KET 3B-FINAL 22 bộ
KET 3B-FINAL 22 bộ
KET 3B-FINAL 22 bộ
30 questions = 30marks (1 question = 1 mark)
For each question, choose the correct answer.
2 Pupils can
A. Buy books
B. Read about explorers
C. Come and listen to a writer
5 Mike wants to
A. Play tennis with Dave
B. Borrow something from Dave
C. Get help from Dave
14. What does the writer say is 15. What does Isabella say about
unusual about Isabella Rose Taylor? painting and making clothes?
A. he planned her future career A. It is important to païnt good
when she was very young. pictures of clothes.
B. She started her own business B. The colours in her paintings
when she was very young. gave her ideas for clothes to
C. She got interested in fashion make.
when she was very young. C. She uses paint to put her
favourite colours on the clothes
she makes.
16. What do we learn about 17. Why does the writer think that
Isabella’s home? Isabella will do well in the future?
A. Everything for her business is A. She is already very popular
done in the same room at online.
home. B. She understands the fashion
B. Her home is too small, so she's business.
looking for another one. C. She has brilliant people who
C. She's made changes to her work for her.
home so that she can work
KET 3B – FINAL TEST – 2023 4
18. What is the best title for the
A. The girl who can't wait to start
working in fashion soon
B. The problem with working and
C. A hobby that is becoming a
For each question, choose the best answer.
23 A up B out C away
Look at three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures.
Write 35 words or more.
Subject ….English….
Listen and choose the correct answer.
You will hear Dan talking to a shop assistant in a sport shop.
13. The shop assistant say that 14. What free gift does Dan receive
the best skateboard for Dan from the shop?
A. 16 cm wide A. a backpack
B. 18 cm wide B. some gloves
C. 20 cm wide C. a scarf
16.You will hear two friends talking about eating healthy food.
Why are they talking about eating healthy food?
A. They’ve just read about it.
B. They’ve just watched a video about it.
C. They ‘ve just listened to a talk about it.
20.You will hear a brother and sister talking about their pet rabbit.
What don’t they like about having pets?
A. Talking to them
B. Brushing them
C. Giving them food