Mix Design As Per IS 10262-2019
Mix Design As Per IS 10262-2019
Mix Design As Per IS 10262-2019
SSD condition
1) Grade of concrete = M25
2) Characteristic strength of concrete, fck = 25 N/mm2
3) Type and grade of cement = OPC 43 grade
4) Maximum nominal size of aggregate = 20 mm
5) Exposure condition = Moderate (IS 456:2000, Table 3)
6) Minimum cement content = 300 kg/m3
7) Workability in terms of Slump = 100 mm
8) Transportation time = 30 mins
9) Method of placing = Pumping
10) Standard Deviation = 4 N/mm2
11) Type of aggregate = crushed angular aggregate
12) Maximum cement content = 450 kg/m3
13) Specific gravity of cement = 3.16
14) Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.46
15) Specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.73
16) Specific gravity of water = 1
17) Zone of aggregates = Zone II
f'ck = fck + X
= 30.5 N/mm2
Step 5:- Aggregate proportion between coarse aggregate and fine aggregate
Volume of coarse
aggregate = 0.567
Volume of fine aggregate
= 0.433
a) Volume of concrete = 1 m3
Mass of cement/Mass
b) Volume of cement = density
= 0.111 m3
Mass of water/Mass
c) Volume of water = density
= 0.158 m3
Mass of admixture/Mass
d) Volume of admixture = density
= 0.00344 m3
Volume of all in aggregate
e) = 0.728 m3
Mass of coarse aggregate
f) = 1127 kg
kg/m3 OK
SSD condition
1) Grade of concrete = M30
2) Characteristic strength of concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2
3) Type and grade of cement = OPC 43 grade
4) Maximum nominal size of aggregate = 20 mm
5) Exposure condition = Severe (IS 456:2000, Table 3)
6) Minimum cement content = 320 kg/m3
7) Workability in terms of Slump = 100 mm
8) Transportation time = 30 mins
9) Method of placing = Pumping
10) Standard Deviation = 5 N/mm2
11) Type of aggregate = crushed angular aggregate
12) Maximum cement content = 450 kg/m3
13) Specific gravity of cement = 3.16
14) Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.46
15) Specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.73
16) Specific gravity of water = 1
17) Zone of aggregates = Zone II
f'ck = fck + X
= 36.5 N/mm2
Step 5:- Aggregate proportion between coarse aggregate and fine aggregate
Volume of coarse
aggregate = 0.567
Volume of fine aggregate
= 0.433
a) Volume of concrete = 1 m3
Mass of cement/Mass
b) Volume of cement = density
= 0.125 m3
kg/m3 OK
SSD condition
1) Grade of concrete = M40
2) Characteristic strength of concrete, fck = 40 N/mm2
3) Type and grade of cement = OPC 43 grade
4) Maximum nominal size of aggregate = 20 mm
5) Exposure condition = Severe (IS 456:2000, Table 3)
6) Minimum cement content = 320 kg/m3
7) Workability in terms of Slump = 100 mm
8) Transportation time = 30 mins
9) Method of placing = Pumping
10) Standard Deviation = 5 N/mm2
11) Type of aggregate = crushed angular aggregate
12) Maximum cement content = 450 kg/m3
13) Specific gravity of cement = 3.16
14) Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.46
15) Specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.73
16) Specific gravity of water = 1
17) Zone of aggregates = Zone II
f'ck = fck + X
= 46.5 N/mm2
Step 6:- Aggregate proportion between coarse aggregate and fine aggregate
Volume of coarse
aggregate = 0.576
Volume of fine aggregate
= 0.424
a) Volume of concrete = 1 m3
Volume of entrapped air in
b) wet concrete = 0.01 m3
Mass of cement/Mass
c) Volume of cement = density
= 0.125 m3
0, Table 3 & 5)
per IS 10262-2019, Table 4)
kg/m3 OK