Daily Lesson Plan About Sound
Daily Lesson Plan About Sound
Daily Lesson Plan About Sound
Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Code: S8FE-Ie-24
I. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to;
1. demonstrate and describe the propagation of sound;
2. differentiate the propagation of sound through solid, liquid and gas; and
3. recognize the significance of propagation of sound in one’s life.
B. Science Concepts:
1. Sound as a wave has the ability to travel or propagate. It is also
further classified as a form of a mechanical wave. Thus, there
has to be a matter for which sound could exhibit this innate
2. Sound waves propagate through matter also called medium.
Sound propagates through solid, liquid and gaseous
3. Sound is propagated by the vibration of molecules within the
medium. When a medium vibrates, the molecules in the
medium is disturbed and also vibrates thus a reaction process
begins. Anyone within the vibrating medium will be able
to hear sound.
4. Sound propagates differently through different kinds of medium.
Since it needs molecules to move, the characteristics of the
molecules a medium is composed of (for example, the spaces
between the molecules) determine whether the sound travels
faster or slower in some ways. Sound propagates or
travels fastest in solid (molecules are closer together),
moderate in liquid (molecules are slightly closer together) and
slowest in gas (molecules are farther apart).
5. Propagation of sound through a medium is the main reason why
we hear. When the objects vibrate, the molecules
surrounding it
vibrates and sound waves are carried. If there is no medium,
such as the solid, liquid and gaseous materials then
vibrations in an object will not travel through and can’t
proceed to our ears.
C. Science Skills:
1. Demonstrating and describing
2. Differentiating
D. Value Focus:
Recognize the significance of propagation of sound in one’s life.
E. Materials:
Book Marking pen
Projector/ TV/Visual Aids 1 meter string
Activity Sheets Metal spoons
Manila Paper 1.5 liter of water,
bell small pail
F. References:
- Grade 8 Science Learner’s Module – Pia C. Ocampo et.al.,
Department of Education, 2014, Pages: 70- 79.
- Fourth Year Physics, Delia Cordero-Navaza, 2nd Edition, Phoenix
Publishing House, Pages: 329-342.
- Internet source: http://www.physicsclassroom/Class/sound.html
Very good! Sound is anything that we hear Sound is a form of a mechanical wave, thus it
which stimulates our ears. If sound is a needs a matter to travel and transfer energy.
wave, in what classification does it belong?
Well done! In constructing sound, there must The source of sound is called vibrating object.
be a source of sound. The source of sound is
Now, what is vibration and how it produces Vibration refers to the to-and-fro of molecules
sound? in a medium which creates disturbances.
Sound is produced when object vibrates.
C. Motivation:
The students will be group into two and seated according to their
group. Through the audio player, the teacher will play different sounds and each group
should tell correctly what is being played and it indicates. The group with the highest
score will be declared as winner.
(Sound of a crying baby)
(Sound of a ringing phone) The students are expected to give the correct
name of the sound being played and the
(Sound of a crowing rooster) description it indicates.
(Sound of a serene)
What have you heard a moment ago? We heard different sound Sir!
How did sound from the audio player got Students’ answers vary.
into your ears?
D. Presentation:
This morning, we will discuss about the propagation of sound.
This aims to answer the following objectives:
1. demonstrate and describe the propagation of sound;
2. differentiate the propagation of sound through solid, liquid and gas; and
3. recognize the significance of propagation of sound in one’s life.
E. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Teacher’s Note
1. Activity
Pre- activity
-Grouping of the students into three
-Distributing of the activity sheets and
the materials needed for the activity.
-Giving instructions and safety
reminders for the activity.
Activity Proper
-Let students perform the activity and Students will perform the The teacher supervises and
answer the questions on their activity activity actively by group facilitates the students in
sheets. and will write their answers doing their activity.
in a manila paper.
Post Activity
-Let students present their work to the Students will present their
class. work to the class.
2. Analysis
a. A. What did you hear when
the spoon tapped the desk?
b. How do you think the sound
waves reached your ears?
c. Does sound travels in solid?
d. What have you observe when
you place your ear against the small Teacher will give praises to
pail container while someone rings the the group who answered
bell inside? correctly and also will
e. How did sound waves get
(Varied Answers) impose follow up questions
from the ringing bell to your ears? and additional information
f. Does sound travels in liquid? for better understanding.
g. What did you hear when
someone struck the spoon with a
h. How did sound waves reached
your ears from the struck spoon by a
i. Does sound travels in gas?
j. How do sounds that travel
through different medium compare?
How can you explain this difference?
k. In which medium do sounds
travel fastest? How about the slowest?
Explain your answer.
3. Abstraction
a. describe the propagation of Sound as a wave has the
sound. ability to travel or propagate.
It is also further classified as
a form of a mechanical wave.
Thus, there has to be a matter
or a medium for which sound
could exhibit this innate
ability. Sound is propagated
by the vibration of molecules
within the medium (solid,
liquid, gaseous). When a
medium vibrates, the
molecules in the medium is
disturbed and also vibrates
thus a reaction process
begins. Anyone within the
vibrating medium will be
able to hear sound.
4. Application
What is the significance of (The teacher will give his
propagation of sound in one’s life?
(Varied Answers) own insight.)
Propagation of sound
through a medium is the
main reason why we hear.
When the objects vibrate,
the molecules surrounding it
vibrates and sound waves
are carried. If there is no
medium such as the solid,
liquid and gaseous materials
then vibrations in an object
will not travel through and
sound waves can’t proceed
to our ears.
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Read following questions thoroughly and answer each correctly. Avoid
1. Sound as a wave has the ability to travel or propagate. It is also further classified as a
form of a mechanical wave. Thus, there has to be matter or a medium for which sound
could exhibit this innate ability. Sound is propagated by the vibration of particles within
the medium (solid, liquid, gaseous). When a medium vibrates, the molecules in the
medium is disturbed and also vibrates thus a reaction process begins. Anyone within the
vibrating medium will be able to hear sound.
2. The three medium in which sounds can propagate are the solid, liquid and gaseous
(gas) materials.
3. Sound propagates fastest in solid medium due to the molecules it comprised of. In
solid, molecules are closer to each other as compared to other medium, which depicts that
sounds propagate or travel best.
4. Sound propagates slowest in gaseous (gas) medium because the molecules in gas are
far apart from each other, thus it took more time for the sound waves to propagate as
compared in solid and liquid materials.
V. Assignment:
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the properties of sound waves?
2. Explain each property and cite scenarios where it is usually observe.
(Reference: Grade 8 Science Learner’s Module, Pages: 85-90.
Prepared by:
Teacher I Applicant