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Abs System and Traction Control System: Section 4E

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Description and Operation ................................... 4E-2 DTC 245-Wheel Speed Sensor Frequency
ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) ............................ 4E-2 Error ............................................................... 4E-56
TCS (Traction Control System) Description ............ 4E-3 DTC 930-Acceleration Sensor Fault ..................... 4E-60
EBD (Electronic Brake Force Distribution) System DTC-Acceleration Sensor Continuity Fault ........... 4E-62
........................................................................ 4E-5 DTC 060/065-Left Front Inlet and Outlet Valve
Tire and ABS/TCS ................................................ 4E-9 Solenoid Fault ................................................. 4E-64
Hydraulic Circuit ................................................. 4E-10 DTC 070/075-Right Front Inlet and Outlet Valve
Solenoid Fault ................................................. 4E-66
ABS 5.3............................................................. 4E-10
DTC 080/085-Left Rear Inlet and Outlet Valve
ABS/TCS 5.3 ..................................................... 4E-13 Solenoid Fault ................................................. 4E-68
Component Locator ........................................... 4E-16 DTC 090/095-Right Rear Inlet and Outlet Valve
ABS, ABS/TCS 5.3 ............................................ 4E-16 Solenoid Fault ................................................. 4E-70
Diagnostic Information and Procedures ............ 4E-18 DTC 141/146-Left Rear Prime Line and TCS Pilot
Diagnostic Circuit Check .................................... 4E-18 Valve Fault ..................................................... 4E-72
ABS Indicator Lamp Inoperative ......................... 4E-20 DTC 121-Valve Relay Circuit Fault ...................... 4E-74
TCS Indicator Lamp Inoperative ......................... 4E-24 DTC 110-Return Pump Motor Circuit Fault........... 4E-76
EBD Indicator Lamp Inoperative ........................ 4E-28 DTC 161-Stoplamp Switch Fault ......................... 4E-78
Power Supply To Control Module, No Dtcs Stored DTC 800-Low Voltage Fault ................................ 4E-82
...................................................................... 4E-32 DTC 550-EBCM Internal Fault ............................. 4E-86
ABS Indicator Lamp Illuminated Continuously, Schematic and Routing Diagrams ..................... 4E-88
No Dtcs Stored ............................................... 4E-36 ABS 5.3 Circuit .................................................. 4E-88
Self-Diagnostics ................................................ 4E-38 ABD 5.3 Circuit .................................................. 4E-89
Intermittent and Poor Connections ...................... 4E-38 Connector End Views ......................................... 4E-90
DTC 035-Left Front Wheel Speed Sensor EBCM (Hydraulic Modulator/Unit Integrated) ...... 4E-90
Fault ............................................................... 4E-40
Repair Instructions .............................................. 4E-91
DTC 07-Left Front Wheel Speed Sensor
Continuity Fault ............................................... 4E-42 On-Vehicle Service ............................................. 4E-91
DTC 040-Right Front Wheel Speed Sensor Service Precautions ........................................... 4E-91
Fault ............................................................... 4E-44 Hydraulic Modulator/Ebcm Assembly ................ 4E-92
DTC 08-Right Front Wheel Speed Sensor Front Wheel Speed Sensor ................................. 4E-93
Continuity Fault ............................................... 4E-46 Rear Wheel Speed Sensor ................................. 4E-93
DTC 045-Left Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Fault .... 4E-48 Acceleration Sensor ........................................... 4E-94
DTC-Left Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Continuity System Fuse ..................................................... 4E-94
Fault ............................................................... 4E-50
Indicators .......................................................... 4E-94
DTC 050-Right Rear Wheel Speed Sensor
Unit Repair .......................................................... 4E-95
Fault ............................................................... 4E-52
ABS Front Tooth Wheel ...................................... 4E-95
DTC-Right Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Continuity
Fault ............................................................... 4E-54 Special Tools and Equipment ............................ 4E-96
Special Tools Table............................................ 4E-96


ABS(ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM) The inlet valve and the outlet valve close/open by the
electrical signal and control the hydraulic pressure as
When wheel slip is noted during a brake application, increase, decrease and hold.
the ABS enters antilock mode. During antilock braking,
hydraulic pressure in the individual wheel circuits is
controlled in order to prevent any wheel from slipping.
A separate hydraulic line and specific solenoid valves
are provided for each wheel. The ABS can decrease,
hold or increase hydraulic pressure to each wheel
brake. However, the ABS cannot increase hydraulic
pressure above the amount which is transmitted by
the master cylinder during braking.
During antilock braking, a series of rapid pulsations
will be felt in the brake pedal. These pulsations are
caused by the rapid changes in position of the
individual solenoid valves as they respond to their
desired wheel speed. This pedal pulsation is present
during antilock braking and stops when normal braking
is resumed or when the vehicle comes to a stop. A
ticking or popping noise may also be heard as the ABS System Components
solenoid valves rapidly cycle. During antilock braking The ABS 5.3 Antilock Braking System (ABS) consists
on dry pavement, the tires may make intermittent of a conventional hydraulic brake system plus antilock
chirping noises as they approach slipping. These components. The conventional brake system includes
noises and pedal pulsations should be considered a vacuum booster, master cylinder, front disc brakes,
normal during antilock operation. rear disc brakes, interconnecting hydraulic brake pipes
The vehicle may be stopped by applying normal force and hoses, brake fluid level switch and the BRAKE
to the brake pedal. Brake pedal operation during indicator.
normal braking should be no different than previous The ABS components include a hydraulic unit, an
systems. Maintaining a constant force on the pedal electronic brake control module (EBCM), two system
will provide the shortest stopping distance while fuses, four wheel speed sensors (one at each wheel),
maintaining vehicle stability. interconnecting wiring, the ABS indicator, the EBD
indicator and the TCS indicator, See “ABS Component
Basic Knowledge Required Locator” in this section for the general layout of this
Before using this section, it is important that you have system.
a basic knowledge of the following items. Without this The basic hydraulic unit configuration consists of
knowledge, it will be difficult to use the diagnostic hydraulic check valves, two solenoid valves for each
procedures contained in this section. wheel, a hydraulic pump, and two accumulators. The
Basic Electrical Circuits - You should understand the hydraulic unit controls hydraulic pressure to the front
basic theory of electricity and know the meaning of calipers and rear calipers by modulating hydraulic
voltage, current (amps) And resistance (ohms). You pressure to prevent wheel lockup.
should understand what happens in a circuit with an Units equipped with TCS add two more valves for each
open or shorted wire. You should be able to read and drive wheel for the purpose of applying the brake to a
understand a wiring diagram. wheel that is slipping. This is done with pressure from
Use of Circuit Testing Tools - You should know how the hydraulic pump in the unit. There is also a TCS
to use a test light and how to bypass components to indicator lamp on the instrument panel to alert the driver
test circuits using fused jumper wires. You should be to the fact that the TCS system is active. The
familiar with a digital multimeter. You should be able components identified in the drawing are those added
to measure voltage, resistance, and current, and be to the basic ABS 5.3 system to provide traction control.
familiar with the controls and how to use them correctly. Nothing the hydraulic unit or the EBCM is serviceable.
In the event of any failure, the entire ABS unit with
Basic Hydraulic System attached EBCM must be replaced. For more information,
Each solenoid valve consists of one inlet valve and refer to “Base Braking Mode” and “Antilock Braking
one outlet valve in order to become the channel. Mode” in the section.


TRACTION CONTROL SYSTEM The temperature of the brakes is calculated by a

mathematical model and TCS is switched passive if
(TCS) DESCRIPTION the calculated temperature is greater than a threshold
General Information value (500 °C). TCS is permitted again, when the
calculated temperature is less than 350 °C.
The traction control system (TCS) is a traction system
by means of brake intervention only, available in a low Lamp Concepts
speed range (< 60 kph). The system is equipped with an TCS information lamp,
It works on µ-split roads with sidewise different friction which is blinking during TCS operation.
coefficients. The activation of the EBD, TCS warning lamp and the
The spinning driven wheel is braked and the drive TCS info lamp is summarized in the following table:
torque can be transferred to the wheel on the high-µ
side. During TCS active, the TCS information lamp is

System Failure (EBD,

ABS TCS TCS Passive Due to
Ignition ON ABS or TCS are Not
Operation Operation Temperature Model
2 second on
ABS Warning
for lamp OFF OFF ON OFF
2 second on
TCS Info Blinking
for lamp OFF OFF ON
2 second on
EBD Warning EBD
for lamp OFF ON OFF
Lamp operation/OFF


Automatic Brake Differential (ABD) Control Algorithm

ABD (Automatic Brake Differential) system is a type The input signals for the control algorithm are the
of the TCS (ASR) system and substitutes the function filtered wheel speed signals from the ABS speed
of the mechanical LSD (Limited Slip Differential) processing.
system. With the speed difference of the driven wheels, the
ABD system operates by controlling the braking forces control deviation is calculated.
only under 60km/h.
If the control deviation exceeds a certain threshold
value, the wheel with the greater slip is braked actively.
TCS System Function
The threshold value depends on the vehicle speed:
Traction control does not have any effect on the
operation of the vehicle until the control module detects It is reduced with increasing vehicle speed down to a
one or both of the front wheels rotating faster than the constant value.
rear wheels. At this time, the electronic brake control
module (EBCM) requests the powertrain control module
to reduce the amount of torque applied to the drive
wheels. The powertrain control module does this by
retarding timing and selectively turning off fuel
injectors. The EBCM applies the front brakes, thus
reducing torque to the front wheels. Once the front
wheel begins to rotate at the same speed as the rear
wheels, the system returns full control to the driver.
During traction control mode, if the brake is applied to
only one front wheel, most of the torque from the engine
is directed to the other front wheel which improves the
traction of the vehicle.

Pressure Modulation V = Faster rear wheel speed - Slower rear wheel

Depending on the control deviation and the wheel speed
acceleration of the spinning wheel, pressure increase, V = Vehicle speed
hold and decrease are made. * TCS is switched passive if the calculated temperature
The pressure modulation is done with the conventional is greater than a threshold value (500 °C).
control with the valves. Prime valve, inlet valve and • TCS (ABD) Indicator turns on but TCS is permitted
outlet valve according to the following table: again, when the calculated temperature is less than
350 °C.
Increase Hold Decrease
Prime Valve Open Open Open Temperature Model
Closed Closed Closed TCS operation is a high thermal load for the brakes.
Pilot Valve
To avoid any damages at the brakes, the disk
Inlet Valve Open Closed Closed
temperature is calculated with a mathematical model
Outlet Valve Closed Closed Open for each driven wheel separately, After ignition on, the
Speed Range calculation starts with 30 ° C and then three different
phases are evaluated separately and added:
TCS is available in the speed range ≤ 60 kph.
TCS operation, braking and cooling phase.
Above 60 kph vehicle speed, TCS is passive.
If the temperature is higher than 500 °C, TCS is disabled
It is possible to initiate TCS operation up to a vehicle for this wheel.
speed of 55 kph.
It is permitted again, if the model has calculated down
the 350 °C.



System Description
As an add-on logic to the ABS base algorithm, EBD
works in a range in which the intervention thresholds
for ABS control are not reached yet.
EBD ensures that the rear wheels are sensitively
monitored for slip with respect to the front axle. If slip
is detected, the inlet valves for the rear wheels are
switched to pressure hold to prevent a further increase
in pressure at the rear-wheel breaks, thus electronically
reproducing a pressure-reduction function at the rear-
wheel brakes.
Service Precautions
ABS features an enhanced algorithm which includes
control of the brake force distribution between the front Observe the following general precautions during any
and rear axles. This is called Electronic Brake ABS/TCS service. Failure to adhere to these
Distribution. In an unloading car condition the brake precautions may result in ABS/TCS system damage.
efficiency is comparable to the conventional system 1. Disconnect the EBCM harness connector before
but for a fully loaden vehicle the efficiency of the EBD performing the electric welding procedures.
system is higher due to the better use of rear axle 2. Carefully note the routing of the ABS/TCS wiring
braking capability. and wring components during removal. The ABS/
TCS components are extremely sensitive to EMI
The Benefits of EBD (eletromagnetic interference). Proper mounting is
• Elimination of conventional proportioning valve EBD critical during component service.
utilizes the existing rear axle wheel speed sensor 3. Disconnect the EBCM connector with the ignition
to monitor rear wheel slip. OFF.
• Based on many variables in algorithm a pressure 4. Do not hang the suspension components from the
hold, increase and/or decrease pulsetrain may be wheel speed sensor cables. The cables may be
triggered at the rear wheels insuring vehicle damaged.
5. Do not use petroleum based fluids in the master
• Vehicle approaches the ideal brake force cylinder. Do not use any containers previously used
distribution (front to rear). for petroleum based fluids. Petroleum causes
• Constant brake force distribution during vehicle swelling and distortion of the rubber components
lifetime. in the hydraulic brake system, resulting in water
• EBD function is monitored via ABS safety logic entering the system and lowering the fluid boiling
(conventional proportioning valves are not point.
• “Keep alive” function.

Electronic Brake-Force Distribution (EBD) Failure Matrix


Hydraulic Fluid Flow Diagrams

For normal brake mode, during non-antilock braking,
pressure is applied through the brake pedal and fluid
comes from the master cylinder into the hydraulic unit.
The normally open isolation cartridge and normally
closed dump cartridge would remain in these positions
to allow fluid pressure to the calipers and the wheel
cylinders. And each wheel begins locking.


Electronic Brake-Force Distribution (EBD) Failure Matrix For Malfunction


TIRES AND ABS/TCS Front Wheel Speed Sensor Rings

The toothed ring mentioned above is pressed onto the
Replacement Tires
wheel-side (outer) constant velocity joint. Each ring
Tire size is important for proper performance of the contains 52 equally spaced teeth. Exercise care during
ABS system. Replacement tires should be the same service procedures to avoid prying or contacting this
size, load range, and construction as the original tires. ring. Excessive contact may cause damage to one or
Replace tires in axle sets and only with tires of the more teeth. If the ring is damaged, the wheel-side
same tire performance criteria (TPC) specification constant velocity joint must be replaced.
The use of any other size or type of tire may seriously Rear Wheel Speed Sensors And Rings
affect the ABS operation. The rear wheel speed sensors operate in the same
manner as the front wheel speed sensor. They
Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) incorporate a length of flexible harness with the
Notice: There is on serviceable or removable connector attached to the end of the harness. The rear
EEPROM. The EBCM must be replaced as an assembly wheel speed rings are incorporated into the hub
(Only ABS). ABS/TCS is separated hydraulic modulator assemblies and cannot be replaced separately, require
and EBCM. replacement of the rear hub/bearing assembly.

The EBCM is attached to the hydraulic unit in the engine Valve Realy And Pump Motor Relay
compartment (ABS). The controlling element of ABS The valve relay and the motor pump relay are located
5.3 is a microprocessor-based EBCM. Inputs to the inside the electronic brake control module (EBCM) and
system include the four wheel speed sensors, the are not replaceable. If one should fail, replace the
stoplamp switch, the ignition switch, and the EBCM.
unswitched battery voltage. There is an output to a
be-directional serial data link, located in pin K of Wiring Harness
Assembly Line Diagnostic Link (ALDL) for service
The wiring harness is the mechanism by which the
diagnostic tools and assembly plant testing.
electronic brake control module (EBCM) is electrically
The EBCM monitors the speed of each wheel. If any connected to power and to ground, to the wheel speed
wheel begins to approach lockup and the brake switch sensors, the fuses, the switches, the indicators, and
is closed (brake pedal pressed), the EBCM controls the serial communications port. The components,
the solenoids to reduce brake pressure to the wheel considered part of the wiring harness, are the wires
approaching lockup. Once the wheel regains traction, that provide electrical interconnection, and connectors
brake pressure is increased until the wheel again (terminals, pins, contacts, or lugs) that provide an
begins to approach lockup. This cycle repeats until electrical/mechanical interface from the wire to a
either the vehicle comes to a stop, the brake pedal is system component.
released, or no wheels approach lockup.
Additionally, the EBCM monitors itself, each input Indicators
(except the serial data link), and each output for proper The electronic brake control module (EBCM)
operation. If it detects any system malfunction, the continuously monitors itself and the other ABS
EBCM will store a DTC in nonvolatile memory components If the EBCM detects a problem with the
(EERPOM) (DTCs will not disappear if the battery is system, the amber ABS indicator will light continuously
disconnected). Refer to “Self Diagnostics” in this to alert the driver to the problem. An illuminated ABS
section for more detailed information. indicator indicates that the ABS system has detected
a problem that affects the operation of ABS. On
Front Wheel Speed Sensors antilock braking will be available. Normal, non-antilock
The front wheel speed sensors are of a variable brake performance will remain. In order to regain ABS
reluctance type. Sensor is attached to the steering braking ability, the ABS must be serviced.
knuckle, close to a toothed ring. The result, as teeth The red BRAKE indicator will be illuminated when the
pass by the sensor, is an AC voltage with a frequency system detects a low brake fluid level in the master
proportional to the speed of the wheel. The magnitude cylinder or when the parking brake switch is closed
of the voltage and frequency increase with increasing (the parking brake is engaged).
speed. The sensor is not repairable, nor is the air gap
The EBD indicator will light continuously to alert the
driver to the problem in the basic brake system. The
EBD system must be serviced.


ABS 5.3
Pressure Increase


1 Master Cylinder 6 Accumulator

2 Hydraulic Modulator 7 Inlet Valve for each wheel
3 Damper 8 Outlet Valve for each wheel
4 Pump 9 Front Wheel
5 Pump Motor 10 Rear Wheel


Pressure Hold


1 Master Cylinder 6 Accumulator

2 Hydraulic Modulator 7 Inlet Valve for each wheel
3 Damper 8 Outlet Valve for each wheel
4 Pump 9 Front Wheel
5 Pump Motor 10 Rear Wheel


Pressure Decrease


1 Master Cylinder 6 Accumulator

2 Hydraulic Modulator 7 Inlet Valve for each wheel
3 Damper 8 Outlet Valve for each wheel
4 Pump 9 Front Wheel
5 Pump Motor 10 Rear Wheel


Pressure Increase


1 Master Cylinder 8 Outlet Valve for each wheel

2 Hydraulic Modulator 9 Wheel
3 Damper 10 Prime Valve
4 Pump 11 Pilot Valve
5 Pump Motor 12 Check Valve
6 Accumulator 13 ISD (Integrated Suction Damper)
7 Inlet Valve for each wheel


Pressure Hold


1 Master Cylinder 8 Outlet Valve for each wheel

2 Hydraulic Modulator 9 Wheel
3 Damper 10 Prime Valve
4 Pump 11 Pilot Valve
5 Pump Motor 12 Check Valve
6 Accumulator 13 ISD (Integrated Suction Damper)
7 Inlet Valve for each wheel


Pressure Decrease


1 Master Cylinder 8 Outlet Valve for each wheel

2 Hydraulic Modulator 9 Wheel
3 Damper 10 Prime Valve
4 Pump 11 Pilot Valve
5 Pump Motor 12 Check Valve
6 Accumulator 13 ISD (Integrated Suction Damper)
7 Inlet Valve for each wheel



1 3


1 ABS/TCS Hydraulic Unit and Control Unit 4 Diagnosis connector

2 Rear Wheel Speed Sensor 5 Front Wheel Speed Sensor
3 ABS Warning Indicator







The Diagnostic Circuit Check is an organized approach 2. Perform a road test if directed by the table.
to identifying a problem created by an antilock brake • Test drive the vehicle while using the snapshot
system (ABS) malfunction. If must be the starting point feature of the scan tool.
for any ABS complaint diagnosis because it directs
the service technician to the next logical step in
• Perform normal acceleration, stopping, and
turning maneuvers.
diagnosing the complaint.
• If this does not reproduce the malfunction,
Diagnostic Process perform an ABS stop or TCS maneuver on a low
Perform the following steps in order when servicing friction surface such as gravel.
the ABS/TCS system. Failure to do so may result in 3. Clear the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) after
the loss of important diagnostic data and may lead to all system malfunctions have been corrected.
difficulties and time-consuming diagnosis procedures.
1. Perform the tests of the table below.


Diagnostic Circuit Check

Step Action Value Yes No

1. Install the scan tool.
2. Turn ignition switch to ON.
1 3. Select the Data List mode.
Is the scan tool receiving data from the electronic
brake control module (EBCM)? - Go to Step 2 Go to Step 7
Check the display. Refer to the
2 Are there any current DTCs displayed? applicable
- DTC table Go to Step 3
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK for 10 seconds.
2. Turn the ignition to On and observe the ABS
3 indicator.
Does the indicator light for 2 seconds and then go off? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 4
Check the ABS indicator. Go to “ABS
Did the ABS indicator turn on and stay on? Indicator Lamp Go to “ABS
4 Illuminated Indicator Lamp
- Constantly” Inoperative”
Check whether the vehicle is equipped with traction
5 control.
Is the vehicle equipped with traction control? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 13
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK for 10 seconds.
2. Turn the ignition to ON and observe the TCS Go to “TCS
indicator. Indicator Lamp
Does the indicator light for 2 seconds and then go off? - Go to Step 13 Inoperative”
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the EBCM harness connector.
3. Turn the ignition to ON. Go to “Power
7 4. Use a digital voltmeter (DVM) to measure the Supply to
voltage from ground to terminal 15 of the EBCM Control
harness connector. Module, No
Is the voltage equal to the specified valve? 11 - 14 V Go to Step 8 DTCs Stored”
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Use a DVM to measure the resistance from the
8 EBCM harness connector, terminals 16 and 19 to
Is the resistance equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Repair the open in the circuit that failed.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Use a DVM to measure the resistance between
terminal 11 of the EBCM harness connector and
10 terminal 8 of the data link connector (DLC).
Is the resistance below the specified valve? 2Ω Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
Replace the ABS unit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Repair the open or high resistance in circuit between
terminal 11 of the EBCM harness connector and
12 terminal 8 of the DLC.
Is the repair complete? - Go to Step 1 -
Perform the road test described above. Go to the DTC
13 Are any DTC set? - table System OK




Circuit Description Test Description
Battery voltage is supplied to the ABS lamp with the The number(s) below refer to step(s) on the diagnostic
ignition switch in the ON or START positions. The table.
warning lamp can be activated only by the ABS control 1. This test checks for any DTCs that may cause the
module internally supplying ground to terminal 20 or ABS indicator lamp to be inoperative.
by the shorting bar in the ABS module connector if the
2. This test verifies an inoperative lamp condition.
connector in disconnected from the module.
3. This test checks for voltage on the lamp circuit.
4. This begins a series of tests of the circuit from
This procedure checks for a problem in the wiring, a the indicator lamp to the EBCM and ground.
faulty ground, a voltage supply problem, a burned out
19. This begins a series of tests of the voltage supply
indicator lamp, or a contact problem in a connector.
circuits that power the indicator lamp.
• A fuse has blown.
• The indicator lamp has burned out.
• There is a corroded or broken connector terminal.
• There is a faulty ground connection.
• There is a broken wire in a wring harness.
• The EBCM is faulty.


ABS Indicator Lamp Inoperative

Step Action Value Yes No

Install the scan tool and check for any DTCs. Go to the
Is any DTC set? - DTC table Go to Step 2
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the scan tool.
2 3. Turn the ignition to ON. Go to
4. Observe the ABS indicator lamp. “Intermittent
Does the lamp illuminate for about 2 seconds, then and Poor
turn off? - Connections” Go to Step 3
With the ignition still ON, observe the oil pressure
3 lamp.
Is the oil pressure lamp illuminated? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 19
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the connector from the electronic brake
4 control module (EBCM).
3. Turn the ignition switch to ON.
Does the ABS indicator illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 8
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Examine terminals 16 and 20 at the EBCM connector
on both the ABS wiring harness and on the EBCM.
Is there a poor connection at any of these terminals? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Repair the faulty terminals or replace the ABS unit, as
6 required.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Replace the ABS unit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the wire from the negative battery
8 3. Measure the resistance between the negative
battery wire, which is attached to ground, and the
shorting bar in the EBCM connector.
Is the resistance equal to the specified valve? ≈0Ω Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Repair the open or high resistance in the circuit from
9 EBCM connector, terminal 16 to ground G106.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Remove the I/P cluster.
10 2. Remove and check the ABS indicator bulb.
Is the bulb burned out? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
1. Replace the ABS indicator bulb.
11 2. Install the I/P cluster.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check the continuity at the I/P cluster connector
12 terminal B7.
Is the continuity equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Repair the contact at the I/P cluster connector terminal
13 B7.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -


ABS Indicator Lamp Inoperative (Cont’d)

Step Action Value Yes No

Check the wiring harnesses and the connectors in
circuit from the I/P cluster terminal B7 to terminal 20 of
14 the EBCM connector.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value? ∞ Go to Step 15 Go to Step 16
Repair the open or the resistance found.
15 Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check for continuity between terminal 16 of the EBCM
16 connector and ground G106.
Is the continuity equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Replace the ABS unit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Repair the continuity problem between terminal 16 of
18 the EBCM connector and ground G106.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
19 2. Check fuse F2 in the I/P fuse block.
Is fuse F2 blown? - Go to Step 20 Go to Step 21
Replace fuse F2.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition on.
21 2. Check the voltage at Fuse 2.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value? 11 - 14 V Go to Step 22 Go to Step 21
Repair the power supply to Fuse 2.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Remove the instrument cluster.
2. Check the circuit from fuse F2 to terminal B15 of
the I/P cluster connector.
3. Repair any open or high resistance found in a
wiring harness, splice pack, or connector.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -






Circuit Description Test description
Battery voltage is supplied to the TCS warning lamp The number(s) below refer to step(s) on the diagnostic
with the ignition in ON or START. The warning lamp table.
can be activated only by the ABS control module 1. This test checks for any DTCs that may cause the
internally supplying ground to terminal 22. TCS indicator lamp to be inoperative.
Diagnosis 2. This test verifies an inoperative lamp condition.
This procedure checks for a problem in the wiring, a 3. This test checks for voltage on the lamp circuit.
faulty ground, a voltage supply problem, a burned out 4. This begins a series of tests of the circuit from
indicator lamp, or a contact problem in a connector. the indicator lamp to the EBCM and ground.
Cause 19. This begins a series of tests of the voltage supply
• A fuse has blown. circuits that power the indicator lamp.
• The indicator lamp has burned out.
• There is a corroded or broken connector terminal.
• There is a faulty ground connection.
• There is a broken wire in a wiring harness.
• The EBCM is faulty.


Traction Control System (TCS) Indicator Lamp Inoperative

Step Action Value Yes No

Install the scan tool and check for any DTCs. Go to the
Is any DTC set? - DTC table Go to Step 2
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the scan tool.
2 3. Turn the ignition to ON. Go to
4. Observe the TCS indicator lamp. “Intermittent
Does the lamp illuminate for about 2 seconds, then and Poor
turn off? - Connections” Go to Step 3
With the ignition still ON, observe the oil pressure
3 lamp.
Is the oil pressure lamp illuminated? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 19
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the connector from the EBCM.
3. Connect a jumper form terminal 22 to the grounding
4 bar in the connector.
4. Turn the ignition to ON.
Does the TCS indicator illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 8
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Examine terminals 16, 19 at the EBCM connector
on both the ABS wiring harness and on the EBCM.
Is there a poor connection at any of these terminals? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Repair the faulty terminals or replace the ABS unit, as
6 required.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Replace the ABS unit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the wire from the negative battery
8 3. Measure the resistance between the negative
battery wire, which is attached to ground, and the
shorting bar in the EBCM connector.
Is the resistance equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Repair the open or high resistance in the circuit from
9 EBCM connector, terminal 16, 19 to ground G106.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Remove the I/P cluster.
10 2. Remove and check the TCS indicator bulb.
Is the bulb burned out? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
1. Replace the TCS indicator bulb.
11 2. Replace the I/P cluster.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check continuity at the I/P cluster connector terminal
12 B10.
Is the continuity equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Repair the contact at the I/P cluster connector terminal
13 B10.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -


Traction Control System (TCS) Indicator Lamp Inoperative (Cont’d)

Step Action Value Yes No

Check the wiring harnesses and connectors in circuit
from the I/P cluster terminal B10 to terminal 22 of the
14 EBCM connector.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value? 0Ω Go to Step 15 Go to Step 16
Repair the open or high resistance.
15 Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check for continuity between terminal 16, 19 of the
16 ABS connector and ground G106.
Is the continuity equal to the specified value? 0Ω Go to Step 17 Go to Step 18
Replace the ABS unit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Repair the continuity between terminal 16, 19 of the
18 EBCM connector and ground G106.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
19 2. Check fuse F2 in the I/P fuse block.
Is fuse F2 blown? - Go to Step 20 Go to Step 21
Replace fuse F2.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition ON.
21 2. Check the voltage at fuse F2.
Is the voltage equal to the specifies value? 11 - 14 V Go to Step 22 Go to Step 23
Repair the power supply to fuse F2.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Remove the I/P cluster.
2. Check circuit from fuse F2 to terminal 15 of the I/P
cluster connector.
3. Repair any open or high resistance found in a
wiring harness, a splice pack, or a connector.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -






Circuit Description Test Description
Battery voltage is supplied to the EBD warning lamp The number(s) below refer to step(s) on the diagnostic
with the ignition in ON or START. The warning lamp table.
can be activated only by the ABS control module 1. This test checks for any DTCs that may cause the
internally supplying ground to terminal 21. EBD indicator lamp to be inoperative.
Diagnosis 2. This test verifies an inoperative lamp condition.
This procedure checks for a problem in the wiring, a 3. This test checks for voltage on the lamp circuit.
faulty ground, a voltage supply problem, a burned out 4. This begins a series of tests of the circuit from
indicator lamp, or a contact problem in a connector. the indicator lamp to the EBCM and ground.
Cause 19. This begins a series of tests of the voltage supply
• A fuse has blown. circuits that power the indicator lamp.
• The indicator lamp has burned out.
• There is a corroded or broken connector terminal.
• There is a faulty ground connection.
• There is a broken wire in a wiring harness.
• The EBCM is faulty.


Electronic Brake-Force Distribution System (EBD) Indicator Lamp Inoperative

Step Action Value Yes No

Install the scan tool and check for any DTCs. Go to the
Is any DTC set? - DTC table Go to Step 2
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the scan tool.
2 3. Turn the ignition to ON. Go to
4. Observe the EBD indicator lamp “Intermittent
Does the lamp illuminate for about 2 seconds, then and Poor
turn off? - Connections” Go to Step 3
With the ignition still ON, observe the oil pressure
3 lamp.
Is the oil pressure lamp illuminated? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 19
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the connector from the EBCM.
3. Connect a jumper form terminal 16, 19 to the
4 grounding bar in the connector.
4. Turn the ignition to ON.
Does the EBD indicator illuminate? - Go to Step 5 Go to Step 8
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Examine terminals 16, 19 and 28, 29 at the EBCM
connector on both the ABS wiring harness and on
the EBCM.
Is there a poor connection at any of these terminals? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Repair the faulty terminals or replace the ABS unit, as
6 required.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Replace the ABS unit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Disconnect the wire from the negative battery
8 3. Measure the resistance between the negative
battery wire, which is attached to ground, and the
shorting bar in the EBCM connector.
Is the resistance equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Repair the open or high resistance in the circuit from
9 EBCM connector, terminal 16, 19 to ground G106.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Remove the I/P cluster.
10 2. Remove and check the EBD indicator bulb.
Is the bulb burned out? - Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
1. Replace the EBD indicator bulb.
11 2. Replace the I/P cluster.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check continuity at the I/P cluster connector terminal
12 A6.
Is the continuity equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Repair the contact at the I/P cluster connector terminal
13 A6.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -


Electronic Brake-Force Distribution System (EBD) Indicator Lamp Inoperative (Cont’d)

Step Action Value Yes No

Check the wiring harnesses and connectors in circuit
from the I/P cluster terminal A6 to terminal 21 of the
14 EBCM connector.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value? ∞ Go to Step 15 Go to Step 16
Repair the open or high resistance.
15 Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check for continuity between terminal 16, 19 of the
16 ABS connector and ground G106.
Is the continuity equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 17 Go to Step 18
Replace the ABS unit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Repair the continuity between terminal 16, 19 of the
18 EBCM connector and ground G106.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to LOCK.
19 2. Check fuse F2 in the I/P fuse block.
Is fuse F2 blown? - Go to Step 20 Go to Step 21
Replace fuse F2.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition ON.
21 2. Check the voltage at fuse F2.
Is the voltage equal to the specifies value? 11 - 14 V Go to Step 22 Go to Step 23
Repair the power supply to fuse F2.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Remove the I/P cluster.
2. Check circuit from fuse F2 to terminal 15 of the I/P
cluster connector.
3. Repair any open or high resistance found in a
wiring harness, a splice pack, or a connector.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -






Circuit Description Action Taken When the DTC Sets
Battery voltage is supplied to the electronic brake ABS action is disabled during the period of low voltage,
control module (EBCM) through fuse F3 and F2 in the and the ABS warning lamp is ON for the remainder of
I/P fuse block, to terminal 15 and 20 of the EBCM the ignition cycle.
connector. The voltage is present when the ignition
Test Description
switch is in ON or START.
The number(s) below refer to step(s) on the diagnostic
Diagnosis table.
This test checks for battery output, proper grounding, 1. This step determines whether there is voltage at
blown fuses, a faulty ignition switch, and problems in the battery and the high current source.
the circuitry.
7. This step checks for voltage at the ignition 1
Cause source.
• The battery is defective. Diagnostic Aids
• There is a defective ground connection. It is very important to perform a thorough inspection
• A wire is broken or shorted. of the wiring and the connectors. Failure to do so may
• A fuse is blown. result in misdiagnosis, causing part replacement with
a reappearance of the malfunction.
• The ignition switch is malfunctioning.


Power Supply to Control Module, No DTCs Stored

Step Action Value Yes No

Check the voltage at the battery.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value? 11 - 14 V Go to Step 3 Go to Step 2
Charge or replace the battery, as required.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check fuse F7 in the I/P fuse block.
Is the fuse blown? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 8
1. Replace fuse F7.
4 2. Turn the ignition to ON.
Does the fuse blow again? - Go to Step 6 Go to Step 5
Check the ABS function.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to OFF.
2. Remove fuse F7.
6 3. Disconnect the ABS connector from the EBCM.
4. Measure the resistance to ground at terminals 15.
Does the ohmmeter show the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 7 Go to Step 26
Repair the short to ground in circuit between F7 and
7 the ABS harness EBCM connector.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to ON.
8 2. Check the voltage at fuse F2.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value? 11 - 14 V Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9
Repair the power supply to fuse 2.
9 Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check fuse F2 in the I/P fuse block.
Is the fuse F2 blown? - Go to Step 14 Go to Step 18
1. Replace fuse F2.
11 2. Turn the ignition to ON.
Does the fuse blow again? - Go to Step 13 Go to Step 12
Check the ABS function.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to OFF.
2. Remove fuse F2.
3. Disconnect the ABS connector from the EBCM.
4. Measure the resistance between ground and
terminal 20.
Is the resistance equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 14 Go to Step 13
Repair the short to ground in circuit fuse F2 of the I/P
fuse block and terminal 20 of the ABS harness EBCM
14 connector.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Disconnect the EBCM connector from the EBCM.
2. Turn the ignition to ON.
15 3. Check for the presence of battery voltage between
ground and terminal 17, 18.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value? 11 - 14 V Go to Step 10 Go to Step 9


Power Supply to Control Module, No DTCs Stored (Cont’d)

Step Action Value Yes No

1. Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
2. Trace the RW wires between terminal 15 of the
16 EBCM connector to fuse F7 of the I/P fuse block.
3. Repair the open in this circuit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Check the voltage between ground and terminal 20 of
17 the EBCM connector.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value? 11 - 14 V Go to Step 19 Go to Step 18
1. Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
2. Check the resistance between ground and
18 terminals 16 of the EBCM connector.
Is the resistance equal to the specified value? - System OK -
1. Turn the ignition to OFF
2. Check the resistance between ground and
19 terminals 16 of the EBCM connector.
Is the resistance equal to the specified value? ≈0Ω Go to Step 20 Go to Step 23
Examine terminals 15, 20, 16 of the EBCM connector.
Is there a defective terminal? - Go to Step 21 Go to Step 22
Repair the defective terminal or replace the connector
21 or wiring harness, as required.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Replace the ABS unit.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Repair the defective ground connection.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -






Circuit Description Cause
Battery voltage is supplied to the ABS warning lamp • There is a short to ground in the circuit between the
with the ignition in ON or START. The warning lamp cluster terminal D7 and the EBCM terminal 31.
should be activated only by the ABS control module • The EBCM is faulty.
internally supplying ground to terminal 20.
This procedure checks for a short to ground in the
wiring or a defective electronic brake control module


ABS Indicator Lamp Illuminated Continuously, No DTCs Stored

Step Action Value Yes No

Check the EBCM connector.
Is it connected properly? - Go to Step 3 Go to Step 2
Connect the EBCM connector.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
1. Disconnect the EBCM connector.
2. Turn the ignition to ON.
3 3. Use an insulated tool to push the shorting bar in
the connector away from terminal 20.
Does the ABS indicator lamp go out? - Go to Step 4 Go to Step 5
Replace the ABS unit
Is the repair complete? - System OK -
Repair the short to ground in circuit Lg between I/P
cluster connector B7 and terminal 20 EBCM.
Is the repair complete? - System OK -



The scan tool can clear ABS/TCS system DTCs using
Important: The electronic brake control module (EBCM)
the mess storage cartridge.
turns the valve relay off when a diagnostic trouble code
(DTC) is set. The scan tool will indicate that the valve 1. Install the scan tool and the mass storage cartridge.
relay is off when it is used to monitor the data list. This 2. Select “Fault Memory”.
is normal and should not be considered a malfunction. 3. Select “Clear Fault Memory”.
The EBCM performs system self-diagnostics and can Clearing the fault memory cannot reset a valve relay
detect and often isolate system malfunctions, When it which was shut down when the fault was recognized.
detects a malfunction, the EBCM sets a DTC that Changes are possible only after the fault has been
represents the malfunction, turns on the ABS and/or eliminated and the next ignition cycle has begun.
the TCS indicators in most instances, and may disable
the ABS and/or the TCS function, as necessary, for Ignition Cycle Default
the duration of the ignition cycle. A DTC is erased from memory after 249 ignition cycles
Once each ignition cycle, the EBCM performs an without any reappearance of that malfunction.
automatic test when the vehicle reaches 2.75 km/h (1.7
mph). In the course of this test, the system cycles
each valve solenoid and the pump motor, along with INTERMITTENT AND POOR
the necessary relays, to check component operation. CONNECTIONS
If the EBCM detects any malfunctions, it will set a
DTC as described above. As with most electronic systems, intermittent
malfunctions may be difficult to diagnose accurately,
DISPLAYING DTCs The following is a method to try to isolate an intermittent
malfunction, especially in wheel speed circuitry.
Tools Required
If an ABS malfunction occurs, the ABS indicator will
Scan Tool illuminate during the ignition cycle in which the
DTCs can be read through the use of the scan tool. malfunction was detected. If it is an intermittent
problem which seems to have corrected itself (ABS
CLEARING DTCs indicator OFF), a history DTC will be stored. Also stored
will be the history data of the DTC at the time the
Tool Required
malfunction occurred. Use the scan tool modular
Scan Tool diagnostic system to read ABS history data.
The diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) in the electronic Most intermittents are caused by faulty electrical
brake control module (EBCM) memory are erased in connections or wiring, although a sticking relay or
one of two ways: solenoid can occasionally be at fault.
• Use the scan tool “Clear DTCs” selection.
• After 249 DTC-free ignition cycles.
These two methods are detailed below. Be sure to
verify the proper system operation and, the absence
of DTCs when the clearing procedure is completed.
The EBCM will not permit DTC clearing until all DTCs
have been displayed. Also, ETC s cannot be cleared
by disconnecting the EBCM, disconnecting the battery
cables, or turning the ignition switch to LOCK.




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