Audit Planning - Theories
Audit Planning - Theories
Audit Planning - Theories
A. B. C. D.
Appropriate No Yes Ye No
10. If the auditor is unable to agree to a
attention is s
change of the engagement and is not
devoted to
permitted to continue the original important areas of
engagement, the auditor should the audit
a. Insist on continuing the original Potential problems Ye Yes No No
engagement are identified and s
b. Express a qualified opinion resolved on a
c. Express an adverse opinion timely basis
d. Withdraw from the engagement The audit Ye Yes No No
engagement is s
properly organized
11. Planning an audit involves and managed
I. Establishing the overall audit
strategy for the engagement.
II. Developing an audit plan.
a. I only
14. Which of the following statements a. Selecting a sample of sales invoices
concerning audit planning is incorrect? for comparison with shipping
a. Planning is a discrete phase of an documents.
audit b. Coordinating the assistance of
b. Planning is a continual and iterative entity personnel in data preparation
process c. Reading the current year’s interim
c. In a recurring audit, planning often financial statements
begins shortly after (or in d. Discussing matters that may affect
connection with) the completion of the audit with firm personnel
the previous audit and continues responsible for non-audit services
until the completion of the current to the entity
audit engagement.
d. In planning an audit, the auditor
considers the timing of certain 17. The establishment of an overall audit
planning activities and audit strategy involves
procedures that are to be I. Determining the characteristics
completed prior to the performance of the engagement that define
of further audit procedures. its scope
II. Ascertaining the reporting
objectives of the engagement
15. In performing an audit of financial to plan the timing of the audit
statements, the auditor should obtain and the nature of the
a sufficient knowledge of a client’s communications required
business and industry to III. Considering the important
a. Develop an attitude of professional factors that will determine the
skepticism concerning focus of the engagement
management’s financial statement team’s efforts
assertions. a. I and II only
b. Make constructive suggestions b. II and III only
concerning improvements to the c. I and III only
client’s internal control. d. I, II, and III
c. Evaluate whether the aggregation
of known misstatements causes the
financial statements taken as a 18. Which of the following should be
whole to be materially misstated. included in the audit plan?
d. Understand the events and I. The nature, timing, and extent of
transactions that may have an effect planned risk assessment
on the client’s financial statements. procedures, as determined under
PSA 315 (Identifying and Assessing
the Risks of Material
16. Which of the following is the least Misstatements through
likely procedure to be performed in Understanding the Entity and its
planning a financial statement audit? Environment)
II. The nature, timing, and extent of c. The discussion with the entity’s
planned further audit procedures management concerning the expected
at the assertion level, as communications on the status of audit
determined under PSA 330 (The work throughout the engagement and
Auditor’s Responses to Assessed the expected deliverables resulting from
Risks) the audit procedures.
a. I only d. Audit areas where there is a higher risk
b. II only of material misstatement.
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II
21. In the planning stage of an audit
engagement, the auditor is required to
19. Which of the following matters would perform audit procedures to obtain an
an auditor least likely consider when understanding of the entity and its
setting the direction of the audit? environment, including its internal
a. The selection of the engagement control. These procedures are called
team and the assignment of audit a. Risk assessment procedures
work to the team members b. Substantive tests
b. The engagement budget which c. Tests of controls
includes consideration of the d. Dual-purpose tests
appropriate amount of time to allot
for areas where there may be
higher risks of material 22. In planning the audit engagement, the
misstatement. auditor should consider each of the
c. The availability of client personnel following, except
and data. a. The kind of opinion (unqualified,
d. The manner in which the auditor qualified, or adverse) that is likely to
emphasizes to engagement team be expressed
members the need to maintain a b. The entity’s accounting policies and
questioning mind and to exercise procedures.
professional skepticism in the c. Matters relating to the entity’s
gathering and evaluation of audit business and the industry in which
evidence. it operates
d. Materiality level and audit risk