Compilation Review Agreed-Upon Procedures
Compilation Review Agreed-Upon Procedures
Compilation Review Agreed-Upon Procedures
3. The auditor’s satisfaction as to the reliability of 7. In performing an operational audit, the auditor
an assertion being made by one party for use by primarily relies on which of the following
another party is called procedures?
a. Opinion a. Physical inspection
b. Assurance b. Analytical procedures
c. Examination c. Inquiry and observation
d. Verification d. Tracing and vouching
4. Independence is not a requirement for which 8. The primary orientation of operational auditing
of the following engagements? is towards
Compilation Review Agreed- a. Future improvements to accomplish the
upon goals of management
Procedures b. The accuracy of the data reflected in
a. No Yes No management’s financial records
b. No No No c. The verification that a company’s financial
c. Yes No Yes report is fairly presented
d. Yes Yes Yes d. Past protection provided by existing
internal control
5. Which of the following statements is correct
concerning an auditor’s responsibilities 9. An objective of a performance audit is to
regarding financial statements? determine whether an entity’s
a. An auditor’s responsibilities for audited a. Operational information is in accordance
financial statements are confined to the with government auditing standards
expression of the auditor’s opinion. b. Specific operating units are functioning
b. The fair presentation of audited financial economically and efficiently
statements in accordance with an
c. Financial statements present fairly the
results of operation 16. Which of the following types of audit uses laws
d. Internal control is adequately operating as and regulations as its criteria?
designed a. Operational audit
b. Financial statement audit
10. Which of the following professionals has c. Compliance audit
primary responsibility for the performance of an d. Financial audit
a. The managing partner of the firm. 17. Which of the following types of auditing is
b. The senior assign to the engagement. performed most commonly by CPAs on a
c. The manager assign to the engagement. contractual basis?
d. The partner in charge of the engagement. a. Internal auditing
b. Government auditing
11. A pervasive characteristic of a CPA’s role in a c. BSP bank audit
consulting services engagement is that of being d. External auditing
a. Independent practitioner 18. The assumption underlying an audit of financial
b. Computer expert statements is that they will used by
c. Confidential reviewer a. The regulatory agencies to verify information
d. Objective advisor that is relevant to their supervisory
12. The risk associated with the company’s survival b. The board of directors as basis of declaring
and profitability is referred to as: cash dividends.
a. Business risk c. The general public in making investment
b. Information risk decisions.
c. Detection risk d. Different groups for different purposes.
d. Control risk
19. The most common type of audit report
13. The difference between what public expects to contains a(n):
get from the audited financial statements and a. Adverse opinion
what the public is actually getting is known as: b. Disclaimer of opinion
a. Credibility gap c. Qualified opinion
b. Audit gap d. Unqualified opinion
c. Expectation gap
d. Level of assurance gap 20. Audits of financial statements include an
expression of a conclusion about which of the
14. Which of the following statements does not following financial statement characteristics?
properly describe an element of the theoretical a. Governance
framework of auditing? b. Reliability
a. The data to be audited can be verified. c. Relevance
b. Short-term conflicts may exist between the d. Timeliness
managers who prepare the data and auditors
who examine them.
c. Auditors act on behalf of the management.
d. An audit benefits the public. 21. Which of the following is not one of the
specified objectives of the Accountancy Act of
15. Which of the following criteria is unique to the 2004?
independent auditor’s attest function? A. Examination for registration of CPAs.
a. General competence. B. Supervision, control, and regulation of
b. Familiarity with the particular industry in accounting practice.
which each client operates. C. Standardization and regulation of
c. Due professional care. accounting practice.
d. Independence.
D. Promulgation of accounting and C. Establish the firm as a consultant, thus
auditing standards. ensuring its future expansion and
22. In all of the following situations except one, a growth.
person is deemed to be engaged in professional D. Permit the firm’s staff members to
accounting practice. Which of them is the acquire expertise in other areas of
exception? practice.
A. Performing audits or verification of 27. These statements are issued to provide practical
financial transactions and records for assistance to auditors in implementing the PSAs
more than one client. A. Interpretations
B. Employed as the department chairman B. SASP
that supervises the BSA program of an C. PAPS
educational institution. D. SPA
C. Employment as controller of a private 28. Which of the following government agencies is
business enterprise and such represented both to the Auditing Standards and
employment requires that the holder Practice Council and the Auditing and Assurance
thereof should be a CPA. Standards Council?
D. Appointment in the government where A. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
first grade civil service eligibility is a B. Bureau of Internal Revenue
prerequisite. C. Securities and Exchange Commission
23. A person is not deemed to be engaged in D. Commission on Higher Education
professional accounting practice if 29. A professional Identification Card bearing the
A. He merely holds himself out as skilled registration number, date of issuance, expiry
in the science and practice of date, duly signed by the chairperson of the
accounting and qualified to render Commission, shall be issued to every registrant
services as a CPA. renewable every
B. He merely offers to render services as a A. 2 years
CPA to the public, but does not actually B. 3 years
render such services. C. 4 years
C. He offers or no renders bookkeeping D. 5 years
services to more than one client. 30. The BOA shall not refuse the registration of any
D. He Install and revises accounting person who successfully passed the CPA
systems for more than one client. examinations if
24. Which of the following is not one of the A. Convicted by a court of competent
penalties that can be imposed by the Board of jurisdiction of a criminal offense
Accountancy? involving moral turpitude.
A. Fine or imprisonment B. Convicted for a political offense.
B. Revocation of CPA certificate C. Guilty of immoral and dishonorable
C. Reprimand conduct.
D. Suspension of CPA certificate D. None of the above.
25. Which of the following normally a service 31. Which of the following is not one of the grounds
rendered by public accountants? for proceedings against a CPA?
A. Management consultation service A. Gross negligence or incompetence in
B. Attest function the practice of his profession.
C. Internal Auditing B. Engaging in public practice while being
D. Taxation employed in a private enterprise.
26. A CPA firm offers management advisory services C. Insanity.
to clients. Its primary purpose is to D. Immoral or dishonorable conduct.
A. Furnish professional advice and 32. Who is not permitted by law to practice
assistance which will enable the client accountancy?
to improve operations. A. A corporation whose stockholders are
B. Keep the CPA firm competitive with all CPAs
other firms. B. A partnership of CPAs
C. An individual CPA practitioner
D. A partnership of CPAs with some non- D. P AS S M
CPA staff
33. The PICPA shall renew its Certificate of 38. The amount of audit fees depends largely on the
Accreditation once every how many years after A. Size and capitalization of the company
the date of the Resolution granting the petition under audit
for re-accreditation and the issuance of the said B. Amount of profit for the year
certificate upon submission of the C. Availability of cash
requirements? D. Volume of audit work and degree of
A. 2 years competence and responsibilities
B. 3 years involved
C. 4 years 39. In determining audit fees, an auditor may take
D. 6 years into account each of the following except
34. The primary duty to enforce the provisions of RA A. Volume and intricacy of work involved
9298 and its IRR rests with B. Number and cost of man hours needed
A. The PRC C. Degree of responsibility assumed
B. The BOA D. Size and amount of capital of client
C. The PRC and BOA 40. Under this method of billing a client, the
D. The AASC external auditors charge on the basis of time
35. The Board, subject to the approval of the spent by principal/partners, supervisors, seniors
Commission, may revise or exclude any of the and juniors at predetermined rates agreed upon
subjects and their syllabi, and add new ones as with the client
the need arises. Provided that the change shall A. Maximum fee basis
not be more often than every B. Flat sum basis
A. 2 years C. Retainer basis
B. 3 years D. Per diem basis
C. 4 years
D. 5 years
36. Statements on financial accounting standards
constituting GAAP are issued by the
A. Philippine institute of CPA’s 41. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)
B. Audit Standards and Practices Council and Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSA)
C. Securities and exchange commission should be looked upon by practitioners as
D. Accounting Standards Council
37. Indicate whether the following functions would a. ideals to work for, but which are not
be performed by: achievable.
b. maximum standards which denote
P- Partner S- Senior
excellent work.
M- Manager AS- Audit Assistant c. minimum standards of performance
which must be achieved on each audit
(1) Supervises two or more concurrent engagement.
audit engagements d. benchmarks to be used on all audits,
(2) Performs detailed audit procedures reviews, and compilations.
(3) Overall responsibility for audit
(4) Signs audit report 42. Reasonable assurance means:
a. Gathering of all available corroborating
1 2 3 4 evidence for the auditor to conclude
that there are no material
A. P AS S M misstatements in the financial
statements, taken as a whole.
B. M S M P
b. Gathering of the audit evidence
C. M AS P P necessary for the auditor to conclude
that the financial statements, taken as
a whole, are free from any
misstatements. 47. Auditing standards are
c. Gathering of the audit evidence a. Statutory in nature.
necessary for the auditor to conclude b. Rules imposed by the Securities and
that the financial statements are free Exchange Commission.
of material unintentional c. Rules imposed by the PICPA.
misstatements. d. General guidelines to help the auditors.
d. Gathering of the audit evidence
necessary for the auditor to conclude 48. Though PSAs do not provide “hard and fast
that there are no material rules”, they provide subjective guidance which
misstatements in the financial allow the auditors to:
statements, taken as a whole. a. Tailor their audit to procedures
requested by management.
b. Only apply those standards that are
important to the audit.
43. Required audit communication to the Audit c. Accurately interpret the profession’s
Committee concerning noncompliance with Code of Professional Conduct.
laws and regulations that were detected d. Use adequate professional judgment
includes: when applying the standards.
a. All material items.
b. All those which are not adequately 49. The Philippine Standards on Auditing issued by
addressed by management. the Auditing and Assurance Standards Council
c. All those that constitute management (AASC)
fraud. a. are interpretations of generally
d. Any of such acts. accepted auditing standards
b. are the equivalent of laws for audit
44. Auditors focus on practitioners.
a. areas where the risks of material errors c. must be followed in all situations
and irregularities is least. d. are optional guidelines which an
b. areas where the risk of material errors auditor may choose not to follow which
and irregularities is greatest. conducting an audit.
c. all areas equally.
d. a random selection of all areas. 50. Competence as a certified public accountant
includes all of the following except
45. The decision as to how much evidence to be a. Having the technical qualifications to
accumulated for a given set of circumstance is perform an engagement.
a. provided by following the generally b. Possessing the ability to supervise and
accepted accounting principles. evaluate the quality of staff work.
b. one requiring professional judgement. c. Warranting the infallibility of the work
c. determined by statistical analysis performed.
d. provided in the Philippine Standards on d. Consulting others if additional technical
Auditing. information is needed.
46. As auditor need not abide by a Philippine 51. In any case in which the incoming accountant is
Standards on auditing if the auditor believes not qualified to perform the work, a
that professional obligation exists to
a. The amount is insignificant. a. acquire the required level of knowledge
b. The requirement of the PSA is and skills.
impractical to perform. b. recommend someone else who is
c. The requirement of the PSA is qualified to perform the work.
impossible to perform. c. decline the engagement.
d. Any of the given three choices is d. any of the given choices.
52. Ultimately, the decision about whether or not c. Reduce control risk below the
an auditor is independent must be made by the maximum.
a. auditor d. Attain the proper balance of
b. audit committee professional experience and formal
c. client education.
d. public
58. Which of the following is the best statement
53. To be independent, the auditor: concerning the concept of materiality?
a. Cannot place any reliance on the a. Materiality is determined by reference
client’s verbal and written assertions. to PSA matrix.
b. Is responsible only to third-party users b. Materiality depends only on the peso
of the financial statements. amounts involved.
c. Cannot perform any other professional c. Materiality depends on the nature of
services for an audit client. an item rather than on the peso
d. Must be impartial when dealing with amount.
the client. d. Materiality is a matter of professional
54. A CPA, while performing an audit, strives to
achieve independence in appearance in order to 59. Which of the following underlies the application
a. Reduce risk and liability. of generally accepted auditing standards,
b. Comply with the generally accepted particularly the standards of fieldwork and
standards of fieldwork. reporting?
c. Become independent in fact. a. Elements of materiality and risk
d. Maintain public confidence in the b. Element of corroborating evidence
profession. c. Element of internal control
d. Element of reasonable assurance
55. Practitioner’s independence:
a. Minimizes risk. 60. The auditor communicates the results of his or
b. Helps achieve public confidence. her work through the issuance of:
c. Defends against professional liability. a. Engagement Letter
d. Achieves compliance with the b. Management Letter
standards of fieldwork. c. Audit Report
d. Financial Statements
56. The standard of due to audit care requires the 61. Immediate family includes:
auditor to a. Parent
a. Apply judgement in a conscientious b. Sibling
manner, carefully weighing the c. Non-dependent children
relevant factors before reaching a d. Spouse
b. Ensure that the financial statements 62. The communication to the public of facts about
are free from error. a professional accountant which are not
c. Make perfect judgement decisions in all designed for the deliberate promotion of that
cases. professional accountant.
d. Possess skills clearly above the average a. Publicity
for the profession. b. Indirect promotion
c. Advertising
57. The exercise of due professional care requires d. Solicitation
that an auditor
a. Examine all available corroborating
evidence. 63. A professional accountant should comply with
b. Critically review the judgment relevant laws and regulations and should avoid
exercised at every level of supervision. any action that discredits the profession. This is
a fundamental principle of:
a. Objectivity a) Professional competence and due care
b. Professional competence and due care b) Objectivity
c. Professional behavior c) Integrity
d. Integrity d) Professional behavior
69. The holding of media-covered events
undertaken only to commemorate a
64. A form of threat which may occur when a professional accountant’s anniversaries in public
previous judgment needs to be reevaluated by practice does not violate the rules on
the professional accountant who is responsible advertising and solicitation provided that such
for that judment. undertaking should be done only every _____
a. Sself-interest threat years of celebration
b. Self-review threat a) 5 c) 20
c. Familiarity threar b) 10 d) 25
d. Advocacy threat 70. The firm’s system of quality control should
include policies and procedures that address
each of the following elements, except
65. The underlying reason for a code of professional a. Relevant ethical requirements
conduct for any profession is b. Control environment
a. the need for public confidence in the c. Monitoring
quality of service of the profession d. Engagement performance
b. that it provides a safeguard to keep
unscrupulous people out.
c. that it is reqquired by congress
d. that it allows Professional Regulation 71. The provision of corporate finance services,
Commission to have a yardstick to advice or assistance to an assurance client may
measure deficient performance. create
66. Litigation support services include the following a. Self-interest threat
activities, except c. Advocacy and self-review threats
a) Acting as an expert witness. b. Self-interest and intimidation threats
b) Providing assistance to an audit client’s d. Advocacy and intimidation threats
internal legal department.
c) Calculating estimated damages or amounts
that might become receivable or payable as
72. When the total fees generated by an assurance
the result of litigation or other legal dispute
client represent a large proportion of a firm’s
d) Assistance with document management
total fees, the dependence on that client or
and retrieval in relation to a dispute or
client group and concern about the possibility of
losing the client may create a/an
67. The Code of Ethics provides that where the
a. Self-interest threat
larger structure is aimed at cooperation and the
c. Intimidation threat
entities within the structure share a significant
b. Self-review threat
part of professional resources, it is considered
d. Advocacy threat
to be a network. Professional resources include
the following, except
a) Audit methodology or audit manuals
b) Training courses and facilities 73. What threat to independence may be created if
c) Brand name fees due from an assurance client for
d) Partners and staff professional services remain unpaid for a long
68. If the fee quoted fir the professional service is so time, especially if a significant part is not paid
low, it may be difficult for the CPA to perform before the issue of assurance report for the
the engagement in accordance with applicable following year?
technical and professional standards for that a. Advocacy threat
price. This situation may create a self-interest c. Intimidation threat
threat to
b. Self-interest threat a) Professional competence and due care
d. Self-review threat b) Objectivity
c) Integrity
d) Professional behavior
79. The communication to the public of facts about
74. When a firm obtains an assurance engagement
a professional accountant which are not
at a significantly lower fee level that charged by
designed for the deliberate promotion of that
the predecessor firm, or quoted by other firms,
professional accountant.
the self-interest threat created will not be
a. Publicity
reduced to an acceptable level unless
b. Indirect promotion
I. The firm is able to demonstrate
c. Advertising
that appropriate time and qualified
d. Solicitation
staff are assigned to the task.
80. Immediate family includes:
II. All applicable assurance standards,
a. Parent
guidelines, and quality control
b. Sibling
procedures are being complied
c. Non-dependent children
d. Spouse
a. I only
c. Both I and II
81. The auditior’s report may be addressed to any
b. II only
of the following, except the client’s
d. Neither I nor II
a. Stockholders
84. The auditor’s standard report states that the 87. If the scope of the auditor’s procedures in
financial statements are presented fairly conducting an audit is significantly restricted by
the client management, the audit opinion would
a. With reasonable assurance. most likely be a(n):
d. Disclaimer of opinion.
85. An auditor concludes that there is substantial
doubt about an entity’s ability to continue as a
going concern for a reasonable period of time. If
the entity’s disclosures concerning this matter 88. When there is a limitation in the scope of the
are adequate, the audit report should include audit that results to a disclaimer of opinion, the
a(n) following paragraphs are modified, except:
c. No
89. An auditor who is reporting on financial
d. Yes statements that contain a material departure
No from PFRS should include in his audit report a
separate explanatory paragraph and
a. Not modify the opinion paragraph d. Only the current year, but the prior
as long as the departure is year’s report should be referred to.
adequately disclosed in a footnote.
b. Qualified opinion.
a. Fairly stated.
d. AASC statements versus the FRSC c. The only reason cited for issuing
Standards. the disclaimer of opinion is the lack
of independence.