Research Article: Parameter Optimization and Prediction Model of Induction Heating For Large-Diameter Pipe
Research Article: Parameter Optimization and Prediction Model of Induction Heating For Large-Diameter Pipe
Research Article: Parameter Optimization and Prediction Model of Induction Heating For Large-Diameter Pipe
Research Article
Parameter Optimization and Prediction Model of Induction
Heating for Large-Diameter Pipe
Received 26 July 2018; Revised 6 October 2018; Accepted 1 November 2018; Published 26 November 2018
Copyright © 2018 Xiurong Fang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The parameters of induction heating of large-diameter pipes have a direct effect on the final processing quality of the elbow, and the
complexity of multifield coupling of magnetothermal force in induction heating can make it impossible to quantitatively optimize
the design parameters of the induction heating device. In this paper, X80 pipeline steel induction heating is taken as the research
object, and a corresponding numerical model is established. The influence of induction heating process parameters on the heating
temperature of pipeline steel under the skin effect is determined. First, the influence of process parameters on the heating effect of
pipeline steel is quantified by orthogonal test. Then, taking the optimum temperature difference between the inner and outer wall of
X80 pipeline steel during the induction heating process as a target, the optimal process parameter set of the pipe induction heating
is determined by using neural network genetic algorithm. Finally, comparing the relevant test criteria of the regression equation,
the optimum mathematical prediction model of the outer wall temperature of the pipe induction heating process is obtained, which
provides a theoretical basis for optimization of the process parameters of the pipe-based induction heating device.
1. Introduction forming process for large-diameter pipe is not yet clear. The
detailed theoretical guidance and basis for the selection and
The induction heating of pipe is one of the common tech- optimization of design parameters on the induction heating
niques for production of elbows thanks to its rapid heating, device are not yet available. Thus, it is impossible to ensure
easy cooling, small thinning rate of wall thickness, and a reasonable matching between the heating time of the pipe
easy adjustment of the bending radius of elbow. In the and the pushing speed of the hydraulic cylinder, resulting
actual project of oil and gas transmission engineering, in the fact that the reliability of the pipe quality cannot be
the bending of large-diameter pipes in oil and gas guaranteed [8]. Therefore, the induction heating device of
transportation pipe network is mostly processed by the pipe has become one of the important factors affecting
hydraulic push-type induction heating pipe bending the final processing quality of the elbow. In this paper, the
machine. The system diagram is shown in Figure 1 [1], optimization of the process parameters of pipe induction
and the specific induction heating diagram is shown in heating is investigated by means of numerical simulation and
Figure 2 [2]. It is required to realize continuous operation mathematical methods.
of propulsion→heating→bending→cooling→forming
while the induction heating device fulfills the local heating 2. Analysis on Induction Heating
of the pipe when the pipe bending machine is working Parameters of Pipes
[3]. At present, many researchers have conducted a lot
of studies on the bending process of different materials, The basic principle of induction heating is shown in Figure 3:
the mechanical properties, and the microstructure of the coil is connected to the heating power source, and an
the bent pipe [4–7]. However, the influence of various alternating magnetic field is generated in the pipe when
parameters on the heating effect of the induction heating the alternating current in the heating power source flows
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
hydraulic cylinder support roller tube blank front holder turning arm
Induction coil
through the coil. Under the action of the alternating magnetic resistance, so that the pipe temperature rises rapidly to
field, vortex current is generated inside the pipe, and the achieve the purpose of heating [9].
vortex current and alternating current in the induction coil It can be seen that electromagnetic induction is used to
have opposite directions with the same frequency. When the generate vortex current heating in the conductor to realize the
vortex current passes through the pipe, the pipe generates a heating of the work piece. Therefore, by the electromagnetic
large amount of Joule heat under the action of the material induction law (1), the Joule-Electric law (2), and technical
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3
requirements of the large-diameter pipe induction heating differential form of the transient temperature field governing
forming device, we can obtain the main influential factors on equation in induction heating can be derived:
the heating effect of the pipe, such as the induction frequency,
current density, and air gap [10]. 𝜕𝑇 𝜕 𝜕𝑇 𝜕 𝜕𝑇 𝜕 𝜕𝑇
𝜌𝑐 − (𝜆 𝑥 ) − (𝜆 𝑦 ) − (𝜆 𝑧 )
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧 (7)
𝑒 = −𝑁 (1) − 𝑞V = 0
𝑄 = 0.24𝑖2 𝑅𝑡 (2) where 𝜆 is thermal conductivity (W/(m⋅∘ C)); T is temperature
field distribution function; 𝑞V is intensity of the heat source of
where 𝑁 is the number of turns of the induction coil; Q induction vortex current in the pipeline (W/m3 ); 𝜌 is material
is Joule heat (unit is J); i is the effective value of induction density (Kg/𝑚3 ); c is the specific heat capacity of material
current (unit is A); R is conductor resistance (unit is Ω); and 𝑡 (J/(Kg⋅ K)).
is the time of the current flowing through the conductor (unit Use the Newton convection boundary as a temperature
is s). boundary condition:
Taking the elbow forming of X80 pipeline steel [11]
with diameter Φ1219mm and wall thickness 𝛿 27 mm as an 𝜕𝑇
example, the numerical modeling of induction heating is −𝜆 = ℎ (𝑇 − 𝑇0 ) (8)
carried out.
where 𝑛 refers to the normal direction on the boundary; 𝜆 is
2.1. Mathematical Model of Induction Heating Electromagnetic thermal conductivity (W/m⋅∘ C); h is convective heat transfer
Field. In the numerical calculation of finite element, the coefficient (W/m2 ⋅K); T is work surface temperature (K); and
mathematical model of the induction heating vortex current 𝑇0 indicates ambient temperature (K).
field for the heated workpiece area can be obtained by
the control equation (Maxwell equations) and the magnetic 2.3. Coupling of Induction Heating Electromagnetic Field-
Temperature Field. The induction heating is involved in the
vector-scalar potential ( 𝐴-Φ) theory of the induction heating
electromagnetic field [12–14]: interaction of two physical fields of electromagnetic field
and temperature field. The complexity of solving the magne-
tothermal coupling problem makes it difficult to obtain accu-
1 → 1 → 𝜕𝐴 rate solutions for many engineering issues [18]. Hopefully,
∇× ∇ × 𝐴 − ∇ (∇ ⋅ 𝐴) + 𝜎 + 𝜎∇Φ = 0 (3)
𝜇 𝜇 𝜕𝑡 the large-scale finite element numerical simulation software
can be used for engineers to solve complex problems on
𝜕 →
∇2 Φ + (∇ ⋅ 𝐴) = 0 (4) the basis of theoretical analysis. This paper is aimed at the
𝜕𝑡 characteristics of induction heating magneto-thermal cou-
→ pling of large-diameter pipes. We adopt ABAQUS software
𝜕𝐴 (5)
𝐽𝑒 = −𝜎 − 𝜎∇Φ to solve the magneto-thermal coupling issue by sequential
𝜕𝑡 coupling [19]. First, the vortex current is obtained in the
electromagnetic field; then the Joule heat of the workpiece
where ∇ is Hamilton operator; 𝜇 is magnetic conductivity under the action of vortex current field is got. Eventually, the
(H/m); 𝜎 is material conductivity (S/m); 𝜀 is capacitivity Joule heat is used as the temperature field input condition
(F/m); 𝐴 is magnetic vector potential; Φ is scalar potential; to obtain the temperature distribution on the workpiece.
and 𝐽𝑒 is induction vortex current density vector (A/𝑚2 ). The analysis process of magnetothermal coupling during the
In order to ensure the continuity condition of the field induction heating is shown in Figure 4.
quantity at the interface of different media, consider the
boundary condition as a ferromagnetic boundary with sur- 2.4. Building of Numerical Model. The geometric model of
→ pipe induction heating consists of three parts: X80 pipe,
face current density 𝐽 . The expression is shown as
induction coil, and air. Since the pipe is only involved in
the solution of temperature field, it is assumed that, in the
𝑛 × ( 1 ∇ × →
→ →
𝐴) = − 𝐽 solution of the electromagnetic field, the physical properties
𝜇 of the material corresponding to the induction coil and air are
not affected by the temperature change. Since the X80 pipe,
2.2. Mathematical Model of Induction Heating Temperature induction coil and air together constitute the electromagnetic
Field. It is assumed that the Joule heat generated by the path in the induction heating process, the thermal property
vortex current in the alternating magnetic field is completely parameters of the relative magnetoconductivity, resistivity,
converted into its own heat; that is, the induced current specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, density, etc.
Joule heat obtained by the electromagnetic field is used as an corresponding to the three parts should be considered in
internal heat source to heat the workpiece, and the heating solving the electromagnetic field (as shown in Table 1). The
process is an unsteady heat conduction process [15, 16]. Based material of induction coil is T3 copper, its resistivity is 1.75 ×
on Fourier’s law and the first law of thermodynamics [17], the 10−8 Ω∙m, and the relative magneto-conductivity is 1. As air is
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
3. Results Analysis
electromagnetic field
3.1. Analysis of Numerical Simulation Results. In order to
visually display the dynamic changes of the electromagnetic
Read temperature field field and temperature field inside the pipe during the heating
Compute temperature
process, the main parameters such as current frequency
field (=1000Hz), current density (J=6 × 107 A/m2 ), and air gap
(d=30mm) are determined according to the engineering
practice, and the distribution clouds of the Joule heat and
temperature of the pipe under induction heating are obtained
through simulation (see Figures 6 and 7), and the curves of
temperature for the inner and outer wall of the pipe with
the times are shown in Figure 8. It can be seen that the
Figure 4: Analysis process of magnetothermal coupling during the distribution of Joule heat and temperature on the pipe is that
induction heating. the outer wall’s is much greater than that of the inner wall due
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5
induction coil
pipe air
induction coil
Figure 5: Numerical model of induction heating for thin-walled pipe. (a) Geometric model. (b) Finite element model. (c) Finite element
model of the pipe.
Temperature (∘ C)
Inner Wall
(Avg: 75%) 500.
+1.307e+09 400.
+1.198e+09 300.
+1.089e+09 200.
+9.802e+08 100.
+7.624e+08 0.
+6.535e+08 −100.
+5.445e+08 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20.
+4.356e+08 Time (s)
+2.178e+08 Figure 8: Temperature curves of the inner and outer wall of pipe
+4.984e-20 with the times.
1100 1100
1000 1200
1000 1100
Temperature (∘ C)
Temperature (∘ C)
Temperature (∘ C)
900 1000
800 800 900
700 700 800
600 600 700
500 500 600
400 400 500
300 300 400
200 300
200 200
100 100 100
0 0 0
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 10 20 30 40 50
Current Frequency (Hz) Current Density (107 A/G2 ) Air Gap (mm)
Figure 9: Relationship between three parameters and the inner and outer wall temperature of pipe. (a) Current frequency. (b) Current density.
(c) Air gap between pipe and induction coil.
Table 2: Test parameters and levels. the primary and secondary relationship of the influence of
various process parameters on the heating effect is obtained.
Factor Then we use the range analysis to verify the primary and
Level Current Frequency Current Density Air Gap secondary relationships again to provide a guidance for
𝑓(Hz) 𝐽(A/m2 ) 𝑑(mm) engineering process design.
1 600 5×107 10
2 800 5.5×107 20 (1) Variance Analysis. The analysis results of the influence of
3 1000 6×107 30 each parameter on temperatures of the inner and outer walls
of the pipe are shown in Tables 4 and 5.
4 1200 6.5×107 40
5 1500 7×107 50 (2) Range Analysis. First, the comprehensive mean and
range of each factor are obtained, and then the primary
and secondary relationships of the influence of the process
current density, and air gap are the factors of the orthogonal parameters on the heating effect are got by comparing the
test [21], and each factor is set at 5 levels, as shown in Table 2. extremes [22]. The range analysis of the inner and outer
It can be seen from Table 2 that there is a total of 125 wall temperatures of the pipe under different levels in the
experimental parameter combinations, and the orthogonal orthogonal test is shown in Table 6:
test is mainly used to analyze the primary and secondary According to the analysis results of Tables 4 and 5, when
relationship of the influence of various process parameters on the temperature of the inner and outer walls of the pipe is
the heating effect. Therefore, according to the orthogonality taken as an index, the influence of the current frequency and
and the engineering practice, some parameter groups with current density on the index is significant, and the influence
the characteristics of “uniform dispersion, neatness, and of the air gap on the index is extremely significant. And in the
comparability” are selected as the representative ones for the medium-frequency induction heating of the pipe, the influ-
experiment. ential degree of each process parameter on the heating effect
In the orthogonal experimental analysis, the Taguchi of the pipe is air gap>current density>current frequency.
design method is used to neglect the interaction between From the range R corresponding to each process parameter
different process parameters, the L25 (56 ) orthogonal table in Table 6, it can be concluded that the influential degree
is selected, and the empty column is adopted as the error of the process parameters on the heating effect of the pipe
column. According to the 25 sets of parameters selected in is consistent with the variance analysis result, which further
Table 3, the numerical simulation analysis of the induction verifies the accuracy of the obtained results. Compared with
heating of X80 pipe (Φ1219mm, wall thickness 27 mm) is the range analysis, the contribution rate of each process
carried out to obtain the temperatures of the inner and outer parameter to the survey indicators is defined more clearly by
walls of the pipe. The orthogonal experimental scheme is the variance analysis.
designed with the temperatures of the inner and outer walls It can be known from the engineering that when the
of the pipe as the test indexes (see Table 3). induction heating temperatures of the outer wall of the pipe
are 900∼1000∘C [23] and the difference between the inner and
3.2.2. Analysis of the Orthogonal Test Results of Induction outer wall temperature is small, the final processing quality
Heating of Pipe. The variance method is used to determine of the elbow is better. Combined with the above analysis, a
the significant degree and contribution rate of the influence of better process parameter group can be initially determined
various process parameters on the heating effect of medium- as current frequency 1500 Hz, current density 5.5 × 107 A/m2 ,
frequency induction heating of large-diameter pipes, and and air gap 10 mm.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7
Table 4: Variance analysis results of the orthogonal test of temperatures for pipe’s outer wall.
3.3. Process Parameter Optimization Based on Neural Net- neural network method to establish the mapping relationship
work and Genetic Algorithm. The orthogonal experiment can between the induction heating process parameters and the
determine the influence degree of the process parameters on temperatures of the inner and outer walls of the pipe [24, 25].
the temperature of the inner and outer walls of the pipe and The data is trained to predict the heating effect of all combi-
judge the better parameter group from the existing process nations of process parameters within the variation range, and
parameter group. However, it is difficult to obtain the global the process parameters are optimized by genetic algorithm
optimal process parameters for the multiparameter group [26, 27]. Thus, the global optimal process parameter group
problems which affect the actual engineering. We use BP is obtained.
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Table 5: Variance analysis results of orthogonal test of temperatures for pipe’s inner wall.
Table 6: Range analysis results of orthogonal test for pipe’s outer wall temperature.
Current frequence f
Outer wall
temperature T1
Current density J .
Inner wall
temperature T2
Air gap d
3.3.1. Prediction Model Based on BP Neural Network. The iteration is 274 times, the training is finished with the system
current frequency, current density, and air gap are selected error of 9.75 × 10−7 ; thus its error is within the expected range,
as the network model input, and the outer and inner wall and the network output is more accurate.
temperatures 𝑇1 and 𝑇2 of the pipe are taken as output to In order to verify the accuracy of the training prediction
build a three-layer BP neural network model. The network results, the five new sets of process parameters are rese-
structure is shown in Figure 10. lected as test samples for training prediction and numerical
The data (see Table 3) obtained by numerical simulation simulation. The training prediction results and numerical
is used as a training sample, and the sample is trained by simulation results are shown in Table 7.
running a BP neural network program. The training target is According to the above results in Table 7, the error
selected as 0.000001 and the learning rate is 0.1. The training between the prediction data and the simulation data is within
of the network model is shown in Figure 11. When the 3%, which indicates that the prediction accuracy of the BP
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9
Current Frequency Current Density Air Gap Outer Wall Temperature 𝑇1 (∘ C) Inner Wall Temperature 𝑇2 (∘ C)
𝑓(Hz) 𝐽(A/m2 ) 𝑑(mm) Simulation Prediction Error Simulation Prediction Error
1200 6×107 30 883 862.5 2.3% 164 163.29 0.43%
1500 6×107 30 1043 1036.5 0.62% 183 185.35 1.3%
1000 5.5×107 30 640 638.2 0.28% 132 130.67 1%
1000 6.5×107 30 900 894.5 0.61% 167 163.40 2.1%
1000 7×107 30 1070 1079.3 0.87% 184 180.71 1.8%
Fitness curve
System error
20 12
10 6
0 0
−4 −2 0 2 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2
Regression Standardized Residual Regression Standardized Residual
(a) Model I (b) Model II
the logarithmic conversion of the sample data is performed to It can be seen from Figure 13 that although the normalized
build a regression Model II [30]. residuals of Model I and Model II are basically normal distri-
bution, comprehensive analysis of the calculation results of
Regression Model I: 𝑇 = 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 𝐽 + 𝑏2 𝑑 + 𝐶 Table 8, including the correlation coefficient, sum of squared
Regression Model II: 𝑇 = 𝐶𝑏0 𝐽𝑏1 𝑑𝑏2 residuals, and F-test value. It can been seen that Model I has
an optimal fitting degree; thus the regression equation (1) is
Assume that the above two regression models meet the chosen as the mathematical model for predicting the outer
following conditions: wall temperature of large-diameter pipe during the medium-
(1) 𝜀𝑖 ∼ 𝑁(0, 𝜎2 ), 𝐶𝑜V(𝜀𝑖 , 𝜀𝑗 ) = 0, 𝑖 ≠ 𝑗 frequency induction heating. In order to verify the accuracy
(2) The selected variables are not random and have no of the regression models, five sets of process parameters
multiple linear relationship with each other are taken as test samples for the numerical simulation and
(3) There is a linear relationship between the dependent regression model prediction. The results are shown in Table 9.
variable 𝑇 and the transformed independent variable in the It can be seen from Table 9 that errors between the simu-
regression model II lated data and predicted data are within 5%. The error value
The two regression models are analyzed and solved by a needs to be determined according to industry standards.
multiple regression calculation program, and the results are However, it is worth noting that the mathematical model of
shown in Table 8. the outer wall temperature prediction can accurately reflect
The regression equations obtained by stepwise regression the mapping relationship between the process parameters of
calculation are as follows: the induction heating and the outer wall temperatures of the
pipe. The mathematical model of the outer wall temperature
Equation of Model I: 𝑇 = 0.525𝑓 + 3.092 × prediction for large-diameter pipe in the induction heating
10−5 𝐽-17.184𝑑-1049.604 process has certain significance for guiding engineering
Equation of Model II: 𝑇 = 𝑒−33.103 0.642 𝐽2.061 𝑑−0.481 practice.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11
Table 9: Errors between the numerical simulation and regression model prediction.
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