AN TB093A - Soft Start Multiple PWM
AN TB093A - Soft Start Multiple PWM
AN TB093A - Soft Start Multiple PWM
The ramping PWM signal is generated by a software Note: These timing equations assume that a 4
delay. The PWM output is varied by setting a variable MHz oscillator is being used.
and decrementing until it reaches zero. The variables
DutyCycleHigh and DutyCycleLow are used to control
the PWM ramp. Initially DutyCycleHigh is set to zero
and DutyCycleLow is at maximum. With each iteration,
DutyCycleHigh is incremented while DutyCycleLow is
Solution 2
Memory usage for the first software solution (using
This software solution uses jump tables to generate the
software decrement loops) is 4 bytes RAM and 49
PWM output.
words Flash memory. Because the memory usage is so
One of the advantages of this method is the fact that small, this application could easily be implemented on
the PWM steps are smaller. The high time will increase a PIC10F204 which is more cost effective than the
by 1 μs every iteration, and the low time will decrease PIC10F206.
by 1 μs. However, the disadvantage is the fact that the
Memory usage for the second software solution is 4
PWM ramp-up time is limited to 118 steps, resulting in
bytes RAM. The amount of Flash memory that is
a maximum ramp-up time of less than 13 ms. The
required is as follows:
maximum ramp-up time for the other software solution
is around 400 ms, not including the delays between
ramps. EQUATION 3:
The code used for this solution was taken and modified
63+(PWM1_STEPS * 2-1)+(PWM2_STEPS * 2-1) words
slightly from Technical Brief TB081, “Soft-Start Control-
ler for Switching Power Supplies” (DS91081). As
described in this Technical Brief, the maximum size of The number of PWM steps will determine the size of
the jump table is limited by the size of the table that can the jump table. Because of this, memory usage will
be accessed by the 8-bit Special Function Register vary with the number of PWM steps.
(SFR) Program Counter Low (PCL). For the given
software, that limits the maximum sum of steps to 118
(e.g., PWM1_STEPS + PWM2_STEPS = 118).
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