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The content is developed by taking reference of online and print publications that
are mentioned in Bibliography. The content developed represents the breadth of
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Block Introduction
The study of financial market plays a significant role in the study of any
management program. Considering the need and importance of this subject for the
management students this subject has been introduced into this curriculum.
In this block the readers would be briefed about the financial markets,
money market and capital market. The functions and responsibilities of each of
this market would be explained in very detail. Not only has this role do they play
in the proper running of an economy been discussed here in very detail.
After going through this block the readers would get sufficient idea about
the Financial Market, Money Market and Capital Market.
Block Objective
After learning this block, you will be able to understand:
The nature of regulation of stock exchanges in India and the role of SEBI
Introduction to Block Structure
Financial Markets,
Money Market and Unit 1: Financial Markets: An Introduction
Capital Market
Unit 2: Money Market
Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Meaning
1.3 Nature and Role of Financial System
1.9 Glossary
1.10 Assignment
1.11 Activities
1.12 Case Study
1.1 Introduction
You are fully aware that business units have to raise short-term as well as
long-term funds to meet their working and fixed capital requirements from time to
time. This necessitates not only the ready availability of such funds but also a
Introduction to transmission mechanism with the help of which the providers of funds (investors/
Financial Markets, lenders) can interact with the borrowers/users (business units) and transfer the
Money Market and
Capital Market
funds to them as and when required. This aspect is taken care of by the financial
markets which provide a place where or a system through which, the transfer of
funds by investors/lenders to the business units is adequately facilitated
1.2 Meaning
We know that, money always flows from surplus sector to deficit sector.
That means persons having excess of money lend it to those who need money to
fulfil their requirement.
Similarly, in business sectors the surplus money flows from the investors or
lenders to the businessmen for the purpose of production or sale of goods and
services. So, we find two different groups, one who invest money or lend money
and the others, who borrow or use the money.
Now you think, how these two groups meet and transact with each other.
The financial markets act as a link between these two different groups. It
facilitates this function by acting as an intermediary between the borrowers and
lenders of money. So, financial market may be defined as „a transmission
mechanism between investors (or lenders) and the borrowers (or users) through
which transfer of funds is facilitated‟. It consists of individual investors, financial
institutions and other intermediaries who are linked by a formal trading rules and
communication network for trading the various financial assets and credit
Let us now see the main functions of financial market-
(a) It provides facilities for interaction between the investors and the borrowers.
(b) It provides pricing information resulting from the interaction between
buyers and sellers in the market when they trade the financial assets.
(c) It provides security to dealings in financial assets.
Check your progress 1
Markets: An
1. __________market provides facilities for interaction between the investors Introduction
a. Financial
b. Capital
b. financial market
1) Financial markets;
2) Financial intermediaries (institutions);
3) Financial regulators.
Each of the components plays a specific role in the economy.
Introduction to The financial regulators perform the role of monitoring and regulating the
Financial Markets, participants in the financial system.
Money Market and
Capital Market
They allow the transfer of funds from those entities, who have surplus funds
to invest to those who need funds to invest in tangible assets;
The claims held by the final wealth holders generally differ from the
liabilities issued by those entities who demand those funds. They role is
performed by the specific entities operating in financial systems, called financial
intermediaries. The latter ones transform the final liabilities into different financial
assets preferred by the public.
Check your progress 2
Markets: An
1. The___________system plays the key role in the economy by stimulating Introduction
economic growth.
a. Financial
b. Market
b. funds
2) Liquidity
3) Reduction of transaction costs
1) Price discovery function means that transactions between buyers and sellers
of financial instruments in a financial market determine the price of the
traded asset. At the same time the required return from the investment of
funds is determined by the participants in a financial market. The motivation
for those seeking funds (deficit units) depends on the required return that
investors demand. It is these functions of financial markets that signal how
the funds available from those who want to lend or invest funds will be
allocated among those needing funds and raise those funds by issuing
financial instruments.
2) Liquidity function provides an opportunity for investors to sell a financial
instrument, since it is referred to as a measure of the ability to sell an asset
at its fair market value at any time. Without liquidity, an investor would be
forced to hold a financial instrument until conditions arise to sell it or the
issuer is contractually obligated to pay it off. Debt instrument is liquidated
when it matures, and equity instrument is until the company is either
voluntarily or involuntarily liquidated. All financial markets provide some
Introduction to form of liquidity. However, different financial markets are characterized by
Financial Markets, the degree of liquidity.
Money Market and
Capital Market 3) The function of reduction of transaction costs is performed, when financial
market participants are charged and/or bear the costs of trading a financial
instrument. In market economies the economic rationale for the existence of
institutions and instruments is related to transaction costs, thus the surviving
institutions and instruments are those that have the lowest transaction costs.
Asset specificity,
Frequency of occurrence.
Transactions are also related to uncertainty, which has (1) external sources
(when events change beyond control of the contracting parties), and (2) depends
on opportunistic behaviour of the contracting parties. If changes in external events
are readily verifiable, then it is possible to make adaptations to original contracts,
taking into account problems caused by external uncertainty. In this case there is a
possibility to control transaction costs. However, when circumstances are not
easily observable, opportunism creates incentives for contracting parties to review
the initial contract and creates moral hazard problems. The higher the uncertainty,
the more opportunistic behaviour may be observed, and the higher transaction
costs may be born. Frequency of occurrence plays an important role in
determining if a transaction should take place within the market or within the
firm. A one-time transaction may reduce costs when it is executed in the market.
Conversely, frequent transactions require detailed contracting and should take
place within a firm in order to reduce the costs. When assets are specific,
transactions are frequent, and there are significant uncertainties intra-firm
transactions may be the least costly. And, vice versa, if assets are non-specific,
transactions are infrequent, and there are no significant uncertainties least costly
may be market transactions.
The mentioned attributes of transactions and the underlying incentive
problems are related to behavioural assumptions about the transacting parties. The
economists Coase (1932,1960, 1988), Williamson (1975, 1985), Akerlof (1971)
and others) have contributed to transactions costs economics by analyzing
behaviour of the human beings, assumed generally self-serving and rational in Financial
their conduct, and also behaving opportunistically. Markets: An
Opportunistic behaviour was understood as involving actions with
incomplete and distorted information that may intentionally mislead the other
party. This type of behaviour requires efforts of ex ante screening of transaction
parties, and ex post safeguards as well as mutual restraint among the parties,
which leads to specific transaction costs.
b. Cost discovery
2. ___________function provides an opportunity for investors to sell a
financial instrument.
a. Market
b. Liquidity
Van Horne defined the financial system as the purpose of financial markets
to allocate savings efficiently in an economy to ultimate users either for
investment in real assets or for consumption. Christy has opined that the objective
of the financial system is to "supply funds to various sectors and activities of the
economy in ways that promote the fullest possible utilization of resources without
the destabilizing consequence of price level changes or unnecessary interference
with individual desires."
Introduction to According to Robinson, the primary function of the system is "to provide a
Financial Markets, link between savings and investment for the creation of new wealth and to permit
Money Market and
Capital Market
portfolio adjustment in the composition of the existing wealth."
From the above definitions, it may be said that the primary function of the
financial system is the mobilisation of savings, their distribution for industrial
investment and stimulating capital formation to accelerate the process of
economic growth.
Markets: An
a. Van Horne
b. Robinson
b. Robinson
Introduction to catalyzing agent for growth of the economy, making it one of the key inputs of
Financial Markets, development.
Money Market and
Capital Market
b. Money
2. The financial system has been identified as the most catalyzing agent for
growth of the __________.
a. Money
b. economy
1.9 Glossary
1. Financial Market - It is a market in which people trade financial securities,
commodities, and other fungible items of value at low transaction costs and
at prices that reflect supply and demand.
1.10 Assignment
What are the functions of a financial system?
Introduction to 1.11 Activities
Financial Markets,
Money Market and What is the difference between „saving‟ and a „financial surplus‟?
Capital Market
Unit Structure
2.0 Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Meaning
2.3 Characteristics and Functions of Money Market
2.12 Glossary
2.13 Assignment
2.14 Activities
2.15 Case Study
Introduction to Intermediates in the money market.
Financial Markets,
Money Market and Development of money market in India.
Capital Market
Money Market Instruments.
2.1 Introduction
The money market is a market for short-term funds, which deals in financial
assets whose period of maturity is up to one year. It should be noted that money
market does not deal in cash or money as such but simply provides a market for
credit instruments such as bills of exchange, promissory notes, commercial paper,
treasury bills, etc. These financial instruments are close substitute of money.
These instruments help the business units, other organisations and the
Government to borrow the funds to meet their short-term requirement.
Money market does not imply to any specific market place. Rather it refers
to the whole networks of financial institutions dealing in short-term funds, which
provides an outlet to lenders and a source of supply for such funds to borrowers.
Most of the money market transactions are taken place on telephone, fax or
Internet. The Indian money market consists of Reserve Bank of India,
Commercial banks, Co-operative banks, and other specialised financial
institutions. The Reserve Bank of India is the leader of the money market in India.
2.2 Meaning
The purpose of money markets is facilitate the transfer of short-term funds
from agents with excess funds (corporations, financial institutions, individuals,
government) to those market participants who lack funds for short-term needs.
They play central role in the country‟s financial system, by influencing it
through the country‟s monetary authority.
For financial institutions and to some extent to other non-financial
company‟s money markets allow for executing such functions as:
Fund raising
Cash management
Risk management Money
Speculation or position financing
From the start of emergence the traditional money markets performed the
role of monetary policy. In order to influence the supply side, governments have
employed methods of direct regulation and control of the savings and investment
behaviour of individuals and companies. However due to fast technological
advances, internationalization and liberalization of financial markets, possibilities
to carry out policy objectives through such measures have diminished. Current
policy through market oriented measures is aimed primarily at demand side. Thus
money markets serve the interface between execution of monetary policy and the
national economies.
Another role of domestic money markets is to serve public policy
objectives, i.e. financing public sector deficits and managing the accumulated
government deficits. Government public debt policy is an important determinant
of the money markets operations, since government debt typically forms a key
part of the country‟s money markets (as well as debt markets). The scope and
measures of monetary policy are also linked to the government‟s budget and fiscal
policies. Thus the country‟s money market shifts are dependent upon the goals of
national public policy and tools used to reach these goals.
Changes in the role and structure of money markets were also influenced by
financial deregulation, which evolved as a result of recognition that excessive
controls are not compatible with efficient resource allocation, with solid and
balanced growth of economies. Money markets went through passive adaptation
as well as through active influence from the side of governments and monetary
a. regulation
b. deregulation.
b. domestic
Functions of Money Market Money
A well-developed money market is essential for a modern economy.
Though, historically, money market has developed as a result of industrial and
commercial progress, it also has important role to play in the process of
industrialization and economic development of a country. Importance of a
developed money market and its various functions are discussed below:
1. Financing Trade:
Money Market plays crucial role in financing both internal as well as
international trade. Commercial finance is made available to the traders through
bills of exchange, which are discounted by the bill market. The acceptance houses
and discount markets help in financing foreign trade.
2. Financing Industry:
Money market contributes to the growth of industries in two ways:
(a) Money market helps the industries in securing short-term loans to meet their
working capital requirements through the system of finance bills,
commercial papers, etc.
(b) Industries generally need long-term loans, which are provided in the capital
market. However, capital market depends upon the nature of and the
conditions in the money market. The short-term interest rates of the money
market influence the long-term interest rates of the capital market. Thus,
money market indirectly helps the industries through its link with and
influence on long-term capital market.
3. Profitable Investment:
Money market enables the commercial banks to use their excess reserves in
profitable investment. The main objective of the commercial banks is to earn
income from its reserves as well as maintain liquidity to meet the uncertain cash
demand of the depositors. In the money market, the excess reserves of the
commercial banks are invested in near-money assets (e.g. short-term bills of
exchange) which are highly liquid and can be easily converted into cash. Thus, the
commercial banks earn profits without losing liquidity.
Introduction to interest rate. On the other hand, they can meet their requirements by recalling their
Financial Markets, old short-run loans from the money market.
Money Market and
Capital Market 5. Help to Central Bank:
Though the central bank can function and influence the banking system in
the absence of a money market, the existence of a developed money market
smoothens the functioning and increases the efficiency of the central bank.
Money market helps the central bank in two ways:
(a) The short-run interest rates of the money market serves as an indicator of
the monetary and banking conditions in the country and, in this way, guide
the central bank to adopt an appropriate banking policy,
(b) The sensitive and integrated money market helps the central bank to secure
quick and widespread influence on the sub-markets, and thus achieve
effective implementation of its policy.
a. long-
b. Short-
b. Money
financial sector in general and the financial reform process in particular. As all of Money
you know, RBI is the central bank of the country. Central banks are very old
institutions. The Bank of England was set up way back in 1694, the Bank of
France is more than 200 years old and the Federal Reserve Bank was set up in
1913. As aptly stated by our Governor, Dr. Bimal Jalan, although RBI, set up in
1935, may appear a „toddler or at most a young adult‟, it is one of the oldest
central banks among the developing world. Traditionally, central banks have
performed roles of currency authority, banker to the Government and banks,
lender of last resort, supervisor of banks and exchange control (now it would be
more appropriate to call it exchange management) authority. Generally, central
banks in developed economies have price or financial stability as their prime
objective. The RBI has the twin objectives of maintaining price stability and
promoting growth. The objectives are the following:
Let us now look at the evolution of RBI and its changing role and strategy
over time. RBI was set up to regulate the issue of currency and keep reserves with
a view to securing monetary stability in India and generally to operate the
currency and credit system of the country to its advantage (RBI Act, 1934).
Within these overall objectives, RBI performs a wide range of promotional
functions, which are designed to support the country‟s efforts to accelerate the
pace of economic development with social justice. In keeping with the overall
logic of reforms that market based allocation rather than directed allocation of
resources led to greater efficiency, the functions of the RBI have undergone a
strategic shift under the current reforms. The strategy shifted from controlling
institutions and markets to facilitation of efficient functioning of markets and
strengthening of the supporting institutional infrastructure. The pre-emptions in
the form of CRR and SLR have been progressively reduced. The scope of priority
sector has been expanded. The interest rate has been deregulated both on deposits
and advances. Allowing DFIs and banks to lend in the short as well as the long
Introduction to end of the market has reduced segmentation of credit market. From conservation
Financial Markets, of foreign exchange through control of transactions, the focus has shifted to
Money Market and
Capital Market
facilitation of foreign exchange transactions. Intervention in the foreign exchange
market has shifted from fixing of exchange rate to merely curbing speculative
Stability issues came to the fore especially after the crises in South East
Asian countries in late 1990s. The RBI progressively strengthened prudential
regulation relating to capital adequacy, income recognition, asset classification,
provisioning, disclosures and transparency. Sequencing of reforms among various
segments of the financial sector (banks, DFIs, co-operative banks, NBFCs, money
market, debt market and forex market) was determined by the importance of each
segment, extent of regulatory powers enjoyed by the RBI and the evolving
situation. Furthermore, institutional strengthening was undertaken to ensure the
progressive development and integration of the securities, money and forex
markets. The RBI has made significant improvements in the quality of
performance of regulatory and supervisory functions. Our standards are
comparable to the best in the world. Attention is being paid to several
contemporary issues such as, relative roles of onsite and off-site supervision,
functional versus institutional regulation, relative stress on internal management,
market discipline and regulatory prescriptions, consolidated approach to
supervision, etc. Several legislative initiatives have also been taken up with
Government, covering procedural law, debt recovery systems, Credit Information
Bureau, Deposit Insurance, etc. Progress in these is critical for effectiveness of
RBI in the regulatory sphere. A recent important legislative development, which
will improve the momentum of recovery of dues, is the enactment of
Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of
Security Interest (SRFAESI) Act. Under this Act RBI has been entrusted with the
role of stipulating suitable norms for registration of securitisation or
reconstruction companies, prescribing prudential norms, recommending proper
and transparent accounting and disclosure standards and framing appropriate
guidelines for the conduct of asset reconstruction and securitisation.
2. ____________performs a wide range of promotional functions, Money
a. SBI
b. RBI
Introduction to Money market securities are purchased mainly by corporations, financial
Financial Markets, intermediaries and government that have funds available for a short-term period.
Money Market and
Capital Market
Individuals (or households) play a limited role in the market by investing
indirectly through money market funds. Apart from transactions with the central
bank, money-market participants trade with each other to take positions dependent
upon their short-term interest rate expectations, to finance their securities trading
portfolios (bonds, shares, etc.), to hedge their longer-term positions with short-
term contracts, and to reduce individual liquidity imbalances.
b. surplus
2. Central bank employs _________markets to execute monetary policy.
a. Capital
b. money
b. capital
a. RBI
b. banks
2. Banks and other financial institutions have been able to meet the high
opportunity of _________term financial support of important sectors like the
industry, services and agriculture.
a. Long
b. short
Introduction to 2.7.1 Treasury Bills
Financial Markets,
Money Market and A treasury bill is a promissory note issued by the RBI to meet the short-term
Capital Market requirement of funds. Treasury bills are highly liquid instruments that mean, at
any time the holder of treasury bills can transfer of or get it discounted from RBI.
These bills are normally issued at a price less than their face value; and redeemed
at face value. So the difference between the issue price and the face value of the
Treasury bill represents the interest on the investment. These bills are secured
instruments and are issued for a period of not exceeding 364 days. Banks,
Financial institutions and corporations normally play major role in the Treasury
bill market.
2.7.3 Certificate of Deposit Money
Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are short-term instruments issued by
Commercial Banks and Special Financial Institutions (SFIs), which are freely
transferable from one party to another. The maturity period of CDs ranges from
91 days to one year. These can be issued to individuals, co-operatives and
Certificate of deposit (CD) states that a deposit has been made with a bank
for a fixed period of time, at the end of which it will be repaid with interest.
Thus it is, in effect, a receipt for a time deposit and explains why CDs
appear in definitions of the money supply such as M4. It is not the certificate as
such that is included, but the underlying deposit, which is a time deposit like other
time deposits. An institution is said to „issue‟ a CD when it accepts a deposit and
to „hold‟ a CD when it itself makes a deposit or buys a certificate in the secondary
market. From an institution‟s point of view, therefore, issued CDs are liabilities;
held CDs are assets.
The advantage to the depositor is that the certificate can be tradable. Thus
though the deposit is made for a fixed period, he depositor can use funds earlier
by selling the certificate to a third party at a price which will reflect the period to
maturity and the current level of interest rates.
The advantage to the bank is that it has the use of a deposit for a fixed
period but, because of the flexibility given to the lender, at a slightly lower price
than it would have to pay for a normal time deposit.
The minimum denomination can be 100 000USD, although the issue can be
as large as 1million USD. The maturities of CDs usually range from two weeks to
one year. Non-financial corporations usually purchase negotiable CDs. Though
negotiable CD denominations are typically too large for individual investors, they
are sometimes purchased by money market funds that have pooled individual
investors‟ funds. Thus money market funds allow individuals to be indirect
investors in negotiable CDs. This way the negotiable CD market can be more
active. There is also a secondary market for these securities, however its liquidity
is very low.
Introduction to does not want to wait or in immediate need of money, he/she can draw a bill of
Financial Markets, exchange in favour of the buyer. When buyer accepts the bill it becomes a
Money Market and
Capital Market
negotiable instrument and is termed as bill of exchange or trade bill. This trade
bill can now be discounted with a bank before its maturity. On maturity the bank
gets the payment from the drawer i.e., the buyer of goods. When trade bills are
accepted by Commercial Banks it is known as Commercial Bills. So trade bill is
an instrument, which enables the drawer of the bill to get funds for short period to
meet the working capital needs.
b. capital
2. A __________is a promissory note issued by the RBI to meet the short-term
requirement of funds.
a. commercial paper
b. treasury bill
3. ___________is a popular instrument for financing working capital
requirements of companies.
a. Commercial paper
b. treasury bill
on Yield Time priority. CBLO instrument that are generally made available for
trading are those with maturity of next seven business days and three month end
dates. The balances are maintained in electronic book entry. The access to CBLO
Dealing system for NDS Members is made available through INFINET and for
non NDS Members through Internet. The Funds settlement of members in CBLO
segment is achieved in the books of RBI for members who maintain an RBI
Current Account and are allowed to operate that current account for settlement of
their secondary market transactions. In respect of other members, CBLO Funds
settlement is achieved in the books of Settlement Bank.
b. ILO
a. Government
b. RBI
Commercial Paper
Certificate of Deposit
Check your progress 8 Market
a. Call
b. black
a. Capital
b. money
Introduction to
Check your progress 3
Financial Markets,
Money Market and
Capital Market Answers: (1-a), (2-b)
2.12 Glossary
1. CP - It is a popular instrument for financing working capital requirements of
2.13 Assignment
Give four examples of credit instruments of the money market.
2.14 Activities
1. Discuss the function of money market.
2. Discuss money market and its characteristics.
2.15 Case Study Money
1. Discuss the role played by RBI in money market.
Introduction to
Financial Markets,
Money Market and
Capital Market Unit Structure
3.0 Learning Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Meaning
3.5 Intermediaries
3.6 Issue Mechanisms
3.9.2 GDRs
3.9.3 ECBs
3.15 Glossary
3.16 Assignment
3.17 Activities
3.18 Case Study
3.0 Learning Objectives Capital
After learning this unit, you will be able to understand:
Issue Mechanisms
3.1 Introduction
Capital Market may be defined as a market dealing in medium and long-
term funds. It is an institutional arrangement for borrowing medium and long-term
funds and which provides facilities for marketing and trading of securities. So it
constitutes all long-term borrowings from banks and financial institutions,
borrowings from foreign markets and raising of capital by issue various securities
such as shares debentures, bonds, etc. In the present chapter let us discuss about
the market for trading of securities. The market where securities are traded known
as Securities market. It consists of two different segments namely primary and
secondary market. The primary market deals with new or fresh issue of securities
and is, therefore, also known as new issue market; whereas the secondary market
provides a place for purchase and sale of existing securities and is often termed as
stock market or stock exchange.
3.2 Meaning
The capital market is the sector of the financial market where long-term
financial instruments issued by corporations and governments trade. Here “long-
term” refers to a financial instrument with an original maturity greater than one
year and perpetual securities (those with no maturity). There are two types of
capital market securities: those that represent shares of ownership interest, also
called equity, issued by corporations, and those that represent indebtedness, or
debt issued by corporations and by the state and local governments.
Introduction to The Capital market is a market for financial investments that are direct or
Financial Markets, indirect claims to capital. It is wider than the Securities Market and embraces all
Money Market and
Capital Market
forms of lending and borrowing, whether or not evidenced by the creation of a
negotiable financial instrument. The Capital Market comprises the complex of
institutions and mechanisms through which intermediate term funds and long-term
funds are pooled and made available to business, government and individuals. The
Capital Market also encompasses the process by which securities already
outstanding are transferred.
b. money
2. The Capital market is a market for _________investments that are direct or
indirect claims to capital.
a. long term
b. financial
2. Capital Formation: Capital market helps in capital formation. Capital Capital
formation is net addition to the existing stock of capital in the economy. Market
Introduction to Types of Capital Market
Financial Markets,
Money Market and There are two types of capital market
Capital Market
1. Primary market
The primary market is that part of the capital markets that deals with the
issuance of new securities. Companies, governments or public sector institutions
can obtain funding through the sale of a new stock or bond issue. This is typically
done through a syndicate of securities dealers. The process of selling new issues
to investors is called underwriting. In the case of a new stock issue, this sale is an
initial public offering (IPO). Dealers earn a commission that is built into the price
of the security offering, though it can be found in the prospectus.
2. Secondary market
The secondary market, also known as the aftermarket, is the financial
market where previously issued securities and financial instruments such as stock,
bonds, options, and futures are bought and sold. The term “secondary market” is
also used to refer to the market for any used goods or assets, or an alternative use
for an existing product or asset where the customer base is the second market (for
example, corn has been traditionally used primarily for food production and
feedstock, but a second- or third- market has developed for use in ethanol
production). Another commonly referred to usage of secondary market term is to
refer to loans which are sold by a mortgage bank to investors such as Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac.
With primary issuances of securities or financial instruments, or the primary Capital
market, investors purchase these securities directly from issuers such as Market
The secondary market for a variety of assets can vary from loans to stocks,
from fragmented to centralized, and from illiquid to very liquid. The major stock
exchanges are the most visible example of liquid secondary markets – in this case,
for stocks of publicly traded companies. Exchanges such as the New York Stock
Exchange, Nasdaq and the American Stock Exchange provide a centralized, liquid
secondary market for the investors who own stocks that trade on those exchanges.
Most bonds and structured products trade “over the counter,” or by phoning the
bond desk of one‟s broker-dealer. Loans sometimes trade online using a Loan
b. money
2. Capital market raises resources for __________ periods of time.
a. Shorter
b. longer
3. The __________market is that part of the capital markets that deals with the
issuance of new securities.
a. Primary
b. secondary
4. In a ________issue, the securities are issued by the company directly to
a. Secondary
b. primary
Introduction to 3.4 Reforms in the Capital Market
Financial Markets,
Money Market and
The major reforms undertaken in capital market of India includes:-
Capital Market
1. Establishment of SEBI: The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) was established in 1988. It got a legal status in 1992. SEBI was
primarily set up to regulate the activities of the merchant banks, to control
the operations of mutual funds, to work as a promoter of the stock exchange
activities and to act as a regulatory authority of new issue activities of
companies. The SEBI was set up with the fundamental objective, "to protect
the interest of investors in securities market and for matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto."
Indian capital market has given good appreciation for the Indian investors in Capital
recent times. Similarly many new companies are emerging on the horizon of
the Indian capital market to raise capital for their expansions.
11. Commodity Trading: Along with the trading of ordinary securities, the
trading in commodities is also recently encouraged. The Multi Commodity
Introduction to Exchange (MCX) is set up. The volume of such transactions is growing at a
Financial Markets, splendid rate.
Money Market and
Capital Market Apart from these reforms the setting up of Clearing Corporation of India
Limited (CCIL), Venture Funds, etc. have resulted into the tremendous growth of
Indian capital market.
b. 1978
2. To regulate the business of the stock market and other securities market is
the function of ________.
a. RBI
3. Under the purview of the SEBI the _______has set up the Investors
Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) in 2001.
a. Central Government of India
b. RBI
3.5 Intermediaries
Capital markets intermediaries are licensed and regulated under the
Securities and Futures Act. They may provide the whole range of capital markets
services as specified in the 2nd schedule of the Securities and Futures Act with the
appropriate Capital Markets Services licence. Currently, these services or
regulated activities include dealing in securities; trading in futures contracts;
leveraged foreign exchange trading; advising on corporate finance; fund
management; real estate investment trust management; securities financing;
providing custodial services for securities; and providing credit rating services.
Individuals who are employed by the capital markets intermediaries to carry
out such regulated activities are required to be representatives under the Securities
and Futures Act
Firm or person (such as a broker or consultant) who acts as a mediator on a
link between parties to a business deal, investment decision, negotiation, etc. In Market
money markets, for example, banks act as intermediaries between depositors
seeking interest income and borrowers seeking debt capital. Intermediaries usually
specialize in specific areas, and serve as a conduit for market and other types of
information is also called a middleman or intermediation.
1. Intermediaries are service providers in the market, including stock brokers,
sub-brokers, financiers, merchant bankers, underwriters, depository
participants, registrar and transfer agents, FIIs/ sub accounts, mutual Funds,
venture capital funds, portfolio managers, custodians, etc.
2. A stockbroker is a regulated professional individual, usually associated with
a brokerage form firm or broker-dealer, who buys and sells stocks and other
securities for both retail and institutional clients, through a stock exchange
or over the counter, in return for a fee or commission. Stockbrokers are
known by numerous professional designations, depending on the license
they hold, the type of securities they sell, or the services they provide.
Introduction to 6. Depository system introduced in India in the year 1996. In India, a
Financial Markets, Depository Participant (DP) is described as an agent of the depository. They
Money Market and
Capital Market
are the intermediaries between the depository and the investors. The
relationship between the DPs and the depository is governed by an
agreement made between the two under the Depositories Act. Service
provided Dematerialization, Re-materialization, Transfers of securities,
settlement of trades. In India- NSDL & CDSL are the two entities.
buy and sell securities. Throughout each day, they read reports, talk to Capital
company managers and monitor industry and economic trends looking for Market
b. money
a. RBI
b. Intermediaries
a. Stockbroker
b. banks
Introduction to Primary markets
Financial Markets,
Money Market and The primary market is that part of the capital markets that deals with the
Capital Market issuance of new securities. Companies, governments or public sector institutions
can obtain funding through the sale of a new stock or bond issue. This is typically
done through a syndicate of securities dealers. The process of selling new issues
to investors is called underwriting. In the case of a new stock issue, this sale is an
initial public offering (IPO). Dealers earn a commission that is built into the price
of the security offering, though it can be found in the prospectus.
Secondary markets
The secondary market is the financial market for trading of securities that
have already been issued in an initial private or public offering. Alternatively,
secondary market can refer to the market for any kind of used goods. The market
that exists in a new security just after the new issue is often referred to as the
aftermarket. Once a newly issued stock is listed on a stock exchange, investors
and speculators can easily trade on the exchange, as market makers provide bids
and offers in the new stock.
In the secondary market, securities are sold by and transferred from one
investor or speculator to another. It is therefore important that the secondary
market be highly liquid and transparent. Before electronic means of
communications, the only way to create this liquidity was for investors and
speculators to meet at a fixed place regularly. This is how stock exchanges
b. secondary
3. The _______market is that part of the capital markets that deals with the Capital
issuance of new securities. Market
a. primary
b. secondary
Introduction to
Financial Markets,
Check your progress 6
Money Market and
1. __________is when an unlisted company makes either a fresh issue of
Capital Market
securities or an offer.
a. IPO
b. BPO
a. IPO
b. Rights Issue
b. Equity
Procedure for rights issue: A company making rights issue sends a letter of offer
along with a composite application form consisting of four forms (A, B, C and D)
to the shareholders. Form A is meant for the acceptance of the rights and
application of additional shares. This form also shows the number of rights shares
the shareholders is entitled to. It also has a column through which a request for
additional shares may be made. Form B is to be used if the shareholder wants to
renounce the rights in-favour of someone else. Form C is meant for application by
the renounces in whose favour the rights have been renounced by the original
allotted, through Form B. Form D is to be used to make a request for split forms.
The composite application form must be mailed to the company within a specific
period which is usually 30 days.
Private Placement or Preferential allotment: In private placement, funds are
raised in the primary market by issuing securities privately to some investors Market
without resorting to underwriting. The investors in this case may be financial
institutions, commercial banks, other company‟s shareholders of promoting
companies, and friends and associates of the promoters.
The merits of private placement are: (1) the process of raising funds is fairly
simple. The elaborate procedure required in the case of a public issue is more or
less by passed. (2) The issues cost is minimal. (3) In the case of a debenture issue,
negotiated directly between the issuing company and the few investors, there may
be greater flexibility with respect to terms and conditions. The disadvantageous of
private placement are: (1) The Quantum of funds that can be raised may be rather
limited, (2) The cost of capital of funds raised by way of private placements may
be somewhat higher.
b. bonus issue
2. In__________, funds are raised in the primary market by issuing securities
privately to some investors without resorting to underwriting.
a. Public issue
b. private placement
Introduction to 3.9 Resource Mobilization from International
Financial Markets,
Money Market and Capital Markets
Capital Market
Funds can be raised in the primary market from the domestic market as well
as from international markets. After the reforms were initiated in 1991, one of the
major policy changes was allowing Indian companies to raise resources by way of
equity issues in the international markets. Earlier, only debt was allowed to be
raised from international markets. In the early 1990s foreign exchange reserves
had depleted and the country‟s rating had been downgraded. This resulted in a
foreign exchange crunch and the government was unable to meet the import
requirement of Indian companies. Hence allowing companies to tap the equity and
bond market In Europe seemed a more sensible option. This permission
encourages Indian companies to become global.
3.9.1 ADRs
ADRs are negotiable instruments denominated in dollars, and issued by the
US Depository Bank. A non-US company that seeks to list in the US, deposits its
shares with a bank and receives receipts which enable the company to issue
American Depository Shares (ADSs). These ADS‟s serve as stock certificates and
are used interchangeably with ADRs which represent ownership of deposited
shares. There is no legal or technical difference between an ADR and a GDR. As
they are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ
(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Association), ADR issued
offer access to the US institutional and retail markets while GDR issues offer
access only to the US institutional market. GDR listing requires comprehensive
disclosures and greater transparency as compared to GDR listing.
3.9.2 GDRs
GDRs essentially equity instruments issued abroad by authorized overseas
corporate bodies against the shares/bonds of Indian companies held with
nominated domestic custodian banks. The issue of GDR creates equity shares of
the issuing company which are kept with a designated bank. GDRs are freely Capital
transferable outside India and divided in respect of the share represented by the Market
GDR is paid in Indian rupees only. They are listed and traded on a foreign stock
exchange. Trading takes place between professional market makers on an OTC
(over the counter) basis. A GDR may represent one or more shares of the issuing
company. The shares correspond to other GDR in a fixed ratio. A holder of a
GDR can, at any time, convert it into the number of shares that it represents. Till
conversion, the GDRs do not carry any voting rights and once conversion takes
place the underlying shares are listed and traded on the domestic exchange. Most
of the Indian companies have their GDR issues listed on the Luxembourg Stock
Exchange and the London Stock Exchange. Indian GDRs are primarily sold to
institutional investors and the major demand is in the UK, US, Hong Kong,
Singapore, France and Switzerland. Rule 144 A of the Securities and Exchange
Commissions (SEC) of the US permits companies from outside the US to offer
their GDRs to qualified institutional buyers.
GDRs can be converted into ADRs by surrendering the existing GDRs and
depositing the underlying equity shares with the ADR depository in exchange for
ADRs. The company has to comply with the Securities and Exchange
Commission requirements to materialize this exchange offer process. However,
the company does not get any funds by this conversion. The trend is towards the
conversion of GDRs into ADRs as ADRs are more liquid and cover a wider
market. Besides these, many European investors have been disappointed by poor
performance of Indian GDRs in traditional industries and are unwilling to provide
more capital.
3.9.3 ECBs
An external commercial borrowing (ECB) is an instrument used in India to
facilitate the access to foreign money by Indian corporations and PSUs (public
sector undertakings). ECBs include commercial bank loans, buyers' credit and
suppliers‟ credit, securitised instruments such as floating rate notes and fixed rate
bonds, etc. credit from official export credit agencies and commercial borrowings
from the private sector window of multilateral financial Institutions such as
International Finance Corporation (Washington), ADB, AFIC, CDC, etc. ECBs
cannot be used for investment in stock market or speculation in real estate. The
DEA (Department of Economic Affairs), Ministry of Finance, Government of
India along with Reserve Bank of India, monitors and regulates ECB guidelines
and policies. For infrastructure and green-field projects, funding up to 50%
Introduction to (through ECB) is allowed. In telecom sector too, up to 50% funding through
Financial Markets, ECBs is allowed. Recently Government of India allowed borrowings in Chinese
Money Market and
Capital Market
currency Yuan. Corporate sectors can mobilize USD 750 million via automatic
route, whereas service sectors and NGO's for microfinance can mobilize USD 200
million and 10 million respectively.
Borrowers can use 25 per cent of the ECB to repay rupee debt and the
remaining 75 per cent should be used for new projects. A borrower cannot
refinance its entire existing rupee loan through ECB. The money raised through
ECB is cheaper given near-zero interest rates in the US and Europe, Indian
companies can repay part of their existing expensive loans from that.
b. secondary
2. _____________are negotiable instruments denominated in dollars, and
issued by the US Depository Bank.
a. GDR
b. ADRs
3. ______________essentially equity instruments issued abroad by authorized
overseas corporate bodies against the shares/bonds of Indian companies held
with nominated domestic custodian banks
a. GDRs
b. ADRs
4. A ____________is an instrument used in India to facilitate the access to
foreign money by Indian corporations and PSUs.
a. GDRs
b. ECB
3.10 Primary Market Capital
The Primary Market consists of arrangements, which facilitate the
procurement of long-term funds by companies by making fresh issue of shares
and debentures. You know that companies make fresh issue of shares and/or
debentures at their formation stage and, if necessary, subsequently for the
expansion of business. It is usually done through private placement to friends,
relatives and financial institutions or by making public issue. In any Business
case, the companies have to follow a well-established legal procedure and involve
a number of intermediaries such as underwriters, brokers, etc. who form an
integral part of the primary market. You must have learnt about many initial
public offers (IPOs) made recently by a number of public sector undertakings
such as ONGC, GAIL, NTPC and the private sector companies like Tata
Consultancy Services (TCS), Biocon, Jet-Airways and so on.
India has seen a tremendous growth of its Capital Markets with close to 500
Initial Public Offerings (IPO) second only US. While India Ranked IV with
respect to the amount of Capital raised contributing to 3.7% of global IPO
At the end of F.Y 12,the P/E ratio of BSE Sensex and S & P CNX NIFTY
were 17.8 and 18.7 respectively as compared to 21.2 and 22.1 respectively
as at the end of F.Y11 1st Development in Primary Market
Introduction to It is mandatory for Companies to issue IPO of 100 and above in electronic
Financial Markets, form through Nation Wide Broker Network of Stock Exchanges. 3rd
Money Market and
Capital Market Development in Primary Market Resources mobilized in primary market 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 IPOs
FPOs Bond/NCD Right Issues Source: SEBI Source: BSE
b. Secondary
2. India has seen a tremendous growth of its __________Markets with close to
500 Initial Public Offerings(IPO)Second only US
a. Primary
b. Capital
2) Corporate debt market. The government debt market is the market for bonds
and securities issued by the central govt., state govt. and the semi govt.
authorities which includes local govt. authorities like city corporations,
metropolitan authorities public sector corporations and other govt. agencies
such as IDBI, IFCI, SFCs. In broader terms Corporate bonds are fixed
income securities issued by corporates i.e. entities other than Government.
Corporate debt market can be classified into:- Capital
• Primary market
• Secondary market
Primary market for corporate debt:-The corporate sector can raise debt funds
either through prospectus or private placement. It is a market wherein debt
securities of corporate i.e., debentures, bonds, commercial papers, certificate of
deposits, etc. of private & public sectors are issued for the first time.
Secondary market for corporate debt:-It is a market where the corporate debt
securities of both private sector & public sector undertakings are traded. These
securities are traded on Wholesale Debt Segment (WDM) segment of NSE,
Introduction to
Financial Markets,
Check your progress 10
Money Market and
1. __________market refers to the financial market where investors buy and
Capital Market
sell debt securities, mostly in the form of bonds.
a. Debt
b. share
a. Government
b. corporate
Guidelines for new issues made by new companies: They have to be issued
at par. Free pricing is permitted only if the new company is promoted by the
existing company with not less than 50% of equity.
Guidelines for new issues made by private limited companies: New issues
made by Private Limited Companies and Closely held companies could be made
by free pricing, for listing purposes if such companies have had three years of
track record of consistent profitability out of last 5 years. Not less than 20% of
equity is to be offered to the public, in such cases.
Guidelines for new issues made by existing listed companies: Public issues
by existing listed companies can be made through free pricing, if they are further
issues and if they are disclosed in the prospectus. The NAV and the market price
have to be considered for the last 3 years. The companies with foreign holding
wishing to enhance the limit up to 51% will have to get the prices approved in the
general body meeting by a special resolution under Sec. 81 (A) of the Companies
Act, and subject to RBI approval.
Listing of shares on the OTC: If the new issues are made through OTC,
normal guidelines will apply if the sponsor is not taking any share. If the shares
are taken by the sponsor, subsequent offer to the public may be made at such a
price as the sponsor may deem fit. The promoters should retain 25% quota with a Capital
lock in period of 5 years, the sponsor should act as market maker for a period of at Market
least 3 years and also find another market maker for compulsory market making.
This condition was relaxed recently to encourage OTC Listing.
Underwriting issues: Underwriting is optional if the issue is made to the
public and should not include reserved or preferential quota or employees' quota.
If the subscription is not up to 90% of the total issue from the public including
contribution of underwriters, the public should be refunded of their subscription
within 120 days from the date of opening the issue. The compulsory underwriting
provision was also waived for smaller issues.
Composite issues: Issues to the public by existing company can be priced
differently as compared to the rights issued to shareholders.
FCD & PCD: The issues of Fully Convertible Debentures (FCDs) with a
conversion period of more than 36 months will not be permissible unless
conversion is optional. In case FCDs are convertible after 18 months, credit rating
is compulsory; credit rating is now made compulsory for all issues made to public,
other than equity. In case, the non-convertible portion of the Partially Convertible
Debentures is to be rolled over, non-maturing debenture holders should have
option to withdraw from the scheme.
New Financial Instruments: The terms and conditions of the new instrument
such as Deep Discount Bonds, debentures with warrants and secured premium
notes etc. Should be disclosed clearly so that the investor can assess the risk and
return scenario of the instrument.
Reservation in issues: The unreserved portion offered to public should not
be less than the minimum required for listing purposes. Preferential allotment can
be made to promoters, companies and shareholders of those companies, NRIs,
employees and associate companies of the same group. The allotment shall be
subject to a lock in period of three years, if it is made on firm basis, outside public
Deployment of issue proceeds: Where the total proceeds exceed Rs.250
crores, the company will voluntarily disclose the arrangements made to utilize
proceeds. When the total issue proceeds exceed Rs.500 crores, there is need for
making compulsory disclosure and for the financial institutions to monitor the
deployment of funds, to the stock exchanges.
Introduction to Minimum interval between two issues: 12 months should elapse between
Financial Markets, the public or rights issue and bonus issue. The promoters should bring in their
Money Market and
Capital Market
share of the capital before the public issue.
Employee's stock option scheme: The reservation for employees should not
be more than 10% at present and this quota is non-transferable for 3 years and
subject to a maximum allotment of 200 shares per employee, and the lock in was
removed later.
The Lock in period for Promoters' quota is 5 years and the lock in period for
preferential allotment for associates and friends is 3 years.
Bonus shares: Bonus issues are to be made out of free reserves, the share
premium collected in cash, Development Rebate Reserves and Investment
Allowance Reserve. Contingent liabilities disclosed in the audited accounts should
be deducted from net profit for calculation of residual reserves. Residual reserves
after the bonus issues should be at least 40% of the increased paid-up capital. 30%
of the average profits before tax for the previous 3 years should yield a rate of
dividend of 10% on the expanded capital base. Reserves out of revaluation should
not be used for bonus payment. Bonus issue cannot be made in lieu of dividends,
and if there are partly paid up shares; no bonus issue is permitted. Expanded paid-
up capital after bonus issue should not exceed authorized share capital. When a
company has PCD or FCD, pending conversion, no bonus issue can be made
unless this right is kept open to the holders of FCD and PCD falling due for
conversion within 12 months.
Debenture issues: All debentures, which have a life of more than 18 months,
should have a DRR created by company out of profits. DRR should be created
only for non-convertible portion of the debentures. Contribution to DRR should
commence from the date of commercial production and when there are profits
after tax, interest and depreciation. The DRR will be considered as a part of the
general reserves for payment of the bonus issues. DRR should be created and
maintained at 50% of the amount of the debentures before repayment starts. The
company should have already redeemed some liability. DRR and the creation of
Debentures Trust are necessary only if the debentures have a maturity period
exceeding 18 months. The Lead Institution for each issue should monitor the use
of debenture funds either from the working capital or from the project finance.
The SEBI now insists on prior licensing of debenture Trustees; Trust deed
should be ready within 6 months from the date of allotment. Recent amendment:
By a recent amendment to Listing Agreement, the Companies have been asked to
provide unabridged Balance Sheet to Shareholders. The companies have to give
the disposition of the funds raised in public issues and compare the actual with Capital
targets every six months, when they present balance sheet to investors. Market
b. RBI
a. Compulsory
b. optional
After going through this unit the readers would sufficiently gain about the
capital market.
Introduction to
Check your progress 3
Financial Markets,
Money Market and
Capital Market Answers: (1-a), (2-b), (3-a)
3.15 Glossary
CCI guidelines: Guidelines issued by competition commission of India.
3.16 Assignment
What is capital market? How does it differ from money market?
3.17 Activities Market
Introduction to
Financial Markets,
Money Market and
Capital Market Unit Structure
4.0 Learning Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Functions of Secondary Market
4.11 Glossary
4.12 Assignment
4.13 Activities
4.14 Case Study
Listing of Securities.
Trading Arrangements.
4.1 Introduction Secondary
Capital Market
The secondary market known as stock market or stock exchange plays an
equally important role in mobilising long-term funds by providing the necessary
liquidity to holdings in shares and debentures. It provides a place where these
securities can be encashed without any difficulty and delay. It is an organised
market where shares and debentures are traded regularly with high degree of
transparency and security. In fact, an active secondary market facilitates the
growth of primary market as the investors in the primary market are assured of a
continuous market for liquidity of their holdings. The major players in the primary
market are merchant bankers, mutual funds, financial institutions, and the
individual investors; and in the secondary market you have all these and the
stockbrokers who are members of the stock exchange who facilitate the trading.
1. Economic Barometer:
A stock exchange is a reliable barometer to measure the economic condition
of a country. Every major change in country and economy is reflected in the
prices of shares. The rise or fall in the share prices indicates the boom or recession
cycle of the economy. Stock exchange is also known as a pulse of economy or
economic mirror which reflects the economic conditions of a country.
2. Pricing of Securities:
The stock market helps to value the securities on the basis of demand and
supply factors. The securities of profitable and growth oriented companies are
valued higher as there is more demand for such securities. The valuation of
securities is useful for investors, government and creditors. The investors can
know the value of their investment, the creditors can value the creditworthiness
and government can impose taxes on value of securities.
3. Safety of Transactions:
In stock market only the listed securities are traded and stock exchange
authorities include the companies names in the trade list only after verifying the
soundness of company. The companies which are listed they also have to operate
Introduction to within the strict rules and regulations. This ensures safety of dealing through stock
Financial Markets, exchange.
Money Market and
Capital Market 4. Contributes to Economic Growth:
In stock exchange securities of various companies are bought and sold. This
process of disinvestment and reinvestment helps to invest in most productive
investment proposal and this leads to capital formation and economic growth.
7. Liquidity:
The main function of stock market is to provide ready market for sale and
purchase of securities. The presence of stock exchange market gives assurance to
investors that their investment can be converted into cash whenever they want.
The investors can invest in long term investment projects without any hesitation,
as because of stock exchange they can convert long term investment into short
term and medium term.
Check your progress 1 Capital Market
1. A _________exchange is a reliable barometer to measure the economic
condition of a country.
a. Stock
b. money
a. banks
b. stock market
3. The main function of __________is to provide ready market for sale and
purchase of securities.
a. stock market
b. banks
Introduction to
Financial Markets,
Check your progress 2
Money Market and
1. The NSE was set up in __________.
Capital Market
a. 1984
b. 1994
2. In all, there are, at present__________stock exchanges in India.
a. 17
b. 23
4.5 Listing of Securities Secondary
Capital Market
Listing means admission of securities to dealings on a recognized stock
exchange. The securities may be of any public limited company, Central or State
Government, quasi-governmental and other financial institutions/corporations,
municipalities, etc.
The objectives of listing are mainly to:
SEBI Guidelines.
a. A company is required to complete the allotment of securities offered to the
public within 30 days of the date of closure of the subscription list and
approach the designated stock exchange for approval of the basis of
b. Issuer company to complete the formalities for trading at all the stock
exchanges where the securities are to be listed within 7 working days of
finalization of the basis of allotment.
c. Companies making public/rights issues are required to deposit 1 % of the
issue amount with the designated stock exchange before the issue price.
Introduction to Stock Exchange guidelines.
Financial Markets,
Money Market and In addition to all these rules, regulation and compliance every stock
Capital Market exchange have a set of guidelines of its own for the companies to be listed on
them. For example they may provide for the minimum issue size and market
capitalization of the company
As stated above delisting of securities means removal of the securities of a
listed company from the stock exchange. It may happen either when the company
does not comply with the guidelines of the stock exchange, or that the company
has not witnessed trading for years, or that it voluntary wants to get delisted or in
case of merger or acquisition of a company with/by some other company. So,
broadly it can be classified under two head:
1. Compulsory delisting.
2. Voluntary delisting.
Compulsory delisting refers to permanent removal of securities of a listed Secondary
Capital Market
company from a stock exchange as a penalizing measure at the behest of the stock
exchange for not making submissions/comply with various requirements set out in
the Listing agreement within the time frames prescribed. In voluntary delisting, a
listed company decides on its own to permanently remove its securities from a
stock exchange. This happens mainly due to merger or amalgamation of one
company with the other or due to the non-performance of the shares on the
particular exchange in the market.
b. Delisting
2. ________of securities mean permanent removal of securities of a listed
company from the stock exchange where it was registered.
a. Listing
b. Delisting
3. Compulsory delisting refers to ________removal of securities of a listed
company from a stock exchange as a penalizing measure at the behest of the
stock exchange
a. Permanent
b. temporarily
Introduction to agreements filled the void. Such strategic trade arrangements have enabled many Secondary
Financial Markets, Capital Market
states to move towards freer trade at their own pace, and for their own benefits.
Money Market and
Capital Market
a. RTA
b. TRA
a. stock index
b. Stock
2. An___________is a mathematical construct, so it may not be invested in Secondary
Capital Market
a. share
b. index
Introduction to
Financial Markets,
Check your progress 7
Money Market and
1. The first organized stock exchange in India was started in Mumbai known as
Capital Market
a. BSE
b. NSE
a. 1985
b. 1956
In this unit the functions of secondary market has been discussed in very
detail. The post reform stock market scenario has been discussed here in very
detail. Membership and management of stock exchange was also discussed here in
very detail. Listing of securities and trading arrangements have been discussed
here in very detail. Apart from this stock market index was also explained here in
detail. A detailed note of account has been made on stock exchanges of India.
This unit is going to be of great help for the readers in understanding the
secondary capital market in very detail.
Check your progress 3
Capital Market
Answers: (1-a)
Answers: (1-a)
4.11 Glossary
1. Secondary market - is the financial market in which previously issued
financial instruments such as stock, bonds, options, and futures are bought
and sold.
4.12 Assignment
Explain secondary market and its functions.
4.13 Activities
Write a note on post reform stock market scenario.
Introduction to 4.15 Further Readings
Financial Markets,
Money Market and 1. European Commission (2007). European Financial Integration Report 2007,
Capital Market
EC, Brussels.
2. Fabozzi F. J., Modigliani F., (2007). Capital Markets: Institutions and
Instruments. Prentice-Hall International.
3. Financial Stability Forum (2008). Report on Enhancing Market and
Institutional Resilience, FSF, Basel.
4. Howells P., Bain K. (2008). Financial Markets and Institutions. Financial
Times, Prentice Hall.
5. Madura J. (2008). Financial Markets and Institutions. Prentice-Hall
6. Mishkin F. S., Eakins S. G. (2006). Financial Markets and Institutions.
7. Seifert, W.G., Schleitner, A.K., Mattern, F., Streit, C.C., Voth, H.J. (2000).
European Capital Markets, Macmillan.
8. Valdez, S. (2006). Introduction to Global Financial Markets, Palgrave
Block Summary
This block intends to explain financial market, capital market and money
In this block we have learnt that Financial market is the market that
facilitates transfer of funds between investors/lenders and borrowers/ users. It
deals in financial instruments like bills of exchange, shares, debentures, bonds,
etc. It provides security to dealings in financial assets, liquidity to financial assets
for investors and ensures low cost of transitions and information.
Financial Markets can be classified as (1) Money market and (2) Capital
market. Money market refer to the network of financial institutions dealing in
short term funds through instruments like bills of exchanges, promissory notes,
commercial paper, treasury bills, etc. Here we learnt that Capital Market is an
institutional arrangement for borrowing medium and long-term funds and which
provides facilities for marketing and trading of securities. So it constitutes all
long-term borrowings from banks and financial institutions, borrowings from
foreign markets and raising of capital by issue various securities such as shares
debentures, bonds, etc. The securities market has two different segments namely
primary and secondary market. The primary market consists of arrangements for
procurement of long-term funds by companies by fresh issue of shares and
debentures. The secondary market or stock exchange provides a ready market for
existing long term securities. Stock exchange is the secondary market, which
provides a place for regular sale and purchase of different types of securities like
shares, debentures, bonds & government securities. It is an organised market
where all transactions are regulated by the rules and laws of the concerned stock
The functions of stock exchanges are to provide ready and continuous
market for securities, information about prices and sales, safety to dealings and
investment, helps mobilisation of savings and capital formation. It acts as a
barometer of economic and business conditions and helps in better allocation of
funds. Stock exchanges provide many benefits to companies, investors and the
society as a whole. But they also suffer from limitations like exclusive speculation
and fluctuation in prices due to rumours and unpredictable events.
Introduction to Block Assignment
Financial Markets,
Money Market and
Capital Market
Short Answer Questions
Write a short note on:-
1. Listing of securities.
2. ADR, GDR.
3. Financial market.
4. Capital market.
5. Primary market and secondary market.
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Block Introduction
As we are progressing the area of production has been increasing, gone are
the days when only products which are tangible in nature used to be produced.
Now a day the production of services is immensely rising and because of this the
importance of this subject can never be underestimated.
In this block we will be discussing about the financial services and the
conceptual framework of marketing of financial services. In this unit we will be
discussing in very detail about the meaning and importance of financial services.
We will be discussing the various types of financial services.The challenges
before the financial services sector, the concept of service product mix. The
marketing of financial services shall also be discussed here in detail. In this block
we will be discussing in very detail about the consumer behaviour for financial
services. The study of this topic is very important for the analysts of finance
sector. In the fourth unit we will be discussing in very detail about the products of
banking industry. Here we shall be discussing the various products of banking
industry in very detail.
After going through this unit the students will be confident enough about the
basics of financial services the marketing of this sector.
Block Objective
After learning this block, you will be able to understand:
Financial Service, Block Structure
Behaviour and Unit 1: Financial Services: An Introduction
Banking Products
Unit 2: Marketing of Financial Service’s: A Conceptual Framework
Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.12 Assignment
1.13 Activities
Financial Service,
1.1 Introduction
Behaviour and
Banking Products The financial system is a very complex system dealing with a vast variety of
financial activities. The financial system consists of Financial Institutions,
Financial Markets and Financial Instruments and the Financial Services, The first
component of the Financial System, i.e. the Financial Markets, has been discussed
in the first unit.
In unit 2, we have already studied about the major participants in the Money
Market and the Capital Market. Financial Services, the fourth component of the
financial system around which this particular course revolves, is a very popular
area for study these days. It is rather, highly diverse functional area requiring a
great degree of competence and knowledge in a wide range of relevant disciplines.
However, in this unit we will be briefly discussing about the various aspects of the
financial services and also the challenges this sector is posed with.
require a number of services of financial nature and hence financial services are Financial
Services: An
regarded as the fourth element of the financial system. Thus, functioning of the
financial system depends to a great deal on the range of financial services
extended by the providers, and their efficiency and effectiveness.
Financial services include the services offered by both Asset Management
Companies and the Liability Management Companies. The asset management
companies are viz. leasing companies, mutual funds, merchant bankers and issue/
portfolio managers. Bill discounting houses and acceptance houses come under
the liability management companies. Technological innovation and globalization
has brought about a key change in the financial services sector, i.e. the
convergence occurring within the sector. Similar services are now being offered
by different players.
Financial services not only help to raise the required funds but also ensure
their efficient deployment. They assist in deciding the financing mix and extend
their services up to the stage of servicing of lenders. In order to ensure an efficient
management of funds, services such as bill discounting, factoring of debtors,
parking of short-term funds in the money market, e-commerce and securitisation
of debts are provided by financial services firms. This sector provides services
such as banking, insurance, credit rating, lease financing, factoring, venture
capital, mutual funds, merchant banking, stock lending, depository services,
housing finance, etc. These services are provided by various institutions like stock
exchanges, specialised and general financial institutions, and non-banking finance
companies, subsidiaries of financial institutions, banks and insurance companies.
Financial services sector is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (SEBI), Reserve Bank of Indiaand the Department of Banking and
Insurance, Government of India, through a plethora of legislations
b. Growth
2. Financial services sector is regulated by the ____________.
a. RBI
Financial Service, 3. Financial institutions and financial markets facilitate functioning of the
Behaviour and
financial system through financial___________.
Banking Products a. Instruments
b. Institutions
b. Service provider
2. Production of financial services and supply of these services have to be
a. unrelated
b. Concomitant
Merchant Banking Services were unknown until the early 1960s. The policy
makers and researchers had lack of clarity about the term “merchant bankers”.
Financial Service, Someone defined them as institutions which were acting; neither as merchants nor
as bankers. However the term was used as an umbrella function, providing a wide
Behaviour and
Banking Products range of services, starting from project appraisal to arranging funds from bankers.
The merchant bankers are expected to identify projects, prepare feasibility reports,
develop detailed project reports, and in doing so conduct marketing, managerial,
financial, and technical analyses. Having done this, they are approached to garner
project finance, and in order to do this resolve the problem‟s of capital structuring.
They are asked to act as abridge between the capital market and the fund-seeking
institutions. They underwrite the issues and become subject to developments in
case such issues are not fully subscribed. They assist the enterprises in getting
listed on the stock exchanges. They offer legal advice on registration of
companies and removing legal tangles. They provide advice and help in mergers
and acquisitions. They give technical advice on leveraged - buyouts and
takeovers. Recently they have added the syndication activity in their portfolio,
wherein they form a syndicate or become a part of it to raise project finance. They
arrange working capital loans and manage the risk element present in the form of
general risk which is covered by the insurance policies of the General Insurance
Investment companies such as the Unit Trust of India, the life insurance
business initiated by the Life Insurance Corporation of India, and the general
insurance business, also made their mark in the first stage of financial services.
During this period, the Life Insurance Corporation of India has grown as a public
monopoly. Prior to its setting up, the private sector was operating the life
insurance business.The general insurance business was nationalised in the early
1970s. A holding company was set up with four subsidiaries to handle the general
insurance business in the public sector. Suggestions were given very frequently to
privatise the insurance business, as in no way could the insurance business be
considered as a national monopoly.
Leasing made its mark in the closing years of the 1970s. Initially such
companies were engaged in equipment lease financing. Later, they undertook
leasing operations of different kinds, including financial, operating and wet
leasing. During this period the number of leasing firms has shot up to a high of
400. The reorganisation of such firms due to their non-viability later led to a
contraction in their numbers.
funds, factoring, discounting, venture capital, and credit rating, constitute some of Financial
Services: An
the modern financial services. In the West, these services emerged on the scene
about 100 years back. The mutual fund business is the major provider of funds to
industry anywhere in the developed countries. The mutual funds there have been
innovative in terms of schemes.They have been giving stable rate of return. Their
asset and liability management is transparent. The small investor is secure in their
hands. Their business policies are such that they create value for their
investors.Investorsare not victimised by shifts in valuation policies, and efforts are
made to harmonise the net asset valuation. The mutual funds have their own code
of conduct.
Credit rating is another important financial service which made its mark in
India in the mid-1980s. Credit rating boosts investor‟ confidence in capital market
operations and prevents fly -by-night companies from making forays in the capital
market. There was one credit rating company initially and we have ended up with
eight finally. In terms of spread of the credit rating function, initially only debt
instruments issues were covered. However later, instruments such as commercial
papers and fixed deposits were brought under the purview of credit rating.
Incidentally, there is a sovereign credit rating assigned by credit rating firms for
the country. The Discount and Finance House of India Limited and a number of
factoring institutions, such as State Bank of India Factors and Canbank Factors
Ltd. Venture capital funds made their appearance in the late 1980s, Most of these
firms have been operating in the public sector.
Financial Service, from the onslaught of jobbers and brokers, and reduces tax evasion. The
guidelines from the Securities and Exchange Board of India in relation to the
Behaviour and
Banking Products capital adequacy ratio for the merchant bankers and their categorisation into
different groups are a major advancement.
This will ensure investor protection and create a differentiation in the
market place. The creation of the Securities and Exchange Board of India itself
can be hailed as a path-breaking development in terms of regulation, growth, and
development of financial services. The ongoing efforts to revamp the Companies
Act, Income-Tax Act, etc. would also lead to the deliverance of effective financial
services. The guidelines about permitting foreign financial institutions to operate
in the Indian capital market will do a two-way good to the country In terms of
enabling the foreign investors to plug into the Indian capital market, and the
Indian investors and financial institutions to study the modus operandi of such
Public enterprise disinvestments are sure to prop up the state-of-art in the
realm of financial services. It would provide a fillip to the presence of foreign
financial firms in India, as well as result into creating pressure on the Indian
financial firms to master the disinvestment business. The financial services firms
would have to gain expertise in valuation, financial and legal restructuring, and
taking the public sector firms to the commercial and capital markets.
During this period financial services firms scouted for funds abroad to
finance the Indian corporate sector. They have approached the European capital
markets, the most prominent of which belong to the UK and Luxembourg. These
portfolio investments have flowed to India through the GDR route. It requires an
understanding of raising funds abroad and also working together with world level
financial services institutions, such as Lehman Brothers, Arthur Anderson, and
Goldman Sachs, to mention a few.
With the passage of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
(IRDA) Act, 1999, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority was set
up with statutory powers to function as the regulator for the insurance sector in
India. This act has opened the doors for private players including foreign equity
participation up to a prescribed limit of paid up capital. It has come out with
regulations on various aspects of insurance business such as licensing of agents,
solvency margin for insurers, accounting norms, investment norms and
registration of Indian Insurance Companies. RBI allowed banks to enter into the
insurance business by issuing a notification specifying insurance as a permissible
form of business under section 6(1) (o) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Financial
Services: An
Thus providing banks another avenue for generating fee based income.
New Financial Instruments:
The new financial instruments are both being talked about and are also
being used. The critical factors governing the chemistry of the issuance of the new
financial instruments relate to maturity, risk, and interest rate. Based on these, in
Germany some 400 financial instruments have been innovated. In India, both the
market players, such as mutual funds, banks, brokers, stock markets, and the
regulators, including the Finance Ministry, the Reserve Bank of Indiaand the
regulators, and the Securities and Exchange Board of India, have to make more
efforts to create new funds and new instruments. One may like to mention in this
case the very non cordial welcome given to securitisation.
The housing finance companies, automobile manufacturers, and
development and commercial banks can use this method greatly to their
advantage. However, only a few companies have devoted their mind to the
application of this method. Both the market players and the regulators have for
very long been engaged in the idea of setting up the derivatives market in India.
When the Indian economy is trying to become global in nature, the fluctuations in
the rate of foreign exchange would be a routine matter, and hence there would be
a need for currency, interest, and commodity-based derivatives. Derivatives have
now become increasingly important in the field of finance.Futures and options are
now traded on many exchanges. Derivative instruments such as Forward
Contracts, Swaps and many others are regularly traded both in the exchanges and
in the over the counter market.
b. 1950s
2. Financial services have entered the second rung during the later part of
a. 1960s
b. 1980s
Financial Service,
Behaviour and 3. Credit rating is another important financial service which made its mark in
Banking Products India in the mid-___________.
a. 1980s
b. 1970s
When one examines the structure of most economies over the last few
decades, the most striking feature is the growth of the services sector as compared
to the manufacturing sector. This is well reflected in the employment statistics for
the respective countries. Employment is just one of the measures of significance
of each group of activities within the economy as a whole.
In UK, at the beginning of 1970‟s the employment in services sector was
53% against 36% in the manufacturing sector, but towards the beginning of
1990‟s it has risen to 73% whereas the employment in the manufacturing sector
has gone down to 20%. Banking/Insurance/Finance, in the UK at the beginning of
1970‟s represented around 11% of total employment within the services sector
which has raised to over 17% by the 1990‟s.
In Indiaat the beginning of the 1970‟s the employment in services sector
was 6% against 9.4% in the manufacturing sector, but towards the beginning of
the 1990‟s the employment in the services sector has risen to 7.3% whereas in the
manufacturing sector it was only 10%. Banking/ Insurance in Indiaat the
beginning of 1970‟s represented 0.3% of the employment within services sector
which has raised to 0.6% by the 1990‟s.
It may be true that technology had a stronger effect on the manufacturing
sector than on the services sector during the earlier days. But it‟s equally true that
the market for manufactured goods has tended towards saturation in the post- Financial
Services: An
industrial economies whereas services have experienced acceleration in demand
for their products as income and wealth grew. Another reason for this change, in
developed economies like UK could be due to shifting of the manufacturing of
more standard goods from high wage economies towards developing economies
with lower labour cost. In developing economies like India, however there is an
increase in both the sectors, but it‟s quite evident that the rate of growth is more in
the services sector. Thus, the rate of growth of the size of the financial services
sector as a proportion of the overall economy is significant.
The growing size of the financial activity relative to the overall economic
activity in a closely integrated world has implied that disruptions in the financial
markets in any economy can engender contagion which can spread rapidly and
have adverse economic ramifications. So the financial intermediations role played
by the financial services sector is crucially important in mobilizing savings for
investment purposes.
Unique Features:
Financial services are unique in themselvesbut they do share many of the
features of the products of other services. Financial services are intangible and
perishable in nature. The institution providing these services may succeed only if
they have a good image and confidence of the clients, and at the same time
ensuring that demand and supply go hand-in-hand. The focus of these institutions
has to be continuously on the quality and innovativeness of their services in order
to gain the trust of their client‟s thereby building their credibility.
Financial Service, The products of the financial services sector are usually long-term in nature
and hence there is a great deal of uncertainty in the mind of the customer as to
Behaviour and
Banking Products whether, he had made a right choice. Owing to the nature of these products, the
consumer needs to seek external advice. However, much of this advice comes
from the institution itself, mostly through their agents. They usually provide
advice on product suitability, quality and price either directly or viaan
agent/broker that is paid commission by the sellers of the services.
Creation of Credit:
The financial services sector particularly the banking sector is very
important to the operation of the economy and to the conduct of the government
economic policy. The major liability of banks is the customer‟s deposit, which is a
significant element of the country‟s money supply. It is through their lending
activities, that banks are able to create new bank deposits and hence the country‟s
money supply.
Let us understand what this means with the help of a simple example. The
assumption that we are making here is that cash advances are always repaid in the
banking system as fresh deposits. Suppose Mr. X, who is a customer of abank,
deposits Rs. 1000 with the bank. The bank in turn lends Rs. 500 by way of cash
advance to customer Y. The customer Y spends this cash, i.e. Rs. 500, with
customer Z, who in turn deposits it with the banking system. Further, suppose that
the bank lends you Rs. 1000 by making a loan, and crediting your current account.
You, in turn, write a cheque on your account in favour of IGNOU, who deposits
the cheque in its account. However, the net effect of lending is that there is no
change on the overall banking system balance sheet, but the banking system now Financial
Services: An
owes IGNOU Rs. 1000 rather than you. From this example, it could be seen that
the banking system has thus increased its deposits and hence the money supply to
25% of its initial deposit.
This process of deposit creation continues indefinitely, but in practice, the
bank needs to retain a reasonable percentage of its deposits in cash or liquid
assets. We may not go into these details here, but the point that needs to be
emphasized upon is that the banks through their lending activities are able to
create new bank deposits and hence increase the country‟s money supply
a. customers
b. banks
3. Financial services are usually ___________.
a. customer-oriented
b. government oriented
b. banking
Financial Service, financial services industry by classifying the financial services under three broad
categories, i.e. Fee Based Services, Fund Based Services and Insurance Services.
Behaviour and
Banking Products Fee Based Services:
Fee based financial services are those services wherein financial institutions
operate in specialised fields to earn a substantial income by way of fees, dividend,
commission, discount and brokerage on operations. The major fee based financial
services are as follow:
a) Issue Management
b) Corporate Advisory Services
c) Credit Rating
d) Mutual Funds
e) Asset Securitisation
a) Issue Management
Issue management refers to management of securities offerings of the
corporate sector to public and existing shareholders on right basis. In simple
words Issue Management refers to managing issues of corporate securities like
equity shares, preference shares and debentures or bonds. Issue Managers in
capital market parlance are know as Merchant Bankers or Lead Managers,
although the term Merchant Banking covers a wide range of services such as
project counselling, portfolio management, investment counselling, mergers and
acquisitions, etc. Issue Management constitutes perhaps the most important and
sizeable function within it, so Much so, that very often the terms Merchant
Banking and Issue Management are almost used synonymously.
Issue management involves marketing of capital issues, of existing
companies including rights issues and dilution of shares by letter of offer, and
merchant bankers give advice on decisions concerning size and timing of the
public issue in the light of the market conditions. They also provide assistance to
the corporate units on the designing of a sound structure acceptable to the
financial institutions and determining the quantum and terms of the public issues
of different forms of securities. Merchant Bankers also advise the issuing
company whether to go for a fresh issue, additional issue, bonus issue, right issue
or a combination of these. The various aspects of issue management are dealt.
b) Corporate Advisory Services Financial
Services: An
Corporate Advisory Services are needed to ensure that a corporate enterprise Introduction
runs efficiently at its maximum potential through effective management of
financial and other resources. The services which come in the ambit of corporate
advisory services, for abusiness enterprise, include services such as providing
guidance in areas of diversification based on the Government‟s economic and
licensing policies, appraising product lines and analyzing their growth and
profitability, consultancy for rehabilitation of sick industrial units, advice on
capital structuring and restructuring, etc. These services are usually provided by
merchant bankers.
Corporate advisory services constitute an important component of the
portfolio of the activities of merchant bankers. It covers any matter worth the
benefit for a corporate unit involving financial aspects, governmental regulations,
policy changes and business environmental reshuffles, etc. Thus, the scope of the
corporate advisory services is very vast ranging from managerial economics,
investment and financial management to corporate laws and the related legal
aspects. We have discussed at length most of the corporate advisory services.
c) Credit Rating
The origin of this service lies in the financial crisis of the US in 1837. The
first mercantile credit rating agency was set up in New York in 1841 to rate the
ability of the merchants to pay financial obligations. In India, credit rating came in
much later. The first credit rating agency viz. the Credit Rating and Information
Services of India Ltd. (CRISIL) was set up in 1987, followed by ICRA in 1994.
The term „Credit Rating‟ comprises of two words „credit‟ and „rating‟.
Credit is trust in a person‟s ability and intention to pay or reputation of solvency
and honesty. Rating means estimating worth or value of, or to assign value to
classifying a person‟s position with reference to a particular subject matter. Rating
is usually expressed in alphabetical symbols. Thus, Credit Rating can be defined
as an expression of an opinion through symbols about credit quality of the issue of
securities or company with reference to a particular instrument.
Financial Service, d) Mutual Funds
Behaviour and Mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who
Banking Products share a common goal. Thus, it offers a common man an opportunity to invest in
adiversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost.
In other words, mutual funds invest the money collected from the investors, with
the help of professional managers, in capital market instruments, such as shares,
debenture and other securities.
As per SEBI Regulations at least one of the two exit routes is to be provided
to the investor. The tax-saving Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) and
pension schemes give added benefit of tax rebate.
e) Asset Securitisation
Asset Securitisation is a process whereby loans and other receivables are
packaged, underwritten and sold in the form of asset-backed securities. The assets
which can be securitised include receivables from the government, trade related
receivables, credit card receivables, automobile loans, real estate loans, housing
loans etc. Securitisation can be defined as the process which takes place when a
lending institution‟s assets are removed in one way or the other from the balance
sheet of that lending institution and are funded instead by investors who purchase
a negotiable instrument evidencing this indebtedness without recourse or with
limited recourse to the original lender.
Under Asset Securitisation a financial institution pools and packages
individual loans and receivables, creates securities against them, gets them rated
and sells them to the investors at large through public offerings or private
placements (Trustee). The asset cash flow is remitted to the trustee who in turn
pays scheduled interest and principal payment to the investors. Thus,
“Securitisation is a synthetic technique of converting assets into securities,
securities into liquidity, liquidity into assets and assets into securities on an
ongoing basis” thereby providing flexibility of yield, pricing pattern, size risks Financial
Services: An
and marketability of instruments used to the advantage of both borrowers and Introduction
c) Credit Cards
d) Venture Capital
e) Factoring
f) Forfaiting
g) Bill Discounting
Financial Service, understanding that the purchaser (called the hirer) will pay in equal periodic
instalments spread over a length of time. This service is usually used for financing
Behaviour and
Banking Products consumer durables. Now-a-days it is more popular with automobile financing
business. Leasing and hire purchase have emerged as a supplementary source of
intermediate to long-term finance. These services are provided mainly by non-
banking financial companies, financial institutions and other organisations.
b) Housing Finance
Housing is one of the basic needs of the society. It is closely linked with the
process of overall socio-economic development of a country. This sector remained
neglected for quite some time. It was only in the Seventh and Eighth Five-Year
Plans that it was paid heed to. However, today it is a growing industry with the
banking sector evincing keen interest, which in turn could have been fuelled by
the lack of preferable alternative avenues for investment.
Presently, funds required per dwelling shelter are so high that the
individual‟s saving is not adequate to meet the expenditure of house building. As
a result, there is a great demand for external housing finance. To take advantage
of this situation, the lending institutions are competing with each other for a
market share by offering very attractive terms to the customers in the form of
lower rate of interest, liberal collateral requirements, longer payment period etc.
These institutions have also introduced the floating rate products besides the fixed
rate ones, with the option made available to the borrower for conversion against a
nominal payment. The other tactics of market acquisition are speedier processing
and disbursement; efficient advisory services, waiver or reductions in associated
up front fees etc. We have also discussed therein the housing finance schemes
offered by various housing finance institutions.
c) Credit Cards
Credit cards generally known as plastic money, is widely used by consumers
all around the world. The convenience and safety factors add value to these cards.
The changes in the consumer behaviour led to the growth of credit cards. It is a
document that can be used for purchase of all kinds of goods and services in the
world. Credit card identifies its owner as one who is entitled to purchase things
without cash, purchase services without money and be eligible to get credit from a
number of establishments.
The card issuer issues credit cards depending on the credibility of the
customers. The card issuer also enters into a tie-up with merchant establishments
which are engaged in various fields of business activities. The issuer for its
convenience and for proper scrutiny sets up a credit limit for its card holders and a Financial
Services: An
floor limit for its merchant establishments The credit card offers the individual an
opportunity to buy rail/air tickets, makes purchases from shops and stay at hotels
when they need.
Credit card is a card which enables an individual to purchase certain
products/ services without paying immediately. He needs to only present the
credit card at the cash counter and has to sign some forms. In short he can make
purchase against credit card without making immediate cash payment. Therefore
credit cards can be considered as a good substitute for cash and cheques. In order
to know the details of this financial service, you may go through the unit on credit
d) Venture Capital
The concept of Venture Capital was introduced in Indiaby the all India
Financial Institutions with the inauguration of Risk Capital Foundation (RCF)
sponsored by the Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) to supplement
promoters‟ equity, with a view to encouraging technologistsand professionals to
promote new industries. Venture capital implies long-term investment generally in
high risk industrial projects with high reward possibilities. This investment may
be at any stage of implementation of the project between start-up and
commencement of commercial production. Thus, Venture Capital is defined as the
organised financing of relatively new enterprises to achieve substantial capital
gains. A high level of risk is implied by the term „venture capital‟ and is implicit
in this type of investment.
e) Factoring
Factoring service caters to the requirements of the Indian Industries in the
changed business environment.Its origin can be traced back to the fifteenth
century. England and France used the services of specialised agents for exporting
goods to their colonies. These agents later came to be known as factoring
Factoring is an arrangement between the financial institution or banks
(factor) and the business concern (the supplier) which provides goods or services
to its customers on credit, wherein the factor buys out clients (suppliers) book
There is always a difficulty of foreign languages, customs and laws, fear of
distance, ocean barriers etc. which inhibit entrepreneurs from venturing into
export business, consequently affecting the country‟s export. Factoring is a
Financial Service, service that relieves the exporters from the fear of credit losses enabling them to
offer open account terms to overseas customers. The factor takes over the
Behaviour and
Banking Products administration of client‟s sales ledger, follow-up with debtors and evaluation of
credit risks. The fee charged for these services by the factor are usually a
percentage of the value of the receivables factored.
f) Forfeiting
Forfeiting is a financial tool for exporters, enabling them to convert their
„credit sales‟ to „cash sales‟ by discounting their receivables with an agency called
forfaitor. Forfeiting denotes the purchase of trade bills or promissory notes by
abank or financial institution without recourse to seller. For exporters it is a „Risk
Management‟ tool as well because by selling the export receivables to the forfeiter
the exporter is relieved of the inherent political and commercial risks involved in
international trade. Thus, all risks and collection problems are fully the
purchaser‟s (forfeiter‟s) responsibility that pays cash to seller after discounting the
notes or bills. It is backed by bank guarantee. In India, the Export Import Bank of
India (EXIM Bank) facilitates this service with an overseas forfeiter agency for
which they charge a commission.
g) Bill Discounting
Bill Discounting, just as factoring and forfeiting, is short-term trade finance,
also known as acceptance credit where one party accepts the liability of trade
towards third party. Bill discounting is used as a medium of financing the current
trade and is not used for financing capital purposes. Trade bills are negotiable
money market instruments and these are bought by the intermediaries at a
discount before their maturity. Discount houses act as intermediary‟s between the
central bank and the banking system, providing liquidity and ensuring efficient
operations of money market. Discount houses play an important role throughout
the universe in the whole system of banking.
Insurance Services:
Insurance, as we all know, is the most preferable method of handling risks
and hence is also called as „risk cover‟. Risk is nothing but an uncertainty of
occurrence of a loss viz. loss of lives, accidents causing permanent disability, loss Financial
Services: An
of houses due to floods etc.
Insurance is a contract between two parties – the insurer (the insurance
company) and the insured (the person or entity seeking the cover) – wherein the
insurer agrees to pay the insured for financial losses out of any unforeseen events
in return for a regular payment of “premium”. In insurance the actual loss is
substituted by average loss by spreading the losses of unfortunate few over the
entire group. This is a financial service wherein the insured is re-established to his
or her approximate financial position prior to the occurrence of loss. Thus,
insurance provides a unique sense of security that no other form of investment
b. Foreign management
2. ___________in capital market parlance is known as Merchant Bankers.
a. Bank managers
b. Issue Managers
Financial Service, 3. Issue management involves marketing of ____________issues.
Behaviour and a. Capital
Banking Products
b. Investment
4. The origin of this service lies in the financial crisis of the US in __________.
a. 1857
b. 1837
One of the major costs of the financial services firms is the labour-cost. The
computerisation of bank-branches has increased the efficiency of the functioning
of the banks. The networking technology has helped the banks to introduce the
single window system. It means that a single person is able to handle the work
which was earlier being done by a number of persons. In other words technology
has reduced the labour requirements of financial services firms, drastically
reducing the cost incurred by these firms on labour.
Product Development: In the financial services sector technological Financial
developments have been of great aid in enhancing the existing services, creating Services: An
new services and also bringing about product differentiation. The traditional
service of cash payment has been enhanced by providing an alternative i.e. the
debit cards enabling the current account bank customer to make his payments for
goods and services without using cheque thereby removing the limitation on
transaction size. In UK the development of on-line and touch-screen share-dealing
services have simplified the procedures for buying and selling shares.
If observed closely we find that most of the services provided by the
financial services sector are not new services but rather they are the new ways of
offering traditional services. For example, Internet banking can just be thought of
as an alternative way of providing traditional account-based services to retail bank
customers. Similarly, the Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) which most of you
must be familiar with is simply an alternative way of obtaining cash or making
payment. However, the use of computer, telecommunication and information
technology and the drifting from conventional bank branch network is what makes
these products new.
ATMs are now being used by banks for dispensing railway tickets, movie
tickets etc. More value added services could be provided through ATMs thus
reducing the fixed and operating costs. Information technology has thus
contributed to product differentiation to a great extent, in the financial services
Financial Service, provide anytime, anywhere andany device banking. For Ex the international
network, SWIFT is being utilized for the speedy transfer of funds across
Behaviour and
Banking Products international destinations.
by financial institutions have enhanced the convenience of customers, wherein Financial
Services: An
they can get assistance, as well as information, quickly and accurately.
Speedier Settlement of Transactions: The communication and information
technology has no doubt increased the speed with which the transactions can now
be made. It‟s now possible to settle bill payments electronically. The depositories
do facilitate quick settlement of securities electronically. An internet enabled
inward remittance facility for NRIs is also available. NRIs can send money
anytime up to a specific limit to the recipient‟s account, where it‟s deposited in
rupees at the prevailing rate of exchange through the RTGS (Real Time Gross
Settlement). This service not only saves time but is also cheaper.
b. Insurance
2. The overall percentage of ____________in the financial services have
a. growth
b. Employment
3. _____________has contributed to the containment of the cost associated
with the management of information and the execution of transactions.
a. Information technology
b. Technology
4. One of the major costs of the financial services firms is the __________.
a. money-cost
b. labour-cost
Financial Service,
1.8 Challenges before the Financial Services Sector
Behaviour and
Banking Products The financial sector now operates in a more competitive environment than
before and intermediates relatively large volume of international financial flows.
Technology has thrown new challenges in the financial services sector and
new issues have started cropping up which are going to pose certain problems in
the near future.
As expected, a greater number of international players would be entering the Financial
Services: An
Indian financial system the challenge before the financial institutions is to
go global by searching new markets, customers and profits.
India‟s largest financial institution ICICI has already moved a step ahead
towards universal banking with its reverse merger with ICICI bank.
It‟s a challenge, especially before the banks, to adopt efficient and effective
communication networks to build up integrated delivery channels both
vertical and horizontal by installing an enabling and compatible multi
channel platform which could support and seamlessly integrate both existing
and future delivery channels.
Providing the customers a single `sign on‟, a unique ATM PIN, for carrying
out transactions across delivery channels is also a challenge in itself.
Financial Service, management on real time basis, in addition to other functions such as credit
decisions, foreign exchange management, treasury operations etc.
Behaviour and
Banking Products
Security is another major concern of on-line customersand it is the biggest
risk to the financial service providers in terms of brand image. The need to
comply with international standards including those of certification such as
BS7799 or ISO 17799 to meet its information security requirements and
ITIL (IT infrastructure Library) in the areas of service management is a
emerging challenge before the financial services sector.
The implementation of IT has been confined only to the metros or big urban
customers its now time that the benefits of IT should be made available to the
rural population as well. Here there will be a need to provide for multi-lingual
facilities, which is a migration away from the existing English-only paradigm.
Adequate Infrastructural facilities are must, if these benefits have to accrue. Thus,
in the fast track Internet world the financial services providers will need to invest
heavily in customer relationship management system and brand identify. They
may also have to adopt frameworks of best practices for implementing IT
Governance using internationally accepted standards
a. Financial
b. Banking
a. Banking
b. Financial
a. Information technology
b. Banking technology
4. The ___________do facilitate quick settlement of securities electronically. Financial
Services: An
a. Financial Institutions Introduction
b. Depositories
In this unit we have covered the meaning of financial services in very detail.
We discussed the characterstics of financial services. The importance of financial
services has even been discussed here in very detail. Later we even discussed the
various types of financial services. The impact of technology in on financial
services were discussed in detail where we studied how the new improved
technology is helping us in providing better services.Not only this in the later
portions we even discussed the various challanges before financial services sector.
This unit was sufficient enough for the readers to understand the basic
concepts behind the financial services.
Financial Service,
Consumer Check your progress 5
Behaviour and
Banking Products Answers: (1-a), (2-b), (3-a), (4-b)
1.11 Glossary
1. SEBI - Stock Exchange board of India.
2. MIS - Management information system.
1.12 Assignment
Discuss the meaning and concept of financial services.
1.13 Activities
Discuss the various types of Financial Services
Unit Structure
2.0 Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Marketing and the Financial Services
2.11 Glossary
2.12 Assignment
2.13 Activities
2.14 Case Study
Financial Service, Differentiate between products and services on the basis of service
Behaviour and characteristics.
Banking Products
Explain the implication of service characteristics for marketing of financial
2.1 Introduction
The first barter exchange can be looked upon as a reflection of the
realisation that exchange added value for both the parties to the transaction. This
indeed marked the dawn of marketing. The recognition of value addition
ultimately led to the development of task specialisation, by far the first real step
forward in economic development. The last century has seen 'marketing' develop
from a mere practice, into a major academic discipline.
Marketing is both a concept and practice; an approach to exchange
relationships, which provides the driving force for formulation of strategies every
type of organisation.
Marketing in the true sense of the word, is relatively new to the financial
sector. Until recently, marketing in most financial sector organisations was largely
synonymous with advertising and public relations and it was not until the 1970s
that marketing department was formed on any scale. (Newman 1984). Even then,
the role of marketing tended to be more tactical. Strategic marketing as seen as a
relatively low status activity with senior management being dominated by
executives with abackground in finance (Hooley and Mann, 1988). In the last
decade marketing has developed as a more integrated function within financial
service organisations largely as a result of rapid changes in the operating
environment. Nevertheless, Morgan and Piercy (1990) suggest that marketing
remains relatively young management function in\ the financial service sector.
Concern and responsibility for marketing must therefore permeate of areas of the Marketing of
enterprise (Ducker). Service‟s: A
Marketing is the set of human activities directed at facilitating and Conceptual
consummating exchanges (Kotler 1972).
Marketing is concerned with the creation and maintenance of mutually
satisfying exchange relationships (Baker 1976).
The purpose of abusiness is to create and keep a customer (Levitt 1983).
Marketing is the business function that identifies current unfilled needs and
wants, defines and measures their magnitude, determines which target markets the
organisation can best serve and decides on appropriate products, services and
programmes to serve these markets. Thus, marketing serves as a link between ik
society's heeds and its pattern of industrial response (Kotler 1988).
To focus on one financial service, i.e. banking, let us look at the definitions
as applied in the sector. The definition of bank marketing, as referred to by the
NIBM, Pune is as follows:
Bank marketing is the aggregate of functions, directed at providing services
to satisfy customers' financial (and other related) needs and wants, more
effectively and efficiently than the competitor, keeping in view the organisational
objectives of the bank.
This definition highlights the fallowing points:
1. Banks provide services with all the service characteristics discussed later in
this, unit being associated with them.
Financial Service, Bank marketing deals with providing. Services to satisfy customers'
financial needs and wants. Banks have to discover/ascertain/anticipate the
Behaviour and
Banking Products financial needs of the customers and offer the services which can satisfy those
needs. Banks may be required to satisfy the customers' other related needs and
want of he customers. Marketing helps in achieving the organisational objectives
of the bank, this means that marketing is equally applicable to achieve commercial
and social objectives of the banks. Indian banks have dual organisational
i) Commercial objective to make profit and
ii) Social objective which is a developmental role particularly in the rural areas.
Service areaapproach adopted by the Indian Bank is a marketing approach
whereby a specific target market is assigned to each bank branch for need based
banking activity in tune with the social objectives.
b) The purpose of the bank is to create, win and keep a customer. The customer
is and should be the central focus of everything the bank does.
c) It is also a way of organising the bank. The starting point for organisational
design should be the customer and the bank should ensure that the services
are performed and delivered in the most effective way. Service facilitates
also should be designed for customers convenience.
service organisation like banks. Else, it is argued that personnel working in other Marketing of
departments like operations and back of the counters may tend to ignore their Service‟s: A
customer-related responsibilities and totally concentrate on just handling Conceptual
operation and other duties mechanically.
Marketing is much more than just advertising and promotion;' it is abasic
part of total business operation. What is required for the bank is the market
orientation and customer consciousness among all the personnel of the bank
a. Marketing
b. Market
a. financial
b. Human
a. Bank
b. Insurance
4. Marketing is an ____________philosophy.
a. Organizational
b. Psychological
a. Traditional
b. modern
Financial Service,
2.3 Marketing as a Functional Area of Management
Behaviour and
Banking Products Marketing is complex phenomenon that combines both the philosophy of
business and its practice. That is, marketing consists of two inter-related
The starting point of marketing management decisions is analysis.
Customers, competition, trends and changes in the environment and internal
strengths and weaknesses must each be fully understood by the marketer before Marketing of
effective marketing plans can be established. Analysis, in turn, requires Service‟s: A
information using systematic marketing research and marketing information Conceptual
The second task of the manager is the planning process. The marketing
manager must plan both long-term marketing directions for the organisation
(strategic planning), including e.g. the selection of targets and the marketing
programmes and tactics that will be used to support these strategic plans.
Fourth strategic and tactical plans must, of course, be acted upon, if they are
to have any effect. The implementation tasks of marketing management involve
such staffing, allocating tasks and responsibilities, budgeting and securing any
other resources needed to translate plans into action.
The fourth and sometimes neglected task of the manager is measuring and
valuating progress against objectives and target established in plans. Control of
marketing plans car be problematical with difficulties associated with both
measuring marketing performance and pinpointing cause and effect. For example,
market share; a frequently used measure of marketing performance and hence
abasis for marketing control, need very careful analysis and interpretation if it is
to provide a useful basis for controlling the effectiveness of marketing the
strategies 'and plans. Both qualitative and quantity the techniques of control
should be used by the marketing manager and including budgetary control, control
of marketing mix effectiveness in turn, forms part of analysis function discussed
earlier, thereby completing the essentially circular nature of these four inter
related tasks.
Although it can be seen that marketing has a very important functional role
within the Organisation, the practice of marketing should not be restricted to the
marketing, department. A marketing-oriented business has implications for the
way people throughout the organisation respond to the initiatives that are
forthcoming from marketing.
Financial Service,
Consumer Check your progress 2
Behaviour and
Banking Products 1. ______________is complex phenomenon that combines both the philosophy
of business and its practice.
a. Marketing
b. Organisation
b. Analysis
3. The second task of the manager is the ____________process.
a. Planning
b. decision
4. The fourth and sometimes neglected task of the manager is
____________against objectives and target established in plans.
1) The first is where the demand of a product exceeds supply, as in may third
world countries. Here consumersare more interested in obtaining the product
than in its fine points.
Marketing of
2) The second situation is where the products' cost is high and has to be Financial
brought down through increased productivity to expand the market. Service‟s: A
In the 19th century and early of the 20th century the fundamental role of Framework
business was seen as production. Manufacturers were in suppliers' market and
were faced with a virtually insatiable demand for goods and services. Firms
concentrated on production and productive efficiency in order to bring down
costs. Firms tended to manufacture and offer products that they were good at
producing with customers' requirements and satisfactions of secondary
importance. This production mentality was a workable philosophy as long as a
sellers' market existed.
The product concept holds that consumers will favour those products that
offer the most quality, performance or innovative features. Managers in
these product oriented organisations focus their energy on making superior
products and improving them over time.
These managers assume that buyers admire well-made products and can
appraise product quality and performance. Marketing management may become a
victim of 'better mouse trap' fallacy, believing that abetter mousetrap will lead
people to beat a path to its door. At a place where there are no mice, the product
would hardly sell!
Many firms have, in their own opinions, produced excellent products, but
not necessarily of the type customers want to buy. Manufacturers who focus their
attention on existing products and pay little or not attention to the changing needs
and wants of the marketplace suffer from what as often termed 'marketing
myopia'. This is very short sighted viewpoint where firms are so busy
concentrating on their products that they fail to take customers' requirements into
Even today, firms can be found who pay little regards to the needs and
wants of their customers and still have the product concept as the guiding
philosophy of their businesses. Such firms take the attitude that they produce
excellent products and that people will want to buy them.
Financial Service, The selling concept holds that consumers, if left alone, will ordinarily not
Behaviour and bay enough of the organisation's products. The organisation must therefore
Banking Products undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort.
From the above definition, the implicitly premises of the selling concept are
as follows:
There will always, one can assume, be need for some selling. But the aim of
marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and
understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells
itself; ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All that
should be needed than is to make the product or service available.
Marketing based on hard selling carries high risks. It assumes that customers
who are coaxed into buying the product will like it and if they don't, they won't
bad-mouth it to friends or complain to consumer organisations. And they will
possible forgot their disappointments and buy it again. One study showed that
dissatisfied customers may bad-mouth the product to ten or more acquaintances;
bad news travels fast. In case of banking it applies thus,
During the times of famous scams in stock market, a foreign bank was in
serious trouble as the: probable losses would have threatened its viability to be in
the business. Many small scheduled banks had put their funds by way of deposits
in that bank. The news items revealed names of such banks and in some cases
they were just rumours. It however, had serious implications on those small banks
due to such rumours which spread very fast in their command areaand frightened
depositors queued up their branches to withdraw their deposits which gave a
severe jolt below the belt to such banks as a result of the rumours. They had to do
a lot of PR and clarifying work to bring back their deposits.
The Marketing Concept/Orientation Marketing of
The marketing concept is abusiness philosophy that challenges the previous Service‟s: A
concepts. Its central tenets crystallised in the mid 1950s.
The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organisational goals
consists in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the
desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors.
The marketing concept rests on four main pillars, namely.
1) Target market
2) Customer needs
3) Integrated marketing
4) Profitability
These are shown in the figure below, where they are contrasted with a
selling orientation.The selling concept takes an inside-out perspective. It starts
with the factory, focuses on the company's existing products, and calls for heavy
selling and promoting to produce profitable sales. The marketing concept takes an
outside-in perspective. It starts with a Well-defined market, focuses on customer
need, and integrates all the activities that will affect Customers and produces
profits by creating customer satisfaction.
Financial Service, The strategic marketing concept is defined as:
Behaviour and The corporate mission is to seek a sustainable competitive advantage over
Banking Products competitorsby meeting consumer needs.
Originally, company‟s based their marketing decisions on maximising short- Marketing of
term company profit. Then they began to recognise the long-run importance of Service‟s: A
satisfying consumer wants and this introduced the marketing concept. Now they Conceptual
are beginning to factor in society's interests in their decision making.
b. Six
2. The _____________concept holds that consumers will favour those
products that are widely available and low in cost.
a. product
b. Production
3. Often sellers are guided by the ____________concept.
a. Product
b. Customer
a. goods
b. More
5. Marketing based on hard selling carries ____________risks.
a. High
b. low
Financial Service, marketing literature, however, has unit1 recently concentrated almost entirely on
physical products. Obviously this is because that is where marketing as a separate
Behaviour and
Banking Products function developed earliest, and where it has been most intensively applied,
particularly in the field of fast-moving consumer goods. As both academics and
practitioners have turned their attention to all increasingly important services
markets, the question has been debated, through different actually are services.
When we examine them, we can see that there is not such a clear-cut line
between services and products as might be thought. Many products in fact include
large elements of service in their delivery. Looked at from the buyer's point of
view, services may also form a vital part of the total bundle of benefits which is
sought, particularly in industrial markets. Likewise, many services include a large
contribution from hardware: hotels, airlines, fast food outlets are all classed as
services but the physical elements in the offering are a very large part of what
customer‟s buy. What is different is that as buyers we do not receive ownership of
the physical elements of a service, but merely rent them for a period.
Levitt has suggested that "there are not such things as service industries.
There are only industries whose service components are greater or less than those
of other industries. Everybody is in service". Levitt was emphasising that with
almost every tangible core product, an intangible service component is associated.
Goods-Service Continuum In 1977, Ms. G. Lynn Shostack, the Vice
President of Citibank, suggested that marketing 'entities' are combinations of
intangible and tangible elements which are distinct and discrete. If these absolute
tangible and intangible elements are taken to the two ends of a continuum, as
show 11 below, we can observe that all goods and services occupy different
positions in the continuum. There is a range which varies from an absolute
tangible well like salt to an absolute intangible service like education.
Another approach of distinction as proposed by Theqdore Levitt, classifies Marketing of
goods into and two categories viz. Search goods and experienced goods. Search Service‟s: A
goods are generally those goods which are packaged goods that the customer can Conceptual
see, evaluate and try prior to the purchase, like a pen or toothpaste like holiday,
travel etc. Some call search goods as tangible goods and the other as intangibles.
There is a range between the 2 absolute extremes and there could be products
falling in this range.
Financial Service, 5) A pure service: Baby sitting, banking hair-dressing, gardener,
telecommunication, health club, psychotherapy, etc.
Behaviour and
Banking Products
b. products
2. Another approach of distinction as proposed by___________, classifies
goods into and two categories viz. Search goods and experienced goods.
a. Philip Kotler
b. Theqdore Levitt
3. There is a range between the 2 absolute extremes and there could be
___________falling in this range.
a. Products
b. services
Intangibility is relevant only to the pure service element; the hotel bed and
the hamburger are very tangible, the problem of intangibility is that it is difficult
to communicate and display exactly what the product is. It is often not possible to
taste, feel, see hear or small services z before they are purchased. Opinions and
attitudes may be sought before hand, a repeat purchase may rely upon previous
experience, the customer may be given something tangible to represent the
service, but ultimately the purchase of a service is the purchase of something
Inseparability Marketing of
This refers to the fact the production and consumption of the service are Service‟s: A
inextricably intertwined, the implications of this are that the consumer is involved
in production. Further, in many cases other consumersare also involved at the
same time, as in most retailing situations. This may be a positive aspect of the
benefits delivered (in a theatre or club), or it may be potential negative aspect
(waiting in queues at the post office). Whether the buyer is physically present or
not, the product comes into existence' only when it is bought; it cannot be mass
produced in advance (although the physical components may be, to some extent.).
Goods are usually purchased, sold and consumed whereas services are usually
sold and then produced and consumed. .
Heterogeneity or variability is a result of the fact that services are usually
delivered by human beings, whose performance is necessarily variable; quality
control is extremely difficult. It is often difficult to achieve standardisation of
output of certain services. The standard of a service in terms of its conformity to
what may be prescribed by the seller may depend on who provides the service or
where it is provided. Even though standard systems may be used to handle a flight
reservation, book in a car for service, each 'unit' of service may different from
other 'units'. Franchise operation attempt to ensure standards of conformity but
ultimately, with services it is difficult to ensure the same level of quality of output
as it may be with goods. From the customer's point of view too, it is often difficult
to judge quality in advance of purchase.
This means that the service cannot be stockpiled. If a sent is unfilled when
the plane leaves or the play starts, it cannot be kept and sold next day or next
week; that revenue is lost for ever. In some cases, such as insurance or banking, it
could be argued that potential stocks remain, in the sense that the service is there
to be sold every day as long as the underwriting or loan capacity exists. Most
services however, are clearly time dependent, in a way that physical product is
not. Important marketing decisions in service organisations relate to what service
levels will be provided and how to respond in times of low and excessive usage,
for example through differential pricing or special promotions.
These characteristics certainly do not apply in equal measure to all services.
Some services are highly intangible (e.g. education); others are highly tangible
(e.g. fast food restaurant); some may be highly variable (e.g. dental treatment);
Financial Service, some highly standardised (e.g. automatic car wash). The notion of continuum of
tangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity and Perishability is helpful in
Behaviour and
Banking Products understanding and applying these characteristics.
Thus, while 1egal service is less tangible, varied and can be performed away
from the customer, a fast food service is highly tangible, generally standardised
and usually performed near the customer. Different service organisations offering
similar services can + place differing emphasis on each of these characteristics to
obtain competitive leverage and advantage in the market place. Thus, one
management consultant could offer a highly bespoke service and undertake all
assignment personally; another could subcontract work to associates, thus
potentially increasing the scale of business but possible losing the benefit of a
highly individual approach.
Marketing of
Sr. no. Physical Goods Services Financial
Service‟s: A
1 Tangible Intangible Conceptual
2 Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Definition of Service
Discussions on the nature of services lead us to a normally accepted
definition of services as follows:
A service is any act of performance that one party can offer to another that
is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its
production may or may not be tied to a physical product.
Gronroos proposed a working definition in 1990. According to him:
1) Services are by and large 'activities' or they are a series of' activities rather
than things.
Financial Service, 2) As a result the services 'we intangible.
Behaviour and 3) They take place in the interaction between the customer and the service
Banking Products provider which means that the service; are produced and consumed
Customer has a role to play in the production process as the services are
provided in response to the problems of customers as solution.
In banking context, the bank has to be continuously aware about the
changing demands and expectations of the customers. At times they have to tailor
such products/schemes thinking about the customer's probable expectations with
changing market scenario e.g. telebanking or e-banking have been thought of
much in advance than customer himself asking for such products as the banks
have networked ATMs and computerised services like Demat which a customer
giving for computers would easily opt to have this benefit. Thus, banks not only
have to keep the present needs and wants of customers but also have to innovate
to create wants for the customers to extend services/technology to meet his
In addition to these service characteristics, financial services display an Marketing of
additional feature which affects the marketing process. This is the issue of Service‟s: A
fiduciary responsibility which refers to the implicate responsibility which Conceptual
financial service organisations have in relation to the establishes that although any Framework
Financial Service, these 'segments and selecting target markets, the organisation can determine
where and against whom it intends to compete
Behaviour and
Banking Products Having determined where to compete and whom to compete, the firm will
have effectively determined its product/market scope. However, it must also
establish an appropriate position for its products in the target markets. The whole
purpose of positioning products in markets is to establish a competitive edge for
the products. For example, American Express Cards may be seen as positioned as
a high prestige charge card, with level of service and price reflecting the prestige
of the card holder.
Once a position has been selected, that position will guide the formulation
of the marketing mix Product attributes, pricing decisions, methods of distribution
and communication should all seek to reflect the chosen position
In effect, the marketing mix represents the tactics employed to implement a
chosen strategy. The decisions made in respect of marketing mix need to be
operationalised and the outcomes monitored to check that the actual outcomes
match what was intended. Should the outcome deviate from expectation,
corrective action in the form of modification of marketing mix,-or even the overall
strategy may be warranted.
identify and satisfy existing customer requirements and anticipates and be Marketing of
prepared for future developments. Service‟s: A
The operation of n differentiation strategy depends on effective market Framework
segmentation and targeting. The success of any differentiation strategy is
dependent on the development of an integrated and coherent marketing mix. This
requires the development of an appropriate product which is then priced,
promoted and distributed in such a way as to produce an offered service which
needs the needs of the target customers more effectively than competing products.
Marketing mix is not just a series of tactical responses to changing market
condition; it is a core component of any marketing strategy.
b. goods
2. _________is relevant only to the pure service element.
a. tangibility
b. Intangibility
b. More
4. A ___________is any act of performance that one party can offer to another
that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of
a. service
b. Product
Financial Service,
2.7 Marketing Mix for Financial Services
Behaviour and
Banking Products Marketing mix is one of the key concepts in the modern marketing theory.
In practice the, marketing mix is considered to be the core of marketing. Neil
Borden, while quoting from an article of Jame Culiton, wrote that a marketer is
viewed as a 'decider', or an „artist‟ or a 'mixer of ingredients' who plans various
means of competition. "He may follow a recipe prepared by others, or prepare his
own as he, goes along, or adopt a recipe to the ingredients immediately available,
or experiment with or invent ingredients no one else has tried". If a marketer was
a 'mixer of ingredients', what he designed was a marketing mix.
Borden further wrote that 'it was logical to proceed from a realisation of the
existence of a variety of marketing mixes to the development of a concept that
would comprehend not only this variety, but also the market forces that cause
managements to produce a variety of mixes' (to fight competition). Subsequently,
Borden's concept of marketing mix was given due recognition in the marketing
Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its
marketing objectives in the target market.
There are literally dozens of marketing mix tools. Mc Carthy popularised a
four factor classification of these tools called the four Ps: Product, Price, Place
(i.e. Distribution) and Promotion.
The particular marketing variables under each P are shown in the figure
A marketing mix is selected from a great number of possibilities. Marketing Marketing of
mix decisions must be made for both the distribution channels and the final
Service‟s: A
consumers. The following diagrammatic representation of a company's marketing Conceptual
mix strategy, by Kotler, points to the interplay of various factors and players in Framework
the market, which can affect the results of the marketing efforts.
A company may not be able to adjust all the marketing mix variables in the
short run. Normally, the firm can change its price, sales force, size and advertising
expenditures in the short run. Development of new products and modifications in
its distribution channels, are more feasible in the long .run. Thus, the firm
typically makes fewer period to period marketing mix changes in the short run
than the number of marketing mix variables suggest.
The most basic marketing mix tool is product, which stands for the firm's
tangible offer to the market, including the product quality, design, features,
branching, and packaging. The company cold also provide various services such
as delivery, repair, and training as well as running an equipment leasing business.
Place another key marketing mix tool, stands for the various activities the
company undertakes to make the product accessible and available to target
customers. The company must identify recruit and link various middlemen and
marketing facilitators so that its products and services are efficiently supplied to
the target market. It must understand the various types of retailers, wholesalers,
and physical distribution firms and how they make their decisions.
Promotions, the fourth marketing mix tool, stands for the various activities
the company undertakes to communicate and promote its products to the target
market. Thus, the company has to hire, train, and motivate salespeople.It has to set
Financial Service, up communication and promotion programmes consisting of advertising, direct
marketing, sales promotion and public relations.
Behaviour and
Banking Products It may be noted that 4Ps represent the sellers' view of the marketing tools
available for influencing buyers. From abuyer's point of view, each marketing tool
is designed to deliver a customer benefit. Rober Lautherboln's suggesting was that
the 4Ps correspond to the customers' 4Cs:
4Ps 4Cs
Product Customer needs and wants.
Price Cost to the customer
Place Convenience.
Promotion Communication
Let us, therefore, see how each "P" is important in the context of marketing
of banking services:
Product: Bank marketing is unique in the sense both product (services) and
its delivery is very important. The product has to suit to customers' needs and
wants. Customers are andrested in the variety (range) of products that suit to their
needs. The quality of product/service is the factor which decides customer
preference to select a product from the given range of products that suit to their
needs by the same bank or different banks. The returns in terms of interest payable
by the bank, the packaging (suitably scheme) its branding etc. like 'Suvidha
scheme' or 'kamdhanu' or 'Grihavitta scheme' also count in customers choosing
bank products.
Price: In the competitive banking scenario the price of a product is also Marketing of
very important as it reflects/matches with the cost to the customer. Although they Financial
Service‟s: A
know that the interest rate payable has a ceiling by IBAIRBI, the permutation Conceptual
combination of interest rate differentials mean a lot to customer in term of pricing. Framework
The interest rates charged on loans (short, medium and long term) and offered on
deposits schemes by the banks is the impact of pricing most visible to customer to
decide and choose abanks' product. Similarly, service fees, other charges do count
to differentiate different products of banks.
Place: The studies by IBA (mentioned in subsequent units) indicate that
safe and convenient place of abank (branch location) is perhaps the foremost
preference area for a customer to opt for abank's products/services.
Promotion: How the bank tailors, markets and advertises its products is the
key to success or otherwise in bank marketing'! Communication by abank with its
customers and public at large through advertisements, brochures, and hoardings
and through PR exercise in and out of its premises using its well-trained sales
force enables it to create better image amongst to get more business. Let see in
brief the importance and relevance of balance 3 Ps as well with respect to
marketing of banking services:
Financial Service, for pleasing the customer, the process has to have a proper mix of quality,
delegation, direction and discretion for effective customer service.
Behaviour and
Banking Products
Check your progress 6
1. A company may not be able to adjust all the marketing mix variables in the
____________ run.
a. Short
b. long
b. Product
3. ______________, the fourth marketing mix tool, stands for the various
activities the company undertakes to communicate and promote its products
to the target market.
a. Promotions
b. Place
a. exchange
b. Sale
a. sales
b. Marketing
2.11 Glossary
1. Perishable - things, especially foodstuffs, likely to decay or go bad quickly.
2.12 Assignment
Discuss the Marketing as functional area of management.
2.13 Activities
Bring out the differences between the services and products.
Unit Structure
3.0 Learning Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.12 Glossary
3.13 Assignment
3.14 Activities
3.15 Case Study
3.16 Further Readings
Describe the variables that affect consumer decision making for financial
Financial Service, Elaborate on the impact of group and social variables like family, reference
Behaviour and groups, culture and subculture on consumer decision making for financial
Banking Products services.
3.1 Introduction
Some people regard marketing as an art. Others consider it a science.
Actually it is a combination of the two. Marketing involves the effective blending
of the behavioural science-anthropology, sociology, psychology with the
communication, art writing, graphics, photography, drama, to motivate, modify or
reinforce consumer perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. To accomplish
this, marketing professional must be constantly aware of the consumer's attitudes,
beliefs, likes and dislikes habits, wants and desires. And since these are always
changing, steps must be taken to monitor them.
interest or evaluates the product and decides not to make a purchase. If the Consumer
Behaviour for
purchase is made, the consumer has an opportunity to see whether the product Financial
satisfies his or her needs. If not, the consumer will discontinue the use of the Services
b. money
2. A firm's ___________efforts interacts with non-commercial sources of
information to stimulate the purchase decision process.
a. selling
b. marketing
Some people have very 'cool heads' and control their emotions. Others are
'hot heads' and anger easily.
Some people are loners, whereas others need the security of a crowd.
Many people are oriented towards the acquisition of material things. Some
people are motivated mainly by spiritual matters.
Some people spend their money cautiously. Others spend their money
Financial Service, Many other contrasts in the behaviour of people could be noted such as
interests in sports and hobbies, goal orientation, colour preference. All affect
Behaviour and
Banking Products consumers' buying decisions.
People often do not understand why they behave as they do. And if they do
understand their true motivations, they may fear expressing them.For example,
abusinessman who purchases a new Mercedes probably would be reluctant to
admit it if the real reason for the purchase was his insecurity amongst his peer
b. selling
2. People vary in their ___________.
a. structure
b. Persuability
b. easy
3.4 Needs and Motives Behaviour for
In the study of consumer behaviour, motivation is understood to mean the Services
underlying drives that contribute to the individual consumer's buying action.
These drives originate from some conscious or unconscious needs of the
consumer.Unfortunately, motivations cannot be directly observed. When we see a
person eat, we assume he is hungry, but that may not be correct. We eat for a
variety of reasons besides hunger - to be sociable, because it is mealtime, because
we are bored, or because we are nervous.
Financial Service,
Consumer Check your progress 3
Behaviour and
Banking Products 1. _____________is understood to mean the underlying drives that contribute
to the individual consumer's buying action.
a. motivation
b. leadership
a. money
b. motives
a. money
b. human
Self-concept and roles: We all carry images in our minds of whom we are
and who we want to be. If a man wants to appear successful and wealthy, he may
favour a 'Gold' credit card from Citibank of American express rather than from an Consumer
Behaviour for
Indian bank. Financial
Marketers are very concerned with the perceptions that consumers have of
their products or services, because to the consumer, the perception is the reality.
As marketing consultant Howard Moskowitz says, if the consumer wants a
'natural taste' and if the consumer thinks lemonade with additives tastes natural,
that's what we'll give her.
'Lemon flavour' is lemon flavour, whether you get it from .a tree or from
chemical ingredients. The constituentsare different but what is perceived as lemon
flavour is, lemon flavour. That‟s reality, similarly a customer of an old
nationalised bank say SBI or BOI will continue will be a valuable customer of that
bank as long as his ego is not hurt and motives of security and convenience are
satisfied. He would believe 'A bank is abank - why shift to another when he is
happy with the present bank'.
Selective perception: One of the major problems that marketers face is the
fact that each individual exercises selective perception.
Financial Service, Theory of cognitive dissonance: Selective perception services us in many
ways. Besides saving us time by filtering out irrelevant uninteresting data, it
Behaviour and
Banking Products protects us from having to face unpleasant realities. Leon Feslinger developed a
theory of cognitive dissonance, which states basically that people strive to justify
their behaviour by reducing the degree to which their impressions or beliefs are
inconsistent with reality (dissonance).
For example, people who use a 'diners club' credit card because they believe
it is the most prestigious and widely accepted card, may receive a mailer from
'ANZ Grindlays that proves that their gold card is even more exclusive with many
more advantages. This exposure may create dissonance because of the gap
between current thinking and 'new evidence'. Marketers such and ANZ Grindlays
hope that the recipient experiences dissonance because the 'Diners club' card
holder upon seeing the 'proof ' of greater effectiveness or value might than relieve
the uncomfortable tension resulting from the dissonance by applying for an ANZ
Grindlays card
b. motivation
a. Motivaton
b. Perception
a. Marketers
b. sellers
a. sellers
b. buyers
3.6 Learning and Habit Development Behaviour for
Another individual influence on consumer behaviour is the way in which Services
consumers learn new information and developed purchasing habits. The major
objective of marketing is to teach people about products and where to buy them.
So marketers are interested in how people learn. Many psychologists consider
learning to be the most fundamental process in human behaviour. The advance,
'higher level' needs, for example, are learned. Learning produces our habits and
skills. It also contributes to the development of attitudes, beliefs, preferences,
prejudices, emotions and standards of conduct.
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a
result of reinforces practices. Theories of learning are numerous but Most Can be
classified into two broad categories: cognitive and stimulus-response theory.
Financial Service, is reinforced enough and repeat behaviour produced,a purchasing habit may
Behaviour and
Banking Products Habit is the natural extension of learning. It is the acquired or developed
behaviour pattern that has become nearly or completely involuntary. The old
cliché 'people are creatures of habit' is true.
Why most consumer behaviour is habitual: There are three reasons that
consumer behaviour is habitual. First we resort to habit when we select products
because it is easy. When we consider an alternative to an existing brand choice,
we are forced to think, evaluate, compare aid then decide. This is difficult for
most of us, not to mention risky. We may be dissatisfied with the new choice.
Second, we rely on habit because of necessity. Consider the person who
purchases 25 items at a provision, store. To evaluate all the features and
ingredients of competitive, brands would require hours, which no one has the
time-or the inclination to do.
Third, we resort to habit because it is the rational thing to do, as we learn
through trial and error which brands, serve us well and which do not, we also
learn which stores and service outlets satisfy us and which do not. When we find a
product or service of abank to our liking we continue to buy the product, patronize
the bank branch, because it is the intelligent choice to make.
Marketers have three Habit-related Goals
the habit is reinforced. Continued satisfaction may reinforce the habit to Consumer
Behaviour for
such a degree that the purchase decision .is virtually automatic. Examples of Financial
second and third generation customers of banks around in each city. Services
a. permanent
b. temporary
b. Cognitive
a. Buyer
b. Habit
Financial Service, Because our age, income and family requirements, except for the basic
necessities change over time, the family life cycle and identification of family
Behaviour and
Banking Products needs over various stages of the FLE are useful inputs to the marketer. The family
life cycle consists of 5 stages, the young bachelor stage, the full nest I, the full rest
I1 the empty nest and the solitary survivor stage. Expenditure priorities and need
for money at different stages have interesting implication for the demand for
various financial services. Figure gives you an idea of varying requirements of
consumers for banking services.
Young Bachelor Stage Few financial burdens Credit Cards, auto loan
To future prospects
Empty nest-Older Significantly reduced Social security services, Behaviour for
Couple, with children income few loan services, med Financial
Now not living at home claim services
May be retired
b. dont
a. 1980
b. 1960
a. Family
b. product
The lower the price of the product, the higher the sales. In banking context,
it applies to increase in advance with lowering of 'interest rates.
Tile lower the price of substitute products, the lower the sales of this product
and the lower the price of complementary products, the higher the sales of
this product in case of over drafts and loans.
The higher the real income, the higher the sales of this product, provided it
is not an 'inferior' product holds good regarding medium and long term
deposits if perceived as safe and interest rate is reasonable.
The higher the promotional expenditures, the higher the sale applies to Consumer
Behaviour for
credit cards, consumer loans and ATM cards. Financial
The validity of these 'hypotheses does not rest on whether all individuals act
as economic calculating machines in making their purchasing decisions. For
example, some individual may buy less of a product when its price is reduced.
They may think that the quality has deteriorated or that the ownership has less
status value.
But for most goods a price reduction increases the relative value of the
goods in many buyers‟ minds and leads to increase sales. This and the other
hypotheses and intended to describe average effects. This is observed in respect of
reduction of interest rates in case of loans by banks.
Drive: Also called needs or motives, drive refers to the strong stimuli
internal to the individual which impels action. Psychologists draw a distinction
between primary physiological drives such as hunger, pain, cold, thirst etc. and
learned drives which re derived socially such as cooperation, fear acquisitiveness.
A customer of abank once recognised and responded positively will show drive to
come again and again.
Financial Service, Cue: A drive is very general and impels a particular response only in
relation to a particular configuration of cues. Cues are weaker stimuli in the
Behaviour and
Banking Products environment and or in the individual which determine when, where and how the
subject responds. Thus, a cold drink advertisement can serve as a cue which
stimulates the thirst drive in a child. His response will depend upon this cue and
other cues, such as the time of day, the availability of other thirst quenches and the
cues intensity.
The modern version of the Pavlovian model makes no claim to provide a Consumer
Behaviour for
complete theory of behaviour such important phenomenaas perception, the Financial
subconscious, and interpersonal influences are inadequately treated. Yet the model Services
offers insights about some aspects of behaviour of considerable interest to
Financial Service, separateness from tile rest of the world and yet his dependence on it. He tries to
get others to gratify his needs through a variety of blatant means, including
Behaviour and
Banking Products intimidation and supplication. Continual frustration leads him to perfect more
subtle mechanisms for gratifying his instincts.
As he grows, his psyche becomes increasingly complex. A part of his
psyche-the id remains the reservoir of his strong drives and urges. Another part
the ego becomes his conscious planning centres for finding outlets for his drives.
An a third part his super ego channels his instinctive drives into socially approved
outlets to avoid the shame of pain or guilt
Nevertheless, motivation research can lead to useful insights and provide Consumer
Behaviour for
inspiration to creative men in advertising and marketing. Appeals aimed at the Financial
buyer's private world hopes, dreams, and fears fan often be as effective in Services
stimulating purchase as more rationally-directed appeals
Veblen was trained as an orthodox economist but evolved into a great social
thinker. He was man primarily as a social animal conforming to the general forms
and norms of his larger culture .and to the more specific standards of the
subcultures and face to face grouping to which his life is bound. His wants are
greatly moulded by his present group memberships and his aspired group
Veblin's best known example of this is in his description of the leisure class.
His hypothesis to that much of economic consumption is motivated not by
intrinsic needs or satisfaction so much as by prestige seeking. He emphasized the
strong emulative factors operating in the choice of conspicuous goods like clothes,
cars and houses. Some of his points, however, seem overstated by today's
perspective. The leisure class does not serve as everyone's reference group many
persons aspire to the social patterns the class immediately above it. And important
segments of the affluent class practice conspicuous under consumption. There are
many people in all classes who are more anxious to 'fit in' than to 'stand out'. As
an example, William H. Whyte found that many families avoided buying air-
conditioners before their neighbours did.
The most enduring influences are from culture. Man tends to assimilate his
culture's mores and folkways, and to believe in their absolute rightness until he
confronts member, of another culture.
Financial Service, Subculture
Behaviour and A culture tends to lose its homogeneity as its population increases. When
Banking Products people no longer are able to maintain face to face relationships with more than
asmall proportion of other members of a culture, smaller units or subcultures
develop which help to satisfy the individual's needs for more specific identity.
The subcultures are often regional entities, because the people of a region,
as a result of more frequent interaction, tend to think and act alike. But
subcultures also take the form of religion, nationalities, fraternal orders and other
institutional complexes which provide abroad identification for people who are
strangers. The subcultures of a person play a large role in his attitude formation
and become another important predictor of certain values he is likely to hold.
Social Class
People become differentiated not only horizontally but also vertically
through a division of labour.The society becomes stratified socially on the basis of
wealth, skill, and power. Sometimes castes develop which the members are reared
for certain roles or social classes develop in which the members feel empathy with
others sharing similar values and economic circumstances.
Because social class involves in different attitudinal configuration, it
becomes a useful independent variable for segmenting markets and predicting
reactions. Significant differences have been found among different social classes
with respect to magazine readership, leisure activities, food imagery, fashion
interests, and acceptance of innovation. A sampling of attitudinal differences in
class is the following with respect to their banking habits:
Members of the upper middle class place an emphasis on professional
competence; indulge in expensive status symbols; and more often that not show a
taste, real or otherwise, for theatre and the arts. They want their children to show
high achievement and precocity and develop into physicists, vice-presidents and
judges. The classes like to deal in ideas and symbols. They, besides recurring and
fixed deposits also take pride in credit cards and ATM.
Member of the lower middle class cherish respectability, bank savings,
college education and good house-keeping. They want their children to who self-
control and prepare for careers as accountants, doctors, lawyers and engineers.
They prefer to keep amounts in fixed deposits to meet future needs.
Members of the lower class try to keep up with the times, if not with the
Mehtas. They stay in older neighbourhoods but buy new kitchen appliances. They
spend proportionately less than the middle class on major clothing articles, buying
a new suit mainly for an important ceremonial occasion. They tend to raise large Consumer
Behaviour for
families and their children generally enter manual occupations. This class also Financial
supplies many local storekeepers, garage owners, politicians, sports stars and Services
labour-union leaders. Such segment keeps their funds in savings banks mainly for
getting liquid funds to be available in case of day to day needs.
Reference Groups
There are groups in which the individual has no membership but with which
he identifies and may aspire to reference groups. Many young boys identify with
test cricket players or astronauts, and many young girls identify with Hollywood
stars. The activities of these popular heroes are carefully watched and frequently
imitated. These reference figures become important transmitters of influence,
although more along lines of taste and hobby than basic attitudes.
For the marketer, this means that brand choice may increasingly be
influenced by one's peers. For such products as cigarettes and automobiles, the
influence of peers is unmistakable.
The role of face to face groups has been recognised in recent industry
campaigns attempting to change basic product attitudes. For years the milk
industry has been trying to overcome the image of mild as a 'satisfied' drink by
portraying its use in social and active situation. The men‟s wear industry is trying
to increase male interest in clothes by advertisements indicating that business
associates judge a man by how well he dresses.
Of all face to face groups, the person's family undoubtedly plays the largest
and most enduring role in basic attitude formation. From them, he acquires a
mental set not only towards religion and politics, but also toward thrift, chastity,
Financial Service, human relations land so forth. Although he often rebels against parental values in
his teens, he often accepts these values eventually. Their formative influence on
Behaviour and
Banking Products his eventual attitudes is undeniably great. Family members differ in the types of
product messages that they carry to other family members. Most of what parents
know about cereals, candy and toys comes from their children. The wife
stimulates family consideration of family appliances, furniture and vacations. The
husband tends to stimulate the fewest purchase ideas, with the exception of the
automobile and perhaps the home.
The marketer must be alert to what attitudinal configuration dominates in
different types of families and also to how these change over time. For example
the parent's ideas about the child's rights and privileges have undergonea radical
change in the last 30 years. The child has become the centre of attention and
orientation in a great number of house holds, leading some writers to label the
modern family a 'filliarchy'. This has important implications not only for how to
market for today's family but also on how to market to tomorrow's family when
the indulged child to today becomes the parent
a. Economists
b. Sellers
2. ___________set the tone by developing a doctrine of economic growth based
on the principle that man is motivated by self-interest in all his actions.
a. Alfred Marshall
b. Adam Smith
3. ___________was the great consolidator of the classical and neoclassical
tradition in economics.
a. Alfred Marshall
b. Adam Smith
3.9 Consumer Behaviour: Some, Learning Points for Behaviour for
Financial Services Services
It is said, satisfaction suffices, but delight dazzles. Average services set up
will compete for the customer by conforming to his/her expectations consistently.
Winner will surpass by constantly exceeding expectations, delivering at doorstep
additional benefits which the investor would never have imagined possible.
Reward always your loyal customer before your customer thinks he/she
deserves specials from you.
Similarly hold back your potential defector, attract the fence sitters. Serve
up unparalleled value to your customer, is the watch word in the new millennium
customer psyche. After all why he or she should be with you and for what if you
cannot take care, of him or her.
'Customer delight should add value to both the customer and the company.
Don't provide abee lunch'.
What is a delight -- It is a fulfilment of latent needs that the customer is not
yet aware of - a quality of service that he/she does not consider possible from
marketers compete personalization of a standardized product or service an
unexpected benefit that does not result in profits for the company solutions to
problems offered, by a company's personnel at personal initiatives.
What justifies a delight only continuously rising satisfaction levels can hold
back potential defectors ever-rising value strengthens the loyalist's resolve not to
switch to the competition the promise of constant surprise turns experimenters
Financial Service, into life long customers entry barriers are raised for new competitors who have to
set new standards and the compulsion to innovate constantly leads to pay-offs in
Behaviour and
Banking Products cost reductions and quality.
C.K. Prahalad and Garry Hamel's concept is that in emerging markets there
is a great need, for foresight because of rapid pace of change which needs an
understanding of future drivers of value of three planes, Macro consumer changes
plane, competitive offerings plane and the categories codes plane. Value foresight
being crucial in the emerging markets, needs an understanding of the likely
changes in the value system driven by historical events, fresh competition and the
new cultural categories.
b. money
2. ___________always your loyal customer before your customer thinks he/she
deserves specials from you.
a. benefit
b. Reward
3.10 Let Us Sum Up Behaviour for
In this unit we have focussed on consumer behaviour for financial services. Services
In this unit we discussed the complexity of consumer buying behaviour.
In this unit the various behavioural models for analysing buyers were even
discussed in detail.The family influences on buyer behaviour were even discussed
here in detail.In this unit efforts have been made to explain every aspect of
consumer behaviour in relation with financial services. Some of the very
important learning points were even discussed here in this unit.
After this detailed discussion the readers would have got the sufficient
knowledge about this topic.
Financial Service,
Consumer Check your progress 8
Behaviour and
Banking Products Answers: (1-a), (2-b)
3.12 Glossary
1. PLC - Product life cycle
3.13 Assignment
Write abrief note on needs and motives.
3.14 Activities
Write abrief note on individual perception.
Unit Structure
4.0 Learning Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.14 Assignment
4.15 Activities
4.16 Case Study
Describe the concept and significance of banking product types and product
Financial Service, Discuss the process of product analysis and product development.
Behaviour and Evaluate the role of brand in marketing of banking services.
Banking Products
4.1 Introduction
The product/service offering is among the most crucial element in marketing
of banking services.
The service is integral part of product in banking and is at timesan
indivisible part of any banking product. Similarly whether we talk of brand or
selling a product, the institution (bank) is always the deciding factor in product
design and delivery as the customers do not look at any product in isolation but
look at it as the particular bank's product.
In this unit we will discuss the important concepts of the types of banking
products, product life cycle, product strategies, product analysis, product
development and innovation and role of brand in marketing of bank's services.
ii) Manner of offering - how it is offered i.e. the manner of product delivery.
The product includes quality, features, accessories, packaging, brand,
warrant, etc. As the services are marketed like the products, products also include
An organisation may offer different product lines, each product line Banking
comprising of different product varieties all of which collectively represent a Products and
product mix. Services
2) Product Mix
3) Branding
4) Packaging
5) New Product Development
a. product
b. service
2. The ___________includes quality, features, accessories, packaging, brand,
warrant, etc.
a. service
b. product
3. An organisation may offer different product lines, each product line
comprising of different product varieties all of which collectively represent
a. Product mix.
b. Product range
Financial Service,
4.3 Products and Services in Banking
Behaviour and
Banking Products As we have seen, a product is abundle of all kinds of satisfaction of
customer's wants and needs.
Products can be goods, a service or goods + service or even just an idea. A
product is, in short, all the things offered to a market. It can involve physical
objects, design, brand, package, price, services, literature, attractive ideas,
personalities or even the image of abank or its branch.
It is thus essential to define a product or service in terms of product
functions i.e. what the customer expects from a product or service offered by
The normal connotation to differentiate between the product and the service
is that the product is something tangible and service means something intangible.
In general marketing terms, word- product is mostly used. Philip Kotler defines a
product as:
It can, therefore, be said that the better service is even more important than
just a good product when we talk about marketing of banking services.
Deposit Accounts Banking
Products and
Knowing the human behaviour with respect to wants and needs or rather Services
making wants to be felt as need is the first challenge in marketing of bank's
schemes. The second challenge is the resistance to change and/ or new ideas
which becomes a touch barrier in the process of marketing products/services of
Banks, therefore, tailor various deposits schemes and market them to either
their/ existing customer or the new segments of customers. Before selling the
deposit schemes, it becomes necessary to identify the needs and aspirations of the
customers to make them most ideal and acceptable to satisfy their needs.
From the marketing angle the different deposit schemes of the bank can be
grouped on the basis of:
Additional benefits
Need Deposit
Financial Service,
Consumer 4. Gift to some one Gift cheque, Festival Deposit
Behaviour and
Banking Products
Let us first discuss the type of 'main deposits' from the broad classification
Savings Deposit:
Means a form of deposit which is a deposit account titled as savings
account, savings bank account or savings deposit account which is subject to
restrictions about the number of withdrawals there from (RBI Directive
Demand Deposit
Means a deposit received by abank which is withdraw able on demand. S.B.,
CIA and overdue deposits are the examples of demand deposits. Customers
having these accounts can withdraw their deposits from their accounts at any time
they desire.
Time Deposit
Are deposits which are not repayable on demand. Such deposits are
repayable on a fixed date in future which is termed as a due date. Rate of interest
for the said period is contracted at the time of opening the account. Deposits held
under these following ' schemes are called time deposits.
Products and
2. Long Tern
3. Higher Interest Rates
1) Short (Term) Deposit: Deposits for a period of 15 days and less than 12
months are called short term deposit. Rate of interest is as prevailing from
time to time as directed by RBI.
i. Fixed Deposit: Deposits for a period of 12 months and above up to
120 months are termed as fixed deposits. Minimum amount accepted
is Rs.100/-. Interest is paid in 112 yearly basis at agreed rate and as
directed by RBI from time to time.
ii. Monthly Income Plan: Interest is payable every month. Minimum
amount accepted is Rs.500/- and interest is paid at the discounted rate
or if depositor agrees to take holiday of 3 months, the bank pays
interest at the stipulated rate from 4th month
iii. Regular Income Plan: Interest is paid every quarter to the depositor.
Minimum amount stipulated is Rs.500/-. Interest is paid on quarterly
Financial Service, 2) Deposit at Notice: while keeping the deposit with the bank a depositor
stipulates the notice period ranging from 15 days to 90 days. Depositor has
Behaviour and
Banking Products to give stipulated notice to bank he intends to withdraw the deposit, Due
date will count from the notice date. Minimum amount for 15 days to 45
days is Rs.1, 000/- and for 45 days to 90 days it is Rs, 2,500/-.
One more shifts is, earlier most brochures highlighted only interest rate or Banking
benefits but now service charges are also advertised in a subtle and friendly Products and
Non-Resident Account
We have seen the types of deposits maintained by bank of Resident Indian
in Rupees.
Banks authorised to deal in foreign exchange also maintain various non-
resident accounts which bring the non-resident Indian segment in their portfolio
and ensure both business and exchange profit in the conversion process.
Financial Service, owned by non residents of Indian nationality/origin or trusts, wherein these
persons have irrevocable beneficial interest to the extent of 60%.
Behaviour and
Banking Products These non-resident accounts have to be properly introduced.
b) Saving Account
c) Term Deposit
f) Cash Certificates
g) Annuity Deposits
Funds in N.R. (E) accounts can be accepted in any currency if they are
transferred to India in an approved manner from the country of residence of the
account holder or from any other foreign country if the country of residence of the
account holder and the country from which remittance is received are both in
same group (now modified).
The following local credits are accepted‟ in N.R. (E) account:
The following is difference in N.R. (0) and N.R. (E) Account: Banking
Products and
N.R. (0) N.R. (E)
4. Joint account with Resident Indian Joint account with N.R. only
- close relative allowed
Income tax
Wealth tax
Gift tax
are insisted upon. Banking
Products and
7) Margin - Depending on the security a cushion is required in case of Services
recovery by sale of asset and this is normally dependent on the type of
security - which is marketable, ascertainable, saleable and transferable.
8) Repayment - the period of repayment and quantum is linked to type of
security, life of security and fund generation capacity (cash flow).
Main Types of Advances Granted by banks:
As the bank's function is to accept deposits from customers and lend money
to borrower, the advances are granted on short-term, medium. Term or long term
basis depending on the fix deposit, lonable funds, exposure to industries and
bank's business policy and profitability requirement.
a. Funded
b. Non-Fund:
Bank Guarantee and Letter of Credit
Let us briefly touch each of these types as a product by the bank:
a) Fund Facilities
1. Over draft-under this type of facility, bank permits aborrower to
overdraw his current account up to a decided limit. The
borrower is allowed to draw in excess of the amount of deposits
up to a specified sum. Normally, it is short term and for
specified purpose to finance current assets,
Financial Service, 3. Cash Credit - It is a, form of advance to meet the demand of
trade, industry etc. Operations are conducted similar to the
Behaviour and
Banking Products overdraft. The difference is that while in O.D., CIA is necessary
and it is usually temporary or short term, in cash credit limit is
assessed based on projected sales level and required inventory.
(C/A) level. A limit for 1 year is allowed and balance fluctuates
with in the range. This is given for working capital requirement
of a corporate borrower.
Technically, it has to be brought in credit once a year.
1) Bank Guarantee
A guarantee is a contract to perform the promise or discharge
the liability of a third party in case of his default. In such contract
when the bank undertakes the function of guaranteeing it is known as
a Bank Guarantee, where abank issues a guarantee on behalf of its
corporate customer to a third party. There are generally 3 parties:
The surety
In abank guarantee the liability of surety is secondary and
depends on the principal debtor. In bank guarantee the surety
undertakes the obligation at the request of the principal debtor.
Products and
2) Letter of Credit Services
An Inland LIC is when both buyer and seller are in Indiaand Foreign L/C is
issued on behalf of Indian buyer (importer) to the Foreign Seller (exporter).
The L/C is opened on the basis of the contract between buyer and seller and
the bank undertakes to honour the commitment on behalf of the buyer to pay the,
amount In case of satisfying stipulated condition.
The buyer gets credit and seller gets an assurance from the bank and the
corporate client either buyer or seller gets the benefit of this arrangement.
Banks earn commission for issuing L/Cs.
Products in Demand
We have seen in the earlier paragraphs, different types of deposits advances
and non fund facilities. In the context of products of Banks in recent day Bank
marketing it is essential to take a look at the following two products which attract
the middle 'class customers and also are profitable to the banks
a) Consumer Loans
b) Credit Cards
Due to the restrictions of loanable funds and the less demand for loanable
funds by industry the profits of banks were affected during the period when stock
market and industrial scenario was slack. Merely mobilising deposits do not mean
sound marketing policy. It becomes necessary to market the loans as well as to
improve profitability. Similarly, taking into account the customers need to buy
things in the open market either products of high value of moderate value
consumer loans and credit cards serve the purpose of satisfying such need
adequately thereby matching consumer's demand and supply of bank's loanable
a) Consumer Loans
Like financing the needs of working capital (for current assets) and loan (for
fixed assets) of an industrial customer or a trader, banks also finance 'consumer
loans' under different captions to its individual customers. The middle class being
the largest segment of bank depositors (savers) and their purchasing power being
Financial Service, tapped by various companies in consumer durable industry, the job of identifying
credit needs of such already tapped segment makes it easier for the banks to
Behaviour and
Banking Products market the consumer loans. As such customers have ready needs to buy consumer
durables like fridge, TV, stereo, two-wheeler, etc, for which they have
comfortable cash flow but not the capital (ready cash balance) to purchase such
items of their own.
Let us examine the modalities of such 'consumer loan' scheme
For whom-
For customers with proven ability and willingness to repay and who are
interested in starting relationship with the bank.
Salient Feature
Interest rate charged for such loans is as per bank's policy and RBI
guidelines from time to time
Although such loans have very good potential demand from middle class
customers, it becomes obligatory for the banker to do a thorough scrutiny of the
customer and his credit worthiness and repaying capacity as well. For this purpose
a probing scrutiny is made to cover the following important aspects
1. Age-Proof like ration card or school leaving certificate. Banking
Products and
2. Address-Should be in bank's command area, can be checked from ration Services
card, electricity bill, proof of salary/income.
Shares/Debentures (M.V.).
The minimum value of such assets blocked should nor be less than
Rs.50,000 for salaried customers and not less than Rs. 1.00 Lacs for
professional customers.
6. Repayment-In EM1 within 12-60 months.
Financial Service, Besides interest:
Behaviour and i. Processing fees of 1% of loan amount subject to a minimum of 5001- and
Banking Products maximum of Rs. 1, 5001- is charged.
Credit Cards
„Plastic Money' or credit cards have become very popular as bank's product
and have wide acceptance in Indian Market.
The credit card allows a holder to make purchases (upto his sanctioned
credit limit) without making purchases in lending shops/markets to make payment
of bills-electricity or telephone--or to withdraw funds (cash upto a pre decided
limit) as and when required.
Visa cards
Who can have it?
The profile for the prospective visa card holders can be wide i.e., persons of
18 years to 60 years of age. Higher middle income, professionals and financially
mature segment is the largest segment for credit cards
Salient Features
Cash advance of upto a certain limit is allowed on which 2% (porn.) service
charges are charged. Products and
For purchases, no service charge is applied if a payment comes within 15
The owner of the card is sanctioned a resolving credit facility which satisfies
his 'Ego Needs' and also 'purchases -anywhere, anytime-need as well.
This enables bank to have higher profits and more holders who can be non
customers, in its wings)
a. Product
b. satisfaction
a. satisfaction
b. product
a. banks
b. consumers
Financial Service,
4.4 Elements of Product Mix
Behaviour and
Banking Products By product mix is meant the total range of products offered by a bank.
2) Depth
3) Consistency
1) Consumer acceptance
2) Satisfactory Performance
3) Adequate distribution
4) Effective Packaging/Branding Banking
Products and
5) Good service/delivery Services
It can thus be seen from the foregoing details that in marketing of banking
services, product mix consists of product lines which mean similar products or
services like I deposits, loans, investment counseling services. In each product
line there can be different products like example under category of deposits there
can be saving or checking accounts, The width depends upon such number of
product lines whereas the depth means how many product types are offered in a
particular product line. To cite an example abank giving 12 different types of
loans like education loan, housing loan, industrial finance, consumer durable loan
etc. has abroader product mix. Depending upon the market demand i.e. customer's
needs this mix has to be widened or deepened as a prudent marketing strategy.
a. product mix
b. product range
b. Width
3. For the purpose of diversification, frequent changes are made in the
a. product mix
b. product range
As each product passes through certain typical but definite stages in its life-
span, we will look up into the important stages:
Financial Service, i) Introduction
Behaviour and ii) Growth
Banking Products
iii) Maturity
iv) Decline
It must be borne clearly in mind that the growth or decline of products
depends not on product alone but the market in which it is launched.
A key concept on which marketers rely is the concept of PLC i.e. Product
Life Cycle. It in essence means the stages in product life from its conception to
obsolescence as mentioned earlier. From strategic view point it provides important
guidelines about product management
The figure given above depicts a typical PLC where the Y-axis shows
volume of sales (business), X-axis shows the time scale.
Introductory Stage/phase
This is the stage when a new service or product has just been introduced in
the market. This stage in the product's life cycle is characterized by low sales and
most pf the times negative profits which may be due to lack of awareness about
the product or limited distribution or unfamiliarity with the product.
In banking industry, however, it is different from consumer goods industry
as the products have been regulated for long and prices were also controlled by
statutory agencies. Promotion being the only variable which could be
manipulated, advertising and personal service were the options for enabling rapid
product growth
Growth Stage Banking
Products and
After a product survives the introductory stage, it passes into the growth Services
stage. At this point, competitive strategies by other banks can affect the growth.
The promotional strategies tend to change during this stage to keep up the sales.
The product/services are fine tuned during this stage. Sales tend to grow and
profits increase during this phase. Market acceptance of the product is the key
factor at this stage
Maturity Stage
Having continued, at the growth stage, the product reaches a plateau in it
growth curve and thus into the maturity stage. The most notable indicator of this
phase can be the initial stability and then slowdown in volume of sales/profit
Decline Stage
After maturity, with increased competition on change in consumer
preferences a downward shift/drift in sales or reduction in profit May start. Except
in case of new diversified products in banking industry, such sudden decline cases
are not many. We will see the application in the foregoing paragraphs with respect
to decline, death or obsolescence of bank products.
In real life, in banking - being a financial service industry, all products need
not follow such a cycle but still the concept of product life cycle has important
place in product marketing strategy. The bank, knowing what happens to different
products and services at different stages in a given economic scenario in a market
can decide and improve its planning. In fact the trial balances, monthly MIS
dataand quarterly business figures compiled by tlie planning divisions can indicate
the demand and supply position of various products as inter-se composition (vis-a-
vis budgeted pattern) and as a percent share of the total market vis-a-vis the
potential for each product. A suitable flexible plan with a matching pricing
strategy can ensure sustained growth of all the products ensuring growing
business and matching profits – of course with growing customer satisfaction.
Understanding product life cycle may provide inputs for strategic planning
at various stages
Financial Service,
Consumer Check your progress 4
Behaviour and
Banking Products 1. A key concept on which marketers rely is the concept of ___________.
a. PLC
b. DLC
2. ___________stage is the stage when a new service or product has just been
introduced in the market.
a. maturity
b. Introductory
3. After a product survives the __________stage, it passes into the growth
a. introductory
b. maturity
4. After___________, with increased competition on change in consumer
preferences a downward shift/drift in sales or reduction in profit may start.
a. maturity
b. introductory
It ensured both growing demand, very good sales and also very good profit Banking
due to lucrative lending rates charged to such customers who had smooth cash Products and
flow but not lump sum money to buy the much needed car or home or TV/VCR
which were strongly marketed by the seller of these products. In this growth
phase, aggressive marketing by product launchers in these industries enabled bank
to fulfill the needs created by them through their (banks') own products and
services. Here, so to say the growth phase of real estate, consumer durable and
automobile industry coincided (matched) with growth phase of products/services
marketed by banks which was a very good timing to launch and continue
provision of such products as loans and credit limits or loans/advance against
deposits, shares etc.
When all the banks started giving liberal loans for products marketed by
these 3 sectors, the competition went up although the demand was growing, which
resulted in maturity or saturation of banks' products/services and compelled some
banks to adjust the pricing (lending rates) downwards to continue their
products/services to be attractive to buyers so as to ensure the business growth.
The saving accounts or pass book accounts have also reached the maturity
phase as the growing awareness amongst the customers for higher yield make
such low yield products less attractive. Due to the change in interest rate structure
which is linked to the demand and period of (short term) deposits, customers don't
like to block more funds in such type of accounts except for basic safety and
liquidity criteria to meet urgent/unforeseen expenses. To overcome the decline in
such accounts some banks have started flexi accounts giving a combination of
saving and short term investment to provide mobility at the same time ensure
retaining of low cost funds for the bank.
There has been a clear-cut decline in current account of traders who don't
block any funds in such '0' yield accounts and arrange funds to get the cheques
passed as and when the clearing cheques are received.
Due to tax-saving option in the market the short term deposits are getting
diverted to such schemes which provide safety, short term liquidity, comfortable
yield and tax concessions.
A close watch of economy, government policies, industrial scenario and the
middle class habits provide an insight to the banks to study and watch the shift in
saving/borrowing habits of its customers. The change in macro-economy affect
the customer's behaviour at the micro-level due to which proper research and
analysis of the trends of demand and supply as well as the shifts in pattern of
various deposits gives an idea and opportunity for the bank to change its products
Financial Service, with respect to the design, pricing and need to launch new or innovative
products/services to ensure customer's interest and loyalty to their bank accounts.
Behaviour and
Banking Products Through observing and monitoring the product life cycle it becomes easier
to decide and implement the product development strategy.
Generally, these are four strategies recommended for growth in business and
profits which are-
1) Market Penetration
2) Market Development
3) Product Development
4) Product Diversification
It can be shown through the following Figure
Market Penetration
Market Penetration strategies involve increasing the sales for an existing
Product in an existing market. This, generally, involves an increase in marketing
effort. These can be possible through three strategies -
i) Increasing current rate of use of a product
ii) Attracting competitor's customers.
iii) Attracting non-users of a product
consumers' needs and place, promotion, price of bank's own products enables Banking
abank to attract customers to its products. Products and
The third strategy is to attract the non-users. Cross-selling of a product of
abank is an example of such market penetration strategy. Providing trust/advisory
services can be another example of such strategy
Market Development
Market Development strategies involve the increase in marketing effort for
existing products in new markets. The one option can be to attract new customers
for existing products and the second expanding areas (branch expansion policy).
a. introductory
b. maturity
a. demand
b. Penetration
3. ____________rate of usage is strategy normally used by many marketers in
consumers durable industry.
a. Increasing
b. Decreasing
Financial Service, an increase in the product line.This enables diversifying business risks, continuing
life cycle of a product and also ensuring profits.
Behaviour and
Banking Products Such Ideas are subjected to discussions and examination by expert bankers,
economists, experienced field staff and marketing experts within abank to validate
the applicability of such ideas to lead to new and salable product
Normally such ideas for new products pass through following stages:
The very modern manifestation of new product development has been the
consumer convenient-credit card. The major impetus of bank charge account plans
began about 3 decades ago when the Franklin National Bank near New York city
sponsored a plan which received massive publicity within the banking
community. By mid 60‟s, seventy five commercial banks had set up such credit
plans. However, risks of recovery and lack of quick profits let to gradual
withdrawal of new entrants from the plan. It took almost a decade to establish
credibility amongst merchants regarding acceptability of credit cards and
streamline recoveries. As time passed revolving credit and shift of charges to
consumers was acceptable and then credit cards became abuzz word. This
innovation has thereafter proved to be of convenience to customers, enabled
merchants in sales promotion and proved to be profitable for the banks as well
Role of Product in customer satisfaction Banking
Products and
Any product or service developed by abank has to satisfy the needs of the Services
customer. In fact, the product development, positioning, launching etc, is decided
based on customer needs only. It is, therefore, necessary that the strategies keep
the customer needs and satisfaction as the focal point.
Financial Security
Quick Service
Attractive yield
Personalized service
Easy Access
Simple Procedure
Attractive Package
Friendly Approach
Variety of Products
Would prefer a Would have need for proper Would prefer for
bank which saving with safety of funds, high safety, higher
provides security, reasonable yield and availability yield counselling
convenience and of low cost loans for children‟s advice and
quick, friendly education, convenient location personalised service
service at and convenient hours. at convenient
convenient hours. location.
Financial Service, Thus some needs like safety, liquidity, better yield, personalized service and
convenient location and timing are the common factors which have to be satisfied
Behaviour and
Banking Products by any bank‟s product.
The following are some of the real life examples of new products developed
by banks to meet the needs/expectations of its customers:
1) Flexible deposits
2) Debit cards
a. Innovating
b. promoting
2. The very modern manifestation of new product development has been the
consumer convenient-____________.
a. aadhar card
b. credit card
4.8 Branding In Bank Marketing Banking
Products and
You have already studied this concept in your earlier unit on branding in Services
MS-6 in detail. However, to focus the concept with specific reference to bank
marketing let us re-look at the same.
d) Customer may even pay a higher price for branded product than an
unbranded one.
In banking industry as the competition is 'cut throat' and products are quite
similar as to the basic nature and benefits/returns to the customers, the service
delivery and branding are excellent tools which enable abank to create and
maintain an image among the customers.
Like the brand names 'TATA" or "Godrej" or even "Lijjat Papad" or "Zandu
Balm" customer loyalty goes to products which are linked to' the brand names of
their established and well known producers.
Brand name has to give a positive message and create pleasant associations.
In USA there are more than 5 Lacs brands registered. In Indiaalso thousands
of brands are registered. It become important even here in India where products of
widely different nature are entering the selling channels. Branding is significant
and essential in banking until faith and confidence of the customers are firmly
In fact at the macro level or corporate level the positioning provides abank Banking
framework to' view itself in the industry concerning the totality of its orientation Products and
towards the marketplace strategy and as micro application with respect to a
specific product or service brands call help to establish its products in the
competition market. Some of the examples of brands are:
It can be, therefore, said that brands are very important as product
(marketing) strategy in marketing of bank's services as branding indicates how the
organisation chooses to use branding as an integral part of its overall marketing
strategy. To the customer such brand name means a way to identify the product
and differentiate the product from other similar products in the market
Financial Service, brand and product brand are important in the marketing strategy for more
clientele, more customer satisfaction and more business in the long run.
Behaviour and
Banking Products
a. brand
b. product
The process cycle is the stages of product while it is given in the hands of a Banking
Products and
customer. It is like a flow-chart of steps involved in this process. Let us take a
simple example of a savings bank deposit account. The following aspects are
involved before opening the account.
Financial Service, What can be the logical sequence of event?
Behaviour and What modifications are necessary to smoothen the process?
Banking Products
At what point and how much consumer contact is involved/desirable?
Customer's benefit
In such delivery of service, the process cycle and a specific market segment' Banking
Products and
has to be considered specifically.
Packaging and Delivery
Packaging in the context of marketing of banking services means the art,
science and techniques of selling the products and services to the customers
ensuring their satisfaction, keeping in mind two salient aspects:
a) Actual delivery and sale of product.
Functions of Packaging
Packaging in normal marketing parlance should do the following functions:
1) Protection
2) Appeal
3) Perform
4) Convenience
5) Cost-effectiveness
The packaging must be attractive and attracting the customer, should build
confidence and indicates real intrinsic value of the product. Consumer research
indicates that the colour and design of packaging is very important as it affects the
consumer purchase decisions. Packaging also should be convenient, useful and
cost effective.
Financial Service, as a means of publicity and has retention value and multiplier effect to popularize
not just the product but the image of the bank as well.
Behaviour and
Banking Products Service Delivery: When you go to abank with an intention to withdraw
your money from S.B. Account, either with the cheque book or a withdrawal slip,
it is given to a clerk - who verifies the instruments and balance in your account
and then given the monthly corresponding to the withdrawal amount, Here the
check, withdrawal slip, become the delivery system. In product/service delivery
the physical evidence and the people are very important elements.
a. 7 'P's
b. 4P‟s
a. brand
b. products
ensures the flexibility in transferring a portion of the term deposit back to savings Banking
Products and
bank account in case of a need with this type of facility (product), the bank can
offer higher interest to customers without affecting their liquidity position which
gives the attractive option to customers to have both liquidity as well as higher
Let us first understand how this scheme works as a product and then try to
see the intricacies involved in such product development:
ii. In case of need, to meet the cheques drawn by the customer, his term (Flexi)
deposit gets transferred to his S.B. account.
iii. On maturity as per customer's instructions the (Term) Flexi Deposit is either
renewed automatically or the entire amount (principal + interest) is
transferred to S.B. account.
iv. The transfer of funds from SB Account to term deposit account is made at a
minimum of 5 units of Rs.10,001- each and a further in multiples of
Rs.10,001- each.
v. A statement giving details of outstanding balances under SB (Term) Flexi
deposit is furnished as and when required.
Now as a product when such a scheme is developed it requires a close co-
ordination between the following departments:
a) Corporate office - to approve such a product as a concept as a policy-
taking into accounts RBI/IBA guidelines.
b) Marketing Dep’t - to study the demand and products developed by other
c) Operation Dep’t - to decide suitable transactions and required accounting
for the same.
d) Accounts Department - to streamline the inter department transactions
smoothly and effect the funds properly under respective heads to decide the
interest accrued and payable from the date of opening of account of passing
(converting) a transactions.
Thus the product development in case Flexi Deposit Account requires close
co-ordination between the following departments:-
Financial Service, Corporate Office------ Marketing Dep‟t ------- Operation Dep‟t---------
Accounts Dep‟t ----------- Delivery
Behaviour and
Banking Products If we take another example of easy access deposit of a foreign bank,
following aspects are important:
If such overdraft is taken, interest is paid on full deposit amount and interest
is charged only on amount of O.D. for the actual period of use.
Depositor can avail cash advance upto Rs.3,000/- from any branch of the
Corporate Office------ Marketing Dep‟t ------- Operation Dep‟t--------- Banking
Advance dep‟t ------ Accounts Dep‟t ----------- Delivery Products and
Fixed Deposit Account
The term deposits are accepted as short term, simple fixed deposit or
reinvest deposits.
Process of Delivery
Financial Service, Thus the above stages involved in delivery of a simple case of bank fixed
deposit enables to visualize how the product delivery process has many stages
Behaviour and
Banking Products from the time a customer approaches for a particular product (being
attracted/convinced by its use in fulfilling his specific need) till it is actually
b. Current deposits
2. The _____________deposits are accepted as short term, simple fixed deposit
or reinvest deposits.
a. saving
b. term
In this unit the marketing mix for banking sector. We even studied the
product life cycle of banking product. Basically the banking is a service industry
so all the marketing principles are very similar. Branding and bank marketing
were also discussed here in very detail. The various stages of product
development were even explained in a very detailed way.
After this detailed discussion the readers would have got the sufficient
knowledge about this topic.
4.12 Answers for Check Your Progress Banking
Products and
Check your progress 1
4.13 Glossary
1. FDRs - Fixed deposit receipts are where amount is deposited with the
bankers for a definite period of time. Rate of interest is more as compared to
saving bank interest.
Financial Service,
4.14 Assignment
Behaviour and
Banking Products Write abrief note on products and services in banking.
4.15 Activities
Discuss the elements of product mix in banking industry.
Block Summary
In this block we have discussed on services in very detail. This block
focused on services and marketing of services in very detail.
In this block we have studied about financial services and marketing of
financial services in very detail. In the first unit we discussed about the financial
services in very detail. We discussed here in this unit about the service. What are
the roles of this sector in our economy? Here we discussed the evoloution of this
sector in detail. We even discussed the characterstics of this sector in very detail.
Later in the second unit we discussed the marketing portion of this sector in very
detail. In this block we discussed in very detail about the marketing aspect of
financial services. Here in detail we discussed the marketing mix of services.
The difference between the product and services was even discussed here in
very detail.In this block we had a detailed discussion on consumer behavior for
financial services, where we studied the behavior of consumer in regards to the
financial services and how does he have here in this sector. In this block under
unit 4 we had a detailed discussion on the banking productsand services; here we
even discussed the product mix for banking industry and even the product life
cycle of the product of banking industry. After going through this block the
readers will certainly feel confident in the topics of the block and would have
understood the basic concepts and objectives of this block.
Financial Service,
Block Assignment
Behaviour and
Banking Products Short Answer Questions
1. Marketing Mix
2. 4 Ps of Marketing
Enrolment No.
1. How many hours did you need for studying the units?
Unit No 1 2 3 4
Nos of Hrs
2. Please give your reactions to the following items based on your reading of
the block:
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- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Dr. Gaurav Singh
Language Editor
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Every attempt has been made to trace the copyright holders of material reproduced
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The content is developed by taking reference of online and print publications that
are mentioned in Bibliography. The content developed represents the breadth of
research excellence in this multidisciplinary academic field. Some of the
information, illustrations and examples are taken "as is" and as available in the
references mentioned in Bibliography for academic purpose and better
understanding by learner.'
Block Introduction
As we are progressing the area of production has been increasing, gone are
the days when only products which are tangible in nature used to be produced.
Now a day the production of services is immensely rising and because of this the
importance of this subject can never be underestimated.
After going through this unit the students will be confident enough about the
basics of financial services the marketing of this sector.
Distribution, Block Objective
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and After learning this block, you will be able to understand:
The basic concepts of distribution, pricing and promotion for banking
Block Structure
Unit 1: Distribution, Pricing and Promotions Strategy for Banking
Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.18 Glossary
1.19 Assignment
1.20 Activities
1.21 Case Study
Distribution, 1.0 Learning Objectives
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and After learning this unit, you will be able to understand:
Services Explain the concepts of distribution, pricing and promotion for banking
1.1 Introduction
In an organization engaged in marketing, channels of distribution for
financial services should be thought of as a means to increase the availability
and/or convenience of services that help satisfy the needs of existing users or
increase their use among existing or new customers. The marketers of financial
services have to ensure facilitating right product for the right people at the right
place and at the right price. Pricing can be strategically used as the tool to reduce
the competition. Pricing is equivalent to the total product offering which includes
the brand name, package, product benefits, service delivery, credit extended. It
can be described a sum of expectations and satisfactions. Promotion is a generic
term used for the communication efforts of the firm that are directed towards
achieving the objectives of a marketing strategy. You will see in this unit how the
promotion means conscious efforts towards integrating its marketing strategies
with business plans.
financial services marketer and often necessitates the use of direct channel
Pricing and
for distribution Promotions
Strategy for
2. Inseparability: Because of the simultaneous production and distribution of
Banking Services
financial services, the main concern of the marketer is usually the creation
of time and place utility that is that the services are available at the right
place and at the right time. This implies that direct sale is almost the only
feasible channel of distribution. But as we shall discuss later one way of
overcoming the inseparability factor is the use of credit cards, whereby the
service is transferable.
4. Lack of special identity: To the public often one financial service is very
much like the other. The reason why a particular financial institution or
branch is used is often related to convenience. As the competing products
are similar, the emphasis is on the 'package' reputation, advertising and from
time to time new services. As major competitors offer similar services, the
emphasis will be on the promotional aspects rather than on the inherent
uniqueness of a particular financial institution's service.
5. Geographical dispersion: There has to be a branch network in any
financial. Institution of size and scope, in order to provide benefits of
convenience and to meet international, national and local needs. Therefore,
all services or promotion must have both appeal and wide application.
Technological barriers.
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
b. seller
2. When selecting channels of distribution the goods marketer will usually have
a marketing system that contains several established __________persons.
a. end
b. middle
3. To the ______often one financial service is very much like the other.
a. public
b. seller
Contact and liaison with advertising and public relations agencies to assist
in designing more effective advertising/promotional campaigns.
Gathering of information necessary for planning marketing activities, Distribution,
strategy decisions and product development. Pricing and
In distributing financial services, firms employ a number of channels. The Strategy for
advantages of direct distribution channels - for example branches, used to be Banking Services
lower operational costs and more efficiency. In comparison, the selling through
indirect channels offers convenience to the customers and more 'impartial' advice,
as in the case of agencies.
Distribution, It keeps a bank's name in the public eye
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and The prime sites
Banks become accepted as important members of the community
Disadvantages of the branch network include:
Banks are now changing the image of their branches. Bank branches used to Distribution,
be serious, dull places that often intimidated customers. All the staff used to work Pricing and
behind security screens and this created an unfriendly atmosphere. Now, some
Strategy for
security screens have gone, banking halls are brighter and a friendly atmosphere Banking Services
has been created that is less daunting for customers. Branches are more like a
financial services shop Newly designed branches are open, planned and many
staff have moved into the banking hall to tables, to advise a customers in a
friendly way about financial matters, opening of accounts, solve problems or
answering queries.
It is expected that by the end for this millennium, the most important aspects
of branch workload will be ATMs, telebanking and the retail counter in that order.
Currently, the developed countries' bank branch workload is in reverse order, the
retail counter demanding the most time and effort from the branch staff and
management. In Indian conditions, the lion's shares of service are through retail
counter only. The other components in the delivery system have just begun to
catch up.
b. customers
2. For financial services _______________have essentially been retail outlets
a. customers
b. branches
Distribution, 1.4 Types of Branches
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and Branches of different financial institutions deliver different types of service
for different types of customer as explained in following section:
1. Full service branch: The full service branch has been the conventional
delivery system, providing a full range of the products and services offered
by the institution to both corporate and retail customers, however, in the
developed countries, the services provided by banks have increased
immensely as deregulation has led them to extend their range of
conventional financial service variants. In India, too with the liberalization
and deregulation in the financial sector, similar position is set to be evident
2. Specialty branch: Specialty branches now serve as alternatives to full
service operation. Specialty branches focus on either retail or corporate
business but not both; for example real estate specialist branches focus on
mortgage finance. Thus the time devoted to withdrawal and deposit
transactions is reduced. On the domestic scene, we have many SSI branches,
industrial finance/corporate banking branches, NIU branches, Hi-tech
agricultural branches, service branches, commercial and personal branches,
recovery branches, leasing branches, housing and finance branches.
3. High net worth' branches: These branches are located' in appropriate
socio-demographic areas and they distribute a range of financial services for
up market customers. These services are often based on minimum account
balance criteria, and they emphasize personal financial counsellor services
rather than conventional bank teller services.
5. Hub and spoke banking: The status of each branch is determined by the
area and customers it serves. There is little point for a branch in a small rural
village to have a business advisor. It is more beneficial for the bank to
ignore this service when the market is very small and to cater for it at a
larger branch in the nearest larger town. This system of providing a limited
service in the smaller branches, backed up by a nearby, larger core branch,
that is' able to carry out all the services 'the bank offers, is called 'hub and
spoke' branch banking. The smaller satellite branches provide a limited and
mostly highly automated service, dealing mainly with the personal banking. Distribution,
These are linked to a key branch that offers a full range of services and often Pricing and
co-ordinates the activities of its satellites. Normally there can be between Promotions
four and 15 satellites to one key branch. The hub is responsible for corporate Strategy for
Banking Services
business and has overall jurisdiction for the network as a whole. In India
such an organizational arrangement is not common.
The hub and spoke structure has many benefits. One very important benefit
is that it is part of a rationalization strategy. The new structure reduces the large
amount of replication that was occurring at every site (including expensive
equipment and personnel) and which was not being used in an efficient way
anyhow. This reduction and regrouping at the key site has vastly reduced the
excessive duplication in a move towards getting the bank to provide the correct
range of services in an area
Distribution, There are three perspectives that determine distribution profitability in
Pricing, Retaining financial services:
Customers and
Consultancy 1. Channel profitability
2. Branch profitability
3. Customer profitability
branches around Distribution,
Pricing and
3. In certain areas, shopping centers have restricted opening hours which might Promotions
affect the branch's activity. Strategy for
Banking Services
The Indian experiments of opening rural branches, service area approach
and directed lending uniquely combined both the marketing and social
responsibility roles for bankers. The liberalization and deregulation may focus
more on the viability of operations more than in the past and hence, the aspects
that go to make a branch profitable will need to be addressed more effectively.
b. speciality
2. ___________branches now serve as alternatives to full service operation.
a. full service
b. speciality
a. branches
b. head office
4. _________locations often tend to be concentrated in larger shopping centers.
a. ATMs
b. Branch
a. profitability
b. business
Distribution, 1.5 Electronic Methods of Distributing Financial
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and Services
Services The need to make branches and distribution more efficient has led to the
introduction of electronic methods in financial services. The first ATMs
(automated teller machines) were introduced in the UK in the form of cash
dispensers by Barclays Bank in 1968. The main objectives of this distribution
facility were to save costs and staff time, and to provide greater customer
convenience (that is service outside normal banking hours). Since the system was
introduced, there have been four main features associated with ATMs: reliability,
security from fraud, volume generation at any particular location, and the
relatively high costs per machine network.
The decision whether or not to install an ATM depends on a number of
factors, as follows:
Its impact on branch staffing levels, branch business and costs. (Recent
research suggests that paying out money via cash dispensers is about 65%
cheaper than counter withdrawal).
Financial services today are making determined efforts to make use of the
latest technology is changing the market rapidly and this will have a major impact
on financial services branches. ATMs and EFTPOS (electronic fund transfer at
point of sale) are much more efficient in cost savings, time and labour.
Calculations, show that on an average an ATM equals (or leads to) a total
net labour savings of 1.33 full time staff. There are a number of important reasons
for installing ATMs.
To increase customer convenience, Distribution,
Pricing and
To increase customer traffic, Promotions
Strategy for
To reduce cheque volume and consequently cheque processing costs, Banking Services
To reduce labour cost,
To provide the bank with clear strategic advantages (for example entry
barriers, greater economies of scale, and product differentiation).
Distribution, factories. The machines are maintained by the local branch. The development of
Pricing, Retaining the ATM network may mean that at some point of time in the future, cashiers will
Customers and
be replaced by the ATM machines.
Services EFTPOS: EFTPOS offers a cashless method of payment to the customers at the
point of sale and is important in all areas of retail transactions. In many countries,
the EFTPOS schemes proposed by bank have run into difficulty as the banks have
endeavoured to charge more than retailers have been prepared to pay. While
trends show that EFTPOS will become an important payment mechanism, it is not
expected wholly to replace cheque, although successful EFTPOS systems are
likely to reduce cash payments and in particular stimulate the use of debit rather
than credit cards. As with ATMs, EFTPOS also reduce the need for customers to
visit their branches.
Intelligent Terminals: In the corporate market, developments in electronic
banking have led to the introduction of intelligent terminals. With these, and
backed up with their own central processing units, corporate treasures can interact
with the bank's own mainframe computers to undertake cash management,
transactions, letters of credit and the like, receiving timely transaction data and
other economic and financial information services.
Telephone Banking: Some banks are now offering home or telephone banking.
This may reduce the need for branches in the future. An example of this is
Midland's first direct service which is a new concept in banking. It does not
operate through a branch network but entirely by the use of the telephone and the
postal system, it also provides all the usual banking services - current accounts,
loans, A'TM facilities. Customers can, contact first direct service 24 hours a day.
Midland have spent a lot of money advertising this new venture. The market they
have tried to attract is the younger market particularly the age group 20-35, who
are more financially aware and are used to dealing with matters by phone.
Home banking or in-touch Financial Services: Another innovative means of
distributing bank service has been pioneered in the USA through the application
of computers. Computerized facilities have been used in supermarkets to record
each transaction with the respective customer's account with the bank. The
Seattle- first National bank has promoted an in-touch home service that provides
customers with access to a talking computer from touch-tone phones at home. By
calling up the bank computer, the customer can instruct it to perform financial
services such as:
Paying bills by transferring funds from his bank account to that of a creditor.
Aiding family book-keeping by reporting expenses with a biweekly budget Pricing and
analysis broken down into several categories (food, housing, clothing, etc.) Promotions
Strategy for
Computing income tax data Banking Services
Normally, home banking is likely to be just one of a range of services
provided as part of a home information system which also offers shopping, news,
entertainment and information data. The home banking service itself will usually
permit account interrogation; inter account transactions, bill payments, loan
generation and electronic mail. In addition some systems are adding brokerage,
insurance and mortgage banking facilities. Home banking is expected to become a
significant alternative delivery system to conventional branch systems in due
Internet Banking: Security First Network Bank, an Atlanta (US) based savings
bank, is one of the first international banks to go operational on the internet.
Within 10 months of its launch in October, 1995 it garnered 5550 accounts and
US$ 15 million deposits I across the world. The services being envisaged by
Indian Banks include:
Customers with PC and net connectivity can-
Request for funds transfer between accounts, issue stop payment requests
and standing instructions and do deposit modelling.
Have on-line connectivity providing the customer with the ability to directly
debit and credit the account without the bank's intervention, etc.
A recent study estimates that in a full service branch, the cost per transaction
is US$ 1.07 as against US$ 0.54 for telephone banking, US$ 0.27 for ATM full
service, US$ 0.015 for PC banking and US$ 0.ol for internet based banking.
2. ATMs and EFTPOS are ________efficient in cost savings, time and labour.
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and a. not much
Services b. much
Pricing affects the product cost and also plays a key role in decision making
of the buyers (customers). Pricing is affected by competitions, seasonality and
general trend of demand and supply. In short, it can be said that the price is
determined by cost, demand and competition in the market.
Price in the eyes of the consumer is the evaluation of the total product
offering which includes the brand name, package, product benefits, service,
delivery, credit extended, etc. Price can be defined as the money value of a
product or service agreed upon in a market transaction and can be shown as –
Pricing affects:
1. Sales Volume
2. Profit Margin
Other Marketing Price Strategy Revenue Pricing and
Strategies Promotions
Strategy for
See the relationship of pricing with profitability in a manufacturing concern. Banking Services
We can see the following break-up:
Price simply read can be described as 'cost plus profit'. Therefore, proper
analysis of cost and proper decision regarding profit level has direct impact on
pricing decisional strategy
Normally direct expenses which vary with volume of production/sales are
variable cost and indirect expenses are fixed cost.
a. cost
b. price
Distribution, 1.7 Pricing Objectives
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and Before we review the pricing theories in detail, it is essential to know the
typical pricing objectives. Important among which are:
1. Growth in Sales - A low price can achieve higher growth in sales volume
but may affect the profit level adversely.
2. Market Share - The customer acceptance is reflected by market share of a
product and. is an indicator of acceptability of price.
3. Competition - To face the competition, prices can be lowered to maintain
sales or in the absence of it, prices can be revised but stable prices help in
maintaining image or brand name and quality.
1.8 Pricing Methods Distribution,
Pricing and
Market Based Pricing System: Promotions
Strategy for
In order to understand consumers based inputs on pricing system, we should Banking Services
also take into account the market related pricing systems, which adopt one or
more of the following approaches:
Psychological pricing
Promotional Pricing
Perceived value pricing: These are based on the belief the consumers have about
the value of products and pricing is based on these assumptions. This is
supplemented by market research and if price is more than buyer – recognized
value, it may affect sales whereas if price is less than buyer - recognised value, the
revenue will suffer.
Promotional Pricing: This is used for promoting high level of sales or to clean
excess stock which although is with a reduced profit margin improves sales and
reduces holding cost.
Skimming: This strategy is to, 'skim the cream' i.e. adopting a high price
approach. When the product is new and innovative and in a monopolistic or less
competitive market, the price will be higher, (like in mobile phones) which can be
progressively reduced with entry of more producers and skimming the cream
Distribution, 3. Break-even analysis
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
4. Managerial Pricing
Consultancy Competition Related Pricing Strategies
The competitive pricing means pricing to compete with the leader in the
market with respect to the price
It can be either to set higher price initially and then to offer discounts known
as 'discount pricing' or to significantly increase sales volume by competing with
others already leading in the market by undercutting the prices significantly with
the sole idea of penetrating the market.
Interest cost
Servicing cost
The interest rates for banks in India have been administered for decades by
the Reserve Bank of India and the service charges have been advised and
administered by the I.B.A. with which although in funds management market
forces and demand and supply do play a role, in respect of interest or service
charges, the market forces did not affect to any considerable extent
Pricing policy and strategies, however, is equally relevant in banking due to
the fact that it affects the demand as well as profitability and after a considerable
stress on social banking in Indian context, due to the guidelines regarding capital
adequacy by Narasimham Committee, once again profitability has become an
important consideration of bank viability.
Now, even the public sector banks have freedom to stipulate rate schedules Distribution,
for such activities which are not covered under uniform schedules. The interest Pricing and
rates on domestic deposits can also be fixed by banks, within the stipulated range,
Strategy for
for deposits with different maturities. Banking Services
With the winds of globalisation and liberalisation flowing freely in India
and the competition faced due to aggressive marketing strategies and innovative
products by private and foreign banks, the banks have to re-think their marketing
policies - more so the pricing strategies.
b. profit
2. In __________organisations pricing decisions are taken by the top
a. big
b. small
3. In some organisations, committees are set up to fix the_____________.
a. price
b. quality
4. The interest rates for banks in India have been administered for decades by
the ____________
a. State Bank of India
b. profit policy
Distribution, 1.9 Pricing Reviews and Committees
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and It is well known that the banks in U.K. and USA have already diverted their
attention to service and non-fund activities for improving revenue.
With regulated interest rates and uniformity in service charges for a long
time, customers too are now aware and many accept the service fees/transaction
fees charged by banks in giving better and prompt service.
There have been many studies to analyse the ways and means to improve
profitability of banks.
The very 1st report on cost aspects of Indian Banks was published in 1972.
Traditionally, interest or finds activities were the only source of profit for
the banks.
The remittance business and bills business did not prove to be of much help
in increasing profit/ revenue.
Besides profit from forex business and exchange profit, there were not
enough amounts under other income which now is increasing steadily.
On bill business the fees charges were not very adequate compared to the
service rendered.
The committee, of public sector banks for service charges was set up to
provide guidance, check costing and decide the implementation schedule.
April 1987. This was a very useful study providing a firm basis to all the Distribution,
banks to decide pricing strategies. Pricing and
The steering committee set up by RBI advised commercial banks to Strategy for
undertake costing studies in two phases. Banking Services
Even at the branch level awareness was created to be in tune with macro
b. India
2. The steering committee set up by_________advised commercial banks to
undertake costing studies in two phases.
a. SBI
b. RBI
Distribution, 1.10 Price Setting In Practice
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and We have seen from the discussion on earlier pages that in Indian Banking it
has been a regulated pricing system, till recently regarding 'interest as well as the
service costs.
If we take a look at the following table (taken from the consumer federation
of American report) it will be clear as to how bank fees/services vary and
customers accept such a variety of service fees.
Regular chequing
0.00 3.00
returned deposit
Pre-cheque charge if
2.00 3,00
below minimum
Holds on non-payroll
cheques from out of 2 Days 20 Days
Traditional Bank Pricing Approach: Distribution,
Primarily two types of approaches are being adopted by banks abroad to set Pricing and
Strategy for
Bundling Banking Services
Bundling involves the aggregation of bank product 01- services offered i.e.
combination of deposit and loan account or credit and non-credit accounts and
bundling these with respect to the compensating balances and a prime rate.
In auction mechanism, banks desirous of making loans to both retail and
corporate sectors auction, their loans in a (restricted) competitive market.
These are further based on considerations like relationship with credit
worthiness of the client and average balance maintained, etc.
Price Determination:
It is not just the interest rates alone that determine pricing, it is also the fee-
based pricing (for services rendered) that is fast gaining momentum. As each
deposit/product or service has potential to achieve certain marketing goal to
satisfy a particular customer segment, the pricing must be set with respect to the
said objectives and customer needs ability and level of satisfaction
Target Pricing:
This is decided by keeping in view a pre-decided target level of business
(volume) or profit (revenue). This depends on the level of investment and degree
of risk involved.
If we look at the factors determining the 'base' price level for any
organisation, its relevance to banking can be judged.
Some Limitations in Pricing for Banking Services
Bank Rate
MNR - Minimum Lending Rate
MLR - Maximum Lending Rate
Distribution, providing for cash reserve ratio and statutory liquidity ratio i.e. out of Rs.100
Pricing, Retaining funds only about 58% can be lend as loans/credit. It becomes obvious, therefore,
Customers and
that the revenue by interest on lending should be enough to cover the cost of
Services interest paid on deposits and administration cost.
Spread - Due to the limitations of CDE (Credit Deposit Ratio) and lack of
sufficient demand for borrowings in the money market all banks are consciously
considering the service fee concept to improve their profitability on the SPREAD
is not quite enough to improve the profit planning in view of higher administrative
costs and non-interest bearing advances (non-performing assets).
This means in one branch there will be high supply (deposits) and high
interest payable and no demand or interest receivable whereas as in other branch
there will be high demand and high (profitability) interest receivable but no
A view is, therefore, taken to compensate this demand and supply of funds
and interest payable/receivable by transferring pricing concept where high deposit
branches are taken as fund supplies and certain interest is payable to them and
high advances branches' have to pay certain interest to such supplying branches.
b. Government
1.11 Promotion of Banking Products/ Services Distribution,
Pricing and
Promotion is a generic term used for the communication efforts of the firm Promotions
that are directed towards achieving the objectives of a marketing strategy. Strategy for
Banking Services
The promotion efforts include the marketing communication through-
Sales Promotion
Person-to-person' communication
Promotion thus means the Bank's well organized, planned and goal oriented
communication efforts which must be in congruence with its overall business
goals and objectives in the desired market area keeping specific needs of customer
in mind.
Sale Promotion
Public Relation
In the service industry like Banking, promotion assumes all the more
important position as what we really sell is 'abstract' thing i.e., service with the
interest rates, range of product, etc. being more or less same, the service given
Distribution, through proper promotional channel makes all the difference between two Banks
Pricing, Retaining in marketing context.
Customers and
Consultancy Promotion can thus mean 'communicating with the buyer (customer), in
Services order to strengthen his attitudes that are favourable to the (Bank's) sellers' offering
and to change his attitudes which are unfavourable to the sellers. This presupposes
ensuring that such buyers become satisfied customers of the Bank, now or later.
The objectives of "Promotion" are:
Joel Dean in his paper published in 1966 had raised a very significant
question-"Does advertising belong in the Capital Budget? 'Dean's thesis is as
follows, "Most advertising is, in economic essence, an investment. Mow much to
spend on advertisement is, therefore, a problem of investment economics. A new
approach is required economic and financial analysis of future. This approach
focuses on future after-tax, cash flows and centres around the profit productivity
of capital."
Check your progress 10
Pricing and
1.______________ is a generic term used for the communication efforts of the Promotions
firm that are directed towards achieving the objectives of a marketing Strategy for
Banking Services
a. Promotion
b. selection
2. _________thus means the Bank's well organized, planned and goal oriented
communication efforts.
a. Selection
b. promotion
3. In the ___________industry like Banking, promotion assumes all the more
important position as what we really sell is 'abstract' thing.
a. service
b. production
4. __________Expenditure in relation to total market costs has to be decided as
the first step.
a. selling
b. Advertising
July 1982 - It was advised that the total advertising expenditure should not
exceed 0.1 (1110) % of Bank's Gross Earnings.
Distribution, April 1984 - There was a sort of ban on incurring expenditure on publicity
Pricing, Retaining and advertising up till September 1984. However, the foreign banks were allowed
Customers and
to incur Advertising Expenditure to the extent of 50% of their expenditure under
Services this head during the previous year.
October 1985 - These norms were relaxed.
1987 - Public Sector Banks were permitted to incur expenditure upto 0.05
(1/20)% of their gross earnings from Domestic Operations on Domestic Publicity.
For publicity abroad, banks were allowed to incur additional upto 1 (1/10)% of
their Gross Earnings on Advertising and Publicity.
Cinema (slides)
Direct Mail
i) Deposit mobilization
ii) Customer education
Advertisements by Foreign Banks Distribution,
Pricing and
Unlike the Public Sector Banks, leading Foreign Banks had liberal approach
and higher budgets to regularly advertise in leading newspapers, newsletters, Strategy for
catchy brochures and attractive hoardings in prime locations of metropolitan Banking Services
cities. This enabled them to continuously build a positive and brighter image in
the eyes of customers - which also reflected in their multi fold business
achievements and high profitability vis-à-vis public banks.
Effectiveness of Advertising:
Although advertising is a very effective and most frequently used
promotional tool in marketing of banking services, it is desirable to measure the
effectiveness (impact) of an advertisement campaign. For this there cannot be any
one criterion to assess the effectiveness. These are multiple objectives to asses
such an aspect.
Distribution, economic force. Advertising serves as „mouthpiece‟ for the organization‟s
Pricing, Retaining objectives to be made public.
Customers and
Consultancy In simpler words, advertisement makes use of communication process with
Services in-built psychological and sociological contents which influence the buyer's
behaviour in Advertiser's favour through a process cycle of - stimuli, response,
motivation and reward.
b. November 1980
2. In ________________it was advised that the total advertising expenditure
should not exceed 0.1 % of Bank's Gross Earnings.
a. November 1970
b. July 1982
3. The _________of advertising affects successful launching of
product/schemes, customer's positive response or increase in business share.
a. success
b. failure
In a controlled economy and market if the competition is low or less, sales
Pricing and
promotion may not be necessary if there is only one seller and many buyers but in Promotions
a competitive market place, the importance of sales promotion cannot be Strategy for
undermined. Banking Services
a) Product knowledge
b) Market information
The following activities are usually the part and parcel of sales promotion activity:
1) Designing and preparing advertising and sales promotion material.
Distribution, 13) Preparing sales-films.
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
14) Organizing seminars/training for customers.
Consultancy 15) Display in trade outlets.
These multi/various activities under sales promotion induce a temptation
among buyers to buy the product on the spot.
From the above discussion it can be understood that the sales promotion is
an activity which enthuses the sales force and distributors to sell more products
and also makes the potential buyers eager to buy, use or consume a product more
4) Selling the idea that the salesman is enthusiastic colleague and helps the
people in promoting campaigns.
Market information: This means knowing who will buy the product, when
Pricing and
he wilt buy and why he will buy? This gives an idea about the probable Promotions
market share and enables to decide promotion (selling) strategy to specific Strategy for
segment of the market. This also enables the seller to decide on the Banking Services
advertising through proper media keeping in view the specific needs of the
potential buyers.
Reaching the customer: After ascertaining the market and ensuring proper
product knowledge to all concerned when it's time to reach the customer, the
campaign has to take into account:
Deposit mobilization-month/fortnight
Distribution, The effectiveness of sales promotion depends upon the following four variables:
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
Strengths Weaknesses
1 Developing favourable customer 1 The impact of a
attitude promotion campaign can
2 Flexibility for use at any stage of beistemporary
2 It supplementary to
product life advertisement and
3 Inducing instant 3 personalised selling
Un-trained staff can create
purchase behaviour of obstacles in promotional
the buyer efforts
4 It ensures continued brand 4 Over doing may result in
loyalty by customer adverse effects.
Having looked into the details of advertising and sales promotion we can
make comparison as under:
Promotion is important in Promotion is important in More in Distribution,
Pricing and
consumer durables both consumer and individual
individual goods goods Strategy for
Efficiency High. High Low Banking Services
Distribution, Publicity does the job of reducing ill effects of bad news and also positive
Pricing, Retaining effects of good news if properly backed by proper public relation.
Customers and
Check your progress 12
1. Advertising and Sales Promotion as parts of the marketing mix are Integrated
with the marketing objectives and they are often coordinated with other
a. selling
b. marketing
a. sales promotion
b. advertising
b. advertising
5. __________moves the product to the consumer.
a. Sales promotion
b. advertising
Budget or business and corporate plan which spells out its goals, objectives and Distribution,
targets during the financial year. Pricing and
For such a budget or business plan, Head offices of the banks assess the Strategy for
business targets of various branches, divisions, zones and regions in the past with Banking Services
reference to the achievement rate (of deposits and advances targets) and the
market shares vis-à-vis branches of other banks in that command area. Field
Managers, Planning Officers and P.R. or marketing specialists assist in this
function to assess the projected levels of business at micro (branch) and macro
(corporate) levels.
Internal communication used for this purpose uses 'Top to Bottom' and
'Bottoms up' approach as shown below-
In this manner the expectations of the CMD are conveyed with respect to
corporate goals using data in the past and changes in economy and business
environment appealing to the managers/staff to realistically assess the business
potential in the common area of their branches and to arrive at revised business
targets as expected by corporate goals based on analysis of market and potential of
branches. Motivational Techniques and Recognition measures are used in such an
exercise of budget or business plan.
Distribution, The response and involvement by each level in deciding/accepting and
Pricing, Retaining implementing business plan decides the success of such an important internal
Customers and
marketing communication.
Services Besides business plan exercise, internal communication also involves:
1) House Journals
2) Circular
3) Corporate objective1Business plan booklet
Advertising Sales Promotion Publicity Personalised Service
Pricing and
It should cover The sales promotion A publicity This should cover Strategy for
the following : plait should cover : plan should Banking Services
1 Objectives Objectives Objectives Business Goal/
2 Targets Business (Sales) Targets Objectives
3 Action Plan Action Plan Deciding Proper
productsl implementation
services to be strategy
7 Feedback/ Evaluation
Evaluation of
As aResult
shrewd marketing communication strategy, the promotion plan under
aforesaid four major categories must be:
1) Relevant
2) Implementable
3) Specific
4) Thorough
Distribution, Such an integrated marketing communication should be hand-in-hand with
Pricing, Retaining the broad corporate objectives and policies so as to ensure that it becomes
Customers and
effective by meeting the necessary purpose.
Services Proper co-ordination and integration of selling, advertising and sales
promotion coupled with due publicity and personalized service results in a better
image of the bank and ensures achieving business targets efficiently and
a. success
b. profit
b. bank
This generally includes: Distribution,
Pricing and
a) Internal Report System: In company information Promotions
b) Market Intelligence System: Information from outside Strategy for
Banking Services
This serves TWIN objectives i.e. analysis 'of data for marketing
opportunities and locating grievances/problems and offering solutions to them.
2) Product range
3) Place (location)
4) Pricing details
5) Promotional needs and avenues
6) Competitors' details
7) Changes in external market conditions
MIS serves the purpose of marketing support decision system and provides
means for selection, adoption and speedy operation with reference to emerging
market opportunities.
Distribution, It should be put to operation and data should be processed by appropriate
Pricing, Retaining persons. The systems should be monitored on an on-going basis and periodic
Customers and
review should be taken for improving it whenever necessary.
Services With reference to the Integrated Marketing Communication it can be said
that the highly competitive nature of banking business in the recent years is in a
way compelling banks to give their competitive edge in the marketing. In such an
effort is not a single arm of promotional strategy or integrated communication
which should be effectively used but rather all of them duly blended.
In addition to using all the above types of promotional measures' and MIS,
the bank has to be prompt to launch a product or service at proper time to suit to
the customers' requirement.
Dos Don'ts
Be positive lntempt
Ensure details
Check your progress 14 Pricing and
1. _________becomes another vital re-requisite of an integrated communication
Strategy for
system. Banking Services
a. Marketing Information System
b. internet
a. database
b. MIS
Distribution, 1.17 Answers for Check Your Progress
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
Consultancy Check your progress 1
Answers: (1-a), (2-b)
Answers: (1-a)
Check your progress 12 Pricing and
Answers: (1-a), (2-b), (3-a), (4-b), (5-a) Strategy for
Banking Services
Check your progress 13
1.18 Glossary
1. MIS - System that provides information to management.
1.19 Assignment
1. Explain the role of distribution in the marketing mix. Elucidate the influence
of the characteristics of services, in restricting the delivery system of
banking service essentially to bank branches.
1.20 Activities
1. Explain briefly various methods of pricing financial products.
Distribution, 1.21 Case Study
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and 1. Based on your experience of the bank branches that you are familiar with
respect to a specific branch, enumerate the components of distribution
functions carried on by the branch.
2. In addition to task mentioned above in our study material does the branch
carry out any other activities in relation to the distribution function.
3. You may have noticed changes in the layout and placement of various
services within the bank. Briefly list these changes in respect of your own
4. Talk to at least 10 long standing bank customers and take their feedback on
these changes. Report on the feedback received by you. What do you think
is the impact of these changes on service delivery?
5. Through a visit or on the basis of your experience, compare the banking
services offered at personal service branches, service branches and
automated branches. Briefly enumerate the differences in type of services
Unit Structure
2.0 Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Defining Customer Value and Satisfaction
2.15 Assignment
2.16 Activities
2.17 Case Study
2.18 Further Readings
Distribution, 2.0 Learning Objectives
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and After learning this unit, you will be able to understand:
Services To explain the importance of customer‟s satisfaction and customer service
in the context of the banking services.
2.1 Introduction
In the earlier units of this block you looked at the various elements of the
marketing mix for banking services. This unit deals with the strategies for
generating consumer satisfaction and retaining bank consumers.
He argued that operating with a high level of service quality made sense
because it saved money instead of costing it. This rationale was based on the fact
that it was less costly to do a job right at the first time.
It is also less expensive to keep a current customer than to attract a new one,
as various studies have shown. Premium quality always brought premium price
from the most profitable but demanding and heavy financial service user
customers, who generally did not switch banks at the slightest lure.
That a satisfied customer is not only more likely to stay with the bank, but Attracting and
may also recommend it to others, was good and sufficient reason for Mr. Turner Retaining
Customers In
to advocate service quality even in times of recession, even when profit margins
Banking Services
were at strain. The more affluent the customer is, the more. Influential he is in
referring other customers who are high users of financial services.
Institutions that make service quality a high priority tend to have high
employee morale and low employee turnover.
Distribution, costs. The buyer evaluates these costs along with the monetary cost to form a
Pricing, Retaining picture of total customer cost.
Customers and
Consultancy A rational buyer's addition would be to buy from whoever offered the
Services highest delivered value.
In bank marketing context, we may say that the following values are the
most sought after:
1. Safety: Since keeping money at home is very risky and creates a sense of
insecurity, every customer treats safety of funds as the primary value and
looks up to banks as safe place to keep their hard earned savings.
4. Speed: Customers rate time as high as money and due to automation and
rapid progress of technology and IT, speed is becoming yet another value.
a. Kotler
b. Robbins
b. customer cost
2.3 Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour in Attracting and
Banking Customers In
Banking Services
In a survey of customers' expectations done by Indian Banks' Association
for rural and urban market revealed the following:
Customer Expectation
Criteria % Preference/Response
Suitable location 46 65
Quality of service 24 09
Variety of service 11 02
Interest rate 02 02
Canvassing 03 03
Security 03 06
Credit 07 03
Emergency need 0=1 07
100 100
a) Location: Where a bank branch is located often influences the choice of the
bank. Subconsciously the consumer is looking for convenience and what
matters is whether the location of the branch is close to his home or office,
Very often the 'bank next door' often win on that basis alone.
b) Safety: Depositors are very often placing their hard earned money in bank
and worrying factor for them is “is Bank Safe?” To quell the fear the
background of the bank, its promoters, international associations and the
years it has been operating in the country, all influences the choice.
c) Returns: A consumer having satisfied himself that his money is safe wants
to be sure that the returns being earned are attractive.
d) Customer Service: The experience of the customer when he has been
within the branch will influence a strengthening or a weakening of the
Distribution, relationship. Speed, politeness and friendliness in the service are factors
Pricing, Retaining which do matter.
Customers and
Consultancy e) Range of Services: With greater sophistication in the environment a
Services consumer gets more demanding and would like his bank to offer a variety of
services and products which increase convenience for him, Example, phone
billing + ATMs or offer him greater choice - a range of term deposit
products which offer him high returns and liquidity.
a. Depositors
b. bankers
a. banker
b. consumer
1. Companies have changed their perspectives as regards their relationship Attracting and
with customers. Emphasis has changed from a transaction focus to a Retaining
Customers In
relationship focus aimed at long-term customer retention.
Banking Services
2. In addition to customer markets, the organisation is concerned with the
development and enhancement of enduring relationships with other external
markets including suppliers, potential employees, opinion leaders and
influences and people providing referrals, as well as internal publics.
Distribution, There are simultaneous and major long-term benefits both to the marketer
Pricing, Retaining and the consumer. Firstly, accurate targeting produces fewer communications with
Customers and
less wastage and better results. Incorporating a relationship marketing strategy
Services allows for the fine tuning of the marketing communications plan and schedule.
Secondly, a data based marketing strategy can create a stronger company
and/or stronger brand image. This is because; the mass communication and direct
promotion efforts work together and result in both sales and awareness increases.
Customer must, of course remain the prime focus area for marketing
activity. But the focus needs to be less on 'transactional marketing' and example
on the one-off sale or hooking a new customer and more on building of long-term
client relationships.
As companies are starting to recognize that existing customer are easier to
sell to and are more profitable - the lifetime value of the customer - the retention
of existing customers become even more critical. As mentioned earlier, it costs
five times more to hook a new customer as it does to retain an existing one.
This is not to say that new customers are not important - indeed they are
vital to the future of most financial service businesses. A delicate balance needs to
be maintained between the efforts directed at existing and new customers
Transaction Relationship
Single sale focus Customer Retention focus
Product feature orientation Product benefit orientation
Some service organisations have adopted the relationship focus, but it is Attracting and
noticeably absent in many others. Unfortunately, many companies still take the Retaining
Customers In
transactional route which has both limited utility and profitability. The investment
Banking Services
made in winning a new customer, once successful, is immediately transferred to
the next potential customer. Little effort goes into keeping that customer and the
economic benefits of customer retention are often ignored.
Many marketers put their main efforts on the initial activities of identifying
prospective customers and attempting to convert them into customers, rather than
on both deepening and widening the scope of the relationship. It is ultimately
more rewarding to ascertain the needs of customers and cross sell additional
products and services which will subsequently result in strong supporters and
active advocates for the company and its services. For example an ANZ Grindlays
Bank current account holder could well be receptive to applying for a credit card
as car loan, loans against assets, etc.
Moving customers up the consumption and loyalty ladder is not easy.
Marketers need to explicitly know, in great detail, what each customer is buying
and how every customer is different and how the marketer can continue to offer
additional product benefits and service advantages that will distinctively
differentiate its offerings. Essentially, one of the ways to change a casual
customer into a committed customer is to replace customer satisfaction with
customer delight that is by providing service quality that exceeds customer
Referral Markets:
The best marketing is that which is carried out by the company's own
customers; that is why the customer loyalty ladder and the creation of advocates is
so important. But existing markets are not the only sources of referral. Referral
markets to under many names intermediaries, connectors, multipliers, agencies
and so on.
Distribution, The bank received a lot of criticism during these presentations. Made aware
Pricing, Retaining through it research of the importance of this business, the bank established a task
Customers and
force to develop better relations with referral sources and establish a marketing
Services plan to deal with referral markets. The result was noticeable and continued
improvements in business generated by referral sources.
Most organisations will need to take similar action. The current and
potential importance of referral sources should be established and a plan
developed for allocating marketing resources to them. Efforts should be made to
monitor results and cost benefits. However, it is worth emphasizing that
developing these relationships take time and that the benefits of increased
marketing activity this area may to come to fruition immediately.
Supplier Markets
The relationship between an organisation and it suppliers is undergoing
fundamental changes mainly under the influence of the Japanese. The old
adversarial relationship where a company tried to squeeze its suppliers to its own
advantage is going way to a relationship that is based more on partnership and
collaboration. One can sense good commercial value in this. Manufacturers in the
Asia-Pacific region typically spend over 60% of total revenue on goods and
service from outside suppliers.
This new relationship has been termed differently at different places. For
example, at AT&T, it is 'vendor ship partnership'; at electronics group Phillips in
Europe it is called 'co-makership'. In the US, it is referred as reverse marketing.
Whatever the term, however the aim is close co-operation between customer and
supplier from a very early stage, mutual concentration on quality, commitment to
flexibility, lowest costs and long term relationships.
Recruitment Markets
The key scarce resources for business is no longer capital or raw materials -
they are skilled people, a vital perhaps the most vital element in customer service
delivery. A situation is not getting easier, even if unemployment climbs to historic
levels. The reason is demographic trends. The new skilled workers entering the
labour market originate from the following key groups: 16-24 and 25-34. If
demand outstrips the supply, which is quite possible then effectively marketing an
organization to its potential employees will become vital success factor. A brief
case study shows the kind of effort that may have to be made:
Several years ago a large and well known accountancy practice was having
problems attracting new recruits. The reasons were hard to discover. Its
recruitment was old fashioned and lacked visual impact. A marketing plan to try Attracting and
and improve the situation involved redesigning recruitment literature (with the Retaining
Customers In
help of recent graduates), sending the brightest partners on university visits with
Banking Services
managers with interesting experiences to recount, and sponsoring awards and
prizes at target universities. As a result of this marketing plan, the firm's offers to
acceptances ration increased by nearly 200% within two years.
a. 1980s
a. banking
b. Companies
a. relationship marketing
b. customer marketing
Distribution, 5) Managing communication programmes
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
6) Hosting special events or programmes for customers
Consultancy 7) Auditing and reclaiming 'Lost Customers
Successful 'After marketing' has direct impact on the customers. It shows
the customers that the marketer:
So we find that acceptance and relevance are the key twin concepts of
successful 'after marketing'.
Current customers
Prospective customers
A customer satisfaction audit can also monitor how 'front line' employees
affect customer satisfaction.
Managing Customer Communication Programmes Attracting and
Every organisation has a set of priority communication goals. They are
Customers In
To position the bank in a distinctive manner Banking Services
To educate customers about the banks products and services and usage
Special offers for affinity products, e.g. gold, credit cards to high net worth
customer‟s auto loans for corporate, etc.
Bank newsletters
Corporate videos
All these devices seek to create a deeper relationship with customers and
also communication a sense of belonging to an exclusive club. For example, a Citi
gold credit card holder may receive complimentary copies of a specially
conceived-and produced quarterly magazine; invitations to exclusive music and
theatre performance; discounts at five star hotels, etc.
Distribution, The key issues monitored through these studies are the following:
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and Know who your lost customers are, Find out 'why they are left out
Consultancy Establish if the problem can be fixed
Apologize if it's the bank's fault
a. markets
b. buyers
a. Financial institutions
b. Banks
a. more
b. less
2.6 Retaining Consumers through Quality, Service Attracting and
and Values Customers In
Banking Services
„Satisfaction is the level of a person's felt state resulting from comparing a
product's perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to the person's
Therefore, the satisfaction level is a function of the difference between
perceived performance and expectations. If the performance falls short of
expectations, the customer is dis-satisfied. If the performance matches
expectation, the customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations,
customer may be highly pleased or delighted.
Problem-solving ability
Distribution, Accuracy
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and Range of Service
Consultancy Differentiation through Quality
Competing on the basis of service quality is very appealing from the
marketing perspective, because prime consumer segments seek it and because
competitors cannot. Match it as easily as they can match pricing or product
change. There are several reasons why service quality is so difficult to match or
even so difficult to achieve:
Service quality is culture, not equipment, adding a new ATM system is
relatively easy when compared with the task of taking the diverse range of your
employee's attitudes and moulding them into a cohesive and consistent service
culture. Unlike equipment, their performance can vary significantly between good
days and bad days. Furthermore, they cannot simply be reprogrammed to change
old habits into the new customer - oriented actions: altering behaviour takes time,
In short, people are human;
In the past, we have focused more 'on the operations and security activities
of delivering financial services than on the human side of the equation. We may,
for example, try to teach tellers to be friendly and thank customers but at the end
of the day, the only things we monitor are their technical errors and drawer count.
In turn, tellers are rewarded, or not rewarded, based only on how they perform the
operational aspects. It is therefore not surprising that customer service is difficult
to improve; and there is a difficulty in communicating what we mean by high
quality service from the top ranks of the institution, down through middle
management to the people who deliver service on the front-line the tellers,
receptionist personal bankers and lending staff for example. All bank chief
executive, presidents or directors say that high quality service is a main priority in
their institutions. At the same time, this is often not translated into the service that
customers actually receive when they do business with the bank
The research by A. Parasuraman has focused on developing a procedure for
quantifying customer's service quality. The research suggested that service quality
can be measured on the following five dimensions:
Responsiveness: The willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. Attracting and
Assurance: The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey Customers In
trust and confidence. Banking Services
Empathy: The caring individualized attention provided to the customer.
Distribution, They summarized by stating that the service quality is a subjective
Pricing, Retaining assessment that customers arrive at by comparing the service level they believe an
Customers and
organization ought to deliver to the service level they perceive is. Being delivered.
Services Extensive qualitative research conducted in the recent past by Parsuraman and et
al suggests that service-quality deficiencies perceived by' customers, i.e. the gap
between their expectations and perceptions, are caused by a series of
organizational gaps.
From there, the Programme should be rapidly extended to reception and Attracting and
telephone service, new accounts or personal bankers, extending upward through Retaining
Customers In
the organization to commercial lending, trust and private banking,
Banking Services
Counter personnel should be rapidly extended to reception and telephone
service, new accounts or personal bankers, extending upward through the
organization to commercial lending, trust and private banking.
Counter personnel with little service can pose a special challenge because;
their perception of what constitutes a superior level of service can be radically
difference from what your customer has in mind. Thus, when senior managers talk
among themselves about high quality service, they may all have a common
concept in mind, but their ideas of quality will probably be different from those of
lower staff levels in the bank. Tellers may not, for example, be totally confident
when dealing with the public, so they may speak softly, keep eyes averted from
the customer, forgets to smile and almost never thank the customer by name.
These are all actions which could lead the customer to feel unwelcome.
a. satisfaction level
b. satisfaction
2. Most__________companies raise expectations and deliver matching
a. failed
b. successful
3. Competing on the basis of___________is very appealing from the marketing
a. service quality
b. quality
4. Service quality is________, not equipment.
a. output
b. culture
Distribution, 2.7 Delivering Customer Value and Satisfaction
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and 'Moments of Truth'
Services The metaphor of the "moment of truth' is a very powerful idea for helping
people in services business shift their point of view and think about the customer's
experience. Donald Porter as Director of customer service quality assurance for
British Airways, points out:
If you are a service person, and you get it wrong at your point in the
customers' chain of experience, you are very likely erasing from the customer's
mind all the memories of the good treatment he or she may have had up until you.
But if you get at right, you have a chance to undo all the wrongs that may have
happened before the customer got to you. You are really the moment of truth.
Every time a service organization performs for a particular customer, the
customer makes an assessment of the quality of the service, even if unconsciously.
The sum total of the repeated assessments by this customer and the collective
assessments by the customers establish in their minds the organization‟s image in
terms of service quality
Attracting and
Customers In
Banking Services
Distribution, b) Conversely, the line that flows from the service strategy to the
Pricing, Retaining customer represents the process of communicating the strategy to our
Customers and
market. It is not nearly enough that we give good service, or that our
Services service is uniquely better in some way; the customer has to know that
fact for it to do us any good.
b) The line connection the service strategy with the system suggests that
the design and development of the physical and administrative
systems should follow logically from the definition of the service
Attracting and
strategy. This seems obvious, but given the inertial resistance to Retaining
change found in most large organisations, it sometimes seems like an Customers In
Uptopian precept. Banking Services
And finally, what about the line which flows between the service strategy
and people? That line suggests that the people who deliver the service need to
have the benefit of a clearly defined philosophy from management. Without some
sense of focus, clarity and priority, it is difficult for them to keep their attention on
service quality. The moments of truth tend to deteriorate and regress to mediocrity
a. moment of truth'
b. Truth
2. A________driven organization has to start with the customer as the basis for
defining the business.
a. producer
b. customer
Distribution, A bank that cares
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and A bank with the personal touch
Why go to 10 counters for one work, get 10 works done at 1 counter.
A bank to bank upon
Let's return now the concept of the service triangle (See Figure). When we
can find the elements of (1) a meaningful service strategy (2) customer-oriented
front-line people and (3) customer-friendly systems working in self-reinforcing
interplay, we are doing what is n6cessary to earn a positive image. We are
creating such an image indirectly by managing the customer's experience. We are
reinforcing his or her perception of our organization by making things come out
right at the moments of truth
b. picture
2. Understanding how a_________ image is created is critical to the process of
building one.
a. producer's
b. bank's
3. The moments of______concepts remind us that our image improves or
a. truth
b. false
Attracting and
2.9 Fulfilling Promises: Internal and Interactive Retaining
Marketing Customers In
Banking Services
Employee‟s abilities and motivation to meet the expectations of customers
as created by external marketing efforts are backed up by internal marketing
efforts. By creating and maintaining a service culture through marketing
campaigns and activities directed towards the employees the organization may
prepare its employees for the moments of truth.
Personnel management policies based on detailed understanding of
employees' personal needs of jobs, life and career path, role ambiguity, role
conflicts and job conflicts, employee motivation, etc. would have a definite
impact on employees' performance in the moments of truth of buyer-seller
Distribution, The relationship has to be kept vibrant to remain attuned to customer's
Pricing, Retaining changing expectations. Scheduling of service augmentations to meet the specific
Customers and
need of the customer, at the precise moment when these needs get developed,
Services would definitely enhance the customer's delight.
Managing service recovery is also important in building customer
satisfaction. Exceeding customer expectations when things go wrong, may leave a
stronger positive impressions on customers.
b. Employer
2. ____________is towards establishing developing and commercializing long
term customer relationships, so that the objectives of the parties involved are
b. Marketing effort
a. Selling
3. Managing service recovery is also important in building customer_______.
a. satisfaction
b. trust
considered by some as one of the most important elements in the mix, relationship
Attracting and
management is dealt with in greater detail in later module. Retaining
Customers In
If is not generally accepted that financial services consumer's expectations
Banking Services
of quality are increasing, and that people are becoming increasingly critical of the
service they experience. In addition, financial service organizations are becoming
more aware of the importance of 'looking after' their client base, especially in the
light of the increasingly competitive environment.
Service Quality
The most recent trend in many service industries has been their emphasis on
quality as a vehicle for sustaining competitive edge. Berry et a1 (1989) believe
that service excellence is key strategic weapon, highlighting that service quality is
the marketing strategy for the financial service industry
Service quality must have the full commitment of every echelon in the
organization, but essentially it is the commitment of top management that yields
the initial quality orientation. 'Effective quality strategies should involve all levels
of staff and should be supported, planned and directed by managers at the top to
the organisation'.
Many definitions are applied to the concept of service quality, and phrases
such as 'meeting customer expectations', or 'providing customers with what they
want, when they want and at an acceptable cost' are well-known explanations of
the meaning of quality. Essentially, quality is a judgmental issue relating to an
individual's perceived expectations of service and actual service performance.
It service organizations care about their employees as well as their
customers, the result should be increased motivation and satisfaction, and a higher
level of service quality compared with the quality expected by customers, and
therefore increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Distribution, Customer Care
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
Customer care is an extension of customer service, but is wider in context.
Consultancy Customer services implies and immediacy of actions, the focal point being a
Services tactical response to customer requirements. Customer care, on the other hand is
more strategic: it is the planned provision of services in anticipation of customer
requirements. As already mentioned, customer care is essential if financial
organizations are to maintain their customer base.
b. narrower
2. A service or product is of high quality if it meets the demands and
expectations of the ____________.
a. producer
b. customer
2.11 Bank Marketing: Future Challenges Attracting and
Under the fast pace of liberalisation, Indian economy is gradually opening Customers In
Banking Services
up. The globalisation of financial services is creating a 'pressure' effect on the
financial firms and companies making them more effective and productive.
In the second phase, the focus shifted on hire purchase, factoring, venture
capital funds and reforms in stock market and capital market.
Distribution, Effect on Banking and Latest Trends in Banking Marketing
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
Let us now review the latest glimpse of the latest trends in bank marketing
Consultancy which will give a glimpse of the changing fabric of banking services and its effect
Services on marketing of banking services.
Marketing has not remained just a strategy but many banks - like Citibank,
Hong Kong Bank in Foreign Bank Sector and State Bank of India, Canara Bank
among the nationalised bank sector adopted a pro-consumer philosophy.
The 'customer is a king' - thought is getting more and more deep-rooted. If
we take a look at the tables which give reasons as to why a customer leaves a bank
(a) in India and (b) in. USA, it will be clear as to why banks are giving top priority
to quality of people (through continued training) and quality of service (through
continuous improvement) as the bedrock of a good promotional strategy:
Why a Customer leaves a Bank?
In India % In USA
Death 01 Poor Service 20
Move away 03 Moved away 45
Forms other relationship 05 Loan related problems 05
For competitive reasons 09 Services charges 10
Dissatisfied with products 14 Changed jobs 10
Indifferent attitude 68 Changed travel pattern 10
Since nationalization, the Indian Banking scenario has been successively Attracting and
changing each decade and the banking system today through more transparency,
Customers In
is showing signs of maturity, Banking Services
The changing environment directly affects bank's marketing strategy with
respect to the following categories
1) Political/legal dimensions
2) Technological dimensions
3) Socio-cultural dimensions
4) Economic dimensions
5) Competitive dimensions
With computerization on a large scale, the traditional concept of
communications are undergoing sea change. The letters are now replaced by E-
Mails. In place of cashiers and even tellers, ATMs are responding quickly and for
24 hours. 'Plastic Money' is gaining more acceptance and popularity. Home
Banking, tele-banking, room service are the new catchy concepts which attract the
customer to appeal to his valuable time factor and convenience.
daimon,' 18,423.36 7,30636 1,15,386,00 99,936.85 15,879,15 1,01,01964 69,317.04 27,645.60 18,467.38 11,117.00 30,189.82
1999-2300 [1.66] [0.66] [10.391 18.96] [1.43] [9.73 [6.24] [2.491 [1.661 [1.001 [2.721
Fut& Sector
13,064.03 5,113.87 90,900.44 79,459.71 11,440.73 85.786.57 5537328 22,461.13 16,361.57 7,950.16 24,034.43
Banks (27)
1999-2030 L2.471 [031 [10.20] (8.92I 0 .28] [9.63] [6.22] [2.521 [124] [0.891 12.701
7,22428 2,43720 56,883/16 30,273.04 6.61182 54,448.86 35,478.22 14,182.76 10,435 IS 4,787,81 14,794.22
Banks (19)
1959-2000 [130] [0441 (16.26] p26) [I.193 (9.823 [6A0] 12.561 [1.88] [0.861 [2.67]
Mince Bud.
5,839.15 2,676.87 34,014.51 29,186.67 4;827.91 31,337.71 19,297.06 8;27837 3,024.39 3,167.23 9,229.62
Group (3)
Distribution, 1999-2000 [1.74] [0401 [10.11] [8.61311 [1.44] [9.321 [5.92] 12.461 [1,761 [0.941 [2.76]
1999-2000 (1.841 (0i4) [11.26) I9381 (1.68] 110.421 (7.24] p.18] ie.391 on0' [2.33J
blip Rime
Sector Banks 1.242.24 569.41 3,407.47 4,4292/ 978.26 40628.06 3,326.61 837.02 163,18 674.43 1,102.60
1999-2000 [2.11] [0.971 [931 [7431 [1.66] [322] [3.45] [1.41] [0.28] [1.151 [1.27]
Boragn Bath
2,686.63 967.99 1032821 8,176.02 2,152.19 9,360.22 4,916.20 2,645.12 862.37 1,718.64 3,189.85
1999-2000 [3.24) (1.171 [12.47] (921 [2.69 [1130] [6.02] [3.21] [1.041 12071 pi59
The latest statistics in Economic Times indicate that the saving rate has been
26% of, GDP. Household being 76% of overall saving and 10.6% of that is into
financial assets. Percentage of household contribution sector as GDP (1996-97) is
19.1%. The private corporate sector is 4.1% and public sector is 1.9% of GDP.
The money supply (M-3) has been affecting growth of banks' deposits
which is, in fact, the raw material for banking services. These is almost perfect co-
relation between money supply and deposit growth. Due to changing rates of
interest on deposits, there is also shift in the patters of short term, medium tern1
and 1o11g term deposits with Banks. Due to large supply of bank credit to
government and the corporate sector preferring to raise money through the share
market, it has also been affecting the growth of advances. This exerts pressure on
profitability which compels bank to go for low cost deposits and higher rates on
advances. This leads to more emphasis on selling to corporate clients.
The growth of market and vide spread of debenture and share culture
provides the corporate sector a direct access to saver causing dis-intermediation.
This too forces the banks to provide new types of services in the investment area.
The money market instruments also have shown innovative additions like (CP)
Commercial Paper (CD) Certificate of Deposit, Stock invest, Mutual Money
Market Fund, etc.
In the corporate sector, despite easy access of credit which enabled the small
and medium industries to widen their entrepreneurial base, the adoption of,
Tandon and Chore Committee norms for credit decision and credit monitoring
(which had the objective of orienting the corporate borrower to gain more and
more for self-reliance in equity), has been a compelling factor for corporate sector Attracting and
to turn to capital market to raise additional funds equity. Retaining
Customers In
Now with more liberalisation of bank credit to corporate sector against the Banking Services
present slack state of affairs in the capital market, banks can 'aggressively utilise
their marketing strategies to market their products/schemes to corporate sector
borrowers whereby the resources can be gainfully employed. This can ensure
comfortable profit margin for the banks and more importantly higher economic
growth through better industrial output.
Changing banking scenario in India is causing changes in the marketing
strategies of commercial banks.
The need for being more competitive and also transparent, to be socially
committed without sacrificing profits has compelled the banks to be more
conscious about quality customer service and to be sensitive to their changing
needs and expectations. The changing patterns of household and corporate sector
have affected the saving-borrowing patterns,' this makes banks to think of more
assertive promotional strategies to attract new customers and maintain the existing
ones as satisfaction
Due to the freedom to decide interest rates on deposits and advances vis-à-
vis the shifts in demand and supply of deposits of loan able funds, banks are
turning more towards relationship (bank) marketing and selling to corporate
clients. Instead of concentrating on high cost deposits and more number of
customers with low deposit, banks prefer the corporate clients. Banks are also
devising new and innovative schemes to attract corporate borrowers. Such an
exercise has to be carried out to ensure that the cost of finds is kept low and return
are better so that profitability is maintained and banks can strengthen their capital
base as required by the Narasimham Committee.
With relationship and transaction banking banks are also becoming more
quality oriented and offer quick and courteous customer service. To facilitate this
swiftly and selling to corporate clients better banks also have to have a pro-active
work culture and a flexible structure. The concept of venture teams can be useful
for the banks for selling suitably to the corporate customers as it has the
combination of line and functional type of organisation. The banks organizational
structure for selling to corporate customers must be flexible with motivated
personnel who are properly empowered so that they can mobilize the customers
for long term banking relations. A corporate marketing department can also be set
up to cater to the corporate clients. All this requires proper promotional strategies.
Distribution, The bank marketing has, therefore, become a very complex and yet
Pricing, Retaining interesting subject as it requires the knowledge of economics, sociology,
Customers and
psychology, banking and also marketing concepts. The buyer behaviour and
Services socio-economic situation being constantly changing, an on-going monitoring and
reorienting the promotional strategy is the essence of effective marketing of
banking services.
b. demand
2. The _________market amidst the currency fluctuations and the trend of
rupee weakening will be another challenge to be faced.
a. money
b. foreign exchange
Successful companies raise expectations and deliver matching performance, Attracting and
always aiming for Total Customer Satisfaction (TCS).Customer's experiences of Retaining
Customers In
moments of truth are based on certain expectations created by the service
Banking Services
provider. The traditional marketing efforts give promises. Employee‟s motivation
and abilities to meet customer expectations are backed up by internal marketing.
So by creating and maintaining a service culture through marketing campaigns
and activities directed towards the employees, the organization may prepare its
employees for the moments of truth.
So after going through this unit the readers would be feeling confident in the
topic discussed.
Check your progress 8
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
Answers: (1-a), (2-b), (3-a)
Check your progress 9
2.14 Glossary
1. Globalization - It is the process of international integration arising from the
interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture.
2.15 Assignment
1. Explain the terms relationship marketing in the context of banking services.
How is relationship marketing different from loyally programmes?
2. What are the 'essential factors affecting customer choice for bank
customers? How do banks try to meet some of these expectations?
2.16 Activities
With respect to banking services, explain the concepts of service quality,
customer value and customer satisfaction. Briefly identify the sources of the five
gaps with respect to the discussion on gap analysis in the unit.
Attracting and
2.17 Case Study Customers In
Banking Services
The criteria listed above have been researched with respect to individual
customers. Talk to at least 3 organisation, elicit from than the criteria they would
consider most important to their definition of a "good bank". List these criteria
and comment upon how different, if at all, are these from the criteria considered
important by individual consumers.
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and SERVICES
Services Unit Structure
3.0 Learning Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.10 Glossary
3.11 Assignment
3.12 Activities
3.13 Case Study
3.1 Introduction Advisory and
In addition to the services discussed in the earlier units, merchant bankers Services
today provide an impressive range of advisory and consultancy services, which
have assumed critical importance in present day competitive business
environment, by providing facilitation to business organisations. This unit
describes the various services and allows you to have a general overview of the
range of services
Distribution, Fixed Income Securities
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and
1. Debentures, PCD, NCD‟s or Debentures with tradable warrants
Consultancy 2. Preference shares, Government securities, bonds, fixed deposits
3. Bank deposits, Mutual funds, Tax savings schemes, etc.
b. investment
2. ________Manager means a manager who exercises or may under a contract
relating to portfolio management exercise any degree of discretional as to the
a. portfolio
b. Discretionary Portfolio
3.3 Credit Rating Advisory and
It may he defined as the science of estimating the creditworthiness of a Services
person or a business, or the value of security, on various parameters about
business, such as turnover, repayment capacity, profitability, asset quality, risks,
etc. The credit rating represents, the opinion of the rating agency on the relative
ability and willingness of the issuer of financial instruments to meet service
obligation as and when the same arises.
In India the credit rating agencies rate bonds, debentures, preference shares,
structured obligations, commercial papers, certificate of deposits, equity stocks,
LPG suppliers, real I estate developers. Credit rating of individuals, or entities,' is
also done by the banks to decide the rate of interest to be charged on borrowings.
In India, it is mandatory to get the debt instruments rated such as:
a) Issue of commercial paper (must have a rating not below A-2 of ICRA
Quality of Rating: The quality of rating depends upon the expertise with the
rating agency, 'and the factors taken into account for rating.
The Credit Rating Analysis: While studying the credit rating of a particular
security being issued by a company, the Rating agency considers all the business
details about the company, and the promoters, and board of directors, as depicted
through their balance sheet, and general market position. The Market condition,
competitors, Government Policies, the position of the Market Leader, and such
other conditions are also taken into consideration while making credit analysis.
The analysis of the instrument to be issued, the time period of its redemption, the
method of redemption or conversion into a share, and similar relevant factors are
also taken into consideration while doing this exercise.
Distribution, The analysis is focused on these fundamental risks: Industry Risk, Financial
Pricing, Retaining Risk, Rate of Interest Risk, Management Analysis, and Fundamental Analysis.
Customers and
Consultancy Credit Rating Agencies: The Credit rating agencies floated by three
Services premiers financial institutions ICICI, IFCI, and IDBI presently working in India
The Symbols PI, P2, P3, P4, P5 represent decreasing degree of safety of
timely payments of the short term instruments.
Similarly other rating agencies also make ratings by using standard symbols
for easy understanding.
Check your progress 2 Advisory and
1. ____________may he defined as the science of estimating the Services
creditworthiness of a person.
a. Credit Rating
b. Risk taking
a. Risk bearing
b. Credit Rating
The shareholding pattern, the capital structure, the borrowing pattern and the
term liability structure, position of the company in the market, are decided by the
size of its assets and liabilities. A company needs to orient itself in the direction of
either of the methods of takeovers, or merger, for the mutual benefit of the Stock
holders, owners and the society. Merchant banker can help the companies in
taking decision in respect of the under mentioned types of mergers.
Amalgamation: Joining of two or more companies to form a new business. The
existing entities no more exist, a new entity emerges.
Merger: means takeover of companies by a bigger company. The companies
which are taken over lose their identity while the one which takes them becomes a
larger company.
Distribution, Reconstruction: A company transfers its undertakings and assets to a new
Pricing, Retaining company in consideration of the issue of the new company's shares to the first
Customers and
company's members and if the first company's debentures are not paid off in
Services further consideration of the new company issuing shares or debentures to the first
company's debenture holders in satisfaction of their claims.
Directions or order from the concerned High Court, Approval of High Court
under section 391-394 of Indian Companies Act,
Approval by creditors and financial institutions and banks who have
approved the scheme, RBI approval for shares to NRI‟s.
b. foreign
2. Merger means takeover of companies by a _________company.
a. foreign
b. bigger
b. merger
4. ____________means fusion of two or more co-existing companies into a new
Advisory and
company to form a new company. Consultancy
a. amalgamation Services
b. merger
This definition does not at all give the full responsibility of the Debenture
trustee. A debenture trustee is a link between the Company which raises a loan
from the Public in the form of Debentures, and also acts as a trustee for the
investors. It is given various regulatory powers by SEBI, and can exercise a good
control over the actions of the Company, in the interest of the investors in
debentures raised by various companies.
a) The debenture trustee must enter into a written agreement with the company
which intends to issue the debentures, the agreement should be specific
about the amount to be floated, the period within which amount to be raised,
Distribution, d) The redemption of the debentures is made to the debenture holders on
Pricing, Retaining maturity,
Customers and
Consultancy e) Exercise due diligence to protect the interests of the investors, and not allow
Services deterioration in the value of the assets against which the debentures are
f) Ensure that the company, complies with all the guidelines issued by various
Govt authorities,
g) Inform the SEE1 about any act of breach of trust by the Company, e.g.
Appoint a nominee director on the Board of the Company, in case of 2
consecutive defaults in either of these
i) Payment of interest to the debenture holders,
b. share
2. _________can Call or cause to be called by the company, the meeting of all
the debenture holders.
a. share trustee
b. Debenture trustee
3.6 Depository Services Advisory and
Depository is an agency to whom securities are deposited by the investors, Services
for: a) timely collection of all the benefit such as dividend, rights issues, bonus,
redemption, etc. b) settlement of sale purchase transaction through computerized
accounting system instead of physical movements) safekeeping of the securities,
d) and handling/dealing on behalf of the owner or the depositor, e) collecting
funds from the companies, and settlement of sale purchase transactions of
The Depository gets fees for each of the transactions, the investor gets 10
protect his interests, and is free Prom caring about the legal issues and other
The SEBI has issued Rules, regulations and code of conduct for the
a. Investor
b. creditor
Distribution, 3.7 The Marketing Approach for Merchant Banking
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and Services
Services Despite the recession, which is affecting various industries in different
countries with varying intensity, the merchant banking and allied activities
continue to grow in terms of turnover and profits and thus have a paramount
impact on other spheres of the economy.
8. Fiduciary responsibility: The organisation must guard the interests of its Advisory and
customers. Consultancy
9. Labour intensiveness: Personalized service versus automation is an
important issue. Because of relatively high personnel costs as well as to
enhance customers' convenience use of technology is increasing
The four facets of variables are interrelated and operate together as a system.
Distribution, Marketing research that attempts to collect, investigate, analyse and
Pricing, Retaining interpret customers' attitudes and market developments in order to
Customers and
contribute to the maximum attainment of objectives in the light of existing
Services non-controllable factors, and in consonance with the other four major
functions mentioned earlier
Products/service development
Pricing of services
Defining marketing strategies, administering and controlling the marketing
Figure below illustrates the dual marketing task for financial institution.
Advisory and
In the coming years the developing trend will be more in line with an
increase in computerization and information technology, In the twenty-first
century the trend onwards further liberalisation and deregulation will lead to
tremendous growth in the volume of business, This is likely to lead to a
restructuring of the services industry. The strategies will have to change in order
to enable institutions to benefit from the expected growth, or example by
strengthening the marketing function (including development of problem solving
skills at branch level), improving information systems, increasing strategic
alliances and simplifying the decision making mechanism.
b. selling
2. In the twenty-first century the trend onwards further _______and deregulation
will lead to tremendous growth in the volume of business
a. liberalisation
b. globalisation
Distribution, 3.8 Let Us Sum Up
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and In this unit we have studied about the consultancy and advisory service
sector in very detail.
Here in this unit we have studied about a large number of services can be
rendered by the Merchant Banker. The services are required to be marketed
because of many reasons such as increasing need of investor clients, largeness of
amount of turnover in Investment transactions, monitoring the activities of the
corporate clients, providing liquidity to the various instruments for the profit to
the client, increasing own fee based income. The merchant banker however has to
observe the legal framework and work within the business ethics. Increasing
number of Non-resident investor, foreign investors, foreign institutional investors,
and globalisation of the trade transactions, necessitates proper institutional focus
to the advisory and consultancy services provided by the merchant Banker.
Portfolio Manager: Manages the investment portfolio of his customer client.
This means, that he will sell, retain or purchase securities which may yield long
term or short term or both types of yield for the full satisfaction of the customer,
The portfolio Manager takes the decision about the time of sale/purchase, price of
sale/purchase, and company in which investment is to be made. He is guided by
the SEBI guidelines on the his role and responsibilities. While raising funds, from
the general public, it is essential that the investor knows the risks involved in his
investment decision. Credit Rating of various instruments educates the investor on
the risk and return aspects of his decision. This service is therefore beneficial to
the investor. It also a good source fee based income to the Merchant banker.
Corporate clients need to expand their business. This can be done through various
methods of raising capital or funds, or through takeover, merger, amalgamation
with existing bodies engaged in the same or parallel activity. Since this involves a
substantial amount of legal and technical skill, which the merchant banker
possesses, these services are provided by him.
After going through this unit you must have got the sufficient idea about
contents of this unit and would be confident enough in this topic
Check your progress 2 Advisory and
Answers: (1-a), (2-b) Services
Answers: (1-a)
3.10 Glossary
1. Debenture - Instrument used to raise long term debt from creditors.
3.11 Assignment
1. How can the depository services be marketed by you? Give your answer
with reference to The Place, Price, Promotion and Product angles of
Distribution, 3.12 Activities
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and Write down the strategies adopted by your bank/institution for promoting
merchant banking service?
Block Summary
This block focused on Distribution, Pricing, Retaining Customers and
Consultancy Services.
This block was divided into three units, where unit one discusses on
distribution, Pricing and Promotions Strategy for Banking Services. Here in this
unit we made a detailed discussion on banking services, we discussed on various
types of branches, pricing of banking services. On the other hand unit second
discusses on the topic Attracting & Retaining Customers in Banking Services i.e.
how would a bank attract and retain its customers. Here a detailed discussion was
made on Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour in Banking, and on Customer
Relationships Management. Unit three discusses Advisory and Consultancy
Services. Here a detailed discussion was made on portfolio Management, Credit
Rating, Takeovers and Mergers, Trustee Services, Depository Services.
After going through this block the readers will certainly feel confident in the
topics of the block and would have understood the basic concepts and objectives
of this block.
Distribution, Block Assignment
Pricing, Retaining
Customers and Short Answer Questions
Services 1. Sales promotion
2. Promotion
3. Advertising
4. Marketing communication
5. MIS
6. Customer Value and Satisfaction
7. Relationship Marketing
8. Customer Relationships Management
9. Customer Care
10. Bank Marketing
Enrolment No:
1. How many hours did you need for studying the units?
Unit No 1 2 3 4
Nos of Hrs
2. Please give your reactions to the following items based on your reading of the
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Every attempt has been made to trace the copyright holders of material reproduced
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The content is developed by taking reference of online and print publications that
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Block Introduction
As we have already discussed the importance of studying the subject
financial market. In the world of globalisation when there are no boundaries left in
the countries it becomes even more important to study this subject because now
the financial market has not been restricted to the national level but moved at
international level.
In this block we shall be discussing in very detail about the pension funds
and globalisation. As we all are aware of pension, here we will be discussing in
very detail the need or requirement of pension, what are the various types of
pension plans available, how globalisation has affected the pension schemes and
what is the future of this system. This whole block has been divided into units; the
first one focuses on marketing of pension funds, whereas the second one focuses
on globalisation and its impact on financial market
After going through this block the readers would get a sufficient idea about
the pension, its role and need in the society, what are the various kinds of plans
available? In short the utility and future of pension would be known through this
Block Objective
After learning this block, you will be able to understand:
Marketing Of Block Structure
Pension Funds
Unit 1: Marketing of Pension Funds
Globalization Unit 2: Globalisation and Its Impact on Financial Services Markets
Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Emerging Dimensions Relating to Investment Services
1.13 Glossary
1.14 Assignment
1.15 Activities
1.16 Case Study
Marketing Of 1.1 Introduction
Pension Funds
and Since the volume of International business and capital flows are increasing,
Globalization the commercial banks are likely to be exposed to different types of risk and there
is a need to hedge these exposures. The emerging derivatives in foreign countries
are increasingly used by banks to bring variations in the sensitivity of their funds
and also the underlying portfolio; it is the right time that forex dealers, specially
the commercial banks, in India, familiarize with the complexity of these
instruments and acquires skills to manage these emerging challenges.
The pension funds are playing a very important role in U.S.A. and other
European countries in ensuring challenging of savings into fruitful diversified
investment portfolio.
Different types of financial services are being provided by these pension
funds. The aim of finallcia1 sector reforms in India has been to encourage the
foreign institutional investors to invest in India and, it is hoped that in the
changing global business scenario, ignore and more pension funds will, enter in
India to provide wide variety of financial services. Presently some of the
investment schemes in the same of pension funds investment have been started by
IDBI, ICICI and by some other financial institutions.
a) Growing importance of the corporate sector and its diversifying needs,
Marketing of
b) Development of capital markets, the disintermediation phenomenon and Pension Funds
their impact on commercial banks,
Labour Relation Board that pensions were a legitimate part of collective
Marketing Of
Pension Funds bargaining. Since then, the pension funds have grown rapidly.
Changing Demographic Structure
Although the proportion of people who are old is highest in OECD countries
and transitional socialist countries, most of the growth is in the world's old
population - from half a billion people in 1990 to almost 1.5 billion people
in 2050.
About one old person in four is "very old" (over age 75) and of these almost
two thirds are women. The economic position of the very old is very
different from that of the younger old, and the position of old women is very
different from that old men.
The proportion of the population that is old rises with per capita income. In
low income countries, less than 7 per cent of the population is over 60. This
proportion rises to 12 to 16 per cent in middle-income countries and to 17
per cent or more in most high income countries. The ratio of old people to
working age people (old age dependency ratio) also rises with per capita
income a relationship that sterns directly from the lower fertility rate in
richer countries and the ability to lengthen life span through medical
Most old people live in poor countries (which is also the most populous), a
pattern that will intensify towards 2030. By then, more than three-quarters
of the worlds’ old people will be in areas not now industrial more than half
in Asia and more than a quarter in China alone.
Indian old age population would increase from 6.5 per cent in 1990 to the
extent of 7.58 per cent in 2000, 13 per cent in 1030, 28 per cent in 2100 and 30
per cent in 2150.
Table in 15.9 gives details on percentage of old people over the years as
projected by tile World Bank, while Table summarizes the percentage of
population in India by age groups.
Political pressures lead to tax financed benefit formulas that are not
High payroll taxes that are not closely tied to benefits discourage
Early retirement provisions reduce the supply of experienced workers. Marketing of
Pension Funds
Financial methods misallocate capital and may reduce national saving.
The failure to index benefits means that pensioners in many countries have
not been
The growing deficits of old age programs are passed on to general treasury,
requiring higher taxes and higher public borrowing less public spending for
other important purposes.
Today's children and young workers may pay the price of higher taxes,
lower pensions, and therefore lower living standards, as old age dependency
rates raise and growth declines.
b. gratuity
2. In the _______the first pension plan was established by the end of 19th
Century by Railroad.
a. B U.S.
b. India
Marketing Of 1.4 Why Pension Plan?
Pension Funds
and Pension plans receive special tax treatment and are subject to eligibility,
Globalization coverage and the benefit standards. For individuals, it would be indifferent-
pension benefits and personal savings if it provides some retirement benefit at the
same cost of forgone current consumption. Tax advantages create favourable
savings through pension plan. For firms, it provides of substitute for wages and
pension can provide firms with a source of financing at a cheaper cost Pension
cost of a firm is tax deductible.
The investment income of pension plan is tax exempt. Pension benefits are
taxed when the benefit paid to the beneficiary not when earned by them. There are
three options available to the employee for their retirement benefit
Employer does not make any contribution but he pays full amount lo the
employee. Employee himself saves that amount for his retirement benefit.
Employer does not make any contribution but he pays full amount to the
employee. Employee himself takes a life insurance policy for his retirement
His marginal rate of tax throughout his life is assumed to be 30 per cent.
In case of option No.1, employee receives only after tax income of 0.7 (1.00
- 0.3). This after tax income is deposited in a bank which earns rate of interest of
14 per cent. His effective rate of return would be 9.8. In this case, employee
receives Rs. 7001- after paying 30 per cent tax on gross income of Rs. 10001- and
depositing in a bank for 35 years. The interest earned on savings again reinvested
after paying the tax' for that income for each year. Therefore, his return after 35
years will be Rs.18,457.8 after 35 years. This amounts to a rise of 26.37 times
over his initial investments.
In case of option No. 2, employee receives after tax income and takes an
insurance policy of Jeevan Dhara at a single payment of Rs. 31.50. It will accrue
and would receive an amount of Rs. 1,0001- after 35 years. It amounts to 31.75
Marketing of
times over his initial investment. Pension Funds
In case of option No. 3, employer contribute Rs. 1,0001- to the pension plan
instead of paying him after tax income of Rs. 7001-. The pension plan accrues an
assumed rate of 12 per cent, the amount returned to the beneficiary would be Rs.
52,8001-. It comes to 52.8 times over his initial investments.
Considering the above three options, it is obvious for an individual to opt
for a pension fund which accrues 52.8 times over his initial investment even at a
lower rate of return of 12 per cent.
a. Pension
b. Investment
a. Money
3. _______benefits are taxed when the benefit paid to the beneficiary not when
earned by them.
a. Pension
b. Investment
of the service of the employee and the earnings of the employee. The pension
Marketing Of
Pension Funds obligations are effectively the debt obligations of the sponsor of the fund, which
and assumes the risk of having insufficient funds in the plan to meet the contractual
Globalization payments to the retired employees. Thus all the investment risk is borne by the
plan sponsor.
Defined Contribution Plan: This plan specifies the contribution and pension
income depends upon the amount of contribution, numbers of years in which
contributions made and the performance of the fund. Thus risk of investment is
transferrer1 to the investors in the pension fund. Defined contribution pension
plans come in several legal forms: Money Purchase Pension Plans, 401(k) plans,
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
With a defined contribution plan, employer merely passes pension fund
management to the insurance company arid stops making contribution to the plan
upon the termination of the plan by employee. With the defined benefit plan, it
become more complicated and controversy. The pension fund assets do not
necessarily equal the present value of promised benefit. If assets are greater than
the benefit the excess assets are transferred to the employer. If the assets are lower
than the benefits then it falls short of obligation.
Hybrid Pension Plans: These combine features of both defined benefit and
defined contribution plans. It appeals to both employee as well as employers,
since bearing of investment risk by the employee in case of defined contribution
plan, while it is expensive and complex to implement defined benefit plans for
employers. Thus there will be risk sharing between sponsor and members of the
plans. Floor-Offset Plan is one of the hybrid plans. Employee contributes a certain
amount each year to a fund as in defined contribution plan. The employer
guarantees a certain minimum level of benefits, depending on the employee's
number of years of service as in a defined benefit plan. The employer manages the
fund and informs the employee periodically of the value of his investment. If the
managed fund does not generate sufficient growth to achieve the present levels of
benefit, the employee is obliged to contribute an additional amount to bridge the
both future pension obligation and the annual payment schedule to satisfy those
Marketing of
obligations. Different interest rate and salary assumptions have an impact on Pension Funds
annual contribution. A rule of thumb is that rising annual interest rate by 1 per
cent point will lower pension liabilities by 15 per cent holding all the factors held
constant. Similarly, different actuarial funding method can substantially alter
required and allowable contribution in any given with even a same plan
characteristics and actuarial assumption features the state pension in selected
OECD countries which follow different number of years for full pension,
indexation and pension benefits.
a. contribution structure
b. payment
b. Fixed investment
3. _______Pension Plans combine features of both defined benefit and defined
contribution plans.
a. Hybrid
b. variable
a. Organization
b. employee
Marketing Of 1.6 Pension Fund Risk
Pension Funds
and The pension funds generally face the following risks:
Coverage Risk
Replacement Risk
Investment Risk
Longevity Risk
Risk Sharing
Marketing of
Certain risks that are uncorrelated across individuals, such as longevity risk, Pension Funds
are minimized by pooling across the largest number of people including
everyone in a single insurance pool or reinsuring across several smaller
pools since the average outcome for the group is much more certain than the
experience of any particular individual.
Other risks, such as disability risk, are subject to moral hazard problems,
which should be constrained to keep costs down.
Some degree and type of indexation, shifting part of the inflation risk to
younger workers, is needed to prevent the very old from living in poverty
duping inflationary periods
Investment, insolvency, and political risks are real and potentially large, but
they cannot be reduced through risk pooling because they are correlated
across individuals and subject to moral hazard problems. Diversification is
the solution here. Diversification across several managerial and financing
mechanisms protects pensioners against exposure to extreme failure of any
one arrangement, reducing overall risk for the old.
b. investment
an important variable in the investment decision process. Long-term investment
Marketing Of
Pension Funds could reduce risk significantly and increase return. Madhusoodanan (1997) found
and that taking longer tern view of the market definitely pays rich rewards. That is,
Globalization buy and hold strategy is likely to be better than any trading strategy on long-term
basis this is in conformity with several stock markets. Thus it is very important to
look beyond asset allocation strategies based on the risk-returns trade-off of
different asset classes
made up of both stocks and bonds. (Solnik and Noetzlin, 1982) (See also
Marketing of
Sliashikant, Uma 1998).
Pension Funds
Funding Liabilities
How much funds the pension plans have has different implications
depending upon the types of plan. The firms owing pension fund shall chose the
funding and the portfolio strategy with higher net present value. This leads to two
opposite solutions. Under funding needs to buy risky assets, over funding
facilitates to buy high grade bonds. Ambachtsheer points out that pension funds
can be classified on the basis of liability goals. It can run on the basis of
termination liability goal or going concern goal. A termination liability definition
assumes that goal of the fund is to meet current accrued liabilities. The going
concern liability reflects an assumption that the pension benefits accruing will
actually be paid out over time and that the nominal pay-out value will reflect
actual inflation experience. The investment implications vary according to the
selection of goal of the pension fund. If the pension obligations are termination
obligation, then passive fund management is enough. If the duration of the
liabilities is known, investments are to be made in the portfolio of assets that
matches the duration of the liabilities. An immunization strategy is constructed
through a portfolio of zero coupon long dated paper or coupon paying fixed
income securities. The immunization strategy is subject to an element of interest
rate risk. If the pension liabilities are going concern Basis, investments in stocks
could be worth considering. Then the element of market risk will be with the fund.
If the termination liability view is static view of the world then the going concern
is a dynamic view of the world.
market. Exhibit 1 elaborates how to choose management style in a given
Marketing Of
Pension Funds environment.
Exhibit 1: Choosing Management Style
Personal Finance
It makes sense as a way of reducing taxes for shareholders. Shareholders
can reduce his taxes by shifting his portfolio by stocks into pension funds. The
firms allow the workers to own pension funds because it is safe for' them to make
long-term commitments to the firm. Further, shareholders can increase their
wealth by buying bonds from companies (interest on bonds are tax deductible) are
investing those interest in pension plans. Table in 15.9 summarizes the attributes
of investment environment in 1980s and 1990s which will have an impact on the
management of pension fund.
Check your progress 6 Marketing of
Pension Funds
1. Pension funds are contractual ________meaning that the lump sum
withdrawals are precluded each during the period their claims are payable
after retirement.
a. Annuities
b. Perpetuities
2. _________diversification reduces risk faster than domestic diversification.
a. International
b. national
allocation, and administration of the fund. These investment activities,
Marketing Of
Pension Funds administrative actives, oversee any external investments or managers are being
and done by Chief Investment Officer on behalf of the trust. The officer reports to the
Globalization fiduciary committee. The Chief investment officer and mutual funds or
investments managers are fiduciaries and are liable for any malpractice. This is
the kind of structure in US pension industry and have been really good success.
Asset Classes
While most of the pension funds follow prudent man rule, Table exhibits
stipulated investment limit for the pension and provident funds in India.
Investments are not fairly diversified as it holds only of bond portfolios, nor any
foreign investments
Foreign Investments
Though international diversification' ensures reduction of risk and maximize
the expected returns, in any pension funds are biased towards domestic
investments either by prudent man rule or restrictions by the government.
Performance Measurement
Let us now see how the performance of a given pension fund can be
measured. To take an example, cost Effectiveness Inc. (CEM) have created a
seven-point GAAP for measuring pension fund management operation (Source:
Ambachtsheer, 1994)
Because funds have different asset values and different investment policies,
Marketing of
minimum-required operating. Costs across different funds will differ and Pension Funds
will contain no information about management skill.
When peer comparisons of fund operating costs are made, only incremental
operating cost components calculated with identical decomposition
procedures are comparable.
b. Bank
2. All investments have to be made on the basis of providing__________to the
plan participants.
a. benefit
b. opportunities
b. Keyman
Marketing Of 1.9 Pension Funds and Capital Markets
Pension Funds
and Investment policies of pension funds have a profound effect on the capital
Globalization markets, affecting the rate and direction of financial innovation, the behaviour of
security prices and the policies of the corporations whose securities they hold.
More than 60 per cent of the household savings are in the form of currency
and deposits, which can be canalized through pension fund reforms
Provident and pension fund assets in India constitutes only below 20 per
cent of GDP as against average of 30 per cent for developed countries
though percentage of household savings are almost similar.
The government must bring a regulation similar to ERISA in USA and form
the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC).
Vesting rules should be simplified so that participant can change the funds
depending upon the performance of the funds to encourage competition
among pension Funds.
Check your progress 8 Marketing of
Pension Funds
1. Investment policies of pension funds have a profound effect on the
a. capital
b. money
a. Hedging
b. Investing
Marketing Of
Sub-Saharan Africa 4.6 4.4 4.5 9.9 27.7 29.4
Pension Funds
Globalization Asia 74 8.3 9.3 22.1 28.3 30.3
tax for
No of year Indexation
Countries Retirement Age pensions, Benefit
required for
women / men Type
full pension workers/
Prices and
Italy 55/60 15 26.2 CR
Prices and
Spain 65/65 15 16.7 CR
65/65 10 124 Prices CR Marketing of
Pension Funds
CR - Contribution Related
T - Means Tested
UF - Universal Flat
1970 93 85 23 21 77
(a) Marketable
1980 86 79 34 64 73
1988 90 85 44 87 92
1970 45 61 17 37 23
1988 48 77 24 30 35
1970 93 93 36 51 76
(C) Capital
1980 82 94 42 70 79
1988 86 92 48 85 86
Fixed-interest 1980 43 24 76 54 66
Marketing Of Property 3.4 6.7 4.5 7.2 4.6
Pension Funds
and Foreign Bonds 1.5 -0.3 3.2 1.5 -1.1
Foreign Equities 9.1 6.5 10.4 7.8 6.6
Asset Excess Real Nominal Excess Real Nominal Excess Real
Gold 5.3 5.8 13.4 ' 13.6 13.3 19.4 -3.0 -1.6 7.5
Silver 2.0 2.4 10.3 8.4 7.9 14.4 -4.4 -3.0 6.3
0.5 0.5 8.7 0.5 -0.7 6.9 0.4 1.7 10.6
Table Gross Average Annual Investment Rclurns for Selected Pension Funds
Countries Real Rate of Returns Years
U.S 8 1980-90
Singapore 3 1980-90
India 0.3 1980-90
Marketing of
Kenya -3.8 1980-90 Pension Funds
Marketing Of Check your progress 9
Pension Funds
and 1. No government limits to foreign investment.
a. Austria
b. Australia
b. Japan
3. Foreign investment is prohibited
a. Portugal
b. Norway
1.12 Answers for Check Your Progress Marketing of
Pension Funds
Check your progress 1
Answers: (1-a)
Answers: (1-a)
1.13 Glossary
1. Financial Services - Are services rendered by financial institutions,
facilitating the smooth flow of financial activities in the economy of the
financial system.
Marketing Of 1.14 Assignment
Pension Funds
and How does the changing demographic profile influence the scope of pension
Globalization funds?
1.15 Activities
Describe the different types of pension plans.
2. Arthur Mark l., Fogler H Russell, Healey, Thomas J, Kass Dennis M and
Martin Allan C. (1994), Redefining Pension Fund Customer-Supplier
Relationship In Quality Management and Institutional Investing,
Association for Investment Management and Research.
Unit Structure
2.0 Learning Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Globalisation of Financial Markets and its Impact on Local Markets
2.11 Assignment
2.12 Activities
Marketing Of 2.1 Introduction
Pension Funds
and Globalisation is making boundaries to yield to create boundary-less state in
Globalization the interest of Internationalizing Markets for free trade situation without any sort
of restrictions whatsoever.
In the past when you look at the foreign trade front, you will find every
country was vying with one another to get the foreign exchange to help the
country to have better balance of payment, but this has been a very difficult task
for every country since every country wanted to save its foreign exchange resaves
or surpluses and no country liked the idea of foreign exchange deficits but that
became very much inevitable. As a result, it in every country's own interest
OPENING UP MARKETS became a necessity. Thus Globalisation became a
reality. In this unit we will look at the impact of Globalisation on ' financial
services in general.
meaninglessly. You will see today, the new costumer does not believe in scarcity Globalisation
and the very concept of economics taught in the past has undergone a and Its Impact
on Financial
metamorphic change. As Ohamac said in 1990, after deregulation corporations
could use alternatives to create wealth in key regions of the world in addition to Markets
key manufacturing and selling. He further said, "To help then gain a market share
it was necessary to learn about macroeconomics as well as currency and financial
Protectionism has to die a natural death in favour of the consumer. After all
why should the consumer pay for the inefficiencies and ineffective manufacturing
of products? This has become the consumer driven market, popularly known as
Buyer's market globally. This is further well contributed by the innovative
software development to cause prompt instantaneous connectivity world over, due
to advancement in computer hardware technology and the telecommunication
technology to the consternation of protagonists of ' protectionism today. No doubt
fixed costs are increasing under various heads in the software industry, Sooner or
later, this industry will also face same problems like that of semi-conductor
process industry. After all, cost ineffective industries will have just short runs of
euphemistic growth. But that is not the concern today, somehow because if the
industry matures sooner or later, it will have to work strategies only for short runs
and swiftly move over to new thought provoking innovation and creative dreams
conducive to the consumer. Care should be taken not to put all your eggs
(investments) in one basket.
Marketing Of
2. A ________of financial markets complicated several situations.
Pension Funds a. deregulation
Globalization b. regulation
b. Producer
overseas competitor in the form of financial services supplier of that incoming
business entity. and Its Impact
on Financial
Technology drivers: Financial services rely heavily on maintenance and
movement of data for enhancing their capabilities for Tran’s border operations. Markets
The availability of broad band telecommunication channels and information
superhighways, now capable of moving vast amount of data at great speed, had
helped providers of financial service to rapidly internationalize. Emergence of the
worldwide web as a major communication tool and its usage in large number of
countries has facilitated internet banking and globally usable credit cards
Cost drivers: The impact of the cost driver for different services would vary
according to the level of fixed costs required to establish operations in a country
and the resultant possibility of cost efficiencies. The lowered costs of tele-
communication and international travel, possibilities of organizing regional hubs
for business operations for financial services, the round the clock availability of
services like foreign exchange and transfers in real time and at lower operational
costs have also encouraged Globalisation of financial services.
revision in most countries today as winds of liberalisation buffet government
Marketing Of
Pension Funds policy in these countries
The growth and worldwide spread of the multinational corporation have
been till important market driver of globalisation in banking, as corporate
customers, such MNC’s seek global coordination and delivery of worldwide
corporate banking services.
The growing needs of business travellers on the other hand are being met by
globally branded traveller’s cheque and credit cards, issued by both head offices
and local franchises, as well as globally networked ATMs that issue money in
local currency. Most MNC’s today use a combination of both local and
international banks, but the larger the geographical spread of a bank, the better its
competitive ability to serve clients with translational business.
a. www
b. http
a. Tele-communication
b. communication
3. Fast changing ________and its consequent high cost equipment also become
components of the cost drivers in the globalisation.
a. technology
b. organisation
4. The growth and worldwide spread of the multinational corporation have been
till important market driver of ________in Banking.
a. globalization
b. nationalization
2.4 Globalisation of Markets: The World Ahead Globalisation
and Its Impact
By strategy one should create sustaining value for the consumer. on Financial
Commercialize inventions and discoveries. Globalisation, it is the turn to invent, Services
innovate and create. Accept the nature law. Old should yield to the new. Never Markets
become me - too. If you do, you will be no where the message of the globalisation
is. No longer me - too band - wagon can sell. More informed and highly
demanding customers are increasing day by day, today. So they have the power in
their hands. Multinational really turned out to be the organisations accepting what
the customer wants, in the borderless world. So you are seeing today, a lot of
products are just sold out at much lesser than manufacturing costs just to avoid
finished goods warehousing and interest costs. These companies have to pay, if
they do not understand the Mind of the consumer, as he turned out to be super
strategist cash rich. He will not part with his cash unless the thing he buys gives
him several times satisfaction over his investment on anything. This means that
the customer can never be taken for granted. Barriers and artificial controls will
have no meaning with the new consumer. So even Governments are just failing
today, inter linked economies are much superior to old macro economists view -
that exchange rate should change to adjust for the difference in purchasing power
of tradable goods, and in rates of inflation and interest between two countries.
Inter linked economy has about 1 billion people and above in its net, with the
average capacity to a per capita of $.10,000.- GNP, This is growing and most of
the wealth is created, consumed and re-distributed. Inter dependence of economy
is helping build better security and that is going to be the governing principle in
the years to come. So globalisation has taken a great grip on the industry and
governments as also on all hues of politicians and their political economic
In this context one has to study what shall be the global asset and liabilities
management. That will vividly give chances of working. Also one should take
into account sustainable energy availability and exploitation to help reduce energy
costs on every manufactured goods. It becomes perforce a necessity to run for
alternate sources of energy, consumer is not willing to pay for your energy costs
and he will need heavy discounts everywhere possible except in most sought after
product or service, for which the consumer might pay any price, as long as it is
not a kind of ransom price.
Today, consumer is the king because what you care about most is the
product's quality, price, design, value and appeal as a consumer, Young people
today are least concerned about a Nation or Country and hence call be called as
Nationality less. Today's products have to rely upon so many different critical
Marketing Of
Pension Funds technologies. Interestingly enough today you sell your products to your own
and competitors for comparative advantages so that you can ' supply to your
Globalization consumers your products at most affordable prices and that is the trend setting in
the Beyond Tomorrow, as you know fully well, consumer will not just accept your
products at high price one hand but also that what you give should be useful to
him, You should be always in the lookout for newer technologies so that your
products are in tune with the new technology development. Otherwise you will
soon become obsolete in the markets.
You should have continuous research and development in your area of
product development and also ensure that you’re R and D takes cognizance of
technological advancement so that your product development is consumer friendly
and price competitive in the eye of the consumer. He will not accept anything
inferior at all. Managers have to amortize fixed costs over a much larger market
base and this really drives them. New concept of low labour does not mean you
will pay low wages to your people but ' you will get best work from your work
force and it meals your work force will produce, best products and quality product
and from his it should be clear consumer will not accept second best product but
really be best and that you cannot produce from cheap labour! So the concept of
low cost of labour has to undergo a tremendous change! Winner will be always
focusing on the best or on becoming the best. It is also important to note that
concern for shareholders value is vital. Equally important is to sustain leadership,
put unmatched value in be market place and back it up with superior operating
capability. Best companies are re-inventing competition in their markets.
In the tomorrow situation, you will strategize, Cross border operations are
the' in-thing again. Interestingly, you will work on international partnering
mechanism just to cut do costs. Dis-investments will be the order of the day. Only
future is for the strategist. International trade will grow several folds. Foreign
exchange transfers will be on the balance of credit arrangement. Trade boom is
certain. Only intelligent players with sound comm. sense will survive. There will
be very few common currencies - Euros, Dollars, and some currency will emerge
in Asia, South-East Asia, may be some Afro-Asian currency. This will keep Globalisation
currency fluctuations under control or minimum volatility, a thing which is very and Its Impact
on Financial
new today. This will cause to make foreign exchange transactions not a gamble.
Change, challenge and crisis have all become clichés. Many nations and Markets
banks, companies did not give adequate concern for these and hence they all
failed miserably. So the today nations and companies should know the trend by all
means prevailing or suddenly appearing. New customer or consumer is just a
challenge-in-total in the world. Even the mightiest have to fall flat before him and
that is the message of this democratic world. Citizen really assumes power, in the
form of consumer or customer. This spread will strengthen the citizen. Once he
has tasted this power, he will take umbrage under this. He deserves this is
provided to him, in the Beyond Tomorrow.
a. strategy
b. policy
a. Technology
3. Today, _________is the king because what you care about most is the
product's quality, price, design, value and appeal as a consumer.
a. consumer
b. producer
very big source of stability". He further added, Korean ' recovery looks set to
Marketing Of
Pension Funds continue. Malaysia looks to be doing pretty well. Thailand is a bit slower, while
and Indonesia, because of political uncertainty (will grow at) around 5%. 'In the
Globalization Philippines, it is a pity that there has been fiscal slippage, because it managed
monetary and exchange rate policy well during the crisis. It is slightly
disappointing that in recent years, it has had difficulty keeping its budget on track.
Obviously, what it takes to get consistent economic policies is political backing
for then and that has been difficult of late."
IMF assesses Japan will grow a little more rapidly next year than this year.
There is a fear lingering around of significant slow-down, as there is tremendous
uncertainty. There is a declining trend of slowdown in U.S. also.
Reforms in Asia varies a great deal, Korea did real progress in dealing with
corporate debt problem and the banks (India should take cue from that
experience). Malaysia had 48 done well in the banking sector (India should learn
From Malaysia) Thailand moved clearly, progress seemed to have flagged,
especially on corporate side. Yes, Indonesia is a bit uncertain, is the view of the
deputy managing director of IME
In the Beyond Tomorrow, investors will not take kindly on governments not
following proper procedures and would not like innocents being punished due to
political interference. That is politician and political governments and governance
would have to meet the citizen standards. Otherwise, politicians will lose their
grip for ever: and independent citizens representatives will emerge from among
the elite's are the message of tomorrow, since the old adage - "politics is the last
refuge of a scoundrel" will die a natural death, sooner or later, as there can never
be continuous "Peaks" in anything.
Banks and corporate re-structuring are very important for mechanisms and'
appropriate re-engineering has to be done in this area and that will light a candle
in darkness
interest rates cannot be useful, as per monetary economic theory and in close Globalisation
cohesion with monetary economic practitioners like IME only restructuring can and Its Impact
on Financial
save economies. Japan has started that but now; consumer confidence has to be
built up at all costs. Risks of slowdown in Japanese economy are looming large. Markets
There was a slowing down in the last three months (of year 2000) in growth
rate in U.S. But growth is returning to sustainable levels and there exists very few
signs of inflation. Growth will continue in the range of 3.25% to 3,75% much
better than one could have anticipated, in the last five years, is the view of the
On August 11, 2000, Bank of Japan raised interest rates from its zero
interest-rate policy to 0.25% interest rate, while Federal Reserve Bank of U.S. as
on 22 August, 2000 kept U.S. interest rates unchanged, for its own strategic
non-resident Chinese. Global CEOs frequent turn out to China is impressive, as all
Marketing Of
Pension Funds of them hope great hopes in China. South Korea has a strong and robust stock
and market, good export growth, and resurgence in confidence cyclical recovery is just
Globalization begun thought president Kim Dae Jung's term is winding down. North Korea re-
unification with South Korea will not only he dramatic if it really takes place and
chances are indeed greater Re-building North Korea alone will cost at least $1 to
$2 trillion. Gradual opening of the market will be in 2 to 3 times, by normalization
of relations with U.S.A, and Japan by the North Korea part. Money will just pour
in if there are right gestures from North America, feels the chief economist David
David Hale is straight to state, "we don't have the kind of leveraging and
capital flow excesses that we had in mid-1990s and the problem is the sense of
paralysis, of stagnation and lack of momentum at a time, when the world economy
offers a lot of opportunities. In Asia, the issues will remain the same for some
time. Attracting foreign investment in the banking system to both revitalize and
restructure, Further improvement in corporate governance will force organisations
to allocate resources more efficiently. Political systems supportive of these
reforms should be in place. Then there is ray of hope. This is what Beyond
Tomorrow needs.
a. Japanese
b. chinese
a. re-structuring
b. re-engineering
2.6 Globalisation and Consumer Orientation and Its Impact
Docile and stoic customer of the past is changing his face as New customer, on Financial
today and tomorrow, that is Beyond Tomorrow is unforgiving at the market place, Markets
as highly empowered customer will decide the corporate' fate. He will demand
competition, global, quality and look for new economic realities, as a highly
focused customer. So companies have to continuously and constantly monitor and
should be willing to meet the changing customer. Needs and his demands, is the
clear message for tomorrow. Corporate should have unmatched competitive edge
just to be in place, in tomorrow's market place, though he i s trying to satisfy even
today the customer's demands but that is just a drop in the ocean of
uncompromising demands of the New customer
Harish Manwani, director of personal products of FLL said, “the marketer
must constantly upgrade the consumer and the product by finding new
dimensions." In the same way, David Thomas of Proctor and Gamble opined,
“what we have been learning and relearning is that consumers look for quality and
value for money." Suresh Rajpal of Hewlet-Packard-India, said, "There are many
companies that have not yet woken up to the reality that to be competitive, you
have to be customer 'focused".
Deepak Parekh of HDFC said, "All the employees of our organisations have
to be the trustees of our customers". KK Noria of Crompton Greaves said,
"Customer intimacy has to be built not by a few, but by employees across the
organisation". PK Mittal of Ispat Group said, "You have to get all parts of a
corporation talking to the customer. For Indian ' companies, that has to be the
Mantra", Mrutunjay Athreya a management consult4mt of repute said, "All the
rewards accruing to a company come from only one source: the rupee of the
Ashok Chandarlok of Siemens said, "When you create working cells people
can see more of each other and work better with each other."
So to deliver value to the customer the financial service provider will have to
1. Realign organizational roles and resources around processes that deliver.
6. Restructure the organisation; Found teams within and across processes.
Marketing Of
Pension Funds 7. Integrate the support functions into high-performance core processes.
Globalization For attaining the above goal, customaries -
Treat the owners of every stage in the work flow as the customers to the
previous stage.
Appraise and reward every employee in his success in servicing the internal
The above becomes as suitable training, ground or company employee to fit
themselves in real life situations with real customers. This is very much important
to tune up one's mind to be with the customer.
1. Ensure that every employee interacts directly with the customers and the
end user.
2. Allow the customer access to every person and function within the
3. Turn every encounter with the customer into a platform of interactive
4. Involve the customer in designing and fine tuning key products and and Its Impact
on Financial
5. Set up systems to facilitate interactions between suppliers and customers. Markets
b. Faithful
2. Use __________customer satisfaction as a gauge for measuring
a. Internal
b. external
Similarly attention will have to be given on measuring on and managing
Marketing Of
Pension Funds default risks, managing of price risks in a portfolio of derivatives, and so on.
If one wants to get some perceptions of creative and innovative corporate
management of today, one has to look at the various advertisements floated by the
corporate for recruiting people to man their new functions and also to handle
marketing functions for domestic and international marketing.
This clearly shows how each company and its board is trying to visualize
the new millennium trends, and this will indicate the aggregates of these kinds of
perceptions world over. Such a focus on skills and, qualities required will lead to a
new exceptional paradigm, after all, man conceive things and then he tries to put
strategic positions which we call managing today.
Let us see some advertisements recently published by the companies.
HSBC - The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd - advertised on
the appointments page of Economic Times recently, reading as under:
"The HSBC group is one of the world's largest banking and financial
services organisation with about 6000 offices and around 170,000 employees in
81 countries and territories. Headquarters 'in UK, it has major PERSONAL,
COMMERCIAL and INVESTMENT BANKING operations in Europe, the Asia-
Pacific region, the Americas, The Middle East, and Africa.
This Hong Kong and Shanghai Balking corporation Ltd., is a principal
member of the HSBC group and is a leading multinational bank in India with a
significant presence in personal banking, credit cards, corporate banking,
custodian services, trade finance treasury, and capital markets, and financial
It further says, "Our human resources function has always played a pivotal
role in SUPPORTING BUSINESS OBJECTIVES and is globally recognised as
having, institutionalized some of the best HR practices across industries. We are
the acknowledged leaders in resourcing through assessment centers, and for career
and succession planning through development centers. We also provide a
structured executive career development Programme for management trainees and
are reputed for our structured job evaluation process.
HSBC is looking for HR, people to contribute for operations and systems
driven roles in compensation, employee relations, and career development
activities of the bank. Further, these personnel are expected to have ability to work Globalisation
under pressures, manage change as t' well as conflicting priorities, which assumes and Its Impact
on Financial
essential priorities, at a senior level. While at the junior level, the junior HR men
should be effective communications, below 30 years of age, should rapidly Markets
establish credibility and build working relationships. It also claims, hat this junior
position will provide challenging career and a rewarding career. It presumes
knowledge of labour laws is essential. An analytical and systems driven
background may be an advantage
A trading house, MRF Limited, says it has 50 years of corporate leadership
in diversified fields and it is one of the most successful Trading Houses in India
with trade links established all over the world. It is said that this value reputation
earned global markets that had provided the logical impetus to the growth of its
exports. Today, more than 70 countries across the globe ke witness to the quality
excellence of MRF products. MRF expects its exports executives should be
graduates below 30 years of age preferably with a degree (additional) diploma in
Foreign Trade and with minimum 6 years of experience in exports marketing of
consumer durable be positions demand hard-core selling, prospecting new
markets and involves extensive overseas travel to widen export markets."
In this advertisement one can clearly see, people pin hope on youngsters and
on also those who are from specialised institutions of learning, giving the clear
impression, only these youngster have some grip on the export markets, especially
because the corporate find it difficult to allocate budgets for internal training
programmers, for their own relevant needs, and thee is exclusive dependability for
specialised education, by outsourcing and this also lead us to believe that the
general education pattern developed by the universities, say in India over 160,
excluding deemed ones give terrestrial education leaving specialisation in the
hands of the users. If the present recruiting trend countries, naturally, we will have
to wind up present universal. education pattern, yielding to specialization, since it
is not meaningful to go on increasing' The number of years in one institution or
the other at the cost of the National exchequer on the one side and unnecessarily
reducing the potential working time of d e youth on the other.
We should also consider, in this mercurial global situation, there cannot be
consistency of systems and procedures even in the short-term perspective. So
corporate cannot get away from their own internal training mechanism since each
business needs a particular way of focusing depending upon the business
environment. So it will be clear that there is no short cut to success in the future
but definitely it calls for intelligent kind of reading the situations, from time to
time that no school or college and institution can give, unless the corporate adopt
Marketing Of
Pension Funds these college and institutions by developing endowments and grants while
and simultaneously interacting with those institutions by providing feedback on the
Globalization core experience, This is called using the case basis.
That apart, all people today are at cross roads, and are not clear which
direction to move, as every direction is a free for all kinds of direction. That is the
reason why now consulting companies like Arthur Anderson (India) country head
- global corporate finance Mr. Munesh Khanna says in an interview to Economic
Times to Pallab Dutta “major revenues will come from advising on e-commerce
architecture for existing as well as new clients. Not to forget the big and
diversified brick and - mortars that are web enabling their processes and scale of
business operations." He also says "media is disseminating research and in - depth
information about the New economy. Mere increase in bandwidth and net
penetration alone won't speed up the progression to the information age.
Logistics and distribution channels also need 'to be in place, and this means
more road highways, airports, ports, etc." Public finance experts are no longer
there today and their areas are taken over by the corporate finance specialists /
analysts and they are of some assistance to the government and in this process in
India. Fiscal management is wobbling and playing tunes with the corporate
finance wizards. There is less accountability to the tax payers and super
friendliness with the corporate world which never bothers about the agriculture
and farmer. This trend will continue for some more time.
b. JK
3. ________channels also need 'to be in place and this means more road Globalisation
and Its Impact
highways, airports, ports, etc.
on Financial
a. Logistics and distribution Services
b. Connecting
After this detailed discussion the readers would have certainly got a good
idea about globalisation and how it has affected the financial services sector.
Marketing Of Check your progress 4
Pension Funds
and Answers: (1-a), (2-b)
Check your progress 5
2.10 Glossary
1. Fund Based Services - Financial services firms that cater the short-term
term needs of funds of corporate sector and others are in the funds-based
2. Terrestrial - Wordily.
2.11 Assignment
What are the key drivers for globalisation of financial services? Discuss
with respect i to the Indian scenario.
2.12 Activities
1. How has rapid globalisation affected the local providers of financial
2. What are some of the trends discernible in the Asian Markets in the wake of
globalisation? Briefly discuss.
2.14 Further Readings Globalisation
and Its Impact
1. Sandra Vandermerwe and Micheal Chadwick, "The Internationalization of on Financial
Service”, the Service Industry Journal, January 1989.
2. Micheal E. Porter, "Changing Patterns of International Competition",
Ccdgornin Management Review. Vol. 26, Winter 1986.
3. George S. Yip, "Total Global Strategy: Managing for Worldwide
Competitive Advantage", Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice Wall 1992.
Marketing Of Block Summary
Pension Funds
and This whole block revolves around the pension funds and there role in the
Globalization society. After going through this block we understood what pension fund is and
how it plays a very important role in the society.
Block Assignment
Short Answer Questions
1. Pension Funds
2. Need for Reforms in Social Security
3. Pension plan
4. Asset classes and diversification
9. Financial services
10. Globalisation and consumer orientation
Marketing Of Enrolment No.
Pension Funds
1. How many hours did you need for studying the units?
Unit No 1 2 3 4
Nos of Hrs
2. Please give your reactions to the following items based on your reading of the
Education is something
which ought to be
brought within
the reach of every one.
- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar