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3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 2 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
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3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 3 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................2
Legal Notice .......................................................................................................................................................2
Modal verbs terminology....................................................................................................................................2
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................7
2 Normative References ..............................................................................................................................7
3 Definitions, symbols, abbreviations and coding.......................................................................................8
3.1 Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Symbols .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Coding Conventions ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Applicability ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.5.1 Applicability of the present document .......................................................................................................... 8
3.5.2 Applicability to the UICC ............................................................................................................................. 9
3.5.3 Applicability of the individual tests .............................................................................................................. 9
3.5.4 Applicability of conformance requirements ................................................................................................. 9
3.6 Table of optional features ................................................................................................................................. 10
3.7 Applicability table ............................................................................................................................................ 12
4 Test environment ....................................................................................................................................14
4.1 Test equipment ................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1.1 ME simulator .............................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1.2 Signal generation device ............................................................................................................................. 14 Void....................................................................................................................................................... 14 Void....................................................................................................................................................... 14 CLK....................................................................................................................................................... 14 I/O ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.3 Precision force-inducing contacting device ................................................................................................ 14
4.1.4 Temperature controllable environment ....................................................................................................... 14
4.1.5 Temperature measuring device ................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.6 Void ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.1.7 Precision measuring device......................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.8 Void ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.1.9 Timing Measurements on contact I/O......................................................................................................... 15
4.2 IUT default conditions...................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Default data formatting .................................................................................................................................... 15
4.4 Test definition and applicability ....................................................................................................................... 15
4.5 Initial conditions ............................................................................................................................................... 16
4.6 Test procedure .................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.7 Test requirement ............................................................................................................................................... 18
5 Void ........................................................................................................................................................18
6 Test Procedure (TS 102.221)..................................................................................................................18
7 Test Procedure (31.102) .........................................................................................................................19
7.1 Contents of the Elementary Files (EF) ............................................................................................................. 19
7.1.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 19
7.1.2 Conformance requirement .......................................................................................................................... 19
7.1.3 Test purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 19
7.1.4 Method of test ............................................................................................................................................. 20
7.2 Security features ............................................................................................................................................... 23
7.2.1 Definition and applicability ........................................................................................................................ 23
7.2.2 Conformance requirement .......................................................................................................................... 23
7.2.3 Test purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 23
7.2.4 Method of test ............................................................................................................................................. 23
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 4 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 5 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
The constructions "shall" and "shall not" are confined to the context of normative provisions, and do not appear in
Technical Reports.
The constructions "must" and "must not" are not used as substitutes for "shall" and "shall not". Their use is avoided
insofar as possible, and they are not used in a normative context except in a direct citation from an external, referenced,
non-3GPP document, or so as to maintain continuity of style when extending or modifying the provisions of such a
referenced document.
The construction "may not" is ambiguous and is not used in normative elements. The unambiguous constructions
"might not" or "shall not" are used instead, depending upon the meaning intended.
The constructions "can" and "cannot" are not substitutes for "may" and "need not".
will indicates that something is certain or expected to happen as a result of action taken by an agency
the behaviour of which is outside the scope of the present document
will not indicates that something is certain or expected not to happen as a result of action taken by an
agency the behaviour of which is outside the scope of the present document
might indicates a likelihood that something will happen as a result of action taken by some agency the
behaviour of which is outside the scope of the present document
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 6 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
might not indicates a likelihood that something will not happen as a result of action taken by some agency
the behaviour of which is outside the scope of the present document
In addition:
is (or any other verb in the indicative mood) indicates a statement of fact
is not (or any other negative verb in the indicative mood) indicates a statement of fact
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 7 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
1 Scope
The present document provides the Conformance Test Specification for a Universal IC Card (UICC) defined in
TS 31.101 [2] with Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) defined in TS 31.102 [3].
2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
- For a non-specific reference to a 3GPP document, the latest version in the same release as the implementation
release of the UICC under test applies.
[1] ETSI TS 102 221: "UICC-Terminal Interface; Physical and Logical Characteristics".
[4] ISO/IEC 7816-1: "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts, Part 1: Physical
[5] ISO/IEC 7816-2: "Identification cards - Integrated circuit cards - Part 2: Card with contacts -
Dimensions and locations of the contacts".
[6] ISO/IEC 7816-3: "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts, Part 3: Electronic
signals and transmission protocols".
[7] ISO/IEC 7816-4: "Identification cards - Integrated circuit cards - Part 4: Organization, security and
commands for interchange".
[8] Void
[9] Void
[10] Void
[11] Void
[13] Void
[14] 3GPP TS 11.11: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Specification of the
Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface".
[15] ETSI TS 101 220: "Smart cards; ETSI numbering system for telecommunication application
[16] ETSI TS 102 221 Release 99: "UICC-Terminal Interface; Physical and Logical Characteristics".
[17] ETSI TS 102 221 Release 4: "UICC-Terminal Interface; Physical and Logical Characteristics".
[18] ETSI TS 102 221 Release 5: "UICC-Terminal Interface; Physical and Logical Characteristics".
[19] ISO/IEC 9646-7 (1995): "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance
testing methodology and framework - Part 7: Implementation Conformance Statements".
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 8 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
[20] ETSI TS 102 230-2 v13.0.0: "UICC-Terminal interface; Physical, electrical and logical test
specification; Part 2: UICC features".
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following definitions apply in addition to the terms defined in
TS 102.221 [1] and TS 31.102 [3].
Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS): A statement made by the supplier of an implementation or system
claimed to conform to a given specification, stating which capabilities have been implemented. The ICS can take
several forms: protocol ICS, profile ICS, profile specific ICS, information object ICS, etc.
ICS proforma: A document, in the form of a questionnaire, which when completed for an implementation or system
becomes an ICS.
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
tF fall time
tR rise time
VIH Input Voltage (high)
VIL Input Voltage (low)
VOH Output Voltage (high)
VOL Output Voltage (low)
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
All lengths are presented in bytes, unless otherwise stated. Each byte is represented by bit b8 to b1, where b8 is the most
significant bit (MSB) and b1 is the least significant bit (LSB). In each representation, the leftmost bit is the MSB.
3.5 Applicability
3.5.1 Applicability of the present document
The present document applies to a UICC which supports one or more USIMs.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 9 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
The "Release XY UICC" columns shows the status of the entries as follows:
The following notations, defined in ISO/IEC 9646-7 [19], are used for the status column:
N/A not applicable - in the given context, it is impossible to use the capability.
X prohibited (excluded) - there is a requirement not to use this capability in the given context.
O.i qualified optional - for mutually exclusive or selectable options from a set. "i" is an integer which
identifies an unique group of related optional items and the logic of their selection which is
defined immediately following the table.
Ci conditional - the requirement on the capability ("M", "O", "X" or "N/A") depends on the support
of other optional or conditional items. "i" is an integer identifying an unique conditional status
expression which is defined immediately following the table. For nested conditional expressions,
the syntax "IF ... THEN (IF ... THEN ... ELSE...) ELSE ..." shall be used to avoid ambiguities.
References to items
For each possible item answer (answer in the support column) there exists a unique reference, used, for example, in the
conditional expressions. It is defined as the table identifier, followed by a solidus character "/", followed by the item
number in the table. If there is more than one support column in a table, the columns shall be discriminated by letters
(a, b, etc.), respectively.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 10 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
An additional shortcut notation for "R99 - …" is specified: "M". This indicates that the conformance requirement is
mandatory for all UICCs of all releases.
Example Meaning
(Rel-4) Rel-6 – …: Conformance requirement introduced in Rel-4, but not tested until
O_LOG_CHANS Rel-6, where it is only applicable if O_LOG_CHANS is supported.
(Rel-4) Rel-6 – …: Conformance requirement introduced in Rel-4, but not tested until
O_LOG_CHANS, Rel-6, where it is only applicable if O_LOG_CHANS and
Rel-6 – …: Conformance requirement introduced in Rel-6, where it is only
O_LOG_CHANS applicable if O_LOG_CHANS is supported.
Rel-6 – …: Conformance requirement introduced in Rel-6, where it is only
O_LOG_CHANS, applicable if O_LOG_CHANS and O_SHAREABLE are supported.
R99 - Rel-5 Mandatory for all UICCs from R99 to Rel-5.
Rel-6 - … Mandatory for all UICCs from all releases up to and including the
current release of this document.
O_MONO_APP Applies to all releases, but only applicable if O_MONO_APP is
supported by the UICC.
M Mandatory for all releases; equivalent to "R99 - …".
The "Option defined in Releases" column indicates the releases of the relevant core specification(s) in which the option
is defined.
The supplier of the implementation shall state the support of possible options in table A.1.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 11 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
A supplier may choose to use a single UICC and reconfigure it as required for each test; or may choose to use a number
of UICCs which are based on the same platform but are configured differently. The supplier shall state the chosen
solution and in the latter case shall confirm usage of identical platforms.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 12 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Clause Description Test Tested R99 Rel-4 Rel-5 Rel-6 Rel-7 Rel-8 Rel-9 Rel-10 Rel-11 Rel-12 Rel-13 Rel-14 Rel-15 Rel-16 Rel-17 Support
defined in
7.1 Contents of 1 R99 M M M M M M M M M M M M
Elementary 2 R99 M M M
Files (EF) 3 Rel-16 C025 C025
4 Rel-16 C025 C025
7.2 Security 1 R99 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016
7.3.1 AUTHENTIC 1 R99 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
ATE Security 1 R99 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M
management Status Words N/A
of the
7.3.3 GET 1 Rel-15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A C024 C024 C024
8.1.1 GSM/USIM 1 Rel-6 M M M M M M M M M M M M
8.2.1 Transmission 1 Rel-6 C006 C006 C006 C006 C006 C006 C006 C006 C006 C006 C006 C006
speed 2 Rel-6 C007 C007 C007 C007 C007 C007 C007 C007 C007 C007 C007 C007
8.2.2 Voltage 1 Rel-6 M M M M M M M M M M M M
8.2.3 File Control 1 Rel-6 M M M M M M M M M M M M
8.3 User 1 Rel-6 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016 C016
and file 2 Rel-6 C017 C017 C017 C017 C017 C017 C017 C017 C017 C017 C017 C017
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 13 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Clause Description Test Tested R99 Rel-4 Rel-5 Rel-6 Rel-7 Rel-8 Rel-9 Rel-10 Rel-11 Rel-12 Rel-13 Rel-14 Rel-15 Rel-16 Rel-17 Support
defined in
8.4.1 Contents of 1 Rel-6 M M M M M M M M M M M M
the EFs at
the MF level
C001 void
C002 void
C003 void
C004 void
C005 void
C008 void
C009 void
C010 void
C011 void
C012 void
C013 void
C014 void
C015 void
C018 void
C019 void
C020 void
C021 void
C022 void
C023 void
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 14 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
4 Test environment
This clause specifies several requirements which shall be met, and a number of rules which shall be adhered to before
testing can proceed.
4.1.1 ME simulator
This item of equipment shall allow T = 0 and T = 1 protocol communications to take place on both ID-1 and plug-in
UICCs. It shall be able to generate and send any command APDU and receive any of the possible responses. These
commands may be generated manually, one at a time, or automatically from a predefined batch procedure containing
one or more commands.
The ME simulator shall be able to accept an external clock signal to drive CLK (contact C3) of the UICC.
It shall be possible to access all the UICC contacts either directly or through test points. Void Void CLK
This item of equipment shall be able to generate square wave signals for the clock on the UICC, any of which can be a
single-shot or continuous signal, in the range 1 MHz to 5 MHz.
- rise and fall time to an accuracy of 1 % or 5 ns whichever is the worst. (5 ns = 2,5 % accuracy for fmax = 5 MHz). I/O
The equipment shall be able to generate I/O-Signals according to TS 102.221 [1]
The timing of the bitstream (jitter, guardtime, etu-value, etc.) on the I/O-Line shall be programmable with an accuracy
of ≤ 0,01 etu or 2 clk-cycles whichever is the worst.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 15 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
4.1.6 Void
4.1.8 Void
- The voltage level for Vcc (contact C1) shall be set to 3,0 V.
- The voltage levels for CLK (contact C3) shall be set to 0 V and 3,0 V for low and high respectively.
- The clock frequency CLK (contact C3) shall be set to 5 MHz with duty cycle 50 %.
- Any level 1 user verification requirement (PIN) on the UICC shall be enabled with three VERIFY PIN attempts
and ten UNBLOCK PIN attempts remaining.
- Any level 2 user verification requirement (PIN2) on the UICC shall be enabled with three VERIFY PIN2
attempts and ten UNBLOCK PIN2 attempts remaining, if assigned.
- A Universal PIN on the UICC shall be enabled, if IUT is a multi-verification capable UICC.
Where 'X' is used in place of a hexadecimal digit, X ranges from '0' to 'F'. For example, the data '6X' ranges from '60' to
'6F' inclusive.
Where data is expressed as a group of bytes, it shall be in the following format: 'XX XX XX... XX', indicating first byte,
second byte, third byte etc. in that order.
A string of digits shall be formatted with a continuous string of numeric data and enclosed with single quotes. For
example, the string 'XXXXXXXX' where X ranges from 0 to 9 inclusive.
- Unless otherwise stated, tests apply to both plug-in and ID-1 UICC cards.
- Unless otherwise stated, tests apply to each protocol supported by the UICC.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 16 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
- The tests are performed on a UICC as defined in TS 31.101 [2] with a USIM application as defined in
TS 31.102 [3]. The tests to check the requirement of TS 31.101 [2] use the files as defined in TS 31.102 [3].
- Unless otherwise stated, the tests apply to single and multi-verification capable UICCs with USIM
application(s). In the case of a multi-verification capable UICC, there shall be only one application.
Figure 1 shows the files in the UICC which shall be used for the test procedures, in the case where the EFs are not
mandatory, they may be replaced with other EFs of the same file structure.
Unless otherwise stated, all the EFs used in the test procedure shall be activated.
'6F06' '6F3A'
'4F30' '4F3A'
The initial conditions for some of the EFs are given in the followings:
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 17 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
- The records in EFSMS shall contain the following data for the first 20 bytes:
- The records in EFFDN shall contain the following data for the first 10 bytes:
- Unless otherwise stated, all steps within the test procedure shall be carried out in order.
- Unless otherwise stated, all test procedures shall be applicable to both T = 0 and T = 1 protocols.
- Where steps indicate that a ME simulator shall select a particular DF or EF using an unspecified number of
SELECT commands, the ME simulator is to send the correct sequence of SELECT commands in order to select
the required file ID from the current file ID (this may be achieved most easily by selecting from the MF down
each time).
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 18 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
- Unless otherwise stated, the Le (P3) for all READ RECORD commands and Lc (P3) for all UPDATE RECORD
commands sent by the ME simulator is to be that of the record length of the EF currently selected. In the case
where an EF is not currently selected, the length sent is to be 1 unless otherwise stated.
- Unless otherwise stated, the offset for all READ BINARY and UPDATE BINARY commands sent by the ME
simulator is to be '00 00'.
- Unless otherwise specified, when the T = 0 protocol is used, the necessary GET RESPONSE commands are
assumed to be sent, or the same command header is assumed to be resent with P3 = LUICC at the transport layer
level in order to retrieve the available response data from the UICC.
- Unless otherwise stated, the length (Le) for all SELECT, STATUS and GET RESPONSE commands sent by the
ME simulator is to be such that all available data is read.
- Unless otherwise stated, the PIN and Unblock PIN presented for VERIFY PIN, CHANGE PIN, DISABLE PIN,
ENABLE PIN and UNBLOCK PIN commands sent by the ME simulator is to be correct.
- Unless otherwise stated, a SELECT command sent to the UICC to select ADFUSIM is with the application's AID,
indicating in the command parameter that the application shall be activated.
- Unless otherwise stated, a SELECT command sent to the UICC is with P2 = '04', indicating that the FCP shall be
- Unless otherwise stated, all RETRIEVE DATA commands sent to the UICC shall be with P2 indicating "current
- Unless otherwise stated, all SET DATA commands sent to the UICC shall be with P2 indicating "current EF".
- Unless otherwise stated, all SET DATA commands sent to the UICC shall be sent with the maximum amount of
data possible according to the data object being transmitted.
5 Void
- Physical characteristics
- Transmission protocols
- Security features
- Commands
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 19 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Tests against TS 102.221 [1] are defined in ETSI TS 102 230 - 2 [20].
- USIM commands.
CR1 Each existing EF shall be selectable under the respective DF using the identifier given in M
the table for that EF.
CR2 All mandatory EFs shall exist on the UICC. M
CR3 The identifier of the EF shall be that given in the table for that EF. M
CR4 The type and structure of the EF shall be that given in the table for that EF. M
CR5 The file size shall be at least that given in the table for that EF. M
CR6 The short file identifier shall be those given in the table for that EF. M
CR7 The short file identifier shall exist if it is mandatory in the table for that EF. This includes (R99)
EFs with SFI indicated by 'YY'. Rel-6 - …
CR8 The access conditions shall be those given in the table for that EF. M
CR9 If no SFI is indicated in the table for the EF, the EF shall not have an SFI. (R99)
Rel-6 - …
CR10The short file identifier shall exist if it is mandatory in the table for that EF. M
CR11If USIM supporting non-IMSI SUPI type service n°130 is "available", EFSUPI_NAI shall be Rel-16-…
present, EFIMSI shall not be available and the length of the MNC in the IMSI coded in EFAD
shall be set to 0.
CR12 If IMSI based USIM service n°130 is "not available", EFSUPI_NAI shall not be present, EFIMSI Rel-16-…
shall be available and the length of the MNC in the IMSI shall be identical to the value
coded in EFAD.
Reference: TS 31.102 [3], clause 4.
NOTE: The contents and coding of the data within the files are not tested, but shall conform to the respective
contents and coding of the data given for each file in TS 31.102 [3], clause 4.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 20 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the respective DF for the first EF in
clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3].
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' - normal ending of the command
c) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the first EF in clause 4 of
TS 31.102 [3].
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' - normal ending of the command
[CR1, CR2].
- TLV DO with tag '83' shall indicate the identifier of the file selected [CR3];
- TLV DO with tag '82' shall not be '38' and '78' indicating EF [CR4];
- TLV DO with tag '82' shall indicate the structure given in the table for the file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3]
- TLV DO with tag '80' shall be at least the minimum file size given in the table for the file in clause 4 of
TS 31.102 [3]. if the EF is transparent [CR5];
- Byte 5 and 6 of TLV DO with tag '82' shall be in accordance with the record length given in the table for the
file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3]. if the EF is linear fixed or cyclic [CR5];
- TLV DO with tag '80' shall be an integer multiple of the record length if the EF is linear fixed or cyclic
- If a value for the SFI is specified in the table for the file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3] and the value of the
specified SFI is equal to the 5 least significant bits (bits b5 to b1) of the file identifier for the file, then the
TLV DO with tag '88'shall either be absent, or shall be present with the specified SFI value [CR6, CR7];
- If a value for the SFI is specified in the table for the file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3] and the value of the
specified SFI is not equal to the 5 least significant bits (bits b5 to b1) of the file identifier for the file, then the
TLV DO with tag '88'shall be present with the specified SFI value [CR6, CR7];
- If an SFI is specified in the table for the file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3] but no actual value is specified (i.e.
'YY' is used), then the TLV DO with tag '88'shall either be absent, or shall be present with a value of length 1
[CR6, CR7];
- If no SFI is specified in the table for the file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3], then the TLV DO with tag '88'shall
be present with an empty value [CR9]
- TLV DO with tag '86' or '8B' or '8C' or 'AB' shall indicate the access conditions given in the table for the file
in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3] [CR8].
Note: if the access conditions indicate referenced security, the referenced record in the EFARR may be read at
this point if necessary.
d) Steps a) to c) shall be repeated for the remaining mandatory EFs clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3].
e) Steps a) to c) shall be repeated for the existing optional EFs clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3].
Test procedure 2
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 21 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the respective DF for the first EF in
clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3].
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' - normal ending of the command
c) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the first EF in clause 4 of
TS 31.102 [3].
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' - normal ending of the command
[CR1, CR2].
- TLV DO with tag '83' shall indicate the identifier of the file selected [CR3];
- TLV DO with tag '82' shall not be '38' and '78' indicating EF [CR4];
- TLV DO with tag '82' shall indicate the structure given in the table for the file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3]
- TLV DO with tag '80' shall be at least the minimum file size given in the table for the file in clause 4 of
TS 31.102 [3]. if the EF is transparent [CR5];
- Byte 5 and 6 of TLV DO with tag '82' shall be in accordance with the record length given in the table for the
file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3]. if the EF is linear fixed or cyclic [CR5];
- TLV DO with tag '80' shall be an integer multiple of the record length if the EF is linear fixed or cyclic
- TLV DO with tag '88' shall indicate the short file identifier given in the table for the file in clause 4 of
TS 31.102 [3] [CR6, CR10];
- TLV DO with tag '86' or '8B' or '8C' or 'AB' shall indicate the access conditions given in the table for the file
in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3] [CR8].
Note: if the access conditions indicate referenced security, the referenced record in the EFARR may be read at
this point if necessary.
d) Steps a) to c) shall be repeated for the remaining mandatory EFs clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3].
e) Steps a) to c) shall be repeated for the existing optional EFs clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3].
Initial conditions 2
3) The ME simulator selects a Rel-16 or upwards IMSI based USIM in accordance to Annex N of TS 31.102 [3];
Service n°130 shall be "not available" in the USIM.
Test procedure 3
a) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select EFIMSI.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' - normal ending of the command
[CR1, CR2].
- TLV DO with tag '83' shall indicate the identifier of the file selected [CR3];
- TLV DO with tag '82' shall not be '38' and '78' indicating EF [CR4];
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 22 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
- TLV DO with tag '82' shall indicate the structure given in the table for the file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3]
- TLV DO with tag '80' shall be at least the minimum file size given in the table for the file in clause 4 of
TS 31.102 [3] [CR5];
- TLV DO with tag '88'shall be present with the SFI value: '07' [CR6, CR7];
- TLV DO with tag '86' or '8B' or '8C' or 'AB' shall indicate the access conditions given in the table for the file
in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3] [CR8].
Note: if the access conditions indicate referenced security, the referenced record in the EFARR may be read at
this point if necessary.
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select DF5GS.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' - normal ending of the command
c) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select EFSUPI_NAI.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '6A', SW2 = '82' - File not found [CR11].
Initial conditions 3
2) The AID provided in EFDIR has a PIX coding as defined in Annex O of 3GPP TS 31.101 [2].
4) The selected USIM is a Rel-16 or upwards USIM supporting non-IMSI SUPI Type in accordance to Annex N of
TS 31.102; Service n°130 shall be "available" in the USIM.
Test procedure 4
a) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select EFIMSI.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '6A', SW2 = '82' - File not found and the length of the
MNC in the IMSI coded in EFAD shall be set to 0 [CR11].
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select DF5GS.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' - normal ending of the command
c) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select EFSUPI_NAI.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' - normal ending of the command
[CR1, CR11].The following shall be true of the response data:
- TLV DO with tag '83' shall indicate the identifier of the file selected [CR3];
- TLV DO with tag '82' shall not be '38' and '78' indicating EF [CR4];
- TLV DO with tag '82' shall indicate the structure given in the table for the file in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3]
- TLV DO with tag '80' shall be at least the minimum file size given in the table for the file in clause 4 of
TS 31.102 [3] [CR5];
- TLV DO with tag '88'shall bebe present with the SFI value: '09' [CR6, CR7];
- TLV DO with tag '86' or '8B' or '8C' or 'AB' shall indicate the access conditions given in the table for the file
in clause 4 of TS 31.102 [3] [CR8].
Note: if the access conditions indicate referenced security, the referenced record in the EFARR may be read at
this point if necessary.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 23 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Initial conditions
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select and activate USIM application.
- TLV DO with tag 'C6' (PS Template DO) shall contain for the Universal PIN the TLV DO with tag '95'
(Usage Qualifier) and the value of this TLV shall be '00' or '08' [CR3];
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 24 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
CR1 This function shall cause the UICC to run the f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, and f1* algorithms using a 16 bytes M
random number, AUTN, and the subscriber authentication key K stored in the UICC.
CR2 If the received sequence number SQN is in the correct range, the function shall return the response M
RES, cipher key CK, and integrity key IK.
CR3 If the UICC detects the sequence numbers are not in the valid range, the function shall return the M
signed response AUTS.
CR4 The function shall not be executable unless a particular USIM application has been selected as the M
Current Directory and activated and the current directory is the USIM ADF or any subdirectory under
this ADF.
CR5 The function shall not be executable unless a successful PIN verification procedure has been M
CR6 The function shall not be executable unless the expected MAC-A is received. M
CR7 If the UICC does not support 'GSM context' which is indicated in parameter P2, the function shall not M
be executable.
Reference: TS 31.102 [3], clause 7.1.
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '69', SW2 = '82' - security status not satisfied [CR5].
e) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
f) The ME simulator shall send a VERIFY PIN command with PIN to the UICC.
g) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the MF.
i) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the current ADF ('7FFF').
j) The ME simulator shall send an AUTHENTICATE command to the UICC with incorrect signed data.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '98', SW2 = '62' - authentication error, incorrect
MAC [CR6].
k) If the 'GSM context' is not supported, the ME simulator shall send an AUTHENTICATE command with
parameter P2 indicating 'GSM context'.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '98', SW2 = '64' - authentication error, GSM security
context not supported [CR7].
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 25 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
l) The ME simulator shall send an AUTHENTICATE command to the UICC with incorrect sequence number
The data field returned shall begin with the tag 'DC', and the data shall be correct for the given f1* and f5
algorithms and K stored in the UICC [CR1, CR3].
m) The ME simulator shall send an AUTHENTICATE command to the UICC with correct data.
The data field returned shall begin with the tag 'DB', and the data shall be correct for the given f2, f3 and f4
algorithms and K stored in the UICC [CR1, CR2].
CR1 The UICC shall respond with the correct SW1 and SW2 status words for commands which produce M
authentication errors.
Reference: TS 31.102 [3], clause 7.3.1.
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
c) The ME simulator shall send a VERIFY PIN command with relevant PIN to the UICC.
d) The ME simulator shall send an AUTHENTICATE command to the UICC with incorrect MAC.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '98', SW2 = '62' - authentication error, incorrect
MAC [CR1].
e) If the 'GSM context' is not supported, the ME simulator shall send an AUTHENTICATE command with
parameter P2 indicating 'GSM context'.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '98', SW2 = '64' - authentication error, GSM security
context not supported [CR1].
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 26 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
CR1 Table in TS 31.102 [3], clause 7.3.2 shows for each command the possible status conditions returned M
(marked by an asterisk *). The UICC shall not generate status conditions other than those allowed for
each command.
Reference: TS 31.102 [3], clause 7.3.2.
NOTE: CR1 shall not be tested as it is not possible to force the UICC to generate all of the allowed and
disallowed status conditions for each command.
Test procedure
CR1 The function can be used to retrieve the SUCI when "SUCI calculation is to be performed by the M
USIM" (i.e. Service n°124 and Service n°125 are "available").
CR2 The function shall not be executable unless a particular USIM application has been selected as the M
Current Directory and activated and the current directory is the USIM ADF or any subdirectory
under this ADF.
CR3 The function shall not be executable unless a successful PIN verification procedure has been M
CR4 The command returns the SUCI which is a privacy preserving identifier containing the concealed M
CR5 The SUCI is designed for one-time use, however, the freshness and randomness of SUCI returned M
upon each call of the command depends on the protection scheme configured. There is the special
case where the protection scheme used is null-scheme, in such case SUCI contains the non
concealed SUPI.
CR6 If the home network public key is not provisioned in the USIM, the SUCI shall be calculated using M
the null-scheme irrespective of the protection scheme stored in the USIM.
CR7 If SUCI context is supported and: M
- Service n°124 is not "available" or:
- "SUCI calculation is to be performed by the ME" (i.e. Service n°124 is "available", and Service
n°125 is not "available")
the status word '6985' (Conditions of use not satisfied) shall be returned.
Reference: TS 31.102 [3], clause 7.5.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 27 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
1) Service n°124 and service n°125 are both "available" in the USIM.
2) The Profile B protection scheme is configured to be used in the USIM, and the corresponding home network
public key (compressed or uncompressed) is provisioned in the USIM.
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '69', SW2 = '82' - security status not satisfied [CR3].
e) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
f) The ME simulator shall send a VERIFY PIN command with PIN to the UICC.
g) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the MF.
i) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the current ADF ('7FFF').
j) The ME simulator shall send a GET IDENTITY command to the UICC with correct data.
The data field returned shall begin with the tag 'A1', and the data shall be correct for the ECIES scheme profile
B and home network public key stored in the UICC [CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4].
k) The ME simulator shall send a GET IDENTITY command to the UICC with correct data.
The data field returned shall begin with the tag 'A1', and the data shall be correct for the ECIES scheme profile
B and home network public key stored in the UICC [CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4].
Initial conditions 2
1) Service n°124 and service n°125 are both "available" in the USIM.
2) The Profile A protection scheme is configured to be used in the USIM, and the corresponding home network
public key(compressed or uncompressed) is provisioned in the USIM.
Test procedure 2
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 28 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '69', SW2 = '82' - security status not satisfied [CR3].
e) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
f) The ME simulator shall send a VERIFY PIN command with PIN to the UICC.
g) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the MF.
i) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the current ADF ('7FFF').
j) The ME simulator shall send a GET IDENTITY command to the UICC with correct data.
The data field returned shall begin with the tag 'A1', and the data shall be correct for the ECIES scheme profile
A and home network public key stored in the UICC [CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4].
k) The ME simulator shall send a GET IDENTITY command to the UICC with correct data.
The data field returned shall begin with the tag 'A1', and the data shall be correct for the ECIES scheme profile
A and home network public key stored in the UICC [CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4]
Initial conditions 3
1) Service n°124 and service n°125 are both "available" in the USIM.
2) The home network public key is not provisioned, or null-scheme is configured to be used in the USIM.
Test procedure 3
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '69', SW2 = '82' - security status not satisfied [CR3].
e) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
f) The ME simulator shall send a VERIFY PIN command with PIN to the UICC.
g) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the MF.
i) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the current ADF ('7FFF').
j) The ME simulator shall send a GET IDENTITY command to the UICC with correct data.
The data field returned shall begin with the tag 'A1', and the data shall be correct for the given Null-scheme
k) The ME simulator shall send a GET IDENTITY command to the UICC with correct data.
The data field returned shall begin with the tag 'A1', and the data shall be correct for the given Null-scheme
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 29 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Initial conditions 4
1) Service n°124 is not "available" in the USIM, or Service n°124 is "available", and Service n°125 is not
"available" in the USIM.
Test procedure 4
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '69', SW2 = '85' - conditions of use not satisfied
[CR7], or, SW1 = '69', SW2 = '82' - security status not satisfied [CR3].
e) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the USIM application.
f) The ME simulator shall send a VERIFY PIN command with PIN to the UICC.
g) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the MF.
i) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the current ADF ('7FFF').
j) The ME simulator shall send a GET IDENTITY command to the UICC with correct data.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '69', SW2 = '85' - conditions of use not satisfied
7.4 Void
- Files.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 30 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
CR1 Activation of a USIM session shall exclude the activation of a GSM session. Rel-6 -
CR2 Once a USIM application session has been activated, commands sent to the UICC with CLA Rel-6 -
byte set to 'A0' shall return SW1SW2 '6E 00' (class not supported) to the ME. …
CR3 Activation of a GSM session shall exclude the activation of a USIM session. Rel-6 -
Reference: TS 31.101 [2], clause 4.1.
NOTE: CR3 is not tested as it is out of the scope of the present document.
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select and activate USIM application.
c) The ME simulator shall send a STATUS command with 'A0' as the class byte.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '6E', SW2 = '00' – class not supported [CR1, CR2].
d) The ME simulator shall send a STATUS command with '80' as the class byte.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' – normal ending of a command
CR1 The UICC shall support (F, D) = (512, 32) in addition to those required by TS 102.221 [1]. Rel-6 - …
Reference: TS 31.101 [2], clause 5.1.
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 31 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Test Procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a PPS-Request to the UICC, selecting T = 0 protocol and (F, D) = (512, 32).
The UICC shall send a valid PPS-Response indicating support for the requested parameters.
c) The ME simulator shall send a STATUS command with P2 = '00' at (F, D) = (512, 32).
The UICC shall send a status word indicating successful command execution [CR1].
Test Procedure 2
b) The ME simulator shall send a PPS-Request to the UICC, selecting T = 1 protocol and (F, D) = (512, 32).
The UICC shall send a valid PPS-Response indicating support for the requested parameters.
c) The ME simulator shall send a STATUS command with P2 = '00' at (F, D) = (512, 32).
The UICC shall send a status word indicating successful command execution [CR1].
CR1 A UICC holding a USIM application shall support at least two consecutive voltage classes as Rel-6 -
defined in TS 102.221 [1], e.g. AB or BC. …
CR2 If the UICC supports more than two classes, they shall all be consecutive, e.g. ABC. Rel-6 -
Reference: TS 31.101 [2], clause 5.2.
Test procedure 1
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 32 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
The supply voltage class indicator (the lower 6 bits in TA(i) after the first occurrence of T = 15 in TD(i-1) for
I > 2) shall be exist and one of the following values:
CR1 The value indicated in the Minimum application clock frequency object shall not exceed 3 Rel-6 -
MHz, corresponding to '1E'. …
Reference: TS 31.101 [2], clause 5.3.
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command with AID to the UICC to select and activate the USIM
The status returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' – normal ending of the command.
If the returned FCP contains the Proprietary Information object (Tag 'A5') and the Proprietary Information
object contains the Minimum application clock frequency object (Tag '82') then:
- The Application minimum clock frequency value shall not exceed '1E', which corresponds to 3 MHz. [CR1]
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 33 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select and activate USIM application.
c) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the first EF in the USIM application.
The response data shall contain the TLV DO with with tag '8B' indicating Referenced Security Attributes and
shall contain the file ID and EFARR record numbers for SEID = 0 and SEID = 1 [CR1, CR2].
d) Step c) shall be repeated for all the EFs under the selected USIM in the UICC.
Test procedure 2
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select and activate USIM application.
c) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select the first EF in the USIM application.
The response data shall contain the TLV DO with with tag '8B' indicating Referenced Security Attributes [CR1].
d) Step c) shall be repeated for all the EFs under the selected USIM in the UICC.
8.4 Files
8.4.1 Contents of the EFs at the MF level
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 34 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Test procedure 1
b) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select EFARR.
The status condition returned by the UICC shall be SW1 = '90', SW2 = '00' – normal ending of the command
c) The ME simulator shall send a SELECT command to the UICC to select EFDIR.
e) The ME simulator shall send a READ RECORD command with NEXT mode to the UICC.
If the EFDIR entry contains a 3GPP application (i.e. contains an AID matching the AID of a 3GPP application as
defined in TS 101 220 [15]), then:
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 35 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Annex A (informative):
Change history
Change history
Date Meeting TDoc CR R Cat Subject/Comment New
ev version
2000-12 TP-10 TP-000206 - - - Final draft was approved at TSG-T #10 3.0.0
2001-12 TP-10 TP-010247 001 - F Corrections 3.1.0
2001-12 TP-10 TP-010247 004 1 F Change test for TLV DO with tag '82' and '83' 3.1.0
2002-03 TP-15 TP-020067 005 - F Removal of an invalid transfer protocol test case 3.2.0
2002-03 TP-15 TP-020067 006 - F Corrections 3.2.0
2002-06 TP-16 TP-020118 007 - F General Corrections 3.3.0
2002-06 TP-16 TP-020118 008 - F Removal of test for use of procedure byte '61xx' for case 2 3.3.0
2002-09 TP-17 TP-020216 009 - F Expected remainder of returned data string 3.4.0
2002-09 TP-17 TP-020216 010 - F Corrections and Clarifications 3.4.0
2002-09 TP-17 TP-020216 011 - F Correction of error in read binary test case for T=0 3.4.0
2002-09 TP-17 TP-020216 012 - F Alignment of conformance requirement due to CR 088 on TS 102 3.4.0
2002-09 TP-17 TP-020216 013 - F Correction of case 3/case 4 command tests in case of wrong P1-P2. 3.4.0
2002-12 TP-18 TP-020287 014 - F Correction of test of Read Record on Linear Fixed EF and T=1 test 3.5.0
2003-03 TP-19 TP-030029 015 - F Correction to the returned FCP of the SELECT and the STATUS 3.6.0
2003-12 TP-22 TP-030256 016 - D Editorial Corrections 3.7.0
2004-12 TP-26 TP-040264 017 - F Correction of non specific references 3.8.0
2004-12 TP-26 - - - Upgrade to Rel-4 4.0.0
2005-06 CT-28 CP-050136 018 - A Correction of ISO/IEC 7816 Series References 4.1.0
2005-06 CT-28 CP-050136 020 - A ISO/IEC 7811 Series Revision 4.1.0
2005-09 CT-29 CP-050337 021 - F CR to TS 31.122, Release 4: Creation of a Release 6 Version of TS 6.0.0
2006-03 CT-31 CP-060158 022 1 F Essential Corrections to many test cases, which would cause the 6.1.0
USIM to fail essential tests
2006-09 CT-33 CP-060477 0023 2 F Updates to Physical characteristics tests 6.2.0
2006-09 CT-33 CP-060477 0032 1 F Updates based on changes to 31.102 6.2.0
2006-09 CT-33 CP-060477 0026 2 F Updates to Protocol Tests 6.2.0
2006-09 CT-33 CP-060477 0031 1 F Refinement of tests for shareable files 6.2.0
2006-09 CT-33 CP-060477 0027 1 F Removal of Test Groups 6.2.0
2006-09 CT-33 CP-060477 0029 1 F Addition of tests for current file after application session termination 6.2.0
2006-09 CT-33 CP-060477 0030 3 F Addition of tests for 31.101 6.2.0
2006-11 CT-34 CP-060726 0028 5 F Addition of tests for BER-TLV structure files and Data Oriented 6.3.0
2006-11 CT-34 CP-060726 0029 - F Addition of tests for (F, D) = (512, 64) and introduction of Test Cases 6.3.0
related to Low Impedance Drivers
2007-03 CT-35 CP-070061 0036 2 F Creation of combined R99 – Rel-6 version, by addition of 6.4.0
applicability tables
2007-06 - - - - - Update to Rel-7 version (MCC) 7.0.0
2007-09 CT-37 CP-070618 0037 - F Addition of applicability column for Rel-7 7.1.0
2007-09 CT-37 CP-070618 0039 1 F Essential corrections to various tests 7.1.0
2007-09 CT-37 CP-070618 0040 1 F Correction to test for Reservation of file IDs 7.1.0
2007-09 CT-37 CP-070618 0041 1 F Replacement of EFSMS with EFECC for SEARCH RECORD (SFI) test 7.1.0
2007-09 CT-37 CP-070618 0046 1 F Essential correction of FCP content in test 7.1.0
2009-03 CT-42 Upgraded without technical change to Rel-8 8.0.0
2009-04 Update history box 8.0.1
2009-12 CT-46 Upgraded without technical change to Rel-9 9.0.0
2010-09 CT-49 CP-100588 0049 1 F Essential correction of SET DATA, Delete Tag test case 9.1.0
2010-12 CT-50 CP-100832 0050 1 F Correction to RETRIEVE DATA test sequence 9.2.0
2010-12 SP-51 Upgraded without technical change to Rel-10 10.0.0
2012-09 SP-57 Upgraded without technical change to Rel-11 11.0.0
2013-06 CT-60 CP-130369 0051 1 F Correction of a misleading note for threshold measurements on 11.1.0
contact C3 (CLK).
2014-10 SP-65 Upgraded without technical change to Rel-12 12.0.0
2015-12 CT-70 CP-150828 0056 3 F Specify the status condition returned if search pattern can not be 13.0.0
found in any of the records
2017-03 SA-75 - - - - Update to Rel-14 version (MCC) 14.0.0
2018-06 CT-80 CP-181155 0057 -1 F- Remove platform related testcases from 31.122 as they are added to 15.0.0
ETSI specification 102.230-2.
2019-06 CT-84 CP-191015 1 F Add missing Rel-8 onwards applicability in the applicability table 15.1.0
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 36 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
2019-06 CT-84 CP-191019 3 B Extend the scope of 31.122 to cover USIM Command GET 15.1.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201150 0065 1 B Update test case of 7.3.3 GET IDENTITY 15.2.0
2020-07 SA-89e - - - - Update to Rel-16 version (MCC) 16.0.0
2020-09 CT#89e CP-202130 0066 1 A Update of spec. reference 16.1.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203093 0068 1 F Correction of a reference to ETSI TS 102 230-2 16.2.0
2021-06 CT#92e CP-211099 0070 - F Correction of test case 7.3.3 16.3.0
2022-04 - - - - Update to Rel-17 version (MCC) 17.0.0
2022-06 CT#96 CP-221171 0073 - D Correction of the Applicability table 17.1.0
2022-06 CT#96 CP-221171 0074 1 F Simplification of TS 31.122 17.1.0
2023-06 CT#100 CP-231103 0075 1 F Correction of the applicability table B.1 17.2.0
2023-06 CT#100 CP-231103 0076 1 F Correction of test 7.3.3 17.2.0
2023-09 CT#101 CP-232138 0078 1 B Update the TC of Contents of the Elementary Files in 31.122 17.3.0
3GPP TS 31.122 version 17.3.0 Release 17 37 ETSI TS 131 122 V17.3.0 (2023-09)
Document history
V17.0.0 April 2022 Publication
V17.1.0 July 2022 Publication