Daily Lesson Plan-Biology Grade 8
Daily Lesson Plan-Biology Grade 8
Daily Lesson Plan-Biology Grade 8
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the difference between animal
A. Content Standards and plant cells.
Discussing new concepts and Do this activity
practicing skills #1
For Group 1
“What is a cell?”
A. Plant Cell
B. Animal Cell
1. Compare the shape of a plant cell with that of
an animal cell.
2. Which cell parts are found in both cells?
3. Which are present only in animal cells?
4. Which are present only in plant cells?
5. Based on your observations and study of
plant and animal cells, cite differences and
similarities between them.
Manila Paper
Making generalizations and What is/are the simplest word/words that Simplest
abstractions about the lesson. you can use to describe the cell? word to
What makes plant and animal cell describe
different? The same? cell is
. e/tiny/minis
plant and
Similarity between
plant and animal
Evaluating Learning Direction: Listen carefully as I read question, write only the letter of the best
1. The Modern Cell Theory states that all cells come from.
a. non-living material
b. nothingness
c. other existing cells
d. none of these
4. Label the number 4 on the picture of animal cell.
5. Which of the following cell structures are present in both plant and
animal cell?
a. cell wall
b. centrioles
c. chloroplast
d. nucleus
1. C 2. Chloroplast 3. Nucleus 4. Mitochondrion 5. D
Additional Activities for
application or remediation.
___Lesson was successfully carried out. Move on to the next lesson.
___Lesson was not carried out on time. It will be continued in the next
_____Students did not find any difficulties in catching up the lesson.
_____Students found difficulties in catching up the lesson.
_____Students did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and interest about the lesson.
_____Students were interested in the lesson despite some difficulties in answering their lesson.
_____Students mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the teacher.
_____Majority of the students finish their work on time.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation _______Out of______ Grade __ carried 80% above.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities _______Out of______ Grade __ continue to require
for remediation who scored below 80% remediation.
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who _______YES _______NO
caught up with the lesson. _______Out of _______ Grade __ caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require _______YES _______ Grade __ continue to require
remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Strategies used that work well:
Why did these works?
_____ Metacognitive Development: Examples: Self-
assessment, note taking and studying techniques.
_____ Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, quick
write anticipatory charts.
_____ Schema-Building: Examples: Compare and
Contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching and projects.
_____ Contextualization: Examples: Demonstration,
media, manipulative, repetition, and local opportunities.
_____ Text Representation: Examples: Student created
drawings, poems, jingles, videos, and games.
_____ Modeling: Example: Providing samples of
student work.
_____ Graphic organizers: Visual displays to organize
information into things like trees, flowcharts, web and
_____ Experimentation/ Activity
_____ Field trip to the school campus.
_____ Video Clip Presentation
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