Benadryl Allergy Patient Leaflet
Benadryl Allergy Patient Leaflet
Benadryl Allergy Patient Leaflet
13-06-2023 English This medicine contains 257.7mg propylene glycol (E1520) in each 5ml
Do not give this medicine… ■
403298273_r2 N/A ■ If your child has ever had a bad reaction to cetirizine dihydrochloride, dose, which is equivalent to 51.54mg/ml.
to hydroxyzine or piperazine derivatives or to any other ingredients of ■ This medicine contains benzoic acid 1.6955mg/ml (1.526-1.865mg/ml).
this medicine (See section 6).
3 How to give this medicine to your child
XXXXXX EM-Janssen Pharmaceutic NV_Beerse_Belgium ■ If your child has serious kidney problems.
N/A Offset Printing If these apply to your child now or in the past, get advice from a doctor Check the following tables to see how much medicine to give.
FPO N/A or pharmacist without giving Benadryl Allergy Children's 1mg/ml ■ For oral use only.
90080501 N/A Oral Solution. ■ Do not give more than the stated dose shown in the tables.
EMEA_2023_00008650_005 Talk to your doctor or pharmacist… Children under 2 years old:
■ If your child has liver or kidney problems, as they may need to take a
This medicine is not recommended for children aged under 2 years old.
lower dose.
■ If your child is an epileptic or at risk of convulsions (fits). Children aged 2 - 6 years:
1 mg/ml Oral Solution ■ If your child has difficulty passing urine, please ask your doctor for advice.
If these bullet points apply to your child, talk to a doctor or pharmacist. Age Dosage
287 C
167 C
Cetirizine If you are an adult taking this medicine:
Children aged
2-6 years
■ Using the dosing cup provided, 2.5 ml once in the morning
and 2.5ml once in the evening.
The following additional warning is included in case an adult takes this product.
REPRESENTATION: Colours represented with a diagonal line have been modified to aid PDF approval. ■ If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or planning on Children aged 6 - 12 years:
■ This medicine is used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever and other allergic have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
conditions such as pet allergies, dust allergies and skin reactions. Age Dosage
■ This medicine is for use by children aged 2 years and over and can also be Special warnings about this medicine Children aged ■ Using the dosing cup provided, 5 ml once in the
used by adults. ■ In most people this product does not cause drowsiness. However, there 6-12 years morning and 5ml once in the evening.
Read the leaflet carefully before use. Keep this leaflet, you might need it again. are rare exceptions and you should take care when you use this product
for the first time. If this product makes you feel drowsy, do not drive or Adults and children aged 12 years and above:
1 What the medicine is for ■
operate machinery.
As with all antihistamines, it is advisable to avoid excessive alcohol Age Dosage
Benadryl Allergy Children’s 1mg/ml Oral Solution treats children aged consumption when taking this medicine. Adults and children aged ■ Using the dosing cup provided, 10 ml once daily.
2 years and over and adults: Suffering from hay fever and year-round allergies ■ You should stop taking this product for 3 days before undergoing a skin 12 years and above
such as dust or pet allergies. It can also be used to treat the symptoms of allergy test because antihistamines can affect the results of the test.
FONTS USED urticaria, also known as hives, where the skin looks blotchy, with white raised If symptoms persist or worsen, stop use and consult your doctor or pharmacist.
ComicSansMS SMALLEST TEXT SIZE wheals (bumps) surrounded by redness. Some of the ingredients can cause problems
This medicine contains 2.9g sorbitol in each 5ml which is equivalent to If anyone has too much
HelveticaNeueLTPro-Cn 5.00 pt The medicine contains cetirizine dihydrochloride which is an antihistamine that ■
HelveticaNeueLTStd-Cn helps relieve allergy symptoms associated with the above conditions, such as 580mg/ml. Sorbitol is a source of fructose. If your doctor has told you that If anyone has too much contact a doctor or your nearest Accident and
AVE. TEXT SIZE Emergency Department (Casualty) taking this leaflet and pack with you.
sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and skin rashes. your child has an intolerance to some sugars or if your child has been
8 pt diagnosed with hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI), a rare genetic disorder in If you forget to give the medicine
LARGEST TEXT SIZE 2 Before giving this medicine to your child which a person cannot break down fructose, talk to your doctor before your
child receives this medicine. Sorbitol may cause gastrointestinal discomfort If you forget to give a dose, give the next dose when needed provided that
15.65 pt This medicine is suitable for most children aged 2 years and over, but a few and a mild laxative effect. you do not give more than the recommended dose in 24 hours.
people should not use it. If you are in any doubt, talk to your doctor or ■ This medicine contains less than 1mmol sodium (23mg) per 5ml, that is Do not give a double dose.
pharmacist. If you are an adult taking this product you need to follow the same to say essentially ‘sodium-free’.
precautions as listed below for children. turn over
4 Possible side-effects ■ Movement disorders including tremor, muscle spasm and tics.
6 Further information
Very rare (May affect up to 1 in 10,000 people):
Benadryl Allergy Children’s 1mg/ml Oral Solution can have side-effects, although ■ Taste disorder.
What’s in this medicine?
not everybody gets them. ■ Feeling abnormal, cough. The active ingredient in Benadryl Allergy Children’s 1mg/ml Oral
If your child experiences any of the following, stop giving this ■ Blurred vision, eye swelling, eye movement disorder. Solution is: 1mg Cetirizine dihydrochloride in each 1ml.
medicine and seek immediate medical help: ■ Difficult, painful or involuntary urination. Other ingredients are: Sorbitol (E420), sucralose liquid concentrate (containing
■ Sudden onset of fever, reddening of the skin, or many small pustules Other effects which may occur but it is unknown how often: sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate), propylene glycol (E1520), sodium
(possible symptoms of Acute Generalised Exanthematous Pustulosis - ■ Vertigo, increased appetite. benzoate (E211), citric acid, tutti frutti flavour (containing propylene glycol and
AGEP) may occur within the first 2 days of treatment with this medicine. ■ Amnesia, memory impairment. flavouring ingredients), natural masking flavour type 27872 (containing
■ Sudden signs of allergy such as rash, itching or hives on the skin, ■ Inability to pass urine. propylene glycol) and purified water.
swelling of the face, lips, tongue or other parts of the body, shortness of ■ Eye pain. What the medicine looks like
breath, wheezing or trouble breathing. ■ Hepatitis.
Benadryl Allergy Children’s 1mg/ml Oral Solution is a clear colourless, sugar free
■ Bruising or bleeding more easily than normal. ■ Joint pain.
oral solution available in 120ml bottles.
■ Convulsions (fits) or hallucinations. ■ Pruritus (intense itching) when you stop giving this medicine.
■ Loss of consciousness. ■ Nightmares. Product Licence holder and Manufacturer:
If your child experiences any of the following, stop giving this In very rare cases people have thought about committing suicide and if you feel McNeil Products Limited, 50 -100 Holmers Farm Way, High Wycombe,
medicine and talk to your doctor: this when then stop taking the medicine and see your doctor. Cases of Buckinghamshire, HP12 4EG, UK.
■ Confusion. impotence in adults have also been reported. This leaflet was revised May 2023.
■ Abnormal liver function tests. Benadryl is a registered trade mark.
Reporting of side-effects
■ Rapid heartbeat.
If your child experiences any side-effects talk to your doctor, pharmacist or
Other effects which may occur include: nurse. This includes any possible side-effects not listed in this leaflet. You can
Common (May affect up to 1 in 10 people): also report side-effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at
■ Headache or dizziness. or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play © McNeil Products Limited 2023
■ Drowsiness or tiredness. or Apple App Store.
■ Restlessness.
By reporting side-effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of
■ Dry mouth, sore throat.
this medicine.
■ Upset stomach, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea.
■ Runny nose. 5 Storing this medicine
Uncommon (May affect up to 1 in 100 people): Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
■ Agitation.
This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.
■ Unusual weakness.
■ Feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton.
■ Pins & needles.
The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Rare (May affect up to 1 in 1,000 people): Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your
■ Aggression, depression.
pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures
■ Weight gain.
will help protect the environment.
■ Difficulty sleeping.
GB_Benadryl Children's 1mg/ml Oral Solution 120ml_PIL CCDS MOCK UP ONLY
13-06-2023 English This medicine contains 257.7mg propylene glycol (E1520) in each 5ml
Do not give this medicine… ■
403298273_r2 N/A ■ If your child has ever had a bad reaction to cetirizine dihydrochloride, dose, which is equivalent to 51.54mg/ml.
to hydroxyzine or piperazine derivatives or to any other ingredients of ■ This medicine contains benzoic acid 1.6955mg/ml (1.526-1.865mg/ml).
this medicine (See section 6).
3 How to give this medicine to your child
XXXXXX EM-Janssen Pharmaceutic NV_Beerse_Belgium ■ If your child has serious kidney problems.
N/A Offset Printing If these apply to your child now or in the past, get advice from a doctor Check the following tables to see how much medicine to give.
FPO N/A or pharmacist without giving Benadryl Allergy Children's 1mg/ml ■ For oral use only.
90080501 N/A Oral Solution. ■ Do not give more than the stated dose shown in the tables.
EMEA_2023_00008650_005 Talk to your doctor or pharmacist… Children under 2 years old:
■ If your child has liver or kidney problems, as they may need to take a
This medicine is not recommended for children aged under 2 years old.
lower dose.
■ If your child is an epileptic or at risk of convulsions (fits). Children aged 2 - 6 years:
1 mg/ml Oral Solution ■ If your child has difficulty passing urine, please ask your doctor for advice.
If these bullet points apply to your child, talk to a doctor or pharmacist. Age Dosage
287 C
167 C
Cetirizine If you are an adult taking this medicine:
Children aged
2-6 years
■ Using the dosing cup provided, 2.5 ml once in the morning
and 2.5ml once in the evening.
The following additional warning is included in case an adult takes this product.
REPRESENTATION: Colours represented with a diagonal line have been modified to aid PDF approval. ■ If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or planning on Children aged 6 - 12 years:
■ This medicine is used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever and other allergic have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
conditions such as pet allergies, dust allergies and skin reactions. Age Dosage
■ This medicine is for use by children aged 2 years and over and can also be Special warnings about this medicine Children aged ■ Using the dosing cup provided, 5 ml once in the
used by adults. ■ In most people this product does not cause drowsiness. However, there 6-12 years morning and 5ml once in the evening.
Read the leaflet carefully before use. Keep this leaflet, you might need it again. are rare exceptions and you should take care when you use this product
for the first time. If this product makes you feel drowsy, do not drive or Adults and children aged 12 years and above:
1 What the medicine is for ■
operate machinery.
As with all antihistamines, it is advisable to avoid excessive alcohol Age Dosage
Benadryl Allergy Children’s 1mg/ml Oral Solution treats children aged consumption when taking this medicine. Adults and children aged ■ Using the dosing cup provided, 10 ml once daily.
2 years and over and adults: Suffering from hay fever and year-round allergies ■ You should stop taking this product for 3 days before undergoing a skin 12 years and above
such as dust or pet allergies. It can also be used to treat the symptoms of allergy test because antihistamines can affect the results of the test.
FONTS USED urticaria, also known as hives, where the skin looks blotchy, with white raised If symptoms persist or worsen, stop use and consult your doctor or pharmacist.
ComicSansMS SMALLEST TEXT SIZE wheals (bumps) surrounded by redness. Some of the ingredients can cause problems
This medicine contains 2.9g sorbitol in each 5ml which is equivalent to If anyone has too much
HelveticaNeueLTPro-Cn 5.00 pt The medicine contains cetirizine dihydrochloride which is an antihistamine that ■
HelveticaNeueLTStd-Cn helps relieve allergy symptoms associated with the above conditions, such as 580mg/ml. Sorbitol is a source of fructose. If your doctor has told you that If anyone has too much contact a doctor or your nearest Accident and
AVE. TEXT SIZE Emergency Department (Casualty) taking this leaflet and pack with you.
sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and skin rashes. your child has an intolerance to some sugars or if your child has been
8 pt diagnosed with hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI), a rare genetic disorder in If you forget to give the medicine
LARGEST TEXT SIZE 2 Before giving this medicine to your child which a person cannot break down fructose, talk to your doctor before your
child receives this medicine. Sorbitol may cause gastrointestinal discomfort If you forget to give a dose, give the next dose when needed provided that
15.65 pt This medicine is suitable for most children aged 2 years and over, but a few and a mild laxative effect. you do not give more than the recommended dose in 24 hours.
people should not use it. If you are in any doubt, talk to your doctor or ■ This medicine contains less than 1mmol sodium (23mg) per 5ml, that is Do not give a double dose.
pharmacist. If you are an adult taking this product you need to follow the same to say essentially ‘sodium-free’.
precautions as listed below for children. turn over
4 Possible side-effects ■ Movement disorders including tremor, muscle spasm and tics.
6 Further information
Very rare (May affect up to 1 in 10,000 people):
Benadryl Allergy Children’s 1mg/ml Oral Solution can have side-effects, although ■ Taste disorder.
What’s in this medicine?
not everybody gets them. ■ Feeling abnormal, cough. The active ingredient in Benadryl Allergy Children’s 1mg/ml Oral
If your child experiences any of the following, stop giving this ■ Blurred vision, eye swelling, eye movement disorder. Solution is: 1mg Cetirizine dihydrochloride in each 1ml.
medicine and seek immediate medical help: ■ Difficult, painful or involuntary urination. Other ingredients are: Sorbitol (E420), sucralose liquid concentrate (containing
■ Sudden onset of fever, reddening of the skin, or many small pustules Other effects which may occur but it is unknown how often: sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate), propylene glycol (E1520), sodium
(possible symptoms of Acute Generalised Exanthematous Pustulosis - ■ Vertigo, increased appetite. benzoate (E211), citric acid, tutti frutti flavour (containing propylene glycol and
AGEP) may occur within the first 2 days of treatment with this medicine. ■ Amnesia, memory impairment. flavouring ingredients), natural masking flavour type 27872 (containing
■ Sudden signs of allergy such as rash, itching or hives on the skin, ■ Inability to pass urine. propylene glycol) and purified water.
swelling of the face, lips, tongue or other parts of the body, shortness of ■ Eye pain. What the medicine looks like
breath, wheezing or trouble breathing. ■ Hepatitis.
Benadryl Allergy Children’s 1mg/ml Oral Solution is a clear colourless, sugar free
■ Bruising or bleeding more easily than normal. ■ Joint pain.
oral solution available in 120ml bottles.
■ Convulsions (fits) or hallucinations. ■ Pruritus (intense itching) when you stop giving this medicine.
■ Loss of consciousness. ■ Nightmares. Product Licence holder and Manufacturer:
If your child experiences any of the following, stop giving this In very rare cases people have thought about committing suicide and if you feel McNeil Products Limited, 50 -100 Holmers Farm Way, High Wycombe,
medicine and talk to your doctor: this when then stop taking the medicine and see your doctor. Cases of Buckinghamshire, HP12 4EG, UK.
■ Confusion. impotence in adults have also been reported. This leaflet was revised May 2023.
■ Abnormal liver function tests. Benadryl is a registered trade mark.
Reporting of side-effects
■ Rapid heartbeat.
If your child experiences any side-effects talk to your doctor, pharmacist or
Other effects which may occur include: nurse. This includes any possible side-effects not listed in this leaflet. You can
Common (May affect up to 1 in 10 people): also report side-effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at
■ Headache or dizziness. or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play © McNeil Products Limited 2023
■ Drowsiness or tiredness. or Apple App Store.
■ Restlessness.
By reporting side-effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of
■ Dry mouth, sore throat.
this medicine.
■ Upset stomach, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea.
■ Runny nose. 5 Storing this medicine
Uncommon (May affect up to 1 in 100 people): Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
■ Agitation.
This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.
■ Unusual weakness.
■ Feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton.
■ Pins & needles.
The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Rare (May affect up to 1 in 1,000 people): Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your
■ Aggression, depression.
pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures
■ Weight gain.
will help protect the environment.
■ Difficulty sleeping.