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Morcan - Genius

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Foreword This book is part of The Underground Knowledge Series, written by James & Lance

Morcan, authors of a much needed, perceptive summary of the darker aspects of world reality
titled The Orphan Conspiracies, which I also wrote a foreword for. I was employed for many years
as a senior research scientist developing naval underwater weapon systems at the Technical
Research and Development Institute of the Ministry of Defense, Japan. During this period, I
spent a lot of time in my private life studying Number Theory, which is a branch of pure
mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers, or whole numbers. From this
mathematical research, I came across the enigma of Srinivasa Ramanujan, an Indian genius
mathematician who, with almost no formal training, discovered many complex formulas and
made extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis and number theory. Ramanujan
often said the Goddess of Namakkal inspired him with formulae at night while he was dreaming
and that each morning, upon awakening, he would write down the results of these vivid dreams.
For many years, I could not understand the mental processes that lead to Ramanujan’s advanced
mathematical findings. However, after studying the human brain from the standpoint of
superluminal particles, I eventually came to the conclusion that everyone’s brain has the
potential to connect to an outer field of consciousness, which has also been termed by more
mystical thinkers as the Universal Mind.

Above: Srinivasa Ramanujan "Srinivasa Ramanujan - OPC - 1" by Konrad Jacobs Oberwolfach
Photo Collection, original location. Licensed under CC-BY-SA-2.0-de via Wikimedia Commons

To summarize my research on the brain, I wrote Superluminal Particles and Hypercomputation,

which was published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing in early 2014. Soon after its publication, I
was contacted by James Morcan, one of the authors of Genius Intelligence, who felt that my
theories on superluminal particles could support his and Lance Morcan’s suppositions about the
nature of genius. This book you are now reading contains a wide range of genius methods – all of
which have the potential to increase your IQ. You’ll read about everything from speed reading to
brain gland activation to sleep learning to smart drugs to virtual reality training. I believe this is a
much needed book for those who sense there are faster and easier ways to learn and study than
the methods currently being taught in mainstream education systems. Lastly, I sincerely hope
that the publication of Genius Intelligence contributes to a global awakening to assist us to hold
enough truth in our minds to change this world for better.

Dr. Takaaki Musha Director of the Advanced-Science Technology Research Organization,

Yokohama, Japan. Former senior research scientist at the Technical Research and Development
Institute of the Ministry of Defense, Japan.

Introduction The genesis for this book was fiction rather than reality. Now we’ve revealed that,
you would be forgiven for assuming none of what follows on the mightily complex subject of
intelligence and increasing IQ is true. Before we attempt to put your mind at ease on that score,
we have a few more revelations to get out of the way… Neither of us has any formal education
qualifications of note, having barely completed high school. Nor has either of us ever taken an IQ
test and therefore it cannot be proven we have high intelligence just as it cannot be disproven
we are complete idiots! About now, you’d also be forgiven for asking why we, of all people, have
written a book on intelligence and the nature of genius. On the fiction versus reality issue, it’s
not quite as alarming as it sounds, we hope. You see, the fictional reference actually relates to
our international thriller series of novels titled The Orphan Trilogy. The decision to write this
thriller series was made a decade ago, and it marks the commencement of our journey. A
journey to discover what makes a genius and, more importantly, what makes a genius tick. In
The Ninth Orphan, book one in the trilogy, our mysterious lead character (who is known only as
Nine) is not only an assassin, but also a mental genius who exhibits a level of intelligence rarely if
ever seen in any character in literature. Nine has a photographic memory, can read entire books
in five minutes flat and speaks dozens of languages. Plus he learns new skills extremely fast and
is highly adaptable – so much so he’s nicknamed the human chameleon. How Nine reached that
level of intelligence, though, is merely implied or hinted at in the first

book in the series. In its prequel, The Orphan Factory, we had to design an education system that
would reveal exactly how Nine and his fellow orphans grew up to become that smart. This was
quite a challenge as our setting was no Ivy League college. Rather, it was the Pedemont
Orphanage, a rundown institution in Riverdale, one of Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods. Having
both gone through the traditional education system and finding it laborious and uninspiring, we
quickly discovered it was fun to brainstorm alternative and more advanced forms of study for
our trilogy. Even so, it took many years of investigating accelerated learning methods – some
rare, some not so rare – before we felt confident enough to write about what it would take to
create youngsters with intellects as advanced as those of our Pedemont orphans. All the insights
unearthed during that 10-year investigative period (spent examining the great historical minds
and studying little-known intelligence boosting methods) are revealed in Genius Intelligence.
Highlights of our exploration into the world of super learning include many fascinating
discoveries, which were totally new – to us at least and, we expect, in most cases will be new to
you, too – and which were certainly outside our personal experience collectively and
individually. Those discoveries include: Individuals (living and dead) with IQ’s far higher than
Einstein’s. Brain waves common to geniuses – and the various ways to induce those brain waves.
Mental techniques the world’s elite and A-List celebrities are quietly using to help them process
information while they’re asleep or in virtual worlds. Chemical substances students and
academics the world over employ to kick-start the brain into overdrive. Cutting-edge
technologies business tycoons and professional athletes employ to achieve a mental edge on
their competitors.

Beyond these random examples, one of the key discoveries we made is that every human brain
has enormous potential – possibly even unlimited potential. No matter the challenging
circumstances – whether ADHD, dyslexia or mental illness – it makes no difference when it
comes to the brain’s latent potential. The capacity for achieving genius levels of intelligence
remains the same. After all, there has been many a genius with learning disabilities, hyperactivity
and genetic brain disorders. The latest scientific studies have revealed extraordinary findings.
The brain is much more flexible and adaptable than previously thought. It can evolve and
creatively work around limitations and nullify them. Examples of this phenomenon even include
brain-damaged individuals who have been shown to be capable of achieving equal intelligence
to the average person. How or why this is possible is because of the brain’s incredible capacity to
restructure itself. This rewiring process falls under a category in neuroscience known as
neuroplasticity – a broad term used to describe the brain’s ability to form new neural
connections or to reorganize itself in an attempt to overcome or diminish the effects of old age,
substance abuse or traumatic head injury. Neuroplasticity is scientific proof that intelligence is
not something that is locked by a certain age or that cannot fluctuate or increase. Not receiving
a college degree or even a high school education doesn’t mean genius abilities are out of the
question. The same applies for those who come from a background of extreme poverty. History
is littered with examples of uneducated and semi-educated individuals from impoverished
backgrounds who have gone on to educate themselves and deliver revolutionary breakthroughs
within academic circles, the corporate world, the arts and other walks of life. When the brain’s
potential is fully unleashed, there can be few if any limitations. Anyone who tells you otherwise
isn’t up-to-date with the latest scientific findings on the brain and is exhibiting their ignorance.
For the brain’s potential is the human potential…

Above: The brain…unlimited potential? "Human brain female side view" by National Institute of
Health Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

The other crucial discovery – perhaps the most crucial – to come out of our research is that
higher intelligence is not necessarily something you’re born with or genetically predisposed
toward. In fact, most instances of above-the-ordinary intelligences are usually acquired thru
superior learning techniques – many of which we cover in detail in this book. Reading about the
greatest minds in history, including recent history, more often than not reveals the individuals
concerned (or people close to them) employed specific learning methods. The examples we cite
throughout this book shatter the myth that geniuses are always born with exceptional
intelligence and/or talent. Certainly, there are those born with amazing abilities not fostered by
educational methods, but our research has revealed these naturally gifted geniuses are definitely
the exception, not the norm. A classic example of this natural born genius myth is Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart whom most believe was simply a wunderkind, or virtuoso, from infancy. Many
brain researchers have also described the Austrian composer as someone who just had
incredible musical and artistic abilities from birth.

Above: Mozart as a child "Wolfgang-amadeus-mozart 2" by Anonymous possibly by Pietro

Antonio Lorenzoni (1721-1782) Portrait owned by the M ozarteum, Salzburg. Licensed under
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

However, as with most geniuses, there is a significant body of evidence to support the
contentious theory that Mozart’s brilliance was as much the result of nurture as it was nature, if
not more so. It is true the musical prodigy was composing by five, and by seven or so he was
performing for audiences throughout Europe. And while achievements like that, at those early
ages, are certainly extraordinary, the key point is that Mozart came from a musical family and
was pushed to excel musically. As soon as he could walk and talk, in fact, or even earlier if you
stop to consider he was exposed to classical compositions while still in his mother’s womb. The
young Mozart’s father Leopold was a renowned composer in his own right and an ambitious
musical teacher who wanted his son to achieve greatness. History tells us that Leopold forced
Mozart Junior to practice for many hours a day even before he had reached school age. It has
been estimated that by the time Mozart was six he had already spent about 4000 hours studying

Perhaps a modern-day equivalent to Mozart’s father would be someone like Richard Williams,
father of legendary American tennis champions Serena and Venus Williams. Upon deciding
tennis was the way out of the ‘ghetto’, Williams Sr. pushed his daughters day after day from a
young age in his relentless quest for them to become world champions. Classical music experts
have noted that many of Mozart’s childhood compositions are mostly rearrangements of other
(older) composers’ works. Not being experts in classical music – or any music for that matter –
we can’t comment, but if true that would further undermine the enduring myth about the great
composer being an innate genius who could rely solely on his natural talent and who hardly
needed to practice. We found that nine out of ten biographies of geniuses reveal forgotten or
previously unmentioned examples of intelligence-enhancing techniques and/or technologies
these individuals employed on their path to greatness. Traditionally, IQ has been perceived as a
genetic trait in much the same way an individual’s height or body type is perceived – in other
words a fixed trait, or state, and therefore (thought to be) something that could never be
altered. In recent years, however, there has been an explosion of new scientific studies, which
make a mockery of that assumption. These show that cognitive training, whether by mental
techniques or brain enhancement technologies, can definitely deliver intelligence-boosting
effects. Certainly, you need some natural aptitude to excel in most facets of life – be it mental,
physical or artistic – but if genius was simply a matter of inheriting good genes, then many more
of us would be geniuses. Anyway, we predict, or sincerely hope, that formal education will one
day be reflective of what occurs within the fictional Pedemont Orphanage of our thriller series –
minus the assassination training of course! Equally, we firmly believe some if not most of the
alternative learning methods mentioned in Genius Intelligence will eventually become the norm
for students the world over.

To return to that other awkward subject – who we are and what the hell we are doing writing
about the secrets of the genius mindset. Well, that’s a trickier one to satisfy readers on so early
in the piece… All we can really say is we write fiction and non-fiction books and produce movies
in our dual careers as authors and filmmakers. In our earlier careers, we have between us held a
variety of positions in different fields spanning the arts, media, PR and retail sectors. Those
positions include journalist, bookseller, publicist and newspaper editor. So we shall have to leave
it up to you as to whether you think this book is a work of “genius” or not. One reason we wrote
this book is because, in our opinion, most other titles on the subject of increasing intelligence
make for disappointing reading. In the main, they are not written for the average person. They’re
written for academics by people with PhD’s. The end result, more often than not, are books that
resemble academic text and which rarely venture beyond scientifically proven and well-
established mainstream methodologies. Paradoxical though it may sound, we are convinced that
not being from the world of academia, or even being particularly studious, eminently qualified
us to write this book. After all, we wrote it to empower the average individual – the ‘common’
working class person. We can relate to such people as that’s exactly our background. One thing
we can promise is that after researching far and wide in some unusual and unlikely places, the
pages of this book contain the most advanced accelerated learning methods available on the
planet. Wishing you well on your path to increasing your IQ!

James Morcan & Lance Morcan

1 Genius techniques of the elite

It has long been speculated that secret societies, mystery schools, intelligence agencies and
other clandestine organizations have advanced learning methods superior to anything taught in
even the most prestigious universities. Methods which are only ever taught to the chosen few –
initiates who have all sworn an oath to keep the group’s syllabus in house and never reveal any
of the teachings to outsiders. On the rare occasions the public get wind of these types of
advanced learning techniques – usually via information leaked to the Internet, sometimes via
published books – they are seldom tested or given the attention they deserve and so largely
remain in obscurity. One reason for this could be the advanced techniques are often not
comprehensible because whoever is behind them has withheld the overall curriculum. There’s
many a tale of mysterious figures from secretive groups mastering skills, languages and even
complex career paths so quickly that most would say it’s impossible. But that opinion assumes
we common people know of, or have access to, all the learning methods known to man. If we
are to assume there are superior learning methods not taught in our mainstream education
system then this naturally leads to other questions. What if your child’s top-notch education is
actually a second-rate education? Or, if you are a student, what if that professor you look up to is
no mastermind, but just a tool of an inferior learning institution? None of this is to disrespect
formal education. It plays a vital role in society and the betterment

of Mankind, and only a fool would doubt the importance of getting a good education. Nor are
we suggesting there isn’t the odd learning institution that teaches at least some accelerated
learning techniques, although such establishments would probably exist on the fringes of
mainstream education. The Montessori system is possibly one such example as it allows children
to have greater freedom of expression and to learn in playful and organic ways. Successful
alumni of the Montessori education system include Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Nobel Prize-
winning author Gabriel García Márquez, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, tennis champion Roger
Federer and Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
Above: Roger Federer…Montessori alumni "R Federer Australian Open 2014" by Peter M yers
from M elbourne, Australia Federer - Oz Open 2014. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia

In general, however, accelerated learning methods are more likely to be found outside the
modern education system. Let’s face it, wherever in the world you go, real prodigies are the
exception not the norm in the

present system. Those rare individuals whom society labels as geniuses are almost always freaks
of nature and are naturally gifted rather than being diligent students who became geniuses as a
result of their education.

“I'll be a genius and the world will admire me. Perhaps I'll be despised and misunderstood, but
I'll be a genius, a great genius.” – Salvador Dalí. Written in his diary at the age of 16.

2 Polymaths and high-IQ individuals

“The purpose of having the orphans study all these diverse fields was not for them to just
become geniuses, but to become polymaths – meaning they would be geniuses in a wide variety
of fields. Whether they were studying the sciences, languages, international finance, politics, the
arts or martial arts, they would not stop until they’d achieved complete mastery of that subject.
Kentbridge himself had encyclopedic knowledge about almost everything, and expected nothing
less from his orphans.” –The Ninth Orphan

A book critic who reviewed The Ninth Orphan, book one in our thriller series, criticized our
protagonist Nine (the ninth-born orphan) for having an IQ, or intelligence quotient, higher than
Einstein’s. The strong implication in the review was that this was a ridiculous character decision
we, the authors, had made. That all sounds like a valid criticism on the surface, but had this critic
gone beyond his own sphere of knowledge and done a little research he would have discovered
there are many people whose IQ’s have been recorded to be higher than Einstein’s. American
author Marilyn Vos Savant, for example, has an IQ of 192; Russian chess grandmaster and former
world champion Garry Kasparov has an IQ of 194. Incidentally, Einstein’s IQ was estimated in the
1920’s to between 160 and 190. But wait, there’s much more when it comes to the world of
super geniuses… Quite a few individuals have tested in excess of a 200 IQ score, including South
Korean civil engineer Kim Ung-yong (210), former child prodigy and NASA employee Christopher
Hirata (225)

and Australian mathematician Terence Tao (225-230). And last but not least is American child
prodigy, mathematician and politician William James Sidis who had an IQ of 250-300. He
graduated grammar school at age six, went to Harvard University at age 11 and graduated cum
laude at the age of 16. Sidis, who died in 1944, could fluently speak 40 languages by the time he
reached adulthood.
Above: Sidis…20 th Century child prodigy. "William James Sidis 1914" by Unknown - The Sidis
Archives. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Remember, the average IQ is 100 and approximately 50% of those tested score between 90 and
110. According to the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations, by Dr. Richard Lynn and Dr. Tatu
Vanhanen, the top five countries in terms of average IQ’s of their citizens are Hong Kong (107),
South Korea (106), Japan (105), Taiwan (104) and Singapore (103). Further down the list, China,
New Zealand and the UK share equal 12th position with a 100 average, while the US is in 19th
position with an average citizen IQ of 98.

However, many scholars in the 21st Century now believe IQ scores aren’t everything and it’s
likely areas of intelligence exist that cannot be measured in any test. This is possibly
substantiated by the number of successful and iconic individuals who recorded very low IQ
scores. These include the once highly articulate and outspoken boxer Muhammad Ali who, as a
young man, scored only 78 – an IQ so low it supposedly denotes a mild mental disability! And of
course, the list of the world’s so-called most intelligent excludes extremely bright individuals in
impoverished parts of the world where IQ’s are, or were, rarely tested. The Indian mathematical
genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), was an example of such incredible geniuses who defy
all explanation. You’ll recall Dr. Takaaki Musha refers to Ramanujan in the Foreword, mentioning
how he was inspired by the gentleman’s advanced mathematical findings. Born into poverty in
Erode, India, Ramanujan discovered extraordinary mathematical formulas despite being self-
taught with no formal training in mathematics. He changed the face of mathematics as we know
it and left many highly-educated and acclaimed Western mathematicians completely
gobsmacked. Furthermore, the other high-IQ individuals mentioned earlier are only in the top
bracket of those who agreed to undergo IQ tests and allow their scores to be published. It’s quite
conceivable certain elite individuals belonging to secret societies, mystery schools or intelligence
agencies do not reveal their IQ scores. That secret intelligence factor was the basis for our
fictional Pedemont orphans in The Orphan Trilogy whom we either state or imply have IQ’s of
around 200 or higher. As a result of the accelerated learning techniques within the diverse
curriculum that begins before they can even walk or talk, the orphans can assimilate and retain
phenomenal amounts of information. By their teens, the child prodigies are more
knowledgeable even than adult geniuses. They can solve complex problems, are fully
knowledgeable about almost any current world subject or historical event, and are to all intents
and purposes organic supercomputers and human library

databases. Our orphans are exposed to highly advanced learning methods so that they will have
at their disposal all the necessary skills and information to be able to overcome life-and-death
problems that may arise on future espionage assignments. They’re taught there is no challenge
or question that cannot be overcome, solved or answered as long as they fully utilize the power
of their minds. Each child at the Pedemont Orphanage eventually becomes a polymath – a
person who is beyond a genius. It’s a word we use throughout the trilogy as we felt it best
describes the orphans’ off-the-scale intellects. A polymath is actually a multiple-subject genius.
However, the criterion for a polymath is someone who is an expert in vastly different, almost
unrelated fields. For example, an artist who works in the film, theatre and literary industries and
who is a masterful actor, screenwriter, novelist, film director and film producer would not qualify
as a polymath as those fields are all artistic mediums and closely related. Rather, a polymath is
someone who has excelled in, or completely mastered, a variety of unrelated or loosely related
subjects. These could be as diverse as economics, dance, architecture, mathematics, history,
forensic science, cooking and entomology. And before you go calling yourself a polymath, don’t
forget you must be an expert in each field. Unfortunately being a jack-of-all-trades and master-
of-none doesn’t count. One of the best examples of a polymath is Leonardo da Vinci. Born in
Italy in 1452, Leonardo was a sculptor, painter, architect, mathematician, musician, engineer,
inventor, anatomist, botanist, geologist, cartographer and writer. Although he received an
informal education that included geometry, Latin and mathematics, he was essentially an
autodidact, or a self-taught individual.

Above: Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci c. 1510 "Francesco M elzi - Portrait of Leonardo -

WGA14795" by Francesco M elzi Web Gallery of Art. Licensed under Public Domain via
Wikimedia Commons

The man who many have called the most diversely talented person who ever lived, left behind
an array of masterpieces in the painting world alone, including The Last Supper, Mona Lisa and
The Vitruvian Man.

Above: Leonardo da Vinci’s The Vitruvian Man "Da Vinci Vitruve Luc Viatour" by Leonardo da
Vinci Own work www.lucnix.be. 2007-09-08 (photograph). Photograph: This image is the work of
Luc Viatour / www.Lucnix.be

“The knowledge of all things is possible” –Leonardo da Vinci

3 Outrunning the conscious mind

“The subconscious was always favored over the everyday conscious mind, which was considered
too slow to be effective.” –The Orphan Factory

Developing a genius mindset essentially comes down to two things: operating at speed and using
the subconscious mind more than the conscious. This intuitive or relaxed approach to study is
the polar opposite of traditional and mainstream forms of education. Apart from some artistic
subjects like music or dance, learning institutions generally require pupils to concentrate hard at
all times. In other words, students have no choice but to always use their conscious minds,
thereby suppressing the great reservoir of the subconscious. When we are forced to think s-l-o-
w-l-y like this our brain functions at well below optimum levels. That’s why school students often
feel exhausted as studying in this fashion is incredibly draining. But how can we feel mentally
drained when neuroscientists and brain researchers agree we each only use a tiny percentage of
our brain? In The Orphan Trilogy, our orphans often go into a daydream state whenever they
need answers to life-and-death situations. This is because when you defocus you allow your
intuitive self, or your subconscious mind, to deliver the answers you need. It just happens,
without reaching for it. We’ve all experienced pondering a problem all day long only to find we
receive the solution when forgetting about the problem and thinking of something else. When
we stop concentrating so hard, we allow our subconscious to flourish, and those who do this
more than others are sometimes

called geniuses. As head of the Pedemont Orphanage, Tommy Kentbridge says to his students in
The Orphan Factory, “The subconscious mind is where all higher intelligences exist. Every genius
throughout history – Tesla, Einstein, Da Vinci – tapped into the infinite power of their
subconscious minds.” Studies have shown the subconscious mind can process around 11 million
bits of information per second. The conscious mind, however, can only process about 15 to 16
bits of information per second. Quite a difference! One of the best ways to bring the
subconscious mind into the equation is to outrun the conscious mind by going so fast it literally
can’t keep up. So, at Chicago’s Pedemont Orphanage, our orphans do everything at speed.
They’re also taught how to learn things indirectly instead of directly. By skirting around the
edges of complex subjects, the children never get information overload or lose their way. As we
wrote in The Ninth Orphan, “In the tradition of Leonardo da Vinci and history’s other great
polymaths, the children were taught how to fully understand anything by using an advanced
mental technique where they would simply life their minds into comprehension.” To life your
mind into comprehension is once again the polar opposite of modern education systems which
imply there’s only one way to learn: consciously and with intense concentration. While this
indirect way of learning may sound flaky, it is actually backed up by hard science and is not
remotely mystical. This approach is about brainwaves and understanding, or recognizing, the
optimal state for learning. When you hit the right groove, it’s possible to learn quickly and in a
satisfying, even enjoyable, fashion. It is that singularity of mind top sportsmen and martial arts
masters achieve. Psychologists sometimes refer to this ultimate mental state as the zone, but it’s
really just about having the most effective brainwaves for learning.

Above: A high quality T3 fMRI brain scan "FM RI Brain Scan" by DrOONeil - Own work. Licensed
under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Any time study feels laborious the student is most likely in the beta brainwave, which occurs
when the conscious mind is governing. A beta-dominant mind is the perfect recipe for
mediocrity and boredom. The subconscious mind comes into play in other less common
brainwaves such as alpha, gamma, theta and delta. These brainwaves have also been shown to
be activated when test subjects are laughing, daydreaming, meditating, singing, dancing or
spontaneously moving about. Now how many math or English teachers would tolerate those
activities in their classrooms? What if there really is a much quicker, less methodical way of
learning that allows you to learn without learning? Sounds paradoxical, doesn’t it?
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” –Arthur

4 Speed-reading

“The early development of speed reading can be traced to the beginning of the (20th) century,
when the publication explosion swamped readers with more than they could possibly handle at
normal reading rates.” –Tony Buzan

One of the most important skills our Pedemont orphans possess is the ability to speed read.
Having vast amounts of knowledge, or being walking encyclopedias, is a common trait in
geniuses, and even more so in polymaths. Probably the simplest way to gain this amount of
knowledge is to learn to read very, very fast. Speed-reading is therefore at the core of the radical
education program we designed in our conspiracy thriller series. However, our orphans’
technique is much more advanced than the majority of speed-reading programs currently
available to the public. Many such programs simply offer complementary reading skills rather
than allowing for a whole new way to absorb the written word. As we say in The Ninth Orphan,
“It wasn’t so much speed-reading as mind photography – a technique where the practitioner
taps into the brain’s innate photographic memory. The orphans were taught how to use their
eyes and open their peripheral vision to mentally photograph the page of a book, magazine or
newspaper at the rate of a page per second. Then they’d consciously recall every detail as if
they’d read the material at normal, everyday reading speed. Tens of thousands of books, on all
manner of subjects, were sent to the Pedemont Orphanage to keep up with the children’s
prolific reading habits.”

The technique we wrote about was inspired by the most sophisticated speed-reading methods in
the real world, as well as analysis of renowned speed-readers. It’s also based on the brain’s
scientifically proven ability to pick up things subliminally and rapidly. By incorporating peripheral
vision and photographic memory, it’s possible to mentally scan or photograph entire pages at a
time rather than one word at a time. This method enables the Pedemont orphans to read at the
rate of about 20,000 words per minute. That’s many times faster than most readers can manage.
In fact, the average reading speed is only 300 words per minute, or about one page per minute.
Although some skeptics – along with one or two book critics who reviewed our thriller series –
have expressed doubt over whether the human brain can absorb such vast quantities of data all
at once, speed-reading is not fiction. And it has some famous devotees. Various US Presidents
were confirmed or rumored speed-readers. They include Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin
Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Jimmy Carter. Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, a self-taught speed-
reader, is reported to have read a book before breakfast every single day while serving as
president. Teddy’s recall was said to be perfect and he would often quote from the books he
read. Kennedy studied under American speed-reading expert Evelyn Wood who could read at an
impressive 6000 words a minute. JFK claimed he could read at around 2000 words per minute
with a very high comprehension rate.

Above: JFK…speed reading President "John F. Kennedy, White House photo portrait, looking up"
by White House Press Office (WHPO) Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Carter, who also studied speed-reading during his time in the White House, took courses with his
wife Rosalynn and their daughter Amy. The fact that Dwight D. Eisenhower said “Don’t be afraid
to go in your library and read every book” may well allude to the fact he was yet another US
president who could speed read. After all, who else but a speed-reader would have the time or
ability to read every book in their local library? Bestselling author, life coach and motivational
speaker Anthony Robbins practices speedreading and recommends it to audiences, personal
clients and his readers. In 2007, when J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was
published, six-time world champion speed-reader Anne Jones was the first to read it. Jones
finished the 200,000-word, 759-page hardcover book in 47 minutes flat. Immediately afterwards,
she completed a book review and sent it out to media outlets to prove her total comprehension
of the story. Jacques Bergier, French Resistance fighter, spy, journalist, chemical engineer and
author of the bestselling book The Morning of the Magicians, was a born speed-reader. He
started reading magazines and newspapers as a toddler, and by the age of four was fluent in
three languages. By the

time he reached adulthood, Bergier was reading 10 books a day. New Yorker and State University
graduate Howard Berg was listed in the 1990 Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s
fastest reader. His reading speed was clocked at a remarkable 25,000 words per minute. Berg
says his skill was developed out of boredom. He spent his childhood in the library, which was
apparently the only place in the world that interested him. Autistic savant Kim Peek (1951- 2009)
was one of the world’s foremost speed-readers. The real-life inspiration for Dustin Hoffman’s
character in the 1988 movie Rain Man, Peek read at between 10,000 and 20,000 words per
minute and had a 98% comprehension rate. His method was to read two pages simultaneously,
one with each eye. Spending most of his days in the public library in Salt Lake City, Utah, Peek
read many thousands of books.

Above: Kim Peek…the real Rain Man "Kim Peek, diagnosed with Savant syndrome" Licensed
under Attribution via Wikimedia Commons

Of all the examples of speed-readers, living or deceased, Peek’s methods are closest to those
described in The Orphan Trilogy. We sincerely hope in years to come scientists will figure out
exactly how Peek so readily absorbed information from books so that children can be taught the
technique the world over.

“In junior high, Robbins took a speed-reading course and began consuming what would be
nearly 700 books through high school, mostly on psychology and personal development.” –
December 27, 2013 article about Anthony Robbins in Investor's Business Daily.
Since the term speed-reading was coined by Evelyn Wood more than 50 years ago, the skill has
featured in various TV series and Hollywood movies. In the 1996 feature film Phenomenon, lead
character George Malley, played by John Travolta, exhibits extraordinary speed-reading skills. Dr.
Spencer Reid, one of the main characters on the hit TV series Criminal Minds, is also a speed-
reader. There’s a speed-reading scene in the 2004 spy film The Bourne Supremacy, starring Matt
Damon, in which CIA agent Pamela Landy, played by Joan Allen, is seen reading agency files at
rapid speeds. Landy uses her finger to run up and down over text on each page. This finger
pointing method is a real speed-reading technique known as Meta Guiding. In Good Will Hunting
– another Matt Damon movie – Damon, who plays natural-born genius Will Hunting, is seen
alone in his apartment flipping through page after page of a book without pause. Whether these
two films on the actor’s resume are just a coincidence or whether he’s a closet speed-reader
himself is anyone’s guess.

Above: President Carter speed reading with his daughter Amy. Amy Carter and Jimmy Carter
participate in a speed reading course at the White House. NARA - 173797" by Unknown or not
provided U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Licensed under Public Domain via
Wikimedia Commons

“Modern research has shown that your eye-brain system is thousands of times more complex
and powerful than had previously been estimated, and that with proper training you can quickly
reap the benefits of this enormous potential.” –Tony Buzan

In summary, any seeker serious in becoming a genius should put speed-reading at or near the
very top of his or her list of necessary skills to acquire. We recommend avoiding any of the
common speed-reading courses that mention terms and phrases like chunking, skimming, skim-
reading or reading whole sentences at a time – or indeed any courses that only promise students
the ability to read two to five times quicker than the average reader. Instead, we advise seeking
out less common reading methods that claim to allow readers to absorb knowledge at or close
to one page per second reading speeds. At least 10,000 words per minute would be a wise
guideline for pursuing the most advanced reading systems. Signs of super advanced speed-
reading techniques are the use of such terms as peripheral vision, reading

photographically, subliminal learning, limbic system, subconscious reading, photographic

memory and the midbrain in any promotional material.

5 Brainwave entrainment

“With the help of virtual reality and biofeedback technologies, the orphans were taught how to
guide their minds to reach certain brain frequencies – like Alpha, Theta and Delta – at will. The
purpose of slipping into these particular frequencies was to allow the right brain to take over, as
opposed to the left-brained consciousness dominant in most people. Whenever the orphans
needed to access their higher intelligences, they would enter a daydream and simply intuit the
answers. That way, they could bypass thinking, and just know. Within the Omega family, intuition
was favored over logical thought patterns.” –The Ninth Orphan

As mentioned, brainwaves are a crucial part of accelerated learning techniques. It’s proven that
when individuals move out of normal waking brainwaves (beta) into other brainwaves (alpha,
theta, delta and gamma) they enter the ideal state in which to absorb new information. Whether
the learning is analyzing complex equations, or memorizing facts, or becoming an expert in
martial arts, it makes no difference. Our children at the Pedemont Orphanage use brainwave
generators and biofeedback machines to reach the optimal frequency for study. This method of
altering the mind is known as brainwave entrainment. Gamma brainwaves, which are the highest
frequency brainwave, are held in high regard at the orphanage. As we wrote in The Orphan
Factory: “The children performed mind photography in uncommon brainwaves for regular
wakeful consciousness. In this case it was predominantly gamma waves, and

it allowed them to tap into the genius of their subconscious minds.” Besides being present while
learning languages or forming new ideas, Gamma waves are also vital for recalling memories.
And the faster the gamma brainwave, the faster the memory recall is – yet another advantage in
doing things at speed. A common goal in most brainwave entrainment technologies or
techniques is hemispheric synchronization. This ideal state occurs when the right and left
hemispheres of the brain become harmonized or in synch and share similar or identical
brainwaves. Studies have shown that when individuals have both hemispheres operating in
similar brainwaves like this they are far more likely to learn and digest new information.

Above: Left and right brain hemispheres "Human brain longitudinal fissure" by Gray Licensed
under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Furthermore, from such studies it is also apparent that most high IQ individuals, and those
whom society describes as geniuses, have their brain hemispheres in synch more often than the
average person. In some cases this is a form of conscious self-programming where the genius is
fully aware of the ideal brain state he or she needs to be in to perform complex mental feats –
and also has the ability to mentally guide him or herself at will into hemispheric synchronization.
In many other cases, however, it is just a fortunate skill they have been born with, and the
individual is completely unaware of their good luck in inheriting such a tool. Geniuses who lived

before the invention of EEG equipment and the discovery of specific types of brainwaves would
likely fit into this category. Some modern brainwave technologies used to achieve hemispheric
synchronization include biofeedback machines, purposefully designed audio recordings (such as
binaural beats, monaural beats and isochronic tones), and hypnagogic light and sound machines.
Another impressive technology that has been shown to significantly alter brainwaves and put
users in the ideal state for learning is Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s Neurophone. Invented in 1958 when
Flanagan was only 13 years old, the Neurophone is a US-patented electronic nervous system
excitation device that transmits sound to the brain through the skin and via the nervous system.

Above: Dr. Patrick Flanagan with the latest model of his Neurophone invention.

The invention earned the American doctor a profile in a 1962 edition Life magazine while he was
still in his teens. Life referred to him as a “unique, mature and inquisitive scientist”. His website
mentions Dr. Flanagan “has continued to develop the Neurophone and it is currently being sold
as an aid to speed learning.”

6 Sleep-learning

“While the child was asleep, a broadcast programme from London suddenly started to come
through; and the next morning…Little Reuben woke up repeating word for word a long lecture by
that curious old writer…The principle of sleep-teaching, or hypnopædia, had been discovered…
The principle had been discovered; but many, many years were to elapse before that principle
was usefully applied…They thought that hypnopædia could be made an instrument of
intellectual education.” –Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.

Even at night, the Pedemont orphans’ education continues through hypnopædia, or

sleeplearning. Audio courses play through headphones they wear and our orphans are able to
learn new subjects like high finance or foreign languages while asleep. Hypnopædia comes from
the Greek hypnos, meaning ‘sleep’, and paideia, meaning ‘education’. Although still not
conclusive, some research has shown the subconscious mind is very receptive to absorbing
knowledge whilst we sleep. There are numerous references to hypnopædia in Aldous Huxley’s
1932 dystopian novel Brave New World. Thirty years later, this unusual learning method was also
mentioned in A Clockwork Orange, another dystopian novel, by Anthony Burgess.

Above: Aldous Huxley… hypnopædia believer "Aldous Huxley" by Not given - Transferred from
tr.wikipedia Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

The popularity of these bestselling novels coincided with the release of positive results of
preliminary studies into sleep-learning, ensuring that hypnopædia became relatively well known
around the world and interest in it blossomed. However, from the early 1960’s onwards, more
in-depth scientific studies were conducted in laboratories in the US and the UK, disproving the
theory that humans could learn during sleep. Even though many students in numerous countries
kept claiming they achieved better exam results after listening to audio recordings on subjects
whilst asleep, official studies simply did not confirm this. As a result, hypnopædia was
discredited for about 50 years and slipped into obscurity in scientific and education circles. Only
in the last few years has the potential learning method resurfaced. Recent studies are beginning
to contradict earlier experiments and it may not be long before hypnopædia is proven to be a
valid form of education. For example, on August 29, 2012, The Huffington Post ran a news article
under the headline
Sleep Learning May Be Possible: Study. The article mentioned a new study by researchers at the
Weizmann Institute of Science, which demonstrated test subjects learnt new information while
asleep. In an interrelated experiment, scientists at Illinois’ Northwestern University discovered
that taking a 90-minute nap immediately after studying helps solidify knowledge in the brain.
They taught new things – both physical and mental – to people and then tested them on how
well they remembered and applied the knowledge taught. There were two groups involved: one
whose members slept after learning and one whose members stayed awake the whole time.
Those who slept in the lab after studying showed significantly better mastery of the subject
matter when tested. NBC’s Today published an article about the subject on September 11, 2014
which concurred with other recent findings. “Research is beginning to show that our brains don’t
go completely offline during a doze,” the article states, “but are actually busy organizing and
storing away memories of events — and may be quite open to other activities. “In fact,” the
article continues, “a new study has shown that the brain can be started on a task just as a person
is dropping off to sleep and then, during slumber, take in new auditory information and then
process it, according to a report published Thursday in Current Biology.” So hypnopædia is once
again on the scientific radar, and it may not be long before this unorthodox and rare technique is
conclusively proven to be a genuine learning method. Until then, many students, professionals
and academics will continue to listen to audio recordings as they sleep and many will also
continue to provide positive testimonials.

7 Brain gland activation

“As soon as they could walk and talk, he gave them activities designed to open up as many
neural pathways in their brains as possible.” –The Ninth Orphan

Activating dormant brain glands is another technique used inside the Pedemont Orphanage.
Studies have shown that all individuals have a certain amount of dormant or underdeveloped
brain areas. Every human brain ever mapped scientifically has shown at least some inactive cells
and neurons. This area of neuroscience, especially concerning little known brain glands, may
hold the answer as to why we only use such a small percentage of our brains. Important and
often dormant, semi-dormant or underutilized brain glands include fairly well known ones like
the pineal gland. This powerful gland, which has been known about since ancient times, is said
to be well developed in most persons of high intellect and produces the serotoninderived
hormone melatonin. Less reported glands and interrelated areas of the brain include the
pituitary (nicknamed the body’s master gland), which controls most other hormone-secreting
glands, the thalamus (necessary for planning and decision-making), the amygdala, which can
bypass thought and instantly react, the hippocampus (one of the only areas of the brain where
neurogenesis or the birthing of new neurons can occur) and the hypothalamus (crucial for
memory and learning).

Above: The Pineal and Pituitary brain glands "M ajor parts of the brain" by Alan Hoofring
(Illustrator) National Cancer Institute, an agency part of the National Institutes of Health
Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

In The Orphan Trilogy we show how all these parts of the brain can be stimulated into activity in
a variety of ways, including magnetism. As we wrote in The Orphan Factory: “Rare earth
magnets were embedded inside each helmet for the purpose of activating certain brain glands.
Glands that were dormant in the average person.” Neuromagnetic helmets and similar brain
stimulation technologies are not just confined to the realms of fiction. Transcranial direct current
stimulation, or TDCS, is one type of brain stimulation technique used in the real world. It’s
carried out by applying a helmet or cap to the individual’s head. TDCS targets specific parts of
the brain with low voltage electrical currents. This allows for the alteration of electrical states of
neurons in targeted areas of the brain. TDCS is in its infancy, but early studies have shown it
enhances motor skills, memory recall and concentration. As a result, the US military now
employs TDCS to assist fighter pilots, snipers and other personnel.

In a BBC news article dated July 22, 2014, TDCS is explored in relation to making sleeplearning
possible. “In the near future, technology may offer further ways of upgrading the brain’s sleep
cycles. Memory consolidation is thought to occur during specific, slow, oscillations of electrical
activity, so the idea here is to subtly encourage those brain waves without waking the subject.
“Jan Born, at the University of Tubingen,” the article continues, “has been at the forefront of
these experiments. In 2004, he found that he could help amplify those signals using transcranial
direct current stimulation (tDCS), which passes a small electric current across the skull,
successfully improving his subjects’ performance on a verbal memory test.” In 2013, several
TDCS inventions became commercially available to the public for the first time. Leading UK
newspaper The Guardian ran an article on February 5, 2014 under the heading Can an electronic
headset make you a better video gamer? The article mentions a specific device that “uses the
principles of tDCS – transcranial direct current stimulation – sending a small current of between
0.8 and 2.0mA through the prefrontal cortex through electrodes positioned on your forehead.”
Although the technology is still being refined, many video gamers all over the world are
reporting increased mental concentration and better performance. This bodes well for other
types of mental exercises – like academic study for example – especially as the TDCS devices
become more honed. Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, is a similar non-invasive brain
enhancement technology except it uses magnets instead of electricity. TMS’s magnetic fields are
capable of altering neurons in targeted areas of the brain. Neuromagnetic helmets and similar
devices have been nicknamed ‘zap caps’ and preliminary studies show they have the potential to
improve brain function in numerous ways.

Above: TMS technologies stimulate the brain non-invasively "Transcranial magnetic stimulation"
by Eric Wassermann, M .D. - Wassermann, Eric. Transcranial Brain Stimulation. Behavioral
Neurology Unit. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of
Health, United States Department of Health and Human Services. Licensed under Public Domain
via Wikimedia Commons
Another article that ran in The Guardian nicely summarized a recent scientific study that proves
TMS’s positive influences on the brain. The August 2014 article states that “memory can be
boosted by using a magnetic field to stimulate part of the brain, a study has shown. The effect
lasts at least 24 hours after the stimulation is given, improving the ability of volunteers to
remember words linked to photos of faces.” The Guardian article quotes Dr Joel Voss, from
Northwestern University, in Chicago, as saying: “We show for the first time that you can
specifically change memory functions of the brain in adults without surgery or drugs, which have
not proven effective. This non-invasive stimulation improves the ability to learn new things.” The
latest studies also show that TMS can specifically stimulate the hippocampus, which oversees
and directs the entire brain including crucial glands. Formerly it was believed the

hippocampus was too deeply embedded in the brain to be stimulated by TMS. However,
scientists have recently discovered the hippocampus can be stimulated indirectly via connected
brain structures within the reach of TMS’s magnetic fields. Another potential method of
increasing activity in specific brain glands like the pituitary is by ingesting an unusual substance
called Ormus. (See Chapter 11 for more on Ormus).

8 Polyglots and savants

The Pedemont orphans all speak a large number of languages and are therefore polyglots.
Although we never actually specify how many, it’s implied in our trilogy that each orphan can
speak dozens of languages. They also have the ability to learn new ones quickly, and more than
once we show our orphans, or orphan-operatives, completely mastering languages in the days
leading up to a new mission. While this may seem far-fetched, there have been persistent
reports of CIA agents mastering languages within one week. If true, this is most likely a direct
result of classified learning techniques or brain technologies not available to the general public.
Besides speculation on secret language techniques and suppressed technologies in the world of
espionage, is speed learning languages really possible? In 2004, British autistic savant Daniel
Tammet shocked Icelandic peoples when he appeared on live television to demonstrate his
almost-overnight mastery of their notoriously complex language. Tammet spoke fluent Icelandic,
having only studied the language for seven days.

Above: Linguistic savant Daniel Tammet "Daniel Tammet" by jurvets - Born on a Blue Day.
Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Besides savants like Tammet and others born with rare genetic gifts that allow for such rapid
memorization skills, is polyglotism, or the ability to master multiple languages, achievable for the
average person? Yes. Notable polyglots throughout history include the following (with numbers
in brackets corresponding to the amount of languages they spoke fluently): Cleopatra (9),
Mithridates VI of Pontus (22), John Milton (11), Noah Webster (23), Arthur Rimbaud (10+),
Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti (39), Friedrich Engels (20+), Nikola Tesla (8), José Rizal (22), Harold
Williams (58), Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan (36) and Kenneth L. Hale (50). Memory is
obviously a major part of mastering languages quickly. Perhaps one Joshua Foer, a former
journalist who became a mnemonist – someone with the ability to recall unusually long lists of
data – has some answers for those desiring to be polyglots. Foer authored the bestselling book
Moonwalking With Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything, which chronicles
his journey to becoming a memory expert. The book also

describes how after only one year of training he was able to become USA Memory Champion.
“Memory is like a spiderweb that catches new information,” Foer writes in Moonwalking with
Einstein. “The more it catches, the bigger it grows. And the bigger it grows, the more it catches.”
Irishman Benny Lewis is a contemporary polyglot who speaks 12 languages fluently. Lewis, who
taught himself Dutch in only six weeks and proved it by recording a video of himself being
interviewed in Dutch, runs a website devoted to teaching others how to speed-learn languages.
The self-confessed “mediocre student” has also published a book titled Fluent in 3 Months: How
Anyone at Any Age Can Learn to Speak Any Language from Anywhere in the World, which has
received excellent reviews. “The book is everything I’ve learned in 11 years of full-time language
learning,” Lewis told UK news site Metro in an article dated March 13, 2014. “It’s all the changes
in mentality and, of course, the techniques, because there are plenty of tricks to mastering a
language from scratch. “Language books are generally written by people with PhDs in linguistics
or born into multilingual environments and I didn’t see anything that was relatable. I did poorly
in school – barely passed German – and felt people would relate to that.” Some of Lewis’ simple
language learning techniques include: speaking the language from day one rather than studying
text books; listening for specific words or segments you recognize rather than entire sentences;
making vivid mental associations in order to remember certain words. Bulgarian educator and
psychiatrist Dr. Georgi Lozanov (1926-2012) created an education system known as
Suggestopedia, which is primarily used for speed learning languages. Although Baroque and
classical music is extensively used in the curriculum, Suggestopedia (also sometimes called
Suggestopædia) involves a lot more than just listening to specific compositions. Essentially, the
controversial and unproven learning method incorporates a combination of passive and active
learning. It also employs various arts – including singing, music, drama and paintings – to put the
mind in the most suggestive state for learning.

Above: Dr. Georgi Lozanov – creator of Suggestopedia. "Lozanov 2008 at Viktorsberg" by

Kazhagiwara - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Admittedly, Dr. Lazanov’s education system is not a conclusive method for speed learning foreign
languages and has been written off as mere pseudoscience by some researchers. However, a
report on Suggestopedia by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) makes for interesting reading. Compiled by UNESCO education experts at a meeting in
Sofia, Bulgaria in 1978, the report concludes: “There is consensus that Suggestopedia is a
generally superior teaching method for many subjects and for many types of students, compared
with traditional methods. We have arrived at this consensus following a study of the research
literature, listening to the testimony of international experts, observing films portraying
Suggestopedia instruction and visiting classes in which Suggestopedia is practiced.” Dr. Lazanov
claimed throughout his career that foreign languages could be mastered in a tenth of the usual
time by following his methods. From the numerous examples listed in this chapter, it should be
clear that learning multiple languages in rapid time is possible. And, unlike naturally-gifted
savants such as Daniel Tammet, it should also be noted that Benny Lewis and many other
historical and modern polyglots are essentially

savants-by-training. Therefore, it does indeed appear possible for the layman to acquire the
necessary skills to become a polyglot.

9 Virtual reality

“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” –Jean-Jacques
Rousseau (1712-1778)

Virtual Reality (VR) is another advanced learning technology utilized within the walls of the
Pedemont Orphanage. However, we specify it’s not VR as most of us know it. This excerpt from
The Orphan Factory explains what we are getting at: “Like most Omega technologies, it was a
technology that was decades ahead of official science, and although virtual reality was widely
known and available to the public, this military version had been suppressed from the masses
because of its incredible power.” Although a suppressed form of the technology lies very much in
government cover-up theories, known VR systems have already been proven to be effective in a
wide variety of diverse fields. Learning via this technology’s computer-simulated environment is
currently used the world over in the military, medical, aviation and architectural sectors to name
but a few. VR allows users to practice as if they are actually engaging in activities in the real
world. The difference between reality and virtual reality can sometimes be so small it’s
indistinguishable to the human brain. Or to put it another way, as we state in The Orphan
Factory: “Carrying out assignments under the influence of this particular software was no
different to performing them in real life – at least not as far as the mind was concerned.”

Above: A Virtual Reality learning environment. "ICIDO" by ICIDO GM BH - ICIDO GmbH. Licensed
under CC-BY-SA-3.0-de via Wikimedia Commons

An article on VR appeared in Forbes on October 31, 2014, with the bold heading How Virtual
Reality Could Transform Society. The article mentions that besides the current application of the
technology in video games, “the true value of VR may lay in other applications. The technology
has serious implications for training, education and entertainment outside the traditional game
space.” The Forbes article goes on to say that one VR company “demonstrates VR’s world-
changing potential,” adding that this manufacturer’s version of the technology “could easily be
used to transform military operational exercises, all kinds of training from medical to
manufacturing and a host of other areas including social interaction, music, entertainment,
communication, film, storytelling and having experiences that might otherwise not be possible
such as free-falling, mountain climbing or swimming underwater for those incapable of doing it
in reality.” One thing’s for sure, the potential for students to learn with VR is staggering. This is
exactly why various prestigious learning institutions, not to mention private individuals seeking
to boost their IQ, are investing in VR headsets. Here are just a few of the possibilities Virtual
Reality has to accelerate learning:

Studying with other students from all over the world in virtual environments that, for education
purposes, will be no different to meeting face to face. Stimulating imagination and creativity in
bigger and bolder ways like building bridges or cruise ships or directing explosive action
sequences in blockbuster movies on virtual film sets. Doing things that are impossible in the real
world such as transcending space and time by entering a VR simulated mock-up of ancient Egypt
from a classroom.

VR will likely lead to endless possibilities throughout the 21st Century, and early adopters of this
incredible technology may very well become more intelligent than those who are slower to
embrace it.

10 Superluminal particles

The physics of faster-than-light (also known as superluminal) phenomena may also hold great
potential for accelerated learning. Professor Regis Dutheil, a quantum physicist and
consciousness researcher, was one of the first scientists to present a model that described the
mind as a field of superluminal matter. He claimed that the human brain is an organic computer
that transmits information. According to Dutheil’s theories, the mind, or consciousness, is
essentially a field of tachyons or superluminal matter located on the other side of the light
barrier in superluminal space-time. In his book L'homme Superlumineux, Dutheil presents his
hypothesis that consciousness is a field of superluminal matter belonging to the true
fundamental universe and that our world is merely a subliminal holographic projection of it. If
you think Dutheil’s theories sound a bit like the quantum physics concepts explored in the
blockbuster Hollywood film The Matrix, you’re not alone. In his 2014 book Superluminal Particles
and Hypercomputation, leading Japanese scientist Dr. Takaaki Musha claims that the superiority
of the human brain is due to the superluminal particles generated in the microtubules of the
brain. The blurb for Superluminal Particles and Hypercomputation mentions that the book
“describes a series of theoretical explorations probing the possibility that superluminal particles
exist, and if so the consequences their existence may hold for biology and computing. Starting
from the standpoint of a model of the brain based on superluminal tunneling photons, the
authors included in this volume have described theoretically the possibility of a brain-like
computer that would be

more powerful than Turing machines (conventional silicon processors), would allow non-Turing
computations (hyper-computation), and that may hold the key to the origin of human
consciousness itself”. A former senior employee of Japan’s Ministry of Defense, where he
developed naval weapon systems, Dr. Musha claims this generated superluminal field connects
individuals with the outer field of the Universe, and he contends this may explain human
consciousness as well as the collective mind of Mankind.

Above: Dr. Takaaki Musha

Dr. Musha’s theory relates to the quantum mechanics scale known as decoherence, which
measures the time to maintain the quantum coherence between particles. If the decoherence
time is long in an individual’s brain, it permits the person to connect to the outer superluminal
field easily. “I think that the activity of superluminal particles can be maintained by the structure
of the metamaterial in the microtubules,” says Dr. Musha. “The metamaterial has a non-natural
property such as negative refractive index, which permits superluminal evanescent photons to
move loosely in the nervous system. If this structure malfunctions in an individual, many
problems can occur such as Alzheimer’s disease.”

Dr. Musha believes decoherence time can be extended by mental training. If this is true, then
genius abilities like photographic memory and polymathing could result from the right sort of
training. If an individual’s brain can connect with the superluminal field which is part of all other
living organisms, then it may be possible for that individual to come from an awareness of what
has been termed the universal brain. Dr. Musha claims this could explain the extraordinary
abilities of the human mind, such as the enigma of Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa
Ramanujan. Ramanujan found many mysterious formulas related to Number Theory and often
said, “An equation for me has no meaning, unless it represents a thought of God.” Superluminal
Particles and Hypercomputation also proposes that the true nature of the human
electromagnetic field may be similar to that of the Universe as a whole. Dr. Musha continues,
“The ancient Indian Vedas texts have lent a comparable view of unified consciousness with a key
difference being the process of human ascension from stage to stage. Instead of oneness with
the Universe, the Vedic vision of consciousness emphasizes the importance of attaining
knowledge and pure intelligence. “This is similar to the Vedic concept that the totality of our
consciousness is comprised of three levels: the subconscious, the conscious, and the
superconscious mind. These levels of consciousness represent differing degrees of intensity of
awareness. Intuition and heightened mental clarity flow from superconscious awareness. The
conscious mind is limited by its analytical nature, and therefore sees all things as separate and
distinct. “We may be puzzled by a certain situation because it seems unrelated to other events
and it’s difficult to draw a clear course of action. By contrast, because the superconscious mind is
intuitive and sees all things as part of a whole, it can readily draw solutions. “According to
theoretical studies,” Dr. Musha continues, “superluminal particles permit us to conduct infinite
computations within a finite duration of time. Thus they can give us an extraordinary capability
of computation, which is far greater than that of silicon processors.”

Dr. Musha also believes if science can utilize superluminal particles for computer technology, it
will one day be possible to build a hypercomputer system which has its own consciousness – like
the HAL 9000 computer in the Stanley Kubrick film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

L Above: The famous red eye of HAL 9000 "Logoparanobe" by Original uploader was M in's at
fr.wikipedia Transferred from fr.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by Commonlingua Licensed
under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The 2014 Luc Besson-directed film Lucy may also portray the superluminal field which is said to
be omnipresent in the Universe. At the end of the film, Scarlett Johansson in the title role of
genius Lucy becomes just that: omnipresent in the Universe. Some of these superluminal
theories about human intelligence may relate to what ancient mystics referred to as the Akashic
field, which was said to be an etheric database of total knowledge about the Earth’s entire
history. If it is indeed possible to activate superluminal particles in the brain – whether by
advanced yogic breathing techniques, smart drugs, or magnetic/electrical technologies to
stimulate neurons – then perhaps every human really does have the potential to access this vast,
invisible information field and prove that “the knowledge of all things is possible,” as Leonardo
da Vinci once stated. However, for the time being at least, more research needs to be done on
this particular field of

science before geniuses can be created at will.

11 Ormus

“The implications for creating a few geniuses or treating brain dysfunctions (using Ormus) are
immense.” –Lt. Lawrence F. Frego, An End To All Disease

A mysterious substance known as Ormus – aka ORME, White Powder Gold or simply White Gold
– is said by some to be another secret method used to increase intelligence. In our novel The
Orphan Factory, we show Ormus being given to the orphans every day at the Pedemont
Orphanage. By ingesting it, the children activate their entire DNA/RNA cellular system, which not
only unlocks their physical body’s true potential, but also stimulates their conscious and
subconscious minds. We refer to how daily consumption of Ormus assists the orphans in every
facet of their lives, from enhancing mental alertness to developing physical strength and
endurance to promoting good health. Although we include extensive references to it in that
book and the rest of our fictional series, Ormus is actually a real substance discovered by science
several decades ago. As it has been said to balance both hemispheres of the brain and therefore
allow for whole brain learning, it’s being consumed the world over by people who are looking for
safe and legal ways to increase their IQ. And the numbers using it are increasing every day as
more and more people hear about it. However, increasing IQ is said to be just the tip of the
iceberg when it comes to this unusual scientific discovery which, we admit, sounds like
something out of an episode of The X-Files.
Few mainstream scientific studies have thus far been conducted on the strange substance. But
even if a tenth of what proponents of White Gold say is true, the potential for humanity is
remarkable. Preliminary studies have shown it to assist in a variety of diverse fields including
agriculture, engineering and aeronautics. For example, small studies have been conducted by
universities to evaluate Ormus’ effects on various fruits and vegetables, and the results are
impressive. Farmers and growers worldwide have also reported increased growth in crops, nuts,
fruits and vegetables as a result of using Ormus. Of course, it’s the superconductor’s effects on
the human brain that we shall concentrate on in this chapter. Aiding memory, assisting mental
wellbeing, helping students achieve better grades, improving eyesight and correcting damaged
DNA are but a few of the astonishing claims surrounding the substance. Ormus test results are
apparently off the charts and defy the laws of science. White Gold experts explain this by saying
the substance exists in the realms of quantum physics and hyperdimensional theory. Skeptics,
however, say Ormus more appropriately exists in the twilight zone and its benefits are nowhere
near conclusively proven. Consumers of the little known substance, which is created in different
forms by hundreds of commercial manufacturers worldwide, come from all sectors of society.
Examples range from elite athletes looking for legal performance-enhancers to terminally ill
people seeking alternative cures for illnesses modern medicine cannot cure to Fortune 500 CEOs
attempting to get a mental advantage over competitors; A-List Hollywood stars are also among
those who regularly ingest Ormus.

Discovery Ormus was discovered in 1975 by David Hudson, an Arizona cotton farmer and
wealthy businessman. Hudson came across the substance while conducting analysis of natural
resources on one of his farms in Arizona. He ended up devoting his life and millions of dollars to
researching the strange substance, which he linked to Biblical and ancient Egyptian alchemy.

It was an unusual-looking white powder that the farmer discovered by chance. When he put the
powder out to dry in the hot Arizona sun, it radically changed – from powder to oil! After
conducting scientific analysis of the substance, Hudson confirmed it seems to have odd
properties that defy the laws of nature. For example, Ormus’ elements, which include gold,
copper and iron, frequently morph into other elements and the substance becomes an
electromagnetic superconductor under certain conditions. Hudson claimed to have knowledge
of secretive Government-funded studies of Ormus. He said these experiments took place in
laboratories throughout the US and in the Soviet Union in the 1980’s. If such experiments did
take place, they’ve never been made public. In the late 1980’s, Hudson was issued a British
patent by the UK Intellectual Property Office for the Ormus product he formulated from his
initial discovery. At the same time, he coined a term for the exotic elements he patented –
Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, or ORME. Shortly thereafter, Hudson was informed
he no longer had the patent. He claims no clear reason was given and, soon after that setback,
he received a visit from the US Department of Defense. Hudson then enigmatically became
reclusive and made few if any public appearances for about 20 years. Nor did he make any
comments about Ormus during that period. Only in the last two to three years has he ventured
into the public arena again, giving lectures about his discovery.
Above: David Hudson giving a lecture on Ormus.

It’s worth considering the following excerpt by Barry Carter – arguably the world’s foremost
expert on Ormus and one of the few who personally knows David Hudson – from an article
Carter wrote on the subtleenergies.com website: “It is my firm belief that, once it becomes
widely known, the discovery of the ORMUS materials will be heralded as the greatest scientific
discovery in human history.”

Scientific properties Ormus is a complex concentrate of chemical elements. Besides gold, it

contains a number of other metals including rhodium, iridium, copper and platinum. These
metals are said to exist in the monoatomic state, or m-state – an unusual high-spin state of
matter where metals don’t form bonds or crystals but remain single atoms. Incidentally, Ormus’
non-scientific name White Powder Gold refers to the fact that when processed its appearance is
reminiscent of cocaine powder. M-state elements are naturally abundant in seawater, and the
pure sea salt in seawater is said to be responsible for these rare, high-spin particles. Ormus’
properties are also said to be present in

most rocks as well as in trees. In addition, various researchers have independently claimed to
have found Ormus elements embedded in the DNA structure of animals and plants as well as in
humans’ skin, nails, hair, blood, brain and, indeed, in all the organs. Different methods for
obtaining Ormus elements have been devised in recent years – the easiest and most common of
which involves combining ocean water, lye water and distilled water in the right fashion. This
method is said to be so simple it can be done by anyone in their own home. Supposed formulas,
or recipes, have been posted on various websites online. However, it’s not clear whether these
formulas lead to the same Ormus elements as those David Hudson discovered.

Claims of intelligence benefits As mentioned, Ormus is often taken in an attempt to improve a

person’s intelligence and overall brain health. In its powdered form, it’s usually ingested
sublingually, or under the tongue. When taken this way, it goes straight into the bloodstream,
which affects the body’s entire system, including the brain. Alternatively, in its liquid state, White
Gold can be drunk as a potion or else applied topically to the skin. Not long after he discovered
Ormus and began analyzing it, David Hudson said the substance could repair the body on a
genetic level. Proponents also say the substance can correct errors in the DNA and even activate
Junk DNA.

Above: Single stranded and double stranded damage to DNA "Ssvsds" Licensed under CC BY-SA
3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Lt. Lawrence F. Frego, who wrote about Ormus’ positive impact on human intelligence in his
book An End To All Disease, agrees with this theory. “Our very brain tissue itself is by dry weight,
composed of 5% monatomic iridium and rhodium. The implications for creating a few geniuses
or treating brain dysfunctions are immense. Ormus iridium affects the pituitary gland in a way
that reactivates the body’s Junk DNA and underused parts of the brain. Feeling stupid today?
Take a little iridium and rhodium and call me in the morning. Colloidal gold has been proven to
raise I.Q. by 20 points in 30 days. Certainly the thing to have for finals week.” Elsewhere in the
book Lt. Frego states, “Monatomic gold and the platinum group metals dismantle incorrect DNA
and rebuilds the DNA again, correctly. They activate the endocrine system and pineal gland in a
way that heightens awareness and aptitude to extraordinary levels.” Lt. Frego goes on to surmise
that Ormus also causes increased melatonin from the pineal gland, which can result in, among
other things, better sleep, heightened alertness and many other mental benefits.

It’s worth mentioning that most commercial manufacturers of Ormus have numerous
testimonials from customers. Testimonials on the manufacturers’ websites claim cures for all
sorts of serious illnesses, including mental disorders, diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis.
Various antiaging results have also been reported. Again, though, it should be stressed none of
these mental benefits or any other health benefits have been conclusively proven scientifically.
It’s anybody’s guess whether satisfied Ormus users experienced the placebo effect or whether
there simply haven’t been enough mainstream studies conducted to support users’ claims. Only
time will tell.

Hollywood stars on Ormus Since its discovery, White Gold has been used by a raft of Hollywood
stars. It’s especially popular with middle-aged starlets – not surprising given the substance’s
purported anti-aging benefits and the fact Hollywood is notorious for casting young, or at least
youthful-looking, actresses for most major roles. But it may also be the intelligence-boosting
claims that have attracted certain film stars to the substance. Gwyneth Paltrow is probably the
most vocal Ormus user in the Hollywood community. On the website alchemicalelixirs.com a
testimonial (of hers) appears as follows: Gwyneth Paltrow said: August 10th, 2009 5:27 pm Dear
Brendan, congratulations on your wonderful website, I must admit I am a little bit jealous that
our little secret about your incredible ORMUS is now available to the world. I know I can`t stand
in the way of human evolution and I am proud of you for your part in raising awareness and the
planets consciousness through your ORMUS, god bless you, love Gwyneth x PS can you send me
another few bottles of your latest brew my stash is running low thanks xx Alchemical Elixirs,
which also lists Jennifer Aniston and Audrey Tautou among its clients, is

just one of many Ormus manufacturers and suppliers that names film stars, business executives,
top sportsmen and famous musicians among its customers.

Above: Gwyneth Paltrow enthusiastic about Ormus "Gwyneth Paltrow avp Iron M an 3 Paris" by
Georges Biard - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

“They claimed that it (Ormus) perfects the cells of the body. Well I can show you tomorrow
Bristol-Myers-Squib research that shows that this material inter-reacts with DNA, correcting the
DNA. All the carcinogenic damage, all the radiation damage, all is corrected from these elements
in the presence of the cell.” –David Hudson

For around US$100 or less you can try Ormus for yourself by ordering it direct from any one of
the various commercial enterprises that manufacture or supply it. It appears the manufacturers
all use different formulas and, in the tradition of alchemists, those formulas for the most part
seem to remain secret. Any mainstream studies into Ormus will be worth keeping an eye on.

For the time-being, however, the substance remains shrouded in mystery and it’s very hard to
find the truth amongst the hype. This task is not made any easier with all the quasi-science
commercial manufacturers are using to support their claims. No doubt the composition of their
products is far removed from the properties of farmer Hudson’s original discovery. If you are
thinking of purchasing a batch of Ormus, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Besides
the stunning testimonials surrounding White Gold, it’s worth noting numerous users have also
reported taking it and noticing no tangible results. So it’s a case of buyer beware and always
consult your doctor.

12 Sensory deprivation

“I think it’s one of the most incredible pieces of equipment for self-help and introspective
thought that you could ever find.” –Joe Rogan quoted in an Oct. 12, 2012 article in The Atlantic

In The Orphan Factory, the children in our fictional orphanage receive some of their education in
enclosed flotation tanks, also known as isolation tanks. Floating inside isolation tanks is a type of
sensory deprivation – or sendep for short – which is another genius learning technique. Sendep
is achieved by reducing or completely removing stimuli from one or more senses. Certain brain
glands, such as the pineal gland, are known to become more active in this state of reduced
sensory perception. Isolation tanks were invented in 1954 by American physician and
neuroscientist John C. Lilly as a way to test the effects of sensory deprivation on the brain and
also study the origin of consciousness itself. Lilly proved that brainwaves are considerably altered
while in this deeply relaxed state, making the floating participants very receptive to new
information. The ingredients of isolation tank sessions are simply water and salt, and the
individual floats alone for about an hour inside the lightless, soundproof tank. The experience
has been likened by many to being inside the womb.

Above: A modern isolation tank "Flotation Tank Isolation Tank" by Floatguru - Own work.
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Celebrities known to have used such flotation tanks include Robin Williams, John Lennon, Jeff
Bridges, Joe Rogan and Susan Sarandon. William Hurt, the star of Altered States – a 1980 feature
film based on Paddy Chayefsky's novel of the same name and loosely inspired by John C. Lilly’s
isolation tank experiments – is another celebrity said to have practiced sensory deprivation in his
private life. Various sports teams, including the Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys have
also used flotation tanks, as have Olympians such as American track star and nine-time gold
medal-winner Carl Lewis. You’ll recall how in earlier chapters we mentioned that the
subconscious mind can be accessed more readily when individuals operate in less common
brainwaves such as alpha, theta, delta or gamma. Well, numerous studies have shown that
during flotation tank sessions a transition from everyday beta brainwaves to alpha and theta
brainwaves nearly always occurs in participants. Such brainwaves are usually only accessible just
before, during or after sleep, or otherwise whilst in deep

meditation. Being in the theta brainwave is known to be extremely conducive to super learning
as well as stimulating other positive interrelated effects such as problem solving, achieving
emotional stability and heightened creativity. Studies have also shown the more regularly a
participant does flotation tank sessions, the longer the theta brainwaves last during and after a
session. In the early 1990’s, research conducted at Ohio State University showed that flotation
sessions improve accuracy in rifle shooting, creativity in musicians and concentration in students
before exams. Research in Europe has also shown significant reductions in stress levels are
achieved by regular floaters. However, floating in isolation tanks is just one way to achieve
sensory deprivation. The raw equivalent of flotation sessions is often carried out in scientific
laboratories where subjects lie on a bed in a totally dark room with no sound. Even more basic
forms of sendep can be achieved with the use of simple items such as hoods, earplugs or
blindfolds. We should also note (but not recommend!) other more extreme forms of sendep do
exist. These include food deprivation, torture techniques and even methods that involve putting
one’s life at risk such as breath play … Yes, as in the BDSM technique that employs oxygen
starvation to increase sexual pleasure by making other senses more sensitive. A March 2, 2014
article published on the Listverse site, listing secret habits of geniuses, mentions an additional
and highly unusual form of sendep. The writer reports that Japanese inventor Dr. Yoshiro
Nakamatsu, who prefers to be called Sir Dr. NakaMats, uses an obscure and dangerous sendep
technique to receive ideas for his greatest inventions. These (inventions) include his
revolutionary creation of the floppy disk in 1952. The article states, “Many of his greatest ideas
hit him when he was close to drowning. Dr. NakaMats believes in the mental benefits of long,
airless stints underwater.”

Dr. NakaMats is quoted as saying, “To starve the brain of oxygen, you must dive deep and allow
the water pressure to deprive the brain of blood. Zero-point-five seconds before death, I
visualize an invention.”

Above: Yoshiro Nakamatsu( 中松 義郎 ), aka Dr. NakaMats. "Nakamatsu" by Ushuaia.pl - Own

work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The eccentric inventor apparently writes down his ideas on a notepad underwater before
swimming back to the surface. It goes without saying, we definitely don’t recommend trying this
form of sendep!
13 The high IQ diet

What you eat can definitely influence your intelligence, studies have universally shown. This is
especially true for increasing the IQ of children. A 2011 article headed Food for thought – diet
does boost your intelligence, by Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent for UK newspaper The
Telegraph, confirms that “Children brought up on healthy diets are more intelligent compared
with their junk food eating counterparts, new research suggests.” The article states, “Toddlers
fed a diet packed high in fats, sugars, and processed foods had lower IQs than those fed pasta,
salads and fruit, it was found. The effect is so great that researchers from the University of Bristol
said those children with a "healthier" diet may get an IQ boost. “Scientists stressed good diet
was vital in a child’s early life as the brain grows at its fastest rate during the first three years of
life.” Children fed breast milk have also been shown to develop higher IQ’s. Docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA), for example, is an omega-3 fatty acid found in breast milk, and a lack of DHA hinders
brain development. Large quantities of the fatty acid Lauric Acid are also found in breast milk
and this, too, has major benefits for developing brains. Breast milk is a wonderfully complex
substance and scientists are still trying to figure out how exactly it has so many benefits for
children’s brains. However, it’s not just children who can increase their IQ’s with diet. Adults can,

Above: Brain food "Fruits vegetables and nuts" by Scott Bauer, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Research has shown that certain foods, herbs and natural supplements can sharpen memory, lift
mental performance and generally boost brain power. These beneficial dietary items include:
Leafy greens and orange-red fruits and vegetables such as apricots, mangoes, red peppers and
spinach, which all boost brain function as a result of their antioxidants and beta carotene
properties. Certain organic breakfast cereals – especially those fortified with folic acid – have
many mental benefits. Fresh seafood has a beneficial impact on the brain as a result of the
biochemical roles played by the omega-3 fats and zinc content. Nuts and seeds have essential
fatty acids and phospho-lipids that aid brain nerve cells. Protein-rich foods contain large
amounts of the brain chemical dopamine, which

increases mental alertness. Ginkgo Biloba is a herb that improves blood flow to the brain and has
been proven to be a valid way to increase memory and concentration powers.
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a chemical compound that has been shown to assist with learning,
focus and memory. Vinpocetine is a plant extract that’s a cerebral vasodilator – meaning it
widens blood vessels in the brain and allows more blood to enter the head for oxygenation to
occur. The result is greater mental alertness. Recent studies indicate Vinpocetine may also be
one of the most powerful memory enhancers on the planet.

General rules for eating for brain optimization include: Rather than eating one or two large
meals, consume regular small meals throughout the day as this has positive psychological
effects. Eat enough carbohydrates as the brain needs glucose to function. Never skip breakfast,
otherwise blood sugar levels will drop by late morning and this will negatively affect memory.

There’s also some good news for alcohol lovers. Red wine, due to the grape content, has a
protective agent called resveratrol, which scientific research has shown to stimulate brain cells.
Beer can also be a brain-booster because of its high quantities of boron and B vitamins – both of
which affect mental function. However, the golden rule of everything in moderation definitely
applies to the subject of alcohol and intelligence as overdrinking kills brain cells – never a good
thing if you’re already low on brain cells or are looking to increase your intelligence!

14 Smart drugs

In chapter 10, you’ll recall we quoted Dr. Takaaki Musha as saying the mysterious superluminal
(faster-than-light) particles inside the brain may be related to genius intelligence. The former
Japanese Ministry of Defense research scientist also believes certain drugs might be able to
“enhance the activities of superluminal particles in the microtubules within the brain. If so, such
drugs could greatly improve mental capabilities.” Dr. Musha continues, “The molecules of some
drugs can change the order of microtubule polymers, which may enhance the computational
capability and other capabilities of the human brain.” Some believe there is already a real-world
equivalent of the brain-improving drug Bradley Cooper’s character took in the 2011 Hollywood
movie Limitless. The film’s plot is about a guy of average intelligence becoming a genius and
polymath overnight simply by taking a nootropic, or what’s more commonly termed a smart
drug. Nootropics are drugs that improve various aspects of brain functions, including
concentration, memory and alertness. Officially at least, no Limitless-style drug exists and no
consumers of nootropics are becoming geniuses overnight as they did in that film. There are
rumors, however, that smart drugs of the potency depicted in Limitless were formulated by
chemists decades ago, but have been suppressed from the masses. According to this conspiracy
theory, classified nootropics are used by the likes of the CIA and various splinter groups of the
global elite to turn spies and key political figures into extremely high IQ

individuals. Sounds a bit far-fetched, we know, and possibly it is. On the other hand, considering
the well-documented and declassified mind control programs such as MK-Ultra, using
suppressed intelligence enhancers on persons of interest seems rather benign by comparison –
and very feasible as well. Furthermore, any scientific breakthrough involving revolutionary smart
drugs would likely be suppressed from the mainstream – at least within the parameters of such
theories. The 2012 film The Bourne Legacy, which stars Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz and
was directed by Tony Gilroy, shows the CIA improving their operatives’ effectiveness by altering
their DNA with top-secret drugs. Weisz plays a CIA chemist employed to design the drugs that
make Renner’s character and other operatives physically and intellectually superior to average
humans. Are the plots behind such films pure fiction or are they inspired by real goings-on in the
world of intelligence agencies and classified science? The reason for mentioning this whole
conspiracy theory is not to go off on some unrelated tangent without purpose or to explore
something that is not practical for those wanting to become geniuses. Rather, we bring the
subject up to assess whether science (not just official science but all forms of science including
classified science) has already evolved to the point where highly sophisticated smart drugs have
been formulated. And if that is indeed the truth of the matter, then perhaps it’s possible for the
layman to get access to such drugs – over the counter or perhaps on the black market – by
purchasing little-known products or even creating exotic drugs themselves from raw ingredients.
One smart drug manufacturer, who we shall call XYZ so as not to inadvertently advertise their
products or company, implies that there is a conspiracy in place whereby the FDA block the most
advanced nootropics from reaching the public in a concerted effort to make sure Americans
never get too intelligent! “The official reason is ‘to keep the public safe’—this is the standard
excuse given for policestate behavior,” according to XYZ’s website. “A more plausible explanation
might be to keep the

public from becoming too smart. A smarter public would be less tolerant of corrupt and
incompetent government officials.” Notwithstanding the theory of suppressed or classified smart
drugs being withheld from the public, there’s already an impressive list of FDA-approved smart
drugs freely available to Jo Public. And many users swear by them. Positive testimonials about
such drugs range from customers claiming they achieved better results in exams to making more
money in business and wiser decision-making in their personal lives.

Above: A Russian manufactured version of the nootropic Cerebrolysin "Cerebrolysin" by chan -

Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

IQ-enhancing drugs are nothing new. Italian neurobiologist Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909-2012),
who received the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery of nerve growth
factor, was said to be an early proponent of a smart drug. Some attribute Levi-Montalcini’s
longevity (she lived to 103) and her ongoing mental sharpness to her daily routine of applying
the very chemical she discovered to her eyes each morning. And, of course, caffeine is a
nootropic most people already use on a daily basis to fire up the brain.

Now smart drugs are widely available, and the masses are starting to catch on to this big-time –
so intense is the hunger for such intelligence-enhancers. For example, the term academic doping
is starting to achieve mainstream awareness – and for good reason. Academic doping, which is
the educational equivalent of sports doping, is on the rise and students on smart drugs are said
to be achieving better grades. Numerous studies have shown around 5-10% of North American
students and 1-5% of European students have used smart drugs to assist them with their studies.
These statistics are likely to only increase as places in learning institutions become more
competitive and expensive for prospective students. Popular nootropics used in high schools and
on university campuses all over the world include modafinil, dimethylamylamine and
methylphenidate. Neurotransmitters like GABA and plant extracts such as vinpocetine, bacoside
A and huperzine A are also commonly used by students because of the potential of these
nootropic substances. These intelligence-boosting and neuro-enhancing drugs and stimulants
have been scientifically proven to increase productivity, memory and overall cognitive
functioning. In the June 16, 2014 edition of the academic journal The Conversation, an article on
smart drugs co-written by Georgia State University neuroscience associate professor Nicole A.
Vincent points out that “all around the world, students, academics and professionals of various
stripes are increasingly experimenting with new cognitive enhancement technologies to boost
their memory, attention, reflexes, clarity of thought and ability to function well with little sleep.
“Several recent studies,” the article continues, “report around a 30% improvement in language
learning by subjects who used modafinil.” Many of the intelligence-enhancing effects of smart
drugs may relate to the importance of activating dormant areas of the brain, as mentioned in
earlier chapters of this book. For example, the experimental drug NSI-189 has been shown to
stimulate neural pathways in the hippocampus. Incidentally, research into NSI-189 has been
primarily funded by the Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which possibly supports the suspicion that the powers-that-
be are researching smart drugs and using them in classified experiments.

Above: DARPA…conspiring against The People? "DARPA Logo" by DARPA - DARPA.mil. Licensed
under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Another drug compound called dihexa has been shown in laboratory experiments to build new
neural connections in rats and mice and also to repair brain damage. A July 29, 2014 article by
the BBC headlined The truth about smart drugs covers the pros and cons of synthetic
intelligence-enhancers and asks whether the Limitless (movie) scenario really is possible.
Although fairly pessimistic overall, the article mentions that Gary Lynch, a professor in the School
of Medicine at the University of California, “argues that recent advances in neuroscience have
opened the way for the smart design of drugs, configured for specific biological targets in the
brain.” The article also quotes Lynch as saying memory enhancement is not very far off although
the prospects for other kinds of mental enhancement are “very difficult to know… To me, there’s
an inevitability to the thing, but a timeline is difficult.” The BBC report continues, “In the nearer
future, Lynch points to nicotinic receptor agents – molecules that act on the neurotransmitter
receptors affected by nicotine – as ones to watch when looking out for potential new cognitive
enhancers.” So while nobody has been documented as becoming an outright genius after taking
such drugs, it may not be far off before such an occurrence is official and on the record.

15 Meditation & Yoga

Meditation is proven to be a very effective way to boost mind power. Brain scans on long-term
meditators have consistently shown parts of their brains have been activated that haven’t been
(activated) in other individuals. And they are more regularly in the relaxing alpha and theta brain
waves than non-meditators. Some successful and famous long-time meditators who use
Transcendental Meditation (TM) and other similar meditation techniques include Hugh Jackman,
Ellen DeGeneres, Rupert Murdoch, Oprah Winfrey, Katy Perry, Howard Stern, Russell Brand, Jerry
Seinfeld, Martin Scorsese and Sir Paul McCartney.

Above: Oprah a dedicated meditator. "Oprah closeup" by Alan Light - Flickr. Licensed under CC BY
2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Another famous meditator is American film director and author David Lynch who often mentions
the importance of TM in his life when speaking in public. In his 2006 book Catching the Big Fish,
Lynch talks about the wells of creativity this form of meditation allowed him to access.

“Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It's like the ultimate rest. It's better than the
best sleep you've ever had. It's a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your
appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.” –Hugh Jackman

Yoga may also hold great potential for intelligence, although there have been limited studies
done on this complex subject to date. One body of research was covered in an article by IQ test
experts headlined Yoga Enhances IQ. “Clinical tests have shown,” the article begins, “that
consistent yoga practice can raise your IQ and increase your memory. Studies have found that
yoga, besides improving fitness, health, coordination, reaction time and memory, also positively
influences IQ. “The brain functions of attention, cognition, processing of sensory information
and visual perception are honed with yogic practices. Yogic practices – like hatha yoga, which is a
medley of asanas, pranayama, meditation and Om chanting – increase blood feed to the brain.
This helps in soothing the mind and enhances concentration. Memory power is given a boost,
while also improving the ability to maintain focus and concentration.” A renowned genius who
has perhaps influenced as many lives as any other creative thinker in the modern era was Apple
co-founder Steve Jobs (1955-2011). Although the history of his illustrious career in the tech
industry has been well documented in books, movies and untold news articles, few are aware
that Jobs was intensely interested in Yoga.

Above: Yoga enthusiast Steve Jobs introduces his iPad creation. "Steve Jobs with the Apple iPad
no logo" by matt buchanan - originally posted to Flickr as Apple iPad Event. Licensed under CC BY
2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Yoga Journal published an article on September 11, 2013 about the master inventor’s lifelong
relationship with the Eastern discipline. “Steve Jobs will long be remembered as an innovator
whose vision changed the way we interact with the world through technology. But what many
people don’t know is that Jobs was guided by an intense interest in spirituality and yoga.” In
1974, shortly after he had dropped out of college, Jobs traveled to India as a backpacker. He
stayed on the the subcontinent for seven months and during this period he first discovered and
began to practice Yoga. He cited the experiences he had of meeting Yogis at ashrams all over
India as being among the most influential of his life. The 19 year-old returned to the US an
altogether different person. Two years later, in 1976, Jobs co-founded Apple (with fellow college
dropout Steve Wozniak) after having the revolutionary idea of personal computing for the

Above: Jobs unveils his iPhone 4 invention "Steve Jobs Headshot 2010-CROP" by M atthew Yohe
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Some say that Jobs’ statement “I was worth over $1,000,000 when I was 23, and over
$10,000,000 when I was 24, and over $100,000,000 when I was 25, and it wasn't that important
because I never did it for the money,” was directly inspired by this passage from the holy Indian
scripture Bhagavad Gita: “Relinquishing attachment to the fruits of work, always contented,
independent (of material rewards), the wise do not perform any (binding) action even in the
midst of activities”. Whether that’s true or not is open to conjecture, but reportedly, the only
book Jobs ever downloaded to his iPad was Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa
Yogananda. And in a 2013 interview with CNET.com, Marc Benioff, former business associate and
close friend of Jobs, said guests at the iPhone/iPad/iPod creator’s memorial service were “each
given a copy of the classic book Autobiography of a Yogi as per Jobs’ wishes.”

Benioff added, “He had the incredible realization that his intuition was his greatest gift and he
needed to look at the world from the inside out.”

Above: Steve Jobs’ favorite book "Autobiography-of-a-Yogi" by Tat Sat - Own work. Licensed
under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Yogic techniques for accelerated learning are probably related to other topics on the brain
covered elsewhere in this book, including superluminal particles, brainwaves and the activation
of dormant brain glands. Besides meditation, breathing and posture are of course major
components of most Yogic systems. Posture being related to intelligence makes sense. After all, it
seems difficult if not impossible to perform complex mental tasks while slouching, and most
people automatically and unconsciously sit or stand upright and erect when faced with
intellectual challenges. Good posture alone can mean scoring 5-10 points higher on an IQ test.
Therefore it makes sense to maintain an erect spine at all times.

Deep breathing techniques to increase brain activity may also have some scientific validation.
After all, the more oxygen you inhale, the more will enter your bloodstream and the more will be
delivered to the brain, which requires rich supplies of oxygen to work efficiently. Yogic breathing
techniques, known as Pranayama, increase the supply of oxygen to the brain, which in turn
enhances memory and concentration.

“One becomes firmly established in practice only after attending to it for a long time, without
interruption and with an attitude of devotion.” –Yoga Sutra I.14

16 Midbrain activation
“The purpose of education in the future will not be to create people with heads crammed full of
knowledge, but to rear children who know how to efficiently use the whole brain. Rearing
children with enormous ability, rich creativity, and the capability to make use of a high
proportion of their brain should be the goal of child rearing.” –Professor Makoto Shichida

There is a specific area of the brain known as the mesencephalon, or more commonly referred
to as the midbrain, that some modern educators (especially in Asia) believe can greatly enhance
intelligence when fully activated.

Above: The Midbrain (mesencephalon) near the center of the brain "1311 Brain Stem" by
OpenStax College - Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site.
http://cnx.org/content/col11496/1.6/ Jun 19, 2013. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia

In recent years, millions of children in India, China, Malaysia and Singapore have been enrolled in
schools that specialize in activating their midbrains. Such radical learning institutions are
reportedly churning out geniuses by the veritable truckload. These schools claim to teach pupils
how to learn rapidly and study almost effortlessly. This is apparently achieved by absorbing
tremendous amounts of knowledge via their midbrains instead of the cerebral cortex where
most humans think from. The Mumbai-based news media outlet DNA India ran an article on
August 5, 2014 headed Make superkids through midbrain activation in Mumbai centres. “Want
your child to be a super kid?” the article begins. “Get him midbrain-activated. That’s what the
latest child development programme in town is advising parents. At least 20 centres of the
‘midbrain activation programme’ have already come up across the country.” In line with most of
the techniques and technologies mentioned throughout this book, the article states that
“Midbrain-activation experts say the trick lies in the equal use of right and left sides of the
brain.” The theory behind creating geniuses in this fashion is about optimizing the middle brain,
which connects the left and right brain. Building a bridge like this between both brains
apparently allows easy exchanges of information, which in turn allows for smooth and efficient
learning. The end result of midbrain activation is said to be a brain that functions as a whole
rather than having the usual division between left and right hemispheres (of the brain).
According to the DNA India article, “Midbrain activation experts claim they can enhance
imagination power, intuition and super intelligence among children in the age bracket of 5-15
years.” And it’s not just children whose midbrains can be activated via such methods. Adults are
also apparently accessing untapped reservoirs of mental capabilities. Abilities of those who have
fully activated their midbrains are said to include photographic memory, performing complex
mental calculations, mastering foreign languages in rapid time, speedreading and even
converting images to words, numbers and symbols in their minds.

Above: The Right Brain is the more creative hemisphere. "Right brain" by Allan Ajifo Licensed
under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Studies have consistently shown that around 80% of the world’s population have a more
developed left brain. So what are most of us missing out on by having an underutilized right
brain? A lot, according to the experts! An article by Taiwanese magazine Sinorama, titled Waking
the Right Brain –A new approach to pre-school education, is enlightening on this issue. It
mentions that “the right brain is believed to possess extraordinary powers which have their
origins in instincts which pre-date education and civilization.” The article continues, “As early as
1975, brain specialists had discovered that the cerebral cortex, unique to primates, was
responsible for intellectual activities such as language and reasoning. The limbic system lies
below the cortex and pre-dates it. Sometimes called the mammalian brain, it is

involved in the expression of emotions. On the lowest level lies the brain stem, sometimes called
the reptilian brain. It controls basic bodily functions such as breathing and heartbeat.” Many
intelligence researchers believe these older, more primitive parts of the brain, especially in the
midbrain section, are where genius abilities come from. As in-depth studies on stimulating this
part of the brain have yet to be conducted, it remains to be seen whether geniuses can be
created via midbrain activation. Meanwhile, more and more students in Asia continue to swear
by the method.

“The Midbrain can put us in the creative domain in no time at all.” –Dr. Baskaran Pillai

17 Hypnotism

“Cus (D’Amato) used to have me professionally hypnotized two or three times a day – before
sparring, before training and before fights.” –Mike Tyson. From a 2013 interview with UK
newspaper the Daily Telegraph.

Another way to achieve accelerated learning and optimum mental performance is hypnotism – a
technique that has been shown in many scientific studies to prime the mind for intense
concentration. Hypnotism has been used by countless renowned figures spanning numerous
fields of expertise. They include Albert Einstein. The German-born theoretical physicist was
known to do hypnosis sessions every afternoon. Einstein’s great theory of relativity discovery
entered his mind during one of those sessions, and he used the hypnotic trance state to develop
many of his other theories and formulas. American inventor Thomas Edison used hypnotism on a
regular basis – self-hypnosis in fact. In Britain, Princess Diana utilized hypnosis to improve her
public speaking skills, while Sir Winston Churchill was given post-hypnotic suggestions so he
could stave off tiredness and endure long periods without sleep throughout WW2. Several great
classical music composers were hypnotism devotees. They include Seigei Rachmaninoff who,
after a post-hypnotic suggestion given by early hypnosis specialist Nikolai Dahl, composed his
much loved Second Piano Concerto; Mozart also used hypnotism as a creative aid and his opera
Cosi Fan Tutte was entirely composed in a hypnotic trance.

Above: Mozart…An early adopter of hypnosis "Wolfgang-amadeus-mozart 1" by Barbara Krafft -

Deutsch, Otto Erich (1965) M ozart: A Documentary Biography. Stanford: Stanford University
Press Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Nineteenth Century British poet Lord Alfred Tennyson was known to regularly write poems in a
hypnotic state. While writing the feature film screenplay of Rocky, the then-unknown Sylvester
Stallone used self-hypnosis tapes to boost willpower and creativity. Later, during each day of
filming Rocky, in 1975, Stallone worked with well-regarded hypnotherapist Gil Boyne to help
ensure the movie would become the blockbuster it turned out to be. Continuing with the boxing
theme, in Mike Tyson’s 2013 autobiography Undisputed Truth, Tyson mentions how he used
hypnotism and self-hypnotism throughout his career, and specifically before each fight. He partly
attributes this to his success in becoming a two-time World Heavyweight champion. Tyson cites
French psychologist Émile Coué’s self-hynotism methods, including autosuggestion, as being
amongst those he used.

Coué’s 1922 book Self-Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion is recommended further

reading on the subject of self-hypnotism. Another famous athlete to use hypnosis for sports
performance is Tiger Woods. The man who is arguably the greatest golfer of all time has been
practicing hypnosis – both with a hypnotist and giving himself hypnotic suggestions – since his
early teens. This period of his life was also when he started his extensive mental training with
family friend and psychologist Dr. Jay Brunza. Besides Tyson and Woods, another major sports
star to have regularly used hypnosis during his career was Michael Jordan. The basketball legend
was hypnotized before every game to enhance his mental focus. Furthermore, the entire Chicago
Bulls team, which won six NBA championships during Jordan’s reign of supremacy in the 1990’s,
incorporated hypnotherapy in their pregame routine to gain a psychological advantage over their

Above: Michael “Air” Jordan hypnotized before every game "Jordan by Lipofsky 16577" by Steve
Lipofsky www.Basketballphoto.com Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Subliminal education Closely aligned with hypnosis are subliminal messages, which the latest
research suggests may also have the potential to instruct the subconscious mind and access
higher intelligence. Indeed, some hypnotists have been known to incorporate subliminal
messages in hypnotic audio recordings made for clients or the public at large. Subliminal
messages – also known as subliminals – are probably more controversial and slightly less proven
than hypnosis, however. Subliminals are any sensory stimuli that occur below an individual’s
threshold of conscious awareness. What this means is messages can be sent to your mind
without you being aware of the fact. Subliminal messaging is nothing new of course. The
technique has been around at least since the advent of radio and television when subliminal
advertising reared its ugly head, and by the late 20th Century a whole host of scientific studies
had concluded subliminals were not remotely effective. However, more recent studies have
shown the reverse. Science may be beginning to show just how effective subliminals can be. For
example, new studies involving functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have revealed
that subliminals activate crucial regions of the brain including the hippocampus, the amygdala,
the primary visual cortex and the insular cortex.

18 Other genius methods

“For nearly a century, the science of the mind (psychology) developed independently from the
science of the brain (neuroscience). Psychologists were interested in our mental functions and
capacities -- how we learn, remember, and think. Neuroscientists were interested in how the
brain develops and functions. It was as if psychologists were interested only in our mental
software and neuroscientists only in our neural hardware. Deeply held theoretical assumptions
in both fields supported a view that mind and brain could, and indeed should, be studied
independently. It is only in the past 15 years or so that these theoretical barriers have fallen.
Now scientists called cognitive neuroscientists are beginning to study how our neural hardware
might run our mental software, how brain structures support mental functions, how our neural
circuits enable us to think and learn. This is an exciting and new scientific endeavor, but it is also
a very young one. As a result we know relatively little about learning, thinking, and remembering
at the level of brain areas, neural circuits, or synapses; we know very little about how the brain
thinks, remembers, and learns.” –John T. Bruer, from his 2006 essay In Search of . . . Brain-Based

In addition to the genius techniques mentioned in this book’s preceding chapters, there are
numerous other advanced learning methods. Some have been proven to work to varying
degrees while others remain theoretical or speculative in nature. In this chapter we shall focus
on eight additional techniques we believe may hold brain boosting potential for aspiring

Ambidexterity While researching geniuses for this book we were surprised to come across the
following fact: Many of history’s most renowned geniuses – scientific and artistic giants such as
Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Nikola Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci – were physically
ambidextrous (or equally proficient with their right and left hands). Given that less than 1% of
the population are truly ambidextrous, we immediately wondered if that was just a coincidence,
or was the ambidexterity of these individuals somehow crucial to the genius abilities each
possessed? Although more research needs to be done and there are some scientists who have
suggested undesirable mental traits result from being ambidextrous, brain scans have revealed
one telling statistic that may explain the seemingly high instance of geniuses in the ambidextrous
population. That statistic reveals that unlike right-handers, ambidextrous people have almost
completely symmetrical brains. Meaning they are naturally in the all-important whole brain
state. Right handers, on the other hand, generally have strong left brain dominance. Lefties often
have brain symmetry as well, but not to the extent that ambidextrous people do. You’ll recall
throughout this book we have referred to the whole brain mode (aka hemispheric
synchronization) being the ideal state for accessing higher intelligences. So, could acquiring
ambidexterity be one way of bringing out latent genius abilities? Digging deeper, we found a
Psychology Today article on the history and neuroscience of lefthanded, right-handed and
ambidextrous people. Published on August 12, 2013, and written by bestselling author and
athlete Christopher Bergland, the article surmises that the ultimate state for genius-level
intelligence is to create brain symmetry and to be as close as possible to ambidextrous with your
hands. Another article, published in (e) Science News on October 4, 2013, may also offer more
specific insights. Headlined Well-connected hemispheres of Einstein's brain may have sparked his

brilliance, the article reports that “The left and right hemispheres of Albert Einstein’s brain were
unusually well connected to each other and may have contributed to his brilliance, according to
a new study conducted in part by Florida State University evolutionary anthropologist Dean

Above: Albert Einstein … an ambidextrous genius "Albert Einstein (Nobel)" Official 1921 Nobel
Prize in Physics photograph. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

So, if Einstein-like interconnectedness of brain hemispheres is the ultimate goal, then it seems
being ambidextrous, or at least developing some ambidextrous traits, may facilitate this brain
state. A few techniques to develop ambidexterity include: write and draw with the wrong hand
(i.e. left hand for Righties and right hand for Lefties); do household tasks with the wrong hand;
play musical instruments that involve both hands such as piano, guitar or flute; learn how to

Baroque and classical music Baroque and classical music in general – especially the (classical)
works of Mozart – have been shown in some studies to aid students when learning new things or
recalling information. In The Orphan Trilogy, we mention this form of music is played to our
orphans from when they are babies in

the womb right through their childhood. The Mozart Effect: Tapping the Power of Music to Heal
the Body, Strengthen the Mind, and Unlock the Creative Spirit, by Don G. Campbell, was one of
the first books that introduced this idea to the masses when first published in 1997. That book
mentions scientific studies which proved that listening to specific Baroque and classical music –
especially Mozart – allows humans to study and remember information better. It even mentions
how a study at the University of California apparently demonstrated that this music raises IQ
scores by nine points on average for subjects. As mentioned in Chapter 8, Bulgarian psychiatrist
Dr. Georgi Lozanov devised a system for rapidly learning foreign languages, using Baroque music
at its core. Dr. Lazanov claimed his radical and controversial education system – called
Suggestopedia – proved that foreign languages can be mastered in a tenth of the usual time by
listening to specific Baroque pieces while learning. Although similar studies have proven
inconclusive, or even appear to contradict such claims, subscribers to this theory maintain super
learning is possible with Baroque music because many recordings of this form of music have a
tempo of around 60 beats per minute. The rationale is that when a person hears one beat per
second of music, their heart rate and pulse relax to the beat, blood pressure decreases and the
entire body unwinds. In this relaxed state, the brain is able to concentrate more easily. An article
titled The Mozart Effect: A Closer Look, by University of Illinois’ teacher and musician Donna
Lerch, mentions that Lois Hetland, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, “attempted to
replicate earlier Mozart effect studies in broader depth, including a total of 1014 subjects. Her
findings were that the Mozart listening group outperformed other groups by a higher margin
than could be explained by chance, although factors such as the subject’s gender, musical tastes
and training, innate spatial ability, and cultural background made a difference in the degree to
which Mozart would increase test scores. “Other researchers agree,” the article continues, “that
there are neurological foundations for

music’s effects on cognitive ability. John Hughes, a neurologist at the University of Illinois
Medical Center in Chicago, examined hundreds of compositions and concludes that music
sequences that regularly repeat every 20-30 seconds, just as Mozart's compositions do
prevalently, "may trigger the strongest response in the brain, because many functions of the
central nervous system such as the onset of sleep and brain wave patterns also occur in 30-
second cycles".” As mentioned though, as many studies appear to disprove the theory of
Baroque and classical music aiding learning as studies that seem to prove it. Perhaps a Southern
California Public Radio (SCPR) article by reporter Mary Plummer, may explain the wild
discrepancies between different studies. This article suggests familiarity and enjoyment of
musical pieces is crucial to learning in this fashion. The article states, “Peter Webster is vice dean
for the Division of Scholarly and Professional Studies at USC’s Thornton of Music, and he says it
depends on the music — and the listener. “Some people will find that [music] distracting,”
Webster is quoted in the article as saying. “Others, though, who sort of enjoy listening, let’s say
to a Mozart opera or something, might find putting that on in the background might in fact
encourage their study skills.” “Researchers know the brain lights up when music is played,” the
SCPR article continues, “creative thinking and analytical processing are activated. But new music
can easily distract you – stealing your brain power away from that physics study. “But if it’s a
piece you know well and find soothing, Webster says it's more likely to help you take in
information.” Besides Mozart, researchers claim composers whose works are most conducive to
learning include Vivaldi, Bach, Pachelbel and Handel.

NLP Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) may be another way to increase IQ. Created in the US in
the 1970’s, it is claimed there’s an important link between the neurological

processes (“neuro”) and language (“linguistic”). The conclusion NLP makes is that desired
behavioral patterns can be achieved through specific “programming”. Famous practitioners of
NLP include the likes of Warren Buffet, Gerard Butler, Tony Robbins, Russell Brand, Paul McKenna
and Andre Agassi. One theory suggests it is possible to ‘model genius’ through NLP techniques.
Modeling genius apparently requires NLP practitioners to model or adopt genius qualities they
see in others they wish to be like. For example, an aspiring professional (male) golfer may model
himself on Tiger Woods, while a young businessman may model himself on Richard Branson. Or,
perhaps more to the point of this book, science students could attempt to model themselves on
Albert Einstein.

“The ability to concentrate is the basis for everything else.” –Garry Kasparov, Russian (formerly
Soviet) chess grandmaster and former World Chess Champion.

Above: Some studies have revealed chess positively influences children’s brains. "Children
Playing Chess on the Street - Santiago de Cuba - Cuba" by Adam Jones Adam63 - Own work.
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Chess There are references to chess throughout The Orphan Trilogy. Our orphans play rapid-fire
matches known as Lightning Chess in which entire games are completed in 10 minutes or less.
This is inspired by the theory that by playing the board game from a young age, certain parts of a
child’s brain develop quicker than normal, especially areas relating to strategy. Playing Lightning
Chess and multiple games simultaneously once again relates to thinking so fast that the
conscious mind must yield to the superior subconscious. It has been recognized by many
observers that chess players often have very high IQ’s and seem to exhibit many of the telltale
signs of genius. What does it do to a child’s brain to play chess from a young age? Nobody knows
for sure and test results remain inconclusive to date. No doubt it is a difficult thing to study
precisely given it requires studying young chess players over years if not decades. Experimental
results, however, have been collected from the likes of the Grandmaster Eugene Torre Chess
Institute, in the Philippines, and the United States Chess Federation as well as other chess
schools around the world. All these bodies agree that playing the board game increases intellect
in young people. Plus a few small studies have also shown that chess players develop better
memories, verbal skills, mathematical abilities as well as healthier problem-solving skills and
imaginations than the average person. For example, a 1995 research study on chess and
students was conducted by American cardiologist Dr. Robert Ferguson. It showed that chess
improves a child’s critical thinking skills. Ferguson’s subjects, who were all school students aged
between 11 and 14, improved their test results by 17% on average after becoming proficient
chess players. An article that appears on the neuroscience and brain health website Examined
Existence provides further insights into the potential link between chess and high intelligence.
Headlined Does Playing Chess Make You Smarter?, the report boldly states that chess

definitely improves IQ. The article states, “According to a study conducted in Venezuela, results
have shown that children who took chess classes for 4½ months have increased their IQ points.
This conclusion is also backed up by a 2003 study of Murray Thompson, a Ph.D. Education
student at the Flinders University in Australia. In his research, participants who played chess also
demonstrated improved IQ levels. Thompson ascribes this to the concentration and logical
thinking a chess game calls for.” The Examined Existence article also mentions that chess can
improve mental abilities in adults as well, including the elderly. “Chess has proven to be highly
effective in protecting the elderly from neuro-degenerative conditions like dementia and
Alzheimer’s disease.”

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