21st Century Skills
21st Century Skills
21st Century Skills
Be Flexible
Incorporate feedback effectively
Deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism
Understand, negotiate and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach
workable solutions, particularly in multi-cultural environments
Initiative and Self-direction
Manage Goals and Time
Set goals with tangible and intangible success criteria
Balance tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term) goals
Utilize time and manage workload efficiently
Work Independently
Monitor, define, prioritize and complete tasks without direct oversight
Be Self-directed Learners
Go beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand one’s own learning and
opportunities to gain expertise
Demonstrate initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level
Demonstrate commitment to learning as a lifelong process
Reflect critically on past experiences in order to inform future progress
Social and Cross-cultural Skills
Interact Effectively with Others
Know when it is appropriate to listen and when to speak
Conduct themselves in a respectable, professional manner
Produce Results
Demonstrate additional attributes associated with producing high quality products including the
abilities to:
Work positively and ethically
Manage time and projects effectively
Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual
Present oneself professionally and with proper etiquette
Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams
Respect and appreciate team diversity
Be accountable for results