Bank Integration - 16R - S4HANA2020 - BPD - EN - DE
Bank Integration - 16R - S4HANA2020 - BPD - EN - DE
Bank Integration - 16R - S4HANA2020 - BPD - EN - DE
Table of Contents
1 Purpose
2 Prerequisites
2.1 System Access
2.2 Roles
2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data
2.4 Business Conditions
2.5 Preliminary Steps
2.5.1 Create pain.002.001.03_I071234_01.xml
2.5.2 Create camt.053.001.02_I071234_01.xml
2.5.3 Check Alternative Format Type
2.5.4 Adapt Payment Medium File Structure for Supplier Financing
2.5.5 Enable Situation Framework
3 Overview Table
4 Test Procedures
4.1 Outgoing Integration
4.1.1 Create Payment Medium
4.1.2 Send Payment Instruction to MBC (Optional)
4.1.3 Pull Status Message from MBC (Optional)
4.2 Incoming Integration
4.2.1 Pull Bank Statement from MBC ISO CAMT.053 Format MT940 Format
4.2.2 Import Electronic Bank Statement
4.2.3 Pull Bank Services Billing Files from MBC
4.2.4 Route Payment Files Route Payment Files Initiated by non-SAP Systems
4.3 MBC Connector Monitor
4.3.1 Situation Handling
5 Appendix
5.1 Process Integration
5.2 Succeeding Processes
With SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity (MBC), SAP establishes connections with your banks to automatically send payment instructions, receive status notifications, receive bank statements, and re-
ceive lockbox messages. Leveraging the monitoring capabilities, you can supervise the status of all payment instructions and see which bank statements are received and which expected bank state-
ments are still missing. The monitoring is only available in combination with Advanced Cash Operations (J78).
This test script describes an example of the end-to-end process using manual steps to test the setup without needing to connect to an actual real bank. In an actual productive implementation, this
process is fully automated.
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing this scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution. Each process step, report, or item is covered in its
own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table view. Steps that are not in scope of the process but are needed for testing are marked accordingly. Project-specific steps must be
This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, other test data and business conditions.
System Details
System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.
2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users. Alternatively, if available, you can create business roles using the following spaces with pages and predefined apps for the SAP Fiori
launchpad and assign the business roles to your individual test users.
Note These roles or spaces are examples provided by SAP. You can use them as templates to create your own roles or spaces.
For more information about business roles, refer to Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Best Practices .
Country DE
Currency EUR
J60 - Accounts Payable and/or If the Basic (Core) Cash Management is implemented, before the test step Outgoing Integration ensure that: The payment run has been exe-
BFB - Basic Cash Operations cuted and the paying house bank uses the payment medium format for MBC connectivity in test script Accounts Payable (J60), the process is
linked to current test script Bank Integration with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity (16R) via a process interface mentioned in the Accounts
Payable Bank Integration procedure in the Basic Cash Operations (BFB) test script, because no approval is needed (no BCM approval func-
tion is provided) when using Basic (Core) Cash Management.
BD9 - Sell from Stock (for SAP S/4HANA Before the test step Incoming Integration ensure that either:
Enterprise Management or SAP S/4HANA ● Another tester has created a billing document, and its customer item is open (uncleared). You can find open customer items in the app
Enterprise Management Cloud) or Manage Customer Line Items; in order to run this app, add accounts receivable related roles to your user, you may find these roles in the
J14 - Sales Order Processing - Project-Based Accounts Receivable (J59) test script.
Services (for SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Man- ● If you cannot find an existing open customer item, create a billing document by yourself. You can use test script Sell from Stock (BD9) or
agement Cloud or SAP S/4HANA Professional Sales Order Processing - Project-Based Services (J14) to create a billing document.
Services Cloud)
Make a note of the amount and reference (XBLNR in the header) of the FI document of billing document. This information is needed to
or any other scope items creating customer
Bank Integration with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity (16R_DE) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 5
Scope Item Business Condition
invoice simulate the incoming payment (credit) item in an electronic bank statement. In the bank statement, a credit item can be reconciled with
customer invoice.
J59 - Accounts Receivable Before the test step Incoming Integration ensure that either:
● Another tester has created a customer invoice, and its customer item is open (uncleared). You can find open customer items in the app
Manage Customer Line Items; in order to run this app, add accounts receivable related roles to your user, you may find these roles in the
Accounts Receivable (J59) test script.
● If you cannot find an existing open customer item, create a customer invoice document by yourself. You can use test script Accounts Re-
ceivable (J59).
Make a note of the amount and reference (XBLNR in the header) of the FI document of billing document. This information is needed to
simulate the incoming payment (credit) item in an electronic bank statement. In the bank statement, a credit item can be reconciled with
customer invoice.
2O0 - Bank Fee Management Before you execute the Pull Bank Services Billing Files from MBC step, ensure that you:
● Execute the preliminary steps of the Bank Fee Management (2O0) test script. The Cash Scope of General Setting for Cash Management is
set as Full Scope.
● Create a Camt_086 Bank Fee file for bank account 1133698 and save it locally on your PC. Make sure the file used in MBC has a dif-
ferent name and report ID (for example Camt_086_DE_1133698_00002.xml). The report ID is maintained in the <RptId> tag (for ex-
ample RPT_20170816_DE_50070010_1010_0002).
2DP - Contract Accounting - Company Initiated Before the test step Route Payment Transaction Messages Initiated by SAP Systems ensure that you:
Payments ● The payment run is conducted, payment media file is generated.
● The mandatory manual configuration is conducted to integrate Contract Accounting with Multi-Bank Connectivity.
4MT - Advanced Payment Management Before the test step Route Payment Files and Payment Transaction Messages ensure that all the preliminary steps of the Advanced Payment
Management (4MT) test script are executed.
In this activity, you check the alternative format type. Alternative format type determines how the payment medium file is transmitted to banks or a payment service provider.
2 Enter Transac- Enter Transaction Code SPRO in Command Bar. The Customizing: Execute Project screen displays.
tion Code
4 Maintain Choose the following navigation option: The Payment Method/Country”: Overview displays.
Routing Set- Financial Accounting > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable >
tings Business Transactions > Outgoing Payments > Automatic Outgoinng
Payments > Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Trans-
5 Select Pay- Double click the payment method (for example, Country DE + Pmt The Change View “Payment Method/Country”: Details view is displayed.
ment Method Method T).
6 Check Alter- Choose Format in Company Code. The Change View “PMW Format”: Overview view is displayed.
native Format The alternative format type determines in which way the payment medium
file is transmitted to banks or payment service provider. Ensure that the
alternative format type is set SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity.
The other integration option is blank value. Refer to the test procedure in
Bank Integration with File Interface (1EG).
In this activity, you adapt the payment medium file structure to match bank’s standard. The payment medium file sued for supplier financing is based on PAIN.001.001.03 format.
3 Copy Format Make the following entries and choose Copy… . The Copy Format Mapping
Mapping Tree type: PAYM US_CGI_XML_CT dialog box is
Format Tree: for example, US_CGI_XML_CT
4 Confirm New In the dialog box, make the following selections: A new Format Mapping is created.
Format Mapping Target Format Tree: for example, /DSSF_US_CGI_XML_CT
Create as a child: for example, SELECTED
5 Adapt Format Expand the structure tree, select node Nm under PmtInf->CdtTrfTxInf->Cdtr. Choose + Create Note The format mapping is successfully
Structure from the toolbar on the top left-hand. adapted.
Name the new node as Id. Make the following entries and press Enter:
Name: Id
Short Description: Internal Supplier Id
Status: Standard
Level: 3
Length: 0
Type: Character
Conversion Function: Character string: left-justified, replace leading 0
(CL R0)
Mapping Procedure: Structure Field
Structure Field: FPAYH-GPA1R
Adapt the change for other node as below:
Remove the conditions of node PmtTplnf under PmtInf.
Modify the node Cd under PmtInf->PmtTpInf->CtgyPurp
Mapping Procedure: Constant
Constant: TRAD
Select the node RltdDt under RmtInf->Strd->RfrdDocInf->RltdDt, choose + Create Note
from the toolbar on the top left-hand side, choose Create Atom > As Subnode to create follow-
ing elements on at the lower level.
Node YYYY:
6 Activate Format Choose Activate to activate the format mapping. The format mapping is successfully
Mapping released.
In this activity, you enable the situation framework for Multi-Bank Connectivity.
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Configuration Expert - Business
Process Configuration.
3 Select Filter Criteria In the filters area, make the following selections: A situation template is displayed.
4 Copy Situation Type Choose the situation template item and choose Copy. A new situation type is to be created in the Situa-
tion Type view.
5 Create a Situation In the Situation Type view make the following entries and choose Save. A new situation type is created.
Type ID: for example, ZFIN_SIT_MESSAGE_ERROR
Monitor Instances: ticked
This scope item consists of several process steps provided in the table below.
If your system administrator has enabled spaces and pages on the SAP Fiori launchpad, the homepage will only contain the essential apps for performing the typical tasks of a business role.
You can find all other apps not included on the homepage using the search bar.
If you want to personalize the homepage and include the hidden apps, navigate to your user profile and choose Settings > App Finder .
Send Payment Instruction to Cash Management Spe- The payment medium file is automatically sent to Multi-Bank Connectivity (MBC) and
MBC (Optional) [page ] 19 cialist you verify that the file displays in the correct folder of the SFTP server.
Pull Status Message from MBC Cash Management Spe- Bank sends the payment status message to MBC to acknowledge that payment medium
(Optional) [page ] 20 cialist file has been accepted by bank. And SAP S/4HANA pulls the payment status message
from MBC.
Pull Bank Statement from MBC Cash Management Spe- Manage Bank Statements MBC maps the local bank statement format to correct format and SAP S/4HANA pulls
[page ] 23 cialist (F1564) that bank statement from MBC.
ISO CAMT.053 Format [page ] Cash Management Spe- Manage Bank Statements
23 cialist (F1564)
Import Electronic Bank State- Cash Management Spe- After the CAMT.053 bank statement is pulled from MBC, the electronic bank statement
ment [page ] 30 cialist is imported automatically and the postings in bank accounting and subledger accounting
are then carried out.
Pull Bank Services Billing Files Cash Management Spe- The file is placed in the SFTP folder.
from MBC [page ] 32 cialist
Route Payment Files Initiated by A CSV payment file which imported from MBC is simulated.
non-SAP Systems [page ] 33
MBC Connector Monitor [page ] Cash Management Spe- Connector Monitor (/BSNAGT/ The message content is displayed.
Situation Handling [page ] 35 Configuration Expert - Monitor Situations (F3264) The failed messages in situation framework is monitored centrally.
Business Process Config-
This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.
In this process step, the payment medium file (DME file) for the payment medium format of Multi-Bank Connectivity (MBC) is created automatically.
If the Full (Extended) Cash Management is implemented with BCM (Bank Communication Management), after the outgoing payment is executed (whether through the payment run for vendor in
Accounts Payable (J60) test script, or making bank transfer in Advanced Cash Operations (J78) test script), and the BCM batch of this outgoing payment is approved (described in step Approval and
Bank Integration in Advanced Cash Operations (J78) test script), the payment medium file is created automatically.
If the Basic (Core) Cash Management is implemented, after the payment run is executed (described in Accounts Payable (J60) test script), the payment medium file is created automatically if the
payment method is using the payment medium workbench (PMW) format.
Because Basic and Full Cash Management cannot be tested in the same client at the same time, contact your test organizer to ensure the version of Cash Management to be tested in the current test-
ing client.
Test scripts relevant to Basic Cash Operations are:
● Basic Cash Operations (BFB)
Test scripts relevant to Full Cash Operations are:
● Advanced Cash Operations (J78)
If in customizing, the PMW medium format for MBC connectivity is assigned to the payment method as the default format. The payment medium file is sent to MBC automatically when SAP S/
4HANA is connected to MBC, which will be described in next procedure.
If SAP S/4HANA is integrated with Multi-Bank Connectivity (MBC), and a payment medium workbench (PMW) format for MBC connectivity is created, the payment medium file is sent to MBC
automatically via the MBC connector. This payment medium file displays in the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) folder if this file has no error.
In this activity, you verify if the payment medium file reaches the SFTP server successfully. The following internal optional test step is the simulation of communication between S/4HANA and
SFTP server. You can skip the step if the connection is not running Instead, check whether the outgoing message is displayed in the MBC Connector Monitor step.
2 Verify File Verify that the payment medium file appears in the SFTP server folder. A new file, for example, DTA150925051453_0279.xml displays
in the folder.
3 Review File Open and review the XML file to determine if the information (such as amount or bank information) is consistent with the outgoing
payment from a house bank account you approved.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
The bank sends the payment status file to Multi-Bank Connectivity (MBC) to acknowledge that payment medium file is accepted. The system pulls the payment status file from MBC automatically.
When testing in SAP S/4HANA with Basic Cash Management, skip this step. Bank Communication Management (BCM) is not in scope. The Status Message pulled from MBC cannot update the
BCM status.
If J78 - Advanced Cash Operations is scope and Automatically Reversing Rejected Payments prerequisite is met, a rejection payment status message will trigger automatic reversal workflow. After
confirmation, the payment document can be reversed. Refer to Process Rejected Payments (Option) in test script of J78 Advanced Cash Operations for the business process.
In the Preliminary Steps section of the Prerequisites, you created the pain.002.001.03_I071234_01.xml file.
4 Upload Upload the XML file you edited to the SFTP server folder. The XML file disappears from the
XML File For example, upload to the folder /home/S4HTESTHCI/simbank/outbox/s4hana/v0115/QE4212/DE BANK 1 SFTP server folder. A background job
is scheduled to pull the payment status
The internal test step is the simulation of communication between S/4HANA and SFTP server. You can run test from MBC to SAP S/4HANA every 10
program /BSNAGT/TEST_INBOUND_MSG2 via transaction code SA38 if the connection is not running. minutes.
Populate PAIN.002.001.03 in the message type field and C:\Users\I071234\Desktop\
pain.002.001.03_I071234_01.xml. in the file name field via search help. After execution, check whether incom-
ing message is displayed in the MBC Connector Monitor.
5 Path to Note The path to the SFTP server folder for payment status messages depends on the testing system, country,
SFTP and house bank. For more information on accessing the MBC bank tenants or SFTP server, contact the test
Server organizer for help. In this example, a PAIN002 file for house bank/account ID DEBK1/DEAC1 in country DE is
Folder pulled from MBC.
For banks with a Multi-Bank Connectivity (MBC) connection, for example, DEBK1, bank statements are handled by MBC. You can check whether MBC is enabled for a specific combination of
company code, payment method house bank and payment media format in the preliminary step Check Alternative Format Type. SAP S/4HANA pulls the supported bank statement messages from
MBC and then imports it automatically.
A transaction type must be maintained in the field transaction type on the tab of Bank Relationship. You can refer to test script BFA or J77 change bank account section.
You can also define new transaction types in SSCUI 101024 Manage Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In the Preliminary Steps of the Prerequisites section, you created an xml file and saved it to a folder of your PC.
The XML file name must contain the string camt.053.001.02, for example, camt.053.001.02_AB12345_01.xml.
Access that XML file and using a text editor, edit the file Because MBC does not accept files with the same name, and more than one tester isfor these XML values:
<Id>Account Number</Id> in <Othr></Othr> <Id>1133698</Id> The account number of house bank/account ID DEBK1/DEAC1
find a customer invoice<BIC>BIC</BIC> <BIC>DEUTDEFFXXX</BIC> You can find the BIC of house bank DEBK1 using the Manage Banks
(F1574) SAP Fiori app.
<Amt Ccy="EUR">Opening Balance</Amt> in the <Amt Ccy="EUR">5002.30</Amt> Opening balance = closing balance of latest imported bank statement
first <Bal></Bal>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">Closing Balance</Amt> in the <Amt Ccy="EUR">4018.83</Amt> Closing balance = opening balance - debit amount + credit amount; For
second <Bal></Bal> example, 4018.83=5002.30+208.25-1191.72
<Amt Ccy="EUR">Item Amount</Amt> in the first <Amt Ccy="EUR">208.25</Amt> Customer invoice amount
<Ntry></ Ntry>
<ChqNb>Reference</ChqNb> in the first <Ntry></ <ChqNb>MMTEST</ChqNb> which is the reference of Customer invoice reference
Ntry>. customer invoice.
<Amt Ccy="EUR">Item Amount</Amt> in the sec- <Amt Ccy="EUR">1191.72</Amt> The payment amount in the Send Payment Instruction to MBC (Optional)
ond <Ntry></ Ntry> [page ] 19 step
<ChqNb>Reference</ChqNb> in the second <ChqNb>1000004611</ChqNb> The payment information ID in the Send Payment Instruction to MBC
<Ntry></ Ntry> (Optional) [page ] 19 step
Per the Business Conditions section in this document, you must execute the Enter Invoice without Sales Order procedure in Accounts Receivable (J59), Sell from Stock (BD9), or Sales Order Pro-
cessing - Project-Based Services (J14) to create a customer invoice. Make a note of amount and reference (XBLNR in the header) of the customer invoice document. You use this information when
simulating an electronic bank statement.
Perform the following steps to simulate an ISO CAMT.053 bank statement for house bank/account ID DEBK1 /DEAC1 directly. MBC gets it from the SFTP server and the SAP S/4HANA system
pulls the ISO CAMT.053 bank statements from MBC.
In this example, the simulated bank statement contains two line items:
● First item: a credit item which should be reconciled with an existing customer invoice (created as per Prerequisites above).
● Second item: a debit item that should be reconciled with the payment document created in the Send Payment Instruction to MBC (Optional) [page ] 19 step.
3 Enter Crite- To get the latest imported bank statement number, make the following entries and choose Go: The latest bank statement number of the specified
ria Company Code: 1010 bank account displays on the Manage Bank State-
ments (F1564) view.
House Bank: DEBK1
The next bank statement number is one greater
House Bank Account: DEAC1 than the latest bank statement number. For exam-
Latest Statement: Latest only ple, if the latest bank statement number is 00005,
the next number is 00006. If no latest bank state-
ment was found, the next number should be
4 Closing Make a note of the closing balance of the specified bank account. It can be found on the Manage The closing balance of the latest bank statement
Balance of Bank Statements (F1564) view. should be the opening balance of the next bank
Latest Bank statement.
Statement If no latest bank statement was found, the open-
Bank Integration with SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity (16R_DE) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 25
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step # Name Fail /
ing balance of the next bank statement should be
5 Access the Open the camt.053 xml file with a text editor, for example, camt.053.001.02_AB12345_01.xml.
XML File Because MBC does not accept files with the same name, and more than one tester is testing this
scenario, use a different file name every time when you test this step, and replace AB12345 by a
different ID you specified.
6 Edit the Modify the XML file as previously described in the Prerequisites.
XML File In the ISO CAMT.053 bank statement file, always use ‘.’ as decimal point (don't use ‘,’). The date
format should be YYYY-MM-DD.
7 Upload Upload the XML file you edited to the SFTP server folder. The xml file is removed from the SFTP server
XML File For example, copy to the folder /home/S4HTESTHCI/simbank/outbox/s4hana/v0115/ folder in several seconds. A background job is
QE421 2/DE/BANK1 scheduled to pull the bank statement from MBC
to the S/4HANA system every 10 minutes.
The internal test step is the simulation of communication between S/4HANA and SFTP server. You
can run test program /BSNAGT/TEST_INBOUND_MSG2 via transaction code SA38 if the connec-
tion is not running. Populate CAMT.053.001.02 in the message type field and C:\Users\AB12345\
Desktop\camt.053.001.02_AB12345_01.xml. in the file name field via search help. After execution,
check whether incoming message is displayed in the MBC Connector Monitor.
The path of the SFTP server folder for bank statements depends on testing system, tenant, country,
and house bank.
If you want to get sufficient information on how to access the MBC bank tenants or SFTP server,
please contact test organizer for help.
In this example, a CAMT.053 file for house bank/account ID DEBK1/DEAC1 in country DE is pulled
from MBC.
8 Repeat bank Repeat the Steps from Step 3 to Step 7 for camt.053.001.02_AB12345_02.xml.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
As already described in section Business Condition, find a customer invoice created by another tester (the customer item must be uncleared), or perform step Enter Invoice without Sales Order in
Accounts Receivable (J59), or Sell from Stock (BD9), Sales Order Processing - Project-Based Services (J14) to create a customer invoice. Make a note of the amount and reference (XBLNR in the
header) of the customer invoice document. You need this information when simulating an electronic bank statement.
Perform step Bank Transfer Actions in test script J78: make a bank transfer with a payment method using payment medium format for MBC connectivity from bank account 1133698 of bank
50070010 to bank account 2580061 of bank 82080000 , amount EUR 1191,72, please note down the information described in the Pull Status Message from MBC procedure.
Create a new text file and name it MT940_DE_DEBK1_00006.txt. Enter the following text into it and save it locally on your PC:
{1:F01[type 12 spaces here]0000000000}{2:O9401829041029LRLRXXXX4A0500004554351306031829N}{4:
Note Replace [type 12 spaces here] in the first line with the real 12 spaces in your MT940.txt file.
Perform the following steps to simulate a MT940 bank statement for house bank/account DEBK1/DEAC1. MBC maps the MT940 statement format to an ISO CAMT.053 format automatically, and
the SAP S/4HANA system pulls the ISO CAMT.053 bank statement from MBC.
In this example, the simulated bank statement contains two line items:
● First item: a credit item that is reconciled with an existing customer invoice. The customer invoice has been created (see the Prerequisites).
● Second item: a debit item that is reconciled with the payment document that was previously created in the Send Payment Instruction to MBC procedure.
2 Access the Open Manage Bank Statements (F1564). The Manage Bank Statements (F1564) view
SAP Fiori displays.
3 Get Latest To get the latest imported bank statement number, choose Show Filter Bar if search criteria are The latest bank statement number of the specified
Bank State- hidden, and make the following entries: bank account displays on the Manage Bank State-
ment Num- Company Code: 1010 ments view.
ber The next bank statement number is one greater than
House Bank: DEBK1
the latest bank statement number. For example, if
House Bank Account: DEAC1 the latest bank statement number is 00005, the next
Latest Statement: Latest only number is 00006. If no latest bank statement was
and choose Go. found, the next number should be 00001.
4 Get Closing Make a note of the closing balance of the specified bank account. It can be found on the Manage The closing balance of the latest bank statement
Balance Bank Statements view. should be the opening balance of the next bank
5 Save File Refer to the text file MT940_DE_DEBK1_00006.txt you previously created in the Prerequisite
section. The txt file name must contain the string MT940, for example,
Note MBC does not accept files with the same name. If more than one tester is testing this scenario,
use a different file name every time when you test this step.
8 Upload File Upload the txt file you edited to the SFTP server folder. The txt file vanishes from the SFTP server folder in
For example, upload to the folder /home/S4HTESTHCI/simbank/outbox/s4hana/v0115/QE4212/ several seconds.
DEDEBK1 A background job is scheduled to pull the bank
The internal test step is the simulation of communication between S/4HANA and SFTP server. You statement from MBC to the SAP S/4HANA system
can run test program /BSNAGT/TEST_INBOUND_MSG2 via transaction code SA38 if the con- every 10 minutes.
nection is not running. Populate MT940 in the message type field and C:\Users\I071234\Desktop\
MT940_DE_DEBK1_00006.txt. in the file name field via search help. After execution, check
whether incoming message is displayed in the MBC Connector Monitor.
Note The path of SFTP server folder for bank statements depends on the testing system, tenant,
country, and house bank. If you want to get sufficient information on how to access the MBC bank
tenants or SFTP server, please contact your test organizer for help.
In this example, a MT940 bank statement file for house bank/account ID
DEBK1/DEAC1 in country DE is pulled from SFTP by MBC.
After the bank statement is pulled from Multi-Bank Connectivity (MBC), SAP S/4HANA imports the electronic bank statement automatically. The postings in bank accounting and subledger ac-
counting should be performed.
The following posting rules are available for bank statement processing:
F002 Checks In
After the background job pulls the bank statement from MBC, SAP S/4HANA imports the bank statement automatically. You can monitor the imported electronic bank statements in the Fiori App
Manage Bank Statements.
There is a column Manual Bank Statement to indicate if the bank statement is a manual bank statement or an imported electronic bank statement.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you simulate an ISO CAMT.086 bank fee file for bank 1133698 import from MBC. SAP S/4HANA pulls the ISO CAMT.086 bank fee file from MBC and imports it automatically.
You can either upload the bank fee file manually via the Import Bank Services Billing Files app or import it via Multi-Bank Connectivity. For the manual upload process, see the Bank Fee Manage-
ment (2O0) test script.
Note The CAMT.086 bank fee management is in the scope of Bank Fee Management (2O0), which requires an Advanced Cash Management license.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you simulate a CSV payment file imported from MBC.
The CSV payment template can be found in test step Receive Payment Files Initiated by non-SAP Systems of test script Advanced Payment Management (4MT).
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you monitor all the messages transmitted out of S/4HANA via MBC and messages transmitted into S/4HANA via MBC.
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment
1 Log On Log on to the SAP GUI.
3 Enter Selection Criteria In the upper area, make the following entries and press En- The MBC messages are displayed in two tabs:
ter: ● Outgoing tab: Shows all the payment media files transmit-
Movement Type: CAMT.053.001.02 ted from SAP S/4HANA
Creation Date: For example, <today’s date> ● Incoming tab: shows all bank statements and lockbox files
transmitted from MBC
4 Display Message Con- Select a message and choose Display Message Content. The message content is displayed.
5 Navigation to Applica- Select a message and choose Navigation to Application Log. The detail log of the message processing is listed.
tion Log
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
In this activity, you monitor the failed messages centrally in situation framework.
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment
1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Configuration Expert - Business
Process Configuration.
3 Select Filter Crite- In the filters area, make the following entries and press Enter: An instance detail of the Multi-Bank Connectivity
ria Situation Type ID: /BSNAGT/FIN_SIT_MESSAGE_ERROR situation is displayed.
4 Check Instance Expand the Instance Details tree, and you can find all the details of each
Details instance.
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names,
menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.