Single-Layer MoS2 Transistors
Single-Layer MoS2 Transistors
Single-Layer MoS2 Transistors
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5 authors, including:
Andras Kis
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
All content following this page was uploaded by Aleksandra Radenovic on 01 September 2014.
Two-dimensional materials are attractive for use in next-gener- Ion/Ioff between 1 × 104 and 1 × 107 and a bandgap exceeding
ation nanoelectronic devices because, compared to one-dimen- 400 meV (ref. 26) are desirable.
sional materials, it is relatively easy to fabricate complex The starting point for the fabrication of our transistors was
structures from them. The most widely studied two-dimensional scotch tape-based micromechanical exfoliation1,17 of single-layer
material is graphene1,2, both because of its rich physics3–5 and its MoS2. MoS2 monolayers were transferred to degenerately doped
high mobility6. However, pristine graphene does not have a silicon substrates covered with 270-nm-thick SiO2 (Fig. 2a). We
bandgap, a property that is essential for many applications, have previously found that this oxide thickness is optimal for
including transistors7. Engineering a graphene bandgap optical detection of single-layer MoS2 , and have established the cor-
increases fabrication complexity and either reduces mobilities relation between contrast and thickness as measured by atomic force
to the level of strained silicon films8–13 or requires high vol- microscopy (AFM)27. Electrical contacts were fabricated using elec-
tages14,15. Although single layers of MoS2 have a large intrinsic tron-beam lithography followed by deposition of 50-nm-thick gold
bandgap of 1.8 eV (ref. 16), previously reported mobilities in electrodes. The device was then annealed at 200 8C to remove resist
the 0.5–3 cm2 V21 s21 range17 are too low for practical devices. residue28 and decrease contact resistance (for more details see
Here, we use a halfnium oxide gate dielectric to demonstrate Supplementary Information). At this point our single-layer
a room-temperature single-layer MoS2 mobility of at least devices show a typical mobility in the range 0.1–10 cm2 V21 s21,
200 cm2 V21 s21, similar to that of graphene nanoribbons, and similar to previously reported values for single layers17 and thin
demonstrate transistors with room-temperature current on/off crystals containing more than 10 layers of MoS2 (ref. 29). This is
ratios of 1 3 108 and ultralow standby power dissipation. lower than the previously reported phonon-scattering-limited
Because monolayer MoS2 has a direct bandgap16,18, it can be room-temperature mobility in the 200–500 cm2 V21 s21 range for
used to construct interband tunnel FETs19, which offer lower bulk MoS2 (ref. 30). Encouraged by recent theoretical predictions
power consumption than classical transistors. Monolayer of mobility improvement by dielectric screening31 and its successful
MoS2 could also complement graphene in applications that application to graphene32, we proceeded with atomic layer depo-
require thin transparent semiconductors, such as optoelectro- sition (ALD) of 30 nm HfO2 as a high-k gate dielectric for the
nics and energy harvesting. local top gate and mobility booster to realize the full potential of
MoS2 is a typical example from the layered transition-metal the single-layer MoS2. We chose HfO2 because of its high dielectric
dichalcogenide family of materials. Crystals of MoS2 are composed constant of 25, bandgap of 5.7 eV and the fact that it is commonly
of vertically stacked, weakly interacting layers held together by used as a gate dielectric both by the research community and major
van der Waals interactions (Fig. 1a). Single layers, 6.5 Å thick microprocessor manufacturers33,34. The resulting structure, com-
(Fig. 1b,c), can be extracted using scotch tape17,20 or lithium-based posed of two field-effect transistors connected in series, is shown
intercalation21,22. Large-area thin films can also be prepared using in Fig. 2b. A schematic depiction of the device is shown in
MoS2 suspensions. Bulk MoS2 is semiconducting with an indirect Fig. 2c. The width of the top gate of our device was 4 mm and the
bandgap of 1.2 eV (ref. 23), whereas single-layer MoS2 is a direct top gate length, source–gate and gate–drain spacing were 500 nm.
gap semiconductor16,18 with a bandgap of 1.8 eV (ref. 16). MoS2 We performed electrical characterization of our device at room
nanotubes24 and nanowires25 also show the influence of quantum- temperature using a semiconductor parameter analyser and shielded
mechanical confinement in their electronic and optical properties. probe station with voltage sources connected in the configuration
Other features that could make MoS2 interesting for nanoelectronic depicted in Fig. 3a. We first characterized our MoS2 transistors with
applications include the absence of dangling bonds and thermal 6.5-Å-thick conductive channels by applying a drain–source bias
stability up to 1,100 8C. Vds to a pair of gold electrodes and gate voltage Vbg to the degenerately
Single-layer MoS2 could also be interesting as a semiconducting doped silicon substrate while leaving the top gate electrically float-
analogue of graphene, which does not have a bandgap in its pristine ing35. The gating characteristics of the left-most transistor shown in
form. Bandgaps up to 400 meV have been introduced by quantum- Fig 2b are presented in Fig. 3b; these are typical of FET devices
mechanical confinement in patterned8 or exfoliated graphene nano- with an n-type channel. We concentrate on this device in the remain-
ribbons9, but always at the price of significant mobility reduction der of this Letter. Characterization details for other devices and fabri-
(200 cm2 V21 s21 for a 150 meV bandgap)9,10, loss of coherence11 cation batches are available in the Supplementary Information. All the
or increased off-state currents due to edge roughness12. Bandgaps MoS2 transistors we fabricated, regardless of the number of layers or
have also been induced by applying a perpendicular electric field in contacting material, show behaviour typical of FET devices with
bilayer graphene14,15, but the highest reported optical gap is n-type channels. Repeated Vbg sweeps on the same device do not
250 meV, requiring the application of a voltage exceeding 100 V show significant variation, while keeping all the voltages constant
(ref. 14). This makes it very difficult to build logic circuits based on results in constant Ids , indicating that the top gate is not likely to
graphene that would operate at room temperature with low accumulate charge during measurements. We estimate that a constant
standby power dissipation. In fact, for any potential replacement of surface charge of n ≈ 4.6 × 1012 cm22 trapped on the top gate
silicon in CMOS-like digital logic devices, a current on/off ratio7 would shift the threshold voltage by 1 V but not change the
Electrical Engineering Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 Institute of Biotechnology, Ecole
Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. *e-mail:
lower than 200 cm2 V21 s21 (ref. 9), in good agreement with theoreti-
cal models that predict decreased mobility in small-width graphene
0.5 nanoribbons due to electron–phonon scattering13. This is comparable
to the mobility of 250 cm2 V21 s21 found in 2 nm thin strained
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 silicon films37. Our MoS2 monolayer has similar mobility but a
µm higher bandgap than graphene nanoribbons9, and a smaller thickness
than the thinnest silicon films fabricated to date37.
c 2.0 One of the crucial requirements for building integrated circuits
1.5 based on single layers of MoS2 is the ability to control charge
density in a local manner, independently of a global back gate.
Height (nm)
We can do this by applying a voltage Vtg to the top gate, separated
0.5 from the monolayer MoS2 by 30 nm of HfO2 (Fig. 3a), while
0.0 keeping the substrate grounded. The corresponding transfer charac-
6.5 Å teristic is shown in Fig. 4a. For a bias of 10 mV we observe an
Ids (nA)
Figure 3 | Characterization of MoS2 monolayer transistors. a, Cross- 100
10−11 Vbg
sectional view of the structure of a monolayer MoS2 FET together with
electrical connections used to characterize the device. A single layer of 10−12 0
S = 74 mV dec−1
MoS2 (thickness, 6.5 Å) is deposited on a degenerately doped silicon 10−13 −4 0 4
substrate with 270-nm-thick SiO2. The substrate acts a back gate. One of Vtg
the gold electrodes acts as drain and the other source electrode is grounded.
−4 −2 0 2 4
The monolayer is separated from the top gate by 30 nm of ALD-grown
Top gate voltage Vtg (V)
HfO2. The top gate width for the device is 4 mm and the top gate length,
source–gate and gate–drain spacing are each 500 nm. b, Room-temperature
b 800
transfer characteristic for the FET with 10 mV applied bias voltage Vds. Back- Vbg = 0 V
gate voltage Vbg is applied to the substrate and the top gate is disconnected. 600
Inset: Ids–Vds curve acquired for Vbg values of 0, 1 and 5 V.
on-current of 150 nA (37 nA mm21), current on/off ratio Ion/Ioff .
Current Ids (nA)
1 × 106 for the +4 V range of Vtg , an off-state current that is smaller
than 100 fA (25 fA mm21) and gate leakage lower than 2 pA mm22. 0
The observed current variation for different values of Vtg indicates
that the field-effect behaviour of our transistor is dominated by −200
the MoS2 channel and not the contacts. Vtg = 4 V
At the bias voltage Vds ¼ 500 mV, the maximal measured on- Vtg = −1.25 V
current is 10 mA (2.5 mA mm21), with Ion/Ioff higher than 1 × 108 −600 Vtg = −1.75 V
for the +4 V range of Vtg. The device transconductance, defined as Vtg = −2.5 V
gm ¼ dIds/dVtg at Vds ¼ 500 mV is 4 mS (1 mS mm21), similar to −800
values obtained for high-performance CdS nanoribbon array transis- −40 −20 0 20 40
tors (2.5 mS mm21 at Vds ¼ 1 V)38. High-performance top-gated Drain voltage Vds (mV)
graphene transistors can have normalized transconductance values
as high as 1.27 mS mm21 (ref. 39). The large degree of current Figure 4 | Local gate control of the MoS2 monolayer transistor. a, Ids–Vtg
control in our device is also clearly illustrated in Fig. 4b, where we curve recorded for a bias voltage ranging from 10 mV to 500 mV.
plot the drain–source current versus drain–source bias for different Measurements are performed at room temperature with the back gate
values of voltage applied to the local gate. From the channel grounded. Top gate width, 4 mm; top gate length, 500 nm. The device can
current dependence on top-gate voltage, we deduce a subthreshold be completely turned off by changing the top gate bias from –2 to –4 V. For
slope for the transition between the on and off states of Vds ¼ 10 mV, the Ion/Ioff ratio is .1 × 106. For Vds ¼ 500 mV, the Ion/Ioff ratio
74 mV dec21 for a bias Vds ¼ 500 mV. Being a direct gap semicon- is .1 × 108 in the measured range while the subthreshold swing S ¼
ductor, single layers of MoS2 offer the intriguing possibility for the 74 mV dec21. Top and bottom gate leakage is negligible (Supplementary
realization of an interband tunnel FET, which is characterized by a Fig. S3). Inset: Ids–Vtg for values of Vbg ¼ –10, –5, 0, 5 and 10 V. b, Ids–Vds
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Nature Nanotechnology doi:10.1038/nnano.2010.279 (2011); published online: 30 January 2011; corrected online: 17 February 2011.
In the version of this Letter originally published online, the label ‘Vtg’ was missing from Fig. 3a and the expression ‘μ = 217 cm−2 Vs’
should have read ‘μ = 217 cm2 V−1 s−1’ in Fig. 3b. These errors have now been corrected in all versions of the Letter.