Apple General Info
Apple General Info
Apple General Info
Apple is t he most import ant t emperat e fruit crop of t he Nort h West ern Indian Himalayan region. It is fourt h
among t he most widely produced fruit s in t he world aft er orange, banana and grape. China is t he leading apple
producer in world. In India, it is grown in Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, hills of Ut t arakhand. Apple cult ivat ion also
ext ended to Nagaland, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya. India’s share in t he tot al apple product ion of
t he world is only 2.0 %. In India, tot al area under apple cult ivat ion is 250 t housand hect are producing 1470
t housand MT fruit wit h product ivit y of 5.9 tonnes/ha. In Jammu and Kashmir, tot al area under apple is 90.1
t housand hect are wit h product ion of 909.6 t housand MT. T he st at e of J&K leads t he ot her apple producing
st at es in India, in t erms of product ivit y wit h product ion of 10.1 MT fruit s per hect are.
So, t here is enormous scope for improvement of apple product ivit y t hrough int roduct ion of improved cult ivars,
replacement and rejuvenat ion of old and senile orchards. Low product ivit y of apple orchards in t he dist rict can
also be at t ribut ed to inadequat e proport ion of pollinizers, lack of pollinators, poor canopy management and
incidence of ot her diseases and pest s.
Low product ivit y of apple orchards in t he dist rict can also be at t ribut ed to inadequat e proport ion of pollinizers,
lack of pollinators, poor canopy management and incidence of ot her diseases and pest s.
Temperat ure is one of t he most import ant factors affect ing apple cult ivat ion. Most apple cult ivars have a
chilling requirement of 1000-1600 hours at t emperat ure below 70C to break rest . However, some cult ivars have
low (250 hours) chilling requirement .
T herefore, such areas where t emperat ure in wint ers fall below 70C for sufficient durat ion are suit ed for apple
cult ivat ion. Spring frost damages t he blossoms of Delicious apples.
So areas experiencing spring frost s should be avoided for apple cult ivat ion. Apple can be grown in a wide range
of rainfall from evenly spread rains of 25-37 cm per year to heavy seasonal rains up to 125-175 cm during
Apples grow best on a well-drained, loam soils having a dept h of 45 cm and a pH range of pH 5.5-6.5. T he soil
should be free from hard subst rat a and wat er-logged condit ions. Soils wit h heavy clay or compact subsoil are to
be avoided.
Scab resistant varieties
Prima, Priscilla, Sir Prize, Jonafree, Florina, Macfree, Nova Easy Grow, Coop 12, Coop 13 (Redfree), Nova Mac,
Libert y, Freedom, Firdous, Shireen.
However, Firdous and Shireen have been released as scab resistant varieties for cultivation in J&K.
Lal Ambri (Red Delicious x Ambri), Sunehari (Ambri x Golden Delicious), Chaubat t ia Princess, Chaubat t ia Anupam
(Early Shanburry x Red Delicious), Ambred (Red Delicious x Ambri), Ambrich (Richared x Ambri), Ambroyal
(St arking Delicious x Ambri).
In J&K, two hybrids namely Lal Ambri (Red Delicious x Ambri) and Sunehri (Ambri x Golden Delicious) have been
released though they are not being used commercially.
Pollinizing varieties
T he most suit able pollinizing cult ivars are: Red Gold, Golden Delicious, Tydeman’s Early Worcest er, McIntosh,
Lord Lambourne, Wint er Banana, Granny Smit h, St arkspur Golden and Golden Spur.
Michal, Schlomit , Anna, Tamma, Vered, Neomi, Tropical Beaut y, Parlin’s Beaut y
1. Jammu and Kashmir : Golden Delicious (Lat e Season), Lal Ambri, Mollies Delicious, St arkrimson, Red June,
Irish Peach, Benoni and Tydeman’s Early
2. Himachal Pradesh : Golden Delicious (Lat e Season), Red Delicious (Mid season), McIntosh
3. Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh : McIntosh, Chaubat t ia Anupam
Seedling rootstocks
T he apple plant at ions are raised on seedling root stocks. T he seeds of commercial variet ies from fruit juice
canning unit s are used by nurserymen for raising root stocks. Apple seeds need st rat ificat ion in moist sand at
40-70C for 60-90 days.
T he wat er soaked seeds are placed bet ween 2 and 3 cm t hick layers of moist sand in wooden boxes or
polyt hene bags during December. T he st rat ificat ion can be accomplished in t he lower chamber of t he
T he st rat ificat ion requirement is also met wit h, in areas having very cool wint ers, by direct sowing of seeds in
nursery beds in November-December.
T he pre-st rat ified seeds, as indicat ed by whit ish t ip at t he micropylar end, are sown during February-March on
raised beds. One-year-old seedling stocks are ready for graft ing during February-March.
Clonal rootstocks
T he size cont rolling clonal root stocks of apple suit able for Indian condit ions are list ed below:
Short juvenile phase, weak anchorage, suit able for high densit y plant ing in flat
Dwarfing M9
and irrigat ed areas only.
Semi- M 4, M 7 Suit able for high densit y plant ing and well drained soils; resist ant to wooly apple
dwarfing and aphid but suscept ible to collar rot .
Semi- Tree size is 70% of t he st andard, drought tolerant and resist ant to wooly apple
MM 111
vigorous aphid
Clonal root stocks of apple are propagat ed t hrough mound layering. T he root ed layers of t he clone are plant ed in
stool beds during wint er at a dist ance of 30 cm in row and 60 cm apart rows. T he 3-4 years old layers give rise to
numerous suckers during spring. T he suckers are ringed or not ched near t he base during t he rainy season and
covered wit h soil to encourage root ing. T he difficult to root root stocks like M 9 are t reat ed wit h 1000-2000 ppm
IBA at t he not ched/ringed port ion for quick root init iat ion. T he root ed layers are separat ed at t he onset of
dormancy (December) and lined out in nursery beds for furt her graft ing wit h scion variet ies during February-
March. T he root stock should be healt hy and disease free and should at t ain t he t hickness of 0.9-1.25 cm at
graft ing height .
Before plant ing an apple orchard, proper decisions should be made on select ion of variet ies, root stocks, t ree
size, spacing, placement of pollinizers and plant ing layout . In flat and valley areas t he plant ing is done in square
or hexagonal syst em of layout . However, on slopes, contour or t errace plant ing is preferred.
T ime: An early plant ing of apple in December-January is desirable. However, in areas experiencing lat e wint er
snowfall plant ing can be delayed upto end of February. While plant ing, graft union should be kept 25 cm above
t he ground level to avoid colar rot and scion root ing.
Spacing:Spacing depends upon climat e, soil t ype, fert ilit y, root stock used, availabilit y of moist ure and vigour of
t he cult ivar. Training syst em and lengt h of growing season also det ermine t he plant ing dist ance. Usually
plant ing dist ance of 6.5 – 7.5 m is adequat e for st andard cult ivars.
T here are 4 cat egories of high densit y plant ing which are:
Wit h t he increase in plant ing densit y, t he yield may increase, but beyond a t hreshold densit y, qualit y is
det eriorat ed & may not be profit able in t erms of economical ret urns.
T he t rees should have maximum number of fruit ing branches & minimum number of st ruct ural branches.
Tree size control: A key to successful high densit y plant ing depends upon cont rol over t ree size. Following
met hods can be adopt ed:
Use of chemicals
But t he most convenient met hod of t ree size cont rol is t he use of size cont rolling clonal root stocks.
Wit h t he advent of spur t ype cult ivars and vigour cont rolling root stocks, t his syst em of plant ing is becoming
popular especially in case of apple. High densit y orchards are precocious, easily manageable, has higher yield
pot ent ial, wit h bet t er qualit y fruit s and higher ret urns/unit area. T he high densit y plant ing cannot be adopt ed in
very st eep, unfert ile, shallow and drought prone areas. T he plant ing dist ance depends upon nat ure/vigour of t he
variet y and t he root stock used. T he number of plant s t hat can be accommodat ed under different plant ing
dist ances is given below:
Since most of t he commercial apple cult ivars are self-incompat ible, t hey do not set fruit if plant ed alone or wit h
cert ain variet ies. T herefore, adequat e number of pollinizing cult ivar(s) should be plant ed at t he t ime of plant ing.
T he pollinizer variet y should not be fart her away t han 2-t ree rows.
It is always desirable t hat more t han one pollinizing variet y may be select ed for plant ing an orchard wit h 33%
pollinizing t rees. It is very convenient to plant one row of pollinizing variet y aft er every t wo rows of commercial
variet y.
T he Delicious group of variet ies are self-incompat ible and cross pollinat ed, whereas most English variet ies are
self-pollinat ed and act as suit able pollinizer for Delicious group of variet ies in t he proport ion of 11-33% in main
variet y plant at ion depending on t he sit uat ion of t he orchard.
Apple t rees are part icularly sensit ive to low soil moist ure. Wat er st ress during t he growing season
reduces number and size of fruit s, and increases June drop.
Success of apple largely depends on uniform dist ribut ion of rain during t he year in case of dry spells
during t he crit ical periods supplement ary irrigat ion should be provided.
Wat er st ress condit ions result s in poor fruit set , heavy fruit drop, low product ion and poor qualit y.
T he most crit ical periods of wat er requirement are April- August and peak wat er requirement is aft er fruit
set .
Normally t he orchards are irrigat ed immediat ely aft er manuring in t he mont h of December-January. During
t he summer periods, t he crop is irrigat ed at an int erval of 7-10 days.
Aft er t he fruit set t ing st age t he crop is irrigat ed at weekly int ervals. Applicat ion of wat er during t he
fort night preceding harvest markedly improves t he fruit colour.
T hereaft er t ill t he onset of dormancy, irrigat ion is given at an int erval of 3-4 weeks.
T he plant s are t rained to est ablish st rong framework of scaffold limbs capable of support ing heavy yield wit h
qualit y fruit s, regulat e annual succession of crops, expose maximum leaf surface to t he sun, direct t he growt h
of t he t rees so t hat various cult ural operat ions like spraying and harvest ing become economical, prot ect t he
t ree from sun burn and promot e early product ion. T he t raining met hods differ for st andard and dwarf t rees.
T hree primary scaffold branches are select ed. T hese should be spaced about equally around
t he t runk preferably wit h a vert ical spacing of 10-15 cm bet ween t hem. T he primaries are
headed back by about 1/4thto 1/3rdof t heir lengt h. T he leader is also headed back by about
1/4thto 1/2ndof it s lengt h so t hat it is always higher t han t he primary scaffold limbs. If t hree
well spaced primary scaffold limbs are not obt ained in t he first year, t he available limbs may
be headed back to 45 cm from t he t runk to suppress t heir development unt il a t hird scaffold
can be select ed at t he end of t he second growing season.
During second dormant pruning 5-7 secondary branches per t ree usually 2 on each
primary scaffold should be select ed in t he second dormant season besides 1 or 2 primary
scaffold on t he cent ral leader. Secondary limbs should be left full lengt h and not headed
back unt il it is necessary to maint ain balance wit h t he primaries or ot her secondaries.
T he cent ral leader should also be headed back as in t he first year to st iffen it and to
promot e t he development of lat eral shoot s. Shoot s compet ing wit h cent ral leader should
be removed. Upright growing shoot s should be removed.
T he select ion of primaries on t he cent ral leader should be cont inued and likewise secondaries
on t he lat eral scaffold and t ert iaries on t he secondary limbs. T hese should be direct ed
part ially out ward. Pruning of cent ral and lat eral leaders should be done as in t he previous years
to maint ain growt h. Furt her, t raining consist s of t hinning out on want ed branches and cut t ing
ot hers to desirable side limbs.
T he select ion of primary shoot s on t he cent ral leader should be cont inued. T he cent ral leader should be pruned
to a vigorous lat eral shoot at 3 m height . T he select ion of ot her lat eral shoot should be cont inued as in t he
previous years. By t his t ime, t raining has been largely complet ed. Now pruning should be done in such aEnglish ▼
as to permit t he best development of t he crop. T he t ree should be t hinned out . T he
remaining branches are cut to side limbs as is done in t he t hird dormant pruning. A
moderat e number of small shoot s should be left in t he cent re of t he t ree for fruit
bearing wood. Adequat e t hinning out of branches and fruit ing wood maint ains a well
dist ribut ed bearing branches and reduce excessive spread and breaking of branches.
By t he fift h summer aft er plant ing, most of t he apple variet ies produce enough fruit s.
Part ial or complet e removal of veget at ive growt h of fruit ing wood from a plant to cont rol it s size, remove broken
or damaged t issues, alt er plant shape, remove unnecessary growt h or balance fruit ing and veget at ive growt h is
t ermed as pruning. T he basic st eps of pruning st andard bearing t rees are:
Precautions in pruning
When t he limb larger t han 3 cm in diamet er is removed, t he pruning cut should be made as close as
possible to t he branch from which t he limb arises wit hout leaving a st ub.
Large pruning wounds should be prot ect ed wit h Bordeaux past e or Chaubat t ia past e to check t he ent ry of
rot causing fungi.
In 1 or 2 year old shoot s, heading back can be done to promot e growt h of side shoot s and quick wound
healing. In 3 years old and older shoot s, pruning should be shift ed to t hinning out cut s to reduce veget at ive
growt h and promot e fruit ing.
T he compet ing branches should be t hinned out rat her t han headed back.
T he fert ilizer dose depends upon t he soil fert ilit y, t ype of soil, kind and age of t rees, cult ural pract ices, climat e
and crop load. T he dose of manures and fert ilizers should be det ermined on t he basis of soil and leaf analysis.
T he fert ilizer schedule for apple is as under.
1. 35 20 50
2. 70 45 100
3. 105 65 150
4. 140 85 200
5. 175 110 250
6. 245 150 350
7. 315 195 450
8. 385 235 530
9. 455 280 630
10. 525 325 730
11. 630 385 900
12. 735 450 1050
13. 840 515 1190
14. 940 580 1345
15. Onwards 1050 645 1500
T he applicat ion of fert ilizers may be supplement ed wit h farm yard manure @ 10 Kg/year age of t he t ree wit h
t he maximum of 100 Kg. In bearing t rees, farm yard manure along wit h phosphorus (P2O5) and pot assium (K2O)
should be applied during December-January. Nit rogen (N) is applied during February-March, 2-3 weeks before bud
break. T he N can be given in t wo split doses, first 2-3 weeks before bud break and second one mont h aft er
flowering, where t he irrigat ion facilit ies are available. T he fert ilizer should be broadcast ed in t he t ree basins 30
cm away from t ree t runk to t he canopy drip line and mixed well in t he soil.
T here are deficiencies of macro and micro-nut rient s. T he symptoms and correct ive measures of import ant
nut rient deficiencies are as under.
Rest rict ed shoot growt h, leaves remain normal in Aft er pet al fall
Two sprays of
Nit rogen shape, pale yellow in colour. Older leaves are first and one mont h
0.5% urea
affect ed. Fruit s remain small lat er
Margins of older leaves become necrot ic and shat t er. 30-45 days
Calcium 0.5% CaCl2
Bit t er pit symptoms also appear near calyx end of fruit s before harvest ing
Harvesting and post harvest management
Apple fruit s cont inue t heir met abolic processes even aft er harvest ing. T he mat urit y of fruit s do not coincide
wit h ripening. T he fruit s usually do not at t ain fully ripe edible qualit y on t he t ree while harvest ing. T he fruit s
should be harvest ed at proper picking mat urit y to proper edible qualit y at ripening. T here are several mat urit y
indices which can be followed in proper fruit harvest ing. T he T SS (Tot al Soluble Solids) of fruit pulp, ease in
separat ion of fruit from spur, change in ground surface colour from green to pale, change in seed colour to light
brown, fruit firmness and days from full bloom to harvest are some reliable mat urit y indices for apple which can
be considered singly or in combinat ion. Apple fruit s should be picked in such a way t hat bruising and st em
punct ures are avoided and pedicel must remain wit h fruit . Apple should be grasped bet ween index finger, middle
finger and t humb, and quick upward t wist will easily pluck t he fruit along wit h pedicel. Fruit should be harvest ed
during cooler hours, preferably in t he morning.
Aft er picking, t he fruit should be placed in cool and vent ilat ed place to remove field heat before packing. Before
grading and packing, fruit should be properly washed and dried.
Grading English
On t he basis of appearance and qualit y apple is graded viz., AAA, AA and A; A, B, and C; or ext ra fancy, fancy class
I and fancy class II. On t he basis of size t he fruit s are graded into following classes.
Apples are packed in wooden boxes. Each box usually carry about 10 Kg or 20 Kg fruit s. T he fruit s are packed by
lining t he inside of box wit h newspaper, sheet s and keeping margins for t he overhanging flaps. T he wrapped
fruit s are init ially padded wit h wood wool/pine needles at t he bot tom of box and lat er in bet ween well arranged
int ervening layers. T he top layer of fruit s is covered wit h paper by bringing toget her t he overhanging flaps
followed by nailing. T he box is furt her reinforced et ernally by clamping wit h a t ight 14-16 gauge st eel wire for
dist ant market s. For packing wrapped boxes, t he arrangement of different grades of apples is given below.
Size of
Box size inner Number
Grade wrapping Number of fruits/box
dimensions (cm) of layers
paper (cm)
27.9 x
45.7 x 30.5 x
27.926.7 x
27.945.7 x 30.5 x
26.725.4 x
Super largeExt ra 25.445.7 x 30.5 x
25.424.1 x 54.5760.6396112128-
largeLargeMediumSmallExt ra 30.545.7 x 30.5 x 334445Loose
24.122.8 x 132160Variable
smallPit too 27.945.7 x 30.5 x
22.821.5 x
25.445.7 x 30.5 x
Besides wooden boxes, corrugat ed fibre board (CFB) cartons offer a variable subst it ut e. T he usual dimensions
of CFB cartons wit h t rays are 50.4 cm x 30.3 cm x 28.2 cm (out er jacket ) and 50.0 x 30.0 x 28.2 cm (inner case).
Shelf life of apple can be prolonged by providing opt imal storage condit ions. T he recommended storage
t emperat ure for apple is -1.10C to 00C which is about 0.8 – 1.80C above t he average freezing point of most apple
variet ies. T he relat ive humidit y of 85-90% should be maint ained in t he cold storage. Most apple variet ies can be
stored for 4-8 mont hs aft er harvest ing. Ambri has t he longest storage life. English
1.Sanjose scale
It is a polyphagous pest ; small, grey or brownish grey specks wit h a cent ral nipple, t wigs and fruit s oft en
surrounded by reddish or pinkish rings. Severely infest ed t ree bark is covered wit h grey layers of overlapping
scales, appearing as if sprayed wit h ash. Underneat h t he grey dot s are lemon yellow coloured soft bodied
insect s . It causes damage by sucking sap from t he st ems, branches, leaves and even fruit s. If t he infest at ion is
allowed to develop unchecked, it result s in t he deat h of t he t ree. Infest ed fruit s fet ch poor price in t he market .
Sanjose scale can be cont rolled by spray of 2% miscible t ree spray oil (4 L Hindust an Pet roleum Tree Spray Oil
(HPT SO)/SAVO-OEH/Ankur) from end of February or in bet ween lat e dormancy and green t ip st age. Spray wit h
chlorpyriphos (0.02%), dimet hoat e (0.03%) or phosphamidon (0.03%) to kill crawlers and newly set t led scale
insect s in May.
Small, brown and greyish purple sucking aphid which at t acks bark and root s forming a whit e waxy mat erial,
resembling lit t le t uft s of wool. Act ive from April-December but found in large numbers on aerial part s aft er rains
(lat e August -October). Aphids suck sap from branches, t wigs and root s. Galls are formed at t he point where
aphids feed. In non-bearing t rees and nurseries place granules of phorat e (10-30 g t himet 10G) or carbofuran
(30-50 g Furadan 3G) at 5 cm dept h in t he root zone of 1-4 years old t rees. However, in bearing t rees, in addit ion
to dormant sprays for sanjose scale , applicat ion of met hyl dematon 25 EC (0.025%), dimet hoat e 30 EC (0.03%),
malat hion 50 EC (0.05%) bet ween pet al fall and June. Serious infest at ion near t he harvest can be cont rolled by
using dichlorvos 76 EC (0.05%). Use resist ant root stock of MM series and M 25.
3.Stem borer
Beet les damage t he st em, and branches by drilling holes. Saw dust along wit h pallet s can be seen hanging out
from t hese holes. Clean t he holes wit h flexible wire and t hen insert 0.5 g paradichlorobenzene (PDCB) and plug
t he holes wit h mud or insert cot ton wick soaked in pet rol or dichlorovos (0.15%). All badly infest ed t rees or dying
wood should be cut and burnt before leaf drop.
Damage apple foliage by feeding on green mat t er and sap, causing loss of chlorophyll, bronzing followed by leaf
drop and weakening of buds. Feeding result s in poor fruit size and qualit y of fruit s get det eriorat ed. Excessive
feeding result s in fruit drop during t he season, reduced blossom and fruit set in t he subsequent years. Spray
dicofol (0.05%) or wet t able sulphur (0.25%) at pink bud st age and lat er when t he mit e populat ion exceeds 15-
1.Apple scab
T he disease affect s bot h leaves and fruit s. Symptoms usually appear first on t he under surface of leaves of
fruit spurs, t he side exposed when t he fruit buds open in t he spring. Once t he ent ire leaf has unfolded, bot h t he
sides may be infect ed. Velvet y brown to olive green powdery lesions (spot s) which t urn mousy black wit h age,
appear on t he leaves. At first t he margins of t he lesions may cover a large port ion of leaf, a condit ion known as
sheet scab, and may lead to premat ure yellowing of leaves, defoliat ion and fruit drop. Young infect ed fruit s
develop dull, brownish black round spot s wit h a serrat e out line. Severe early infect ion result s in t he format ion of
mis-shapened cracked, knot t y fruit s which allow t he ent ry of ot her organisms causing fruit rot . For reducing
primary inoculum of t he fungus, spray 5% urea short ly before general leaf fall to hast en t he leaf decomposit ion.
Collect and burn fallen leaves during wint er. Following prot ect ive spray schedule may be followed:
At silver t ip to green t ip st age spray Mancozeb (0.3%) or Dodine (0.1%) or Capt an (0.3%).
At pink bud st age, spray Fenarimol (0.04%) or Bit ert anol (0.05%) or Mancozeb (0.3%) + sulphur (0.2%).
At pet al fall st age, spray Carbendazim or T hiophanat e met hyl (0.05%).
At (pea sized) fruit (mid May-mid June) spray Dodine (0.075%) or Fenarimol (0.04%) or Mancozeb (0.3%) or
Bit ert anol (0.05%).
At (walnut sized) fruit s (15-21 days aft er 4thspray) Carbendazim or T hiophanat e met hyl (0.025%) +
Mancozeb (0.25%) or Capt an (0.3%).
At fruit development (40 days before harvest ), spray Capt an (0.3%) or Bit ert anol (0.05%) or Mancozeb
(0.3%) or Penarimol (0.04%).
Spray Mancozeb (0.3%) or Capt an (0.3%) 20-25 days before harvest ing.
2.Powdery Mildew
Small, greyish or whit e powdery pat ches appear on young leaves. T he infect ed leaves crinkle and curl up. T he
greyish whit e powdery coat ing covers t he ent ire leaf. Infect ed foliage becomes hard and brit t le. T he powdery
mass on t wigs disappears and brown felt like covering wit h dark brown fruit ing bodies are seen. T he diseased
t wigs are st unt ed or get killed and dry up. Affect ed floral part s shrivel and are blight ed. Young infect ed fruit s
show russet ing. Prune infect ed dormant shoot s, t ips and silvered areas to avoid infect ion in t he next season.
Spraying t he t rees at green t ip, pet al fall, 20 and 40 days aft er fruit let st age wit h Dinocap (50g/100 L wat er) or
Carbendazim (50g/100 L wat er) or Tridemorph (50g/100 L wat er).
Bot h t he diseases appear as soot y blemishes on t he ext ernal surface of fruit s especially under high humidit y
during rainy season. It lowers t he market value of fruit s. To cont rol t his disease give one spray 40 days before
harvest and ot her spray 15-20 days before harvest wit h capt afol (200 g/ 100 L wat er) or CarbendazimEnglish
L wat er) or Mancozeb (200 g/ 100 L wat er). Dip t he harvest ed fruit for 1 minut e in st able bleaching powder ((5
Kg/ 100 L wat er) or Sodium chlorat e (3 Kg/ 100 L wat er) before packing.
4.Collar rot
T he disease appears most ly near t he graft union or on t he lower t runk or at pruning wounds. T he bark of t he
diseased t ree at soil level becomes cankered, soft and spongy. T he necrot ic t issue t urns dark brown and wood
beneat h t he bark is st ained dark brown. Bark above ground dries out and split s from t he wood. Leaves become
purple red in t he lat e summer and fall. T he affect ed t ree shows lit t le or no shoot growt h and girdling leads to
deat h of t he t ree. For t he cont rol of collar rot , clean t he infect ed collar area wit h sharp knife and apply Bordeaux
past e or Chaubat ia past e. Raise t he bud/graft union height to 40-70 cm from soil level. Pre-plant dipping of
seedlings in fungicides like Difolt an ((200 g/ 100 L wat er) or Copper oxychloride (300 g/ 100 L wat er). Adopt
cult ural pract ices like removal of crop residue and fallen fruit s, avoid injury to st em, removal of weeds from t he
t ree basins.
Affect ed t rees show bronzing and yellowing leaves, sparse foliage and ret arded growt h. Root s t urn brown and
remain covered wit h whit e cot tony mycelia mat of t he fungus in rainy season. T he t ree ult imat ely die. Maint ain
proper drainage in orchard. Uneart h and remove infect ed root s of t rees during dormancy. Apply chaubat ia past e
(red lead, copper carbonat e and linseed oil; 1:1:250) on cut ends and healt hy port ions of root s. For curing t he
ailing t rees, give at least 3 drenching of Carbendazim (0.1%) or Aureofungin (0.05%) at an int erval of 15-20 days
during monsoon. Applicat ion be made in 15-25 cm deep holes, 30 cm apart t hroughout t he drip area of t he t ree.
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