(To Be Published in The Official Gazette of Kerala) : Boiler Operation Engineer'S Examination - 2021 BOE-2021
(To Be Published in The Official Gazette of Kerala) : Boiler Operation Engineer'S Examination - 2021 BOE-2021
(To Be Published in The Official Gazette of Kerala) : Boiler Operation Engineer'S Examination - 2021 BOE-2021
The Board of Examiners for the Boiler Operation Engineer’s Examination
(constituted as per G.O.(P) No. 5/2021/LBR Dated 08.01.2021) met on
20.03.2021 and decided to conduct Boiler Operation Engineer’s Examination
2021 as required under Rule 21 of the Boiler Operation Engineers Rules – 2011,
a Gazette Notification in this regard has to be issued for the information of the
(To be published in the Official Gazette of Kerala)
T3/6630/2019/F&B Dated: 19.04.2021
Ministry of Labour
Department of Factories & Boilers, Kerala State
The Directorate of Factories & Boilers, Kerala has decided to conduct the
Boiler Operation Engineers’ Examination during the September and November
According to a press release, the written examination (viz. Paper I & II) and
the drawing examination (Paper III) will be held on 11.09.2021 and 12.09.2021
respectively and Practical Examination will be held on 18th, 19th and 20th of
November 2021. The last date of receipt of the online application & hardcopy of
the application in the office of The Secretary, Board of Examiners, Directorate of
Factories & Boilers, “Suraksha Bhavan”, Kumarapuram, Medical College P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 011, Kerala State will be on or before 31.05.2021 &
19.06.2021, 5.00 pm respectively.
1) Candidates have to produce satisfactory testimonials certifying his
experience, ability and good conduct for the whole period of his
qualifying service or any unaccounted break: in the period of qualifying
service. Such testimonials shall clearly state the capacity in which
candidate was employed, whether as an Apprentice Engineer,
Supervisor, Assistant Engineer and the periods of such employment
stating the dates between which candidates was so employed.
2 Oral and Practical Examination 18th, 19th and 20th November 2021
How to apply?
The application form along with the instructions to candidates is
available in the official websiteswww.fabkerala.gov.in
The following things must be kept ready for registering online
b) The size of the above items should not exceed the following
Photograph (138X177) -100KB, Signature-50KB, Thumb Impression- 50KB
c) All other documents must be in ‘pdf’ format and should not exceed 1MB size
d) Internet Banking account for remitting fee (Through online)
Rs. 2000/-
The secretary
Board of Examiners
Suraksha Bhavan
Directorate of Factories and Boilers
Kumarapuram , Medical College P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram- 695011
Please note that only print out of the application after affixing
signature of the candidate and counter signed by the manager of
the firm or a gazetted officer need only to be submitted so as to
reach on or before 19-06-2021 before 5 pm.