Annexure A Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Closing Date Note
Annexure A Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Closing Date Note
Annexure A Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Closing Date Note
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive package). The package
includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be
structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services
CENTRE : (Lejweleputwa / Fezile Dabi District Office)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in a possession of Nyukela (Pre-entry Certificate to the
SMS) and a Grade 12 Certificate and a Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced
Diploma in Business Administration / Public Management / Public
Administration / Bachelor of Arts in Sociology / Anthropology / Community
Development / Development Studies / Advanced Diploma in Project
Management (NQF level 7). Minimum of 5 years’ experience at a middle /
senior managerial level within a project management environment. Job related
knowledge: A thorough understanding of Project Management. Experience in
the implementation and management of projects. Understanding of corporate
governance principles. Ability to implement Performance Management and
monitoring systems. Knowledge of government systems. Ability to think
conceptually when analysing data and designing concepts to modify corporate
policies, procedures and processes. Job related skills: Project management
skills. Analytical skills. Problem solving skills. Facilitation and coordination
skills. Decision making skills. Financial management skills. Presentation skills.
Computer literacy. Communication skills (verbal and written). Willingness to
travel extensively, work under pressure and after hours. A valid driver's licence.
DUTIES : Provide capacity building and National Rural Youth Service Corps (NARYSEC)
services. Provide NARYSEC support services. Facilitate the establishment and
support of participatory community development institutions. Facilitate and
coordinate NARYSEC project implementation. Facilitate youth programmes
and skills development at Provincial and District level. Reduce household
poverty in accordance with Comprehensive Rural Development Programme
(CRDP). Provide strategic land acquisition services. Implement strategic land
acquisition projects including Agri-Parks and Animal and Veld Management
Programme (AVMP). Procure service providers for development of project
proposals. Coordinate the implementation process of land acquisition and
allocation with CRDP Virtuous Cycle. Provide strategic land acquisition support
services in the District including District Land Committees. Facilitate poverty
reduction and the development of cooperatives, rural enterprises and
industries. Promote rural businesses development and facilitate rural
development financing. Facilitate establishment and support of primary
cooperatives. Facilitate organisation of primary cooperatives into secondary
and tertiary cooperatives and provide support. Facilitate the development of
rural enterprises and industries. Provide land development support services.
Manage the development of business plans for the development of agrarian
development projects. Promote the participation of farmers through ownership
and control across commodities value chains. Facilitate strategic farming
partnerships between farmers. Facilitate capacity building of agricultural
graduates and farmers on agrarian development projects. Monitor the
implementation of land development support projects and development
business plans. Provide property management services. Administer and
provide property leases administration support. Administer and provide
property holdings and disposals. Implement land rights and tenure reform
programmes. Provide communal land tenure programmes. Provide land rights
programmes. Establish, maintain and support communal property institutions.
Facilitate land dispute resolutions. Render corporate and financial support
services. Provide legal advice. Provide telecommunication services. Provide
administration and financial support services. Provide client relations services.
Provide office services.
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Mzizi Tel No: (051) 400 4200
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X20803, Bloemfontein,
9300 or hand delivered during office hours to: 136 Charlotte Maxeke Street,
Bloemfontein, 9300
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS).
CENTRE : Northern Cape (Kimberley)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in a possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a Bachelor’s
Degree / National Diploma in Law / Commerce / Agriculture / Economic
Sciences / Development Studies / Social Sciences. Minimum of 3 years’
experience in a junior management level. Job related knowledge: Through
knowledge and understanding of and experience in Land reform. Knowledge
of applicable legislation, policies and procedures governing Restitution of Land
Rights. Basic knowledge of financial management and administration systems.
Experience in research management and implementation. Development
management including strategic management. Research methods and
techniques. Community facilitation. Understand and interpret business plans.
Through knowledge in land reform and development-related issues. Job
related skills: Strategic planning skills. General management skills. Operational
planning skills. Proven supervisory skills. Project management skills.
Facilitation skills. Negotiation skills. Policy analysis skills. Communication skills
(verbal and written). Computer literacy. Contract management skills.
Leadership skills. Ability to draft Terms of Reference for service providers.
Ability to manage consultants. A valid driver’s licence. Willingness to undertake
field trips entailing long distances and work irregular hours.
DUTIES : Manage the processing of claims. Screen and categorise claim files. Identify
competing claims. Manage the validation of lodged claims. Coordinate the
research of land claims. Conduct in-loco inspections of claims. Commission
pre-feasibility studies. Manage the verification of validated claims. Conduct
homestead Identification. Conduct ordering and analysis of aerial photographs.
Coordinate the engagement with elders. Compile verification reports.
Stakeholder management. Conduct negotiations with landowners and
claimants. Conduct options workshops. Prepare offers. Manage settlement of
claims. Draft section 42D.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Oliphant Tel No: (053) 830 4056
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to Private Bag X5007, Kimberley, 8300
or hand delivered during office hours to: Magistrate Court Building, 6th floor,
Knight Street, Corner of Stead Street, Kimberley, 8300.
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured, Indian and White Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structed in
accordance with the rules for MMS).
CENTRE : Office of The Director General: Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National
Diploma in Office Management / Public Administration / Office Management
and Technology / Public Management. Minimum of 3 years’ experience in
relevant environment. Job related knowledge: Knowledge of frontline customer
care. Knowledge of Public Sector policies and procedures. Knowledge of
meeting procedures. Understanding of the manner in which the office of the
Director General operates. Job related skills: Ability to communicate well with
a variety of people. Organising skills. Computer literacy. Interaction skills. A
valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Schedule engagements of the Director General. Manage and maintain the
manual diary of the Director General. Coordinate high level meetings on behalf
of the Director General with other government Departments and stakeholders.
Develop, update and circulate the departmental year calendar. Render
administrative support services to the Director General. Manage all travel
arrangements of the Director General. Ensure that subsistence and travel
claims are finalised. Render support to Director General in the Pretoria and
Cape Town offices. Manage emails of the Director General. Coordinate
external and internal meetings. Ensure that Information Technology equipment
and infrastructure of the Office of the Director General functions effectively and
efficiently. Stay abreast of applicable prescripts and procedure to ensure
efficient and effective support to the Director General. Study the relevant Public
Service and departmental prescripts / policies and other documents to ensure
that the application thereof is properly understood. Remain abreast with the
procedures and processes that apply in the Office of the Director General.
Coordinate the budget for the Office of the Director General and handling of
petty cash requests. Facilitate, plan oversee and drive the timely and accurate
preparation of the budget of the Office of the Director General in line with Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations and strategic
priorities weekly, monthly and quarterly. Compile Demand Management Plan
(DMP), Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), Adjustment Estimates
and Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE). Compile various submissions /
memoranda and responses in relation to the disbursement function. Oversee
effective, efficient and economical utilization of the Director General’s funds.
Provide leadership and management in the Private Office. Maintain a
professional environment in the Private Office. Coordinate and manage the
quality of work in the Private Office. Monitor and manage the daily attendance
register. Ensure the development of performance agreements and assessment
reports. Facilitate all training requirements and activities. Facilitate recruitment
processes. Maintain accurate leave records.
ENQUIRIES : Ms A Stevens Tel No: (012) 312 9667
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known
as Van der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20
Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured Females and Persons
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
POST 30/08 : OFFICE ASSISTANT REF NO: 3/2/1/2023/561
Office of The Surveyor-General
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post: Private Bag X9086, East London, 5201
or hand delivered to: 1A Waverley Office Park, 31-33 Phillip Frame Road,
Chiselhurst, East London, 5206
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured and Indian Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
DUTIES : Render general clerical support services. Record, organise, store, capture and
retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and
statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send
facsimiles. Distribute documents / packages to various stakeholders as
required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters
and / or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming
and outgoing document register of the component. Taking and drafting of
minutes. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component.
Liaise within internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of
goods and services. Obtain quotations complete procurement forms for the
purchasing of standard office items. Stock control of office stationery. Keep and
maintain the asset register of the component. Provide personnel administration
clerical support services within the component. Maintain a leave register for the
component. Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Keep and
maintain the attendance register of the component. Arrange travelling and
accommodation. Provide financial administration support services in the
component. Capture and update expenditure of the component. Check
correctness of subsistence and travel claims of officials and submit to manager
for approval. Handle telephone accounts and petty cash for the component.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Williams Tel No: (021) 409 0300
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X10, Mowbray 7710 or
hand delivered during office hours to: 14 Long Street, 5th Floor, Cape Town,
NOTE : African and White Males and African, Indian and White Females and Persons
with disabilities are encouraged to apply