1.1 Preface
The role of the optical transmitter is to generate the optical signal, impose
the information bearing signal, and launch the modulated signal into the
optical fiber. The development of optical communication was caused
primarily by the rapidly rising demand for Internet connectivity.
1.5 Methodology
The methodology of this project starts by collecting data about the fiber
optical communication networks from scientific papers and related works
on the internet and the way it can be simulated into the OptiSystem
simulation software, then extract the required equations and mathematical
considerations and the optimal components that will be used in the
Moreover the simulation results will cover the evaluation of the fiber
optical network while using OFDM such as delay time, throughput and
data rate and SNR /BER.
Chapter One: includes preface about the topic, along with the proposed
solution, problem definition, objectives and the working methodology.
Chapter Two: represent a literature review about the fiber optic and fiber
optic communication, then a brief notes about the OFDM optical system
along with the related works.
Chapter Three: in this chapter the methodology of the project is included
along with mathematical and computer model, moreover the project
scenarios was included in the same chapter.
Chapter Two
Literature Review
Optical Fiber
Optical fibers are extremely thin strands of ultra-pure glass designed to
transmit light from a transmitter to a receiver. These light signals represent
electrical signals that include video, audio, or data information in any
combination. (Fig 2.1) shows the general cross-section of an optical fiber.
The fiber consists of three main regions. The center of the fiber is the core.
This region actually carries the light. It ranges in diameter from 9 microns
(μm) to 100 microns in the most commonly used fibers. Surrounding the
core is a region called the cladding. This part of the fiber confines the light
in the core. The cladding typically has a diameter of 125 microns or 140
microns. A key design feature of all optical fibers is that the refractive
index of the core is higher than the refractive index of the cladding. Both
the core and cladding are usually doped glass materials. Other fiber types
incorporate quartz or pure fused silica and plastic, but these are not used
in mainstream high-performance applications. The outer region of the
optical fiber is called the coating or buffer. The buffer, typically a plastic
material, provides protection and preserves the strength of the glass fiber.
Typical diameters for the buffer are 250 microns, 500 microns, and 900
2.3 Design
Optical fiber consists of a core and a cladding layer, selected for total
internal reflection due to the difference in the refractive index between the
OFDM has been adopted in the Wi-Fi arena where the standards like
802.11a, 802.11n, 802.11ac and more. It has also been chosen for the
cellular telecommunications standard LTE / LTE-A, and in addition to this
it has been adopted by other standards such as WiMAX and many more.
To see how OFDM works, it is necessary to look at the receiver. This acts
as a bank of demodulators, translating each carrier down to DC. The
resulting signal is integrated over the symbol period to regenerate the data
from that carrier. The same demodulator also demodulates the other
carriers. As the carrier spacing equal to the reciprocal of the symbol period
means that they will have a whole number of cycles in the symbol period
and their contribution will sum to zero - in other words there is no
interference contribution.
OFDM Spectrum
Data on OFDM
Guard Interval
The distribution of the data across a large number of carriers in the OFDM
signal has some further advantages. Nulls caused by multi-path effects or
interference on a given frequency only affect a small number of the
carriers, the remaining ones being received correctly. By using error-
coding techniques, which does mean adding further data to the transmitted
signal, it enables many or all of the corrupted data to be reconstructed
within the receiver. This can be done because the error correction code is
transmitted in a different part of the signal.
OFDM advantages
OFDM has been used in many high data rate wireless systems because of
the many advantages it provides.
OFDM disadvantages
Whilst OFDM has been widely used, there are still a few disadvantages to
its use which need to be addressed when considering its use.
High peak to average power ratio: An OFDM signal has a noise
like amplitude variation and has a relatively high large dynamic
range, or peak to average power ratio. This impacts the RF amplifier
efficiency as the amplifiers need to be linear and accommodate the
large amplitude variations and these factors mean the amplifier
cannot operate with a high efficiency level.
Sensitive to carrier offset and drift: Another disadvantage of
OFDM is that is sensitive to carrier frequency offset and drift.
Single carrier systems are less sensitive.
OFDM variants
There are several other variants of OFDM for which the initials are seen
in the technical literature. These follow the basic format for OFDM, but
have additional attributes or variations:
Each of these forms of OFDM utilise the same basic concept of using close
spaced orthogonal carriers each carrying low data rate signals. During the
demodulation phase the data is then combined to provide the complete
Optical communications
The goal of optical signal transmission is to achieve a predetermined BER
between any two nodes in an optical network. This BER must be at least
109 (Forward Error Correction (FEC) can be assumed). The increasingly
Internet traffic growth requires the deployment of optical transmission
systems supporting high data rates. Unfortunately at high data rates some
nonlinear effects due to the fiber appear in the communication. Using
advanced modulation formats mitigates these effects transmitting the
signal to much lower symbol rates. An optical transmission system
consists of a transmitter, a receiver and the fiber. We can also introduce
amplifiers, equalizers, filters and other components in the link depending
on the system requirements [3]. The role of the transmitter is to modulate
the signal and generate the optical version to launch it to the fiber. Figure
1.1 shows an example of an optical OFDM system using IM/DD or
coherent detection. The OFDM symbols are created and then transmitted
through the fiber.
Related Works
Performance Analysis of Fiber Optical Communication using Fiber
Bragg Grating as Dispersion Compensator
Bibhu Prasad 1, Dr. K. C. Patra2, Dr. N.K Barpanda3
Research Scholar, SUIIT Sambalpur , Odisha, India1
Professor, Department of Electronics, SUIIT, Sambalpur, odisha, India2
Professor, Department of Electronics, GIET, Gunupur, Odisha, India 3
With the increasing growth and demand for capacity in national, regional,
and even metropolitan optical networks, high bit rate fiber transmission
has recently become an essential part of communications. The high bit rate
transmission improves spectral utilization which results in increased
overall system capacity and reduces overall cost.
The optical communication systems are used as high speed long–haul
communication systems. Although optical fiber communication has a lot
of advantages, dispersion is the main performance limiting factor. There
are various types of optical fiber compensators, but Fiber Bragg Grating
(FBG) is commonly chosen as important components to compensate the
dispersion in optical communication system. FBG is very simple, has low
cost filter for wavelength selection and low insertion loss, it has also
customized reflection spectrum and wide bandwidth. An analysis of the
dispersion compensation using Fiber Bragg Grating at different fiber
lengths and at different value of input power and fbg length. The simulated
transmission system have been analyzed on the basic of different
parameters which include input power (dBm), fiber cable length (km),
FBG Length (mm) by using OptiSystem 7 .
Chapter Three
3.2.1 Despite, there are some dissimilarities among the fiber and
copper as communicated media:
Optical network resources are to be optimized because as compare
to electronic devices, the optical devices are more affluent.
The data processing lead into electronic circuits are far less rate than
the rate at which optical signals are processed.
Raman amplifiers
Semiconductor amplifiers
From the above figure 2.7 it shows that they are three levels of energy E1,
E2 and E3 of E3+ ion of silica glass. The E4 energy level is not present in
the silica glass, it is present in Fluoride glass. Stark splitting is a process
that spread the energy levels into bands. Ions jump into the higher energy
level, which are excited by pumping with amplifier at wavelengths
labelled at the difference between the energy levels. The transition gap
between the energy levels E1 and E3 is 980nm.Similarly, the transition
gap between E1 and E2 is 1480nm. Due to stimulated emission and
spontaneous emission emitted photons with wavelengths are indicated
with downward transition.
Fig 3. 6 : Typical EFDA gain plot.
The above (fig 3.6) shows the gain plot of EDFA with four pump power
different values as a function of wavelength. Taking on the pumping, 15m
to 980nm considered as a doped fiber length.
Equation (3.1)
Equation (3.2)
Loss rate is one of the network performance parameter- load of traffic that
effects the rate of lo
Since rate of packet loss is one of the significant constraint, it will not
satisfactorily capture the thorough pattern loss. Pattern losses are very
dissimilar, for a same loss rate. In a network, to know how packets are
dropped can be explored by inspecting the loss episode distribution.
Specifically we use loss episode exploration for a particular data traffic
basis, because real-time data solicitations are vulnerable to succeeding loss
of packet than the intermittent single loss of packet.
Eventually, we can define the loss rate per flow loss and load traffic per
flow load
The bandwidth properties of optical fiber are well known and make it the
media of choice for high-speed data and video applications. However,
various forms of multiplexing are required to take advantage of this
bandwidth. Time division and wavelength division multiplexing are the
two most commonly used. As fiber is best suited to digital transmission,
many low-rate digital signals can be time division multiplexed (TDM)
using electronic parallel-to-serial converters like the Agilent G-Link or the
Cypress Hotlink. Several low rate signals are combined into a single high-
speed channel for transmission and then reconstructed or broken out at the
receiving end.
Although high-speed TDM devices are available for aggregate data rates
of 10-40 Gbps for telecommunications applications, affordable
components, e.g.TDM ICs, fiber optic transceivers and test equipment, are
currently limited to 2.5 Gbps. TDM can also be done in several stages, e.g.
programmable logic devices (PLDs) can be used to combine many low-
rate signals. Over-sampling using a common clock is required when the
signals are asynchronous.
(𝑑)=10(𝑑𝑑°)+𝑐 (3.2)
where PL is path loss function measured in dB, d is the distance between
transmitter and receiver, v is the path exponent, c is a constant, and do is
the distance to a power measurement reference point (sometimes
embedded within the constant)
In this chapter the results and discussion was included, for the simulation
of QoS Parameters that effect the fiber network such as delay, throughput
Moreover the simulation was done based on OptiSystem software, and the
results was taken into Matlab script file for plotting the results. In addition
the output of each parameter according to the traffic density was included.
The project has three scenarios, the 1st scenario is based on the traffic
density, which is configured lite, and the 2nd is medium and the last is
Figure (4.1) simulation scenario
As shown in figure 4.1 a source with a different nano watts are placed as
an input to the multiplexer stage, in order to obtain the WDM principles,
the finer cable then was selected and the distance was set to optimal, then
a demultiplexing stage was placed in the receiver part, the analysis of the
signal can be determined through the total bits and error bits that can be
used to detect the value of the bit error rate.
From 5 seconds to 10 the system decrease the delay time to the minimum
Figure (4.2) Simulation Time vs. Delay
In figure (4.2) while set the network traffic to low it was found that the
delay time of the network has a minimum delay compared to the medium
and heavy traffics.
Moreover the heavy traffic has a max of delay time compared with the
medium and lite traffic.
In figure (4.3) while set the network traffic to low it was found that the
throughput of the network has a maximum goodput compared to the
medium and heavy traffics.
The signal to noise ratio was set between the 0 and 25 db and it was found
that increasing the power decreases the bit error rate, and increasing the
power required while increasing the data rate.
In figure (4.4) while set the network traffic to low it was found that the
signal to noise ratio of the network has a minimum required power
compared to the medium and heavy traffics.
The following table illustrate the signal to noise ratio for different traffic
The following table illustrate the delay for different user configurations
Chapter Five
Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
قال تعالى:
Dedication to my mother…
Whit warmth and faith...
Dedication to my father…
Whit love and respect …
Dedication to my friends..
Whom we cherish their friendship
Dedication to my special people
Who mean so much to me…
Dedication to all my teachers …
In whom I believe so much …