Riddhi Singh
Riddhi Singh
Riddhi Singh
“Assessing Recruitment & Selection Process of
Bharti Airtel
Submitted to
Dr. Palima Pandey
(Assistant Professor)
Affiliated to
I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this report under the able and inspiring guidance
of Dr. Palima Pandey, Assistant Professor. His guidance and timely encouragement has
infused courage in me to complete the work successfully.
I claim this report to be my indigenous work and have not presented it anywhere else for any
Riddhi Singh
MBA III Semester
Roll no.: (MBA2210203)
The work on this report has been an inspiring, often exciting, something challenging, but always
an interesting experience.
Bearing in mind, I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks
to the School of Management Sciences, Varanasi. I express my deepest thanks to Director, Prof.
P.N. Jha, Coordinator: Dr. Amitabh Pandey of MBA for providing me the valuable chance for
doing the research purpose.
Last but not the least I apologized for my omission & mistakes, as from my side I prepared it by
my best. I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to
use gained skills & knowledge in the best possible way, & I will continue to work on their
improvement in order to attain the desired career objectives.
Riddhi Singh
MBA III Semester
Roll no.: (MBA2210203)
Table of Content
1. Preface -
2. Acknowledgement -
3. Declaration -
4 Table of Content 1
5 Introduction 2
6 Literature Review 15
7 Objective 30
8 Research Methodology 35
11 Conclusion 95
12 Suggestions & Recommendations 96
13 Annexure 97
13 Bibliography 101
Airtel Bharti, commonly known as Bharti Airtel, is an Indian multinational
telecommunications services company headquartered in New Delhi, India. It operates in
over 18 countries across Asia and Africa. Airtel offers a wide range of services including
mobile telephony, broadband, digital TV, and enterprise solutions to both individual
consumers and businesses.
The company is one of the largest mobile network operators globally and has a significant
presence in the Indian telecommunications market. Airtel has diversified its services over
the years and has expanded its offerings to include digital payments, IoT (Internet of
Things), and other digital services in addition to its core telecom services.
Bharti Airtel has been a major player in driving India's telecom revolution and has
constantly aimed to enhance its network infrastructure and services to cater to the
evolving needs of its customers.
Company Briefing
Bharti Airtel, formerly known as Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited (BTVL) is among India's largest mobile
phone and Fixed Network operators. With more than 60 million subscribers as of 31st March 2008.It
offers its mobile services under the Airtel brand and is headed by Sunil Mittal The company also
provides telephone services and Internet access over DSL in 14 circles. The company complements its
mobile, broadband & telephone services with national and international long distance services. The
company also has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable
connecting Chennai and Singapore. The company provides reliable end-to-end data and enterprise
services to the corporate customers by leveraging its nationwide fiber optic backbone, last mile
connectivity in fixed-line and mobile circles, VSATs, ISP and international bandwidth access through
the gateways and landing station.
Purpose or objective:
The rationale behind the new area layout project was to:
To ascertain the establishments in Kolkata where the roll out of new tags is feasible and optimal
(i.e. in confirmation with ARPU levels).
To ascertain the competitor’s presence and strength in various areas of Kolkata.
Objective or Purpose:
To increase the tag utilization levels to 50% thereby decreasing the losses of the company
resulting from underutilization of resources and increasing revenue of the company at the same
To remove the grievances of the existing consumers by reinstalling the useless tags and noting
down complaints for repairing and replacing the choked tags.
Objective or purpose:
To do a SWOT analysis of the competitors so that Airtel can know their rivals well.
The weakness of the rival firm will be opportunity for the Airtel to get an edge over its competitors and
the threat to Airtel would be strength of the competitors.
The telecom industry is a dynamic sector that encompasses the transmission of
information and communication over long distances. It has seen significant
evolution over the years, transitioning from traditional voice-centric services to an
era of digital transformation and data-driven connectivity. Here's an overview of the
telecom industry:
Communication Services: Telecom companies provide various
communication services, including voice calls, messaging, data transmission,
internet connectivity, and more recently, multimedia services like video calls and
Mobile Networks: The industry has experienced a significant shift from
landline-based services to mobile networks. Mobile operators deploy wireless
networks using technologies like GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G LTE, and now, 5G, to
enable wireless connectivity and mobile internet access.
Internet Services: Telecom companies play a crucial role in providing internet
access to both individuals and businesses. With the increasing demand for high-
speed internet, telecoms are focusing on expanding broadband services and fiber-
optic networks.
Technological Advancements: Emerging technologies such as 5G, Internet of
Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) are shaping
the future of the telecom industry. 5G, for instance, promises faster speeds, lower
latency, and greater capacity, enabling new applications and services.
Competition and Globalization: The industry is highly competitive, with
numerous players vying for market share. Globally, telecom companies often
expand their operations across borders, leading to international competition and
Regulations and Policies: Telecom companies are subject to regulations that
vary by country, which can impact market entry, pricing, infrastructure
development, spectrum allocation, and consumer protection.
Digital Transformation: The industry is undergoing a digital revolution, with
telecom companies diversifying their offerings into digital services like digital
payments, cloud services, content streaming, and IoT solutions.
Customer Experience: Enhancing customer experience is crucial. Telecom
companies focus on offering personalized services, improving network coverage
and reliability, and providing innovative products to meet customer demands.
Challenges: The industry faces challenges such as cybersecurity threats, high
infrastructure costs for network expansion, regulatory hurdles, and the need for
continuous innovation to keep up with rapidly evolving technologies and consumer
Future Trends: The future of the telecom industry is expected to be driven by
5G adoption, IoT proliferation, expansion of digital services, network virtualization,
AI integration, and sustainable practices.
Overall, the telecom industry plays a fundamental role in connecting people and
businesses globally, and its evolution continues to shape how we communicate,
work, and interact in the digital age.
Literature review
People are integral part of an organisation today. No organisation can run without its human resource.
In today‟s highly complex and competitive situation, choice of right person at the right place at the
right time has far implications for an organisation‟s functioning. An employee well selected and well
placed would not only contribute to the efficient running of the organisation but also offer significant
potential for future replacement. Thus hiring is an important function. The process of hiring begins
with human resource planning which helps to determine the number and type of people an
organisation needs. Job analysis and job design enables to specify the task and duties of jobs and
qualifications expected from prospective job. HRP, job analysis and job design helps to identify the
kind of people required in an organisation and hence hiring. It should be noted that hiring is an ongoing
process and not confined to formative stages of an organisation. Employees leave the organisation in
search of greener pastures, some retire and some die in the saddle. More importantly an enterprise
grows, diversifies, take over the other units until all necessitating hiring of new men and women. In
fact the hiring function stops onlywhen the organisation ceases to exist.
According to Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organisation.” It is the activitywhich links the
employer and the job seekers.
According to Yoder, “Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in
adequatenumber to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force”.
“Recruitment is the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources. It involves the
creation of a pool of available labour upon whom the organisation can draw when it needs additional
In sourcing:
Companies recruit the candidates and, employ them, train and develop them and
utilize the human resources of these candidates. This strategy is called In-sourcing.
Companies formulate and implement this strategy when the corporate strategy is
Out sourcing:
Some service companies depend for their human resources on such external
organization whose core business is to provide human resources. This strategy is
called Out-sourcing. Out-sourcing strategy is more suitable for both the fast growing
and diversifying companies.
To anticipate and final people for positions that do not exists yet.
The M.D. gives
Permission for Recruitment
Step 1:
Whenever there is a vacancy in the company first it will be known by the project manager. The
project manager informs about the vacancy to the general manager.
Step 2:
Once the general manager comes to know about vacancy in the companyhe will inform it to the
chairman to get the approval of recruitment.
Step 3:
After getting the recruitment approval the process will be carried by the HR manager. Moreover
the recruitment of the company internally, that is the existing employee will be given
first priority.
Sources of recruitment:
Internal sources:
The polic y of the organiz ation to motivate the present emplo yees.
2)Retired employees
Generally the organization takes the candidates for the employment from the retired
employees due to obligation. Sometimes the company re-employee the retired
employee‟s as a token of their loyalty to the organization.
External sources:
1. J o b ce n tr es :
This is a network covering most cities acting as agent for potential employers. They
are the private employee exchange; job centres help the candidates in knowing more about
the companythroughout the country.
2. O ut pla ce me nt co ns ul ta n ts
These are the consultants just like the employment exchange. In this job consultants
can register their name and when there is a sent for interview. Actively seeking to
place and may provide training required. Available when recruitment needed.
3. New spa p er :
4. Int e rn et :
Internet is the modern mode of recruitment. If a company wants to place or fill a vacancy
within a short period of time through the external source then internet is the best source.
1. Re fe rra ls :
Coverageis high.
3. Int e rn et :
The time consumed in giving the information and making it to reach the p e o p l e i s
less. Internet is selected as a source of recruitment for
t h e f o l l o w i n g r e a s o n s also.
Coverageis high
4. Co ns ul ta n ts :
Cost effective.
It is easy source since it will have the candidates all the time which will help during
emergency period.
Internal External
Internal factors:
Recruitment policy:
2. H u m a n r e s o u r c e p l a n n i n g :
Effective human resource planning helps in determining the gaps present in the
existing manpower of the organisation. It also helps in determining the number of
employees to be recruited and what qualifications they may possess.
3. S i z e o f t h e f i r m :
The size of the firm is an important factor in recruitment process. If the organisation
is planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of hiring
more personnel which will handle its operations
4. C o s t :
Recruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore, organisation try to employ that
source of recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organisation
for each candidate.
5. G r o w t h a n d e x p a n s i o n :
External factors:
1. Supply and demand:
The availability of manpower both within and outside the organisation is an
important determinant in the recruitment process. If the company has a demand for
more professionals and there is limited supply in the market for the professionals
demanded by the company, then the company will have to depend upon internal
sources by providing them special training and development programmes.
2. La bo u r ma r ke t:
Employment conditions in the community where the organisation is located will
influence the recruiting efforts of the organisation. If there is surplus of the
manpower at the time of recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of recruiting
like notice board display of the requisition or announcements in the meeting etc will
attract more than enough applicants.
3. S o c i o , p o l i t i c a l a n d l e g a l f a c t o r s :
handicapped etc. it becomes an obligation for the employer. Also trade unions play
an important role in recruitment. This restricts management freedom to select those
individuals who it believes would be best performers.
4. C o m p e t i t o r s :
The recruitment policies of the competitors also affect the recruitment function of
the organisation. To face the competition, many a times the organisation has to
change their recruitment policies according to the policies being followed by the
Selection process:
General criteria that are followed during the process of selection in Bharti
1. Internal selection:
The candidates who are being selected internally need not undergo the selection process. Since
the company already knows the employees ability.
Onlyif the existing employee is good technical abilityhe will be selected and the selection will be done
to fill the vacancy.
Moreover if there is a vacancy in the company first they will try to fill it internally. The team leaders
who works under the project managers will be given priority, since he know what t he works is, how
to deal the clients, etc.
His efficienc y.
The selection process in company refers to the person come through external source
of recruitment has to undergo the below selection process; this selection process has
a series of hurdles which the applicants has to go through.
2. Panel interview
This is an interview where the panel members will interview the candidate, here the
real capacity of the applicant will be revealed. A series of questions will be asked as
quickly as possible and the applicant has to satisfy the panel members through his
3. Direct interview:
This is the final round of the entire selection process. In this round the personal
details of the candidates, his expectation towards the company will be known and
according to the applicants attitude towards the job the applicant will be selected.
To provide the candidates with the facts of the job and the
4. M e d i c a l :
After the final interview the applicants who have crossed the above stages are sent to
physical examination either to the company physician or to a medical officer
approved for the purpose. Such examination serves the following purposes:
It determines whether the candidate is ph ysicall y fit
to perform the job. Those who are unfit are rejected.
It reveals existing disabilities and provides a record of
t h e employee‟s h e a l t h a t t h e t i m e o f s e l e c t i o n . T h i s
record will help in settling compan y‟ s liabilit y under
the Workmen Compensation Act for claim for an
injur y.
It prevents the emplo yment of people suffering
from contagious disease.
It identifies candidates who are otherwise suitable
but require specific jobs due to ph ysical handicaps
and allergies.
Types of interviews that are adopted during selection process in Bharti Airtel:
For the test, and technical interview the questions will be designed of Bharti Airtel.
The selection process will be done externallyby the company only when there are no suitable
candidates in the company, for example, when the team leaders lack in technical
ability, experience, performance or the company looks for external selection.
The budget for the recruitment and selection process for company will be allotted
every year. Around 25% of the profit is been allotted for the recruitment and
selection process as a whole in a year for the company (Bharti Tele ventures
Pvt.,(Ltd) including Bharti Airtel. Since candidates will be recruited every year
for other designations also.
Research methodology
Research Design:
Primary data:
Secondary data:
Sample unit:
Executives of HR departments.
Sample size:
Sampling technique:
Convenient sampling.
1993 The telecom industry gets an annual foreign investment Rs 20.6 million
1994 License for providing cellular mobile services granted by the government of India
for the Metropolitan cites of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata & Chennai. Cellular mobile
service to be duopoly (i.e. not more than two cellular mobile operators could be
licensed in each telecom circle), under a fixed license fee regime for 10 years.
1999 FDI inflow into telecom sector falls by almost 90% to Rs. 2126.7 million
The telecom sector has shown robust growth during the past few years. It has undergone a substantial
change in terms of mobile versus fixed phones and public versus private participation. The following
table shows the growth of telecom sector since 2003:
Wireline Services
Wireline services subscriber base
stood at 39.25 million in quarter
ending December 2007 as
compared to 39.58 million in quarter
ending September 2007.
Wireless Services
Broadband Service
Broadband Regulations came into force with effect from 1st Jan 2007. Total number of the Internet
Service Providers providing broadband service were 72 in last quarter ending September, 2007. No new
service provider is added in this quarter Out of 72 Internet Service Providers providing broadband
service only 14 Service Providers are having subscriber base more than 10,000 subscribers and these 14
Service providers share 98.56% of total subscriber base in this quarter. The total number of Broadband
Subscribers of these 14 Service Providers have increased from 2626377 to 3100720 by adding 4,74,343
(18.06%) subscribers in the quarter ending December, 2007.
The Wireline services
were provided by 6
licensed private operators in addition to incumbents BSNL and MTNL as on 31st December 2007. List
of Wireline Service providers along with their areas of operation is given in the following Table.
Market Share of Wireline subscriber base
The total subscriber base of Wireline
services stood at 39.25 million as on 31st
December 2007. The incumbents BSNL
and MTNL have 80.79% and 9.16%
market share respectively in the
subscriber base, while all the six private
operators together have 10.05% share.
access to specific, internal procedures post my last update in January 2022, here's an outline of
a typical talent acquisition and selection process that companies like Airtel Bharti might follow:
Identifying Talent Needs: Airtel Bharti identifies the need for talent based on business requirements,
expansion plans, or replacing outgoing employees. This involves understanding specific roles and skills
Job Description Creation: HR collaborates with hiring managers to craft detailed job descriptions
outlining responsibilities, qualifications, experience, and other job-specific requirements.
Sourcing and Attracting Candidates: Airtel Bharti utilizes various channels to source candidates,
including internal referrals, job portals, social media, professional networks, and partnerships with
educational institutions.
Screening and Shortlisting: Resumes received are screened against the job criteria to shortlist
candidates who match the required qualifications and skills.
Assessment and Interviews: Shortlisted candidates undergo assessments, which could include technical
evaluations, psychometric tests, and interviews. The interview process may involve multiple rounds,
including HR interviews, technical interviews, and managerial interviews.
Candidate Evaluation: The hiring team assesses candidates based on skills, experience, cultural fit, and
alignment with company values and goals.
Reference Checks and Background Verification: Airtel Bharti conducts reference checks to verify
candidates' backgrounds, including employment history, educational qualifications, and other relevant
Offer and Negotiation: Once a suitable candidate is identified, the company extends an offer,
negotiates terms, and discusses compensation packages.
Onboarding: After the candidate accepts the offer, Airtel Bharti initiates the onboarding process,
which may involve orientation programs, training, and familiarizing the new hire with company policies
and culture.
Feedback and Continuous Improvement: The HR team may gather feedback from both the hiring
team and the new hires to improve the recruitment process continually.
Airtel Bharti, being a major multinational corporation, likely tailors its talent acquisition and selection
processes to align with its organizational culture, values, and strategic objectives. The company may also
leverage technology and data analytics to optimize and streamline recruitment efforts while ensuring the
acquisition of top talent.
Top of Form
subscriber has decreased to 3,92,52,371 from 3,95,77,130 as on 31st December 2007. The overall
percentage of decrease in subscriber
base during the quarter is 0.82%.
During the quarter ending 31st December
2007, some service providers have
increased their respective wireline
subscriber base such as M/s Bharti
Airtel Ltd. From 20,75,037 to
21,78,175(+103,138), M/s Tata
Teleservices Ltd. (TTL) (including
TT(M)L) from 629,168 to 672,425
(+43,257), M/s Shyam Telelink Ltd. from 1,58,081 to 1,58,782 (+701) and M/s Reliance
Communications Ltd. (RCL) from 7,00,051 to 780,974 (+80,923). The reduction in the subscriber base
of Wireline during the quarter ending December 2007 reported by M/s BSNL from 3,22,26,262 to
3,17,11,219 (-5,15,043) , M/s MTNL from 36,27,092 to 35,97,029 (-30,063) and M/s HFCL Infotel Ltd.
from 1,61,439 to 1,53,767 (-7,672).
Market Share: -
The growth trend of Wireline
Internet Subscribers indicate a
slight increase in the market
share of PSU owned ISPs vis-à- vis
private operators. During the
quarter private ISPs have only
33.96% market share as against
35.35% market share in the
preceding quarter. The PSU owned ISPs market share has increased from 64.65% to 66.04% at the end
of December 2007.
y wise
The Top 8
providing broadband service on the basis
of market share are:-
In %age
0 0.52
(A brief introduction to TRAI and DOT)
In India, Telecom sector is regulated and managed by two bodies which are as follows:
1. Department of Telecommunications(DoT)
2. Telephone Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI)
Department of Telecommunication:
The Department of Telecommunications is responsible for policy
formulation, performance review, monitoring, international cooperation, research and development and
grant of licenses to operators for providing basic and value added services in various cities and telecom
circles as per approved policy of Government. The Department also allocates frequency and manages
radio communication in close coordination with international bodies. It is also responsible for enforcing
wireless regulatory.
(Airtel at a glance)
Bharti Airtel, formerly known as Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited is among India's largest mobile phone
and Fixed Network operators. It offers its mobile services under the Airtel brand and is headed by Mr.
Sunil Bharati Mittal, India's sixth richest man with a total worth of US$6.9 billion. The company is the
only operator to provide mobile services in all the 23 licensed jurisdictions (also known as Telecom
Circles) in India. An aggregate of 33,711,837 customers as of December 31, 2006, of whom 31,974,038
subscribed to GSM services and 1,737,799 subscriptions as of September 2006, the company is one of
the world's fastest growing provider of broadband & telephone services either for voice or broadband
access delivered through DSL (Digital Subscriber Link. The company also provides telephone services
and Internet access over DSL in 14 circles. The company complements its mobile, broadband &
telephone services with national and international long distance services. The company provides reliable
end-to-end data and enterprise services to the corporate customers by leveraging its nationwide fiber
optic backbone, last mile connectivity in fixed-line and mobile circles and international bandwidth
access through the gateways and landing station.
Sunil Bharti Mittal Chairman & Managing Director
Manoj Kohli President & Chief Executive Officer
Akhil Gupta Joint Managing Director
Sarvjit Dhillon Chief Financial Officer & Director
Business Divisions
Mobile Services :-
Airtel offers mobile and fixed wireless services (FWP) using GSM technology on
900MHz and 1800MHz bands, and are the largest wireless service
provider in the country, based on the number of customers, with 31,974,038 mobile customers accounted
for a market share of 21.8% of wireless market, as on December 31, 2006.
Airtel offer postpaid, prepaid, roaming and value added services through extensive sales and distribution
channel covering over 490,000 outlets. There network is present in 4,581 census towns and 176,593 non-
census towns & villages in India, thus covering approximately 54% of the country’s population.
Bharti has redefined paradigms in the telecom industry through its innovative managed
services agreements in the area of mobile network maintenance, management and deployment with
Ericsson, Nokia and with IBM for the consolidation, transformation and management of the
comprehensive IT infrastructure and applications. Bharti has a market capitalization of over USD14
billion and has SingTel and Vodafone as international strategic partners.
Business Divisions:
1) Mobile Services
2) Airtel Telemedia Service
3) Enterprise Services(Corporates)
4) Enterprise Services(Carrier Services)
"To provide global telecom services and delight customers."
By 2010, we want Airtel to be the most admired brand in India.
Loved by more customers
Targeted by top talent
Benchmarked by more business
We will meet the mobile communication needs of our customers through:
Error- free service delivery
Innovative products and services
Cost efficiency
Unified Messaging Solutions
Bharti Airtel bold strategy for the growth –company business and
marketing. India’s first private operator to make cellular profile has an aggressive marketing strategy in
all areas of fixed and wireless telecoms
Airtel’s marketing strategy to penetrate different segments:
Focusing its attention on youth ,women and senior citizens, cellular service provide
Airtel unveiled its new market segmentation strategy by introducing prepaid, postpaid
Another plan was launched for the senior citizens and women
In short Airtel wants to penetrate in all the feasible segments
Network connectivity in rural areas along with existing circles is specially taken care of
and $15 bn was spent for this purpose.
Bharti’s objective is to differentiate itself in India’s highly Competitive
communications environment by ensuring customer delight through personalized customer
service and accomplishing this through a highly cost-effective business model.
The AIRTEL visual identity has different eliminate that work together to create a strong and
consistent identity of the band. The most important of these are:
o AIRTEL LOGO – The AIRTEL logo is a strong, contemporary and confident symbol
for a brand that always ahead of the rest. It is specially drawn word mask.
o AIRTEL IMAGE STYLE – It incorporate two solid, rectangular forms counter forms
creates an open doorway.
o AIRTEL TYPOGRAPHICAL STYLE – The title case lettering with its capital ‘A’ was
deliberately chosen to reinforce the brand’s leadership position. The red dot on the
letterform ‘1’ was Airtel’s focus on innovation. The ‘Express yourself’ are very much part
of the brand identity.
o AIRTEL COLOR PALETTE – The lettering is grey as that the pure black of Airtel is
visually unharmed CATEGORY ANALYSIS
The early advertising for Airtel focused on mobile phones as a key business and lifestyle
tool. The tag line 'Power to keep in Touch' used in the brand promise was designed to make the user feel
'in control…powerful'. As the category developed with prices going down sharply, Airtel began talking
to a wider spectrum of potential users. This was the birth of the 'Touch tomorrow' positioning. Airtel
started talking to new segments by positively positioning and establishing itself as a brand that improved
the quality of life.
In its strategic drive to emotionally connect with the mass market, Airtel has also used cricket,
Bollywood and music as carriers. Through this exciting journey Airtel has been personified as a leader -
innovator, likened to Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar and Shah Rukh Khan. Airtel has always
stood out as a dynamic and a caring brand. In this journey Airtel has created some highly acclaimed.
Campaigns like the Leadership campaign, the Quality Time campaign, Magic Dalo, Say Hello launch
campaign, the Magic Hai to Mumkin Hai campaign, the
A R Rehman Live Every Moment campaign and the new Express Yourself campaign. Much like a pied
piper, the Airtel brand has attracted and retained the first customer it acquired in 1995 to the six-
millionth it acquired in 2003.
Airtel impacts the lives of millions across India - it gives people the unlimited
freedom to communicate so that they can express themselves freely. Airtel's brand values are centered
around leadership, performance, trust, care, innovation and sensitivity. These are reflected not just
through advertising, but in fact through each interface Airtel has with its customer.
1. Telemedia Services (Broadband and Telephony Services)
2. Wireless Services
3. Value added services
4. Blackberry Solutions
5. Business Solutions
1. Widest spread network.
2. Congestion free network.
3. Customized Service
In order to maintain its profitability and sales volumes it has encompassed these steps:
Total cost control
Thus with its better cost control and with value added benefits to its consumers “AIRTEL” can
maintain NO 1 position in the market.
Business Divisions:
a) Mobile Services
b) Airtel Telemedia Service
c) Enterprise Services(Corporates)
d) Enterprise Services(Carrier Services)
1) Mobile Services:
Enter the world of limitless possibilities with Airtel Prepaid. The service
that helps you give, words to every feeling, an expression to every emotion.
Life becomes much simpler with your Airtel Postpaid. It gives you
the unlimited freedom to reach out to people in your special way
Features on Broadband:
a) Speed on Demand:
b) Game on Demand:
c) Airtel PC Secure::
One of the best in PC security, to provide you and your family with
our great value online security package.
3)Enterprise Services(Corporates):
a) Mobile Service
b)Voice Service
c) Office Solutions
d) Data internet services
e) E-Business Services
f) Satellite Services
g) Carrier service
h) International Service
a) Domistic Voice
o International Data
o International voice
o Network & Satelite Service
o Remote Managemant
Broadband Advantage:
Robust installation:
The world class infrastructure & end-to-end digital network of underground
copper cable lines ensure an extremely robust connection that eliminates the risk of damage. Superior
server technology and a dedicated port provide total security to data storage and information exchange
through the Internet.
Instant access:
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology provides instant Internet and network access at
speeds up to 50 times faster than a 28.8Kbps modem on a standard analogue phone line. There are no
dial-up delays, no busy signals. What used to take minutes or hours to download, will now take just
seconds or minute.
Experience Multimedia:
With DSL Internet Service you can download graphics-heavy files, large
documents, software, photos, email attachments, and more, instantly. It's perfect for real-time interactive
multimedia, broadcast quality video, distance learning, and video-on-demand. And because DSL Internet
Service sends data and voice over the same line, you can talk on the phone while you are online.
USB Modem:
Now get an instant access to internet and your corporate applications. Airtel brings
to you USB modem which is backed by our five core promises.
Simple: It is quick and easy to install, both for your LAPTOP and PC.
Secure: It supports IP Sec client software for secure VPN.
Control: It ensures minimal investment with built-in cost management capability so that you save
on roaming.
Performance: It gives uniform, easy, end2end experience across largest footprint along with
service level guarantee and high speed data
Support: It also provides support for account management, technical call centre and service level
MO means Mobile Office in which we surf internet in the handset itself by connecting GPRS to the service
provider. GPRS Service means we surf internet on a PC or Laptop by connecting it to the phone through a data
Prepaid:- Rs 299/month
Postpaid:- Rs 199/month
Airtel In
Project Profile
I have been working in the Telemedia Services department of Airtel in Kolkata.
This department has been designated the Telemedia( i.e. Broadband and landline).I started the project on
22nd April, 2008 .Till date I have been provided the opportunity to learn 3 different type of processes
which are:
This includes the total process of the project, which under goes some certain phases. Thus
its proceeds like this.
This Project includes the retunes on Investments for new Area Enhancements for initial stage of Network
Rollout for the new area is allotted. Then the visiting to the new area is done. After that data is collected
from the area to know about the Potential of the area.
After the data is collected from the allotted area and then the data entry and the Market research is done.
As the projection is done as per the Average revenue per user (ARPU) guide line. Then the total
submission of the net planning. then a copper Map is sketched as per the Geographical information
system (GIS). Then a process of revisit area is done by Marketing People, Sales People and Installation
People and fault repairing People.
Then Bill of quantity is implemented. After that again revisit the all area and make some
change if necessary. After that submission of Return on Investment report has to send the head quarter
for approval.
After that Project execute after the ROW (rights of Way). Then the RFS tags is
install and Implemented. This Approval is done on the basis of the ARPU for Year1 is 72% and year2 is
In Kolkata, Airtel has installed 1, 06,000 tags, (the connection given to an individual landline phone or
broadband customer is called a Tag) as on 8th May, 2008, according to company sources. The company
has now decided to roll out more tags to cover entire Kolkata.
Purpose or objective:
The rationale behind the new area layout project was to:
To ascertain the establishments in Kolkata where the roll out of new tags is feasible and optimal
(i.e. in confirmation with ARPU levels).
To ascertain the competitor’s presence and strength in various areas of Kolkata.
Individual observation and survey method was utilized to select:
New Apartments under construction or Residential complexes under construction.
Commercial houses or shops.
Corporate offices
3 to 5 year old apartments and residential complexes.
There was a specified criterion for selecting these establishments as all of them cannot be selected. The
company installs tags all across Kolkata according to ARPU i.e. Average Revenue Per User. The
Average Revenue is the average monthly bill paid by a user for using landline services or broadband
services. The company has made an assumption that a consumer capable of paying a monthly bill of Rs
800-Rs 1000 is eligible to avail Airtel landline and Broadband services. There is cost-revenue
comparison done by the company before spreading or laying out the optic fiber for giving tags in
different areas across Kolkata.
We have to look at the establishments and judge whether they will be able to satisfy our ARPU criterion
of Rs 800-1000. We had to note down data of the ARPU establishments which satisfy our required
ARPU levels .
Places covered:
Howrah- GT Road to Belur
Hathibagan to Vivekanand- Bidhan Sarani
Belur to Bali Bridge-GT Road
Taratala to Behala Chowrasta- DH Road
Sovabazar to Hathibagan
I did this work for approximately a week and then. The company achieved its specified target of rolling
out new tags. The database was ready and the actual installation was due. I was assigned the 2 nd project
after the first was over.
2) Tag Augmentation Project:
In Kolkata there are 1,06,000 tags that have been installed by Airtel throughout the city. The actual
utilization of tags (i.e. tags actively used for voice calls and broadband) is a mere 38%, according to
company sources. The company is suffering huge losses because of this since there is mass
underutilization of available capacity.
Objective or Purpose:
To increase the tag utilization levels to 50% thereby decreasing the losses of the company
resulting from underutilization of resources and increasing revenue of the company at the same
To remove the grievances of the existing consumers by reinstalling the useless tags and noting
down complaints for repairing and replacing the choked tags.
Objective or purpose:
To do a SWOT analysis of the competitors so that Airtel can know their rivals well.
The weakness of the rival firm will be opportunity for the Airtel to get an edge over its competitors and
the threat to Airtel would be strength of the competitors. The SWOT Analysis would make the company
well versed with the internal an external environment. The competitors would include landline
competitors and Broadband competitors i.e. BSNL, TATA, RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS, SIFY
I had to fake my identity as a customer and visit corporate offices of these companies to get information.
I conducted unstructured interviews i.e. one on one with sales executives and managers of the rival firms.
The information I acquired consisted of:
1. %Area of Kolkata covered by the rival network
2. Tariff Plans for landline and broadband
3. The process of setting up a network to give connection to a particular house.
4. Connection to be up and running in how many days?
5. Maximum speed of Broadband
6. Value added services
7. Presence of the rival network in which areas of Kolkata.
8. Marketing strategies
9. Upcoming plans
10. Any special offer for corporate houses or not.
The data collection part is over and the final report is to be completed in 4 days time.
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate an organization and its environment. It
includes the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats involved in a business venture. It involves
specifying the objective of the business venture or project & identifying the internal & external factors
that are favorable & unfavorable to achieving the objective
Strength Weakness
Pan-India operation Tariff at the higher
Integrated telecom side
Player No differentiated
Wide network positioning in the
coverage customer mindset
Best Customer
Innovative Value
Added Services
Robust distribution
Opportunity Threat
Rural market yet to Entry of International
be tapped Players like
Penetration of value Vodafone and AT&T
added services Competitors like
Idea, Aircel etc. are
also making high
Wide Range of Network Coverage in KOLKATA , BSNL Calcutta Telephones will
become the largest GSM network at Kolkata with more than 900 BTS. The number of
BTS speaks about the coverage of the network.
BSNL has launched the Wireless in Local Loop (WLL) service covering the entire
2,200-sq.km. area of Calcutta Telecom District (CTD).
Broadband service based on ADSL2+ technology over the existing telephone wire
provides high speed internet access with speed ranging from 256 Kbps to 2
It provides the cheapest Broadband service. The cheapest available plan, DSL 399
(priced at Rs 399) provides a bandwidth capacity of 256 kbps, allowing for monthly
downloads worth 400 MB (in capacity terms).
24/7 service is alien terminology. No technical support or customer service exists on
the weekend. And the service frequently goes down on weekends and stays down till
Network Connectivity is not good. While surfing net disconnected the happen
BSNL using ADSL technology that allows copper telephone pairs to be used to
provide a broadband connection. It provides ‘always-on’ internet connection that is
automatically established once the PC and ADSL modem are switched on.
Triple Play service (voice, video and data) will be offered through broadband
connection in near future.
Airtel , Reliance , TATA Indicom , SIFY, Alliance all are broadband service provider
in Market.
Good Network coverage in Kolkata upto 65%
In south Kolkata, weak in their Broadband Service
Broadband speed upto 2Mbps
Marketing strategy
Threats from BSNL broadband services, Airtel, TATA Indicom, SIFY,
Alliance and their expended network
Wide network coverage in Kolkata, 24 North Parganas, 24 South Parganas
and Howrah upto 90% connected in Kolkata.
Unveils 1-second pulse, 100 per cent talktime and one rate for local and STD
calls on ‘True Paid’
Good network coverage in kolkata.
Tata Indicom Wi-Fi also has the distinction of being the only member of the
Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA)- encompassing leaders in the
telecommunications industry
Threats from BSNL broadband services, Airtel, Reliance, SIFY, Alliance and
their expended network
Except Saltlake most of the area of kolkata are connected.
Given connection through Local operator.
Instant Customer Services.
Given connection with in 7 days in connecting area.
Speed given Upto 512 Kbps
Basically given connection for cyber café, now also giving their connection
for home also.
Given their connection through local operator so local operator handel their
all technical fault.
Threats are BSNL, TATA Indicom, airtel , Reliance , Alliance broadband services.
Speed given upto 640Kbps.
Provides leas line for corporate and shared bandwidth. For lease line there is
point to point connectivity offered.
Threats from Alliance broadband services, Airtel, Reliance, SIFY and their
expended network
Data Analysis
Q1. Which of the sources of recruitment are used in Bharti Airtel?
a) I n t e r n a l
b) E x t e r n a l
c) B o t h .
Responses 2 7 11 20
Percentage 10 35 55 100%
55% 35%
It was found that about 55% of the recruitment and selection is done both by
internal and external sources, while as external sources are used more than the
internal sources.
Q2. Does the external recruitment bring in the desirable employees in the
a) Y e s
b) N o
Responses 18 2 20
Percentage 80 20 100%
It was found that 80% of the employees think that external sources of
recruitment brings desirable employees into the organisation while, other
20% are of the opinion that sometimes internal sources provide best
employees for a particular position.
Q3. Which of the following external sources are used for recruitment in Bharti
a) A d v e r t i s e m e n t
b) I n t e r n e t
c) C a m p u s r e c r u i t m e n t
d) C o n s u l t a n c i e s .
e) A l l o f t h e a b o v e
percentage 25 15 10 40 10 100%
15% all
It was found that 40% of the employees are recruited through the consultancies and
20% of the employees are selected by the advertisement followed by internet with 15%
and campus selections with 10%.
Q4. Does your company follow different recruitment process for different grades of
a. Y e s
b. N o
Responses 20 0 20
It was found that from that different recruitment process is adopted for
different grades of employment.
Responses 2 18 20
Percentage 10 90 100%
centralised decentralised
It was found that recruitment is decentralised. However, for higher positions of
employment the recruitment is centralised.
Responses 16 4 20
Percentage 80 20 100%
yes no
It was found that 90% of employees are satisfied with the recruitment process
adopted by Bharti Airtel. However, some of the respondents thought there should be
some changes in the existing recruitment process of the organisation.
Responses 2 18 20
Percentage 10 90 100
centralised decentralised
It was found that the selection process is decentralised. However, in some cases it is
centralised because for top management selection is done at Head Office
Q8. Which of the following methods does Bharti Airtel uses during selection?
a) W r i t t e n
b) G r o u p d i s c u s s i o n
c) P e r s o n a l i n t e r v i e w
d) G r o u p d i s c u s s i o n a n d p e r s o n a l i n t e r v i e w
e) A l l o f t h e a b o v e .
Responses 1 3 6 8 2 20
Percentage 5 15 30 40 10 100%
10% 5%
It was found that 40% of selection is done by Group Discussion & Personal
Interview. However, Personal Interview is mostly used method of selection followed
by group discussion.
Q9. Do you think innovative techniques like stress test, psychometric test and
personality test should be used for selection?
a) Y e s
b) N o
Responses 4 16 20
Percentage 20 80 100%
yes no
It was found that 20% of the respondents were of the opinion that stress test,
psychometric test and personality tests should be used for the selection, while the
others were satisfied with the existing recruitment and selection process.
a) M e r i t
b) E x p e r i e n c e
c) B o t h .
Responses 2 6 12 20
Percentage 10 30 60 100%
It was found that both experience and merit is considered during the selection
process. However, experienced people are given more consideration rather than
meritorious fresher‟s.
Responses 16 4 20
Percentage 80 20 100%
It was found that about 80 % of the employees are satisfied with the selection
process. However, the remaining are of the opinion that there should be some
change in the recruitment and selection process of the organisation.
What method does bharti Airtel use to attract a diverse pool of candidates?
Responses Frequency Percentage
Implementing campus recruitment drives at various
universities 20 20
Using target advertising campaigns on multiple
platforms. 30 30
Participating in career fairs and industry events. 10 10
Engaging with professional organisation and
associations 20 20
All of the above 10 10
Other: 10 10
Total 100 100
This data indicates that target advertising campaigns on multiple platforms received the
highest frequency of responses at 30%, followed by engaging with professional
organizations and associations and implementing campus recruitment drives, both at 20%.
Additionally, 10% of respondents selected "All of the above," and there were also 10% of
responses categorized as "Other," which might include alternative or unspecified
strategies beyond the listed options.
How does Bharti Airtel assess the skills and qualifications f candidates during the selection
process .
Responses Frequency Frequency
Conducting technical assessments and tests specific to
the job role 20 20
Reviewing resumes and application materials to determine
the relevant experience 40 40
Conducting structured interviews to evaluate candidate
competencies 10 10
Checking references and conducting background checks 10 10
All of the above 10 10
Other: 10 10
Total 100 100
it appears that reviewing resumes and application materials is the most frequent method used in the
recruitment process, accounting for 40% of the responses. Conducting technical assessments and tests
specific to the job role received 20% of the responses, while both conducting structured interviews and
checking references/background checks were noted as 10% each. Additionally, 10% of respondents
chose "All of the above," and there were 10% of responses categorized as "Other," potentially
encompassing different or unspecified methods beyond those listed.
What steps does bharti Airtel takes to ensure fairness and equal opportunities in their
recruitment and selection process?
From this information, it's evident that using blind resume screening to eliminate bias received the
highest frequency of responses at 55%. Implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives had the lowest
response rate at 5%. Additionally, 10% of respondents chose both providing training on unconscious bias
and establishing clear job requirements and criteria for selection. Moreover, 10% selected "All of the
above," and another 10% provided responses categorized as "Other," possibly indicating alternative or
additional methods beyond those listed.
How does Bharti Airtel evaluate the cultural fit of candidates during the selection process.
Responses Frequency Frequency
Conducting behavioral interviews to assess if their value
align with the company culture 5 5
Involving employees from different departments in the
interview process to gauge compatibility 20 20
Assessing candidates adaptability and flexibility through
situational judgment tests. 30 30
Utilizing psychometric assessment to measure personality
traits and work style 25 25
All of the above 10 10
Other: 10 10
Total 100 100
It appears that assessing candidates' adaptability and flexibility through situational judgment tests
received the highest frequency of responses at 30%. Involving employees from different departments in
the interview process to gauge compatibility followed at 20%. Utilizing psychometric assessments to
measure personality traits and work styles received 25% of the responses. Behavioral interviews
focusing on aligning values with company culture had the lowest response rate at 5%. Additionally, 10%
of respondents selected "All of the above," and another 10% provided responses categorized as "Other,"
possibly indicating different or unspecified methods beyond those listed.
What strategies des bharti Airtel employ to ensure a smooth on boarding process for selected
It's apparent that offering relevant training and development opportunities to support new
employees' growth and success received the highest frequency of responses at 40%.
Regularly checking in with new hires to address concerns or challenges followed at 25%.
Assigning mentors or buddies had a response rate of 10%, similar to providing a
comprehensive orientation program. Additionally, 10% of respondents selected "All of
the above," and 10% provided responses categorized as "Other," possibly indicating
different or unspecified methods beyond those listed.
I did Some Data Entry work for Making Projection of New Network Roll Out through the valuable data
which we get by our servey where already have Airtel Network.
Purpose of this projection is assume that after giving new connection of airtel landline and
broad band connection for those existing and upcoming commercial building and apartment what will be
there Average revenue per user (ARPU).
If this ARPU level is meet their expected ARPU level then the Airtel office of Kolkata send this
projection report to Delhi for confirmation for New Network roll out.
Consultancies (40%) and advertisement (25%) are the two main external sources of recruitment.
About 80% of the employees are satisfied with recruitment and selection process.
From the findings I can suggest Bharti Airtel, Noida Branch following things for the
more effectiveness of recruitment and selection process:
More emphasis should be given on internet and advertisement so that more and
more candidates apply for the jobs and it will be easy to find the right
Company should try to use the internal recruitment process first because it
Also company should adopt latest techniques like stress test, psychometric test
and personality test to find the right candidate suitable for the job.
Recruitment as being one of the major topics is required by most of the organization.
Hence the study helped in understanding the various aspects of recruitment and
selection process. In the BHARTI AIRTEL the sources of recruitment is effective,
the internal selection of the organization also in an economical means which also
reduce costs, only after looking the efficiency of the existing employee towards the
company and his sincerity that employee will be selected, in BHARTI AIRTEL the
effective selection process is adopted in the last 5 years. It can be retained as such.
Also the employees of Bharti Airtel are satisfied with the recruitment and selection
process. Also they are well aware about the various sources and methods of
recruitment and selection.
1. K A s h w a t h a p a , ( 1 9 9 7 ) H u ma n R e s o u r c e a n d
p e r s o n n e l M a n a g e me n t , T a t a M c G r a w H i l l
2. C . B . G u p t a , ( 1 9 9 6 ) H u m a n R e s o u r c e
M a n a g e me n t , S u l t a n C h a n d & S o n s .
3. D r . C . R K o t h a r i , ( 2 0 0 8 ) R e s e a r c h M e t h o d o l o g y,
1. I n d i a t o d a y
2. B u s i n e s s w o r l d
1. T i m e s o f I n d i a
2. T h e H i n d u s t a n t i m e s
3. T h e e c o n o mi c t i m e s .
1. A n n u a l r e p o r t o f B h a r t i A i r t e l 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
2. A n n u a l r e p o r t o f B h a r t i A i r t e l 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 .
1. w w w . a i r t e l . i n
2. w w w . e n . w i k i p e d i a . o r g
3. w w w . c i t e h r . c o m
4. w w w . s c r i b d . c o m