Shaggy Aorta1
Shaggy Aorta1
Shaggy Aorta1
Background: Shaggy aorta (SA) depicts the severe aortic surface degeneration, extremely
friable, and likely to cause spontaneous peripheral and visceral embolization or during catheter-
ization, aortic manipulation, surgery, or minimally invasive procedures. This study aims to pro-
vide the most accurate and up-to-date information on this disease.
Methods: Potentially eligible studies to be included were identified by searching the following
databases: CENTRAL Library,, MEDLINE, and CINAHL, using a combination
of subject headings and text words to identify relevant studies: (Shaggy aorta) OR (aortic embo-
lization) OR (aortic embolism) OR (aortic thrombus) OR (aortic plaque). From a total of 29,111
abstracts, and after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, we considered 60 studies for inclu-
sion in this review.
Results: Appropriate measurement and assessment of the aortic wall are pivotal in the modern
era, in particular when percutaneous procedures are performed, as SA has been identified as an
independent risk factor for spinal cord injury, mesenteric embolization, and cerebral infarction
after endovascular aortic repair. Furthermore, SA increases the rate of cerebral complications
during transcatheter aortic valve implantation.
Conclusions: In conclusion, prompt diagnosis of SA syndrome and appropriate guidelines on
the management of these conditions may help physicians to better assess the patient risk and to
minimize the dreadful-related complications.
RS and UMB contributed equally and share the first authorship. Department of Health Sciences, University of Catanzaro, Cata-
PM and GFS are contributed equally and share the last authorship. nzaro, Italy.
Funding: All authors have no source of funding. 7
Department of Radiology, Pugliese-Ciaccio Hospital of Catanzaro,
Competing Interest: All authors have no conflict of interests. Catanzaro, Italy.
Interuniversity Center of Phlebolymphology (CIFL). International Correspondence to: Prof. Raffaele Serra, MD, PhD, Interuniversity
Research and Educational Program in Clinical and Experimental Center of Phlebolymphology (CIFL)., International Research and
Biotechnology’’ at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Educational Program in Clinical and Experimental Biotechnology’’ at
University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy. the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University Magna
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Cata- Graecia of Catanzaro, Viale Europa 88100 Catanzaro, Italy Viale
nzaro, Catanzaro, Italy. Europa, Localita Germaneto, 88100 Catanzaro. Italy; E-mail:
Department of Public Health, University of Naples ‘‘Federico II’’,
Naples, Italy. Ann Vasc Surg 2020; -: 1–14
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of
Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy. Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Manuscript received: June 16, 2020; manuscript accepted: August 5,
Sapienza’’ University of Rome, Department of Public Health and 2020; published online: - - -
Infectious Disease, Roma, Italy.
2 Serra et al. Annals of Vascular Surgery
could predict high-risk patients for open TAAA represent a valid option in patients with SA.72 In
repair. Takano et al.44 described the use of an inter- ascending aortic aneurysm, complicated with
mittent clamping of the visceral and carotid arteries atherosclerotic lesions of the descending aorta, a
under an extracorporeal circulation circuit without hybrid approach using frozen elephant trunk tech-
a blood flow pump, in a patient with multiple aortic nique could be a valid treatment to reduce the em-
aneurysms and SA treated by conventional open bolism risk.54 Uchida et al.28 reported a modified
repair for an AAA, and endoluminal stent grafting arch-first technique in a patient with arch aneurysm
for a thoracic aortic aneurysm. In his experience, complicated by SA, involving arch replacement with
this led to the avoidance of embolization. SA repre- a beating heart after reconstruction of supra-aortic
sents also a significant determinant of neurologic vessels while maintaining normal blood pressure.
morbidity during open aortic arch surgery.45 To pre- SA has been identified as an independent risk fac-
vent the risk of stroke during aortic arch repair, tor for spinal cord injury49 or mesenteric emboliza-
novel procedures of selective cerebral perfusion tion46 after thoracic endovascular aortic repair
have been developed, showing an acceptable risk (TEVAR). SA represents an independent risk factors
for elderly patients with SA.14,18,21,51,71 Single- for cerebral infarction after EVAR,37,39 also after left
stage hybrid arch repair, which involved ascending subclavian artery coverage.38 Bowel ischemia also
aorta replacement and debranching of arch vessels, represents a life-threatening complication of
consecutively with endovascular repair could EVAR. In fact, the evidence of irregular aortic
Table I. Characteristics of included studies
4 Serra et al.
Study Diagnostic
(author Study Number of imaging
year) Country period Study design patients Age, years technique Treatment Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Outcomes Main findings
Hollier USA 1962e1989 RC 88 69 (48e83) Arteriography Surgical treatment: Clinical findings n.a. Mortality Mortality
1991 Suprarenal compatible with Renal failure Renal failure
endarterectomy ‘‘shaggy’’ aorta: Visceral Visceral
or suprarenal diffuse embolization embolization
graft ± lumbar microembolization
sympathectomy of the lower trunk,
Infrarenal with livedo
graft + lumbar reticularis of the
sympathectomy buttocks, thighs,
Axillobifemoral legs, and feet, and
bypass with frequently with
external iliac multiple ischemic
ligation, artery toes; diffuse renal or
ligation and lum- visceral
bar microembolization;
sympathectomy diffuse peripheral
Medical treatment embolization)
Nypaver USA 1985e1992 Retrospective 43 67 (48e91) Arteriography Surgical treatment: Abdominal aortic Isolated renal or Major Mortality
1993 7 NRCT Prosthetic graft replacement with visceral complication/ Renal failure
reconstruction supraceliac aortic revascularization ischemia
of the abdominal cross-clamping Emergency involving the
aorta operation kidney, liver,
Aortic endar- Aneurysms bowel, or spinal
terectomy, right extending to or cord
renal involving the Renal
endarterectomy, origins of the dysfunction
left renal celiac axis or Vital organ
endarterectomy, superior ischemic
celiac endarterec- mesenteric artery complications
tomy, SMA
Bols 1994 Belgium n.a. Case series 5 n.a. Arteriography Medical therapy n.a. n.a. Mortality Mortality
with oral Peripheral Amputations
anticoagulation; embolization Skin lesions
surgical vascular Skin lesions
-, -
Liver dysfunction
Bowel ischemia
Hayashida Japan n.a. Case report 1 59 Arteriography; Thrombectomy and n.a. n.a. Mortality for Mortality
2004 10 CTA unfractionated diffuse Inferior mesenteric
heparin embolization artery occlusion
administration Renal failure
Bowel ischemia
Lower extremity
Sanada Japan n.a. Case report 1 75 Arteriography; Hybrid treatment Use of a homemade n.a. Peripheral Procedure-related
2005 CTA (aortic debranching, intra-aortic filter embolization embolic events
TEVAR) device during Neurological deficits
Illuminati Italy n.a. Case report 1 65 CTA Hybrid treatment ‘‘Blue toe’’ syndrome n.a. Peripheral Embolism at FU
2007 12 (TEVAR + embolization
aortobifemoral 26-month FU
Tanaka Japan n.a. Case report 1 76 CTA Thrombectomy, Acute thrombosis of n.a. Renal failure Peripheral arterial
2010 aortobifemoral abdominal aortic Other organ vascularization
bypass aneurysm dysfunction Renal failure
Okada Japan 2002e2010 Retrospective 321 69.8 ± 13.3 CTA Total arch replacement Aortic arch disease n.a. Mortality Mortality
2012 NRCT Permanent Permanent
neurologic neurologic
dysfunction dysfunction
Aorta-related Sepsis
events at 3-year Gastrointestinal tract
and 5-year FU necrosis
Pulmonary failure
Hori 2012 Japan n.a. Case report 1 68 CTA TEVAR Symptomatic n.a. Peripheral Symptoms
descending aortic embolization improving
aneurysm Renal failure
Hoshina_a Japan n.a. Case report 1 70 CTA Abdominal aortic Abdominal aortic n.a. DIC Thrombocytopenia
6 Serra et al.
Study Diagnostic
(author Study Number of imaging
year) Country period Study design patients Age, years technique Treatment Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Outcomes Main findings
Okita_a Japan 2002e2012 Retrospective 423 69.2 ± 13.1 n.a. Total arch Aortic arch disease n.a. Mortality Mortality
2013 NRCT replacement Permanent Permanent
neurologic neurologic
dysfunction dysfunction
Peripheral Sepsis
embolization Bowel ischemia
Aorta-related Pulmonary failure
events at FU Hemorrhage
Jinno 2013 Japan n.a. Case report 1 75 CTA Surgical aortic Symptomatic TAAA n.a. Postoperative Symptoms
replacement respiratory improving
complication No complications
Takagi Japan 2005e2010 RC 63 73 ± 9 CTA Total arch replacement Nondissecting arch n.a. Mortality Mortality
2013 aneurysm Cerebral Stroke
Preoperative CTA embolization Re-exploration for
evaluation bleeding
Renal failure
Respiratory failure
Hoshina_b Japan n.a. Case report 1 62 CTA Intermittent clamp Thoracic aortic n.a. Peripheral Pseudomembranous
2013 24 technique for all aneurysm and embolization enterocolitis
visceral arteries ascending colon Liver dysfunction Peripheral
during TEVAR; carcinoma Renal embolization
right dysfunction
hemicolectomy Bowel ischemia
Igarashi Japan n.a. Case report 1 83 CTA Hybrid treatment TAAA; emboli n.a. Mortality Renal failure
2013_b (debranching, filtration Peripheral
TEVAR) embolization
Wada T Japan 2008e2009 Retrospective 122 EVAR CTA Surgical aortic Abdominal aortic n.a. Mortality Mortality
2015 NRCT (74.4 ± 8.1) replacement; aneurysm Peripheral Cerebral infarction
Open repair EVAR embolization Ischemic colitis
(69.7 ± 9.4) HLOS Lower limb ischemia
Endoleaks Myocardial
-, -
Peripheral Sepsis
embolization Bowel ischemia
Aorta-related Pulmonary failure
events at FU Hemorrhage
Okita_b France 2009e2011 Prospectively 235 74 (38e93) n.a. Open surgical Abdominal aortic Ruptured AAA Mortality Mortality
2013 NRCT replacement, aneurysm treated Nonruptured AAA Surgical risk Vascular
EVAR, or LAS with open surgery, operated in Vascular complications
EVAR, or LAS emergency complications Myocardial
Patients not Endoleaks infarction
suitable for open Infections MOF
surgery, EVAR, or Endoleaks
LAS Infections
Coscas Japan 2006e2009 RC 539 76 (36e95) CTA EVAR Abdominal aortic Fenestrated or Mortality Mortality
2014 aneurysm branched Endoleaks Endoleaks
Elective EVAR endovascular Spontaneous Spontaneous graft
grafting graft thrombosis thrombosis
Isolated iliac artery FU Peripheral
aneurysms Peripheral embolization
Custom-made embolization (cerebral, limb,
grafts bowel)
Toya 2014 Japan 2002e2011 RC 29 Statin group: CTA Medical therapy SA patients with n.a. Atheromatous Lipid lowering
78.4 ± 6.1 with statins abdominal aortic area Atheromatous area
Nonstatin group: aneurysm Serum lipid variation
77.1 ± 6.3 concentrations
Nemoto UK 2008e2013 RC 99 Mesenteric CTA Fenestrated EVAR Patients with n.a. Mortality Mortality
2013 32 ischemia group: paravisceral Mesenteric Mesenteric ischemia
78 ± 12 aneurysms ischemia Renal dysfunction
Nonmesenteric Renal Endoleaks
ischemia group: dysfunction
73 ± 18 Endoleak
Patel 2014 Japan 2005e2010 RC 8 72.4 ± 8.0 CTA Surgical aortic TAAA n.a. Paraplegia No complications
replacement Mortality
8 Serra et al.
Study Diagnostic
(author Study Number of imaging
year) Country period Study design patients Age, years technique Treatment Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Outcomes Main findings
Takahashi USA 1962e1989 RC 88 69 (48e83) Arteriography Surgical treatment: Clinical findings n.a. Mortality Mortality
2014 34 Suprarenal compatible with Renal failure Visceral
endarterectomy ‘‘shaggy’’ aorta: Visceral embolization
or suprarenal diffuse embolization
graft ± lumbar microembolization
sympathectomy of the lower trunk,
Infrarenal with livedo
graft + lumbar reticularis of the
sympathectomy buttocks, thighs,
Axillobifemoral legs, and feet, and
bypass with frequently with
external iliac multiple ischemic
ligation, artery toes; diffuse renal or
ligation and lum- visceral
bar microembolization;
sympathectomy diffuse peripheral
Medical treatment embolization)
Murakami Japan 2014 Case Report 1 68 CTA EVAR SA patient n.a Peripheral Stroke embolism
2015 35 embolism
Sawazaki Japan 2015 Surgical 2 n.a. CTA Surgical epiaortic Arch aneurysm in SA n.a. Peripheral Neurologic
2015 36 technique vessels isolation patients embolism complications
Morimoto Japan 2007e2012 Case Series 6 73.5 (70e87) CTA Hybrid Repair Subclavian Artery n.a. Mortality Mortality
2015 37 Aneurysm Peripheral
associated with embolism
atherosclerosis e Endoleak; graft
Baba 2015 Japan 2006e2014 RC 178 75.1 (mean) CTA TEVAR Distal Arch Aneurysm n.a. 30-day mortality Cerebral infarction
Perioperative Postoperative
complications endoleak
Kanaoka Japan 2006e2013 RC 439 74 (mean) CTA TEVAR Fusiform descending Surgery for acute or 30-day mortality Cerebral infarction
2016 39 TAA > 55 mm or chronic aortic Comorbidities
saccular dissection or
TAA > 60 mm or emergent surgery
saccular aneurysm
unfit for open
-, -
Takano Japan 2016 Case Report 1 74 CTA Endoluminal therapy Saccular TAA n.a. Perioperative Embolization
2016 44 complications
Imasaka Japan 2008e2015 RC 200 71 SD 12 MRA Aortic surgery with Elective aortic arch n.a. In-hospital Stroke
2017 45 selective antegrade surgery mortality, stroke
cerebral perfusion Neurological
and moderate morbidity,
hypothermic myocardial
circulatory arrest infarction, renal
Reexploration for
Acosta Finland 2011e2015 Case Control 9 69 (50e81) CTA EVAR, endovascular Aortic aneurysm; n.a. -Mesenteric Smoking cessation,
2017 Study repair for aortoiliac aortoiliac occlusive embolization, patient selection
occlusive disease disease In-hospital and procedure
mortality, planning as risk
Biochemical factors
Komatsu Japan 2017 Case Report 1 70 CTA, NOA NOA SA n.a. Embolism, renal NOA is safe
2017 47 function
Hiraoka Japan 2008e2014 RC 175 75.7 SD 5.6 (SCI CTA TEVAR Aortic Aneurysms, Reintervention for Neurological SA, COPD, aortic
2018 group) aortic dissection, prior TEVAR complications coverage length as
71.8SD10.1 (No pseudo aneurysms, risk factors for SCI
SCI group) traumatic and
mycotic aneurysms
Murono Japan 2018 Case Report 1 77 CTA Laparoscopic small SA n.a. Embolism Cholesterol crystals
2018 50 bowel resection
Kasama Japan 2010e2016 RC 99 80 SD 3 Contrast- Surgical aortic arch Aortic Aneurysms Type A aortic 30-day mortality, ICP is safe in SA
2019 51 enhanced repair with ICP dissection neurological
CT complications
renal failure,
Yu 2019 Japan 2018 Case Report 1 69 CTA Surgical total arch Saccular Aortic n.a. Perioperative Postoperative
replacement Aneurysm with complications complications
Ryomoto Japan 2010e2017 RC 32 77 (mean) CTA TEVAR supported by Aortic arch disease Zone 0 proximal Postoperative Perioperative stroke
2019 53 mini-CPB landing respiratory
10 Serra et al.
Study Diagnostic
(author Study Number of imaging
year) Country period Study design patients Age, years technique Treatment Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Outcomes Main findings
Yokawa Japan 1999e2018 RC 251 62 SD 14 CTA Surgical TAAA repair Aortic disease CT not performed Mortality, SCI, AKI, CAD
2019 reexploration,
stroke, AKI,
Maeda Japan 20 RC 301 74.6 SD 8.6 CTA TEVAR SA, prior aortic graft Post dissection, Embolic Score to predict
2019 replacement, prior ruptured and complications, postoperative
endovascular repair concomitant AKI embolic
for AAA aneurysm; re complications
intervention for
Oishi 2019 Japan 2019 Case Report 2 83 (66e80) 3D CTA Single stage hybrid Aortic aneurysm n.a. Perioperative No embolic
arch Repair complications complications
(ascending aorta
debranching of arch
vessels, TEVAR)
AKI, acute kidney injury; CAD, coronary artery disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CTA, computed tomography angiography; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy;
FU, follow-up; HLOS, hospital length of stay; ICP, isolated cerebral perfusion; LAS, laparoscopic aortic surgery; MAS, middle aortic syndrome; mini-CPB, mini-cardiopulmonary bypass; MOF,
multiple organ failure; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; n.a., not available; OSR, open surgical repair; PAU, penetrating aortic ulcer; RC, retrospective cohort study; SCI, spinal cord
ischemia group; TPEG, transluminally placed endovascular graft.
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