Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics
Moh Magribi (XI TKJ B)
Praise and gratitude we pray for the presence of Allah SWT who has
bestowed His mercy and hidayah.For the blessings of His mercy and hidayat as
well as various efforts, the assignment of the Broad-Based Network Technology
(WAN) subject paper that discusses Fiber Optics can be completed properly and
on time.
In the preparation of this paper, it was written based on books and
information related to Fiber Optics.The author realizes that this paper is still not
perfect. For this reason, it is hoped that various inputs that are constructive for
the sake of perfection.
palu,September 7, 2022
Moh Magribi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND PROBLEM..........................................2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.......................................................3
2.1 Definition of Fiber Optic..............................................4
2.2 Working Principle fo.........................................………….. .5
2.3 Teknologi Point To Point FO……………………………………..6
2.4 Teknologi point To MultiPoint…………….……………………7
CHAPTER III CLOSING........................................................... .8
Fiber optic is one of the transmission media that can transmit information with a
large capacity with high reliability. At the beginning of its use, optical fiber was used as a
means of transmission over long distances. With a very high transmission speed, optical
fiber is very well used as a communication channel. However, along with the
development of its utilization, optical fiber is also widely used as a sensor. Optical fiber
used as a means of long-distance transmission is glass optical fiber, while for sensors
plastic fiber optics are used. Plastic fiber optics were developed as sensors because they
are easy to change and easier to treat. This treatment can be in the form of heating,
giving connection material, pressure, indentation or by giving treatment with the
replacement of cladding or protective jackets. Changes in light intensity in optical fibers
are caused by several things, including absorption, Rayleigh beams, Fresnel reflection
and weakening due to bending.
Fiber optic is a light transmission channel (transfer of information from one place
to another using a light signal). Optical Fiber is made of glass fiber and its shape is
long and thin and has the diameter of a human hair. This glass fiber is a specially
made fiber made of pure glass material and then processed into a form of cable
reel so that it can be used to pass the data you want to send or receive. . In the
communication system using fiber optics, the information signal passing by inside
is relatively more immune to interference from the outside because it is in the
form of light. The light will not be disturbed by high-voltage electricity, will not be
disturbed by the air temperature both hot and cold, and also not disturbed by the
surrounding radio frequencies.
This optical fiber consists of several parts, namely Cladding, Core, and Buffer
Coating. The core is a thin glass that is the core part of the optical fiber and
becomes a place where light travels so that light delivery can be carried out.
Cladding is an outer layer that wraps around the Core and reflects back the light
radiating out back into the Core. While buffer coating is a plastic layer that
protects fibers from damage and moisture.
Core and Cladding are made of glass while Buffer or Coating is made of plastic to
be flexible.
There are two types of fiber optics that are commonly used, namely Single Mode
and Multi Mode.