Cho2012 PDF
Cho2012 PDF
Cho2012 PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The purpose of this study is to present a coupled electro-magnetic and thermal model for numerical
Received 11 November 2011 analysis of an induction heating system including the workpieces moving relative to the inductors. In this
Received in revised form paper, a finite element method-based numerical analysis of a low-frequency (60 Hz) induction heating
4 March 2012
system for the one-dimensional solution of a stationary circular billet and the two-dimensional solution
Accepted 2 May 2012
considering the dynamic effect of circular billets moving along the skid rails with constant speed are
Available online 8 June 2012
presented and compared against each other. The non-linearities of both the electro-magnetic and
thermal material properties are also taken into account in the model. The computational results have
Induction heating
been compared with experimental data. As a result, it is suggested that the presented numerical model
Electro-magneto-thermal may be a very cost-effective tool in predicting the temperature of a workpiece in a variable flux field
Eddy currents where the interested workpieces undergo an arbitrary change in the electro-magnetic fields. It is possible
FEM (finite element method) to obtain some preliminary results more accurate than those calculated from previous works using
Numerical simulation a stationary model on electro-magnetic field and temperature distribution of workpieces by applying the
Modeling presented numerical model.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
1290-0729/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
196 K.-H. Cho / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 60 (2012) 195e204
Nomenclature t time, s
T temperature, K
A magnetic vector potential, Wb m1
A outer area of steel workpiece, m2 Greek symbols
B magnetic flux density, T Dt time step size, s
Cp specific heat, J kg1 K1 3 emissivity
E electric field intensity, V m1 mm relative magnetic permeability
f frequency, Hz r density of workpiece, kg m3
g gravitational acceleration, m s2 sc electrical conductivity, U1 m1
H magnetic field intensity, A m1 s StefaneBoltzmann constant, W m2 K4
Js excitation current density,
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi A m2 u angular frequency, rad s1
j complex number ð 1Þ
k thermal conductivity, W m1 K1 Subscripts
L length of workpiece, mm N ambient
n normal direction eddy eddy current
heat power by eddy currents in the workpiece, W m3 i inner
qs energy losses by radiation, W o outer
r, q, z cylindrical coordinates, m, rad, m s surface
temperature dependence of material characteristics using three- the No. 3 coil and the holding chamber, as illustrated in Fig. 1. It will
dimensional finite element analysis in order to correctly express be assumed that the pure heating parts (the No. 1 through the No. 3
the induction heating coil’s shape. Cajner et al. [10] developed coil and the gap parts including the air region between the pre and
a simulation program for the axially symmetric workpieces and post coil), except for the holding chamber, have an axial symmetry.
compared with the measured values of surface hardness and For the simplicity, we describe a model only consisting of work-
hardening depths. Kawaguchi et al. [11] presented results of finite piece, coil, and air in the computational domain, as illustrated in
element analysis of induction heating problems considering Fig. 2.
temperature dependence of material characteristics. Recently, Jiang We consider that the properties of the materials used in this
et al. [12] proposed an optimal heating/cooling strategy to achieve calculation, i.e. the relative magnetic permeability, the resistivity,
uniform temperature distribution along the radius of a cylinder. the thermal conductivity, the density, and the specific heat may be
Tibouche et al. [13] developed a software tool on the base of the dependent on temperature.
finite difference method couples with a semi-analytic one. Kranjc The model of this analysis utilizes an indirect method in which
et al. [14] investigated the characteristics of induction heating both the electro-magnetic and thermal problems are solved sepa-
process both numerically and experimentally. More recently, Bar- rately. Because of the different time constants of the electro-
glik [15] investigated three-dimensional analysis of electro- magnetic and thermal problems, the eddy current problems are
magnetic and temperature fields in transverse flux induction solved as a time-harmonic and the thermal problems are solved as
heater for thin strips and compared the result with measured data. a non-stationary [17].
However, most of theoretical model or numerical simulation
that has been done so far is for the cases applied in the stationary 2.1. Electro-magnetic field
high-frequency inductor systems. Furthermore, all these studies
can not be expected to provide a good solution in a region close to The electro-magnetic phenomena under consideration are
the inductors because induction heating has its inherent drawback governed by Maxwell equations. Therefore, the electro-magnetic
of non-uniform heating due to the so-called skin effect, end effect field is calculated using the Maxwell equations to predict the
and electro-magnetic transverse edge effect. The moving conductor generated heat power in the workpiece by using an induction
or coil effects, however, are of importance when one of them is heating. The Maxwell equations can be simplified using a quasi-
moving relative to the other and goes through the end of the steady state approximation as follows [18]:
inductors. This is because the magnetic field gradients become very
high in that region and finally result in great inaccuracy in pre- VH ¼ J (1)
dicting the temperature distribution of workpieces.
Therefore, in this paper, a method using a commercial package, V E ¼ juB (2)
ANSYS [16], is given for analyzing the one-dimensional and two-
dimensional problems of an induction heating system. The V$B ¼ 0 (3)
primary goal of the present work is to present a coupled and more
accurate mathematical model taking the dynamic effect of moving where H is the magnetic field strength, J is the current density, B is
workpieces into account for an induction furnace system, thereby the magnetic field intensity, E is the electric field intensity, u is the
obtaining results that are more accurate than those calculated from angular frequency of the current (u ¼ 2pf, f ¼ 60 Hz in the present
previous works on electro-magnetic field and temperature distri- study), and j is the complex number defined by j2 ¼ 1. Hysteresis
bution of workpieces. and anisotropy are neglected.
Introducing a magnetic vector potential A as
2. Mathematical model
B ¼ VA (4)
We solve eddy current and thermal problems in order to it is assumed that the current in the inductors is time-harmonic and
simulate an induction heating system, which is used to produce heat is generated in the workpiece by eddy currents. From the
seamless tubes and usually consists of four parts: the No. 1 through above equations, we derive the governing equation as follows:
K.-H. Cho / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 60 (2012) 195e204 197
Fig. 1. Three dimensional model of an induction heating furnace system with a holding chamber.
a new magnetic field calculation is performed with new elements. Workpiece material Mild steel (0.23% carbon)
Workpiece dimension Billet (47.5(ri) 148(ro) 148 (L)) mm
This iteration is continued until the heating cycle ends.
Workpiece shape Hollow cylinder
In general, the electro-magnetic problem in a typical induction Coil number of turns 93/each stage
heating system is solved as a time-harmonic and is stationary in Coil material Copper
time because the electro-magnetic time constant, based on the Size (Equivalent) 27 1475/1 stage mm
frequency of the electric power supply, is typically of the order of Current density 8.073 106 A/m2
Frequency 60 Hz
10 m s. That is to say, due to the different time scale of the two Total heating time 720 s
phenomena, it is assumed that the solution of the electro-magnetic Initial temperature 25
problem is valid on a time interval during which the physical Computational domain (3 stages) 1480 (W) 4830 (H) mm
properties of the workpieces don’t change too much due to the
increase in temperature resulting from the Joule effect. We will
then use the result to compute the source term to be plugged into
the heat equation [21]. Keeping this problem in mind and consid- magnetic fields. Other simplifying assumptions used are discussed
ering the stability of problems, the appropriate time step Dt is 0.05 s in the following sections.
(lower than 2.1 s obtained from stability condition) at the beginning
of the heating and 2 s since the Curie temperature is exceeded.
Therefore, we can neglect the electro-magnetic transient and safely 3. Results and discussion
assume that, within that time step, the electro-magnetic process is
in a steady state. The iteration numbers needed were 7 for one step 3.1. One-dimensional calculation
of the electro-magnetic field problem and 13 for one step of the
heat transfer problem. The first example is a heating of 1-D having a surface radiation
The mesh independence tests are carried out in order to ensure loss at the outer surface of the workpiece during the residence on
mesh independent results. In general, the computation of eddy the space between the No. 1 coil and the No. 2 coil or between the
currents does not cause major difficulties, provided a sufficiently No. 2 coil and the No. 3 coil, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Computational
fine mesh is used in the skin depth region of the conductors. The domain for 1-D analysis includes workpiece, coil, and air region like
finer mesh was obtained by re-meshing the coarser mesh. The as 2-D domain shown in Fig. 2. Only boundary conditions are
independence of the solution with respect to the mesh size was updated as time goes by.
checked by examining the maximum surface temperature for each Numerical simulations are carried out for physical dimensions,
test. The total number of quadrilateral-shaped elements in the as shown in Table 1, and the electro-magneto-thermal properties
electro-magnetic analysis was 8047, the number of nodes was which are dependent on temperature [22], as illustrated in Fig. 4.
13,758 and the elements number for the corresponding thermal Table 2 also depicts the chemical composition of the workpiece
model was 2002, considering the skin depth and the gradient of used in this calculation. As stated above, the boundary conditions
200 K.-H. Cho / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 60 (2012) 195e204
Fig. 4. Thermal and electro-magnetic properties with temperature: (a) resistivity; (b) relative permeability; (c) volumetric specific heat; (d) thermal conductivity.
and mesh plot used for the numerical analysis are represented in losing its magnetism locally, i.e. it passes from a ferromagnetic state
Fig. 2. to a paramagnetic state.
A circular billet with the size listed in Table 1 was heated inside The temperature drop is about 34 C due to radiation heat loss at
an inductor of 93 turns (length 1475 mm, pitch 102 mm) and was the outer surface during the open zones of the furnace. Also, as
modeled as an equivalent rectangular shape with 27 by 1475 mm. shown in Fig. 5, the soaking time is about 70 s and the temperature
The speed of the billet movement is 6.72 mm/s inside the induction
heating devices. It is also assumed that the ambient temperature
around the furnace TN is 50 C (323 K) and the process is carried out
over a total residence time of 720 s (12 min); the end effects are
Fig. 5 shows the profiles of unsteady temperature distribution in
the workpiece along the radial direction at three different posi- 1200
tions: inner, center and outer surface of the workpiece. As can be
seen in Fig. 5, relatively large differences in temperature variation 1000
occurred; specifically, it was heated unevenly along the surface
Temperature ( C)
during the residence time at the No. 1 coil. The peak profile 800
Table 2 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Chemical composition of workpiece material used in the calculation (unit: wt%).
Time (sec)
Type C Si Mn S P
Mild steel 0.23 0.3 0.6 0.05 0.05 Fig. 5. Predicted temperature history of each position with residence time for 1-D case
K.-H. Cho / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 60 (2012) 195e204 201
Fig. 6. Magnetic potential contours with residence time: (a) at t ¼ 1 s; (b) at t ¼ 4 min; (c) at t ¼ 8 min.
202 K.-H. Cho / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 60 (2012) 195e204
distribution in the workpiece along the radial direction of it of field in the air gap which is empty between the workpiece and
becomes nearly uniform. the inductor is unaffected by the workpiece but eddy currents in
the workpiece reduce to the total flux by the eddy current theory.
3.2. Two-dimensional calculation As a result, the bulging profiles in the magnetic flux occur because
the temperature has exceeded the Curie temperature and they
The second example is a heating of 2-D having adiabatic result in a loss of magnetism and increasing the skin depth (about
conditions at the inner surface of the workpiece like the 1-D case. 1.8 mm in this calculation) with a similar pattern as time goes by.
And the other conditions are the same as the first example (one- Fig. 7 shows the isothermal lines within the workpiece in which
dimensional analysis). Unlike the one-dimensional analysis, the we are interested with the time variation after charging it into the
particular treatment of the interested workpiece in the computa- induction furnace. In Fig. 7a, the temperature distributions were
tional domain, as shown in Fig. 2, is given: the dummy workpieces nearly parallel along the length direction of the workpiece just after
are used in order to escape, more or less, an inaccurate magnetic charging the workpiece (at t ¼ 30 s). However, the isothermal lines
field generated near the ends of the interested workpiece. The lie across the workpiece as the workpieces are transferred to the
purpose is to obtain as accurate a temperature distribution as furnace with a continuous speed and the temperature differences
possible for only a target workpiece inside the induction heating become lower within the interior region of workpiece, as shown in
devices due to the end effect, as illustrated in Fig. 2a. Fig. 7b, c, and d.
The typical contours of the magnetic vector potential repre- Fig. 8 shows the temperature history within the workpiece with
senting the dynamic effect of the moving workpiece with the time the positions (1)e(9) of the workpiece, as shown in the schematic
variation are shown in Fig. 6. As depicted in Fig. 6, the magnetic diagram. It is obvious that the heating pattern is similar to the result
vector potential in the far field region where it is far from the outer of one-dimensional calculation (see Fig. 5) but the profile of the
surface of the workpiece is diminished regardless of time variation temperature history at position (6), the peak profile, is steeper than
after charging the workpieces. On the other hand, the contour lines that of 1-D case. We think that this result can be caused by the
are concentrated along the outer surface of workpiece. The closed reason that the fluxes formed inside the moving workpiece are
loop patterns of magnetic flux density are changed extremely as more heavily concentrated than with the one-dimensional case.
time goes by after the workpieces are charged into the induction Because of the same reason, the temperature differences inside the
furnace. Also, as depicted at the surface, we know that the strength workpiece are higher than those of the one-dimensional case. Also,
Fig. 7. Predicted isothermal lines of each position with residence time: (a) at t ¼ 30 s; (b) at t ¼ 4 min; (c) at t ¼ 8 min; (d) at t ¼ 12 min.
K.-H. Cho / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 60 (2012) 195e204 203
Fig. 9. Predicted temperature history along the radial direction with residence time.
1-D case (see Fig. 5) and the 2-D case along the positions (7)
through (9) (Fig. 8b), it was found that similar patterns were Temp. at No. 2 inductor
Temp. at No. 3 inductor
obtained, as shown in Figs. 5 and 8b. 800
Fig. 9 shows the temperature gradient distribution from the
inner surface of the workpiece along the radial direction (positions
(4) through (6) in Fig. 8) during the residence time. As shown in
Fig. 9, we know that there are some clear temperature differences 600
8:16:37 8:18:17 8:19:57 8:21:37 8:23:17 8:24:57
along the radial direction inside workpiece until t ¼ 2 min (position
Operating time(hour:min.:sec)
(1)) after being charged into furnace but become nearly uniform
after then (t ¼ 4 min) i.e. when the workpiece goes through the end Fig. 10. Temperature variation on surface of workpiece at the ends of the No. 2 and the
of the No. 1 inductor. No. 3 inductor.
204 K.-H. Cho / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 60 (2012) 195e204