The Art of Smart Thinking - James Hardt
The Art of Smart Thinking - James Hardt
The Art of Smart Thinking - James Hardt
Smart Thinking
“Treat Yourself to a Brain Make-over!”
Copyright © 2007
by Dr. James V. Hardt —
All Rights Reserved
2007 Edition
Published by
Biocybernaut Press
Santa Clara, California
ISBN 978-0-9795730-0-2
Table of Contents
FOLCWONG sscssssssscssssiawessessrecsasesvcasssssesrssarenconesscacssasississess 5
INtrOdUctiOn ..........ccsssssssscssssvscvscssvsvesescesesvsceseseessseeveees 9
Chapter 1:
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account ........... 11
Chapter 2:
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha..........scscsccscsssescsesvesecesees 51
Chapter 3:
Calming the Hurricane In Your Braim.........cscsceseee 15
Chapter 4:
Surfing the Alpha Wave ........ssssccsssssssscsssseseseseseoers 109
Chapter 5:
Expanded Spiritual Awareness ...........ssccssccsssssesesees 177
Chapter :6
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking ............ccccseesees 209
Chapter 7:
Extreme Forgiveness ........0.ssscccsscsssssevssecsssvscesesvevers 269
Chapter 8:
Uncovering the Authentic Self ..........s.sscsscsccsssesseeee 297
Chapter 9:
Linking Up: The Global Brain Becomes A Reality 333
Not too long ago, I had the good fortune to meet an amazing
man, Dr. James Hardt, Founder of the Biocybernaut Institute. As
the developer of the Holosync® System at Centerpointe Research
Institute, I already know a lot about brain waves and spiritual states,
but Dr. Hardt had a lot more to teach me as he is one of the world’s
most respected authorities on brain wave biofeedback training.
Dr. Hardt has developed a very sophisticated form of brain
wave biofeedback, tested and researched over 30 years, which can
be used to learn to create states of happiness, joy, feelings of con-
nection and love, and many other beneficial mental, emotional,
and spiritual states at will.
Dr. Hardt is especially well known for his research into
the connection between brain waves and various beneficial states
of consciousness, including enhanced creativity and performance,
profound spiritual states and states of consciousness associated with
advanced meditation. His findings have been published in scien-
tific peer-review journals such as the highly esteemed journal
Science and the Journal of Experimental Psychology. He contin-
ues to present his research and findings to audiences all over the
I agreed to write the foreword to his book in order to
introduce a wider audience, including Holosync® users, to an im-
portant, life-changing, “World-changing ” approach using research-
based brain wave biofeedback. Coupled with the power of forgive-
ness, creating a state of high alpha allows people to release nega-
tive emotions that keep us from experiencing at will states of hap-
piness, joy, feelings of connection and love.
After meeting Dr. Hardt and hearing him speak about his
life’s work, I traveled to Santa Clara, California to attend one of
his alpha brain wave trainings. During my seven day experience at
The Art of Smart Thinking
lot more!
More recently, my teenage son did the training. He arrived
depressed, uncommunicative, and closed. He left happy, open, alive,
and (this really amazed me) truly interested in what, to him, was a
whole new world of spiritual growth. Now he wants to use my
spiritual program, he’s reading spritual books, and his whole atti-
tude has changed. What happened to my cranky, hormone-driven
teenager? He learned to make more alpha!
You can find many examples of the profound experiences
people have had with the Biocybernaut training in this book, The
Art of Smart Thinking. The book also explains how Dr. Hardt came
to develop this amazing technology and what lead him to choose
this as his life’s work.
As you can probably tell, I’m very excited about all of
this. In fact, I consider Dr. Hardt’s work to be some of the most
ground-breaking work in spiritual growth on this planet.
Read the book, see what others have experienced, and find your
way to Santa Clara to experience this work for yourself.
I guarantee you will be positively transformed with the impact
it makes on your life.
Bill Harris
Centerpointe Research Institute
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
Your Hidden Million Dollar
Brain Account
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the
rational mind is a faithful servant. We have
created a society that honors the servant and
has forgotten the gift.”
Albert Einstein
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
try something else. If I had been able to measure the brain waves
of Thomas Edison, I would very likely have found he had consid-
erable ability to generate “Mystical Theta” brain waves, which were
likely the source of his prolific invention abilities.
We now know that the “hypnagogic state, the state between
waking and sleep, is the time when theta brain waves are preva-
lent. In this state, espe-
cially when “Mystical “,.we are put in touch with that inner
Theta” waves are present problem-solver that resides in all of
in our brains, we are putin ys, the subconscious, intuitive mind.”
touch with that inner prob-
lem-solver that resides in all of us, the subconscious, intuitive mind.
This part of us is somehow able to access dimensions of reality
that our conscious mind cannot. You might say that in the “Mysti-
cal Theta” state, the mind is able to access a universal filing sys-
tem that records every thought, word, and action in the collective
human memory hard drive, a universal data base in the quantum
Psychologist Rupert Sheldrake refers to a non-material in-
formation cache as morphic resonance, meaning that every human
action or thought creates waves, like ripples in a pond, which af-
fect all other members of the human race. Psychologist Carl Jung
referred to the Collective Unconscious, existing in many dimen-
sions and timelines. All of these people are talking about some-
thing vast and far beyond words. In one system an aspect of it is
called the Akashic Records, from the Sanskrit word Akasha, mean-
ing primordial substance. In biblical terms, the Book of Life makes
reference to this knowledge, and in the Torah there are references
to the Book of Knowledge. Buddhists refer to Nature s Memory.
Whatever we call it, certain people have described
accessing it when they are in a brain wave state characterized by
“Mystical Theta” waves, and it has yielded the kinds of break-
through ideas that have led to culture-changing and life-changing
insights, inspirations, and inventions. The reason is simple. You
The Art of Smart Thinking
are bringing into your world, your place and time, information that
is not previously known to you and may not be known to anyone
living in your time.
Alpha creativity is rare enough, since it involves an un-
common processing of information that you have learned or, at
Icast one time in your life that you were exposed to. Putting to-
gether useful bits of information from different times of your life
and different schools of thought and different subject arcas is a
priceless gift that creative people bring to themselves, their fami-
lics and their societies. But the “Mystical Theta” type of creativity
is even more rare, and it brings into a person’s life and into their
society a knowledge that is simply not known yet, — information
their culture has not yet developed. So “Mystical Theta” explorers
are indeed rare and valuable human beings. They are different, and
they show us the promise ofa new age, a better life, a deeper and
richer understanding of ourselves and of the universe,
Most of the time the awake brain of a modern adult will
be thinking. Although both the theta and alpha brain wave states
are uncommon in the awake brain of the modern adult, they can be
trained and vastly enhanced with brain wave training using suitable
neurofeedback technology. This neurofeedback training helps
people to learn how to stop thinking (by quieting the beta mind)
and how to begin to be aware in the alpha and the theta brain wave
states. The “Art of Smart Thinking” involves learning how to
stop the beta mind from its type of “thinking” and how to begin to
create more alpha and theta waves. Remember, alpha isn’t what
you think.
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
with over 3,000 patents to his name, such as the floppy disk, the
hard disk, and the digital watch. He says that his best-kept secret
for generating creative ideas is “Swim till almost die!” He swims
underwater and holds his breath until he simply can’t do it any
longer. Coupled with a systemized method he has created that
enhances creativity, this technique allows his brain to “bubble” with
great ideas.
Why does starving the body of oxygen work? Because
when you shut off the supply of fresh oxygen to the body, the car-
bon dioxide content of the blood starts to increase. The body’s au-
tomatic response is to expand the carotid arteries that feed your
brain, which then allow more blood to flow to the brain. If this is
practiced regularly, the carotid arteries expand permanently, and
your brain is constantly provided more oxygen. We know that an
oxygen-rich brain is necessary to produce alpha waves, so this pro-
cess works because of a change in brain waves! The expansion of
the carotid arteries is greater and longer lasting when this breath
holding is practiced as a child. It does not have to involve under-
water swimming, just any means of promoting long term breath
holding. So if you wish to enhance your child’s or your own
brainpower, do some long distance underwater swimming or some
breathing exercises that involve holding your breath for long and
lengthening periods of time.
“Underwater swimming stimulates what marine biologists
call the mammalian diving response,” according to Wenger. “When
we dive, the body increases blood flow not only to the brain but to
every other major organ as well. This response is common to all
mammals and may partially explain why whales and dolphins —
perhaps the champion breath holders of all time — have evolved
brains (almost) as complex and powerful as our own.”
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
fined to about 10% of the corn crop. Government and private re-
search facilities were then quickly given the task of reinstituting
and maintaining the variability of the gene pools of important crops.
Science Magazine began to publicize the dangers of shrinking gene
pools and published an article by Bonnell and Selander (1974) on
“Elephant Seals: Genetic Variation and Near Extinction,” which
“that the northern elephant seal, now lacking a pool of
(genetic) variability with which to adapt to changing
conditions, is especially vulnerable to environmental
The Art of Smart Thinking
“.»Ruysbroeck was one of the few mystics who has known how
to make full use of a strong and disciplined intellect, without ever
permitting it to encroach on the proper domain of spiritual intuition.
An orderly and reasoned view of the universe is the ground plan
upon which the results have ... [spiritual] intuitions are set out:
yet we are never allowed to forget the merely provisional
character of the best intellectual concepts where we are dealing
with ultimate truth. Ultimate truth says (Ruysbroeck), is not
accessible to the human reasons: ‘the What-ness of God’ we
can never know. Yet this need not discourage us from exploring
and describing as well as we can, those rich regions ... which
await us beyond the ramparts of the sensual world... (Ruysbroeck)
was...almost as well equipped on the intellectual (as on the
contemplative) side: and hence was enabled to interpret to others,
in language ... something at least of the adventure of his spirit in
the fathomless Ocean of God.”
The Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
Delta Waves
Delta waves are the slowest oscillating brain waves (0-4
cycles per second). According to conventional medical and physi-
ological knowledge, delta brain waves are seen only in the deepest
stages of sleep (stages 3 and 4) or outright coma. According to this
traditional neurological view, the person is not at all aware in delta,
and, in fact, sleep instructional tapes are ineffective in these stages
(3 & 4) of deep delta sleep.
However, there is another aspect of delta — waking delta.
This is unknown to most neurologists and brain physiologists. I
have observed waking delta in numerous exceptional people, many
of them in recent brain wave neurofeedback trainings. Waking delta
is characterized by its presence mainly in the central and frontal
cortical regions of the brain while the person is exhibiting simulta-
neous alpha waves in the occipital region. This double brain wave
pattern shows the person is indeed awake as alpha waves do not
show up in deep sleep, In advanced states of Yoga meditation people
sometimes experience the rising of the Kundalini energy up the
spine. This happens when there is waking delta in the brain. Gopi
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
Theta Waves
Theta waves oscillate somewhat faster than delta. Theta
waves are 4-7 cycles per second. But there are many different
shapes and sizes of brain waves that can have this frequency range.
The Art of Smart Thinking
Alpha Waves
Alpha waves oscillate 8-13 times per second and are gen-
crated in the thalamus (the brain within the brain). There is a lot of
basic knowledge about what alpha brain waves are and what makes
them appear and disappear in our brains. Yes, they appear and dis-
appear. Alpha brain waves are not always present. For example, in
deep delta sleep there are no alpha brain waves, and if someone is
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
The Art of Smart Thinking
Beta Waves
Beta waves oscillate still faster (13-40 cycles per second).
The beta state is known as the “secretary mind” and is good for the
routine, non-creative performance of tasks that require attention
and ordinary thinking and where there is difficult mental concen-
tration and focus. When you think of beta waves, think of the statue
of Rodin’s Thinker: cffortful, stressful, furrowed brow, the whole
musculature of the body recruited to force the mind to THINK.
Beta waves are also characteristic of anxiety and worry and states
of dis-casc involving highly stressful situations, negative self-talk,
feelings of separation and other dysfunctional emotional states.
Increases of beta waves occur when you experience increases
in anger, hostility, anxiety, doubt, depression, dejection and
Gamma Waves
Gamma waves oscillate even faster (25-70 cycles per sec-
ond). In the carly formative years of studying brain wave activity
with electroencephalographs, it was not possible to have the re-
cording pens make legible wiggles faster than about 30 times per
second. The carly equipment used ink-writing polygraphs with
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
wR OK OR ok ok
The Art of Smart Thinking
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
and time urgency (beta, beta, and more beta), until at night, when
they fall exhausted into deep sleep (delta brain waves), having spent
too little time unwinding, relaxing, and drowsing (which would
have given them a bit more theta and alpha brain waves). Thus
many people shift their brains suddenly and forcefully from delta
to beta, and then back to delta, over and over and over! We’ll get
the same result doing this to our brains as we would if we did it to
our cars — accelerated aging or wear and tear, poor performance,
and high repair bills (i.e. high medical costs).
The beta state has often been characterized as the conscious
mind and delta as the unconscious mind. If you are missing those
gears in between, you won’t have very much connection or rapport
between your conscious mind and your unconscious mind. Nor
will you have much connection or rapport with your feelings and
emotions and with other people and their feelings and emotions.
Not having this connection can cause some problems in your rela-
tionships because it makes it difficult to be empathetic or compas-
sionate towards others. People can become creatively blocked in
achieving goals because they can’t tap into their unconscious knowl-
edge resources. They are unable to make the connection with the
part of their brain that has those resources because that requires the
alpha state of consciousness. They may have a conscious idea of
what they want to achieve, but can’t make it happen the way that
extraordinary people who use all of their brain are able to.
Brain wave neurofeedback technology offers a way to train
your brain to create more
alpha and theta wave activ- When you know how to change
ity. Many people go through
your brain waves, you’re in control
life as though they were
of your experiences of life!
bound and gagged in the
trunk of their car— not in
control of the direction of their lives. They feel like victims, being
driven through life out of control. Brain wave neurofeedback train-
The Art of Smart Thinking
ing takes off the handcuffs, removes the blindfold and the gag,
opens the trunk and returns to them the keys to the car (brain). It
puts people back in the driver’s seat, stecring wheel in hand, and
gives them an owner’s manual for their brain. When you know
how to change your brain waves, you’re in control of your experi-
ences of life!
Your Hidden Million Dollar Brain Account
oh ok ok ok ok ok
Some people are born healthy and mellow and gifted with
creativity and athletic prowess, exemplified by peak performance.
But what if you are not so lucky? Technology is now available that
can teach anyone to naturally increase alpha and theta brain waves.
My research on over 4,000 people has demonstrated that if a spe-
cific brain wave pattern that is related to a specific state of con-
sciousness or experience is measured and mapped, we can teach
people to achieve it.
With brain wave neurofeedback technology and the most
advanced training protocols, virtually everyone can learn the skills
to change their brain waves appropriately as the situation requires
and achieve a higher natural state of Alpha activity. Here is a de-
scription from one of our trainees, Bill Harris, CEO of Center Pointe
Research Institute, who is the creator of Holosync.
“Alpha wave neurofeedback training gives people a dra-
matic increase in self awareness so you begin see how you are,
moment by moment, creating your life. This includes your internal
life, the internal states you are experiencing as well as the external
results you are getting — the people you attract into your life and
The Art of Smart Thinking
the experiences you have day to day. You realize that various emo-
tional states that have seemed to come out of nowhere are actually
being created internally by something you do inside! You learn
that if I’m doing this, I can do it any way I want to. Interestingly
enough, when people leave the training they have an awareness of
how to maintain a high Alpha state even without the electrodes
being hooked up. So neurofeedback training gives you a jump-start
and is not required afterwards, although additional training time
is nothing but beneficial.”
The benefit of alpha brain wave neurofeedback
training is that we can become more human and boost our mental,
rational mode of thought at the same time.
Falling Into A
Pool of Alpha
“\.strike that thick cloud of unknowing
with a sharp dart of longing love:
and you are not to retreat no matter
what comes to pass."
The Art of Smart Thinking
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
The Art of Smart Thinking
If1 could sit quite still for one of the automatically timed 2 minute
epochs, I would be rewarded by secing a large score that reflected
the amount of alpha wave cnergy my brain had produced over the
preceding two minutes. A three-digit illuminated display would
light up as the tone briefly shut off. If | had to cough or move or if
my attention wandered from the task, the tone would decrease, and
that epoch’s score would be smaller. I was most interested to know
what made the tone stay on and what turned it off, so I listened
very closely to the minute fluctuations and tried to relate them to
something. Anything! How I breathed, how I sat, what I was think-
ing or not thinking about.
There were little successes along the way. When I breathed
more slowly, the tone was a little louder and the score a little higher.
IfI relaxed fully into the emptiness of the bottom of cach expira-
tion of my breath, which would sometimes help too. If 1 opened
my cyes, even though it was totally dark, the tone and scores were
sharply reduced. So I learned that I had some control. I could prob-
ably have produced statistically significant differences between
“enhance” and “suppress”
"The | . . hand conditions ifI had been
te Q burning
P yOgem was as in my , hand, asked to, but I still. didn’t
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
now, in the chamber that day, I was in a rut and didn’t understand
how to get out of it. The tone would come on strong, I would focus
my attention on it, and it would retreat into relative silence. It was
almost teasing me. I tried all sorts of maneuvers. I tried “reaching
“for it slowly ... it retreated slowly. Then I tried to remember what
I’d been doing just before the tone burst began. I discovered, to
my considerable amazement, gaps in what I had always thought
had been a continuous and unbroken stream of my conscious aware-
ness. These gaps seemed to precede the loudest bursts of tone.
Now I had two challenges instead of one! The first chal-
lenge was that I could not seem to grasp, analyze, or fully control a
tone originating from my own alpha brain waves. The second chal-
lenge was that I had discovered gaps —GAPS! — In my stream of
consciousness, lapses of awareness which I could not explain or
account for. I was disturbed and frustrated and began to intensely
consider the implications of this dual dilemma. Then, I suddenly
noticed that there was very little feedback sound in the chamber,
and my scores were quite low. I realized that while my mind had
been racing, my muscles had tightened up, and I was breathing fast
and shallow, instead of the preferable slow, deep breaths that I had
noted earlier led to increased tones.
So I started at the beginning again. I relaxed, I watched
my breathing to make it slow, deep, and regular, and I again noted
the tone getting louder and louder. I tried to puzzle out my problem
while remaining relaxed and slow breathing. I finally succeeded in
separating my thinking process from an uptight body, so that I could
concentrate without notice-
ably tensing or shiftingmy 7 began to notice that thinking itself
breathing rate and depth. It was what was blocking my Alpha...
was then I began to notice
that thinking itself was what was blocking my alpha and reducing
the tone! I now realized that the lapses of awareness, which pre-
ceded those interesting, loud alpha bursts, might actually have been
The Art of Smart Thinking
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
them. The real work was in being aware of, but not focusing on,
the tone bursts with the egoic, analytic modes of consciousness. A
certain part of me, that ego center which was concerned with DO-
ING things, with success or failure, suddenly relaxed. I watched
myself floating above the chair, which was in the middle ofa little
room, which was filled with the loud alpha feedback sound. Float-
ing above the chair? Floating! My relaxed detachment evaporated,
u I awoke back < into ra- The real work was in being aware of,
tional and analytical con- pay not focusing on the tone bursts with
sciousness almost as from : *
the egoic, analytic modes o,
a dream. Of course, as I Bore, . J of
did so, the tone volume
decreased sharply from its loud intensity and I tumbled back into
he who was sitting in the chair, so I knew I had been awake and not
drowsy or asleep while experiencing this “floating. “ If I had been
asleep or drowsy there would not have been a loud
tone (indicating lots of alpha) to vanish as I “awoke “ to rational
“T was floating above the chair,” I marveled to myself. I
realized at once that my mental focusing on what had been hap-
pening had terminated the happening, so as quickly as possible I
readopted the detached attitude and the tone again started to in-
crease. Before long, I was again looking down on my body from a
position near the ceiling of the room, although how I could see
anything in the total darkness I cannot explain. It wasn’t a normal
kind of seeing. I was almost afraid to deal with the fascinating
situation because I had learned that conceptualizing the situation I
was in would catch me and pull me down and reduce the tone and
my scores. So I merely floated and observed, and tried to fend off
the constant temptation to evaluate, speculate, analyze, reason,
This last one was especially troublesome. After a particu-
larly sizable series of increases in the scores, which left me feeling
The Art of Smart Thinking
breathe and the bird would stiffen its wings and soar outward while
wheeling and turning ecstatically and gradually drifting downward
in effortless circles while my body gradually drifted downward to
poorer blood oxygen levels and, eventually, the necessity to begin
to consciously breathe again.
During that drifting downward of the body processes, that
which was really me (for I had ceased actually to identify with my
rational ego self) would be off soaring in feedback enhanced Al-
pha. I could see that the essence which was really me, was differ-
ent from my body, and was even different from my thoughts, for I
had actually ceased to identify with my rational ego self and with
the thoughts in my mind. I was off soaring in the bliss of feedback
enhanced Alpha.
I was able to exist outside of time, which flowed past al-
most unrippled by my presence. The only time-like phenomenon
was the alternation between willed breathing periods (which I en-
tered only reluctantly) and the detached states of pure being I en-
tered so joyously and eagerly each time as soon as I was oxygen-
ated enough to cease from breathing. Even the briefest and subtlest
conceptual thought, which intruded into my mind during those
periods, resulted in a faltering of the feedback tone. With this in-
fallible indicator of egoic thoughts, I was more and more able to
non-think. But non-thinking
did not mean non-awareness; I was able to exist outside of time,
contrary to everything my which flowed past almost unrippled
education and experience
had led me to believe. I dis-
covered thoughts to be multilayered constructions — artifices of a
certain egoic relationship to the world and to myself.
A sheep is still a sheep after the wool is shorn. In many
ways its perception may even be enhanced by the removal of the
insulating wool. The warming sun and cooling breezes are prob-
ably felt more readily after shearing. With thinking gone, the wool
The Art of Smart Thinking
was removed from over my cyes, and the new awareness seemed
vast. Gradually, I even became able to be aware that a person was
ina feedback situation, and that a lot of alpha activity was happen-
ing. In an inner secret sort of way, | even realized that if1 were to
think about it (which I now knew better than to do) that person
would be revealed as me. This was an aspect of the multilayering
of thought I had scen earlier. Thoughts could exist at different lev-
els of egoicity and at different degrees of attention focusing. | am
now aware that a whole science of thought could develop around
research into such experiential explorations, but at the time, I knew
only that an ego aspect was lacking in the type of awareness, which
could exist in harmony with the alpha activity.
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
and hills I imagined would follow the initial plunge. But I was
startled to see that the tracks, instead of veering upward again near
the ground, bore relentlessly downward, entered, and were swal-
lowed by the blackest hole I had ever seen. The blackness lapped
like a liquid at the tracks and at the edges of its pool.
As I started downward toward this engulfing, enveloping
blackness, I, my ego, understood through a flash of intuition that if
it entered this place that ego dissolution would occur and it would
no longer Be in Control. So my ego told me the Big Lie and filled
my mind with the warning thought that if I entered this place, I
would never emerge, and I would cease to be. Since I was a Phys-
ics major with a Protestant fundamentalist religious background, I
was totally ignorant of mystical experiences, ego dissolution, tran-
scendence, etc. I foolishly believed my ego’s self-serving warn-
ing, and I panicked. Fear and unwillingness filled my mind, and of
course my alpha instantly disappeared. The feedback tone
disappeared; then the whole scene disappeared, and I tumbled back
into he-who-was-sitting-in-a-chair in Joe Kamiya’s feedback
At once I felt sheepish embarrassment for overreacting.
Then a vague sense of loss and regret at having missed some kind
of opportunity began to grow. I tried to resume the attitude of al-
pha enhancement, but the doorway I was now seeking remained
closed and unapproachable. (The good news about alpha training
is that you can only get as much experience as you can handle and
integrate. The bad news is that you can only get as much experi-
ence as you can handle and integrate!)
There were other experiences after that, also of consider-
able interest, but the physical fatigue and the fear of the abyss con-
spired to keep my alpha levels well below those at which the most
profound experiences had occurred. The fatigue, which I had also
felt in the three earlier sessions about 5 minutes before the techni-
cian ended those sessions, caused me to estimate I had been there
for about 45 minutes,
The Art of Smart Thinking
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
The Art of Smart Thinking
ok ae ok ok
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
The Art of Smart Thinking
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
wave training fell into obscurity as just another fad spawned by the
Psychedelic 60’s.
However, the considerable clinical and popular enthusi-
asm, which had been generated for doing “biofeedback”, was a
genie that could not be put totally back into the bottle. But that
energy and enthusiasm was blocked from going into brain wave
research by the negative findings of “experts” which led to lack of
funding for research. Instead, all that energy went into doing non-
brain wave “biofeedback.” Biofeedback became synonymous with
learning to relax the muscles, learning to warm the hands and feet,
and learning to change the electrical responses of the skin, which
are induced by shallow or transient emotions. People forgot that
“biofeedback” began with brain wave biofeedback—
Biofeedback is essential to running the human body. In
1970 I formulated the first axiom of Biofeedback:
“Any process in your brain or your body about which you
can be given immediate and accurate feedback, you can
learn to control”.
However, it may take a fair amount of training to achieve control.
The amount of control learned may be only small or modest shifts
in one direction or another. For example, you can’t, under most
conditions, lower your blood pressure to zero and stop your heart,
although there are special spiritually advanced beings for which
the laws of physiology don’t apply. However, until you get to that
point of awareness, the laws of physiology do apply.
What’s interesting, and somewhat mysterious and curious
to me, is that the brain, the human body’s organ of intelligence, the
master control room, has almost no feedback about itself! An
ordinary person’s brain is constantly active doing a myriad of
complex processes required to keep a body functioning, but the
brain isn’t getting any feedback about what it’s doing. Hmm?
The Art of Smart Thinking
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
The Art of Smart Thinking
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
The Art of Smart Thinking
Falling Into A Pool of Alpha
The Art of Smart Thinking
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
Calming the Hurricane
In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
the cycle is to cool, and sink, and then return south along the bot-
tom of the ocean, while the warm water on the surface is flowing
north. The problem is that with all the fresh water at the surface
from the melting glaciers, the water is too light and cannot sink.
Even if the surface water gets very cold, the dilution with the lighter
fresh melt-water makes it lighter than seawater and so it cannot
sink through the heavier salt water below the surface. This means
it cannot reach the ocean bottom where it would normally flow
south to complete the cycle.
The fresh water flowing out into the North Atlantic from
melting ice is preventing the northern end of the Gulf Stream wa-
ter from sinking. Because even cold fresh water from the melting
ice is lighter than warm salt water, the northern end of the Gulf
Stream can’t sink and flow back south along the ocean bottom like
it used to. So we have an alarming situation where some of these
important ocean currents, like the Gulf Stream, that are starting to
shut down. One study reported a 30% shut down in the return
current since 1992. This means that the only other available big
heat transport mechanism, the hurricanes, will have to transport
more heat than usual. Thus the hurricanes will have to be bigger,
and there will have to be more of them. Some of them will make
landfall, and they will be very destructive with their high winds,
heavy rains, and massive walls of water thrown inland in tidal surges
that can reach to over 30 foot tall walls of water. As our planet gets
warincr, there will have to be more hurricanes, bigger hurricanes,
and more frequent hurricanes to move the extra heat from the equa-
torial regions toward the poles, evening out the planct’s high and
rising temperatures.
Hurricanes in our brains. Just as turning up the heat on
cur planet leads to hurricanes, turning up the stress in our lives
increases beta brain waves and reduces our alpha, The way we
live tuday in our own brains in modern society can be just as de-
structive internally as a hurricane can be to both the people and
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
waves that you will want to become more common in your life.
The following is a list of common “stressors or things that make
you hyper or ‘rajasic’ in the Sanskrit terminology that is used in
coaching yoga meditation:”
* Caffeine
¢ Nicotine
¢ Alcohol
* Garlic
¢ Onions
¢ Lack of Sleep
¢ Worry, Anxiety, Fear
¢ Anger and Hostility
* Sadness and Depression
¢ Apathy
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
she had to interrupt her session in the middle of her alpha feedback
training in order to go to the bathroom. Curiously, she grabbed her
purse to take along to the bathroom. When she came back she
smelled strongly of cigarette smoke. Both my assistant Mo and I
noticed that she reeked of smoke, but we said nothing, not wanting
to put a guilt trip on her that might undermine her work in the
alpha chamber. As soon as we plugged her back in and the alpha
feedback resumed, she saw, and we saw, the amazing alpha sup-
pressing effects of the 1 ld ‘ato a hiel
she had would never
goLe into a high
UO fj~
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
and witches would put certain toads in their brews and then get
high and have visions from the buffotenine.) In other words, all the
major psychedelic agents have a rare structural similarity that is
found in onions and garlic. This rare structural similarity involves
a nitrogen atom that is unstable in the molecule and bounces back
and forth (very fast) between two positions in the molecule. This
rapid bouncing back and forth is described as an oscillation or a
resonance. These molecules “hum” with this energy. An organic
chemist suggested that the frequency of this energy may be in the
thermal range (infrared = heat), so when a molecule of LSD or a
molecule of garlic oil, for example, reaches a synapse in the brain
and breaks down, thermal energy (heat) may be released that might
have some of the effects ofa localized fever, producing various
alterations of consciousness.
The different psychedelic molecules are likely attracted to
different regions of the brain, so it is not surprising that the spe-
cific brain and mind altering effects are different for LSD, mesca-
line, buffotenine, psilocybin, marijuana (THC), onions, and garlic.
However, Paramahansa Yogananda and other teachers of medita-
tion recommend that people who are scrious about meditation and
spiritual development avoid ALL of these mind-altering chemi-
cals, including onions and garlic. If you are serious about creating
a brain environment conducive to alpha, you will begin to consider
climinating onions and garlic from your diet.
The problem is these two spices have recently become al-
most ubiquitous in the modern dict and are an ingredient of nearly
all salad dressings and most processed foods. In the 1940s and
1950s it was fairly uncommon to use garlic in cooking in the United
States, and garlic was not widely used as a seasoning in processed
foods. Such a vast change in our food supply has set up a condition
where most people experience a constant suppression exposure to
the stimulating effects of onions and garlic, even if they never see
an onion or garlic clove. This stimulation promotes a “rajasic”
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
Lack of Sleep
Alpha is enhanced by a good night’s sleep. And a good
night’s slecp is rare any more. Did you know that researchers have
shown that anyone, even those who claim to only need four or five
hours of sleep a night, will sleep at least nine hours if they are in an
environment that is completely dark and quict? How often do we
have a sleeping environment that is truly dark and quict in urban
centers of Amcrica? Street lights, street noise, little red lights from
the VCR, the LED alarm clock— most of us never get extended
uninterrupted sleep or a total of nine hours a night.
Here are the details of that sleep study. The people in it
were paid to participate. During a 2-weck “baseline” period their
performance at work was measured and quantified and their moods
were measured on a daily basis. Then for the second 2 weeks of
the study only one thing was changed in their lives. They were
required to spend 10 hours per night in a bed that was in a totally
dark and totally quict room. Under these blissful conditions ev-
eryone slept at least nine hours. Even people who would swear on
a Bible that they could not sleep more than four or five hours per
night— they all slept at least 9 hours, and some were still sound
asleep when the alarm went off aficr 10 hours of sleep. And the
interesting thing was that there were big beneficial changes in their
work performances and their moods. At work they performed bet-
ter and were more accurate and more productive and their negative
moods dropped almost out of sight. Now this study did not mea-
sure brain waves, but I can assure you that if it had, the people with
this extra sleep would have been seen as having more alpha waves
in their brains. And it was the state of consciousness associated
with the alpha waves that was responsible for the people perform-
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
radio, clectric blanket, and so on. Keep your alarm clock at Icast
three feet away from your bed and turn it to face the wall so the
light does not disrupt your sleep. Recent research has learned that
even with your eyes closed your sleeping brain can detect the pres-
ence of light.
Melatonin is important to our health in many ways, and
recent research is finding a link between disruptions in the circa-
dian rhythm and cancer progression, which may be linked to shifts
in the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that
neutralizes free radicals and slows the production of estrogen. It
helps the body clean out and heal while you sleep. You can in-
crease levels of melatonin naturally with exposure to bright sun-
light in the daytime (or use full spectrum light bulbs in the winter
time) and absolute darkness at night.
Having a quict environment is also important to deep un-
interrupted sleep, but if you happen to live in a city where noise is
constant, try earplugs or a white noise generator to mask or to block
out sounds,
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
ments and brain wave measurements. From this data we have been
able to compare changes in the brain waves with changes in people’s
moods and emotions. The comparisons are complex since we
measure brain waves simultancously at 8 different locations of the
brain, 4 in the left hemisphere and 4 in the right hemisphere. And
at cach location we can measure delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma
(and sub-bands within those frequency ranges). Thus we can see
how cach mood alters the brain’s activity at different locations of
the brain as one mood sweeps in and replaces a previous mood.
An cxample would be how somcone could go from fecling happy
and friendly to angry or fearful upon Icarning some news about a
loved one.
The results of this thorough, long-term research have shown
that both anger and hostility have similar patterns in the brain. Both
anger and hostility reduce alpha activity at most locations in the
brain, and both increase beta brain wave activity. The method for
reducing anger and hostility involves learning how to do deep for-
giveness work. How this deep forgiveness is done in the alpha and
theta brain wave trainings is described in Chapter 5, “Expanded
Spiritual Awareness.”
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
Dealing with apathy is harder than dealing with the other
emotions because the apathetic person is stuck in a low energy
physically, which results in a low alpha state. Fortunately the pro-
cess of alpha brain wave feedback is so inherently intriguing and
absorbing that even apathetic people will be able to take an interest
in their very own brain waves. I have found that people have an
almost unlimited capacity to pay attention to, to absorb, and to
retain accurate information about themselves. This applies to hy-
peractive 8-year-old children and to apathetic adults. Feedback of
your own brain wave activity touches you in such a deeply per-
sonal and profound way that you are fascinated in spite of your
apathy or your distractibility.
The 5 level model of the emotional hierarchy suggests that
apathy results when people have been depressed for so long that
they simply give up fighting the depression. So an important part
of the recovery process for an apathetic person is to admit that they
really are sad and depressed. Then they need to feel that sadness,
and only then can they begin to forgive that which made them sad,
which of course is really something that made them angry, which
is really something they are afraid of. When they stop all the self-
Your Brain
Calming the Hurricane In
——_—_—_——_—_———— eo
into the
terfuge, they will break out
deception and emotional sub chy.
“Joy” at the top of the hierar
clear light of the
ning, the mood scales will help
In the course of the trai in touch
tions that you are not really
identify a whole range of emo
with. Dealing with these
All I wanted was peace, and
other emotions, rather felt
than suppressing them, yesterday on the way home I
te pea ce.
will also affect how peace... just total and comple
much alphaducyou r brainis Jy the past 5 years, even on goo
e. It is also
able to proidea to aud days, I never felt as good.
a good
regular exposure to vio- create the emo-
eo games because they
lent movies, TV, and vid s, and depression, all
hostility, sadnes
tions of fear, anxiety, anger,
of which depress alpha. wise to
that suppress alpha, it is
Besides avoiding things alph a. Daily
will enhance
ngs that
embrace and to seck out thi pray
very helpful, especially if you
prayer and meditation can be and with-
med ita te in a quie t dar k place with your eyes closed
and bring to mind feelings of
ing you can
out distractions. In this sett space — all
of light, lightness and vast
flying and floating, feclings can also use
e your alpha activity. You
of these will serve to enhanc you can prac-
which enhances alpha, and
the fragrance of lavender, with an in-
. A focus on your breath
tice slow breathing exercises will help to
fortably slow your breath
tention to gently and com r eyes
you are sitting quietly with you
increase alpha, especially if will also help you r alpha
closed. Gettin g more oxygen to the brain
oxygenate your
deep breathing helps to
production and the slow e posi-
oxygen. Learning to do thes
blood so your brain gets more but alp ha sup-
ng the beta enhancing
tive things and to avoid doi ricane in you r
you begin to calm the hur
pressing things will help harmony and
ing of your inner peace,
brain. That is the beginn
The Art of Smart Thinking
Uncovering Unconscious
Numerous models of the hum
an psyche have been pro-
posed by various spiritual psy
chology pioneers, including
Abraham Maslow, Ken Wilb Carl Jung,
er, and Stanislay Grof, who
that hidden, buried or Suppre recognize
ssed feclings create blocks
fo grow spiritually, enjoy life in our ability
and express our authentic
dhist and Vedic teachings self. Bud-
refer to these buried fee
“samskaras,” Samskaras are lings as
reactive, dysfunctional patt
trace their origin to childhood erns that
or birth traumas as well as
issues. Every moment live past life
d, according to this mode
creates a karmic imprint whe of thought,
re the light from the soul gets
One way to look at it is that dimmed,
we are made up of layers of
being. In the center is our
soul, our authentic self—who
are. In an ideal world, we we really
would be this self all the
ing it joyfully from the Mom time, express-
ent of our birth. But we
cause of conditioned realitie do not, be-
s and resulting belicfs from
that prevent access to this leve childhood
l of our being. We build a
anes wall to cut
—— _ us off from our inner-
I now feel tha t
any place I go, Ihave
faith and I can express ME. most authentic self-a
| have so Wall composed of sur-
much confidence in where
I'm at,and — Vival strategie
that makes an impact on other people's
s and
conitol dra mas: Out
ivess., I haveive so
so muc
much so
idd grou
: groundnd nownow, '°Pressions,: fixations,
I feel centered and stable, . denials, tra
more than neuroses areumathe
s and
ever before in my life.
- ment that holds
a public mask, which may wall together. We wear
radiate the illusion of succes
and self-control, keeping s, poise,
the world (and even parts
ignorant of the painful, una of our selves)
cknowledged emotions hid
us behind the public mask, den within
These unresolved issues
accumulate over a lifetime
work together to Suppress and
the brain’s production of alph
a waves,
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
traits. You may see yourself or someone you love in these stories,
so please be inspired and just know that there is genuine hope for
people to have rapid and lasting beneficial changes using the
Biocybernaut technology.
The Art of Smart Thinking
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
patient had lived in the same house, with the same roommates
for one year, and he was still holding the same job (almost a
year later), He was also pursuing his dream of an acting career
by taking courses at a local college. He had not been in a fight
since his training.
A remarkable transformation took place within this
patient as a result of his experience. A miserable and obnox-
ious person blossomed into an open, loving human being. He
occasionally dropped by the laboratory, unannounced, to bring
flowers to the lab assistants after his training.
The Art of Smart Thinking
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
Migraine Headaches
In 1983, we began a special program for migraine suffer-
ers, where we did a 10-day training. We worked with only that
subset of migrainers who had very long lasting, debilitating mi-
graincs. In this work we learned something very interesting: every
single one of them had actually learned how to bring on the mi-
graincs themselves. Now I’m not saying this is the case with all
migrainers, but with this special small super-severe subgroup of
migrainers there was a different etiology. It turns out that migrainers
have very strict parents, as a rule. The parents of migrainers are
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
Here in the USA, however, the parents frequently don’t know about
such things and instead of awe and reverence for the gifts their
child is manifesting, the American parents can be punishing and
withdraw love. The only thing the children could do to shut off this
incredible flood of energy was to bring on a migraine.
So they learned to do it as children, and then they couldn’t
not do it, and it just got worse as they got older. We found this
history in cach one of these super-intense migraine sufferers that
we ran in this period from 1983 to about 1988 for this special mi-
graine program. The program was seven days of regular Alpha train-
ing, three days off, then three more days of alpha neurofeedback
training. We also provided 30-40 minutes of temperature or muscle
biofeedback for these people at the start of each day of the
It was a powerfully effective healing method for all of the
severe migraine sufferers except in one instance, which ended up
providing a power “ul learning experience. The process initially
worked well for this »erson, a woman who was a former beauty
qucen from the Southen, California coastal area. However, she now
suffered from skin cancer. ad was no longer very pretty to look at.
Her husband had taken to heving affairs in the house with other
women lovers when she was ly‘ng there in her bedroom unable to
move for seven days at a stretch, lust into the pain of her migraines,
Her husband came along to the training program to support her (or
so he said), but when her migraines went away, this was not some-
thing he wanted. When she finished the training and went home,
she was no longer having these debilitating migraines so his girl-
friends couldn’t come over anymore. He started to undermine her,
causing her stress and pushing her most vulnerable buttons for the
purpose of causing her to succumb to migraines again so he could
again have sex with his girlfriends in the comfort of his home. So
this supposedly supportive husband pushed all the buttons he knew
of and so stressed and undermined his wife that she reverted to
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
having migraines again, and he was able to continue with his af-
fairs at home. We found out about this through friends of the fam-
ily. That was the one failure of our migraine clinic. All the other
migrainers were able to appreciate the spiritual gifts they had been
given through the kundalini awakening and were able to control
their physiology well enough so that they would no longer have
migraines. They did have to be wise and careful: no red wine, no
more of certain cheeses, and no getting badly chilled. If they ob-
served these precautions they could be completely free of migraines
using their abilities to enhance their alpha brain waves.
The Art of Smart Thinking
Calming the Hurricane In Your Brain
The Art of Smart Thinking
higher cach day, and he became calmer and more patient and more
sober. Two years later he called to express a surprisingly complex
mixture of deep sadness and deep gratitude on the occasion of his
stepbrother’s death in a drug-related auto accident. He wished that
his stepbrother had done the training, and he was so grateful that
he had done it. Two years later he was still clean and sober, and he
was now a respected member of the community; having become a
member of the Rotary and managing his family’s large investment
portfolio. Like many people, he had a powerful “Hurricane in his
Brain” that was driving him to drink, use drugs, and beat his wife.
When he came for alpha training, that wild hurricane was calmed
and he became a gentle, loving husband and a valued and respected
member of the community. He and his family were now
peaceful, loving and happy.
ak ook ok ok ok
Surfing the Alpha Wave
Surfing the
Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
of alpha activity in the year since the prior recording, Dr. Yeager
would say a special “Good Bye” to that patient because he knew
the person would probably die before his next annual visit. Soa 37
year old patient whose alpha had disappeared would be much more
likely to die within the next year than a 100 year old patient who
had good alpha in their EEG record. To a certain extent, alpha
trumps age when it comes to life expectancy and everyone’s hopes
for healthy longevity. Remember, alpha isn’t what you think.
When we look at the biological science underlying alpha
waves and the processes by which people lose their alpha waves, it
is perfectly understandable how a 100 year old person with good
alpha waves would have a better life expectancy than someone in
their 20s or 30s with no alpha waves. As you learned in the previ-
ous chapter, Calming the Hurricane in Your Brain, there are many
stressful aspects of modern life that work on you to reduce your
alpha and to instead promote beta brain waves. But there is even
more than that stress at work in a person’s loss of their beneficial
alpha waves.
The mechanisms involved in loss of alpha include reduc-
tion of blood flow to the brain. It has been shown that clamping
one of the carotid arteries in monkeys results in loss of alpha in
that one hemisphere. When the left carotid artery is clamped, that
shuts off most of the blood flow to the left hemisphere. There is a
little bit of interhemispheric circulation in the Circle of Willis, but
that is not much compared to the volume of blood that comes surg-
ing into the brain via the carotid arteries, on the left and right sides
of the neck. In that study with monkeys, when the blood flow was
interrupted to one hemisphere, the alpha in that hemisphere disap-
peared and was replaced by the senile EEG pattern of mixed Theta
and Beta. When the monkey’s carotid artery was unclamped and
blood flow resumed, the senile pattern of mixed Theta and Beta
went away and was replaced by alpha activity, which then returned
to its normal alpha pattern.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
you and the temperature is all adjusted perfectly, and then some-
one flushes a toilet or opens a faucet or starts the clothes washer.
All of a sudden the pressure drops and less water comes out. Or
perhaps you started your shower when the washer was filling, so
you had to turn on the faucets all the way to get enough water for
your shower. Then when the washer is full and stops drawing off
water, the pressure in the pipes surges and you get blasted with
more water than you want and maybe even the spray is so forceful
that it hurts your lips. You have just demonstrated how a reduction
in pressure will reduce the flow of water and how an increase of
pressure will increase the flow of water. It works the same in your
body with your blood flow.
So now you can see how the body is being perfectly sen-
sible in turning up the blood pressure in response to clogged or
partly clogged arteries. It is the fastest way for the brain to keep up
with the blood supply that it needs. Ah, but there is a dark side to
that solution. As you know high blood pressure can be a killer.
High blood pressure can make your kidneys fail. Their fragile
internal structures are damaged and ultimately destroyed by high
blood pressure. Each organ system has its failure point when blood
pressure gets too high, and the most catastrophic failure is when
blood vessels are pressurized too highly and one or more of them
bursts. This is called a stroke and it can kill or cripple the person.
So increases of blood pressure, while being a temporary solution
to a brain starving for blood [lack of oxygen and glucose delivered
by the blood flow] are not a good long term solution.
The typical medical intervention with high blood pressure
is to give drugs that lower blood pressure. This might spare the
person the ravages of high blood pressure, but it does nothing to
address the underlying cause of the high blood pressure, which is
often insufficient blood flow to the brain. Many people taking
medicine for high blood pressure, medicine which effectively low-
ers their blood pressure, will report that they do not feel as alert as
Surfing the Alpha Wave
they used to and they are experiencing “brain fog”. This is a logi-
cal consequence of reduced blood flow to the brain. So let’s look
at the sequence of events: Arteries clog [many reasons for this],
and blood flow drops, especially blood flow to the brain dimin-
ishes. The brain begins to starve for blood and the alpha waves
diminish. The brain calls out for more blood and the body re-
sponds by increasing the blood pressure, which does deliver more
blood to the brain. Everything looks fine again. But then the arter-
ies clog more and the cycle repeats.
Eventually the blood pressure is so high that it comes to
the attention of a medical doctor, who prescribes blood pressure
lowering drugs. This causes the blood pressure to fall, but this also
reduces blood flow to the brain, which begins to starve for blood
again. This causes the alpha waves to drop and the person feels
low energy and mental fogginess. The brain sends out signals to
increase the blood pressure, but these signals are ignored by the
body because the blood pressure lowering drugs are at work. So
the brain drifts into a state of decreasing blood flow and decreas-
ing alpha waves and decreasing mental alertness. People begin to
look and think and act old. But at least the risk of kidney damage
and strokes has been reduced.
Fortunately there are other alternatives. In many cases,
intervention with suitable EEG alpha feedback training can restore
brain blood flow without the use of drugs and can thus dramati-
cally increase alpha wave activity, which has the benefits of re-
sourceful alterations in mood and personality. Increased alpha wave
activity brings increasing optimism, motivation, and a general state
of happiness and well-being. These beneficial changes both ex-
tend life and improve the quality of life. Alpha feedback training
changes that natural course of aging to a natural course of age-
reversal without drugs or stimulants.
When most people hear of these possibilities they imme-
diately want to know how it works. There are many factors at
The Art of Smart Thinking
work here and we will consider two of them: (1) dilating the blood
vessels and (2) reducing the blockages within the blood vessels.
Both serve to increase blood flow to the brain without dangerous
increases of blood pressure.
(1) Dilating Blood Vessels. Many people first heard of the
word “biofeedback” in association with people learning to warm
their hands or relax their muscles. Hand temperature biofeedback
is conceptually very simple. You hold a small thermometer in your
hands and watch it. Or a temperature sensor is strapped around
one of your fingers or toes and a wire runs to a small meter that
reports the temperature in a digital number or in a sound, where
the sound might rise or fall in pitch as your finger rises and falls in
temperature. Or the device might beep faster when your skin tem-
perature is rising and becp more slowly as your skin temperature
falls. Whatever the mechanism, the principle is the basic biofeed-
back principle. In 1970 I formulated the axioms of biofeedback
and the first axiom is this:
Any process in your brain or your body about which you can
be given accurate and immediate information you can learn to
Hand temperature feedback has been used as a general
stress reduction technique teaching people to warm their hands
and fingers, and also has been able to cure some previously
incurable medical conditions like Reynoud's Disease. Here’s how
it works. Itis so simple. While you are getting the feedback on
your hand or finger temperature you think of pleasant, calming,
and warm situations. Perhaps you say silently to yourself, “My
hand is heavy and warm.” Or you think of the feeling of lying in
warm sand on a sunny beach. And while you try out different
thoughts, feelings, and images, you listen to or watch your tem-
perature feedback device for any sign that your finger tempera-
ture is warming. When you find something that works for warm-
ing your fingers, you keep doing it and even fine tune the pro-
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
Icarn how to dilate the blood vessels that bring warming to the
fingers and an end to the pain and suffering of Reynoud’s Disease.
Probably no one could tell you how your conscious intention to
warm your fingers combines with the skin temperature feedback
information to produce a dilation of the blood vessels. It is one of
the deep mysteries of life how any intention gets translated into
actions by the body. But it works. It happens, and the Reynoud’s
Disease sufferer is healed. The pain is gone; their hands, fingers
and toes are warm again.
In exactly the same (mysterious) way, the alpha brain wave
feedback tones and scores are information that is partially related
to the amount of blood flow to the brain. There are many other
factors that I have identified that can contribute to alpha increases,
and I coach my Alpha Trainces on all of them, but blood flow is
clearly one of the relevant parameters. And for people with high
blood pressure it is one of the more important parameters. So it is
another one of those deep mysteries of life how a person’s inten-
tion for alpha increases combines with the alpha feedback infor-
mation and then gets translated into actions by the body, such as a
dilation of the blood vessels that feed the brain. But it works. It
happens, and the blood flows to the head so easily that people some-
times come out of the feedback chamber with an “alpha tan.” There
has been so much blood flow to the head that it includes the brain
and the face and the ears and the neck and people are lit up with a
healthy glow looking like they just spent 2 weeks in Barbados or
the Bahamas.
When I worked with the elderly women in the Federal
Grant, most of them had some degree of high blood pressure. And
when they would “get it” and their alpha would surge upward, they
would often talk about the experience of an “opening” in their necks
and in their head. An “opening” huh? Well, how about the dilation
of their carotid arteries for starters? Oh yes, in every single elderly
woman whose alpha increased, there was a subsequent reduction
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
T |
With the help of the skilled Trainers, trainees become more
aware of their patterns and can deal with them in a supportive, safe
space. We always find certain painful events in people’s lives, usu-
ally from childhood, that we call forgiveness targets. The trainee is
coached to go into the chamber and to create a high alpha state,
and then to revisit the causal incident.
There in a safe space they can relive or re-experience the
feclings they had about what was said or done and learn what erro-
ncous beliefs about themselves that they created because of it. For-
giveness is a required part of the process, and without it alpha re-
mains suppressed, as if there’s a lid clamped down which prevents
any further increases. Without forgiveness, trainces can only go so
far in creating a high alpha state. It is absolutely necessary to do
forgiveness work for both sides of the grievance, both you and the
other person, in order to release the emotional charge around the
event. The forgiveness process will be covered in depth in Chapter
6, Extreme Forgiveness.
Once a trainee is able to release these mental habits, they
are able to create new healing events and feelings in their place
while in a high alpha state. This creates both more alpha and more
neural connections. So not only do they create more neural path-
ways, they create them in a more positive alpha state. The neural
pathways that keep the brain in mostly a Beta state (anxiety, anger,
fear, sadness) are released so more alpha waves can be created.
It’s like dusting away cobwebs with a broom. As you start
doing that more frequently, your brain starts getting increased blood
flow, which, in itself, leads to more alpha. More alpha fecls good,
so it makcs it casicr to go after other memories that still need some
work. Trainees quickly learn that their brain can get rid of those
negative emotional experiences and that motivation is cnough to
move people forward even more. Then all of'a sudden, people have
a breakthrough in the chamber and their alpha explodes! It starts
with breaking a bad habit and learning a good new one.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The evidence from this study and other work I have done
with elderly subjects (up to their late 80s in age) suggests that re-
storing youthful amounts of EEG alpha with neurofeedback can
restore the ability of the brain to regulate the mind, body, and emo-
tions in healthful ways, like it did when you were much younger.
Women in their mid 70’s went to college, getting degrees, even
The Art of Smart Thinking
Improving Relationships
Personality disorders such as extreme anxiety, depression,
or suppressed emotions such as anger, sadness and fear definitely
cause relationship problems — at home, at work, with friends, a
spouse, parents or children. Even when we own and express these
emotions, if they continue to be triggered by the same things, they
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
couldn’t do prior to coming to the training. He had been closed off
emotionally. He continued the process for the rest of the week,
experiencing a great deal of emoting and crying and a lot of heart
connection with his parents. He relived his wedding day in the
chamber and re-scripted some things that he would rather he had
done on his wedding day. On the sixth day, he brought his wedding
photographs to show us!
The night of his breakthrough, he realized that he had to
go home and wake up his wife and tell her about his insight in
order to bring it into the physical reality so that his ego would not
have a chance to erase it. He held himself accountable for having
opened his heart in this way and come to this realization. He told
her how much he loved her and how he realized that she loved
him, that he didn’t want a divorce, that he was being a fool, he
realized that it was his own problem his own inability to accept
love that was the problem.
The Biocybernaut Alpha One Training has been so success-
ful at reuniting lovers that I recently presented a paper on
this topic, calling it Reuniting Lovers: A New Method of
Conflict Resolution Using Biocybernaut Alpha Training.
Albert Einstein said, “Problems cannot be solved at the
same level of awareness that created them.” The good news is that
the Biocybernaut Alpha Training increases a person’s level ofaware-
ness which gives the person a higher and a clearer perspective from
which to solve their problems, including those emotionally drain-
ing conflicts between lovers. A remarkable varicty and intensity
of negative emotions can characterize disputes between lovers, so
this type of conflict was used to demonstrate the effectiveness of
conflict resolution using the Biocybernaut Alpha Training. A
couple, four years into a bliss-filled marriage, hit the skids when
two young teenage children from a prior marriage were suddenly
injected into their lives. Screaming, yelling, calls to 911, and a
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
Increasing Creativity
Creativity is an area of personal excellence, mental gifted-
ness, and mental mastery, and it is of profound importance cultur-
ally, figuring as a principle component of international competi-
tiveness and economic success for countries and for individuals.
In the business world, creativity is money in the bank. Enhancing
the creativity of product development teams and work groups leads
to real bottom line benefits.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
anchors himself on the bottom of the pool, and using a special
plexiglass slate he invented for writing underwater, he brainstorms
for ideas. This is how he generates so many amazing inventions
and new products. “That’s when J come up with my best ideas.
I’ve created a plexiglass writing pad so that I can stay underwater
and record these ideas. | call it ‘creative swimming.’””
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
allowing for creativity, and actually increased alpha during tasks
calling for or allowing creativity. Creative subjects showed higher
alpha during the inspiration phase of the creative process than they
did during the following claboration phase.
During creative performance tasks, creative right-handed
subjects showed increases of left hemisphere alpha. Non-creative
right-handed subjects did not show this shift to left: hemisphere
alpha during these creative performance tasks. Intriguingly, this
increase of left brain alpha is also reported by Allman prior to peak
performance in golfers putting, archers and gunners shooting, and
basketball players at free throw.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
Summary of Results.
Creativity scores (ideational fluency) in the alpha feed-
back group increased dramatically by 50% (and this result was
highly statistically significant) following their Alpha Training. Our
control group had no significant creativity changes up or down.
The Art of Smart Thinking
Surfing the Alpha Wave
We had 16 people .
(mostly artists) go In the few weeks following the
through the alpha “aining, both my father and sister
training that summer, @Xperienced an unprecedented creative
We were all very burst, during which their productivity
pleased with the re- nearly doubled. My creativity
sults. In addition tothe —_ noticeably increased as well - and I
emotional benefits that produced some of the best work of my
we all received, many ——aygey during the summer of 1998
of us reported signifi-
cant increases in creativity during and after the training. In the few
weeks following the training, both my father and sister experienced
an unprecedented creative burst, during which their productivity
nearly doubled. My creativity noticeably increased as well - and I
produced some of the best work of my career during the summer
of 1998.”
Peak Performance
Peak performance is another activity for which alpha brain
waves are helpful. Recently sports scientists have shown that in-
creases of alpha brain waves (often in the left side of the brain)
precede peak performance. For example Dr. Mark Hatfield has
measured EEG activity in expert marksmen. He found that just
before an expert shooter pulls the trigger, the left side of the brain
shows a big burst of alpha waves. Similar results have been found
in expert golfers as they putt, archers releasing an arrow, and bas-
ketball players shooting a free-throw. Some experts might be born
with this alpha surging ability, but if not inborn, it can be trained in
several different ways. One way is the old fashioned way of long,
hard practice. The new way is to train the desired brain activity
directly with EEG feedback.
Dr. Dan Landers did an EEG measurement study of nov-
ice archers undergoing a 15 week training course in archery. He
The Art of Smart Thinking
did not give any EEG feedback. He just recorded EEGs over time,
while the students got traditional instruction in archery. He found
that as the archers’ skills improved (if they improved), there was a
change in the brain wave patterns they displayed during shooting.
Toward the end of the training, the archers had improved their scores
more than 60%, and they had begun to show the same burst of
alpha waves right before a shot which researchers had found in the
clite archers. When Landers took the next logical step of providing
EEG feedback training, he found that training the proper pattern
was very important. EEG feedback on one pattern could help ar-
chers shoot significantly better, but training on a different pattern
caused them to shoot far worse. Once again we see that the key is
knowing the brain’s highly detailed patterns for any given skill or
activity, and then being able to give feedback on that pattern to
enhance the performance that gocs along with those brain waves.
So we can sec that one key difference between novice and
clite athictes is in their brain waves. Just before his best free throws,
an clite basketball player will produce a burst of alpha waves, cs-
pecially on the left side of her/his brain. Just before their best strokes,
clite golfers will produce a burst of alpha waves. Just before their
best shots, elite marksmen and archers will produce a burst of al-
pha waves. Novice and intermediate athletes do not show this al-
pha brain wave pattern, but with proper brain wave feedback train-
ing they can casily learn to produce this pattern of alpha waves
that codes for excellence and peak performance.
The Zone
At one point, I was on an ESPN show called The Best of
Sportsline. Once a year they have a 90 minute show where they
run clips of the best athIctic performances of the year. At the end of
the show I was able to talk to viewers about the phenomena known
as “the zone”, also known in psychology as “flow.” That’s when
performance or creativity is at its peak and everything just clicks.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
Surfing the Alpha Wave
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Surfing the Alpha Wave
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Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
during the program, then the soldiers were more likely to
accept feclings of anger and aggression within themselves.
This would make them more in touch with their own feel-
ings, and more capable of functioning appropriately accord-
ing to the situation, whether it required low or high amounts
of aggression.
¢ Decreased Fatigue: If cycs open alpha increased during the
program, then fatigue was significantly reduced. This corre-
lation suggests a method for the soldiers to deal with fatigue.
If they have Icarned how to increase their eyes open alpha
power, they can summon up this ability when needed to over-
come fatigue and thus give themselves extra energy to deal
with necessary action in spite of what fatigue may be present.
¢ Decreased Unhappiness: If alpha power went up during the
program, then unhappiness went down significantly. All of
our previous research has shown that increasing alpha power
increases one’s happiness and effectiveness and reduces un-
happiness. It is thus entirely consistent to also find this result
in soldiers who have learned to increase their alpha brain
In summary, I’d like to mention that during this training 3
out of 24 of these clite soldicrs (12% of those trained) discovered
they had unresolved doubts, fears, and reservations about their
mission. This was a good thing for them to Iearn! Once these three
soldicrs realized they did not have sufficient inner alignment with
their mission to remain in the Army, they could then move on to
apply their high motivation and skills in suitable ways in civilian
life. Their commanders were relieved and grateful to have a train-
ing technique to weed out those who might falter under ficld con-
ditions, and the 88% who remained were clearer in their purpose
and far more highly skilled in self-regulation and producing peak
performance on demand.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
| did the Biocybernaut Alpha One training in November, 1983, with Lt.
Col. James MacLachlan, as part of a project for the U.S. Army, which
was looking into means for enhancing performance and increasing
adaptivity to stressful and rapidly changing environments.”
“We did two consecutive weeks of Biocybernaut Alpha training.
The first week was Alpha One, where we trained in separate chambers
on how to increase our own alpha brain waves. The second week was
shared feedback alpha where we trained in the same chamber at the
same time while we heard both our own feedback and the feedback of
the other person. We also saw our own scores and the other person's
“Both MacLachlan and | were able to learn to control our alpha
enhancement with only a few days’ training, and we greatly increased
our alpha output during the first week of individual training, the Alpha
One Training.”
“Through this training older persons who have acquired superior
experiences over an accumulated period of time could be trained to
retain or regain their youthful creativity and intellectual capacity. Alpha
trained individuals could also adapt more readily to high stress situa-
tions such as those encountered by the military and in the competitive
industrial environment. Alpha trained individuals could more easily work
in anxiety producing environments of every sort, especially group envi-
ronments where anxiety communicates itself among people.”
“Because such training allows greater personal control of anxi-
ety, it would be invaluable in the United States where an estimated 5%
of the population (15 million people) are afflicted with chronic anxiety.”
‘A healthy person can drift into dysfunctionality by being continu-
ously exposed to stressful situations and through normal aging. Older
people are more prone to dysfunction than younger people and are
less adaptive to stressful situations, Alpha enhancement can improve
adaptivity in both young and older people. All people can benefit from
learning to increase their alpha output.”
Colonel John B. Alexander, US Army (Retired)
The Art of Smart Thinking
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
ics, through which we can peer into the interiors of solid objects
and know where they are likely to break if they are stressed too far.
We can thus predict the breaking point of a structural beam or an
airplane wing.
I have developed a method called Predictive Brain Activ-
ity Maps which integrates EEG information from multiple sub-
jects who exhibit a specific extraordinary mind state. With the use
of these maps, we have the ability to predict future mind gifts or
mental breaking points as analysis of the maps can reveal the prob-
abilitics and the timing of future behavior patterns and future mind
states. From the hyperdimensional topology of the Brain Activity
Maps, we can determine the chances of someone experiencing ci-
ther a known dysfunction or growth and development of extraordi-
nary mind powers. The present and future strengths and weaknesses
of a brain wave feedback traince are revealed by Predictive Brain
Mapping, thus enabling wise and timely intervention to avert dys-
functional patterns in their carlicst state of development. Interven-
tion will allow, instead, the growth of the traince’s chosen patterns
of health, well being, and mind giftedness. The process is know-
ing, rather than speculating, about your own mind and your own
We may soon have EEG-based operational definitions of
charm, poise, presence, charisma, majesty and leadership, as well
as neurofeedback training programs to increase these highly desir-
able characteristics in anyone willing to devote the time and en-
ergy to Icarning new patterns of neural activity. Prescriptive Brain
Maps, which I have developed, encode the patterns that a
neurofeedback traince would need to produce in his or her brain in
order to enhance or diminish any chosen mind state. This training
can be highly specific and tailored to the unique needs of every
individual, by assisting cach person in making the correct pattern
of brain activity changes that will produce for him or for her any
desired mind state.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
Increased IQ
At the corporate retreat of Precious Moments, a company
whose business revolves around the production of quality artwork,
we performed IQ tests on everyone before the alpha training and
again about four months after the alpha training. We found an av-
erage IQ increase of 11.7 points IQ that was not related to age or to
the initial IQ levels. This meant the alpha training was boosting
essentially everyone’s IQ. The average time between pre- and post-
1Q tests was about four months, and some trainees took a year.
There were no significant correlations between the amount of the
measured IQ boost and how long after the alpha training the post-
The Art of Smart Thinking
the IQ boost to fade over time — at Ieast out to one year after the
Alpha Training. The Biocybernaut alpha training process helped
everyone’s IQ and did not fade over time,
As CEO John Butcher relates, “Many people, including
one of my longtime business partners, had transformational emo-
tional experiences, breaking through and resolving lifelong issues.
Everyone who did the training said that they would highly recom-
mend it to others. This is the first time I’ve seen such a highly
diverse group of people agree on anything, but, surprisingly, they
did all agree that the Biocybernaut Alpha training was something
they would highly recommend to other people. It is a fascinating
and remarkable technology, one that Lam looking forward to expe-
riencing again soon.”
Personality Change
As a rule, psychologists are taught that adult personality
traits are stable over the adult lifespan and very difficult to change,
even by small amounts. Personality therapy through traditional
counseling is often lengthy, expensive, and only partially success-
ful. Pharmaceutical drugs used to treat anxiety, depression and other
mental conditions may suppress symptoms, but side effects are
sometimes worse than the disease, and a cure is not the outcome
when using such drugs. However, my experience with thousands
of trainees and research subjects has shown that when people
achieve the type of emotional or thinking patterns required for sig-
nificant alpha enhancement, this results in normalization of disor-
dered personalities. These brain wave patterns are not temporary;
instead they become the norm and even increase in power and du-
rability over time, even without further training.
In one of my carly research studies (1978) I selected cight
subjects out of 100 volunteers who showed the highest scores re-
lating to anxiety on the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personal-
Surfing the Alpha Wave
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Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
ception of the profound changes the alpha trainees had made. Nowa-
days, we Videotape all our interviews so we can look at tapes from
the first day and compare them to the last day, and we usually see
very obvious changes in personality. Sometimes people don’t even
recognize or identify with how they used to be before the training.
There is another model of change where the vessel — the
person — remains the same and spiritual experiences — “water” —
are added. You fill up and overflow with the experience, and the
“water” just flows across the table and falls off the edge and gets
your pants wet! In this model, there is a powerful and dramatic
“experience” from the alpha training, and the trainee has recollec-
tions of having experienced deep feelings.
In another model of growth, the new experiences are be-
ing added continuously, but the container, the glass, is being con-
tinuously expanded. This is the case where a person’s capacitics
for experience expand daily through the work of the Alpha Train-
ing. In this model of change the person becomes more powerful,
more calm, more centered, yet there isn’t any real sense that things
have changed. It is only by objective measures or by reports by
people who know you, or your interaction through various kinds
of psychological and perceptual tests that you can measure the ex-
istence and the magnitude of your changes. That’s why it is so
important to be able to do measurements, which has distinguished
the work of the Biocybernaut Institute from a lot of other work that
has been done. Scientific studies with objective measurements
have characterized the development of the Biocybernaut technol-
ogy and training methods.
So the distinction between feeling any different and not
fecling any different is difficult, and we need to distinguish be-
tween the two based on data. There is a very clear natural tendency
for people not to remember how bad it used to be after a change for
the better, and to take the new pleasant situation for granted. It is
Surfing the Alpha Wave
built into us. We are our own worst evaluators of the degree of
change that we go through, particularly if it is change for the bet-
ter. If the experience is for the better, the memory of how bad it
used to be fades quickly. That’s just how our minds work. This is
why the research base of the Biocybernaut training has always used
objective measures of the changes produced by learning to increase
your alpha brain wave activity with the brain wave feedback
technology and training methods.
Description of the
Biocybernaut Alpha One Training process.
Many people are interested in more detailed information
about the Biocybernaut training programs so that they can begin to
understand how it can deliver such amazing results in just one pow-
erful week of training. So this detailed description is given in sup-
port of this kind of interest in the procedural details and can assist
you in deciding to participate in our introductory Alpha One train-
ing program, At Biocybernaut we have more than two dozen ad-
vanced training programs, and the Alpha One is the entry point to
all of them. There are 9 levels of the Alpha Training, 9 levels of
the Theta Training, 9 levels of the Delta Training and combina-
tions of these, like Alpha One plus Theta One. The Alpha One
Training is the place to start. It is like Brain Wave Training 101,
and in it you will learn amazing things about yourself, your emo-
tions, your personality, your ego, and, of course, your brain waves.
In conversations with people interested in taking the Alpha One
Training we find that they would like to know more about:
(1) The daily training protocol,
(2) The kinds of results achieved, and
(3) Arange of goals toward which people can beneficially and
realistically aim, and
(4) How to decide which of the advanced training programs
to take.
The Art of Smart Thinking
1] Training Protocols.
Introduction: The training is conducted on 7 consecutive days,
which are usually long days of 8-12 hours cach. When people first
arrive at the training center, they are given an introduction and a
tour that features the big free-standing training chambers, which
are very dark and quiet inside when the door is closed and the
lights are off. Each chamber is a large free-standing metal cube,
the likes of which you will find in most University Psychology
departments, where they are used for research studies. The metal-
walled interiors are softened with various fabrics. Each chamber
has a thick blue carpet on the floor, soft blue velvet on the walls,
anda shiny blue fabric on the ceiling. In cach chamber there is one
highly adjustable, wheeled, ergonomic chair for comfortable up-
right sitting, a small wheeled table holding one or two computer
monitors and one or two keyboards, and an intercom for instant
communications with the technicians or trainer in the adjacent con-
trol room. There are also small speakers hung from mounts in the
walls or ceiling that can be moved very close to the right and left
cars of the person doing EEG feedback in the chamber. These
suspended speakers offer all the advantages of earphones without
the disadvantages of weight and pressure on the head.
Participants are also shown the control room, where there
are 5 monitors and keyboards to control the main system comput-
ers for cach five person training modules. Then there are 5 printers
for the mood scales and also 5 more, one for each system computer
{10 printers in all]. In the control room there are also 5 sets of
EEG amplifiers, cach having 8 channels of EEG amplification. The
amplified EEG signals from each of the 5 chambers are then pro-
cessed through either analog or digital filters and fed into a system
of 3 powerful computers that process the EEG activity and the
mood data for feedback to the traince in that chamber. The ampli-
ficd raw EEG is also fed to one of three 16-channel polygraphs
Surfing the Alpha Wave
that write out 8 channels of brain waves for each of the partici-
pants. These polygraphs run during the entire session, whenever
EEG baselines or brain wave feedback are occurring, and the sys-
tem computers are reading and analyzing the brain waves. Each
chamber can be operated independently from its local station us-
ing its local monitor, mouse and keyboard. During calibrations
and targeting each system is operated independently by the
technicians setting up or closing down the system.
There is also a centralized control system within the
Control Room that we call the Bridge or the Main Station. This
Main Station centralizes the control functions of all 5 systems and
has its own separate 5 monitors and keyboards grouped closely
together so that the technicians can quickly and efficiently operate
all 5 chambers simultaneously.
When trainees are in their chambers, switches are thrown
to divert all the local control functions of each individual chamber’s
local control station over to the centralized Main Station. At the
Bridge or this Main Station all 5 chambers can be operated simul-
taneously. Here at the Bridge or the Main Station there is also a
sound system for playing instruction tapes to the trainees to help
guide them through the many stages of a Biocybernaut training
program. The Bridge also has 5 intercoms for communicating with
one or more of the chambers during the times that the trainees are
in the chambers.
Participants are also shown the kitchen and the restrooms
and the canopy room. The canopy room has 5 canopied beds in
which the participants may sit or lie down and stretch out during
their interviews that follow their time in the feedback chambers
each day. As soon as they finish their adventures in the feedback
chambers they come out, maybe stopping first at the restroom and
then they go to their canopied bed and lie down with their soft
blankets and a pile of pillows. Here they will give their reports of
their chamber experiences to the Trainer who will tape record these
The Art of Smart Thinking
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
on a white circle on the wall in front of them, while the lights are
on and the door is open. After that is over the door of the chamber
is closed and the lights are turned out. Tape-recorded instructions
are played into cach chamber to announce, next the Eyes Closed
Bascline, and then, after that, the White Noise Baseline. During
the White Noise Bascline, the participants listen to a beautiful
sound-scape of White Noise. (Some say it sounds like a downpour
in a rain forest.) From time to time they will hear a lovely “beep”
signal echoing through this forest rainfall. And they will be asked
to count these non-periodic beep signals that are interpolated into
the White Noise. Participants are asked to do the counting purely
in the mind without using their fingers. At the end of the White
Noise, cach participant reports their count to the technician who
calls in on the intercom. The technician reports to the participant
the true number of beeps. Then the brain wave feedback begins.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
and waning of the person’s alpha activity. At the end of that next 2
minutes of auditory feedback there is another scoring period with
the illuminated numbers being turned on again for 8 seconds. If
one or more of the head sites has produced a new low for that day’s
Alpha Suppression, that entire number turns GREEN to provide
an easy marker of success. This eliminates the need for the partici-
pant to keep close track of his or her scores. After a short sequence
of these 2-minute epochs, the feedback stops and the instruction
tape announces the end of Alpha Suppression. If the scores are
lower (better) than last time, but not quite a new low for the day,
then the scores are dark BLUE in color.
The Art of Smart Thinking
the end of the Alpha Enhancement. This tape also announces that
now is the time for the second Mood Seale of the day. Whereas the
first Mood Scale was done with instructions “How do you feel
right now?”, this second Mood Scale has the instructions to de-
scribe “How did you feel when your alpha was the highest, when
the tones were the loudest and you were getting the highest scores?”
The door is opened slightly and the lights turned on, if the
participant wishes the lights on during the 2™ mood scale.
Final Baselines: Following the 2"! Mood Scale there are three
more short baselines: a White Noise and an Eyes Closed and an
Eyes Open, just like the first 3 basclines. Then the technicians
gently enter cach chamber, remove the electrodes, and the trainees
gather in the canopy room, after a bathroom break, if desired. The
canopy room has 5 comfortable canopied beds with pale blue sheer
curtains that can be drawn for a cozy semi-privacy. There are soft
bluc blankets and almost a dozen blue pillows so the participant
can sit or lie down and stretch out during the tape recorded inter-
views that follow the time in the feedback chambers. There is a lot
of time spent sitting during the training, but this is one of the times
that participants can lie down and stretch out and relax after their
adventures in the chambers.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
1] The scores for cach of the Mood Scales are listed for the pre and
post training administrations. These show how remarkably the
moods change as a result of alpha training. If someone came in
angry or sleepy or sad, their moods after alpha training will often
be much improved IF [and this is a significant “IF”] their alpha
scores increased. People begin to learn that their moods are re-
lated to their brain waves, and that if they can change their brain
waves with feedback, then their moods will change also. The com-
puter also tracks these scores across the 7 days of the training,
putting in pluscs or minuses for new highs and new lows. People
love to hear when they have set new highs in Friendly and Vigor
and Clear Thinking and new lows in Anger and Hostility and De-
pression. This helps to confirm their newly awakened abilitics in
accurate self-awareness.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
3] The items which were denied, but which the computer flagged
because the computer program had “doubts” about the accuracy of
the denial are also carefully reviewed. The computer “flags” these
items by assigning a ‘sigma’ score, which is a standard deviation
measure, expressing the computer’s doubts about the accuracy of
the person’s response. A one sigma suggests there is a 68% chance
that answer is wrong. A two sigma suggests there is a 95% chance
that answer is wrong, and a three sigma suggests there is a 99.7%
chance that answer is wrong. Not all items are flagged with a
sigma by the computer, but the ones that are may have special
meaning for that person. The Trainer works individually with each
person on each one of the flagged items. The person is invited to
look to see if there is any of that denied emotion or feeling that is
accessible to their awareness, now that the computer has alerted
them to a problem with their response to that word. Often, after
just a brief introspection, a flash of recognition occurs and the par-
ticipant then tells a little [or sometimes a big] story. There may be
tears that come along with the story, and always an increase in
self-understanding. That story, and the people in it, then become
candidates for forgiveness in the next day’s training. It is quite
amazing that when people authentically experience forgiveness,
their alpha goes way up in a burst. Wanting to forgive does not do
it. Trying to forgive does not do it. But authentic forgiveness
brings wonderful bursts of alpha. So the participants are coached,
on subsequent days, to bring to mind topics that the Mood Scales
have identified as useful targets for forgiveness. Then, during al-
pha feedback, the person runs through different possible ways of
forgiving that person or situation. Participants continue trying
different forgiveness strategies until finally something that they
try gives them a big alpha burst and a correspondingly big increase
in loudness of the feedback tones. Then they know that this par-
ticular thing that they did, or this way that they allowed themselves
to feel, is one of the effective ways that forgiveness works for them.
The Art of Smart Thinking
Then, once they have discovered this method, they can use this
method, like a cookie cutter, to forgive dozens or hundreds of other
people or issues, including themselves.
Surfing the Alpha Wave
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Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
and then followed up six months later. Fully 50% of those with no
alpha in their admission EEG record were dead within 6 months.
Alpha is a profound indicator of health and well-being, and not
just physical well-being. Psychic and emotional well-being are
also indicated by the amount, the changes in, and the distribution
on the head of EEG alpha activity. The range of goals one can set
out and then attain with self-control of this very powerful brain
activity is truly broad (and that may be an understatement.)
Surfing the Alpha Wave
The Art of Smart Thinking
Theta occurs most readily in arousal states which are quite differ-
ent from normal waking consciousness. Often it can be challeng-
ing to remain conscious of the feedback as one enters the deeper
arousal states that are the natural home to Theta brain activity. With
advanced Alpha trainings it becomes casicr to remain conscious
through even large changes in arousal level.
If there are strong patterns of Theta brain waves in the
EEG record at any point in training, including immediately after
the Alpha Onc training, then it is easier to go into the deeper states
that characterize the Theta brain wave training. In Theta you gain
access to the Akashic records, and all the knowledge that is stored
there, and you can also make deeper changes in your personality
and behavior patterns.
If people have addictive behaviors, such as with drugs,
sex or gambling, they can reprogram themselves most effectively
in a deep theta state. Also Theta gives the person access to arche-
types and powerful and often brilliantly colorful imagery from their
deep unconscious.
The Theta track of brain wave training at Biocybernaut
follows the patterns of EEG channels given as feedback in the al-
pha track, with the big change that the feedback comes from 6 or
12 channels of Theta brain waves instead of 6 or 12 channels of
alpha brain waves.
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
My work of the last 30+ years has been fueled by the de-
sire to share the profound experiences that I have had with others.
In a powerful transformational experience described in detail on
the Biocybernaut web site (
discovery/part|.htm#nav top ) I went into a crude basement closet
feedback chamber in Joe Kamiya’s lab at UCSF in San Francisco
as a physics major. At the time, I had had one year of training in
psychology; I was a Protestant Fundamentalist [Lutheran Church,
Missouri Synod] and suddenly I experienced things that cannot be
described in words—it was ineffable. This experience did not fit
into the framework of everything thatI knew and believed. It was
transformational and beyond what I knew and what I understood
and what I believed possible. It’s incredibly beautiful, it’s blissful,
it’s liberating, and it is a heck of a lot of fun.
The Art of Smart Thinking
The path of this research has not been easy; there have
been many stumbling blocks and walls and people who hindered
and even tried to impede my progress. But I have persisted be-
cause of the profound experiences this training brought to me and
which I can now bring to other people. Let me give you a brief
On New Years day in 1992 I was at my training center
with a volunteer technician who hooked me up so I could try out a
new technological marvel—the latest enhancement that added feed-
back information on my brain’s hemi-coherence. Simply said, it
allowed me to know when more than one quadrant in my brain
was producing the same type of brain wave simultancously. There
were bugs in the software, as usual with a first release, so knowing
how it was written and how it was supposed to work, we worked
around those bugs, enough so that I could test the new hemi-coher-
ent feedback functions. I then did three 10-minute periods of feed-
back on the hemi-coherence. I had an incredibly profound experi-
ence, which is what is described in the Bible as the Peace that
Passcth All Understanding. This experience produced another pro-
found alteration of my life.
January of 1992 in San Francisco was very rainy, dark,
and dreary. A recession was stalking the land. I didn’t have a job;
my company, MindCenter Corporation, had just folded; I didn’t
know what I was going to do with my life and my life’s mission. It
poured every day; everything was bleak and gloomy. Yet there I
was, standing in the kitchen looking out at this bleak gloomy real-
ity and just bursting into laughter about how incredibly wonderful
I felt inside.
It was an almost complete disconnect between events in
the world and my experience. It completely affirmed the view of
meditative and spiritual traditions that how you fecl is related to
your inner being and NOT to the events of the outside world.
This was a wonderful affirmation of everything I had read in the
spiritual literature.
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
of the intensity of the fear and anxiety and the beauty of the lady in
“The old guy, who scared me, had an old baggy outfit. He
was big boned. When I saw him my alpha dropped a lot. I got
scared. Then he totally vanished. Then a very bright light appeared
to my left and slightly higher than me. It was a perfect circle. It
gave off white light. It was so pretty. It had streamers coming off
it, streamers of light that were white with yellow around them.
The lady appeared first with her face right in the middle of
the white light. She was dressed totally in white. She smiled at me
and my alpha went way up. It was like I was reading her mind,
while I was thinking, Gosh, I wish I could be that pretty. I was in
The old man’s voice kept coming into my head saying,
“It’s up to you. Now go my child; you know what to do.”
“The boy had been standing up when I first saw him. In
the next second he was lying down on the pavement ... a park or
school playground with so many little kids everywhere. There was
a mother there who’d lost her lithe boy. She was screaming its
name. | couldn’t hear her and she didn’t see me.
“The angel’s voice was so soft and sweet. But I did not
want to hear it. It forced its way into my head. It wasn’t really a
voice. It was more like she was talking directly into my mind, kind
of like telepathy. The feeling of her voice was so soft and sweet
and loving. She thought into my head, “You know what to do my
child. Now go do it.”
“I was so afraid of the blood. I wanted to save the boy so
badly. The angel’s voice was filling my head reassuring me. So I
resolved to do whatever I had to do and I turned to help the boy
and suddenly the whole scene disappeared. I realized I’d already
done everything I needed to do to help. I had made the decision to
ignore my fear and just go help him. The angel was so very beau-
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
forgave myself for everything I’ve done and haven’t done, and my
alpha went up. After that I felt so free. I thought, now I can fly. 1
felt so light and happy in the chamber; I just wanted to go running.
And I learned how to control my temper today. I was in the booth
wanting forgiveness, and I got all 6 greens!”
“I thought of the baby in me and realized that you can’t be
a good role model for your own daughter when you hate your
mother. And my Mom didn’t do anything to me; and she just wants
the best for me. I hope she can understand my feclings toward my
Day 6. In her words: “I was tired today because I stayed
up late last night talking with Mom on the phone. We discussed
our control issues. Mom now agrees with my new plans. There
was a real healing between my Mom and me. We were on the phone
until midnight. In the beginning of the session I did forgiveness
work with Mom and that gave me high scores and 4 greens! It was
a challenge to stay awake because I was so tired.”
“Tam afraid of dying, and today I went into my fear of
dying in the chamber. I did a worst-case scenario and originally
thought I’m not unattached to the idea of dying. But then I thought,
if I did dic I could be an angel and go into people’s minds and
make them feel good, like happened to me.”
“Before this I never really believed in God. I had ques-
tions and I doubted. After I saw the angel, I knew she was an angel
and she talked to me inside my mind and I now believe in God.”
“Also I remember when I did the forgiveness work yester-
day I was so happy and I totally forgot the anger I was fecling
toward my parents, especially my Mom. Now I’m not afraid of
dying. I’m not angry, and I believe in God.”
This 15-year-old girl reconciled with her family and re-
turned to the church, this time with a real belief in God grounded
in her personal experience with an angel. She also realized that the
child’s drug-using, drug-dealing, and philandering father was not
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
a suitable husband for her, to her family’s great relief, and she al-
lowed her mother to care for the baby after it was born so she could
continue her education. She also transcended her fear of dying
during car travel and knew that there was a life for her after death.
The Art of Smart Thinking
strangest look came over her face as she accessed the memorics of
the experience. Her mind seemed to slip out of gear for a few
moments, and then she burst into a radiant smile of amazement.
She had, indeed, been in deep telepathic contact with her unborn
child, and in those moments of introspection following my ques-
tion she had merged very deeply and thus consciously reestablished
that telepathic connection with the child in her womb. Immedi-
atcly the persistent and restless agitation of the child within her,
ceased. Abruptly the baby was different. She commented, in sur-
prise, that the child’s behavior inside her had suddenly changed,
and that she now had a
She had, indeed, been in telepathic \oving bond with the little
contact with her unborn child, and in boy baby. She was utterly
those moments of introspection she amazed that a change of
merged deeply and thus consciously _ attitude on her part could
so quickly and dramati-
cally affect the behavior of the baby in her womb. Her whole atti-
tude toward the unborn child changed and instead of calling it “the
alicn” she began referring to him by the beautiful name she and her
husband had chosen.
On the last day of her training she came in slightly agi-
tated because she had a design project at work that was duc the
next day, and she had not even started to think about it. She was a
toy designer and was skilled in making computer renditions of the
toys once she had decided upon the kind of toy and the colors and
textures and sizes and other parameters. But coming up with the
ideas and parameters was always a struggle. Before she went into
the chamber she asked to be reminded to start her toy design work
as soon as she was finished with her session.
During her alpha session the toy design was accomplished
with grace and case and entirely without the usual struggle. She
started thinking about a theme for the toy and sorted through doz-
ens of themes until, while considering one particular (heme, her
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
bigger and bigger. Then Jesus took the ends of the rainbow in his
hands and bent it into a circle and said, “This is a symbol of my
love for you.” This evoked very powerful emotions in AG, since
he’d never seen anything like this in his entire life. Later that day,
AG and I had a meeting, set up by prior arrangement, where we
reviewed the Biocybernaut Institute’s Zen graphs from a study done
with Zen meditators. There we saw the records of a Zen Roshi
with the bi-modal coherence pattern that may well be the basis of
the spiritual phenomena known as halos. And AG said that he
thought that the rainbow Jesus bent into a circle for him was a
foreshadowing (or “fore-luminining”) of the knowledge of the
brainwave pattern underlying halos.
Also in that session, during one period of high alpha activ-
ity, AG saw a large shallow brass bow] filled with water, with moun-
tains around the edge of the bowl reminding him of Crater Lake.
He described the events as follows: “Then Jesus was suddenly in
the scene carrying the bowl, and the top of my head was open,
actually the top of my head was missing, and the water in the bowl
was suddenly anointing oil. I prayed on my knees and asked the
Lord to ‘fill me with his presence and spirit.’ Compared with the
very personal Jesus of yesterday, today’s Jesus was bigger than
life. Jesus was pouring the anointing oil into my head. The oil turned
into fire on the inside and was burning up all the impurities. The
anointing oil was cleansing, burning up the old dirty wax of past
fears, guilts, and doubts. ... It was profoundly cleansing. My usual
feclings of gloomy, awful, reckless, and angry were replaced by
feclings like: devoted, enthusiastic, timid, powerful, agrecable,
Day 3. AG told this story: “As soon as my alpha started to
increase | found myself talking with my deceased son and my de-
ceased Mom and Dad, always in the presence of the Lord, having
His approval. Then I had an experience, which reassured me that
my Dad was with the Lord, something about which I had worried a
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
lot. My Dad had been very harsh with me, and had left my Mother
and taken up with another woman. He had two women to support
and he lost his house and business and went bankrupt, so he came
to live with my wife and me. All his family had turned their backs
on him, and now they shunned my wife and me for taking this man
in. My Father was ill and was in bed most of the time and was very
demanding. One day he called me into his bedroom and said, ‘you
know I'd said if I ever saw a Christian, I’d become one?’ Then he
gave up his rantings about the hypocrisy of Christians because of
the love and Christian charity my wife and I had shown him.
He died two months later, but I always doubted his con-
version to Christianity. Then in alpha, I had an experience that re-
assured me. I saw a huge bronze ring with hundreds of people in it,
including my Mom and Grandmother. But Dad was outside the
ring. Then Jesus appeared and lifted up the ring and brought Dad
inside the circle. This was gratifying and heartwarming.”
“Then I had an experience, which was just the most glori-
ous experience. My scores had been rising steadily and suddenly
when the tones stopped after one epoch and the scores lit up, my
highest score of the 6 scores was 666. As I looked at the three
‘sixes’, the circles in the 6’s opened up into holes into the vacuum.
It was like the movie the Philadelphia Experiment. The vacuum
suction was pulling me in, and I was initially terrified as houses
and cars and trees were being pulled into the awful suction. People
were screaming. There was a lot of noise and chaos. Then I thought,
‘In Him I will overcome.’ and I called the name of Jesus, thinking,
“whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
Suddenly Jesus was there with his arms wrapped around
me, and I had total peace even as the force was pulling in houses
and rocks and trees and trucks and busses. The fear was instantly
gone. Each hole had the power to destroy everything and to suck
things into it and off into oblivion. It was literally a hopeless situ-
ation for anything caught in that suction, and the more I saw how
The Art of Smart Thinking
destructive it was, the tighter Jesus held me in his arms. And the
more peace I felt in Jesus’ arms, the worse the scene got.
Then I thought of the Song of Solomon 2:6 and remem-
bered, ‘His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth
embrace me.’ And I thought, ‘I know that I will overcome.’ And I
thought, ‘He is all power, and I am literally saved from the stron-
gest power on carth by Jesus.’ During this intense experience my
scores rose ever higher and for the first time ever, I broke through
the alpha score level of 1,000. I saw that I got to witness the awe-
some power of destruction and utter annihilation while safe in the
arms of the Lord. This experience was just the most glorious expe-
“At the peak of my scores, | realized that Jesus has all the
power. Then I rested and my scores dropped back lower. But there
was an encore, a second peak in my scores. It was in realizing that
I had power over alcohol. If the name of Jesus was that powerful
over 666, then that power could help me control my use of alco-
“I felt utter ecstasy that the Lord will help me when I call
on his name.”
Day 4. AG spoke freely about his experiences: “In the be-
ginning there were Green scores, indicating I was setting new highs
for the day. I wanted an intense experience like yesterday, but sensed
that it was not yet time. I felt an incredible closeness of the spiri-
tual world. I felt very warm and had a sense that He was there too.
The more I thought about the Lord and sang songs of praise (si-
Iently in my heart) the better | would do ... having higher scores
and louder musical tones. But the intensity of yesterday’s experi-
ence evaded me. It just would not come. I felt demanding and
thought that I really want to leave because | want to Icave. I was
being totally uncooperative. Then this amazing thing happened.”
“I don’t know how I could sec this because I know the
room was completely dark, but all of a sudden it was no longer
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
dark. A fat black lady walked into my room and sat down. For
some reason I asked her if she was an angel. She laughed and said,
“Yes. Why? Do you need one?’ I told her that I always feel like the
musical feedback tones are like angels lifting me up. She said, ‘I’m
Molly. How can I help you?’”
“T told her, ‘I’m not having a very good day here because I
was expecting something spectacular, and nothing spectacular is
She said, “Well I’m here and I’m an angel, and I came to
tell you a bedtime story about a little boy who has a name very
similar to yours.” Then she proceeded to tell me a story which was
so magical and heartwarming that I know it will be a best seller as
a children’s book. In fact I knew immediately that this book would
generate a million dollars of income. I knew I had been given a
great gift. Suddenly it did not matter about my expectation for spec-
tacular experiences. “One more thing exciting happened. I saw a
painting. It was very wonderful. I could see the light contrasting
with a color of a medium value. Suddenly I knew that it used tita-
nium oxide white, little slivers of layers looking so shimmering.
I’ve seen that effect in Monet and never knew how to achieve it.
Now I have been shown how it is done.”
Day 5. AG described his day: “As my Alpha increased, I
began having conversations with people; conversations just in my
mind. This was a real revelation. I was thinking about my feelings
of unworthiness. I’d tried to help an in-law. They never communi-
cated with me. I have tried everything, helping put the kids through
school, getting them a car, which they won’t drive, wanting to do
anything to help out. All of a sudden, as I was reviewing all this
disappointment, there was a big alpha burst and I realized in that
moment that my worthiness has nothing to do with the expecta-
tions of others. My worthiness is not lessened by the lack of appre-
ciation of others. The causes of my completeness are inside me,
not in the hands of others. I let go of this. I forgave them for every-
The Art of Smart Thinking
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
forgiveness of himselfand
This creative artist had spiritual ; , ae
others. Following this, his
experiences, which put his guilt creativity exploded. His
into a more healthy perspective and assistant who counted 80
gave him direct and personal significant pieces of art
experiences of God's love for him. produced over more than
10 years of work for his
major client gave one measure of his expanded creativity. In the
two and a half months following his Biocybernaut training he pro-
duced 110 significant pieces of art for the same client. In addition
to this phenomenal creative output, the man was also finding more
time to spend with his grandchildren, taking them to dinner and
telling them stories whenever he was in town.
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Expanded Spiritual Awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the
Art of Smart Thinking
Biocybernaut training doubled my understanding
of the dimensionality of consciousness.
Zen Master Ryuho Yamada Roshi
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
trainee learns not only how to calm the mind, but equally or more
importantly, the trainee also learns how to reduce the brain waves
that do not support the meditative state (e.g. beta waves) and to
enhance those brain waves that Icad to a meditative state of aware-
ness (c.g. alpha and theta). With this deep control of the workings
of your own brain comes the ability to regulate one’s response to
sensory stimulation and stimulation by words, thoughts and con-
cepts, so that the brain wave trainee can defuse a stressor or a stress-
ful situation from the outset, immediately and flowingly. One of
the differences between the two processes is that in meditation one
attempts, without the aid of any feedback, to witness one’s thought
patterns, whereas in the Biocybernaut Process, onc is aided by feed-
back of the exact brain waves that underlie and enable the thought
processes and the thought suspension processes,
Both meditation and brain wave feedback can be usefully
compared using a signal detection analogy. In any signal detection
application, the challenge is one of distinguishing the signal from
the surrounding noise. Experts speak of the signal-to-noise ratio. If
the signal is weak and there is a lot of noise, the signal is very hard
to detect. This is the case in meditation, where the signal is a subtle
mind state—a weak signal—and there is lots of noise. The noise in
meditation can be acoustic noise like telephones ringing; jets fly-
ing overhead; cars, buses, and trucks rumbling by; people talking;
even birds singing;, and wind in the trees.
Noise can also be the chatter of one’s internal dialog; the
urgings of one’s desires or the reactions to one’s aversions or sen-
sory distractions like itching of the skin; aching of a muscle, or
joint, or tooth; or the churning of one’s stomach, All these distrac-
tions, taken together, are the “noise “ which makes it difficult to
pay uninterrupted attention to one’s mind state (or one’s breathing
or mantra).
To assist in the process of meditation, instructions are usu-
ally given to reduce this noise. Mcditation instructions typically
include (especially for beginners) retreating to a quiet place, turn-
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
ing down the lights, turning off the radio or television, and sitting
very still. There are also instructions about how to pay attention to
one’s thoughts and feelings, to try and still these internal sources
of “noise.” But the instructions are often vague and difficult to
follow, even if one understands them.
The mind is extraordinarily elusive, especially when one
tries to pin it down. Try not thinking of a hippopotamus for one
minute. Even though you may not have thought of one for years,
the moment you try not to think of hippos, they stampede or do
ballets through your mind with insuppressible vigor. This is a prob-
lem when trying to still the mind in meditation. Thoughts erupt
like volcanoes belching hot gases and pyroclastic flows. Try to
still the mind and thoughts erupt and flow in unstoppable torrents
of words, concepts, ideas, comparisons, evaluations and judgments.
However, when using the Biocybernaut Training Process of brain
wave feedback, the same subtle signal or state of calm awareness
is electronically detected as the electrical brain activity underlying
the calm mind state. This subtle signal is then electronically ampli-
fied, or boosted, 100,000 to 1,000,000 times and then used to con-
trol the loudness of feedback tones. In the Biocybernaut Process
an effort is also made to reduce the noise by conducting this train-
ing in light controlled and sound proof rooms (Faraday cages de-
signed to exclude electromagnetic fields), so that the signal-to-noise
ratio is enhanced from both ends. Both the signal is boosted and
the noise is reduced.
Every time the mind enters a calm state, even for a frac-
tion ofa second, the technology detects this shift and instantly turns
ona tone. Thus the person is notified of his or her success in THAT
moment by receiving immediate feedback. With such feedback,
there is a rapid increase in the probability of the mind entering, and
staying longer in, the desired state. Since trainees get feedback on
how well they are doing, they rapidly become better at entering the
desired mind state by learning how to control the underlying brain
wave state out of which their experience [the mind state] arises.
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
mal states and the bracketed states). The discovery or the investi-
gation of a new form of consciousness, like the mystical form,
would give us the opportunity to increase our knowledge of struc-
tural principles by 1/2 or 50%. Let us consider why this is so from
another example in science.
If physics only knew of two elements, say hydrogen and
helium, it could begin to theorize about the structure of matter. Just
as ordinary consciousness comes in stable and unstable varictics,
hydrogen comes in various isotopes, two of which are stable (pro-
tium and deuterium), and one of which is not: tritium is unstable
and thus radioactive. Comparison of the properties and construc-
tion of the two clements would permit deductions as to the struc-
ture of matter, but how limited those deductions would be! Elec-
trons would be seen with plus and minus spins, but only the “s”
sub shell varicty of electron would be seen. There are none of the
p. d, f, g, h, i, or k electron sub shells in hydrogen and helium, so
those unique structural properties would be missed and maybe not
even be guessed at.
If we add a third element, even a large, complex, and dif-
ficult to understand clement like uranium, our understanding of
structural principle would be cnormously enhanced. We may even
have to abandon our present theories of the a priori nature of the
structure of matter in favor of a new theory of structure implied by
the evidence we find in uranium itself and in the comparisons be-
tween uranium, hydrogen and helium. In this way our understand-
ing will grow. Mystical experiences may be as difficult to under-
stand as the structure of uranium, and may not fit into the structure
of our beliefs about the nature of consciousness, but that merely
means we have some revision and some growing to do.
That revision and growing is both accelerated and made
easier through brain wave feedback. With brain wave feedback
the mind is gently brought into awareness of its subtle and not so
subtle distraction techniques for avoiding the calmness and the
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
Applications in cach area are listed below, and this list is followed
by an annotated list that explains the application in a short para-
Applications to Symptoms of
Central Nervous System Dys-function
Alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs
Chronic pain
Geriatrics: preservation and restoration of cognitive and
physical functions.
8. Treatment of multiple personality disorder
9. Attitudinal healing and therapy
10. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, weight management)
I. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder treatment
12. Corporate health care market
13. Psychoncuroimmunology (improvement of immune func-
tion to fight disease, especially psycho-oncology in asso-
ciation with Dr. Carl Simonton)
Application Areas for
Central Nervous System Hyper-Function
Psychoncuroimmunology (improvement of immune func-
tion for higher levels of vigor, health, and wellness)
Corporate training and wellness market
Human potential movement: Individuals interested in self-
improvement, sclf-actualization, and success
Athletic peak performance, especially for professional and
Olympic athletes
Military applications to training and peak performance
(Green Berets)
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
IQ Boosting
Education, acceleration of learning, rapid attainment of
10. Development of latent mental skills and exceptional mind
11 Entertainment, brutal reality, truly interactive games, and
inner explorations
12. Research into brain/mind functions
Annotated List of Applications to Symptoms of
Central Nervous System Dys-Function
1. Alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs The customers
will be both individuals with alcohol and/or drug problems and
also psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, doctors, hospitals, and
clinics (both in-patient and out-patient) that focus on alcohol and
drug abuse patients. Companies and insurance companies that
underwrite those companies will also be customers, especially in
states and countries that mandate drug and alcohol treatment for
employees before considering termination of employment.
2. Chronic pain The pain pattern in the brain, which sustains chro-
nicity, is altered, thus freeing the patient from iatrogenic drug use
and other often ineffective treatments. Seemingly miraculous cases
of reduction or elimination of chronic pain have been observed in
Biocybernaut’s Alpha One trainces. http:/
3. Geriatrics: Preservation and restoration of cognitive and physi-
cal functions. The customers will be elderly individuals seeking
mental and physical benefits as well as all the organizations and
institutions interested in mental health care and physical health care
and all the practitioners in the geriatrics fields. Corporate, state,
and national government health and retirement plans will also be
customers because the economics will force them to choose
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
that their blood pressure went down when their EEG alpha activity
went up.
6. Stress reduction and stress management This process of learn-
ing control of alpha brain activity is the most effective means of
reducing and managing stress. Unlike educational programs and
talking exhortations, the clients simply learn the brain waves of
low stress states and maintain them at will.
7. Personality therapy (phobias, anxiety, depression, paranoia,
schizophrenia) All forms of psychological counseling and psy-
chotherapy will be profoundly modified or replaced by brain wave
feedback training, which allows people to make large and rapid
shifts in core dimensions of personality. In the Anxiety and Aging
grant, there were 6 and 12-month follow-ups. Trainees had im-
provements in their personality structures from before to after the
training as a function of where on the head (and how much) their
alpha increased. Surprisingly at 6-month follow-ups, there were
further improvements in personality structures and still further
improvements at 12 months. One way to understand this remark-
able result is to note that meta-analyses of various types of thera-
pics find that “insight-based” therapies are the most long lasting in
results. Teaching people how to have more alpha is teaching them
to have the brain wave basis of insights. Alpha spawns insights.
To teach alpha is to give the trainee lifetime access to greater in-
sights. A famous adage would seem to apply: “Give a man a fish
and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he eats for the rest of
his life AND he can feed his whole village.” Teach someone in-
creased alpha and they have the means to continually transform
themselves in very insightful ways. This leads to better mental
health (among many other benefits).
The Art of Smart Thinking
8. Treatment of multiple personality disorder (MPD) Just as
learning changes in the brain waves produces changes in the per-
sonality, so it has been shown that when a person with MPD spon-
tancously shifts their personality, there is, in that moment, a dra-
matic shift in their brain wave activity. These two findings, taken
together, allow us to look at personality in the same way as we
look at a computer’s operating system. The computer is not its
operating system, and we are not our personalities. A personality
is loaded in our brains in a way analogous to the way an operating
system is loaded into a computer, and both can be easily changed.
Teaching brain wave control to people with multiple personality
disorder gives them the means to maintain an optimal and stable
personality that is not subject to untimely, inappropriate, and in-
voluntary shifts. Thus Bob is no longer in danger of becoming Suc
at inappropriate moments. People can now choose their personali-
tics and tailor them to their values, needs, and preferences through
learned control of their brain waves. No longer will a kind-hearted
person suffer through (and after) outbursts of inappropriate anger,
since they can now change their personalities and their emotional
9. Attitudinal healing and therapy A popular alternative to tradi-
tional psychotherapy, attitudinal healing will be supplanted by our
process, which allowed clicnts to quickly and easily learn to adopt
whatever attitudes they wish, through the Brain Activity Mapping
and Training Process.
10. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, weight management) Just
as brain activity training can alleviate drug and alcohol abuse, so
can the eating disorders. The brain activity training climinates the
underlying psychological disturbances and gives the clients more
awareness and control of their actions.
11. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder treatment Brain
activity training is developing to be the treatment of choice for
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The Art of Smart Thinking
7. Creativity enhancement Onc of the very exciting areas of ap-
plication of this technology is in the enhancement of creativity.
The research has shown that even with people who are already
highly creative, there can still be large and useful increases in cre-
ativity. A group of scientists from Stanford Research Institute were
given a one-week program of this training and this produced an
average 50% increase in their creativity. The control group showed
no creativity increases. In the mid 1980’s Colin Martindale stud-
ied the alpha differences between highly creative people and
matched groups of normal people. He found that the creative people
had the ability (lacking in the normal people) to quickly turn on
higher levels of alpha activity when faced with a creative problem.
Martindale concluded, “Creativity is simply a matter of having the
right brain waves.” Biocybernaut has patented technology and
methods that optimize this training of alpha.
8.1Q boosting In 1998 Biocybernaut Institute established a 7-month
dedicated installation for Precious Moments ina retreat location in
Illinois. The Alpha One training was provided for all of the share-
holders, top people in the company, family members, associates,
and friends. Everyone who trained there was given an IQ test be-
fore and after their Alpha One training. The post-tests were taken
an average of 4 months after the pre tests, and some were a year
later. Statistical testing showed no tendency of the IQ boost to
fade over the one-year period after the alpha training. The IQ boost
was stable even onc year later. There was a statistically significant
incrcasc in the composite IQ that averaged 11.7 points. Some people
increased more in their fluid IQ (mathematical and logical) while
others increased more in their crystallized IQ (verbal) scores, and
further research will identify the brain regions responsible for this
differential responsivity of IQ to regional changes in alpha brain
activity. The IQ boosting worked equally well for participants rang-
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
12. Research into brain/mind functions Our own research
laboratories around the world will work continuously to develop
new applications of this technology in every area of human en-
deavor. We may also wish to license the technology to allied re-
search laboratories of other corporations who will become our stra-
tegic partners in strategic alliances.
The Art of Smart Thinking
of alpha from the back of the head forward toward the frontal ar-
cas. Advanced meditators showed the patterns of beginners and
intermediate meditators but also showed a third pattern, which ap-
peared in the deepest portion of their meditations: a slowing of the
alpha frequencies (moving toward the bottom range of the 8 - 13
Hz alpha range) and also the emergence of rhythmic theta waves at
the frontal locations of the brain. These rhythmic theta waves,
which are unlike the theta of drowsiness, we call “mystical theta”
because they are so often associated with mystical experiences. In
the advanced Zen meditators these rhythmic theta waves alternated
with the slowed down alpha waves.
It was as though the slow alpha had slowed in frequency
sufficiently to be considered theta activity (which is 4-7 Hz). The
rhythmic theta waves looked like alpha waves: they occurred in
spindles with connected groups of successive waves, and they
waxed and waned in amplitude just like the spindles or wave pack-
ets of alpha waves. These are referred to as”mystical theta” in the
Biocybernaut Process training sessions to distinguish them from
the wicket-shaped theta waves of drowsiness.
One important insight into differences between Zen and
yoga meditation is what happens to the alpha waves in the brain of
the meditator when you disturb them. In a non meditator with al-
pha present, a disturbance causes the alpha to”“block” or to disap-
pear. After a short while the alpha comes back. If you make the
same disturbance (say a click sound) again and again, eventually
the alpha of the non-meditator docs not block any more. It has
adapted or habituated to that particular disturbance.
There are substantial differences between Zen and yoga in
the alpha blocking response to stimulation, which have been known
for a long time. Studics show no blocking by external stimulation
in yogic samadhi, while there is continued blocking without adap-
tation or habituation in Zen meditation (zazen). These results sug-
gest comparisons with differences in Zen and yoga philosophies.
Yoga philosophy is more likely to deny or devalue external reality
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
Instant Zen
Based on a number of studies, including those done by
Kasamatsu and Hirai in Japan, members of both Soto and Rinzai
sects of Zen, and other studies done at the Biocybernaut Institute
The Art of Smart Thinking
(which can be found on our web site), there are four significant
features of Zen EEG changes: http:/
1. Control subjects show no alpha increases when sitting as
though in meditation.
2. Beginner Zen subjects show increased alpha amplitude
mainly at the back of the head (in the Occipital region of the
3. Intermediate Zen subjects show increased alpha amplitudes
in the occipital lobes of the brain, which spread forward on
their heads as they go deeper into meditation,
4. Advanced Zen subjects show the above changes, but in ad-
dition also show alpha spindles which slow in frequency as
they too spread forward on the head. This is an increase of
slow alpha and a spreading forward on the head of that slow
alpha. In addition, the advanced Zen meditators show, at
the frontal sites of the brain, rhythmic trains—spindles—of
theta EEG, which are morphologically different from the
individual wicket-shaped theta waves seen in drowsiness.
The frontal theta wave criterion of advanced Zen is a strin-
gent one for alpha feedback trainees to meet, since only the
most advanced Zen meditators with 21-40 ycars of medita-
tion practice showed these frontal theta waves.
Afier secing Zen-like changes in the brain waves of my
Alpha One trainees and hearing them speak of their alpha experi-
ences in ways that echoed Sengstan, the third Chinese Patriarch of
Zen (Chien-chih Seng-ts’an, circa 600 AD), 1 decided to compare
the results of seven-day Alpha One feedback training to the EEGs
of Zen masters and long-term advanced practitioners of Zen medi-
For the comparison, I randomly sclected records of 17
alpha feedback subjects from my university database of EEG Al-
pha One feedback training. These American men and women cho-
sen from my database were right handed and had completed all
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
seven days of the Alpha One feedback training. They were all
volunteers who did not have any prior meditative practice, Zen,
yoga, or otherwise.
All eight head sites where EEG measurements were re-
corded showed significant increases of both broadband alpha and
slow alpha, just like in the most advanced group of Zen medita-
tors. In addition, the Alpha One feedback trainees showed signifi-
cant increases of both fast theta and slow theta at the two frontal
sites: F3 and F4. This amazing Zen-like pattern of brain waves
changes of the Alpha One feedback trainees is shown in the fol-
lowing Excel chart:
over 7 days)
The Art of Smart Thinking
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each of the 30 meditators plus the Zen Roshi, who had rated each
of his people as beginner, intermediate and advanced. When I had
generated graphs for cach one of the meditators I packed up this
treasure trove of data and took all the tapes and the entire graphs
home with me (and then I slept for over 15 hours).
Later, after organizing the graphs I put them into poster
format for cach of the meditators. Each poster had the power spec-
tral graphs for left (O1) and right occipital (02), temporal (T3 &
T4) and frontal sites (F3 & F4). And there were also the coherence
spectral graphs for the following pairs of power channels: O1 vs
02, T3 vs T4, F3 vs F4, O1 vs T3, T3 vs F3, O2 vs T4, T4 vs F4,
and OI vs F3. An example of one of the posters is given below:
»Coherence ¥
(F3 vs 01)
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
tors, and only onc of them, showed a little bit of this same bimodal
coherence pattern, but only between his two occipitals: O1 and
O2. I knew this was statistically significant because it was only |
out of 30 who showed this pattern, and you only need | out of 20 to
reach statistical significance. So it was highly significant, but 1
wondered, “What does this mean?”
I asked everyone I knew for their insights and even for
their guesses. I presented these results at a scientific conference
and asked the audience for their guesses as to the meaning. But it
remained a mystery as before. So I carefully put the data into
secure storage and went on with my work of designing and build-
ing technology for doing brain wave feedback training and contin-
ued my university rescarch work building toward my large federal
grant, Anxiety and Aging: Intervention with EEG alpha Feedback.
Seven years went by and then I heard from my dear friend and
advisor, Dr. Rolf von Eckartsburg that the famous Zen master had
died. Rolf had been a graduate student at Harvard under Timothy
Leary, who had been on Rolf’s dissertation committee, and then
Rolf had lived at the community at Millbrook and had been very
involved with the consciousness exploration community and he
was now a professor of Phenomenological Psychology at Duquesne
University. He was very connected with all aspects of conscious-
ness expansion movements in the US.
Rolf said that a large number of people had been present
when the famous Zen master died and had actually been invited
for the event of his passing. Rolf said that people in the room
could feel a palpable sense of something leaving the dying Zen
master and going to the Roshi designate. This is called ‘giving
transmission.’ That man who was given “transmission” by the
dying Roshi was the very same man who, 7 years carlier, had been
the only one out of 30 monks to show a little bit of the bimodal
coherence pattern that predominated in the famous Roshi. So now
I was really excited. I had found a marker for Zen roshi-hood. But
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
are two different species of brain wave in that delta range, and for
convenience he called one low delta and the other he called high
delta. They can overlap in their ranges. They had different gen-
erators in the brain he said and they should not be confused as
being parts of the same thing. They were as different as alpha
waves and beta waves.
All ofa sudden his claim that brain wave follow Fibonacci
scaling started to make a little more sense. If you add the center
frequency of low delta plus the center frequency of high delta, you
would get the center frequency of theta. Then if you add the center
frequency of high delta and the center frequency of theta you get
the center frequency of alpha. And if you take the center frequen-
cies of theta and alpha you get the center frequency of beta, and so
brain waves follow Fibonacci scaling.
Why is this important and how does it related to halos?
That comes in just a moment, further into his talk. For starters this
means that the center frequencies of adjacent brain wave bands
would have irrational ratios, just as ratios of adjacent Fibonacci
numbers have irrational ratios.
Then Dr. Mandel drew a sketch of a monkey brain on his
overhead transparency and began to talk about having coherent
brain waves, with center frequencies ...1 and ...2, which could be
the center frequencies of theta and alpha. Then he drew a little
circle with radius ...1 and then revolved that little circle around an
external point, which was distance ...2 away from the center of the
first little circle. Revolving a circle around a point outside the
circle sweeps out a volume that is called a torus. You might de-
scribe it as a donut or a bagel, but the mathematical name for that
volume is a torus. All of a sudden I froze in my seat. Dr. Mandel
was talking on, but I was hardly listening. I was seeing astonish-
ing pictures in my mind. Mind-boggling pictures.
Dr. Mandel was saying that if these two frequencies ...1
and ...2 were brain wave center frequencies of adjacent bands of
The Art of Smart Thinking
brain waves they would, of course, create this torus in phase space
over the monkey’s head and further that, because the brain wave
center frequencies follow Fibonacci scaling, the ratios of these two
frequencies would, of course, be irrational, and that would mean
that the torus would resist mode locking at the borders of chaos
and so it could actually be a stable feature in phase space. A stable
torus over the head in phase space?!?
The second I heard that news I could keep quite no longer.
I had never before in my life done this in a professional talk, but I
leaped up out of my seat and waved both arms and shouted loudly
to Dr. Mandel,’“I’ve got two people in my database that show that
pattern, and one of them was a Zen master who gave transmission
to the other person when the Zen master was dying.”
Of course what I had seen was the bi-modal coherence
patterns in the famous Zen master and the advanced monk to whom
he gave transmission 7 years after the brain wave recordings were
made that showed that one monk out of 30 had a little bit of the
famous Zen master’s bi-modal coherence pattern. What rocketed
me up out of my scat and into a fit of shouting to the speaker was a
vision of luminous halos rocking gently over the heads of these
two Zen meditators. Halos! A torus in shape with the size and
orientation of the halo being, determined by the underlying pattern
of brain waves in the meditator’s head. As those bi-modal coher-
ence patterns ebbed and flowed as I had seen them do in my data
the halos would have gently rocked back and forth and from side
to side and they would even have expanded into larger sizes and
then shrunk back to smaller sizes as the underlying brain wave
patterns changed. And looking at my data in my mind, I realize
that there were times during the meditations where the halos would
have briefly disappeared and the reappeared as the underlying al-
pha and theta coherence patterns formed, changed, disappeared and
then reformed. It was a shocking, exciting, and exhilarating mo-
ment as nearly 20 years of work came together into one moment of
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
super high alpha illumination, my alpha was sky high as this hap-
pened, and I was flying.
Dr. Mandel was most gracious in the face of this sudden
outburst from someone in his audience. He expressed genuine in-
terest and asked me to come up after his talk so we could further
explore this revelation. He and I talked for about 4 hours, and the
first thing he said to me as I walked up after his talk ended was
this: “You must be a physicist and a psychologist.” And indeed, I
confessed that I was both. We smiled and laughed and then talked
for 4 hours with excitement and animation.
That conversation took place in April of 1991 and I was
high for months at having discovered the brain wave patterns of
halos. Of course it became my immediate objective to incorporate
some aspects of the halo pattern into my brain wave feedback train-
ing programs. But my company, MindCenter, was going under (a
long story there for another time) and the staff, including my tech-
nical staff, was disbursing. MindCenter closed its doors July 31,
1991 and I worked weekends with my favorite computer program-
mer to try to implement elements of the hemicoherence measures
in my brain wave feedback algorithms and computer codes. As I
have described elsewhere, it was not until New Year’s day 1992
that I had an early crude and buggy version of the software to try
out the hemicoherence feedback. Thirty minutes of that feedback
was enough to rocket me into the Peace That Passeth All Under-
standing so that I was feeling blissed out and outrageously happy
for months thereafter; even though my company, MindCenter, had
just folded, and I had neither a job nor any tangible prospects for
the future. Happiness is an internal state and need not be related at
all to what is going on in the world around you.
I then went three years with all my technology in storage
living on credit cards and help from friends like Rick Odell. Fi-
nally in October of 1995 I once again had a lab and place to do my
brain wave training, again back at Agnew State Hospital. In the
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
at his ashrams in India and also in the US. Swami Muktananda was
a yogi who had “shaktipat”; this meant he had “powers,” and he
could make a gesture and “throw” energy to people who would put
them into various profound altered states of consciousness. She
had had many of these experiences from him personally, and she
had witnessed other experiences that he had given to other people
but not to her. However, once Muktananda died, she explained that
she and his followers had no further access to these altered states
of consciousness. Her yoga meditation practice did not allow her
to reach those states on her own—Muktananda had transmitted
those experiences to her using his power, his shakti.
The good news is that in the course of the standard 7-day
Alpha One training she was able to give herself every single one of
those experiences that Muktananda had given to her plus every
additional experience she had seen him give others but that he had
not given to her. This is why I say Neurofeedback profoundly de-
mocratizes the process of spiritual discovery. You no longer have
to depend upon a guru or a priest or someone to be an intermediary
between you and the Divine source. You get to establish your own
personal link to the divine.
The Art of Smart Thinking
the deadest space I have ever encountered. There were some people
up on the stage, and there were all these people in there wearing
reasonably colorful things, but it was a dead space. It was lacking
life energy. We backed out and closed the doors, and we asked an
attendant what was going on in there.
It turned out that we had stumbled upon a conference of
TM people (Transcendental Meditators) and it felt like they had
literally suppressed their energy! It was as though their life energy
had been turned off. Now this is not the stated goal of TM, but
absent any accurate feedback, many people trying to meditate will
shut themselves down into the egoic illusion of emptiness, rather
than discovering “the alive cmptiness.” At one point in the late
1970s or carly 1980s there was an EEG study of TM done by a TM
meditator who found that 60% of those who thought they were
doing TM meditation were actually in stage I or stage II of sleep;
they were taking a nap. There are very real benefits to naps, but
napping is not meditating. The problem is a common one for any-
one who meditates in any tradition: No feedback! If you are get-
ting feedback on your brain activity you know what you are doing,
and if you do actually fall asleep in a Biocybernaut feedback cham-
ber, the technicians will sce the sleepy theta waves and will call in
to wake you up. Or if you miss opening your cyes to view your
scores at the end of any of the 2 minutes epochs with the feedback
tones, then again the technicians will call in on the intercom to
wake you up.
We had an Alpha Once trainee one time who had been a 20-
year TM meditator, and he left the TM organization in disappoint-
ment or maybe something stronger than that about unfulfilled prom-
ises they had made to him about states of consciousness that he
would attain if he did their advanced TM programs. Because the
promises had not been fulfilled, (for example he had been told to
do certain things to achieve a particular level of consciousness)
and the results he was secking hadn’t happened, he began the search
for other methods.
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
The truth is, the two are united. Brain and heart must work
together. You cannot enhance your alpha brain waves unless you
open your heart, and opening your heart is one of the most impor-
tant things we teach in our alpha brain wave training. Forgiveness
training is a key part of this heart opening, and forgiveness helps to
foster this ability to open the heart. Yamada Roshi told us that the
Biocybernaut forgiveness work required him to open, and indeed
taught him how to open, his heart chakra. He said the states of
compassion that he then experienced in his forgiveness work in his
Biocybernaut alpha Training were closer to Buddha’s original con-
ception of compassion than was modern Zen as taught and prac-
ticed in Japan today. Awesome stuff!
Buddha is famous for his incredible compassion, which is
acentral teaching in Buddhism, and yet Ryuho Yamada Roshi said
there is no compassion in Zen. Yamada Roshi described Zen as
very lean, very austere, very militaristic, and even slightly cruel
and he said he had scen a lot of damage done to people because
they are so strict and militaristic in some Zen trainings in Japan.
He said this Biocybernaut training combined with Zen restores Zen
closer to Buddha’s original idea where you have the high-
mindedness but you also have the compassion, the open heart.
You can’t be anti-brain and be a whole person with any self-cs-
teem or self worth. You can’t value wholeness and integration in
your life and be anti-brain—you can’t even be anti-little finger.
Pcople who hate any part of themselves begin to experience prob-
lems with that arca of the body. You can’t hate any part of yourself
and be a whole and a happy person. We are one — the brain and the
heart are one. The mind and the compassion are one.
ok kK ok KK
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
been impressed with the results, as the following from Eric Barnes,
President of Capital Funds Group, relates:
“I’ve had much interest in the workings of the brain and
what the potential might be if I could in some way expand this
blessed engine of potential. For me personally, that potential lies
more in the area of spiritual awareness, a greater connection to
whatever the ‘thing’ is, the’ ‘intelligence’ which permeates the en-
tire universe (pick your own word/name). Others seek other goals,
all of which are personal to them.”
“While doing the alpha training, I began to realize that
my ability to ‘be’ in alpha, at will, rapidly improved. It took much
less time, each session, to get into it, based on the evaluations af-
terwards. I also began having ideas or visions, later shown to be
spikes on the graphs, which increased as we went along. That abil-
ity to be in alpha has continued to improve, even five years later. I
am far more calm, more at peace, able to look at’ ‘problems’ with
ease and ‘permit’ answers and solutions to come to me without
effort or strain.”
“Tt also was the Biocyb . bined witl
release of a greater iocybernaut training combined with
sense of self love, then Zen restores Zen closer to Buddha’s
out of that (came) a original idea where you have the
higher loving of others, high-mindedness but you also have
along with far less judg- the compassion, the open heart.
“What I have realized about the Biocybernaut process is
that what is being provided are tools for the greater expansion of
awareness of our consciousness, a larger use of our brains (exer-
cising them, if you will) in ways we’ve never done before. (As an
aside, my hat size used to be 7’... its now 7 3/8! So some growing
has taken place. Go figure!) Dr. Hardt’s intention is to make these
abilities and heightened awareness available to many ‘opinion lead-
ers’in the societies around the world. As that happens, such people
The Art of Smart Thinking
will resonate differently with those around them, causing still wider
ripples of peace, tranquility, greater creativity and conscious aware-
ness. | recommend this process with my highest endorsement!”
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
alpha and the omega,” the beginning and the end, so the Omega
point is the end point of individual human evolution and the begin-
ning of the evolution of the human collective consciousness). ...
The noosphere (the envelope of consciousness around our planet)
becomes a single closed system in which each element individu-
ally sees, feels, desires, and suffers the same things as all the rest
together with them.
“Thus we have a harmonized collectivity of conscious-
nesses which together make up a sort of super-consciousness; the
earth is covered by myriads of grains of thought but enclosed in
one single (vast) enveloping consciousness so that it forms, func-
tionally, a single vast grain of thought on a sidereal scale of im-
mensity, (in which) the plurality of individual acts of reflective
consciousness (are) coming together and reinforcing one another
in a single unanimous act.
“Such is the general form in which, by analogy and in symmetry
with the past, we are led scientifically to envisage that humanity of
the future in which alone the terrestrial drives implicit in our activ-
ity can find a terrestrial fulfillment.”
Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a gifted Jesuit scholar,
foresaw the coming awakening of the collective superconsciousness
of humanity. And even though he wrote of this coming awakening
in very highly Christian terms, he so frightened and scandalized
the Catholic Church by his prescient vision of the future of human-
ity that he was locked up in virtual house arrest for the rest of his
life. He was held under interdict, forbidden to speak publicly, and
he was only able to write letters to pre-existing friends outside his
confinement to continue to share his ideas. In an earlier age he
would have been burned to death by the Holy Office of the Inqui-
sition, even though he wrote with such faith and devotion, i.e. “To
be pure of heart means to love God above all things, and to see
Him everywhere in all things.” After his death, those precious
letters were published, so we have a little glimpse into his vision of
The Art of Smart Thinking
Zen and the Art of Smart Thinking
legislation, but then they went further and wrote into the law pro-
tections for other natural herbs and supplements.
In almost every instance power centers will resist even the
most beneficial changes if it lessens their power and reduces their
income. Indeed the history of humanity is replete with the sup-
pression of those brighter futures and the silencing of those who
see and who dare to speak of the coming changes. Brain wave
feedback went through such a “silencing” period from 1972 — 1989,
but that is the topic of a different book.
The good news is that the genie got out of the bottle again
in 1989 and brain wave feedback is once again generally available.
So we find ourselves here on the threshold of a Golden Age of
Humanity that is being prepared and launched by consciously self-
regulating human beings, and none too soon, given the enormous
problems we are facing in the world. Remember the Einstein quote:
“Problems cannot be solved
at the same level of awareness that created them.”
The Art of Smart Thinking
Extreme Forgiveness
“The man who opts for revenge should dig two graves.”
Chinese Proverb
The Art of Smart Thinking
Extreme Forgiveness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Extreme Forgiveness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Extreme Forgiveness
“world peace” and “ending hunger,” but for alpha suppression she
was a bit bolder. She would never think about anything bad her-
self, but she was willing to go outside of her goody-two-shoes
boundary to think of other people who were bad and who had done
her dirty. However, she was so sweet that even when she did think
of bad people who had done bad things to her, she moved very
quickly into forgiveness. And now she, and I, were discovering
that forgiveness actually worked to enhance her alpha.
In the weeks, months, and years that followed I gradually
brought the forgiveness process more and more into the training,
and now it is a very major component of the Biocybernaut work.
Sometimes when people are slow to begin their forgiveness work,
and it gets to Day 5 or 6 and they have not yet “gotten to it” I tell
the trainees that I have this big imaginary forgiveness drum and I
beat on it chanting, “Do the forgiveness work! Do the forgiveness
work!” I emphasize the importance of forgiveness work because
many people will put this off, and putting it off delays their progress
and allows their egos to remain in control of them.
The way we work with the forgiveness theme involves
several different tracks. One track is to learn to just “do alpha” and
to “get into” the feedback—the musical sounds, the colored
scores—and to simply enjoy it, get into the fun of hearing your
own brain waves and, in the process, get your alpha up somewhat
during the first couple of training days.
A second track involves the work with the computerized
mood scales. The operation of these mood scales is described in
detail in chapter 4, so we will just briefly describe the actual pro-
cess of how we help people come up with compelling forgiveness
candidates for their forgiveness work in the alpha chamber. At the
end of each day the trainer works individually with each of the
trainees to review all of their results with each of them. In this
review, the trainer tells the trainee/client each of the mood words
from the mood scales that the computer flagged with a “sigma” to
The Art of Smart Thinking
indicate that the computer did not think the trainee had answered
accurately. Each one of these mood words that gets a sigma is
likely to be related to some trauma or painful experience and to be
connected to one or more people in the traince’s past. When the
trainer asks the trainee about one of those flagged words, those
people and those traumatic experiences are encouraged to come
back up into conscious memory. Those experiences and those
people then become grist for the forgiveness mill the next day.
Those people and those painful events are the forgiveness targets,
and the trainer will hold the traince’s feet to the fire to make sure
that they actually do the forgiveness work on those “forgiveness
candidates.” There is no compulsion, but the trainer will keep re-
questing that the traince do the forgiveness work and will offer
many helpful suggestions of how to do this.
The mood scales allow the trainer to function as though he
or she were psychic because they identify latent negative emotions
that are present in a person that the person is unaware of, and thus
the person cannot even try to work on those emotions and on those
issues. The work with the Biocybernaut mood scales brings these
emotions and these issues to the surface, up into consciousness.
The work with the computerized Biocybernaut mood scales
will cause the unconscious hidden emotions to rise to the surface
so the trainees will be able to recognize what their core issues are.
These emotions might be fear, sorrow, anger, guilt, unworthiness,
depression or all of the above. While doing forgiveness work in
the chamber, the traince brings one of those flagged “sigma” is-
sues, people, or storics to mind and then begins to delve into it
with an intention to forgive. However, wanting to forgive docsn’t
do it.
Trying to forgive also fails in achieving forgiveness. Only
authentic forgiveness works; only real forgiveness does it. It has to
be “effective forgiveness.” But, the problem for people is, “How
do you do that?” It is not casy. In fact there was a Gallup Poll
Extreme Forgiveness
The Art of Smart Thinking
when the scores come on, if all the scores light up green, meaning
new high scores for the day, then they know they have found their
personal forgiveness tool.
Now they’re superhuman because they can go through an
entire lifetime of grievances, grudges, withholds, fears, and quickly
and easily forgive them. The meditation traditions all teach non-
attachment—lctting go. But what we’ve learned in the Biocybernaut
training is that unless someone first forgives, they cannot truly let
go. We tell people to include themselves in their list of people to
forgive, because it is just as important to the entire process. And
people have so many judgments against themselves.
Extreme Forgiveness
present that the person is not consciously aware of, but which may
be there. I asked him if there was anything he was angry about, and
loudly and angrily yelled “NO!!!” Everyone in the room jumped
at this outburst.
OK, so now everybody knew he was angry and still he
was denying it. So I tried a different approach. He was married, so
I started to praise women’s intuition, saying it was sometimes bet-
ter than men’s hunches. I was intending to lead the conversation
around to the point where I could ask: “If 1 were to ask your wife
if there is anything you are angry about, what would she say?” But
he was a smart guy and he was able to figure out where I was going
and so I did not even get to ask the question before he again loudly
and angrily yelled, “NO!!!” This time everyone really jumped,
because his outburst came without me even having had a chance to
ask a question.
The Biocybernaut training is gentle and non-confronta-
tional, so I dropped the issue for the moment and went on to asking
him about other denied words with sigmas. He was in total denial
about anything and everything, and he was totally unwilling to do
any inner work or to talk about any of his feelings. So we finished
his mood scales very quickly, making no apparent progress at un-
covering the issues we usually uncover by going over the mood
But there were three other people in the training and each
of them did some serious, deep work with the denied words that
received sigmas on their mood scales. When they would get in
touch with the underlying event there would be a very obvious
emotional release. They were able to sigh and let down an appar-
ently heavy weight they had been carrying, sometimes for a long
time. This CEO might have been blocked about his own emotions,
but he was a keen observer of people, so he saw what the others
had done, and he secretly took it to heart.
The Art of Smart Thinking
Extreme Forgiveness
The Art of Smart Thinking
the computerized mood scale program, these events then can be-
come forgiveness targets for work in the chamber. Most of these
dysfunctional coping patterns were formed in a state of anxicty,
fear, anger, stress, or sadness. Especially fear. To help people as-
cend into joy, we show them a scale of emotions that goes like this:
Extreme Forgiveness
The Art of Smart Thinking
does not have to agree to be forgiven and does not even need to
know about your forgiving them. Forgiveness is not an obligation
that you fulfill. Forgiveness is not something you believe you should
do. Forgiveness is not something you say. Forgiveness is not some-
thing you think. Remember, alpha isn’t what you think.
Forgiveness is done from the heart of the forgiver in order
to release the negative charge of the event in questions. Forgive-
ness then allows the forgiver to move on and release the toxic emo-
tions that are created and sustained by holding on to that negative
emotion. Forgiveness is also not pardoning the other person for
what they did. Sometimes Spanish speaking people balk at the first
suggestion of forgiveness because the word “forgiveness” in Span-
ish is often translated “perdonar” “pardonare,” which means to them
pardoning, which they may not wish to do, And if may not be wise
to pardon the offending party, even though it is always wise to
forgive them. Pardoning releases the injuring person from the con-
sequences of his or her injurious actions.
You can forgive someone in your heart and at the same
time pursue justice, even prosccuting a law suit against them, so
that the person still experiences, in an appropriate way, the conse-
quences of their wrong action. But you pursue this justice without
malice and without anger, and you do it to support and to sustain
that which is good and fair and truc and beautiful. Forgiveness is
not condoning, for it docs not excuse harmful behavior, It just deals
with it, dispassionatcly. Forgiveness is not forgetting, but when
you have truly forgiven, the forgetting happens in a natural and a
peaceful and a healing way. That way you can truly be at peace
after having done effective forgiveness. Both your heart and your
mind will be untroubled by the person or the event that you have
now forgiven.
Once a person has identified, with the help of the comput-
erized mood scales and the gentle guidance of their Biocybernaut
trainer, those incidents and those people that require forgiveness,
Extreme Forgiveness
the process can be done a variety of ways that include many of the
following elements.
¢ Make a decision that you are going to forgive
¢ Bring to mind the person or situation
° Create a loving space in your heart
¢ Feel the hurt and the pain of that time and of that event;
make it real again
° Come back into the present moment and become aware of
something good that resulted from that event.
¢ Based on this good result, change your attitude about that
past event.
° Forgive the other person—and yourself using the alpha tones
as your guide as to whether you are doing forgiveness
° See the event again, but this time see it through their eyes.
° Feel love in your heart for the other person, even if that is a
cosmic love.
Once you have run this scenario for several days in the
alpha chamber and you have been successful in experiencing ef-
fective forgiveness, there are other deeper levels to which you can
take the forgiveness. In the process your spiritual growth will ac-
celerate and you will experience deeper levels of love and com-
passion; you will come to know God’s love more deeply and you
will come to express and to exemplify God’s love here on Earth.
The next deeper level of forgiveness involves creating a
courtroom setting in your mind. You empanel a group of judges
before whom you will prosecute your case against the agrieving
party. And before this panel of judges you will act out your for-
giveness. On the panel of judges you might place Jesus, Moses,
Buddah, Mohammed, Confusius, Lao Tsu, Quan Yin, Mother
Theresa, Solomon, anyone you wish. Then you bring up the ac-
cused, your tormenter, your enemy, the person who harmed you.
The Art of Smart Thinking
You then slowly and carefully read the list of charges, the griev-
ances you have against this person. You omit nothing. All the
charges are read before the judges. And then you forgive this per-
son under the penetrating and watchful eyes of your panel of high
beings, your judges. And you do this forgiveness with the intent to
so thoroughly forgive this person that none of these high beings
will be able to find within you even a trace of anything that was not
Once you have done this, you are then ready for the next
step. In this step you ask each of the empanclled judges to fully
forgive this person. Here is where you might find some resistance
within you to the forgiveness process. It would be almost like the
hypocritical Christian who might say, “Oh yes, I forgive you, but
Jesus will get you in the end, ha ha.” So by asking cach of your
high beings to forgive this person, you are surrendering any judg-
ment against this person that could be held by anyone anywhere.
You are asking God and the forces of the universe to forgive this
person. When you have mastered this, you will be well along your
path of effective forgiveness.
Extreme Forgiveness
The Art of Smart Thinking
where she had donc or said things that had hurt him! He was aston-
ished and overwhelmed with gratitude that his inner mother would
come to remind him of bad things she had done to him, in order to
help him to be more thorough in his forgiveness process. Some-
times you will get a direct response like this and sometimes you
won’t. You have to go with whatever is going on in your head, be it
a fecling, a thought, a visual image or a sound.
Here’s an example from a trainee: “When I was in grade
school, I had a third grade teacher who was really mean. She was
always in a bad mood, and she would not tolerate any spontancity
or boisterous activity from the class. Being a precocious, active,
imaginative child, | was her worst nightmare. I could not recall
exactly what she did, but something greatly affected me because |
started making myself sick (faking a fever, calling up a deep, hack-
ing bronchial cough) in order to stay home from school. During
my third grade ycar, I missed at least of third of school.”
“Even though I could not recall a specific incident, | as-
sume she shamed me in front of the class for something I did or
said. During the Alpha One feedback training, she was one of my
primary forgiveness targets. At first I just forgave her generically...
but the next day or so I realized that she needed more attention. So
I created a long list of charges, marched her to the front of the
class, read them to her one by one, and made her bend over so the
entire class could spank her with balloons. Then we all went out-
side for perpetual recess!”
Extreme Forgiveness
The Art of Smart Thinking
Extreme Forgiveness
The Art of Smart Thinking
had on me. It affected even the way I would dress; I became a very
conservative dresser as I got older and was uncomfortable wearing
anything cute, sexy or any clothes that made me feel good about
myself. It always felt wrong if my clothes were attractive, and 1
felt like a bad person when I dressed that way.
“So I did the forgiveness process while in a high alpha
state on the incident. I recalled how I felt, how my mother scared
me and made me conclude that there was something terribly wrong
with me. Some of the things I said were; ‘I forgive myself for judg-
ing myself as being wrong or bad for not wearing a slip. I forgive
myself for judging mysclf as being a whore. I forgive myself for
believing that I was a bad girl because I forgot to put on a slip. I
forgive myself for judging my mother as being a mean, crucl, an-
gry tyrant and for being afraid of her. I forgive my mother for treat-
ing me like dirt, for spanking me so hard, for jerking my arm and
treating me roughly. I forgive myself for believing that she didn’t
love me.’ That last one was a revelation as I realized that part of the
pain of this incident was I had concluded that my mother didn’t
love me. For the truth is, she loved me very much; she just wasn’t
able to act in a loving way at that time.
“After I did the forgiveness process, I rescripted the scene
to make it more loving and accepting of me as a six year old girl
who was actually quite adorable and innocent. I saw myself com-
ing down the stairs in the same little pink dress, exactly the same
way as I was before, with no slip on. I was feeling happy, skipping
down the stairs again. This time, | envisioned my Mom watching
me come down the stairs with a big smile on her face. She took my
hand as I came down the last few steps, then took my other hand,
smiling. She twirled me around as she said, ‘You just look so beau-
tiful, you look like a little princess!’
“This alpha trainee then added something to the mind scene
that had not actually happened. She had an MS in psychology and
knew that it’s important to add details that support a happier memory
Extreme Forgiveness
as it gives one a new frame of reference and takes the heavy charge
off the old memory.” She continued, “I had my mother pick me up
in her arms and give me three kisses. She said. ‘That’s for the beau-
tiful little girl on the outside.’ Then she gave me three more kisses
and said, ‘That’s for the beautiful little girl on the inside.’ Then she
hugged me tightly and said, ‘Honey, I love you so much!’ She put
me down, told me to go outside where my daddy was waiting for
us in the car.” She added more detail to the rescripting by seeing
herself go out of the house skipping down the sidewalk towards
the car where her daddy was sitting in the driver’s seat, smiling. “I
got into the back seat, and my Daddy told me how beautiful I was.
Then Mom got into the car and said, ‘Don’t you think our daughter
looks beautiful today?’ Then we drove off to the party.”
The Art of Smart Thinking
there where many more layers to attack deep down inside. | found
myself going to places I never thought I would go, nor was I aware
of the depth of the negative influences of my past and how strongly
they had influenced me as a person. | now understand what has
kept me from fulfilling my dreams.”
“Training in alpha was not easy. It’s difficult to work on
deep heartfelt issues. You have to be willing to go there. It takes a
certain level of courage to look deeply at our life. Throughout the
training Dr. Hardt was lovingly aggressive at pushing me to look
deeper and go further with the work involved. He was also very
encouraging, supportive, and nonjudgmental towards whatever
came up. I felt safe to be completely honest with not only what I
had experienced but what I have done as well. The technicians and
other staff people are very gentle and supportive as well.
“Don’t be afraid to go deep. This is truly a rare opportu-
nity to go very deep in working on and releasing negative influ-
ences from your life. It’s a very safe, confidential and supportive
environment. The results are so worth it. What you get in return for
all your hard, courageous work is a mental and emotional state that
is very freeing, happy and peaccful. For me it was about finally
being able to get rid ofa lot of my ‘mind chatter.’ It gets you more
into your heart but makes you a much more confident and happy
person. Life just begins to turn in your favor when you are willing
to take a leap of faith to make your life better for yourself.
“I highly recommend Biocybernaut to anyone. | think all
people, no matter what level you are at in your personal growth,
can benefit form the alpha training. It’s such a personalized pro-
gram that you get out of it what you are willing to put into it ‘en-
ergy-wise.’ The results are ‘life enhancing.’ It changes you defi-
nitcly for the better!”
Uncovering the Authentic Self
Uncovering the
Authentic Self
“The snow goose need not bathe itself to make itself
Neither need you do anything but be yourself.”
The Art of Smart Thinking
create a cellar in our soul for all the stuff that’s not allowed—be-
liefs, opinions, authentic feclings of anger, disappointment, sclf-
criticism, pain, fear, humiliation, shame, abandonment, and dis-
“When you fashion a life where the decisions you make
and the actions you take are considered, deliberate, and in har-
mony with what’s important to you, you are living an authentic
life,” says Suzanne Zuglio, Ph.D. author and consultant. “It is not
necessarily a life others admire or think is right for you, but a life
that you know in your heart is right for you. It may not be a life that
has been your habit, but it is a life that makes you greet cach day
with enthusiasm and slecp peacefully at night.”
Living authentically comes from remembering that we are
powerful spiritual beings, and remembering requires us to quict
the “monkey mind” and its constant chatter of evaluations, judg-
ments and thoughts. (Remember, alpha isn’t what you think.) The
alpha mind and the open heart are the quict home of the truc self,
and it is in the high alpha open-heart space that we can align our-
selves with the mind and the heart of God. We can sce ourselves in
our perfection, without the critical judgment of the ego or “au-
thoritics.” We are inherently powerful when we are standing in
our truth, living as our authentic self.
As Maryann Williamson wrote, “Our deepest fear is not
that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful
beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most fright-
ens us. We ask ourselves, who ain I to be brilliant, gorgeous, tal-
ented and fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a
child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s
nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t fecl
insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is
within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let
our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permis-
Uncovering the Authentic Self
sion to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our
presence automatically liberates others.”
The Art of Smart Thinking
Uncovering the Authentic Self
when the deep emotional stuff comes up, there occurs an amazing
bonding between the people in the group. The Alpha One gradu-
ates tell me that they feel closer to these people in their alpha train-
ing group in terms of emotional trust and closeness than they do
with members of their own family that they might have known for
According to one of our famous alpha trainees, Bill Har-
ris, of Centerpointe Research Institute, “People developed a pow-
erful trust and support for each other. There was nothing that hap-
pened that we felt uncomfortable sharing. People revealed things
that were startling; traumatic events that they had in their life;,
things that many times we are reluctant to share with people. Yet it
seemed very easy to do that in this supportive environment. Every-
one had just finished making lots of alpha and was in very loving
states, so the support they got from the trainer and people in the
group, in addition to what they got from the alpha training, was
very healing. It all happens in an easy and effortless way and is
very spontaneous. When you see other people opening up, you
open up. Many times people who have never opened up to anyone
about anything in their life ever before, find out that there is a big
benefit to doing so in the right context.
“Compassion is also a great benefit of the training. As
people shared what was going on with them when they were mak-
ing more alpha in the chambers or as we discussed mood scales,
they began to understand that these other peoples were, in so many
ways, just like them. As you go through life, shopping in the super-
market, riding the bus, etc., it’s easy to think that other people aren’t
like you. ‘My problems are unique to me, they’re mine.’ The alpha
feedback experience allows you to begin to notice how much alike
everyone is, that we’ve all suffered from sorrow in our lives. An
intimacy is created where you begin to realize how alike you are,
which causes you to feel compassion and love for other people. In
my training, there was a woman in her 70s, a cocktail waitress
The Art of Smart Thinking
from Las Vegas, whom I would have thought would have been
totally foreign to me. But we all came to feel so close to her and
really care about her. People leave looking and feeling radiant and
Brain wave neurofeedback training at the Biocybernaut
Institute results in profound, lasting, beneficial, transformative
change as a result of opening up and releasing blocked or buried
emotions. A Greek philosopher, Heroclites (or is it Heraclites) of
Ephesus, said that, “Nature loves to hide and rests by changing.”
So if people are unwilling or unable to change, ultimately they
never find rest. They live under increasing amounts of stress. For-
tunately the technology and means to change rapidly and casily
are now available at Biocybernaut. When you change your brain
waves, you change fundamentally who you are—you change how
you experience your world. Your personality and your view of
yourself and of others and of the world are all functions of your
brain waves, and when you change your brain waves, you will
change yourself, how you sce yourself, and how you sce others
and the whole world.
In physical fitness, we look for three things; strength, flex-
ibility and endurance. In brain wave training we look for the same
three things: strength of brain waves means ability to create larger
amplitudes, more microvolts of energy, and ultimately more brain
power; flexibility of brain waves means the ability to shift from
alpha to theta or to beta or to delta as needed in the moment for
maximum effectiveness and resourcefulness; and endurance of brain
waves means the ability to hold any given state for longer and longer
periods of time. If you walk into a forest and sit down and remain
motionless, it may take quite some time for the birds to resume
singing and the rabbits and the deer to wander by where you are
sitting. Some interesting experiences in consciousness do not
emerge until you have held a given brain wave state for an ex-
tended period of time. When you have alpha endurance and you
Uncovering the Authentic Self
hold the high alpha state for a long period of time, there is the
opportunity for the brain to set up long distance coherence rela-
tionships between widely separated regions of the brain, which
then give rise to higher order mind phenomena. The skill of endur-
ance and the ability to persist in any given set of brain waves is a
powerful training for the brain, and it leads to advanced powers of
the mind. Changing a brain wave pattern changes everything those
brain waves are related to. If you have the brain wave pattern of
fear (low alpha, persistent beta) you will have the experience of
fear and negative mind chatter about the fear. When you increase
your alpha and reduce your beta, the fear is gone and replaced by
happiness, joy, love, enthusiasm, compassion, exhilaration—all
those wonderful feelings that are a part of the alpha brain wave
patterns. So people who change their brain waves can expect change
in their minds and in their lives, and they can even focus on the
kinds of change they want.
Many people have issues with forgiveness, anger, fear, un-
happiness, depression, and lack of meaningful connection with other
people. As they change and become more open, more loving, and
more compassionate, they will experience themselves more richly
and fully and joyfully, and their own moments of heightened aware-
ness and increased happiness will profoundly improve. Their rela-
tionships with other people in their lives will also profoundly im-
The Art of Smart Thinking
Uncovering the Authentic Self
The Art of Smart Thinking
them that would let them understand how they were constructed.
In the same way, we at Biocybernaut had the need for the brain
wave measurements and the computerized mood scales to interact
with the trainees’ cmotions and consciousness. With the data we
could begin to understand how the ego, the emotions, and the higher
levels of consciousness interact and how these interactions help or
hinder the processes of the Biocybernaut training.
Ernest Rutherford did this marvelous experiment where
he took pure gold and pounded it into very thin sheets that were
completely opaque. It was solid metal and when you held it up, it
would completely block the light; it didn’t have holes in it, but was
asolid sheet of very thin gold foil. Then he took a radioactive source
that emitted alpha particles from radioactive decay. This radioac-
tive source was uranium, which breaks down in a process that pro-
duces alpha particles and radon, among other things. Alpha par-
ticles (no relation to alpha waves) are basically a helium nucleus
stripped of its electrons, so this is usually two protons and two
neutrons. Rutherford put the radioactive source into a deep hole in
alead block. A little bit of Uranium was placed at the bottom ofa
long narrow hole in a block of lead. The lead absorbed all the
radioactive particles that came from the radioactive decay of the
uranium atoms, except those particles, that, by chance, were emit-
ted in the direction of the long narrow hole.
What Rutherford had was a little cannon that shot a thin
narrow beam of these alpha particles right out of that hole. They
came out ina stream focused in a nearly straight line along the axis
of the hole. In his experiment, a beam of these alpha particles was
directed at a thin gold foil sct up ina vacuum. A zinc sulfide screen
was set at different angles to the beam to detect the presence of
alpha particles. The alpha particles produced visible flashes when
they struck the screen, and these flashes were carefully observed
and painstakingly counted with a microscope in cach of the many
different positions in which the zinc sulfide screen was placed.
Uncovering the Authentic Self
The flash rate was measured at all angles to the beam, and it was
found that most of the alpha particles sailed right through the solid
gold sheet as though it were empty space, which in fact is a good
description of matter (mostly empty space).
What Rutherford found was that almost all of the particles
went straight through the solid gold metal like it was empty space.
However, once in a very great while, one of the alpha particles
would bounce back, almost straight back, as though it had hit some-
thing very dense and heavy. Or almost as rarely, one of the alpha
particles would be deflected to one side or up or down. Even though
Rutherford could not see the atoms, this data told Rutherford about
the structure of matter as though he has seen a photograph of at-
oms in matter. From his data, Rutherford could figure out that
matter is mostly empty space, but within that empty space were
very tiny concentrations of something that is very heavy and dense
that was causing these alpha particles to bounce straight back or to
be deflected at a large angle. This could only happen if there was
something very massive and very tiny deep within each atom. We
now call this the nucleus and we know that it is at the center of the
atom. Rutherford then began to develop a picture of what atoms
look like based on that experimental evidence of what an atom is,
mostly empty space with something very hard and dense some-
where in it.
Today we know that this tiny heavy dense thing is the
nucleus in the center of the atom composed of neutrons and pro-
tons. Later we learned that neutrons and protons are also compos-
ite structures, made up of quarks and gluons. But this carly experi-
ment by Ernest Rutherford discovered important new data on the
deep structure of matter. So based on that data he began to make
deductions about what an atom was, and what it was made of, and
how that “stuff’ was arranged within the atom. Rutherford clev-
erly used the data from his alpha particle probes to begin to under-
stand and describe the structure of matter, which he could not see,
The Art of Smart Thinking
but which he could infer from logical and intuitive analysis of his
data. Rutherford’s pattern recognition led to the discovery of the
nucleus and shed light on the structure of the atom,
In the same inferential way, based on skillful observation
and pattern recognition we have learned from Dr. Sigmund Freud
about the structure of the mind and the personality, which are also
as impossible to sce, as are atoms. Freud discovered there are dif-
ferent propertics of mind or structures in the personality, and he
called them the id, the ego and the superego. How did he do this?
Freud had an amazing set of experiences that no human before had
ever had. He had about 20,000 mostly upper class, mostly middle
aged Austrian women lic on his psychiatrist’s couch and tell him
about their often troubled lives. From this experiential database,
Freud began to recognize patterns in behavior and to infer that
there might be similar causes for similar behaviors in different
people. Some of the causes for behaviors and for emotions his
20,000 clients described seemed, to Freud, to be semi-autonomous
structures within the personality that seemed to function as though
they had their own intentions, and these might not be the same as
the consciously stated intentions of the person.
When Freud first described the id and the ego and the su-
perego, this was revolutionary information. Freud went beyond
just recognizing parts of the personality like the Ego, he recog-
nized the roles that it played in the emotions the person would feel
and the behaviors in which they would engage. And using his
derived insights from his pattern recognition he began to do effec-
tive therapy based on this knowledge of the id, ego and superego.
The patterns he recognized began to seem more real, because as he
worked with the assumption that things like ego really do exist and
really do have influences on a person’s moods and behaviors, his
therapy became more effective. And he learned more and more
about the nature of the ego and the other parts of the personality.
Freud’s pattern recognition led not only to the discovery of the id,
Uncovering the Authentic Self
ego and superego, it also began to shed light on the structure of the
personality and the internal forces influencing human moods and
In the same inferential way, based on skillful observation
and pattern recognition, we have learned from Dr. Jim Hardt about
the structure of the mind and the personality, specifically the ego,
which is as impossible to see, as are atoms. I have learned new
details about the structure and the properties and the influences of
the ego that are not known to any other human being — yet. And I
did this in a very similar way to how Freud first discovered the ego
~— by pattern recognition on a large database of human experiential
reports. In my case they come from brain wave feedback trainees
who have taken the mood scale tests and then interviewed with me
about their brain wave feedback experiences and their life experi-
I have compiled a large experiential database of more than
10,000 subject sessions where people sat across the table from me
and did their best to explain their answers to questions on the com-
puterized mood scale programs. In the same way that Rutherford
could infer the structure of the atom and Freud could infer the struc-
ture of the mind and the personality, I have been able to infer de-
tails about the structure, and the means of operation, and even of
the purposes of the ego. My experience with the alpha feedback
training has given me and all of the Biocybernaut trainers break-
through knowledge about the nature and the modus operandi of
the ego.
At Biocybernaut, we can view the ego through a sophisti-
cated and complex multidimensional instrument that no human has
ever been had access to before. At Biocybernaut we are able to
view the ego through multiple lenses including the recordings of a
person’s brain waves and that person’s detailed reports of the feel-
ings they have been experiencing using our proprietary mood scales.
We also hear details about the contents of the person’s awareness
The Art of Smart Thinking
while they were doing the processes of the Alpha One training
during which their brain waves were recorded, written out on poly-
graph chart papers, and analyzed by sophisticated computers. At
Biocybernaut I have created a laboratory to study the ego and its
interactions with the authentic self that have never been available
to anyone before. We have collected data for over 30 years, consti-
tuting a vast resource database from which I’ve been able to form
new insights and understandings about the ego. And just the same
way Freud found that he could use the insights he gained about the
id, ego and superego to help people to understand themselves bet-
ter and to learn how to function better in their lives, so too at
Biocybernaut. In every day of the alpha training we incorporate
our insights and understandings about the ego to help our trainees
to learn better and faster how to increase their alpha brain waves.
Remember that Teilhard de Chardin said, “The true self
grows in inverse proportion to the growth of egoism.” To help our
trainees grow faster and more fully into an awareness of their truc
self, their authentic self, we must help them to diminish their egos.
Very obvious! But, as with many obvious truths, the practical ques-
tion is: How do we do this? Saints, sages and mystics in all cul-
tures throughout more than 25 centuries of recorded history have
identified the attainment of selflessness as a precondition and a
means to the attainment of higher states of consciousness and a
direct expericnce of God. Thus it is understandable that
Biocybernaut alpha trainees, who benefit from our special coach-
ing in disciplining and reducing their egos, have large and rapid
increases of alpha waves, and they have profound spiritual experi-
ences. When ego is diminished the true self expands and there is
an increasingly direct and deep connection with the Divine Source
of the universe. This may be why no alpha trainee in over 30 years
has, to my knowledge, become an atheist after his or her alpha
training. On the other hand, many atheists have become deeply
spiritual and have adopted a belief in God following their alpha
Uncovering the Authentic Self
The Art of Smart Thinking
After extensive study in India with a guru and deep reading in the
mystical literature, he has distilled many useful details of the ego.
He noted for example that as long as you have a body, you would
have an ego. You cannot kill or get rid of your ego and still inhabit
a body. And he gave a wonderfully useful metaphor of the ego as
your carriage driver. It wears fine livery, with polished gold but-
tons and a gold brimmed hat, and it sits atop your carriage with the
reigns of your senses in its hands. And it thinks it is in control.
When it says giddy up, your body moves; when it says whoa, your
body stops. And it has been through your whole life thinking it is
in control. Then one day, your true self inside the carriage wakes
up and notices that things are not going very well, and there is a lot
of meanness and cursing and swearing by this driver atop the car-
riage. So the true self says to this driver, this ego, “Look here!”
this is my carriage and these are my horses, and everything you do
requires that you use my energy that I am bringing in from the
Source (or some would say from God), and from now on ego, you
are going to do things my way. Well that awakening by the true
self sets offa huge battle for control. The ego is not going to give
up without a fight, and it uscs all the weapons at its disposal. These
include the “Five Hindrances,” which have been identified through
more than 1,000 years of Zen practice. The “Five Hindrances”
were identified through the same kind of wise pattern recognition
that led Rutherford to his discovery of the structure of the atom,
and that led Freud to the discovery of the id, ego and superego, and
that Ied me to discovering the fine structure of the ego. The ego’s
five hindrances are so powerful in blocking spiritual progress and
in suppressing our trainees’ alpha waves that we specifically teach
each of our trainees about the Five Hindrances to alert them to
these tricks and techniques that their ego will use to “hinder” their
alpha training.
On Day 3 of the alpha training we give our trainees the
following “Third Day Note: to help them ward off the attacks of
Uncovering the Authentic Self
the ego, which will often come in the form of one or more of the
Five Hindrances. We have also identified a sixth hindrance, which
is forgetfulness. If the ego can make someone forget their spiritual
breakthroughs in the chamber, it is has won a battle. If the ego can
make someone forget to do their forgiveness work in the chamber,
it has avoided even having to fight a battle, and it has retained
control of the negative emotions the person was going to shed by
doing the forgiveness work.
The Art of Smart Thinking
I usually give people a 3rd day note to Ict them know that
they are not alone in their struggle, and that others have been where
they are now. And this note also brings the encouragement that
you can win through this struggle to a higher and clearer aware-
ness by persevering and opening your heart. By replacing self-
importance with sclf-understanding you will gain sclf-realization,
a new awareness in which joy floods in like sunbursts
The Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
tures of personality; id, ego, and super ego. As long as you have a
body, you will have an ego. Ata core level ego gives a sense of
physical separateness from other people. For example food that
goes into my mouth doesn’t nurture any of the cells in your body,
so we are physically separate beings. At a level of consciousness,
however, we can sce we in fact are one being. It’s like we are two
islands, physically separate but part of the being of Earth. The level
of the ocean keeps the islands separate, but if the ocean level drops
far cnough, two adjacent islands will be seen to be part of the same
land mass. Similarly, you have a level of awareness of separate-
ness of your body from other bodies, and ego maintains this sepa-
rateness of individuals. Yet, oneness prevails when you look at the
right level.
In the total absence of ego, conditioned human beings func-
tion in strange ways. Schizophrenics have a serious lack of ego,
for instance. If you said that you were hungry, a schizophrenic might
say, “That’s not possible, | just ate.” Not recognizing that there is
a physical separateness is a dysfunction of ego. To function prop-
erly, to protect your body, to feed your body, to help it to grow,
there needs to be a part of our personality that will do that. Ego is
available, and it takes on that role. If there were other ways to do it
that could be taught in our culture so that egos wouldn’t have to be
strengthened maybe that is a future possible. But in fact, this pow-
erful and sneaky sergeant at arms (ego) is not even widely recog-
nized by our culture.
Pcople are not taught to discipline it unless they opt for a
spiritual path that recognizes the block that ego places on spiritual
growth. So absent any effective education in our culture about ego
and how and why to discipline it, ego runs amok and takes on
duties that should be reserved for the authentic self. The ego is like
the mail clerk who thinks it can run the company. It’s a terrible
CEO, it’s a terrible CFO, and it’s a terrible COO. But it can be a
good sergeant at arms when it is properly disciplined.
Uncovering the Authentic Self
The Art of Smart Thinking
secking to maintain its control of the person. In the fight, the ego
uses methods that are outside the Marcus of Queensbury rules (the
formalized, gentlemanly rules that govern the sport of boxing). It
doesn’t fight fair. Ego uses anything and everything that it can with-
out scruples, and will definitely hit below the belt or poke you in
the cyes,
I once had a friend who was in the Peace Corps stationed
overseas. He heard that there was a program in Thailand where at
the age of 18 the young men were given a choice. They could ci-
ther go into the army or they could get on a train, go up into the
mountains, and serve as a mendicant monk at a Buddhist monas-
tery. They would have to give up all their possessions and have
only a begging bowl and a saffron robe. When they’d wake up
hungry on a cold morning in the mountains, they’d have to go out
barefoot with their begging bowl hoping to find a villager who'd
give them some food in return for the monk’s help later in the day
herding some animals or digging an irrigation ditch or whatever
was needed.
My friend decided that he really wanted to have that expe-
rience. It would be the grand spiritual adventure of his life! So he
arranged to muster out of the Peace Corps in Bangkok. He had a
few weeks to wait because this program only took the young men
up into the mountains every six months. Bangkok is a big party
town, so he partied! He smoked dope, had lots of sex, drank alco-
hol, and pretty much got wasted. He did all the things that the ego
loves to do, which he would no longer be able to do when he went
into the mountains.
As the time came near for him to go on this grand spiritual
adventure, he started to fall ill. Each day he got sicker and sicker
and sicker. On the morning that he was supposed to leave for the
mountains on the train, he couldn’t even get out of bed. Luckily,
his Thai friends were very familiar with these phenomena — how
ego can fight dirty and sabotage what is best for the authentic self.
Uncovering the Authentic Self
They knew he had been sick, and four of them showed up at his
youth hostel with a stretcher. They rolled him onto the stretcher,
protesting and moaning, put him on their shoulders, carried him
down to the train station and unceremoniously dumped him on the
floor of one of the cars! My friend was lying there helpless, twitch-
ing in pain, unable to move or get off the floor until the whistle
blew, the car lurched, and the journey began. In that very instant
every single one of his symptoms was 100 percent gone!
His illness, his pain and suffering, was totally manufac-
tured, given to him, stabbed into him by ego because ego did not
want to undergo that level of surrender and loss of control that his
spiritual journey was going to require. So is ego your friend? Would
your friend do that to you? Make you so sick you couldn’t walk? I
don’t think so!
People ask me, “Can’t you have a peace treaty with your
ego? Can’t you negotiate with it?” Well, you’re welcome to try,
but every time I’ve seen somebody do anything other than firmly
discipline their ego, it stabs them in the back and figures out some
way to ruin one or two days of their training through lack of sleep,
distraction, anger or illness or other tactics.
You can’t make ego your friend; it is always your oppo-
nent. One time a trainee created a courtroom scene, and read the
charges to a person about what he was angry about in order to start
the forgiveness process. Then he invited high deities to join him,
and they banished the ego. Well, he felt sorry for the ego, so he
took the ego and put it into his heart, which turned out to be a very
bad idea, and it soon led him to such heart pains that he thought he
was having a heart attack.
This man had been struggling with a dualism within him-
self the first two days of the training and it wasn’t quite clear what
it was about. He was very aware of having many dominance-re-
lated sexual fantasies, and on the third day in the feedback cham-
ber, after he had befriended his poor ego, he became aware that for
The Art of Smart Thinking
77 years he had been denying his own attraction to men, and that
he was actually a gay man. In the state of high alpha, he accepted
that aspect of himself with love and no judgment — he “came out”
in the chamber. As he went through that acceptance process, en-
ergy rose up in his spine like the energy ofa young man. He was
embracing his authentic self. As this rush of positive energy began
to course through his body, his ego, which he had put in his heart,
interpreted this new found life energy in a very negative way. It
made him afraid he was having a heart attack, and it absolutely
chased him out of the chamber!
When I saw him, he was holding onto a door balancing
himself and had turned gray. So if you put ego in your heart, and
try to be its friend, and it can make you think you’re having a heart
attack! At the same moment he was being chased out of the cham-
ber by his ego, his brain waves had totally shifted from his intake
pattern of lots of scratchy beta to these very clear alpha brain waves.
They were like the brain waves of an entirely different person,
with more alpha than he had ever had. Ego was opposcd to his new
self-understanding so it chased him out of the chamber with the
fear of a heart attack to prevent him from attaining further self-
understanding. We were able to talk him into going back in the
chamber, and he went back in and was able to continue this huge
shift in his self-awareness toward his authentic self.
So you can sce why I don’t think ego can be negotiated
with. Ego views it as a battle to the death because what the person
is secking is transcendence, and any time you go into a transcen-
dent state you leave ego behind. It’s called ego death. It isn’t really
death for the ego, because as soon as you come back from the
transcendent state ego starts up again. But ego doesn’t like having
any amount of discontinuity in its control of you. So, it fights back
with its favorite weapons, the Five Hindrances+ Forgetfulness.
Uncovering the Authentic Self
The Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
Uncovering the Authentic Self
The Art of Smart Thinking
eight of his brain wave channels. The left occipital was trailing by
some distance even the weak temporals, which we call the poor
stepchildren of the alpha world, because they are usually weakly
straggling along far below all the other head sites with very small
alpha scores. So I said to him, “I can see why you are in writers
block. You have hardly any blood flow going to your Ieft occipital
region, which is, among other things, a source of your logical ver-
bal creativity.” Suddenly he became very interested in the process.
He made a special effort on the second day to pay atten-
tion to the lowest pitch feedback tone from the left side, which was
the alpha activity in his left occipital, and he successfully moved it
up. It was now no longer distantly removed from the other alpha
sites on his head, it was up in the pack at least. In the debriefing, |
gave him lots of acknowledgment and encouragement. On his third
day, the left occipital just took off with huge scores relative to where
it had been, and this high alpha alternated with lower alpha and
obvious movement on the polygraph. During the movement peri-
ods we heard talking over the intercom. When we would call in to
ask if he were OK, He’d say, “Yeah, yeah everything is fine.” He’d
be still for a lithe while and would make very big alpha, and then
there would be more talking and movement, during which periods
his alpha would drop and there would be movement artifacts on
the polygraph.
When he came out of the chamber at the end and gave his
interview, we found out that the muse of all writers had appeared
to him in that enhanced Ieft occipital alpha, and she was down-
loading to him the complete character development, plot, and even
the most minute details of this book he was trying to write! He had
a pocket tape recorder with him so when he would get a download
from the muse, he’d save it by talking into the tape recorder. Then
he would turn the tape recorder off and go back into the alpha and
get more downloads, then talk into the recorder again. He was ex-
tremely pleased at the results of enhanced alpha since it abolished
his writer’s block!
Uncovering the Authentic Self
The Art of Smart Thinking
Ego does not sce very far ahead. It docs not see long-term
consequences. It doesn’t believe in deferral of gratification, such
as if we stay home for a year and write, then we can get fawned
over and win a Pulitzer prize. It doesn’t go there. Ego is for imme-
diate gratification, like a bully six or cight year old.
This experience and understanding that ego had acted in
opposition to his life’s work created an 18 month long existential
crisis for this man, He had lived his whole life since his 20s believ-
ing in the objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand. However, even be-
fore the alpha feedback training he had demonstrated the ability to
do transcendent things. For instance, in one of his books he wrote
about his therapy methods, and he said that if he was treating a
particularly difficult client and wasn’t making progress, he would
just “merge with the client” to come up with things to say to help
the client along.
Merging is not a rational or analytical process. Merging is
the stuff of magic. So, ina sense he had certain psychic abilities.
However, his writing was all very narrowly rationally based, and
he didn’t allow this ability in his rational thinking. That merging
stuff was just for “fun,” and he didn’t take it seriously, even though
it was the basis for his most inspired work.
So this famous writer had put ego into the role that most
people put God. Then he woke up in the Biocybernaut Alpha One
training to discover that his “God” i.c. his ego, first of all had clay
feet, didn’t give a hoot for his life’s mission, and would prefer to
be fawned over by all those people he disdains! It would be simi-
lar toa cardinal discovering that God was actually working to bring
people to having drunken orgies and was organizing the burning
down of churches, It is quite a mistake to worship or even to re-
vere your ego.
Uncovering the Authentic Self
The Art of Smart Thinking
Linking Up:
The Global Brain
Becomes A Reality
The Art of Smart Thinking
Linking Up: The Global Brain BecomesA Reality
lies nowhere else than in the human heart, in the human power to
reflect, in human meekness, and in human responsibility.”
The Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
The Art of Smart Thinking
spread sheet model, grossed a billion dollars over five years and
brought $600 million to the bottomline before taxes, while perma-
nently healing a lot of addicted people from their addictions, say-
ing lives and familics in the process. The drug and alcohol treat-
ment company model even had international licensing, and there
was a clinical trial research study run inside the corporate start-up
to optimize the brain wave training for different personality types
with different combinations of drugs of abuse. That model is just
sitting on the shelf waiting.
The Art of Smart Thinking
we would get is a bright spot of light. Now take the same number
of photons as those flashlights were emitting and make them co-
herent—which would then be called a laser. It is still the same
number of photons, powered by the same two D-cell batteries, but
if you aim those hundred lasers at the wall, it will burn a hole through
the wall and all the way out to the street.
When you bring people together and you get their brain
waves cohcrent, not just in one single head but coherent BETWEEN
heads, you have the consciousness equivalent of a laser. The abil-
ity to influence reality will be enormous.
The Transcendental Meditation people have published sev-
eral studies on the socictal effects of group meditation. As an ex-
ample, every night for a month 100 meditators drove their cars
into a crime-ridden neighborhood, and a hundred people sat and
meditated for an hour and then left. For the next several months
afterwards the crime statistics in that neighborhood dropped dra-
matically, and then started going back up. Meditation and shared
intention clearly work.
In the Celtic system of magic and metaphysics there is
something called the hundred-handed being, which is 50 people
who gather together to do works of magic. They talk about this
concept with starry eyes and there is a fabled lore about the works
of magic that only large groups like that assembled as a full col-
lege of 50 people can do. Yet you can be certain that in any group
of 50 people gathered together you will not have all 50 doing the
same thing at the same time, even if that is what they have come
together to do. The same is true of the 100 TM meditators. Not all
of them will be in alpha at the same time so the power of what they
are doing is reduced proportionately. However, using the
Biocybernaut Institute’s group feedback technology you can liter-
ally get everyone in the group on the same wavelength at the same
time. This is the secret of the power of the Biocybernaut Delta
Linking Up: The Global Brain Becomes A Reality
The Art of Smart Thinking
times stronger than what you saw at just a slightly higher impurity
So it is with brain wave biofeedback. Purify your indi-
vidual brain waves sufficiently and you get Supermen and Wonder
Women. When we get groups of brain waves aligned and coherent
to a certain degree of perfection, then suddenly phenomena that
had not been observed before by scicnce will become matter of
fact. Coherent brains and united minds will profoundly alter the
course of future realities. Euphemistically I call these Biocybernaut
Shared Feedback™ groups, “Steering Committees.” The most pow-
erful of the Steering Committecs will be the Delta Force, which
will do shared delta feedback while holding shared intentions for,
as Mr. Spock would say, “the good of the many.”
As Peter Russell says, “Which way we move is up to us,
the ‘neurons’ of this global brain. Do we continuc to sce ourselves
as separated individuals, cach out for his or her own interests? Or
can we see ourselves as part of greater whole, a humanity emerg-
ing into its full flowering? The choice is ours.”
Shared Feedback™ training is now an opportunity avail-
able to all graduates of the Biocybernaut Institute’s Alpha One train-
ing, which is a seven-day intensive exploration into consciousness.
Graduates of Alpha One can schedule shared alpha feedback train-
ing with one or more willing partners who have also done at least
that level of training. The Alpha One training is the entry point—
Brain Wave Training 101—into the more than two-dozen advanced
brain wave training programs offered by the Biocybernaut
Arthur C. Clarke said that “Any sufficiently advanced tech-
nology is indistinguishable from magic,” and this technology can
be used to create and expand the science of magic. According to
the Celtic tradition, there are three elements to a successful work
of magic: desire, expectation, and merging. These are the keys to
successful magic, in which the mind influences the quantum wave
Linking Up: The Global Brain BecomesA Reality
The Art of Smart Thinking
tating together when they were meditating “correctly” i.c. on the
same brain wave length.
Linking Up: The Global Brain Becomes A Reality
in,” and so on. Our Shared Feedback EEG graphs in Dr. Hardt’s
lab indicate that this precise effect may be voluntarily controllable.
“An interesting personal dimension developed during these
sessions. Both MacLachlan and I noted that from time to time,
secrets would “slip” from one of us to the other person. Although
this phenomenon was not being specifically tested for in the train-
ing we were doing, other people training together with Dr. Hardt’s
Shared Feedback methodology also found that they sometimes
would simultaneously - and non verbally — acquire information
about each other.
“We can infer from this both the potential of telepathic
communication when our brains are in sync, and also that there
must be trust and intimacy between individuals participating in
this kind of training. Clearly our EEG charts in Dr. Hardt’s lab
indicate the viability of EEG alpha training as well as a way to
enhance collective thought through shared feedback. We believe
this may the next frontier for EEG training.
“Alpha enhancement can benefit corporations and groups
of people who must interact creatively on a continuing basis, as
well as individuals, by reducing the time it takes for individuals to
think productively and collectively.
“For warriors, particularly those operating in small groups,
such as special operations forces or high-level staffs, who must
turn out coherent policy and plans — such training and the opportu-
nity to think creatively together can enhance their ability to func-
tion and, ultimately, to survive.”
The Art of Smart Thinking
that had been moving through space and had come near our solar
system and apparently got captured by our sun. It was located by
Jupiter and Mars where the asteroid belt is, and it had settled into
orbit there. There wasn’t any money for rocket fuel or sending space-
ships; the age of exploration was over due to the lack of energy.
This other planet had been populated by a very advanced
race that had developed highly efficient and intelligent machines,
but something had happened and all the biological beings of that
race had been killed. Although the machines were highly intelli-
gent, they didn’t have brains that were of the complexity of a liv-
ing brain, and to keep their world humming, these machines needed
more complex nervous systems as components of their largest
machines. So they started abducting humans to get the processing
power of the human brains. They were teleporting people off the
Earth and transporting them to this new planet of the intelligent
machines. But they had to wait until their human targets were in a
meditative state, awake but with the personality mostly absent.
When a human on earth went into an appropriate meditative state
where enough of the personality was absent, these intelligent ma-
chines would then teleport that person to their planet and then wire
the humans together in a neural network of 12 human brains in
each network, and they were as complex computing machinery to
help run the super-technology of this rogue machine-dominated
planet. To keep the human bodies alive, the abducted humans were
maintained in a nutrient solution that provided food, air and water.
The machines could replicate themselves but they couldn’t repro-
duce their human biological master.
So people started disappearing from earth during their
meditations, vanishing without a trace. It wasn’t really a problem
because there were too many people on earth anyway, so not much
was made of it but everybody knew this could happen. The hero of
the story didn’t buy all this governmental oppression; he went along
with it for appearances, but he had his independent streak. At one
The Art of Smart Thinking
oh ok oe oR ok ok
Pcter Russell points out the urgent need to ensure that our
global brain is sane rather then insane. Each of us “neurons” can
take a few steps toward collective sanity. We can make sure, for
example, to conserve physical resources in our personal lives. We
can discover new methods for personal renewal. We can elect and
Linking Up: The Global Brain Becomes A Reality
The Art of Smart Thinking
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The Art of Smart Thinking
Jim Hardt
Biocybernaut Institute
324 B Martin Ave
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Phone: (408)969-9912 (subject: book review)