LNC Functionality
LNC Functionality
LNC Functionality
Instructions: Please fill up column 3 with the names of all barangays. Check each appropriate indicator if present or being done by the LGU. To get the total number of functional BNCs, count the municipalities with check on all
indicators. *Insert another column if necessary.
Key Activities Indicators
(Column 3*)
Program Planning
1. Organization/Re-Organization/ Strengthening of BNC a.. Meetings regularly held at least once every
quarter presided by the mayor or designated
Service Delivery (e.g. counseling on breastfeeding, organization of b.. Targeted groups provided with nutrition and
peer counsellors, counduct of nutrition education activities, vitamin related interventions
A and iron supplementation to preschool children and pregnant
women; distribution of seedlings to families with underweight
children; supplementary feeding)
(1) (2)
Note: This form should be filled-up by the Provincial Nutrition Action Officer to be submitted to the NNC Regional Office.