Program Objective:-
1. By studying law in the particular context of business management the students are
groomed to respond to governance, administration and human behavior.
2. Student’s gain an edge over other peers to lead and shape social and public enterprises
such as the State, Community Organization and Business Enterprises.
3. Course curriculum facilitates learning Law in profound way in response to contemporary
development with hands on experience in legal knowledge and skills in value frame work
in a fast changing India set in a de-globalizing world.
4. The Student will be groomed in intellectual integrity and ethics.
5. The Student will improve cognitive, problem solving skills, independent critical
thinking with research capabilities’.
6. Students will be able to cultivate the ability to appreciate role of lawyers in justice
education in Globalizing world, Sustainability, Poverty and Vulnerability.1
Course Objectives:
This course intends to focus on the following issues:
CO (1): To provide an outline of historical foundation on which the present contract law
CO (2): To develop an understanding about the law relating to the contracts.
CO (3): To develop an insight into the various aspects of contract law and introducing the
students with the provisions of the Indian Contract Act 1872.
Suggested Books:
Sl.No. Title Author Publisher
1 Anson’s Law of Contract J. Beatson Oxford University Press
Course Map
The following table shows how the course learning outcomes relate to the overall program learning
Goals and Outcomes, and indicates where these are assessed
Delivery Schedule
Session Plan Evidence of Learning
(Mapping CO with SO)
Session Topic/Intended Learning Resources and References Intended Assessment/Evaluation
No Delivery and Weighting
Process (S,M,W,NL)
1-2 Brief History of the Indian Reading Material: Lecture CO (1)=LO(1)-S
Contract Act, 1872 1- Shodhganga Article & Class
(https://shodhganga.inflib Discussi on
2- Lecture Notes
3-4 Basic Concepts under the Recommended Text Book: Student CO (2)=LO(2)-S
Contract Act Avatar Singh (11th Edition), Activity
1872 P.No:2 /
Case Law: Lecture
& Class
1. Carlill v. Carbolic Discussi
Smoke Ball Co. (1891- on
4) All ER Rep.12
2. Pharmaceutical Society
of Great Britain v. Boots
Cash Chemist
(Southern) Ltd. (1952) 2
All ER Rep. 456
3. Balfour v. Balfour(1918-
19) All ER 860 (CA)
5. Bhagwandas
Goverdhandas Kedia v.
M/s. Girdharilal
Parshottamdas & Co.,
7. Felthouse v.Bindley
(1862) 11 CB 869
5-9 Provisions relating to Recommended Text Book: Lecture CO
essentials of valid Avatar Singh(11 Edition), & Class (2)=LO(2)+LO(4)-S
proposal, acceptance, P.No:5-9, 16-22, 23-35. Discussi
Communication and Case Laws on
revocation of offers and 1. Union of India v.
Maddala Thathiah, AIR
1966 SC 1724
4. Haridwar Singh v.
Bagun Sumbrui (1973) 3
SCC 889
5. Indian Airlines
Corporation v. Sm.
Madhuri Chowdhuri,
AIR 1965 Cal. 252
Doctrine 2.0: Standard
Form Contracting in the
Age of Online User
Participation ,
& TECH.L. REV. 303,
366 (2008).
Case Laws:
1- Societe Des Products
Nestle S.A. ... vs Essar
Industries And Ors.
[2006 (33) PTC 469 Del]
12-14 Consideration Ss.2 Recommended Text Book: Student CO (3)=LO(3)-S
d, 25,23 th
Avatar Singh(11 Edition), P.No: Activity
98-106. /
Case Laws: Lecture
& Class
1. John Tinson v Surjeet
Malhaan, 1997 (9) SCC on
2. Kedarnath Bhattacharji
v. Gorie Mahomed
(1886) 7 I.D. 64 (Cal.)
3. Doraswami Iyer v.
Arunachala Ayyar
(1935) 43 LW 259
6. Nawab Khwaja
Muhammad Khan v.
Nawab Husaini Begam
(1910) LR 37 I.A. 152
3. Ajudhia Prasad v.
Chandan Lal, AIR 1937
All. 610
20-23 Free consent – coercion, Recommended Text Book: Video CO (3)=LO(3)-S
undue influence, fraud, Avatar Singh(11 Edition), P.No. Presenta
misrepresentation, 169-170, 173,193,203,219. tion /
mistake fact and law Case Laws: Lecture
& Class
1. Raghunath Prasad v.
Sarju Prasad (1923) 51 on
I.A. 101
3. Lakshmi Amma v. T.
Narayana Bhatta, 1970
(3) SCC 159
4. Tarsem Singh v.
Sukhminder Singh
(1998) 3 SCC 471
3. Niranjan Shankar
Golikari v. Century
Spinning &
Manufacturing Co. Ltd.,
AIR 1967 SC 1098
5. D.T.C. v. D.T.C.
Mazdoor Congress, AIR
1991 SC 101
6. Dhurandhar Prasad
Singh v. Jai Prakash
University, AIR 2001
SC 2552
3. Karsandas H. Thacker v.
M/s. The Saran
Engineering Co. Ltd.,
AIR 1965 SC 1981
6. Ghaziabad Development
Authority v. Union of
India, AIR 2000 SC
Additional Notes:
(2006) 4 SCC J 15,
Cricket and
TheValidity of Standard f
orm of Contracts by
Srinath Sridevan
36 Indus. L.J. 2 (2007),
Legal Responses to the
Standard Form Contract
of Employment
Gallagher, Recent
Changes in the Standard
Form of Federal
Construction Contract,
1968 A.B.A. Sec.
Ins. NEGL. & COMP. L.
PROC. 138 (1968).
Mark R.
Patterson, Standardization
of Standard-Form
Contracts: Competition
and Contract
52 WM. & MARY L. RE
V. 327 (2010).
41-42 The Specific Relief Act, Recommended Text Book: Lecture CO (3)=LO(2)-S
1963 Avatar Singh (11th Edition), & Class
Specific performance of P.No.829,840,847,866,884,888,8 Discussi
contracts – 90, on/
Relevant Sections 9, Case Laws: Exercis
10, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, Thamanna Shivalingappa Teli es
v. State of Karnataka, (2005)
23and 24 12 SCC 171
State of Bihar v. Arvind
Kumar, (2012) 12 SCC 395
Jagdish Singh v. Natthu Singh,
(1992) 1 SCC 647
Urmila Devi v. Mandir Shree
Chamunda Dev ..., (2018) 2
SCC 284
State Bank of Saurashtra v.
P.N.B., (2001) 5 SCC 751
43 Rectification of Recommended Text Book: Lecture CO
instruments- Avatar Singh (11th Edition), & Class (3)=LO(2)+LO(3)-S
Relevant Sections P.No.896,898 Discussi
26 and 27 Case Law/s: on/
Puran Ram v. Bhaguram, Exercis
(2008) 4 SCC 102 es
Joseph John Peter Sandy v.
Veronica Thom ..., (2013) 3
SCC 801
Subhadra v. Thankam, (2010)
11 SCC 514
Pranab Kumar Pal v. LIZ
Investment (P) L ..., (2009) 6
SCC 689
Sunil Pannalal Banthia v. City
& Industr ..., (2007) 10 SCC
Lalit Kumar Jain v. Jaipur
Traders Corpn ..., (2002) 5
SCC 383
Union of India v. Col. L.S.N.
Murthy, (2012) 1 SCC 718
P.C. Chacko v. LIC of India,
(2008) 1 SCC 321
44-45 Injunctions- Recommended Text Book: Lecture CO (3)=LO(2)-S
Relevant Sections Avatar Singh (11 Edition), & Class
36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 P.No.916,917,920 Discussi
Skill developing exercise – Case Law/s: on/
Drafting a contract Shyam Lal Yadav v. Kusum Exercis
Dhawan, (1979) 4 SCC 143 es
Shri Chand v. Govt. of U.P.,
(1985) 4 SCC 169
Municipal Corpn. of Delhi v.
Suresh Chandra Jaipuria and
others, (1976) 4 SCC 719
Meena Chaudhary v. Commr.
of Delhi Police, (2015) 2 SCC
Pannalal Radhakrishna Poddar
v. Dinkar Rai and others,
(2012) 12 SCC 481
Ramakrishna Rao v. Rai
Murari, (2008) 3 SCC 175
Nagar Palika Parishad, Mihona
v. Ramnath, (2014) 6 SCC 394
Ramji Rai v. Jagdish Mallah,
(2007) 14 SCC 200
Municipal Council, Udaipur v.
Mahendra Kumar (2008) 12
SCC 771
Gowri v. Shanthi, (2014) 11
SCC 664
Tanusree Basu v. Ishani Prasad
Basu, (2008) 4 SCC 791
Om Prakash v. Shanti Devi,
(2015) 4 SCC 601
Ramesh v. Harbans Nagpal,
(2015) 8 SCC 716
5 Tutorials
10 Self Learning including
projects, presentations,
moot courts,simulation,
exercises, film review,
news review, field
visit,experiential learning,
guest lectures
Expectations from Students:
To participate in the classes exercises and activities
To be present in the class on time specified by all means
To be sincere in doing the assignments and class preparations
To maintain the dignity of a classroom and cooperate for the class and restrain from using
mobile phones
To actively participate in case analysis and incorporate the theories into practical phenomena
To undertake the tests very seriously and perform better
To be consistent in preparation for the class and tests which enables continous learning
To have a parallel awareness on the current trends in legal field and events associated with
the theories learnt.
To read the relevant articles in the newspapers and keep updated with the recent changes.
Evaluations Timelines:
Keeping in line with continuous evaluation at SLSH, the following schedules have been
drawn, students are expected to go through the dates/sessions mentioned and prepare
Evaluation Timeline:-
Keeping in line with continuous evaluation at SLS-H, the following schedules have been drawn.
Students are expected to go through the dates / sessions mentioned and prepare accordingly.