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Basic Grafting Techniques

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Basic Grafting Techniques

Grafting is a method of asexual plant propagation that joins plant parts from
different plants together so they will heal and grow as one plant. This
technique is used to propagate plants that do not root well from cuttings, to
utilize superior root systems, or to maintain clonal production.

Nursery workers and fruit tree producers must know how to graft. Hobbyists
also can learn this useful technique. This publication discusses the basic
techniques used to graft fruit trees and other plants that cannot be propagated
by cuttings or seeds.

The part of the vegetative wood, usually the stem or other aboveground plant
part, from the desired variety to be propagated is called the scion. It consists
of a shoot with several dormant buds that will produce the new stem and
branches. The rootstock is the part of a plant that becomes the root system of
a grafted or budded tree. In order to be a successful graft or bud, the
cambium layer of cells located on both plant parts must align and grow
together. This cambium region is between the xylem and phloem and is where
all new plant growth occurs.

Grafting includes budding and is usually done in winter or early spring with
dormant scion wood. Budding is accomplished by inserting a mature single
bud of the desired cultivar into the rootstock in contact with the cambium. This
procedure is usually done during the late growing season (July, August, or
early September), but it may be done at other times.

Budding is becoming the grafting method of choice in fruit tree production.

Budding uses incisions rather than major cuts, which takes much less time
and makes it more economical. Budding also uses individual buds per
rootstock, so more plants can be produced. The major disadvantage is that
budding is mostly limited to active growth periods of the year when labor
demands may be high for other growing operations.

Grafting or budding a tree is essentially the same, but the procedures differ.
The grafting method is determined by the kind of plant, time of year, plant
materials at hand, or grafter’s preference. Peaches, plums, apples, and pears
are commonly propagated by budding, while apples and pears are commonly
Why Graft?
Reproduce vegetatively. Numerous selections of plants will not reproduce
true from seeds or cannot be economically reproduced from vegetative
cuttings (fruit varieties, flowering ornamentals, etc.).

Change variety. Established orchards of fruit trees may become obsolete as

newer varieties are developed. Newer varieties may offer improved insect or
disease resistance, better flavor, or higher yields. Rather than destroy the
established root system, the older orchard may be top-worked using the new,
improved variety.

Add pollinizer. Certain fruit trees are not self-fertile; they require cross-
pollination by a second fruit tree, usually of another variety. Some hollies are
dioecious, meaning that a given plant has either male or female flowers but
not both. To ensure good berry production on the female plant, a male plant
must be growing nearby. Where this is not possible, the chances that cross-
pollination will occur can be increased by grafting a scion from a male plant
onto the female plant.

Change root system. Certain rootstocks have superior growth habits,

disease and insect resistance, and better anchorage. For example, when
used as rootstock for commercial apple varieties, some rootstocks can
increase resistance to crown gall and root aphids. Some are also used as
dwarfing rootstocks.

Produce certain plant forms. Plants with a weeping growth habit are often
grafted or budded onto a standard rootstock. It may require staking for several
years until the standard is large enough to support the weeping top.

Repair damaged plants. Large trees or specimen plants can be damaged

easily at or slightly above the soil line. The damage may be caused by
maintenance equipment or by disease, rodents, storms, or vandalism. This
repair procedure is referred to as inarching, approach grafting, or bridge

Create designs. Advanced grafters may want to join plants to create designs
such as hearts, chairs, or anything they can imagine.

Grafting Tools
Grafting has been practiced for thousands of years. Concepts remain the
same, but tools have evolved. This publication focuses on basic tools that the
average gardener can easily obtain.

There are numerous types of grafting/budding knives available (Figure 1).

Grafting knives are characterized by being flat on one side of the blade.
Sharpen the blade frequently to get clean cuts. Be sure to clean any
sharpening oil off the blade before using it.

Figure 1.
(From left) box cutter, grafting knife, and budding knife.

A good alternative to a grafting knife is a box cutter (Figure 1). The blade is
thin and can be easily replaced when it becomes dull. The disadvantage is
that, on larger diameter wood, the blade is too flimsy and may break.

Various grafting tools have been developed to speed the grafting process and
make more precise, matching cuts (Figure 2). These tools work best with
scion and rootstocks very closely matched in size.
Figure 2.
Common grafting tools that can make numerous cut types.

Newer methods involve using a stretchable, plastic film (parafilm). The film
holds the scion and rootstock snuggly together and provides an airtight seal
around the area. The film breaks down gradually, eliminating the need for
cutting it out as the graft grows. The film comes in various widths (Figure 3).
Figure 3.
Different widths of stretchable film.
Using Grafting Tools

Grafting tools work best on scions and rootstocks that are three-eighths of an
inch or smaller in diameter. The pieces need to be equal in size to make a
successful graft. Use the tool to make a v-shaped notch in the rootstock, then
make a matching v-shaped cut on the scion (Figure 4). Join and wrap the
pieces tightly with the grafting tape (Figure 5).

Figure 4.
Matching cuts made with a grafting tool.

Figure 5.
A joined and wrapped cut.

Tie the bundles of each variety together and label them. Use a pencil or a
horticultural pen for marking wooden tags.
Regardless of what type tag you use, make sure the name will stay on it under
adverse conditions (Figure 6).

Figure 6.
Scion wood ready for cold storage.

To store the scion wood, place each variety in a moist (not saturated)
medium, such as sphagnum moss, sawdust, or paper towels, and place in a
sealable plastic bag. All bundles should be labeled by cultivar name and date
collected. A garbage bag is good for large quantities of scion wood. Do not let
the wood dry out. Store the wrapped packages of propagating wood in a
refrigerated room at 34–38°F. Properly stored scion wood should remain in
good condition until it is ready for use in late winter through early spring.

Collecting Scion Wood for Budding

Collect scion wood or bud wood early in the day while temperatures are cool
and the plants are still fully turgid. It is a good idea to bring a cooler with ice to
the field to ensure cuttings stay fresh. The best vegetative buds usually come
from the current season’s growth or dormant wood that grew the previous
year. Mature buds are most desirable; discard terminal and younger buds. To
keep buds from drying out, getting hot, or freezing (depending on the season),
place the bud wood into plastic bags or wrap it in moist towels as you collect
it. As the bud wood is selected, the leaves should be cut off immediately,
leaving only a short piece of the leaf petiole attached to the bud to aid in
handling. Place bud wood of only one variety in a labeled bag.

Bud sticks that will not be used immediately should be bundled, labeled, and
stored in moisture-retaining containers such as plastic bags or waxed
cardboard boxes, which should be kept cool (32–45°F). The longer bud wood
is stored, the less likely it is to form a union with the rootstock. Generally, bud
wood stored for more than a few days should be discarded.

Grafting and budding require a compatible rootstock onto which you attach
your desired variety of plant. An inexpensive way to obtain a rootstock is to
collect seeds from the type of plant you are propagating and grow your own. It
will usually take at least 1 year to grow a grafting-size rootstock.

The seeds of all common tree fruits (apple, pear, peach, and persimmon)
require a chilling period before they will germinate. This process is referred to
as stratification. Once the seeds are collected, they need to be stored in a
sealed container in a refrigerator. Pear and apple seeds should be stored 70–
90 days before planting. Peach and persimmon seeds require 90–120 days of
cold storage.

Another method to get rootstock is to order from companies that specialize in

production rootstocks (see Grafting Supply Resources below). These
companies sell seedling rootstocks as well as clonal rootstocks. Clonal
rootstocks were developed to manipulate tree size and will often provide
resistance to soil-borne insects and diseases. These clonal rootstocks are
preferred because they have well-known characteristics that seedling
rootstocks do not.

Clonal apple rootstocks recommended in Mississippi are Malling-Merton 106

(MM 106), MM 111, and Merton 7A (M 7A). They reduce the mature size of an
apple tree by 50–70 percent compared to a seedling grafted tree.
Recommended clonal pear rootstock is Old Home X Farmingdale 333 (OH X
F 333). This rootstock produces a tree that is 50–66 percent smaller than a
seedling grafted tree.

Other clonal rootstocks are available, but most have not been evaluated under
Mississippi growing conditions.

Grafting Techniques
Whip & Tongue Graft

Seedlings or clonal rootstocks are whip grafted in February or early March

while still dormant. Following grafting, they are placed in moist sawdust, peat,
or sphagnum moss and stored where the temperature is approximately 45–
50°F. Be sure to check them for drying while in storage; they should be moist
but not wet.

They can also be planted directly into containers and kept in a protected area
to prevent freezing. A last option is to plant in the nursery row or directly in the
planting hole where the tree is to be located. This is usually done in April.

To make the graft, use a sharp knife and make cuts approximately 1 inch long
at the base of the scion and at the selected place on the rootstock (Figures 7
and 8). Clonal rootstock should be grafted 10–12 inches above the roots.
Seedlings are grafted 1–2 inches above the roots.

Figure 7.
Making the cut for a whip and tongue graft.
Figure 8.
Finished whip and tongue graft cut.

Make a second cut one-third of the way in each piece to form the “tongue”
(Figure 9).

Figure 9.
The mid-cut used to make the tongue portion of the whip and tongue graft.

Then, fit the scion piece and the rootstock together so the cut surfaces match,
preferably on both sides (Figure 10). Complete the whip and tongue grafting
operation by tying the graft with a rubber band, tape, or film and painting with
a tree wound dressing (Figure 11). The simple version of this graft technique,
the whip graft, is also used to graft many vegetables.

Figure 10.
Tongue pieces fitted together.

Figure 11.
Finish by wrapping with film.
Cleft Graft

Gather and store scion wood as discussed previously. Late February and
March—just before new growth begins—is the time to cleft graft.

To cleft graft, cut the desired limbs off with a smooth cut. These limbs should
be 1 inch or larger in diameter. Split the stock with a cleft grafting tool or
hatchet, being sure not to split any knots. Open the split by inserting the end
of the cleft grafting tool or a screwdriver into the center of the split (Figure 12).

Figure 12.
Initial limb removal and splitting of stock.

With cleft grafting, it is best to leave a nurse limb to keep the tree alive until
the grafted scions are growing well. The nurse limb can be removed in
midsummer or top-worked the following winter if the scions are growing well.

Cut scions with three or four buds on the lower end on each side to form a
wedge-shaped cut that is narrower on the opposite side (Figures 13 and 14).
Figure 13. Outside of wedge.

Figure 14. The inside of the wedge is


Insert the scion into the cleft with the narrow side of the scion toward the
center of the stock (Figure 15). Gently remove the cleft grafting tool or
screwdriver so the stock will close tightly on the scion. Extreme care must be
taken to match the cambiums of the scion and stock. Finish by wrapping with
parafilm (Figure 16).
Figure 15.
Scion piece inserted into limb stock.

Figure 16.
Finished cleft graft.

Six to eight weeks after the grafts begin to grow, cut the tape or film on two
sides of the stock away from the grafts. This will allow the tape to eventually
peel off, preventing the possibility of girdling. Do not remove the tape; let it
peel off naturally.

Bark Graft

Bark grafts are used on branches or rootstocks that are more than 2 inches in
diameter. Timing for this type graft depends on the crop but is typically done in
late spring, when the bark of the rootstock is easier to work with. Cut the top
of the branch from the rootstock tree as if you were making a cleft graft, but do
not split the stock. On each side of the stock, make a cut through the bark,
downward, about 2 inches long (Figure 17). The bark will then safely peel

Figure 17.
Making the initial cut for the scion piece.

Make a 2- to 3-inch-long cut in the scion, slicing only halfway through the
wood (Figure 18).
Figure 18.
Make a smooth cut to the core on 2 to 3 inches of the scion wood.

Pull the bark from the tree and slide the sharpened part of the scion between
the bark and wood. Drive one or two small nails through the bark and scion
wood to hold it to the rootstock (Figure 19). This will keep the scion from
being dislodged.
Figure 19. One small nail at the bottom
and one at the top will keep the scion in place.

Cover all of the exposed wood and cracks with grafting tape. You can add
reflecting aluminum foil and a plastic bag to increase moisture and reflect
sunlight (Figure 20).
Figure 20. Completed bark graft.

Budding is done during the active growing season (from June to early
September). Budding early in the growing season is preferable to later, so the
bud will make sufficient growth before winter.

Approximate Budding Times

 Peach: Memorial Day to July 1

 Apple: June 22 to August 1
 Pear: July 4 to September 15

For T-budding, make the T cut on the stock in a clear area of the stem away
from buds as much as possible. Make a vertical slit 1–1½ inch long and top
slit ½ inch long by inserting the knife into the trunk until it meets the resistance
of the wood layer of the stem (Figure 21). Open the slit enough to insert the
bud shield to be cut from the bud wood. Cut the bud from the stick by starting
the cut 1 inch below the bud, coming up underneath, and exiting about ½ inch
above it. Make the cut shallow; wood underneath the bud does not need to be
removed. Hold the top part of the excised bud between the blade and your
thumb, and insert the bud into the T cut on the stock (Figure 22). If part of the
bud sticks out above the T, cut it off so the flaps can be closed tightly. Firmly
wrap polyethylene budding tape around the stem to close the incision (Figure
Figure 21. A T-cut on rootstock.
Figure 22. A bud inserted into
rootstock. Figure 23. A T-bud
wrapped and finished.

Reasons for Graft Failure

Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, the grafts do not take. Below are some
possible reasons for graft failure:

 The stock and scion were not compatible.

 The cambium layers did not meet properly.
 The scions were upside-down.
 The understock or scion was not healthy.
 The scions were dried out or injured by cold weather.
 The scions were not dormant.
 The graft was not properly covered with grafting wax/tape.
 The scion was displaced by storms, birds, or other means.

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