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(PSY 10 - I - O PSY) Notes

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CHAPTER 1 ● Hawthorne studies.

a series of studies that

Industrial Psychology have come to represent any change in
behavior when people react to a change in
(PSY 10) SEM 1 environment.
○ The Hawthorne Effect is when
employees change their behavior due
solely to the fact that they are being
● Industrial Psychology is also called ● 1990s. Landmark civil rights legislation in
Organizational Psychology. the US, sensitivity trainings, laboratory
training groups.
● It is a branch of Psychology that applies the
principles of psychology in the workplace. ● 1970s. Employee satisfaction and motivation
use of behavior modification techniques
● The purpose of I/O Psychology is to enhance
inspired by BF Skinner (eg. rewards and
the dignity and performance of human
beings, and the organizations they work in.
● 1980s - 1990s. Use of statistical techniques,
● It also has a positive impact on the lives of
Cognitive Psychology, effects of work on
other people as their jobs are an essential
family life, and developing methods for
part of their every day.
selection of employees.
● I/O psychologists can improve the
● 2000s. Rapid advances in technology,
employees’ quality of life, in ways such as
changing demographic make up of the
implementing appropriate wages and
workforce (to be more diverse and less
benefits, better communication, stress
discriminatory), and the global economy.
management, or work/life balance.


● I/O focuses more on application of
psychological principles 1. Answering questions and making decisions.
2. Research and everyday life.
● It examines factors that affect the people in
3. Common sense is often wrong.
an organization rather than the broader
● It relies on research.
OTHER INFO 1. Idea or question
2. Hypothesis or prediction (What will happen?).
● I/O Psychologists are not clinical It is an educated prediction about the answer
psychologists who happen to be in the to a question.
industry. 3. Theory or explanation (Why will it happen?). It
is a systematic set of assumptions.


1. Personnel Psychology. This field focuses all 1. Journals are written collections articles
about the employees in an individual sense. describing the methods and results of new
This can include analyzing jobs; recruitment, research. This is the highest level of literature
selection, and training employees; and review.
evaluating employee performance. 2. Trade Magazines are a collection of articles
for those in the “biz” about related
2. Organizational Psychology. This focuses on professional topic, seldom directly reposting
the entirety of the organization. It includes the methods and results of new research. The
issues of leadership, organizational target audience for this type are practitioners
communication, or group processes. in the field.
3. Magazines are an unscientific collection of
3. Human Factors/Ergonomics. This focuses articles about a wide range of topics.
on workplace design. It includes ergonomics
which considers physical fatigue and stress. LOCATION OF THE STUDY
1. Laboratory research is where researchers
will create an artificial environment to carry
● First big impact during WWI a. External validity/ generalizability is
● Thomas Edison’s knowledge test which the extent to which research results
were used to test an applicant’s knowledge can be expected to hold true outside
about the job. the specific setting in which they
● The Gilbreths’ on productivity and fatigue were obtained.
reduction. b. In a lab research, the external validity
is at risk because the results in the
artificial environment might be RUNNING THE STUDY
different in a naturalistic setting. Debrief is the process of Informing the subject in an
experiment about the purpose of the study in which
2. Field research is research conducted in a he or she was a participant and providing any other
natural setting. relevant information.
a. Informed consent is the formal
process by which subjects give
permission to be include in the ETHICAL DILEMMA
study. 1. Type A means that there is a high level of
b. Institution review boards are a uncertainty as to what is right or wrong, there
committee designated to ensure appears to be no best solution, and there are
ethical treatment of research both positive and negative consequences to
subjects. a decision.
2. Type B means that the difference between
RESEARCH METHOD TO BE USED right and wrong is much clearer but
1. Experiment individuals choose the solution that is most
a. An an independent variable is advantageous to themselves.
manipulated by the experimenter in
order to observe a cause-and-effect
b. Manipulation is the alteration of a
variable by an experimenter in
expectation that this will result in a
change in the dependent variable
2. Quasi-Experiment is a research method in
which the experimenter either does not
manipulate the independent variable or in
which subjects are not randomly assigned to
3. Archival research is research that involves
the use of previously collected data.
4. Survey is asking people about their opinion
on some topic.
5. Meta-analysis is a statistical method of
reaching conclusions based on previous
a. Effect size indicates the amount of
change cause by an experimental
b. Mean effect size the average of the
effect sizes for all studies included in
the analysis.
c. Correlation coefficient indicates the
magnitude and direction of a
d. Difference score indicates how many
standard deviations separate the
mean score for the experimental
group from the control group.
e. Practical significance is the extent to
which the results of a study have an
actual impact on human behavior.

1. Random sample. Every participant has an
equal chance to be included in the sample.
2. Convenience sample. Participants are
recruited for the convenience of the
3. Random Assignment.

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