4581 - 1118 - 29 - 1080 - 48 - CB 2011
4581 - 1118 - 29 - 1080 - 48 - CB 2011
4581 - 1118 - 29 - 1080 - 48 - CB 2011
Course title Instructors 1.0 : : : : : : : : Post Graduate Diploma in Management Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Financial Services) Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Retail Management) 2010-2012 2011 -12 Fourth Full 413 Consumer Behaviour A.S. Sandhya and Shalini Singh
Course objectives: The course provides insights into various dimensions of consumer behaviour. The objectives are: Provide background tools for understanding consumer behaviour. To provide a parsimonious picture of consumer psychology - the basic psychological concepts that accounts for individual behaviour and demonstrate how these concepts influence the individuals consumption related behaviour. Provide an overview of the social and cultural dimensions of consumer behaviour. Explore the various aspects of consumer decision making Course outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to demonstrate/develop the ability to: Understand how consumers make decisions to buy various kinds of goods and services. Understand how the basic psychological concepts account for individual behaviour. Understand how consumers tend to behave in their socio - cultural settings. Prescribed text: Consumer Behaviour , Leon Schiffman & Leslie Kanuk, and Ramesh Kumar, 10th ed., Pearson Publication. Additional references: Consumer Behaviour, Loudan and Bitta, 4th ed., THM. Consumer Behaviour, Wayne D. Hoyer & Deborah J. Maclnnis, 5th ed., South Western Business World, Business India, 4 Ps Magazine, Economic Times, Indian Journal of Marketing, ICFAI Journal of Consumer Behavior, Harvard Business Review
Evaluation scheme: Component Mid Term Examination End Term Examination Quizzes Project / Assignments Others Total : : : : : : : Weightage (%) 20 40 20 20 100
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5.0 6.0
Pedagogy: Lectures and case study Student contact hours: Days of the week: Time slot:
7.0 Session-wise instruction plan: Session Topics to be covered No. Sessions Topics Consumer Behaviour: Origin and Its Strategic Applications 1-2 CB and the marketing concept Customer value, satisfaction and retention Consumer Decision Making Levels of decision making Views of consumer Decision 3-5 Making Model of Consumer Decision making Consumer Motivation Motivation as psychological force. The dynamics of motivation and marketing application Measurement of motives Personality Personality and consumer diversity Brand personality Self and self image Perception Elements, dynamics, consumer imagery and market application Learning Elements of learning Strategic application of consumer learning Measures of consumer learning Attitude Structural models of attitude Attitude formation and change Strategies of attitude change Attitude formation vs. behaviour
Learning(s) drawn Understanding the importance of consumer behavioural studies for marketers
Chapter 1
Understand how the dynamics of motivation influences consumption behavior and its marketing implication.
Chapter 4
Understanding how personality reflects consumers inner differences and their responses to product and marketing messages Know the sensory dynamics of perception and its marketing implication Know the behavioural learning process and its affect on consumption behaviour
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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Reference Groups Power of reference group Consumer related reference group Reference group appeal The Family and Social Class The dynamics of status consumption Measurement and profiling of social class Application of social class in understanding behaviour Culture and Sub-Culture Dynamism of culture and sub culture Measurement of culture and profiling Consumer Influence and the Diffusion of Innovation Opinion leadership Dynamism and motivation behind Opinion leadership Marketers Control of Opinion leadership process Diffusion of Innovation Consumer Research Consumer research paradigms Profiling Indian Consumer
Instructors Notes
Social class as a determinant of consumer behaviour and its application in strategy formulation Chapter 10
Impact of culture and sub culture on buyer behaviour and its relevance in developing strategies
Chapter 11
Understand how consumers adopt new products/ services and the influence of opinion leaders on the adoption process. Chapter 13
Research approach from consumer behavioural studies perspective Changing consumer profile and its relevance to marketers
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