document.
For tests at the lower temperature, the equipment shall be left in the test chamber until thermal equilibrium is reached
and shall then be switched on, after which the equipment shall meet the requirements of the present document.
For tests at extreme temperatures, the manufacturer may be required to provide an RF transparent test cabinet.
7 Environmental tests
13 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
The EUT shall be subjected to sinusoidal vertical vibration at all frequencies between:
• 5 Hz and up to 13,2 Hz with an excursion of ±1 mm ±10 % (7 m/s2 maximum acceleration at 13,2 Hz);
The frequency sweep rate shall be slow enough to allow the detection of resonances in any part of the EUT.
A resonance search shall be carried out throughout the test. If any resonance of the EUT has Q ≥ 5 measured relative to
the base of the vibration table, the EUT shall be subjected to a further vibration endurance test at each resonant
frequency at the vibration level specified in the test with a duration of two hours. If any resonance with Q < 5 occurs the
further endurance test shall be carried out at one single observed frequency. If no resonance occurred, the further
endurance test shall be carried out at a frequency of 30 Hz.
Performance check(s) shall be carried out at the end of each two hours endurance test period.
The procedure shall be repeated with vibration in each of two mutually perpendicular directions in the horizontal plane.
After conducting the vibration tests, the equipment shall be inspected for any mechanical deterioration.
7.3.3 Requirement
The equipment shall meet the requirements of the performance check defined in clause 7.2.
7.4.3 Requirement
The equipment shall meet the requirements of the performance check defined in clause 7.2.
14 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
8 Transmitter
The EUT transmitter shall be configured to operate on the highest frequency available in the equipment, at normal RF
output power level using test signal 1.
Measurements shall be made under normal test conditions (clause 6.3) and under extreme test conditions (clause 6.4).
8.1.3 Limit
The measured frequency shall be within the range ±2 ppm of the nominal value.
The EUT transmitter antenna beam shall be configured to maximum antenna gain and pointed towards the measurement
antenna. The transmitter shall be configured to operate at maximum RF output power level using test signal 1.
Max Hold (peak detector) shall be selected and the centre frequency adjusted to that of the EUT.
The substitution method described in clause 4 of ETSI TS 103 052 [2] shall be used.
15 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
Measurements shall be made under normal test conditions (clause 6.3) and under extreme test conditions (clause 6.4).
8.2.3 Limit
The EIRP shall not exceed 55 dBm.
The transmitter shall be configured to operate at maximum RF output power level using test signal 1.
The antenna beam shall be configured to maximum gain and pointed towards the measurement antenna.
The antenna shall then be rotated clockwise and counter clockwise 20º of the bore sight and the received values shall be
8.3.3 Limit
The -3 dB points of the antenna pattern shall be within ±15º of the bore sight.
16 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
For the measurement, two equipment (transceivers A and B) shall be used to establish a normal communication link
using test signal 2.
The equipment under test (transmitter A) shall be operated with the Adaptive Transmitter Power Control (ATPC)
inactive at a power level that produces a signal level of at least 50 dB above the sensitivity level (see clause 9.1) at
receiver B.
The output power of the equipment under test (transmitter A) shall be measured.
The ATPC in the equipment under test (transmitter A) shall then be activated and the change of the output power shall
be measured.
8.4.3 Limit
The output power of the EUT shall be reduced by the ATPC by at least 25 dB.
The EUT transmitter shall be configured to operate at a maximum EIRP using test signal 2.
The EUT antenna beam shall be configured to maximum gain and pointed towards the measurement antenna.
Max Hold (peak detector) shall be selected and the centre frequency adjusted to that of the EUT.
17 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
The value of the power shall be measured over the frequency range between -50 MHz and +50 MHz relative to the
centre frequency.
8.5.3 Limit
The emissions shall not exceed the transmitter spectrum mask in Figure 6 or an absolute level of -30 dBm/MHz,
whichever is greater.
18 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
The EUT transmitter shall be configured to operate at maximum EIRP level using test signal 1.
The EUT transmitter antenna beam shall be configured to maximum gain and pointed towards the measurement
The measurement antenna shall be connected to a spectrum analyser. A notch filter may be required to obtain the
required dynamic range for measurement, see clause 5.3.
The measurement shall be made over the frequency range from 30 MHz to 26 GHz excluding the channel on which the
transmitter is operating and the out of band domain (fc ± 50 MHz). The reference bandwidths shall be in accordance
with Table 1.
8.6.3 Limit
Any radiated spurious emission level shall not exceed the limits in Table 1.
9 Receiver
19 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
The centre frequency shall be adjusted to that of the EUT receiver. The measuring bandwidth shall be 20 MHz.
The transmitter signal level shall be reduced in 1 dB steps until the received BER exceeds 10-5.
The sensitivity of the receiver is calculated from the reading on the spectrum analyser, taking into account the EUT
receiver antenna gain.
Measurements shall be made under normal test conditions (clause 6.3) and under extreme test conditions (clause 6.4).
9.1.3 Limit
The maximum usable sensitivity of the receiver shall be better than -83 dBm.
For the measurement, two signal generators shall be used (generator A and B). Both generators shall operate on the
nominal frequency of the EUT receiver and shall be adjusted to produce test signal 2.
The two signal generators shall be fed to calibrated antennas of equal gain, each within the 3 dB beam width of the
antenna of the receiver under test.
The wanted signal shall be provided by signal generator A and shall produce signal level +3 dB above the sensitivity
level of the EUT receiver (see clause 9.1) and radio link shall be established with the EUT.
Signal generator B shall then be switched on and the level of the unwanted signal adjusted until the received BER
exceeds 10-5.
The co-channel rejection ratio shall be expressed as the average ratio, in dB, between the level of the unwanted signal
(generator B) and the level of the wanted signal (generator A).
20 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
9.2.3 Limit
The co-channel rejection at the nominal frequency of the receiver shall be better than -13 dB.
For the measurement, two signal generators shall be used (generator A and B). Both generators shall be adjusted to
produce test signal 2. The signal generators shall operate on frequencies separated by 40 MHz.
The two signal generators shall be fed to antennas of equal gain, both within the 3 dB beam width of the antenna of the
EUT receiver.
Signal generator A (wanted signal) shall operate on the nominal frequency of the receiver under test.
The wanted signal shall be provided by signal generator A with a level +3 dB above the sensitivity level of the EUT
receiver (see clause 9.1) and radio link shall be established with the EUT.
Signal generator B shall then be switched on and the level of the unwanted signal adjusted until the received BER
exceeds 10-5.
The adjacent channel selectivity shall be expressed as the ratio, in dB, between the level of the unwanted signal (signal
generator B) and the level of the wanted signal (signal generator A).
21 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
9.3.3 Limit
The adjacent channel selectivity shall be greater than 40 dB.
9.4 Blocking
9.4.1 Definition
Blocking is a measure of the capability of the receiver to receive a wanted modulated signal without exceeding a given
degradation due to the presence of an unwanted input signal at any frequencies other than those of the spurious
responses or the adjacent channels.
The test signal generator A (wanted signal) shall be configured to operate with test signal 2 at the nominal frequency of
the EUT receiver (transceiver B). The unwanted signal generator shall be unmodulated at frequency ±500 MHz and
±1 GHz from the nominal frequency of the EUT receiver.
The two signal generators shall be fed to antennas of equal gain, each within the 3 dB beam width of the antenna of the
EUT receiver.
The wanted signal shall be provided by signal generator A with signal level +3 dB above the sensitivity level of the
EUT receiver, (see clause 9.1) and radio link with EUT shall be established.
The unwanted signal provided by the signal generator shall then be switched on and the level of the unwanted signal
adjusted until the received BER exceeds 10-5.
The blocking level shall be expressed as the ratio, in dB, between the level of the unwanted signal (signal generator B)
and the level of the wanted signal (signal generator A).
22 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
9.4.3 Limit
The blocking level for any of the above specified frequencies shall be greater than 55 dB.
The measurement antenna shall be connected to a spectrum analyser and Max Hold (peak detector) shall be selected.
The measurement shall be made over the frequency range from 30 MHz to 26 GHz. The reference bandwidths shall be
in accordance with Table 2.
9.5.3 Limits
The spurious emissions of the receiver shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 2.
23 ETSI TS 103 863 V1.1.1 (2023-01)
Document history
V1.1.1 January 2023 Publication