Amendment No. 3 June 2018 TO Is 15658: 2006 Precast Concrete Blocks For Paving - Specification
Amendment No. 3 June 2018 TO Is 15658: 2006 Precast Concrete Blocks For Paving - Specification
Amendment No. 3 June 2018 TO Is 15658: 2006 Precast Concrete Blocks For Paving - Specification
[Page 5, Table 2 (see also Amendments No. 1 and 2)] — Delete row (vii).
[Page 6, clause 6.2.6 (see also Amendment No. 1)] — Substitute the
following sentence for the last sentence:
‘The results shall satisfy the limits as agreed to between the purchaser and the
manufacturer subject to the following limits of loss in volume (∆V):
(Page 6, clause 6.2.6) — Insert the following new clauses at the end:
The tensile splitting strength (T) of paver blocks shall be determined as per the
method given in Annex F. The requirement shall be as follows:
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Soma Raviteja -
Nellore( [for non-commercial use only].
(Page 7, clause 9.1.4) — Substitute the following for the existing clause:
‘9.1.4 The paver blocks selected in accordance with Table 4 shall be subjected
to compressive strength, abrasion resistance, tensile splitting strength and
flexural strength tests and shall meet the requirements given in 6.2.5, 6.2.6,
6.2.7 and 6.2.8, respectively.’
[Page 7, clause 9.2 (see also Amendment No. 1)] — Delete ‘tensile
splitting strength, flexural strength/breaking load,’.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Soma Raviteja -
Nellore( [for non-commercial use only].
(Page 14, Annex F) — Substitute ‘6.2.7’ for ‘6.3.1’ in the clause reference
given under ANNEX F in the title.
(Page 16, Annex G) — Substitute ‘6.2.8’ for ‘6.3.2’ in the clause reference
given under ANNEX G in the title.
(CED 05)
Publication Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India